November 20, 1971 - #7 Notre Dame vs #14 LSU

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all of the figures are they introduced chosen to be co-captain here the people across the way number 44 Tom Gatewood at number 85 walk funky will act as acting captain the Irish at Notre Dame tonight the symbol of shaking hands with day for the donkey another 40 and over 89 Jim Cavanaugh right now the all of the captions it was willing to form out of these explosive the Tigers looking for win number seven here is the father the boy one day one the dog elected to receive that I feel will kick off the average American family on the road needs more than just an average oven their car because the heat that builds up in your car safe day from safe life sustained high speed the heavy load driving to make a mess out of your motor oil because heat through oxidation breaks down the cupolas of ordinary motor oil and women oil cooled you've got a sludge like substance that you made it for pretty hefty repair bills but with Texaco Havoline super premium all temperature motor oil you can put your mind at ease Havilland super premium recess thickening under these high temperature conditions it also prevents rust where and flood deposits Gavilan super premium also protects and pollution devices better than ever helping to minimize emissions it might be a good idea to use Haviland super premium all separately motor oil that way you love if you have a motor oil that can beat the heat for fun up you can trust trust your car to the man who wears the Texaco star the 40 food Dale Miller teas develop at the South 40 there when Civic to the deep one for the Fighting Irish limo will pick it off to go on the play-by-play here's the voice of the Tigers John Ferguson thank you all very good evening everybody Greg Hill and Gary Timoney are standing inside the tiger five and here comes Dale Miller up on the ball and he pushes it is going to number 22 Greg Hill he's out to the 10 the 15 the 20 by the stuff that's the 21-yard line several factors including Gary champagne and poise barrier on the tackle in his first and then for Notre Dame at the Notre Dame 21 yard line the Tigers were bested by the Irish of South Bend last year three to nothing LSU and the white jerseys and in the dark ones the Notre Dame Fighting Irish water back is Flip Brown Andy Huff is a throwback Brown takes the ball gives off the huff gaping hole in the middle he will go to the 30-yard line to the left there's a 35 Joe Winkler makes this up and it is an Opel name first down and 10 yards to go out of the wishbone see the re flashed the head for 14 yards it is Andy Huff who is keen 254 yards already this year starting as surprised if the I now again come shoots up the middle that picks up about three or four yards he's grounded down to the ground by Winkler and John wood and Luis Castillo and Ronny sa it is going to be a gain of please second down and eight to go the RH nothing great Tigers nothing as we begin the ball game before a packed house at Tiger Stadium on the campus of LSU wide to the white right halfback larry Parker the RH running out of the either side Brown again this time off to the tailback at Julia's he's racked up by Ronnie si but he aims up to the 40-yard line packs in there a mark in the free plus yard that third down and five note that a man at 40 yard line nothing the LSU Tigers on defense nothing I was doing a four-man line that the linebackers crowded up right off the line of scrimmage amounting to a seven for defense again out of an almost set here's Julie is running off left tackle and he's praying for the first down he's about a yard short Carla FONSI leads the tiger charge on the tackle lastly no surveying 44 yard line and that will bring up fourth down and the yards to go on the field from behind the other brands are be a 39 yard taking average and he will be kicking into a flight freeze coming Casanova will be a single safety for LSU it could be the Tigers have a kick rush on the part of the bound the fighting our age 44 yard line Dorothy boots the ball they do have the rush on and Casanova calls for a fair catch at is 23 and he boots the ball 33 yards start he does he prefer first down the field and half the level makes receptive there's no return on their first offensive series though they did run an essay point he stopped the play twice where Jones was sharp at quarterback tonight for OSU number seven for Preston has completed 28 passes out of 91 slide out of a trip alive the tight end will be Jay Michaelson he is set on the right Hamilton is flanked to the right handoff goes to the tailback Cantrell and his are so the right guard puts from the outside white and his office beaten some 29 yard line and Wolfpack oki makes the tackle the Tigers interesting Lee ran inside as the position covered by wall Pataki Petoskey Katie Marx and twinsen in the defensive front for for Notre Dame and the four linebackers are mazurka Fantome ally in Tobin the deep three Ellis Japan e AK and Crotty again same sets with Hamilton on the right against the four-man front second down and six Jones back to pass catch the ball shoots it up there him as an open country he's out of the re 35 that's the goal for LSU salsas a dose of aim 35 it is the gain of 36 yard Hellas makes the tackle Hamilton had beaten dollars on the path round applying patterns down the far sideline and the biggest play of the game is in the record books and at first the Santo su at the Notre Dame 35 yard line Kegley set widely to the left out of a trip alive Michelson right gap six defense in the front for Notre Dame's can't drill up the middle is stopped by Eric's passion on the way through those small gaps into the fencing line and Cantrell will met two yards on the play coming up next second down and eight to go the Irish got a first down and had to punt the Tigers have a first down and now face second and eight to go after those who vein 33 and there's no score here in the first quarter a wide shot to the left wide side of the field is the left and the strong side of the line is to the side now let you going towards the north our left here's a hands off the Cantrell he's ducked behind survived a shooting right hands crash Swinson and so there's a loss on the play back out to the 36 and half will brain search down and eleventh ago we played almost four minutes with the first former here at LSU Stadium Tiger Stadium it's all Mike the tiger is on the scene here to cheer the home Sanders on and the Fighting Irish are making their first visit to the bio country that is in Louisiana's capital city the third down 11 play from the Notre Dame 36 could be a passing down Jones has two receivers to the right goes back in the pocket Cox is armed ship one it is the plaintiff please this was an effect on the blade and he was whipped handily 30 get the guts out and the six to nothing in the first quarter 77 yard drive a 36 yard crash lay the Hamill's them set it up and then a 36-yard touchdown play don't passing the handles up here is the point after prize law I am holding and Jay Michaelson kicking the kick is good there's a way out of the field with the floor of the LSU Tigers service the Notre Dame Fighting Irish nothing when it comes to choosing your gasoline front Texaco they have just the right gas the main for you all their gasoline they have one of the most advanced out of these packages in any gasoline you can buy on the market today they're especially designed for both better performing and for cleaner air so when you need gasoline no know what kind of car you drive the people the Texaco they make great gasoline and one is just right for you the Tigers go 77 yards in five plays the pigment of forest was a 36-yard drawing pad for break Jones to his cousin Andy Hamilton who earlier in the drive looked up on another 36 yard pass the Tigers lead it with 10:47 left to go in the first quarter by a floor seven to nothing the Tigers strike early blowing beats giving Jones the time he needs to build a football and give me also Andy Hamilton time to work his way clear he's done it twice - Tigers get 5 for 7 to nothing here's the kickoff they'll never again will be kicking and B promoter vain Greg Hill and Gary Germany the kick is in the air of spiral that has joined the bounds at the first teen up in the air he seven comes back to the 15 driving hard to the 25 the 27 and knock down hard by drum hot pepper Rutland Gary champagne and Jack Simmons first event will be Irish at their 27 is the first water applause this is the final game of the year for motivate LSU plays too late here next week Funai sets to the right here's the handoff play the partner ever left side Casanova after being slowed by Johnny would supported the sounds of 29 maybe the 30-yard line and partner really took a shot from a hard-charging defense Lee's quarterback on this Sami Casanova now from the 29 is second down and eight to go for Notre Dame again in a song I to the right with a split left hand the Queenie is tucked in tightly on the right ground to the right get it out here overthrows Parker in the fleet tre cuts here 29 LSU ahead of cultivate 7-nothing first quarter oh boy Perry for our inspectors that play here found and AIDS ago from the back for these the Julia the three yards is fourth and seventh ago of the Maine they're 99 a 30 cigar cutter don't daddy Hamilton and like the purchase by Michael Jones began at quarterback goes off - brake marks number 75 now ugly for free and here is why she left Gerald Begley and off the line and shortly sucked to the right and he Hamilton Jones out of the I facing now an odd man front rolls back to the left gives off the tailback off the trail and he rips off to the middle but most of all of the 26 and there's a scramble for it after 26 yard line Jimmy RB says the whistle had blown and the Cantrell will get again to somewhere short of the 32 28 foot souse key and Mike Katie makes the tackle for the Irish and become she is a pretentiously big man at 260 Mikey nice not quite so saw but also weighing in as so Kentrell on the brass up the middle and the purple with a quick whistle perhaps it's going to be first down a few - ahead seven to nothing first quarter the Tigers with the football and trying now for a first down strong I set to the right Notre Dame has eight men on the line here's the option run by Jones he has the first down he's cut off his penis a City - penny X the defensive right halfback for those claims that the Irish were tucked in very tightly in the middle of the tiger line they did stop it up the middle had to play gone up the middle that probably would have been stopped but Jones elected on the option to run left he picked up the first down LSU at the taça 34 a few leading doses ain't by a score of seven nothing with seven minutes and forty seconds to go the first quarter open side of the field the right and Hamilton is set to that side enough on the line a five man flood here's Jones going back flips around a pro back Fannin humming hail to running and he's open again ends up he at the 40-yard line a last-minute quick pan blown up by Clarence Ellis and the Tigers are making this one a wide-open affair and Hamilton was in between the receivers in the motor main defensive zone Allyson cloudy back deep and Hamilton was in between them and only a quick hand by a flashing fire sellers prevented another touchdown for LSU the Tigers lead 7-0 with seven and a half minutes to go in the first quarter no sylvain the defense made with four-man front and the linebackers have spread very widely is to accommodate the wide receivers hands off the Cantrell here he comes to the left side may not get back to the line of scrimmage he'll lose one Greg Clark and Rick Coleman are the man who makes the tackle for no survey at the LSU 33 yard line launch of one on the play and 11 LSU has will do out of the game and Hinkley is in with Hamilton as possible receivers Cantrell and jury are in the eye behind first Jones let's see what Jones elects to do with the football on third down and 11 Cantrell on top CI Jones back to Poldark set up the middle almost in the exact center of the playing field and Hamilton has caught three big masses of the scene who for 36 yards apiece want to a store and now this one for a total of 17 yards 89 yards so far for Hamilton receiving the football and he's already a record center in that department here at LSU first on it but P over Tigers who ahead of don't remain 7 nothing first water and Jones hands off the chori chori shoots into the left side of the line picks up about 2 yards it's gone back hard by Eric Clapton Mike cloudy before the next play let's pause 10 seconds for station identification this is the LSU football Network and this is radio 87 in New Orleans WWL with studios world fame French Quarter the Tigers are at the motor vein 48 yard line to the second down and eats ago and in the process of a 33 yard drive to this moment and here is Jones going back to flow again receivers down the peel these touchdown fumbles the ball no Sylvain has the football at Swenson recovering and it is a fumble and those available handsome football at the LSU 36 a big tackle of brides jumps by five biggest number 79 so the Ares come up with a defensive Jim that half the football is good field position after Jones bumble he was going back it appears to put the ball in the air again but as he look his arm back he was by Mike Vickers question makes the recovery at the LSU 30c first attend opening first break of the game for the motivate Fighting Irish fellows deleting seven of the crown that's still takes up about a yard money si leaves the Tiger defense a unit on the tackle Justin's Lions the Tigers 35 yard line this will be second down and nine to go for the survey backfield Larry Barker has white halfback at quarterback flips round at fullback bill Gallagher and it's Julius number 12 is at left hand full house backfield resembling but not quite a wishbone thief reverse wave and Parker runs to the left side outside tackle breaks a tackle and blue Lawrence Ryan he's inside the 30-yard line down to the 29 and his top by one supposes and number 17 Frank received the ball is placed back at the 30 and it's going to be a third down and four the goal promotes the same at the OSU 30-yard line wait we're out Hodgins been and safety for LSU Tigers rotate on many occasions for all the B position several men Keith would have lied to the right side great pass receiver looking for his 27th of the year in this game turned down for play this is Parker right through the middle for the first down he's off his feet at the LSU 22 yard line John wood makes the stop and Parker comes up back against the green to make a charge down the field to the tiger 22 yard line and the love the main fighting are in Kevin good Drive boy and the hub back in the full fashion place to bill Gallagher for 15 remaining to be played in the first quarter here at thank you say team LSU ahead of those who vein seven to nothing Marcus that's widely to the light here's Brown rolling to the left side hands off the Huff huff over left tackle ramrods himself inside the 20 down to about the 19 yard line and John wood with alpha Brickton speak to number 88 is in the game makes decided second down LSU's of the veins of the ball and eat yards to go for a birthday package on kontrick 260 pounds on the right and base pass pursues want to eat on the left todrick actually charge on Dampier 240 pounder here's Parker shooting right through the middle of Paul Reese of the dagger defense inside the 15 to about the 13 and LaFonte will get credit for the tiger tackle around the shoe laces at the 13 yard line so today music power going quit ahead beginning to show a little bit of the a little more than a yard at LSU 13 yard line no prevent with the football right in my tree number 91 is on the left two wide receivers twins up on the right side Keith wouldn't Parker Brown the quarterback off to and Harvey's over the special they crying for the first down and he stopped somewhere three outside the tiger ii xi ER that's the 12 a yard short of a first down on its fourth down for those who vain seven nothing and the pair of ARH will go but a tiger hunt will be call by the officials for America akina's extended the Notre Dame is still almost the yard short of a first down they need to go to the 11th the wall as f 212 requested that particular clean extension now let's do Hannah's most the veins 7 nothing was too funny for the goal in the first quarter here at Tiger Stadium and the are a half the ball on a crucial situation warm town a yard to go of the LSU 12 yard line highly father Canela do a lot of the hurt they re gone they set up in a frog wishbone with geek webs of the light here is the track to the right side first down for those remain as Andy huff carries on a quick dive play down to about the pants just outside the 10 yard line and many of the tiger fourth wall men including linebacker Lloyd spy make the Sun but it was simply a dive or flam's way straight ahead by fullback Andy Huff and no Sylvain has new life and four downs to make 10 yards and the score unless you had seven of eight cool receivers left and right here's fouled off the gulia and he charges into left guard offensive we inspired the fans down to about the 7 yard line and norm Hodgins filled in after seven joseline using nothing fancy on this drive and going behind number eight sophomore quarterback from Pennsylvania with brown but weighs 185 and panting 43 completions out of 90 flies for 518 yards but he's playing it close to the vest down deep second down goal to goal from the seven here's huff over right tackle decide on a fire half count inside the five and he's down to the ground at the tiger 4 yard line and the our HR relentlessly moving straight ahead and the tackle here is funded into Frank Racine and final of fall see Frank family CO and they pass their walking well in the left side of the line for a note the layman kontrick and Zampa in the fine job walking on the wife will be our himself of the vigor three notes of Eames with a great challenge here well optically Ascanius the right pistol he lay down at the goal line but not a cross Ronnie FC and John wood and others on the tackle for LSU and the ball is just teaches away from the tiger goal line remember a the thieves are the just outside the LSU 10 so we'll have a measurement to see if no Sylvain has a first down the Keene extension any punt the ball hitting the jeans would mean a first down for the Irish the teen extension and those who vein has Justin into Seoul to go for a first down will fourth down coming up in just about three or four inches to go for a touchdown so the are a football for timeout Kaitlyn steps up and motivate has call sign up with the ball just a few inches away from a touchdown at the South a Hampton and also about an inch away from a first down for the motivate fighting her full timeout on the field here a tiger City with the score the LSU Tigers 7 the Notre Dame Fighting Irish nothing do you ever notice how your car seems to catch your cold in the winter or act like it's about to have a heat stroke in the summer Texaco Havoline super-premium all 70 motor oil impure a lot of your cars temperature problem if you want to lubricate and protect your car's engine to keep it from catching a cold or having a heat stroke truck Texaco Havoline super premium all temperature more the law notre-dame that's a football fourth and inches the ball no more than six inches away from the goal line they can conceivably make a first down but they're going to go for the first they've got the power to do it and they've worked their way now from the LSU 36 they've already used up 10 play is doing it running right straight ahead nothing fancy just straight stuff football utilizing a plug here of late leverage in the height and late back through here we go lift round has the Aries up to the line of scrimmage wedge formation with Huff the fullback and Julius behind very motivated for making a face benefits that walked up at the one-yard line LF you fix the FIFA claim made a beautiful charge and a great deal of the start of the Notre Dame effort the trick defensive maneuver off the LSU Tiger line and so LSU is backed up from this one with a great goal line fan the first down and 10 yards to go for LSU Brett Jones at quarterback for LSU high tide to the left he hands off and Cantrell hero's attack left behind the goal line gets out to the line of scrimmage as he Wiggles out to the one-yard line Rick Coleman and 10 places on the tackle for no pain no gain second of ten tigers in the deep hole after stopping the Notre Dame Fighting Irish at the LSU throw line twenty-eight seconds to go in the first quarter here at Tiger Stadium LSU holding a seven nothing lead after a fumble at the 36 in LSU territory the Irish failed account his Cantrell busting up to the 4 yard line straight ahead going to be third down Erik captain and Mike Scottie tackle for Notre Dame Gary very fake rangy defensively the horn sounds at the end of the first quarter here at by Canadian thought raised to the soul of the LSU Tigers 7 without the main fighting re nothing at ribbit great girl I'm saying the Tigers have the football in the world 4 yard line is burden 7 actually on the play the fourth down play no today in the now Paul just was just the nose of the ball was just inches from the goal line they had a chance to make a first down of course they were unable to destroy the Tigers have taken over one two players not try to get a little room if they could pop somebody through for seven yards down the hole otherwise definitely have defended but the defense of a magnificent job to the head of a big goal line stairs because no today in this pond saw a heavier football team but the Tigers utilized their quickness and their emotions stop the Irish at the goal line took the football over now move it out to the floor and now have a third down and seven situation in total offense in the first quarter LSU have 94 yards Notre Dame 61 LSU have 89 yards from the air and local vein none the Irish 61 yards on the ground on 17 plays in the first one and LSU got 8 yards on the 11th rushing play three first downs apiece it's LSU 7 notes si will be kicking he's standing just inside the end line the point of a down the 4 yard line Mike rowdy a single receiver expecting a short kick it's about a 36 yard average that si is closing right now it kicks the low line drive Kranti receives the LSU 22 and the rolling back down the field to the track of 37 and his bump literally off his feet there by Lloyd chi'lan of Bhoja city's 38 yards on sj6 a low liner first down for Notre Dame at the tiger 37 movin killin 51 on his jersey is from Bossier City and the E is the man who steps back the ball on six foot brown back in going back for his first pass attempt shifted up the field and instigate what's the plate inside the LSU 25-yard line and he's locked down by Jo Winkler as he rolls out of bounds at the Tiger 19 on the far side of the playing field and so quickly Notre Dame goes to the air and brings up a reception from the 718 yards on the completion to Gatewood and now Keith would've caught his 27th and now has over 260 yards 360 yards in the year and he ran straight ahead for about a yard second down and nine again Ronnie yes a planet for the cycle and he is a man who has been all over this defensive activity for LSU in the game so far note remain at the tiger 18 yard line with second down and nine to go the Tigers ahead 7 nothing Brown rolling off to the left prices open field plus the 15 he's down to the 11 and is rocked up at about 10 or 11 yard line by Capone and a man who is yet to get up boy try the ball is going to be placed at the tiger 10-yard line one yard short of a first down as Browns wanted to throw but couldn't get the pass away and elected to run Mary is in that line back to LSU Marcus said widely to the right covered by Nagle Heat were on the Left covered by Casanova hands off Gossage number as well and duty the right side of the mind doesn't make the first down it's gone back Fire Lord Brian Norma Hodgins at the 10-yard line and so again local vain faces fourth down and a yard to go and the tiger defensive team is making his stuff on play to hit run by Notre Dame when the yardage gets to be very important down deep LSU is the backs of the public I'm the game of fill hopefully 7-nothing off and the yard and time is ball by him early it appears that Hartley wants to talk to the team and get the DS asked the crowd to be quiet a little bit so the Notre Dame team can hear it signals Notre Dame everything laid did not chaste for a timeout on the play fourth down and one yard to go at the LSU 10 Notre Dame after recovering an LSU fumble at the saiga 36 earlier and then in control the ball game but was stopped at the goal line and now has official situations again fourth and one at the LSU 10 Brown back to the right side will keep the ball the teeth the yard line on a keeper played to the right side the blocker that's relevant but just wasn't quite quick enough to get away with all Hodgins who's got the gap a Monday and makes the tackle the wallet book at the LSU 13 there's a loss of three all Alliance is in at quarterback for LSU and a second unit offensive team all the way through first attend LSU the Tigers have been very thin he down deep but there's a timeout on the field time out of the field here at Tiger Stadium with the store LSU 7th so far they've nothing they fans when it comes to supplying you with just the right gasoline no one does the job better than Texaco Texaco makes great gasoline or with one of the most advanced editing packages any gasoline you can buy in specially designed for both better performance and for cleaner hair and what is just right for the car you drive remember now big car small car old or new car you can cross Mexico to have just the right gasoline for you Darrell I have to say I don't think I have ever seen the target says emotionally high as they obviously are tonight the defense adjusted magnificently for a field position the last two possessions of close has put a lot of pressure on the defense but Ryan says the football now at the 13 yard line a little bit better than what the last possession was at the one new members of the team on the field techniques aids in his foot in the for LSU and left psychoses suite at left guard Jimmy up into Center Logan chillin right guard Russell hell's Randy Russell at right tackle and the right hand is a man will pick up in just a minute here's the handoff to the tailback and trips and the hurdles up over the left side of the line for about two yards Jimmy LeDoux is in that split back shift Cavanaugh is the site in thankless is the full-back Stanton who just got a call as a sail back and the quarterback for LSU tall Lions first unit the pesky feet still on the field for Notre Dame they put the balls at 16 it's going to be second down and 7 throw at you Tigers their own territory and holding a 7-0 lead Stanton out of the eye gets the hand off and makes the depth around the left side the twins is there there's no gain these Street tried to block offenses but it would snow available back to the 14 as where he's drawn it third down and nine the LSU Tigers Bacchus their 14 yard line in settings a major part of this quarter with 11:35 to go in it and the part of the first quarter in their own territory after fumbling at their own 36 ears Lions behind killin takes the ball rolls out to the right gives off the van and an attack against the grain really by safety bad mic product go wide to the right Danna saw the camp open up on the left as the Irish were charging to the outside to stop the play and so dammit bothered a light enough to move ahead to the 28 yard line and pick up an LSU first down and give the Tigers some breathing room again the Irish set up a for 4-3 defense and rotate in the 2a for deep secondary with two linebackers and the others up on the line of scrimmage again bland grunts the option left gives off the banquet there's a good running average and he picks up about 2 or 3 yards on the play Cadiz and Mark and Patton stop in for Notre Dame at the 32 second down and six ago Benglis averaging 8 yards to carry a couple of real fine games NatWest with blistering speed but has great maneuverability and agility to get through small gaps in the defensive line second down and six tell us unit 32 again Lions at quarterback hands off the dampen and he rips it up over the left side of the line out to about the 35 and if not down there by Mikey nishan candidate for all America out of Nova's a first down a little more than to the gold grill as you on the hash mark from the far side here in the second quarter LSU is facing a small breeze that's blowing into the stadium from the southwest ten minutes to go in the first half Mizzou sent wide leases right he is from sulfur and Gerald Kelly from the state of Mississippi is to the left here's Lance back to throw being cheap won't get it away down he goes that is 26 and Swinson is the man who's charging back there to make the tackle and Lance could not get the pants delivered to Kegley apparently as he was looking back to him and all of a sudden from his back comes Fred Swenson to makes a big tackle for noted a wolf down 11 from the 26 and a half or seven Ron ESP is in to punt my karate is a single safety 10-yard sleep in those four dangerous Ori again a low line drive spiral bobby backs up the ticket at his twenty nine the do over one team but close enough enough for Sonny to be tackled at his 33 this salmon who's injured on the play and Chen Cavanaugh Russell held announce quickly under a 25 yard kick and the return is good for about four yards our timeout is called near on the exchange that the football as Notre Dame will take over first and ten at the Irish 33 the timeout on the fields of scores LSU seven notes of ames nothing remember fans no matter what time of the year it is it's the right time to give you a cars cooling system the guaranteed protection of Texaco antifreeze coolant in summer it protects against boiling away in winter against Frieza and all year round it protects against corrosion rust and clogging so don't put off putting in technical antifreeze coolant or they guaranteed if used according to your car manufacturer's instructions you'll find it at your local technical retailer nine minutes and eight seconds left to go in the first half LSU is part of Notre Dame by a score of seven to nothing coming on a 36-yard test from brick Jones Andy Hamilton to drive with 77 yards the Tigers took it in five plays two big plays of course the dishes of the 36 yard scoring play was a 36 yard pass from Hamilton from Joe's to Hamilton also Notre Dame has the football first and 10 at their own 33 yard line 67,000 five other people are more FGM their way into this huge Stadium here in Baton Rouge tonight for this great contest eight foot off of the Artic troubled wide to the right I'll let you in a seven-man line against the wishbone see this brown at quarterback for Notre Dame goes back Rahway give Sebelius wood has it at the Lannister ha she has had some great experience against the defensing the wishbone cheese and it has not been the wishbone has not been a particularly productive offensive formation against the LSU defense the unit second down Sam Notre Dame in a 33 yard line and setting up a double flops to the right lone remaining back his handy Huff full back flip round at quarterback then saw goes back pays off to his right running passing completes the Parker at the 41 yard line and covering on the play the Tigers Tommy Casanova and Frank receive and Barca was going down to the turf as he made the reception at the 41 third ensues interesting to parents here in scoring Notre Dame has not allowed any point in the third and fourth quarters opponent LSU story have been and its greatest in the third quarter all totaled up and all of the time and although this productive in the book water third down and two huh off to the right blow up down back behind the line of scrimmage but breaks away and finally gets past pepper rutlander who eventually makes the tackle somewhere around the 43 yard line Andy Huff carries a tackle application not quite a first down homey a number 95 guerrilla units plopped down and just teaches to go and the Irish want another measurement beam is left on the field a short distance and is now being extended and not quite a first down again Notre Dame faces a critical decision though it should not be a great one at this point of the football field and at this point in the game LSU holds the seven nothing lead for seven and a half minutes to go in the first half and the irish am plops down and just a couple of inches to go for a first down at their own 43 and apparently the irish will kick that would be the percentage that will be called for in the game are a strength protects an eighth in one season but trailing LSU 7 to nothing last week Tulane greenies next up on the LSU schedule next week and a lot of the properties of this game are similar to those of the Allies a Tulane end of the game game five steps Adani the punter and he books it LeDoux backing up on the ball may not feel that the ball bounces at the tool the one is going to roll dad at the zoo yard Keith wood and all floors are down deep under there to sip on the ball after a 55 yard effort by brand party and so the Tigers will have the ball at their two first down and 10 yards to go it was in the game last year at South Bend that the Irish used the kicking game that he fellas you bottled up most of these late stages of the games and eventually the kicking game was the difference Tigers with Jones Shorey and tech late and the Kentrell in the backfield Joe Barrett Center handoff goes to Cantrell he's backed up by John mazurka that's about the 6 yard line on an attempt straight ahead 7 minutes remaining the first time the ball is at the LSU 7 yard line and it is going to be second down and about five and a half to six yards to go for a first day my car lineup and the facing of five fans front set up by Notre Dame's everybody on their marks and here's a hand off the Cantrell and he sprouted them by mazurka and company at the line of scrimmage an offense that left tackle they are going to say his fallen advant have carried him up to the eight yard line Erik Patton in for a part of the tackle and the Tigers are still trying to go inside the festive West fans for no pervane that would be the area covered by wall makowsky they're fed by many people that Pataki will be a very important man on all-star teams that year and also on collections postseason two wide receivers left third down and about for Jones off the cancer out katie's has him in line at about the 11 yard line a Cantrell was trying to get to the outside left and so the Tigers will have Ronnie si and Logan killing coming in job Aaron Jones come out it will be a punting situation tell us you just outside in the tent Tigers have not had good field position since their first possession which they took from their own 23 on in for a floor they've been backed up our offense notre dame's staying right with his game plan and with one deep receiver Crotty they have a rush on the kicker on and the fair catch signal called Mike Ronnie he fumbled the ball we go through it joseline pleases hazard at the tiger 45 yard line rowdy made a fair catch signal and had to run up on the ball which came up short to the LSU porridge Ronnie fumbled the ball and finally it was the beauty of Kent pleases to make the recovery and now they say officially the LSU 46 yard line movin Hillis with the man making a good charge of the ball trying for a production for elegies and again timeout as with the place of the football the tiger 46 Notre Dame in possession and as we summon it don't remain that an LSU territory ever since Jones fumbled the ball going back for a pass and his 36 and the Irish pulls the ball down the goal line did not score and later gave up the ball at the 10 yard line type out of the deal urology with the floor the Tiger 7 fighting RH stomach the Constitution you gasoline frost Texaco have just the right gas remains all their gasoline they have one of the most advanced editing packages and any gasoline you can buy on the market today they're especially designed for both center performance and for cleaner air so when you need gasoline no matter what kind of car you drive trust the people to Texaco they make great gasoline and one is just right for you five minutes and 20 seconds left to go on the first half of a shoe in front of Notre Dame by a score of seven to nothing let me count the number 80 is in his foot and promoter Dame and he's wide to the right on the wishbones here's the reverse play with bouncing coming wide to the left he's pointing up to Melanie he's at the 40 the foot he fired the 3225 he's at the LSU 15 he's out of bounds at the Tiger 12 yard line rice out of bounds by Joe Winkler Tommy Casanova and the tiger is injured on the plate Johnny word has the turns ankle and hobbled off the field on the near side out of the wishbone with a flanker to the right a split ends of the right actually Townsend just into the game to the wide side of the field Julian took the handoff from the quarterback rolled out to the right and handed on the reverse back to Thompson off to the near side and he bullets down to the tank at 12 and again the Irish of threatenings Browns quarterback rolling out to the rain will run a pass he alone makes the Piron inside the pen he's at the seventh down he goes at the LSU 7 yard line in the show that makes the tackle before the next point at pause 10 second for station identification this is the LSU football Network and this is wwl in New Orleans radio 87 with Studios the world-famous French Quarter again the Irish are knocking on the door second down in about six the ball at the LSU seventh and Notre Dame is taking one of his time out on the ground Notre Dame is six up 108 yards so far in the air completed two or three passes for 26 yards on the ground LSU has gained only 29 while through the air they've completed three of four passes for total of 89 yards panting hi mother catching all three of them but the Tigers have been backed up throughout the entire second quarter been applauded a firstborn of a disco in their first possession that's what we stand now the defense has been just tremendous although they did get kind of stung on the last play of a 34 yard gain on the reverse for 33 left to go in the first half LSU on defense back to the wall again they've got to play super defensive warp the Irish previous possession Notre Dame has gotten down to the LSU one the LSU 13 the 43 and now the seven Jim Gainey is coming in for LSU a defensive end he's been injured a couple of games an outstanding sophomore from Hammonds and Jack him--it is remaining in the game a defensive right end he's a junior for Baton Rouge weighs 195 and he's in in place of the number one unit John Wood has entered an ankle or a knee and as being attended to on the near side second down and five at the LSU seven notes of aim again threatening with a double slot to the left hands off to Andy Huff and he pull it's to the left right hand left guard down to the five in China love Fosse with company meats in there gained a few skipped comeö spin on the tackle it's third down and three at the LSU five and began the going gets a little sticky down deep Notre Dame has controlled all departments of this football game since the recovery of a fumble at the tiger 36 back in the middle of the first quarter after the LSU score of the Tigers lead seven nothing back there for a scene that one of the safety props for LSU third down at the Tiger five free to go for a first down here Tufts playing his left ankle he's into about the free maybe the two and a half North Sheffield stops him f23 so now in a small town and the yards to go again deep in LSU territory one time the Irish had sauce and a couple of inches and love the name again will call for timeout Brown wants to consult the folks mark again one time in the game the Tigers held each is away from their goal line again with a fourth down and one at the LSU ten conscience bill found for a three yard long and now again the Irish have fourth down and one to go at the LSU three this time here comes Johnny woods back in the game for LSU and so flip Brown sophomore quarterback is having a discussion on the far side of the field with the Irish coaching staff while this cheerio is talking things over with the time stamp on the near side both a strategy is being developed now and no surname has an important decision to make here trailing 2-0 the seventh with 336 to go in the first half about whether to go for the 1 yard the touchdown or for three points and here comes flip ground back in the game can't help but speculate if Notre Dame doesn't make it how many people maybe second guessing Cartesian for not taking the three-point he's supposed to have a real good field goal kicker so fourth down and one yard to go apparently the re will be trying for the first down or the touchdown Gallagher's in at fullback or wingback and Huff ascended fullback and Julius and failback they're setting up a strong high to the right and Jimmy art Lee is charging LSU with a timeout and Luis Castillo and foot brown go to the respected coaching staff again to toss things over LSU leading seven nothing and the maneuvering is now getting very intensive offensively and defensively Notre Dame with the fourth down and one at the OSU three the Tigers have sucked serve the re deep in their own territory extremely deep on similar situations on fourth down play Larry Parker will come in at wing back for Notre Dame bill Gallagher normally a fullback goes out and so Julia huh and Parker will be behind cliff Brown the quarterback for Notre Dame LSU has its number one defensive unit on the field and let's see what the Tigers can do defensively as the Irish come up with their offensive set a very tight draw knife to the right ground the quarterback walked down and one to go rolls off to the right looking for a receiver Justin in the info Parker and movin up by linebacker live fries on the fifth time in the first half the Tigers go back CRH on warfare and as LSU football listen Sam at the tiger 3 well against it at the Tiger defense forgets this magnificent play you can't expect any better than that Notre Dame is an excellent field position throughout the course of the evening and wipes out deep inside the private Riga to stop them elegy will try to be straightforward in the situation with Jones at quarterback he hands off the Cantrell Cantrell where is out over left tackle for about five yard and the stop hard at about the 8 yard line Rick : number 38 is the man of along with Mike Ditka 79 second down and five to go the Tigers after eight ahead of Notre Dame's seven nothing this game is developing into another one of those real football epic here's Andy Hamilton to the right and off goes to shore he sure he is wrecked up at the 10 yard line for the play he was wired to the right and sure he went over the right side of the mine Erik Hatton and zika's collaborate on the tackle shoulder-to-shoulder at the pan third down and three LSU at its 10-yard line ahead of Notre Dame by a score of 7 nothing this is the last game of the year for Notre Dame LSU has tough Tulane remaining next week burt jumps behind Jack Jill bear Hamilton set to the right back field strong last here's Jones hitting the ball rolling out to the left side he's crawling out to about the 12 and that's as far as he can go tough to block big man like Fred Flintstone and drag marks weighing 235 apiece and 20 comes up for a part of the tackle and they're placing the ball between the 11 well about the 11 yard line it falls down and - Ronnie s-say will be in to punt for LSU kicking average into the game a little short of 36 yards and again Notre Dame sets up a single safety Mike Ronnie and the Irish if things go well for them here will have great field position again here's a kick going to cron a fair catch that's the tiger 46 and so from that point for the second side on as many putts receptions the re set up shop at the bag of 46 33 yards for SC on the kick and we may have an infraction while Pataki is being called from the sidelines to make the decisions man with the white cap Jimmy aren't laid notre dame going to the air so far unsuccessfully from the LSU 46 yard line John stank coming in with some defensive suggestions for the Tigers team and Frank was seen a presort comes out upended 32 to go in the first half LSU 7 votes remain nothing Brown has a frog set to the right Keith what sets up on the left he and Queenie are reversing position and they're little confused out there third down and 10 here surround going back in the market deep pocket to throw Justin up the middle intercepted by the phone at the Tiger 43 territory to the 40 bill going down to the 32 yard line and has rushed up there by John Hendricks the health of a 32 a fullback in high school at Patras Catholic high intercept Browns fan forty-three like a big bull now the feos of Anoka veins dirty food twenty-five guards on the interception return down to the RH 32 and so let's see if the Tigers can printed around leaning those remain 7-nothing Jones in a passing condition on the field takes the ball goes back to throw and the ball past time kisses complete the Hanigan at the 15 down the field and the SHA break inside the safety man Mike Ronnie almost went on the ground at the 15-yard line with one hand on the stamp turn it on in the endzone for the tankers friggin touchdown in the past Hamilton has the boat for a possible man he's having perhaps his greatest side of the year he Mikaelson will try the conversion here's the kick it Thank You 13 no surveyed ever notice how your car seems to catch a cold in the winter or act like is about to have a heat stroke in the summer Texaco is Hamilton super premium oil temperature motor oil can cure a lot of your car temperature problem if you want to lubricate and protect your car's engine to keep it from catching cold or having a heat stroke from Mexico capelin super premium all pepakura motor oil one minute 14 seconds left to go on a half Joneses Justice Hamilton with a 32-yard during play the Tigers after me successful conversion by Michael to go up front 14 to nothing over Notre Dame Germany announced each however the boils go short on a swift kick to number 19 and thus Gallagher who receives the ball inside his 25 and runs hard out to about the note remain 40 before being stopped there by Phil Winkler garish again good field position after 40 minutes 9 seconds to go in the first half and Ellis she was surprising people on pathways surprising particularly the Irish football team as Jones the Hamilton has worked well for two touchdowns so far in the game tell us you really charged up particularly after stopping Notre Dame's offensive team four times on 4th down deep inside LSU territories first down the re brown rolling back draw play gifts to Julius here he comes to five yards rough feel the left guard there filled by Perry and Cassio as the 45 yard line it'll be second down and five on the hash mark from the near side 56 seconds to go in the first half pepper Rutland in and place the Richard Petri run from that rule be cool exams on second down v Brown again l'esprit wide receivers to the right good interference if the pass complete the jeez what if the LSU 41 down he goes with zulm Hodgins on his back and riding gate slip down to the turf it's a Notre Dame first down and 10 yards to go 15 yards past completion Browns the Gatewood marker and Gatewood again a wire to the right folks ain't wasting no time have a double wing up there here's Brown shooting a pass out of bounds to stop the clock and the spectator is flipped on the heads of the football as he turned his back on his on the far side 25 seconds to go in the first half LSU leads dosa vain 14 to nothing LSU on its way to the Sun Bowl against perhaps Iowa State on December 18 and Notre Dame on the field here with an 8 in one record quoted prior to coming here not to accept any bowl bid this year 2nd down and 10 Julius top of the ice strong set to the right here's Brown back at the pocket shoots a pass down the field out of bounds at the 25 yard line bouncing a possible receiver and run down the field way down deep behind norm the Hodgins and Tommy Casanova Casanova and a field judge and a collision down the far sideline or the line judge perhaps Willy Townsend was the beef receiver but Swift round Notre Dame quarterback did not have sufficient time to deliver the ball to him third down and 10 notes are they aim at the LSU 40 19 seconds to go in the first half round again back to throw good protection aside not about race honey he drove down along the LSU 49 yard line Jim Guinea with help from Kerala Posse crowd him down trying to running out in the first half the Irish have had the people the Tigers have had the Panthers and the sparkling defensive play and that briefly is the story of this first half at Tiger Stadium tonight Walter describes the half-time for you just a moment that's the end of the first half with the floor the LSU Tigers 14 Notre Dame nothing we're at halftime here at Tiger Stadium Baton Rouge Louisiana with LSU in front of Notre Dame by a score of 14 to nothing we see some tremendous defense on the part of the Tigers tonight and the passing of Bert Jones has been exemplary he did make one mistake the pummelled on the 36 yard line that kept the Tigers back deep in their own territory throughout the better part of the half but once they got good field position after Warren Capone's interception at the Notre Dame 32 the tires the Tigers took only two runs one play to get it in and that was a 32 yard pass to Hamilton Hamilton has both touchdowns tonight the 36 yard pass from Jones in the first quarter the 32 yard from his cousins in the second quarter Jay Michaelson has been successful on both extra point attempt so at halftime it's LSU 14 Notre Dame's nothing we'll have more halftime comments in a minute right now a word from all our station engines to choose from you might have wondered what gasoline is the right gasoline for you well from now on you don't have to wonder anymore because you'll be glad to know that what do you drive a mini a compact a medium sized bar a panel truck a sports car or even a $15,000 limousine you can trust Texaco to have great gasoline is exactly right for you you see Texaco gasolines have one of the most advanced editing packages and any gasoline you can buy and just as important Texaco gasoline's are especially designed for better performance and of course for cleaner air so you see it really doesn't matter what it is from a mini all the way up to a limousine you can trust Texaco to have exactly the right gasoline for you now the LSU alma mater and unscheduled presentation of the LSU alma mater right now let's take 10 seconds for station identification that's the C LSU football Network and this is Radio 87 in New Orleans wwl with Studios the world-famous Ridge Quarter this is Walsall Hill with John Ferguson from Tiger Stadium after Louisiana LSU leads Notre Dame 14 and nothing after a pretty great halftime performance by the tiger man here at the halftime statistics as far as first downs concern Notre Dame is picked up six five four LSU on the ground the Irish have rushed 29 times for 108 yards LSU is rushed 23 times in the 38 yards in the air Notre Dame has completed 3 of 9 for a total of 40 yards with one interception LSU has committed four of five for serve with 121 yards so as far as total offense is concerned LSU has 159 yards - 148 for Notre Dame as far as individuals are concerned our Cantrell has carried the football 11 times for 28 yards 5th at and four times for 18 yards Johnson of Notre Dame has carried once for 34 yards that was on a very well-executed reversed I play Andy Huff has carried 10 times for 30 yards Parker's carried 5 times for 21 yards and had brilliance to charity eight times for third with 19 yards in passing Jones is four for five lines not completed the past Pamela has fought all four of the completions for 121 yards and two touchdowns Gatewood has caught two for a total of 32 yards talk alone for eight yards so the Tigers lead the scoreboard and they'd close as far as statistics is concerned game just about the down is how it was bigge prior to the kickoff tonight that Notre Dame is very difficult to run the football against of course the Tigers as far as field position of are concerned is very that very poor field position because they've been backed up inside there the playing field have been a part of evening and of course the lake tremendous defense chef motivated for putting points on the board they've gotten deep into LSU territory on numerous occasions but the defense is funny though Notre Dame catfish was coming back out onto the play field of the 44 gate flipped over 85 Pataki and here come the Tigers right now we'll do this at the LSU football Network get set for the second half kickoff Notre Dame when they thought at the beginning of the football game so the option for the second half rests with LSU and they want the football so Notre Dame will kick it off defend the south gold LSU will receive their defend the north door the thought play in the third quarter LSU in front of Notre Dame by a score of 14 to nothing before a packed house here at Tiger Stadium and truly a fine fine football game in progress number 32 Chris Denton about a yard inside the North endzone there's the kickoff and here's John Ferguson sucks lip will be kicking off for Notre Dame and Chris santen is two yards deep and the tiger in zone waiting for the kick here it is going straight down the field salmon comes up and kicks it out of the air at the board charges off to the 15 to 20 to 30 to 40 see at the 40 who yard line this salmon almost breaks it again he filled by Clara fellows runs in fact they say to the 41 from before 37 yards that first down and 10 de gaulle for LSU other games at the half South Carolina leads Wake Forest 17 to 7 Florida State at the half lead South of 14 to 10 at the end of the first quarter Houston and Miami are nothing nothing and here's as we have a pause in play here on this field here's the lineup of some of the balls Alabama Nebraska Central the Orange Bowl officially of course Sanford the Michigan will be in the Rose offered in Oklahoma and the sugar Penn State in Texas and the cops Bowl first down and tend to go for LSU at the tiger 41 to the right Kegley and Hamilton sent very widely quarterback as Jones he hands off the jory and he paddles his way up for about three yards Astro Bluebonnet ball at Houston New Year's Eve Colorado and Houston Gator Bowl North Carolina and Georgia the beach ball is all set with Georgia Tech and Ole Miss Toledo and Richmond are set for the tangerine fall it seems the Sun ball LSU and Iowa State Liberty Arkansas and Tennessee and the Fiesta Bowl has Arizona State as a fixture another team not named chuck it down from the 44 7 to go for LSU on the tiger 44 Diaz Jones fakes the ball goes back to Ryan for the past half time now it goes on him and he was piece of the 50 yard breaks a tackle su comes the nearside in the 45 and shifts out of bounds at the Notre Dame 44 yard line by late chased out by Ralph Stefani acts but Bert Jones was not all that fleet of foot runs for the first sound as the Irish defense caught itself covering well deep and crashing down on the LSU passing market and Jones just eluded all of the defenders picks up a first down as the notes of a 44 yard line 40 nothing LSU a hand and looking good tag late to the left Hamilton to the right along the sideline Jones off of the tailback and that's Cantrell bumping ahead at the 41 he has the gain of free and Wolfpack off he crashes in on him and close him down easily help from Mike Cadiz and Jim mazurka second down at the 41 seven yards to go from the Irish 41 yard line and we'll see what the Irish do with the Tigers here in the third corners and coach Parseghian of Notre Dame is the presenter of a great reputation with the words in the dressing room at halftime LSU with two wide receivers to the left a little wrinkle in the offensive formation handoff to Cantrell and he splashed down by Patton and then by Mike zika's defensive left tackle inside the forties they say at the 38 there's the game of three on the play so three plus three third down and four at the 38 in Irish territory LSU the ball in the middle of the field and striking for the South our rights that Creek the Tigers seven-thirty game will be against two ways to bring the curtain down on this exciting campaign I was you trying to improve on a six and three record note the name on this field with a maiden one and behind by 14 points Jones backs the path just the swing pass the Panther out of the 36 he fights his way to the 35 Jim mazurka brings him down to 35 yard line Shaw to the first time now the Tigers for the first time gamer phase to the fourth down at one in enemy territory brought the note Sylvain 35 the decision is being made on the near sideline and let's see what will happen they're going for it three minutes deep into the third quarter LSU ahead of Notre Dame 14 to nothing Hamilton to the wide side right wrong I left here is Jones panning off to Cantrell first down the left tackles at the 31 yard line by Mike Ditka sent by walkathon cat5 and finally Eric Fenton 45 but only after the quick dotting our Cantrell picks up a first down that's the motivate 31 yard line mike is moving from their 40 at the start of the second half receiving the kickoff and the length of the drive at the moment is 29 yards LSU getting a few yards on the ground for change Hamilton to the right side and off the line right behind Jones with shori and Cantrell Cantrell with the ball up the middle couple recovery by Notre Dame as the re 27 yard line Jim mazurka number 47 has the ball they're placing it on the 26 and the Tigers give up their second possession on a fumble he nice makes the tackle mazurka as the recovery famosa vein and the Irish stop the tiger drive at the Notre Dame 26 what beam does if LSU on to pass plays Jones to Hamilton 36 and 32 yards and two points after converted by Jay Michaelson that's it 40 nothing third quarter Julius with the ball wide to the right side makes the cuts at the 35 yard line and dumps after he gets the first down by Ronnie s-phase but Gilly is heading to the right side of the line offensively have the yardage at the time contact was applied by Ronnie sa from the low the Irish style from their 38 yard line trailing LSU 0 to 14 Tom he flips cuts up on the line to the right and hit guiltiest this to the left to the left flight is Parker Larry Parker 26 handoff goes to Andy Huff and he goes busting up the middle for about five or six yards Jack Kim it made the tackle behind the line would come help some sleight of hand on a trial the falsies the ball is at the Notre Dame 24 yard line second down or to go on the six yard gain up the middle by Andy huh number 25 for has a Notre Dame Fighting Irish on Johnny Parker to the left Julius that's wide to the left Parker the ball Rams right up the middle picks up about two yards some help on the tackle there by one of the Irish forward linemen and the play ends at the 49 yard line John Wood in on the tackle with Labonte for LSU push down on the play and the Irish have the ball first and ten at their 49 the Fox beginning again with ten minutes left in the third quarter you know with a five man front-facing this song I set to the left and agam the hands off goes the tail back to marker right up the middle and say they seem to yards up the field one yard inside LSU's no joy bike a defensive line is outweighed substantially but is really quick on the movement at the snap of the ball in this game Walker out later then for him is Bill gallagher finding up a tailback and the moves out of it to the right go be a success to the left here is brown rolling out to the right side keeps the ball makes the turn and it backs up after gaining one yard Capone and Richard speaking so now it's third down for the Irish now about two and a half yards inside LSU territory at the 47 and a half Parker back in and gotta go goes to the bench for no gain christine is replaced by stag phylogeny ham randy night card the game at the hunting tackle placing final apology for the Packers rushed to the lab cryonics quarterback third down at about six and a half gives off the guiltiest for first play to the right side he's the 45 shuffle down a hard cycle by Jim Janie invent Warren Capone at the 45 he in a few of the half yards that's walked down for the Irish and four to go the putter is on the field Brian's Artie Tommy Casanova will be a single safety for the Tigers he's standing on the pants eight minutes 20 to go in the third quarter LSU clings to a 14 to nothing lead Darnay gets the snap the Tigers with the big right kick is going to be short off to the right he was Harris family behind the line and the pitches marked out at the LSU 25-yard line so there is a kicks of 20 yards linked and the Tigers come up with better than expected field position LSU ahead by 14 to nothing eight minutes and nine seconds to go in quarter number three and the timeout has been called timeout in the game here at Tiger Stadium with the score the LSU Tigers 14 the Notre Dame Fighting Irish nothing they'd ever notice how your car seems to catch a cold in the winter or act like it's about to have a heat stroke in the summer Mexico's Hamilton super-premium oil temperature motor oil can cure a lot of your cars temperature problems if you want to lubricate and protect your car's engine to keep it from catching a cold or having a heat stroke trust Texaco Havoline super premium all temperature motor oil eight minutes and nine seconds left to go in the third quarter the Tigers have the football four to ten at their own 25 yard line after stopping no no babe they'll go from their own 26 out of the LSU 45 20 yard kick in for the Tigers the Running Room to get their offense under way and it'll be berth Jones back in at quarterback for the Tigers here this evening maybe game very timely enough but what you'll repeat in Park for you season ticket sales are underway now for the LSU basketball season well this year in future season a new assembly center which is just to the north of this tiger football stadium will be an operation for the first home game on January the 3rd it's a gorgeous place and you want to be instead courtside when the basketball feast begins with Maravich palaces that he'll have a good effort for his team this year now here's the handoff from Jones to Bandhan and he tries the left side picks up freshly nothing brake marks trailed him down Wallace near the northeast floor of the playing field on the inbound line from the far side 755 to go in quarter number three in this game and LSU holds a 14 to nothing lead recapping first half statistics on the ground LSU had 38 yards Notre Dame at 108 in the air the Tigers 121 and Notre Dame 40 so about an even game in total offense Jones is back to throw a long pass out here and the kid was trying to elude Ellis both men are very fast and Hamilton was making a cut to the outside but the flight of the ball took a couple of three seconds and so they cut to the outside in Joan's estimation was not the way he had thought that Hamilton would move we have a discussion on the play and LSU now is picking up a 15-yard penalty or half the distance penalty back to the 12 that's a little more than halfway gentlemen or a personal foul offensive holding against LSU and so second down back to the 12 and now the LSU Tigers have second down and 23 yards to go for a first down oddly enough that's the first family in this ball game Hamilton has set to the right side and LeDoux is along the sidelines left and Jones fakes the pass hands off the famine breaks his ankle and it's chased down outside the 20 by the last man who had a contact with him and that was number 81 Jim O'Malley right inside linebacker and they're placing the ball at the 21 yard line third down and 14 to go for the LSU Tigers half their 21 7 minutes left to go in the third quarter LSU ahead 14 to nothing here at Tiger Stadium Jelena's neck Saturday 7:30 Hamilton to the right side and Joan's on third and 13 is to pass screen pass incomplete to that and he didn't want it Rick Coleman was bearing down on van and the intended receiver that screen pass was defense very well by the Irish defensive team fourth down and 13 Mike Khurana he is back up on the Notre Dame 43 yard line Ronny si is backing up through 7 2 punch digging average in the first half 37 yard for sa low snap from center he gets a wobbler away chronic called for a fair catch at his 44 yard line and he goes down to his knees first sound and tend to call for the Irish again with good field position at the Notre Dame 44 yard line a 35-yard kick and again timeout has been called time out of this game at Tiger Stadium and here's the score LSU 14 Notre Dame nothing they'd ever think your car has might you know your turn a corner or little bump in it squeaks it's not Mike it's worse it's excessive friction this friction can learn your car to get rid of the squeaks visit the Texaco service station and ask them our faculty job not back won't leak out or dry out trust Texaco SmartPak to drive the squeaks out six minutes and 33 seconds left to go in the third quarter LSU in front of Notre Dame 14 to nothing the Tigers on the ground the marriage managed to pick up 77 yards in the air in five four seven for 124 yards on the ground Notre Dame is rushed for 137 yards and they accepted on three of ten passes what they were 30 yards but the scores the thing in the pack acidifier a score of two touchdowns and two extra points to nothing as the tempo of the game is set around two primarily defense at the present time neither team bench the thoughts of the third quarter they're gonna manage much of an offensive rush cliff Browne brings the Irish up to the line of scrimmage again at the Irish 44 yard line at Brown is back to pass Proctor's are opposed the string on one complete to the tight end cleaning he's out of bounds at the 50 yard line er saw and let's see where they're going to put it they're going to bring the ball back to the point of the bound and apparently he dropped the ball as he went across the sideline marker back there second down and 10 the ball is up to 44 and cleani seemingly has the ball but Mike apparently dropped it as he went out of the field of play gate went to the far side and has good interest to the left the tight end screen he is also left and here is brown again runs back to throw second down at fan screen pass up the middle Parker has it he has 5 yards he is pulled down at the LSU 48 yard line good tackle by 47 Gary champagne innovates second down way brings 8 yards the South third down and two to go 6 minutes and 10 seconds to go on the 3rd 4th quarter has been replaced by Kelly third down each one and Julia's to the left also Gallagher's in the squat gone side to the white side the left here the handoff to Andi half and he's flying to the first down - enough the LSU 2607 Ronnie SAE charging ahead with his teammates and we may have a measurement here Andy Huff has not been terribly successful in picking up first down on third and fourth down situations in this game back he's been stopped two out of three times in the first half once there the goal line and the quarterback was pull down for loss on the other side gaining sentience and Notre Dame has picked up a first down at the LSU 26 yard line so huh finally gets the thing that he wanted all the way in those crucial situations in the first half and the RHF new life at the tiger 46 yard line LSU leaning no pervane 14 to nothing wing back right as Gallagher flip Brown dr. Julius goodness just the right side to the far sideline seats out of bounds picks up about two yards Tiger lateral pursuits was magnificent on to play and play first in the peeny where's the heavily fiendish right arms and also Richard speak to Allen's I have noticed been watching LSU football this year that linebackers and secondary men the deeper ones the tertiary really have been switched around almost at will second down about seven pass sideline brandy to keep what complete out of bounds he goes at the 37 yard line in Tiger territory close for a first down about a yard short of it 5:25 to go as the market stops on the auto bound play we're in the third quarter LSU holds a 14 to nothing lead 36 yard pass completion Jones to Hamilton a 32 yard pass completion Jones to Hamilton and michaelsen two points after than 14 to nothing the same has been stopped three times deep in Tiger territory Brown to Gillian runs into his own man at the line and picks up maybe a yard it'll be closed again at the 36 yard line this time and perhaps we'll have another measurement Notre Dame offensive lion is having a lot of trouble with the smaller but quicker LSU's defensive lineman Dean Extension and Notre Dame has picked up another first down this time again ten yards down the field and the Irish are coming up with some real touchy situations here on measurements but they have enjoyed and they've been moving from their own end of the playing field on this Drive nothing fancy about the Notre Dame attack they go to the air the most short down and outers that have a hit it is virtually impossible to stop Brown and the Irish from the LSU 36 flip it back to pass left one way down the field to are for Parker to the end zone Parker however has Kovac sent his defender Johnny Nagle was backing up very quickly so he elected to stop and wait for a spot pass it was not their second island fan of the LSU 36 no Sylvain trailing 0 the 14th and the Irish have a good drive going here stun it back down the field not too far but now with a second round and fan of the LSU 36 Irish very good field position Brown goes back to his left looking for a receiver she's one out here in complete very wide of that Judy making a little abuse from some of the fans here because he's being rushed pretty handily by the LSU defensive linemen third thousand fans Tigers weren't up fairly deep zone passing formation at the time and everybody was covered so Brown defender delivered on a bow third down and ten at the OSU 36 Notre Dame still very much in the thick of the battle and showing the fruits of its effort so far at sea Tyga 36 for clearly 14 to nothing Brown again back to throw nervously shoots it up the field once the flow gets his second of the game go run back my key word for whom the path was intended but the flow comes up with his second interception of the game and again stop the IRA from stop there one aback will be Paula and persons and Tigers up there 33 make way to the left and the D for the right it is module off the line of scrimmage ident Michaelson to the right here's Lions rolling giving off the del Walker running at failback now he makes the frames behind white tackle to his own 35-yard line Mike speedy has helped on the tackle the official crowd is 66,000 996 second down eight to go the Tigers up there 35 and ahead of Notre Dame 14 to nothing same steps though LeDoux was a little lighter this time and the tight end Michaelson is to the left here's Lions running the option left keeps the ball he lives a couple of men but it is crashed down about a yard and throw up the field by Greg Marx and my teenie Marx the 75 last man to get up now the Tigers from their 36th third down and 7 ahead by 14 to nothing Murray foot Street and Hamilton for Mizzou for LSU no defensive replacement for Notre Dame which is light up in a four for three and the left inside linebacker Barnes linebacker is right up on the line of scrimmage throws the left outside linebacker here's Lance going back to 12 he cheats out not going to get it away he's sound at a 30 yard line and he is in there to make the tackle but again break marks and also number 45 Eric catch that strong linebacker we mentioned who was up on the line of scrimmage tell us you now from it's 30 and the facing fourth and 13 micron a deep receiver long receivers on the note remains 30 waiting for Ronnie s-phase kick and the Irish have a rush on but now his breaks and they have a return on s-phase slowly a tick away fair catch signal by Trani he falls sound from his 32 but it will be the 32 yard line from which the Irish will move and as they get ready for the play mat for 10 seconds for station identification this is the LSU football Network Walter Hill with John Ferguson from tyga' city of Baton Rouge Louisiana LSU in front of Notre Dame 14 to nothing we've got two minutes and 43 seconds left to go in this third quarter the Fighting Irish have the football at their own 33 yard line first down and 10 to go all the times unable to get anything off of Capone's interception the secondly evening have to give the ball back to the Irish at their own 33 this year Notre Dame is not allowed any points on the board in the second half it's been 20 20 games ago just about since anybody's for the last quarter on them they're a big football team at the beginning of the year their office was somewhat shut meant right now let's pick up the target gear we have to yell from the LSU student body down to our last give it go back to play now no sir vain from its 32 Chris Brown and company out of the loose ball Brown runs left keeps the ball purple marker 3:33 so um Hodgins falls on the ball or the carbon gases oh it's norm Hodges number 30s they don't remain pretty three yard line and the Tigers again the wishbone offense does not work against the Packer defense first down LSU they took the ball after those who vein 33 18 they want to have yards engineer Flying Tigers bragging to the South Kent Cavanaugh tight end s to the left Jory and Cantrell behind Burt Johnson Cantrell rocking up the middle slow back 80 at the 29-yard line at down he goes he gets four as second integration to go action 24 seconds to go in the third quarter here at Dodger Stadium Baton Rouge and it is from about the spot on the field the Tigers scored their last touchdown in the second quarter it's a 40 nothing game Hamilton has caught two scoring passes from the quarterback of note in the game right now for Jones Hamilton has two left here Cantrell again crying the middle picks up a yard crash down by Jim mazurka left outside linebacker they put the ball up in 27 you get but it's with lugar military burnt down and for aunt route take it up moment and put sure sounds relative let's play dr. Bates 20 I could play the I by Ortiz nothing mystics are very even accepted passing and the bankers all the wine age there Tigers have patched the are Asians offensive maneuvers of this game Jones back to throw looking for Hamilton he's got it complete a supremacy if behind Ronni the safety man but the Tigers have been going first and then at the motivate 17 Jones against a Hamilton they've been playing I throw you catch that elementary day is from Rustenburg in first down tend to go up to those remains 17 minutes ago in the third quarter LSU ahead 14 to nothing as thrusting again late to the left and Hamilton is to the right and off the line the tiger I was Jones at quarterback and Jones again is back to throw looking for Hamilton completed the fan he's out of bounds of the again whoops by Hamilton on the play and at LSU at the 8th the yards to go about for a first down and 8 yards for thick point six points here on this drive by the Tigers after the fumble recovery by Hodges good put the game out of reach for those of a triple I Cavanaugh moves left out of it leaving Zanon and sherée Danone gets the ball text in the left tackle first down he stopped at the 6 yard line the goal for the LSU Tigers in fact open-ocean Box Tops with 36 seconds to go in the search water wall at the south end of the playing field of packed house watching this game OSU ahead 14 to nothing and now the Tigers have four thousands to make six yards and the touchdown Hodgins recovered a fumble athle 33 in Irish territory and the Tigers have really flipped it down to the six here's Jones running to the left keeps the ball he's at the five forty-four nothing the Tiger fans that players and here is appear hold at the 10-yard line and a Michael Flynn will try to make it please play to the point after the Marvin his book is good vo before the OSU Tigers 21 the Notre Dame Fighting Irish nothing this end and offensive the flag yield with just the right gasoline no one does the job better than flex ago Texaco makes breakdown filleted all with one of the most at then editing packages in any gasoline you can find especially designed for better performance and for our cleaner air let's jump right for the car you drive remember now big-tire car hold our new car you can 4x ago to have the right gasoline for you so imagine with seven day on the day or the first time anybody is built against Notre Dame in the second half year here's the kickoff we'll be kicking through Dominic and you know the ball is going down to Hill at the flow of he snuck out to the 20 the old on a tripping practical applied by Joe Winkler and by the time he gets to the ground he's stre 30-yard line push down notes of the hey Matt the Irish 30 and now the problem is strictly uphill for Notre Dame five seconds to go in the third quarter the LSU Tigers utilizing great speed on ahead 21 to nothing and it is a surprise wishbone see Tigers have an eight-man line pitch backs comes and reversed play is underway geek was rolling out to the right side being trapped out there a three-yard gain and the horn sounds handing action in the third quarter that's the end of the third quarter with the score LSU 21 Notre Dame nothing are you driving around in an older car or do you own a brand new car whether your guard New Mexico has a gasoline that's exactly right for you Texaco the people who sell more gasoline than anybody else in the country has great gasoline with one of the most advanced additive packages in any gasoline you can buy especially designed to help give your car a better performance and for cleaner air ah fifteen minutes left to go of the ballgame the Irish share the ball a second and shrimp on their own 33 LSU and what 21 to nothing and Butch Jones is at his greatest fear tonight Roy two touchdown passes to 36 in 32 yards to Andy Hamilton and then scoring himself for the 5 yard run with only 10 seconds left to go in the third quarter the defensive said yes magnificent Notre Dame in the print damp not all the way down to the tiger six-inch line we're not able to take it in the Tigers defense just been tremendous and of course the offensive compliment it when they get a chance in the good field position they've been able to put points on the board it's been a John Hamilton ballgame so far and scoring with Michaelson chipping in Jay Michaelson aware that you about the end of 81 of seniors of Foley Alabama as now kicked successfully in twice after 35 out of 36 this year in field ot 6 out of 5 now this college football game tonight here on this field of Tiger Stadium is one of those games that Gary Phillips all of the excitement and glamour that you read about and think about and dream about and college football today and the underdog LSU Tigers that is underdog in the minds of Irish fans have enough start proud of this game tonight a little faster a little quicker and the hand by 21 to nothing Brown shooting a pass to Queenie complete for a first down at the 41 yard line and banks makes the tackle with Cassio and FRA first sound Notre Dame at the Irish 41 yard line as we begin play in the fourth quarter deans who switched around and Notre Dame is now going to our right rustic line where's my posse si comme en crashing Brown shooting a pass out here overthrow 50 OVA has been shaken up and comes off it is official now the LSU Tigers have accepted an invitation to beat the Iowa State Cyclones of the football de velde Paso Texas Jason was announced a few minutes ago by Carl medics LSU director of athletics the kickoff is gentle one noon Saturday December 18th 17th appearance of the Tigers on a postseason game here's the reverse with Larry Parker carrying to the left side he's away for five yards seven yard he's flying almost 410 the Irish started this after the tiger score from their thirties so they're 21 yards up the videos the 1356 to play 21 to nothing this is the second meeting ever between these two beans last year the Irish won three nothing and in the foreseeable future as the 15 throughout sketches again here's that troubling the burst bubble by his blood he racked up by dying water piled up back at the motivate 39 yard line oh stop it as each one is big backup is a nose of a 21-yard line on the play they are accusing that the river kwai are Hubert's will be old-fashioned him to out again Eric you usually get alot to this game Chris Brown and what about to topple over motive a half conscious applied to the light gift to go to his weak side run to the left on a room knocked up for one stay in there nothing's been going to be outside and the other Tigers to have to make the tackle now it is third down four notes of a Matt 21-yard to go from the 40 and the Tiger effort is odd they have been 21-nothing LSU's suprising no surveys and going a great deal of strength as the train goes the dragon seems to be putting it all together here tonight round effective flow third down long yardage whoops one out here the parka completed midfield visibility to the 40 he's out of bounds on the near side still running at the 25 right on the sideline Marcus did not step out of bounds and gets big yardage on the play so 25 yards on the pass completions of Parker and its first download the famous pls g25 slightly kickin up on the tackle several Tigers beat offenders in other place make 11 Arjun Kassim Ouma first down those remain at the 25-yard line up the middle goes Andy hub short yardage the old up the middle by one Nepal has been a great game tonight he's had to pass interception Wallace fights at the LSB 21 yard line second down and six ago Frank Rich Beem in that safety guns bags out Darrell's the one that the pen is in the game and also built Gallagher in the backfield here's the re wishbone FIFA job jointed the one wide sweep left runs in the Hajin Hodgins has Elphaba's a short gain on the play pristine and Hodgins and Capone androids rise but it was Hodges who had the first contact and they played the 19th third down and four Gallagher brings the play from the far side Notre Dame Fighting Irish facing a real struggle now behind 0-2 21 kotomi ace back in the game at the fence event drill at you the wishbone and here is brown passing off it looking for gate one in the end zone it's intercepted Rivera get it is coming Casanova the bankers will put the ball and swing up in 20 of the touchback and LSU is intercepted Chris Brown three times in the game and this one appear the feeling of fear successful county growth in the end zone what our great tiger effort in this game morsi's waited LSU Tigers against the demonstrated growth of a fighting RH and the Tigers are carrying the battles more than the Irish one first down LSU from the 20 Jones at quarterback from the strong eye off the story right through the middle he's up to the 30 hip anyone listening to it Bobby makes the stop at the 33 yard line a 12 yard gallop for Russell Allen Julie only in a suction it was that a default pattern chef another big wooden slide to cried and just as a ball across the info and des jump board made a beautiful reflection to the Tigers I've picked up a lot of first elephant 32 Jones has the Tigers that's the lion against the four-man front Jones is getting the ball to Aviv a reverse play to the outside welcome to the phoney the dudes in the 15 he's out of our head about the 50-yard line and he stopped by aroused opinion so LS your subs up with the wide brush plays a reverse way and LeDoux gets it and Walter the Tigers since wasn't quite as deeply as they have a previous game that is none of them did not get the penetration and so first off the Tigers up there 49 29 yard drive underway in LSU has the effort moving on the positive side a five and six landline set up by doctor vain not dropping off of the linebacker and here's Jones giving off the Shorey bumps right up the middle for about a two or three yard gain Snickers makes tobacco number 79 at 3:00 Notre Dame 47 minutes ago on the ball game and the scores LSU 21 no pervane nothing Jim O'Malley out of the game and another defender who can cover the passes in more north of Ames Kent week Gary has not lost very many games in past years these two teams unfortunately are not on each other schedule in those that have been announced so far slot formation to the right module is out of the slot Jones at quarterback along town takes the ball rolls off gives off the Cantrell and he weighed rubber right back over it off to a free yard to the 44 and it will be third down and about three to go Mike Gikas tackles one of the thing Hamilton two touchdowns Jones at Thrones of all the Hamilton's wife and Dylan's of scored one and Michaelson has picked all three points after it is a putting one nothing game for the LSU fighting Tigers over the Notre Dame Fighting Irish the duel em and Hamilton right Michaelson out of the triple I to the right here is the pass back to Jones he reverses he keeps behind the lines by Petroski and boom down for a big loss all the way back to the LSU 38 yard line and Wapato Keene has pulled off to the fence a play that has been expected him on many occasions in this game and Jones takes the shot from the big man at the fences left hand that will have to count up the yardage lost on that one 18 walk down long yardage to go for a birth plan 21 yards to go an S they affect the front kicks it radhe calling for a fair catch at here 28 yard line and Notre Dame will put the doll and day from BRE 28 and if the re camp from secret plays now's the time for them to start out with it following s a 34 yard kick there's a timeout on the field here at Tiger Stadium on the campus with LSU and that food with door LSU 21 note remain nothing been on the fence been out at what time of the year it is it's the right time to give you a car cooling system the guaranteed protection of technical at e3 Phillips incomin they protect the dope brought away the unit against Frieza it's all year round it protects against corrosion roughs in foggy the ball they guaranteed the viewers according to your carmakers application instructions he'll find it at your local Texaco retailers eight minutes and six seconds left to go in the ballgame at my shoe in front of Notre Dame by a score of 21 to nothing dairy cows the football first develop your own 28 took it on earth for the Sun Bowl game between the LSU Tigers and the Iowa State Cyclones the door on sale the LSU are running business office beginning at 8 o clock Sunday that Gilmore assistant a flight director for business making this announcement of his shine prices are six dollars per ticket the 25 cents per order of the postage and handling Tiger fans they order any Winston said milk remain from the Irish 20 Heaton Brown is back to pass playing catch-up ball and brown finds somebody open now he does wait on the way of Julius incomplete when is covered by a Hudgens wiggler and we've seen second day off and pair the game between the Southeastern Conference and Big Eight Conference representatives will be played in the Sun Bowl of El Paso Texas on Saturday December 18th and those of you who follow LSU football know that the Tigers have lost this year to Ole Miss and Alabama at midseason and to Colorado while winning all the rest of their game second down 10 play Notre Dame clean pass play calls it's complete to Queenie behind the line he charges up to the 35 and has shut down by Floyd ferry at the 36 yard line not a first down Kobe he is done on the action also to help quiet Barry three our state by the way remember the powerful big 8 conference quotes by Johnny majors Walla Tennessee sir in Iowa State was the hippie behind the breast of Colorado and lost one other game rock formations of like Jeep when it's in the slot set up by Parker pass trying to keep wood completed supporting and he's running allows an air side to about the 50-yard love Casanova Racine stops the receiver Tom Keith Wood who's a first-rate football player officially the ball is at the Notre Dame 49 yard line first down and ten degaul for the Irish clearly there are the 21 with 658 remaining to be played they're all the one comes in as the prosper see very wide to the left Gallagher is the one remaining back behind flip Brown has gone all the way offensive laid down with the ball rolled left sheets by knock card shoot the pass it's complete to get for it at the 45 at Tiger territory and he's worked up and thrown out of bounds short of a first down by Richard Piech two and Frank Racine and Sami Casanova red paprika senior 195-pound earth a few pounds on that provision is stringbean sort of a football player and an excellent one who gets really beyond the the type of weight to carry their boys been injured a little bit but playing beautifully tonight for the Tigers here's the reverse running out to the left side Notre Dame has the first down that's Bob Penny getting his first carry at the game he pulled out off his feet at the LSU 36 first sound and send a call from the survey into the game Brian DePalma by pfizer John Hughes champagne a lot of people more than 50 in every ball game 6 minutes and 23 seconds to go on the floor and a wide slot to the right the peak was there brown holding off to the near side she's the path up the field diminish incomplete 25-yard line bomb going off fella and Linux recovered from Bellaire by Hodgins and Casa Loma LSU has tremendous speed and it's before Saiga stick primarily to zone coverage on on fancy and that time minute we went into the middle part of the zone and growlithe had to watch you play through it from the 211 medic on a wing back position to the right Brown takes that ball in the truck market shoot the pass to the left side incomplete a lot of pumping going on out there on that play but both way my card would were rushing the passer and partially the to the ball perhaps and that's where the occasion for the massing incidentally LSE is reported in The Sunday Island State beat Oklahoma State the chapter name while still is fifty four to nothing and then Novikov in the fifteen the regular Center for motor game has been shaken up and Donald the game they threw on the field at 7:00 Brown goes back and making the throw gives off the Julius on the jaw and he starts the head for about two three yards not just the 34 56 seconds left to go in this ball game and Notre Dame is facing a fourth down and eight at the LSU 34 yard line and will go for nasty Oh put the palm of the last Senate linebacker again Brown takes the ball on fourth down and eight used to pass out here the gate was complete at the 25 he's out of bounds at the 24 yard line and brown puts the ball at jointly between Casanova and Picchu into the hands of Tommy Gatewood and the Irish and going for a 4th down and eight come up with a percent barrel the one Weaver first down for Notre Dame at the LSU 24 yard line start a booster pack on their own 28 yard line their best Drive of the game and here's a handoff going to Gallagher's up by a stay up the middle at the 21 yard line Castillo is in the hill we're even stuff on those Notre Dame guards in this game second down and 21 7 to go for those of a score 21-nothing LSU was 5 minutes and 10 seconds left to play draw nigh to the left of one is out in the wing and here's Browns going back to throw he's ready to get one away he gives it incomplete CD was open at the pan rushing the passer Ronnie n say he was really giving him a lot of trouble round of telling Evans returning to Washington and the forestry of the truck electric territory motivates the ball around keeping the word that's completed at the 14 yard line rules for a first down that's the 14 yard line Gerald the one with bees and Tommy Casanova tackles and we probably will have a measurement they will have to be brought in about three or four yards and at the big center then here's the view of it for 52 to play and Notre Dame has not quite made a first down wolf down HSE go Notre Dame in the first half and traps this is the thing to turn the game around and favorite the LSU Tigers get first down on fourth down and very short yardage sometimes inches to go first half on three occasions and these intelligent territory once at the goal line gallica is the remaining back behind the quarterbacks Brown he likes to go himself on plays that the site does here and picks up the first down on a quarterback sneak should be 11 first down motivate s they make Chicago was Perry five years again next year play an 11 game schedule beginning with college in Pacific the university of pacific all been returned to the schedule vamos al fitra topics opponent bought a return Delaine returned Colorado goes off but the trains after a year 1971 season with one more game to go against Tulane on the field next week here is Parker rolling out the left side yes as far as we can go and and he really funny by one Capone and John would cut the veins down here's a ten second pause for the LSU football Network and it's video 87 in Hualien WWL the vein has the ball second down and nine at the man jeepers right almost like darkness down the rest attention please what the other doctor offered to point 7:54 that the play of the game in no debate has Bradley what a score on the board with so apparently go over two points they need another player pump Linux is coming on seventy food yard drive and the foot brown the in the end zone seven yard scoring pass strong I had to the rightful seat would set left Brown joined for two points rolling to the right ship the pass complete submitted for two points and the saw is 21 3 came out of the field before now the LSU Tigers 21 go to vain eight when it comes to jus thing you gasoline breath Texaco to have just the right gasoline for you all their gasoline have one of the most advanced editing packages and any gasoline you can buy on the market today they're especially designed for both better performance and for cleaner air when you need gasoline no matter what kind of car you drive trust some people too technical then a great gasoline and what is just right for you in play for the pastor by the people exploring they went to do and he would jube 54 left in the ballgame and the irony I have eight points on the board 21 to white LSU in front we can look for the onside kick here I see up on the front line of module giggling those who are used to hearing the football the facts and the second line of defense drawings out there Cavanaugh is there with Stanton Fair inflating live with an alternate Walter told you and we will have got fists kicking the deepest receivers relic you back up the putty lands and Cantrell and so here comes got fists Notre Dame expected to slice up version of the onside kick and here's the onside kick attempt it has recovered by now IQ is giving a do what they feel one hopper Elodie takes the ball shut up well at the 50-yard line and the Tigers have this down as ten yards to go the quarterback will be parlaying fill the bag abandoned one rated the way of fans LSU on its way to a seven and three record for this year with few lane remaining a gap six line defense and here's Lions running off to the left on the option keep the ball he has five yards he has eight and his wench down at the 43 yard line wake mark pulling the quarterback on the tackle along with Swint line and body and : lever down and pee with a lion and the tiger now wager thief Alliance for Volvo - and a half minute to play in this game the LSU Tigers and the Notre Dame Fighting Irish ending up one-on-one and there's or fired footballs during late game last year and the great one again here the good evening the handoff goes to Santa and he tucks into the left side full push down on the statement filed up at the local vein 39 yards the next seven seconds to go in the game nobody needs from the oil in their ups and their downs the deer but have great material and have a strong team that will come out of the field next week to conclude the 19-something one regular season then the Packers on December the 18th of June play the Iowa State Cyclones at the big 8 in the Sun Bowl game in El Paso Texas first sound trackers at the Notre Dame 39 yard line and again Lance runs the option cheese ball down no gain he was both behind the line by Erik Patsy and then polished off by by Katie Valley look at the avid fan timeout Arkansas by Notre Dame with a minute 29 to go and the RH on their way down the drain in this game timeout that remind you here that the store is the LSU Tigers 21 those remain eight never known as valiant our team's detective further than like it's about to him a heat stroke in the summer Texaco is that woman super premium oral temperature motor oil can fuel a lot of your fire temperature problem if you wanna lubricate and protection are visions to keep it from catching a soul or having a heat stroke in Mexico Papillon super premium all pepakura motor oil twenty-nine seconds left to go in the ballgame Paul gave Notre Dame the first corner 60 in the second 48 was third and forty seven in the they were disabled to put eight points on the board I'm a liberal do tonight Fagin seemingly on their way to winning number seven of the year vigor office has been tappable to that but with blanks in the Florida game in the middle of the playing season probably the most efficient night offensively the Tigers have have had up to this point and defensively the LSU effort tonight has no doubt been - of the year against the top trade opposition and the Tigers have contained the Irish and have passed the big plays when the clutches demanded a second down and ten here's the run to the last by the quarterback Paul lands he's at the 30 bucks out of bounds at the 27 yard line first out of LSU maybe and Mark and Fridays that go for Notre Dame the Tigers ball Alliance running the football he's the second Russia to Cantrell on the Tigers team and also a quarterback of some boat completing 50 out of 100 8 passes in the game the Lions have not played a great deal in the Rick Jones than the man with the arm he's learned the Hamilton price the stores and the floored once on a keeper play himself and Michaels in December converting the Notre Dame score a pass round the gate wood and a two-point pass after touchdown Brown too many run up the middle by penguins he's at the 20 he's at the 15 eggless of the pan Jim Franklin on a roll back dive way right up the middle finds the gap open houses dads of the nine and the bikers are thrusting again Roddy he fingers out of the field of play well BRE give it up twenty-eight point in Southern California no more than seven than any other theme 1:17 to go in the scheme a minute 17 seconds first down Gold the goal for the Tigers at the nine hears lion ends off to danten danten that right tackle has gone down to about the six or seven Oh Rio are there by safety man Mike cloudy and also Jim O'Malley probably O'Malley did the greater part of the punishment Northwestern scored seven against the notes of a mother could you Southern California's 428 and Michigan State got food shoo off down there and that's Walt Pataki he finally ready 23 seconds to go on the game the caucus Bovington Tigers have second and goal to go from about six and a half yards out long I to the right here's a runs of the left on the counter and Lance can't get rid of the body is looking for a B and the D might have been covered by Coleman and globe alignment leading the way the funky echo Lions and the Packers have call for timeout land loses yardage back to the 13 yard line 25 seconds for playing time too many what before the game this year the Irish have scored 8.2 that was against Purdue when the re pulled it out in the late stages of the game after recovering a boilermaker fumble deep in Purdue's territory the final score that game second of the year from Oak Lane was 8 to 7 so again the Irish have eight points on the scoreboard but LSU fighting targets from the Biotest we have 21 a few people Colorado best of the Tigers 31:21 and then the Tigers beat Texas A&M these layouts George would not be priced Florida easily Greek flag Kentucky's then lost a close game Ole Miss of the Jackson and one of the years great gain loss to Alabama 14 to 7 and then best Indies laban to be state last week third down and goal to go from the Notre Dame 13 for LSU ahead 21 to 8 and 25 seconds left to play the quarterback will epad he has the ball rolls back off to the right will throw get the down better handled it up is the floor I like you ahead of a doctor and we'll hold no surveys being bested easily by LSU here tonight for LSU pudding no survey in peace well the package goes 50 yards add a flame and with only 20 seconds left to go in a ballgame they put 7 more on the port they're not on top front of Notre Dame by a score of 28 to 8 and of course this speed crowd here is just aesthetic just aesthetic there's a tiger ban notice them many of the students have come out of the stands they've jumped over the fence install here at Bagatelle recently and I copy it followed the fear that isn't the coach to define to keep him away from the field well the excitement is the thing the brains supreme right now and the Tigers have their fans ready to charge on the field Notre Dame is being beaten by LSU 28 to 8 and here is a kick by Michelson down the field that has taken at the 24 yard line that's Gallagher coming back out to the 45 and to the 46 yard line 13 seconds left to play in the game Wallace way back at the our age 45 yard-line those who vain babbling brook behind but too far away to catch up it's when attacker night now I should came up with the big spirits of big scenes at the opening Gong and they've been going ever since illegal motion against Notre Dame long pass by a new quarterback in the game it's incomplete Epstein Berg is the quarterback number 11 that come on the floor long incomplete Notre Dame in motion illegally 8 seconds left to play in the game it doesn't matter we have many thousands of people ready to charge on the field the police are saying the best they can but they'll not contain this crowd not often do LSU cloud bars on the playing field but this will be one 5 yards Henley against the Irish back to their for me for legal motion 28 slate is the shore and a fighting night and an exciting year of college football for LSU steamboat again way down the field town we'd at the booty and one second remains to be played so the crowd comes on the playing field and we may not have enough beauty to play another play we have about 15,000 people on the field and I think probably they'll just call it off from here one second remains on the scoreboard clock and the officials are going to say it's no good this game is over and there's too many people on the playing field the FICA players and the Notre Dame players are intermingled of on the fan the way the Venus is a big success the client agrees from 20 eat sweets over the Notre Dame Fighting Irish and the Irish a disappointed group from South Bend are making their way back to their dressing room under the and at the southeast corner of the three most cold the Tigers Sun Bowl invitation has been accepted and LSU will play against Iowa State in the Sentinel of El Paso Texas the afternoon of Saturday December 18th the irish record eight and soon and that's all for Notre Dame for 1971 and LSU is now 7 and 3 with archrival Tulane remaining to be played next week on the same field it's been a big night the coach the Clinton and the LSU Tigers a disappointing run for no surveys walter hill has the final words in a minute again the final score here at Tiger Stadium on the campus of LSU the LSU Tigers 28 the Notre Dame Fighting Irish eight well it's all over and this has to go down is one of our shoes greatest victories this is the game people have been waiting for for more than five years and the fourth the football team is waiting for just last year they self they played what enough to grown up in South Bend but they didn't they lost it three to nothing the dedicated themselves this year during a football game at a great least worth I know on Thursday I had a chance to talk at Lake Fulani yesterday he told me ball they said we want this in more than any other football game we've ever had here in Tiger Stadium well they will not make got it and they scored in every corner of the ball game just as he did last week against Mississippi State this tiger touchdown came in the first quarter on a 36-yard test from Brett Jones sandy Hamilton in the second quarter a 32 yard pass from virtue and Sandy Hamilton connected in the third quarter a five yard run by Bert Jones and in the fourth a 13-yard pass from Portland's to Andy Hamilton Hamilton was just amazing out here this evening we don't keep individual statistics but he has to have had more than 140 yards in past receptions tonight in the air the Tigers completed 8 of 10 for a total of 156 yards on the ground the Tigers rushed for total 143 yards no today meanwhile rushed for 168 yards with Brown completed 13 of 31 passes for one other than 51 yard in first downs the Tigers got 14 what a name cut 16 as far as mistakes are confirmed the Tigers lost two fumbles but the tiger defense was certainly to the occasion tonight stopping Notre Dame in the first quarter at their own one-yard line well with the deceptive three times that combine the Tigers converted two of those into touchdowns they lost the fumble so it was not a good night for Notre Dame at all once again though the Tigers win it by a score of 28 to 8 they play Tulane here at Tiger Stadium next Saturday night kickoff will be at 7:30 the regular time and then on December the 18th they will journey to El Paso Texas to play in the Sun Bowl against Iowa State a winner although it's almost a fifth before nothing today the students have just about this mantle the North Pole they've got one of the arms down one of the uprights is down and they've Ricky on the other one there's a huge mass of humanity on the playing field at the present time they fill it out onto the playing field with only one second remaining division decided to go ahead and call it over so it was a great victory for LSU tonight defeating Notre Dame here the second time this played and unfortunately than Irish Kentucky back on the tiger schedule any time in the near future but it was a great game for LSU of if you wind up next week against Tulane they're wound up if there are successful to go school and they wound up with an eighth win and three losses we said before they will play on the Sun Bowl on December the 18th against Iowa State so once again the final score LSU 28 Notre Dame 8 or John Ferguson this is walter hill saying good night the dragon
Channel: Boys From The Boot
Views: 17,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LSU Tigers, Notre Dame Fighting Irish, SEC, NCAA Football, 1971, Charlie Mac, full game, football, LSU vs Notre Dame, LSU vs Notre Dame 1971, SEC football, SEC football 1971
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 35sec (9155 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2015
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.