This is what class warfare is all about.

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everybody knows that in the last 10 years the people who own companies have made huge amounts of money their incomes have gone way way up we are in the midst of the most severe class warfare this country has seen since the 1920s so what goes on right now if workers are in a union and they go out on strike but the owner says very often hey please go out on strike because i'm going to bring in permanent replacements to take your job at lower wages so workers then have two problems number one their basic american right to strike is taken away from them and second law they sit there and they say hey if i stand up for my rights and i don't want to accept a cut in my uh salary if i go out on strike i'm going to lose my job completely so i can't go out on strike so i have to accept what the boss gives me what's happening is the company is fighting tooth and nail they bring in these high falutin consultants at 500 an hour to beat them back if somehow or another the union is successful in organizing they don't negotiate the first contract what they are saying is we're going to beat you we're not here to negotiate we're not here to work with you we are going to break you and we are going to lower your standard of living so we the wealthiest people in america can become even wealthier
Channel: Bernie Sanders
Views: 17,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bernie sanders, 2020, election, democratic primary, bernie 2020, bernie, joe biden, elizabeth warren, congress, congressional budget, ira, inflation reduction act, corporate greed
Id: Vuu2ufzdLw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 19sec (79 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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