"The Word Of Faith" Marvin Bembry BOTT 1995

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he is being mildly used around our fellowship various conferences churches camp meetings I would like for you to welcome him today brother Marvin memory would you come right now my good brother the Lord richer bless you let's give the Lord Jesus a great hand praise blessed be the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah I'm deeply honored of the Lord to share in ministry with you today I certainly want to thank pastor Ingham and the selection committee for inviting me to share at this magnificent conference that has impacted the lives of so many thousands of men and women across the country I have to share in that impact in that these that's last day and a half or so has been just tremendous for me and I'm glad to share with you today thank God also for my wife being here sister Bembry thank God for my pastor Charles Grisham who's here and his family that called me Darren his son has been I told the pastor Grisham he's been like a special agent just in charge with keeping me encouraged here the last day and so I'm glad to have them here with us today and I believe the Lord has spoken to me to give you a word from him I don't stand here today in my own power but I'm standing here today with a word with a message from the Lord and because my time is short if you'll forgive me I'll just cut the preliminaries and ask that you open up your Bible to the book of Romans the tenth chapter and we're going to begin reading at verse number eight through verse 14 when you have it's amen let's read it together here begin if the reading of God's Word but what saith it the word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in the heart that is the Word of Faith which we preach but if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved but with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation for the scripture saith whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed but there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek everyone said no difference the same lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher and how shall they preach except they be sent from the eighth verse Paul declares the word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart that is the Word of Faith which we preach when I'll have you to remain standing for just another moment but I want you to notice that in verse 8 it is a collection of dependent and independent phrases an implicit in the first half of verse 8 is a question of the word and this question is answered very succinctly and the latter half of that verse to be the word of faith my contribution to this morning mana segment will be centered around that phrase the word of faith would you pray for me at this time we thank God for this privilege and opportunity the plan upon your name is a voice of authority be emanating from your host blessed from his lips learning the words Allah give us what we need today touch his life with ha hey olive oil top that can only come on in a supernatural way like a juices turn to somebody and tell them God has a special blessing for you you can be seated in the name of the Lord the word of faith in that this conference theme as eloquently spoken to last night by brother Mangan has three parameters I felt instructed of the Lord to share with you on the aspect of that theme that deals with our relationship with our world Romans is a most important book to the church one writer said that Romans is the most profound work in existence some 50 years plus after the death of Jesus Paul proclaims the gospel to the church at Rome he argues and boldly proclaims that all men are sinners having deduced the state of mankind he then announces that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation this unlike their caste system was predicated on grace through faith not on economics or lineage or gender or socioeconomic status but on grace through faith in the passage that I have selected for our consideration today is another of Paul's position papers it should be noted that Paul wrote the thesis for the New Testament church because it was inspired by God it is as contemporary and relevant as tomorrow's newspaper it has been my observation that these verses that are used in this text are used frequently by evangelicals when leading a sinner to Christ now while they are relevant in a contextual sense apostolic preached that there are some specifics that are associated with the context that include repentance baptism in Jesus name and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost but I might suggest that in our zeal to disassociate ourselves from those who only preached the context that many of us have neglected the power of these verses and I felt drawn to them as I began to feel after what God wanted to say in this meeting perhaps it would be wise for us to reconsider this word of faith a logical question at this point might be well what is the word and I began to search and be again to apply myself to understanding the meaning of the word behind the word when we began to deal with the term the word in the New Testament we are most frequently dealing with the Greek word logos 330 times logos is used in the New Testament it was first used by the Greek philosopher Heraclitus about 600 years before Christ and naraka letís use this word to designate the divine reason or plan that coordinates a change in universe we come to understand that Lugar deals with verbal expression it deals with saying or speech however lugar schools at least two steps further than just verbal expression in the Hebrew and also in the Greek logos begins to include the thought and the plan that preceded the verbal expression in the Hebrew notice means the imagination so you will read over and over in the Old Testament that the word of the Lord came to a prophet and I began to see something that we are dealing with God's imagination or God's thoughts and since it is impossible to disassociate the thought from the feature of the thought word also improves the thinker of the thought so then logos is an intrinsically oneness concept the thinker who thought the thought then spoke to thought that's how we can begin to understand John's theological discourse when he said in the beginning was the word and the word logos was with God and logos was God notice all things were made by him who the word who was God this word was so awesome the Bible says without him was not anything made that was made the wise King Solomon declared that well the word of the king is Paris power this term power means mastery and domain domination that means when God said let there be there was he dominated the chasm of darkness and brought light he dominated nothingness and brought everything that's why my brothers and my sisters there's no need to worry about what God or whether God will bring to pass in your life what he said he would there's no need to worry about your ministry Balaam the false prophet declared have God not spoken it and surely not bring it to pass involving memory when God has imagined a thing in your life and in your ministry he'll send his word through hell if he has to to deliver your blessing somebody shout the word shout it again the world seventy times another Greek term forward is used you know it is the word Rema Rema is similar to logos in that they both deal with sound uttered by a living voice Rima however comes from another word rios which has to do with a pouring forth Rima has to do with motivating energy it is action-oriented we could distinguish the two by saying that no God steals more with intent and Rima deals more with the result of the intent it is action results-oriented can you say Amen Rima is the word that Paul used when he said the word is nigh thee Rima is nigh thee even in your mouth and in your heart that's the word that we preach it's interesting that the word nine means more than near near by it comes from a verb that means to squeeze or throttle so then we are dealing with the depository of God we are the depository of God and when we allow God when we allow his word to squeeze this container then Rima pours out ha emotional Ibaka hallelujah can I tell you my brothers and my sisters that it's this word it's this Rhema it's this squeeze that is necessary to reach this generation this generation does not want cannot stand a stay a word this generation cannot stand will not be saved by a word of tradition this word this generation cannot be touched by what it used to do what you used to do we have got to allow God to squeeze us so that Rhema can pour out by desire yes hallelujah hallelujah somebody shout hallelujah it is very appropriate that I would preach in this morning manner session the mana would be the equivalent of Rhema and so I want to give you a fresh word this morning and now let us consider faith nothing is more significant to the child of God than faith there are so many concepts of faith that we must examine re-examine our concept of faith to ensure that it is accurate and relevant to the times that we live in this is particularly true in light of some biblical injunctions Jesus told the religious rulers of his day that they had major in minors they had majored in legalism and tradition and had neglected the weightier matters of faith one New Testament writer said without faith it is impossible to please God now there's a lot of religious rhetoric about faith some say blab it and claim it you know claim it and you know name it name it and claim it and all of that kind of stuff but I would like to challenge your mind by proposing several questions first of all do I have faith in faith or do I have faith in God some of these positive thinking preachers for faith will have you believe that if all you had to do is have faith and you would have any problems can I have faith and be broke can I have faith in my church is losing members can I have faith in my church being a split hello can I have faith in my life being a turmoil and in a mess do I judge faith by material possessions do I judge faith by numbers in the congregation do I judge faith by the type of car by the type of home is sovereignty greater than faith or does faith actually move God I'm not going to give you all of the answers to those but I would propose that oftentimes in our lives we will be faced real time with these and other challenging questions about our faith and it's in those moments that we've got to have the word of me now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen the Greek word sentence who prosthesis means support essence assurance and it is elsewhere translated confidence the Greek word evidence Ln cost means proof or can conviction so then faith becomes the assurance or the support for things that are hopeful and my faith is the proof or conviction of things that I have not seen can I break it down a little bit further we have here the dichotomy of human experience elevated to a plane for all of us to see hallelujah faith is the spiritual thing it is the essence it is the assurance it is the support it is the vehicle for the vision of things hoped for by my humanity its my humanity that does the hoping my faith huh is assured my humanity says I've got to see it first but my fav says even if you don't see it just know that it's going to come to pass now the difficulty my brothers and my sisters occurs when the things that are hoped for are not seen some of us came to this conference with heavy burdens because the things that were hoped for had not been seen some preachers came discouraged because the dream was not yet realized some pastors district officials came very frustrated because the themes were not seen but God taught me to bring you a fresh word and that word is faith the word of faith transcends our sensory ability the word of faith transcends time and human cognition who glory the word of faith sees what the eye cannot see the word of faith touches what my hands cannot peel the word of paint can taste the blessing before it even gets out of the oven that's why the Bible says now the just shall live come on somebody in shiny man Hey faith can put the squeeze on your situation brothers you know about the squeeze play come on somebody faith can put the squeeze play on your situation I'm not doing what I need to do but I'm receiving a Rhema faith that says I can do I'm not doing what I could do but the motivation of the Rhema tells me I will do it I haven't reached my community to my potential but God has given me a fresh word hallelujah Rhema and evils to me Rhema empowers me God said my word shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish I want to make a bold statement at this point and that is when the word of faith is preached anybody can be saved I was kind of lightweight Paul declared it with authority he said thou shall be saved but there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek for the same lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him now notice this the Jews are lowly oppressed by the Romans had a religious elitism the Greeks while pagan had culture art and education and philosophy but Paul said it doesn't matter because Jesus is Lord Paul said there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek because of the times it was a very powerful statement it was sure to raise eyebrows because this word of faith was preached with the conviction that Peter could not preach it with on the day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 10 I'm in your Bible today in Acts chapter 10 Peter and the elitist Jews the Bible said they were astonished that the Gentiles had received the Holy Ghost I want you to know this was not just the day after the day of Pentecost this was approximately eight years later there has always been a parochial perspective the idea that if it's not made here it must not be right we had that in the United States and Japan showed us a thing or two Jesus counted it with his own disciples and said listen other sheep I have which are not of this fold them also I must bring hello somebody you can cried on me and while there will always be cultural distinctives there will always be cultural distinctives we should never be trying to melt down everybody's culture into one in the first place there will always be cultural distinctives the cultural distinctives will not impede the Rema of Hey hallelujah I wish I could preach like I feel it for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved hallelujah please sit down the pagan Greeks with their University and Alexandria were no better than the uncultured Jews the Jews with their historical religiosity were no better than the pagan Greeks Paul said if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Rema and shalt believe in the heart thou shalt be saying the word confess essentially means to agree by virtue of the power of the Covenant and the Greek construction of confess is essentially the same as one word homologue a one word so then if that one word has preached that one word of faith by virtue of the power of the Covenant it shall come to pass will glory there was a covenant prophecy with Joel and on the day of Pentecost Peter confessed Joel's word of faith and said that in the last days God would pour out of his spirit upon all flesh this was an important message but it was slanted toward the Jews Peter's mental model of all people only included the Jews now he articulated something else but his mental model was the Jews only I can hear God say the Peter Peter you said the whole gospel to the whole world but you don't really believe it because look at the results that you're producing that was God talking to Peter I used to teach leaders in my corporation if you really want to know what your true intention is look at the results that you produce because your results don't lie you can articulate anything you want to on a placard you can make any kind of banner that you want to make but results don't lie and so God said Peter you don't believe what you're saying it is very appropriate then that when God wanted to make this thing clear as Cristo he got Paul to write to the church at Rome which was the seat of the Gentile headquarters come on somebody in that setting Paul goes back to Joe's prophecy and says it with a little more enthusiasm and conviction patrol said whosoever shall call on the name of Lord shall be saying Peter said that in passing on the day of Pentecost but Paul said I want you to understand that there is no difference and whosoever shall call on the name hallelujah PAH then begins to use some principles of inductive and deductive reasoning this is really this is cool this is unique he says the world cannot call on him in whom they have not believed he says but they cannot believe in whom they have not heard about they cannot hear without a preacher and the preacher can't preach it unless he believes the word of faith himself because otherwise the results are slanted now hearing in this passage does not only refer to the ability of the auditory nerves to be stimulated by sound but that ability to grasp to be convicted and to be challenged inductively Paul is saying this that if we preach the word of faith they will call Paul is saying that inductively he said if we preach the word of faith they will call on him they will believe and they will be safe athletes will be saved politicians will be saved college professors will be seen black folks will be saying white folks will be saying Latinos let me say Asians will be saying Indians will be say Bob whosoever shall come am i preaching all right but there is no difference otama Marco yeah Hirano beaucoup hallelujah hallelujah that's why my brothers and sisters Paul said preached the word come on said what they preach the word the man told Jesus speak the word only tell your traditions to your family but don't preach tradition preach the word come on somebody don't preach the current politically correct message don't preach a social gospel but priests alone hallelujah bird the word hallelujah the poll said I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it it yet the word the Rhema is the power of God unto salvation to everyone Riza hands is everyone everyone that believeth hallelujah I found something very interesting the next verse says for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith the proof a come on somebody in preaching the word that results in anybody everybody being safe that's how the righteousness of God is revealed not our self righteousness the righteousness of God the church can propagate the spirits of this world if we're not very careful it is said by the world but the church is the most segregated institution on Sunday hello somebody that's what the world said it was in the newspaper the church can propagate spirits of classism spirits of elitism spirits of race those are spirits of the world you know he's at all that is in the world it's not only the lust of the flesh but it's also the pride of life elitism racism classism those are spirits of the world but we are not at the world we've been called out of the world and if these spirits are in the church then the church is no better than the world can I preach like a feel it doesn't matter how much you shout dance if those spirits are in the church the church is no better than the world I hear the voice of the Spirit calling us to preach the word of faith like we have never preached it before do you not know that because the church has not been successful in dealing with differences cultural differences but the New Age movement is propagating doctrine all throughout corporate America I know I was there that talk about dealing with both folks that are culturally different and while there's some great things about it it cannot really happen unless there's a work of the Spirit in the heart and that's what the church comes in when you have the word of pain when you preach the word of pain what the world is not able to accomplish - the New Age movement you're able to accomplish it by the word of faith by the power of the Spirit I heard the voice of the Spirit telling us that if we preach the word of faith they will believe they will call and they will be saved your letter that you sent your closing citations at yours on behalf of billions on the one hand that seems like a pretty preposterous statement on the other hand it's a word of faith because if that word of papers preached they will call they will believe and they will be saved and during this fiftieth year of our Jubilee celebration the captives are to go free the brokenhearted are to be healed the prisoners are to be loose and the acceptable year of the Lord is to be proclaimed the Lord spoke to me and told to me he said I'm sending my word to heal did you hear what I said the Lord told me he said to preach the word and I'm going to send my word to heal I'm going to heal hurts I'm going to heal hearts and most of all I'm going to heal their fears about it all inclusive gospel I'm going to send my word and heal their fears about cultural issues and the Lord said after we are healed we shall be able to declare Paul's word of faith and we will see the greatest revival not an articulation on a banner but we'll be able to realize the greatest revival during this year during this 50th year during this year of Jubilee and what better time for us than during this year of Jubilee to preach the word of pain and all inclusive gospel last night I was glad to HIPAA darshan say the Jesus name people need to be more unified oftentimes by putting other groups down we think we're lifting ours up come on somebody but what kind of a thing is it that you have to put somebody else down to lift you up come on somebody the disciples were that same way and Jesus elicited they're not against murder for me get your act together as I prepared for this day even before this was a couple of months ago as I began to since after the Lord for this meeting in the darshan when he said last night just just confirmed and clicked in my spirit I felt the Lord say to me that some of us in this room some of our leaders and pastors need to go back to their cities and extend a hand of fellowship and friendship and compassion to lose to those of like precious faith and the God sent his word his Rhema of faith and he or the separation do you receive it we may not have agree on every nitpicky issue we never will we don't even agree for every issue within the scholarship but maybe there's enough common ground maybe there's enough of the world of pain but we can't preach maybe there's power in the world just maybe come on somebody listen the world can't do it and the church up to this point hasn't done it this is argue if you believe it's our time this here to do it nudge your neighbor and say neighbor do it stand on your feet God said I'm going to send my word and hee hee ha ha ha I love knows no boundaries so why is your spine leaving me living my love so that my love extends to whomsoever and whosoever would proceed I love this world every harder they like every mind every soul love and allow my love the love through you - they have extend your hand your heart your life your mind your spirit Wow at all it is within you but beyond that allow my love the pour through you hello there's no boundaries a love that knows no initiatives other than the power of my spirit to love and care no my love embrace my love and allow my love the forth through your spirits in the hearts of the hurting you lost I want you to lay your hand on the person that you're standing next to there are men there a woman just like you they've got fears and doubts they're a real person just like Peter just like Paul yet almost Pocoyo The Economist he can almost see picked up we released the spirit of faith in this room today the name of Jesus a spirit of faith be released the word of faith be released in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I want you I want you to do something else for me the word of faith is an operation in this room tonight today all of you have been used of God in some dimension I want you to open up your spirit to God right now and that person whose head you prayed for whose head you laid your hand upon I want you to allow God right now to speak through you to squeeze you and will elicit a Rhema to the person standing next to you what you're doing right now in the name of Jesus speak the word of faith to the person whose hand you're holding hallelujah speak the word of faith right now in the name of Jesus speak ARIMA over their fears speak ARIMA over their insecurities speaker Rhema over their doubts in the name of Jesus hallelujah now I want you I want you to confess that word confess that word with your mouth confess that word with your mouth and believe it in your heart God said you shall be delivered we shall have the Europe Jubilee in revival somebody shout out a new y'all hallelujah you
Channel: Because of the Times
Views: 16,697
Rating: 4.7843137 out of 5
Keywords: Because of the Times, BOTT, Marvin Bembry
Id: t29NYR9isNk
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Length: 44min 36sec (2676 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2015
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