1968 #1 Purdue @ #2 Notre Dame No Huddle

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and there is the prayer prior to the opening kickoff on the part of the Notre Dame players in their coach era Parseghian each team with a victory Notre Dame a victory over Oklahoma Purdue beating Virginia the Goodyear blimp we welcome that fine aerial artistry the part of Goodyear here to South Bend Indiana is our live ABC color cameras they're showing you this shot of Notre Dame Stadium and so it will be the Boilermakers of Purdue from right to left kicking to Notre Dame Bob Glenn Joe is back one of them in back number 20 and Dennis Allen and the kick is up in the air it's good and deep and this is my Joe at the five for Notre Dame coming out to the 10 the 15 to 20 stepping his way i tailing it up to about the 28 yard line Seymour number 85 to the far side glad Joe in motion number five the quarterback Hanratty a beautiful run by the full-back Jeff Zimmerman in the slot is Denny Allen number 22 and high-stepping it through is our pine running quarterback Terry Hanratty Denny Allen leather Seymour to the near side from the 45 glad Joe and Notre Dame looking awesome in this very first series of downs at about 14 minutes remaining John O'Reilly comes in to make the tackle for the Purdue Boilermakers defense and we have a Boilermakers shaken up on the play [Applause] as number 45 Richard may hurt as you look at the offensive team of Notre Dame seem or absent split any Denny Allen carried the ball Denny Allen is opposite third and three nice draw play going for the first down they are close but the Purdue defense come together on Jeff Zimmerman Jim arey era number 81 is back to punt back for Purdue is Tim Foley number 43 is off the side of the foot a very bad punt on the part of Notre Dame's punter and it is dead Notre Dame ran five plays here in South Bend on the sixth play Jim Arrieta punted 24 yards and now for dews offensive team has the ball for the first time in a scoreless ballgame you look at the lineup and Mike fifths is 15 the quarterback Jim Kirkpatrick 25 Laroy Keyes 23 Murray Williams 47 Cooper is the split into the near side on the ball goes to keys keys cuts upfield steps over and gets about 6 yards on the play he's this time as a tailback second down and four and here is keys beautiful pursuit by the Notre Dame defense there is keeper and a rifles one the number 46 Randy Cooper Cooper back live Laroy keys to this side look to loose bro but recovered by it appeared it was curry William Mason in the backfield with the problem it is complete the Kirkpatrick as keeper it is more than filling in for injured Mike Phipps but here we have a look at Phipps over on the sidelines and but appear from that that it's probably a chest injury of some sort there is keeper now looking down and throwing behind it is a second down at 10:00 following an incompletion Bob Dillingham to the near side keeper wants to throw throws out in the flat over the head of the righties Bob Dillingham number 82 to the near side keeper getting good protection fills one and finds his mark Laroy keys far side Dillingham to the near side first and ten at the 24 keeper giving to Williams the full-back as he pulls his way inside the 20 star quarterback pitch was hurt keeper pitches out to Laroy keys and keys will be drawing that type of a crowd up Don keeper the reserve quarterback on a third and three all right kids on a halfback oxen pass it's in their beautiful defensive work 34 yard field goal tried by Jeff Jones of Purdue it is up it is / dude takes a three to nothing lead on a 34 yard field goal by Jeff Jones and this year he is 2 for 2 [Music] combined to bring you all the thrills of college football the timeout the scores Purdue 3 Notre Dame nothing 8:28 remaining in the first quarter Purdue leads 3 to nothing Jones moves to the ball it's high it's a short of Allen and Glencoe it is taken by number 38 of Notre Dame run dish nay jim wyngaarden the tight end here's that passive but was talking about and it is didn't see more on a beauty and knocked out of bounds and so they keep it on the ground great T in the backfield see those flick to the left here's glad Joe Jimmer Jeff Zimmerman blocking beautifully for his teammate Seymour also on this side what a formation it is there's Allen 2-yard loss second and 12 for Notre Dame at the Purdue 30 and ready Seymour going out there is thrown behind him look at the average to 34 to 39 Jim wine Gardner now the tight end is split to the far side with Ellen in the slot Seymour and hen ride his big taste and he throws it and guess who's there to catch it all writers a field goal now by Scott Hempel and a fake field goal and the bowl well there was a bad pass from Center now Purdue will try with keeper the reserve quarterback Mike Clips is still on the bench from the 35 the Loy keys on an option throwing that was five Dillingham as keys goes to the far side and two men go with it so Don Keefer gives to his hat back Jim Kirkpatrick he's a tailback this time like he's trying to get that first down and is hit hard to the Notre Dame defenses dick Byrd now kicks it end over end Bob glad Joe calls for a fair catch at his own 27 yard line from the 27 Terry Hanratty has similar to the far side glad Jill absent Allen finds a big hole and Denny Allen is a Weber stint n at their own 38 Allen goes to the far side Seymour Hobson and Jeff Zimmerman now it's a second down to nine at the 39 Notre Dame nation far side Zimmerman finds that whole performance thus far this year first and ten from the 49 and now with Notre Dame establishing its second down and one at the Purdue 42 yard line Tim mati over the ball hand ready any calls on mr. Zimmerman who gets more than enough for a Notre Dame first down Purdue leads three to nothing three minutes 13 left in the first quarter and ratty blocking believe me it's great to be a ball carrier second down and six in there Zimmerman glad Joe is in the slot see more to the near side wine Gardner the tight end is opposite there's see more going deep and on the short pass it was too glad Joe the man see more to the far side and ready that's play Joe going to the deep spot in they are hypo mission glad Joe gets the first down and more nearly an official way Joe in this slide as Alan in motion the new formation cinnamon in bear hug Boilermakers leading with a minute to go in the first quarter three to nothing Seymour is to the left straight T in the backfield glad Joe on a sweet and bland Joe is upended at about the seven yard line for B with the ball 15 seconds remaining in the first quarter third down and Purdue's defense comes in on Bob glad Joe again so at the end of the first quarter here in South Bend the score is Purdue three Notre Dame nothing scott temple tried a 35-yard earlier and this one is coming from the 17 plus chin in the end zone it is no good a 27 yard attempt by scott Hempel of Notre Dame is no good here is Fitz giving to Kirkpatrick good second effort seven for and cheese is really being defense Mike pips number 15 sons Randi Cooper to the far side keys to the nearside third down and four and there goes curry Williams trying for the first down it doesn't appear that he made it throwing back for Notre Dame is Joe Theismann and a rush on the kicker a very short kick a Notre Dame will get that ball at the Purdue 37 from the 38 Terry Hanratty RI slot formation to the far side and that is Dennis Allen flanker back the chef Zimmerman who gasps blockers boy did he make some moves [Applause] fledge Oh falls forward for the first down the ball was at the Purdue 26 first down Purdue leads three to nothing I spiked by hen ratted good blocking he throws deep and second and ten Denny Allen to the near side see more to the far side on the option and ready see more still and he's gone to the far side of the field he's out on the pass better now hen ratty looks upset and there's wine Gardner a fight in number 96 now only nine yards away from a touchdown Zimmerman bounces off Chuck Kyle [Applause] let go the Rockies wine Gardner is the tight end third down and ratty pitching out and Notre Dame is in later [Applause] a sophomore gets his touchdown era Parseghian is six for six thus far this year from last week's game it's a fan 937 the second quarter serving its 100th year with time out the score is Notre Dame 7 Purdue 3 following their touchdown Jim Kirkpatrick is deep he runs kicks back very well at the 5 10 15 20 25 boy did he run into a wall of Mike fixes in a quarterback the right keys to the near side double coverage and the pass is completed here's Purdue now with a first and ten from their own 37 Mike Phipps finds another receiver staying away from keys and it's Bob Gillingham Lee in the defensive halfback in the safety man and now back live as Purdue had picked up a first down the right Keys getting double coverage again as Mike pitch looks down the middle and Gillingham now is caught three in a row [Applause] Kirkpatrick talk from behind keys to the nearside second and nine from the Notre Dame 36 Purdue trailing 73 very spits and intended for a Dillingham double cover keys on a third and nine but there's keys with the ball and look at that it's the one what pursuit be seeing both these teams again on our live telecast here's pitch and fixes to the 18 yard line a seven-yard gain with six minutes remaining in the first half Notre Dame or Notre Dame's defense now going against Purdue second and three that was a pull back Barry Allen trying to Dillingham and Griffin are to the far side the endless and here is keys going for the first time look at I'd move there he goes beautiful play by a poll Americans the Roy keys and let me tell you that's one of the great runs I've ever seen some move believe me 16 yards as plantain King threw up Lockport Laroy keys and Purdue Lee's 9 7 face that they didn't have the speed now Jeff Jones adds another point for the Purdue cause and here at Notre Dame Stadium it's time out in South Bend Indiana where the score is produ 10 Notre Dame 7 if he's had any daylight at all that just give him a little bit it's all the way Jeff Zimmerman and pledge or back along with Denny Allen here is Allen a good runner he scored the Notre Dame touchdown you recall and he fights his way across his own 25 Weingarten the tight end of the near side in the slot whoa beautiful fake by Hanratty and guess who he found see more as I mentioned earlier it's very difficult for the double coverage to hold up crushed Bob glad Joe second down and seven now the Notre Dame at the 49 and ratty and a loved one and ratty is 5 for 8 now with the 3rd down and 7 on his own 49 and it's tipped and intercepted by Purdue it is Bob UNESCO who took the tip bowl and the Boilermakers are inside the Notre Dame 30 who leads 10 to 7 four minutes left in the first half and it's completed to Kirkpatrick and a good arm tackle 325 left in the first half getting the first down is fullback in co-captain Harry William how the ball is at the 17 of Notre Dame first down Purdue Bob going into the far side here's a Gillingham the pass being thrown by keys it is a touchdown Purdue the rookie's has just thrown a bomb - Bob Dillingham and Purdue leading 16 the Senate mr. everything the right keys to the end Bob Dillingham Phipps holding its up that's good 257 remaining in the first half and a tip pass and an interception by Bob janowska for Purdue as then Mike tips 30 yards three plays a 17 yard pass from Laroy keys to Bob Dylan half spirited Fighting Irish band Jeff Jones kicking under Schnee Ellen now comes over has the flanker back to the near side with Seymour opposite good fake there was a flat pass to glad Joe number twenty second and five beautiful move this ball and put over the covers Perdue has recovered a fumble by Bob glad Joe his hands he was hit before he was able to get the ball over to the left arm from the 41 Mike Phipps throws long to Dillingham he is down at the Notre Dame 17 Dillingham has caught five for 75 yards Purdue with the first and 10 at the 16 Mike Phipps six of seven in the air and it is complete to of Dillingham Mike Phipps had the boom Lord on him and he is down on the field as Dillingham cut that ball on a beautiful pass each 23 to 7 Jeff Jones with the flags going down hope and now for the point after and the Don keeper who was holding the reserve quarterback team that last week scored 45 points against tough Oklahoma as Jeff Jones kick now goes deep it is Denny Allen carrying the ball but attend the 15 the 2025 look at that fine effort here's this time that it's going to be a four-man rush to seven men covered draw to Alan and diagnosing the play has element motion good protection and jimsim are playing and loose to keep him to join Holloway now from the 44 a near interception by number 44 of Purdue John O'Reilly and did glad Joe then catch it he did fit to the left and right now it appears like it's all the way for O'Reilly rather not fully mistaken look at the recovery by glad yoga those are kind of reflexes that make superior athletes now with the ball at the Perdue 45 Tom Eaton is on the line up went to the near side of the field Hanratty looks for one of the two eras Seymour ready had the rush put on number 89 s to the nearside on a second attempt from the Purdue 45 and what a catch by Tom Eaton and his Notre Dame has a first in ten of the Purdue 30 with 36 seconds remaining in the first half flat Joe to the far side along with senior and Hanratty as time it was intended for Tom Eaton Seymour to the far side Eaton to the near side with glad Joe in motion Seymour's out there looking back and nearly intercepted and he's thrown 17 yards for a touchdown in the first half Seymour getting double coverage now and Randy Rose it into the flat too glad Joe and at the shoe tops glad Joe and Seymour to the far side Eaton is to the opposite on 4th and 10th and Hanratty and Laroy keys knock him out of bounds ten seconds left up between the 13 and 14 is Seymour and Eaton are to the near side and Hanratty throws a bullet Seymour is hugging come eatin the sophomore of Notre Dame and that is the first verse of a touchdown pass but by Tom Egan of Lancaster Ohio in ten plays Scott Hempel mixed to score 23 to 14 now only nine points separating these two powers on side try by Notre Dame and it failed to go 10 yards that gives Purdue good field position first and 10 from the 48 I was intended for tight and Marian Griffin and time has expired in an exciting first half here in northern Indiana my colleague mr. bud Wilkinson and here's the second half kick Lambert kicking off Kirkpatrick is at five to ten to fifteen moving outside of the 20 and then surrounded by a pack of Notre Dame players idle coca-cola things go better with coke Mike FEPs passing for Purdue it is complete to the man who was caught to touchdown the Rockies now to the near side from the 39 Mike Phipps wanting to go to the air again and he finds Bob Gillingham again nine completions out of 11 attempts for fifth from the 49 that was Kirkpatrick Cooper is in it end on the far side of the field here is Phipps still staying in the air he is passing deep it was Randy Cooper who third and ten now there's Mike Phipps and he's gone 49 being rushed he completes it to Bob Dylan ham alright keys to the near side from the 39 of Notre Dame there's one the keys it was covered on the play Heisman Trophy candidate now goes to the far side the Rockies on the second intent interception pass intended for Dillingham a beautiful defensive play by Notre Dame's Bob nighters see more to the near side of the field the 29 and ready a running play Jeff Zimmerman second for odor Dame that was Bob blech Oh 31 going for the first down is glad Joe from the 40 of Notre Dame first down nice fake by Hanratty Seymour all alone in Seymour out of bounds and now from the Purdue 40 first down Notre Dame and the tight end Jim line Gardner Allen to the far side beautiful blocking for Bob pledge Oh from the 16 first down Notre Dame threatening that was Denny Allen who gain on the play at the 16 of Purdue Seymour and glad Joe set away from the mine here is Hanratty way deep Plateau complete so here on a third and 10 from the Purdue 16 awesome Notre Dame receivers all over the field and the pressure but Hanratty gets it off and glad Joe couldn't hook it in on an angle now 32 yards including the 10 yards of the endzone Scott's kick is up and it is no good so it's time out here at Notre Dame Stadium from the 20 and there's Kirkpatrick taking him Dillingham on the near side keys to the far side second and five busting through is the fullback he gets the first down for the Boilermakers sees through another two Billingham he's to the far side and the sweet and there's Chris Patrick and Purdue gets its ground game going now now Billingham is in tight Williams going outside second and seven from the 26 for Purdue the right keys to the near side down the middle to Billingham Bob Dillingham far I formation on the part of Purdue the ends are in tight and the quarterback Mike Phipps getting the first down about the 11 yard line and Laroy keys was barreling for the first down Perdue going for it inside the Notre Dame 10 a big play psychologically and what ever way you want to look at it and Fitz charge forward and it appeared that he had forward progress now the measurement Notre Dame has held there deep in their own territory now at the seven with a first and to era Seymour cutting back in beautiful play to peel laterally picked up great yardage 23 yards first down Henry looking for Wayne Gardner and Franzen for another 10 or 11 yard get first down on the 41 a draw beautiful 6:13 left in the third quarter out goes Seymour out goes Wayne Gardner and that was mr. wine Gartner who third down in less than a yard at the Purdue 49 what a dame with the ball giving to glad Joe gonna go fine that gives them a little more beef up front I guess so only one man in the back field and that is Zimmerman and Zimmerman felled through a tiny hole first and ten at the Purdue 48 Hanratty number five virtually exchanged [Music] can you see more hello in the i-formation faking again and it goes to the tight end Jim wine gardener there at the Purdue 2224 first down for the Irish Danny Allen second and ten now at the 22 Allen is plankton to the left Seymour to the right and there was a heads-up play by the boy born in Athens third down and 14 for a Notre Dame at the Purdue 26 and ready at Allen in motion Seymour is going out and it's incomplete intended for Wayne Gardner defenses Allen now and fourth and 14 they are going for it very confident team down and it backfires they have the ball first and ten at their own 37 where's Malloy keys finds a hole goes outside prays to pull away is up and number eleven Don Reed of he almost made the play to the outside but lead was able to hang on for new staying on the ground on a stand Brown now to the near side Brown is going out trying for a one-hand catch Brown to the near side Randy Cooper is in for Purdue on the second antenna Spitz throws in the flat to Harry Williams the fullback and Harry pull his way look at that power the co-captain of Purdue at the 29 first down Purdue Dan Brown to the near side that's looking kept running and fetch lens into his own second and seven now Stan Brown still in the lineup and the fullback got nowhere 30 Williams Oh seconds remaining third quarter keys is to the far side along with Marion Griffin [Applause] [Music] there's keys inside the 20 at the end of the third quarter here at Notre Dame Stadium in northern Indiana the score is Purdue 23 Notre Dame 14 but and I suggest you get comfortable for this fourth and final quarter Purdue first and 10 at the Notre Dame 17 there's keys and T's is gone what a football player he has thrown for one he has raced for 216 yards of his first touchdown run and 17 on this honey he had been breaking it to the outside on every occasion Chris that time as he turned upfield he gave up that little head fake to the outside and then zipped right down the middle for sectioning Chris a Keyes looks almost like he could have a glass of water on his head and not spill a drop he's that smooth and now Jeff Jones will kick to Notre Dame let's run aggression a who carried the ball there is a fumble let's see who recovered it the referee is very emphatic Johnny Allen to the near side along with Seymour from the 24 there's hand ready being rushed and hit hard second and eight now from the 26 out in the flat through glad Joe it is a trap ball on a third and eight [Applause] and ready he is brought down by the Purdue defense Bob UNESCO 58 3 Jim Arrieta will punt for notre dame let's put it it's coming back here that's Tim Foley looking at at number 43 there's see more 85 so it's 10 at the 46 is raging on you'll see them all again this year on ABC and there is Leroy getting into Notre Dame territory second and six from the 49 of Notre Dame this is Kirkpatrick Phipps blocking but he's the clip calls it properly so it'll be a second down now for Purdue and the ball comes back to the 38 and Randy Cooper number 46 come to the near side there's pimps getting pass protection he's got an open field and gets back she's a Notre Dame 48 Billingham to the far side now and a third down and about five [Music] and mr. Dillingham is continuing to do it first and ten from the 36 now for the Boilermakers they ride a sure tackle a personal foul [Applause] [Music] Patrick beautiful whoops my keys to the nearside mic fix is looking and he finds Jim Kirkpatrick at the nineteen this is going to be an effort of 35 yards it's up and it is short so Notre Dame takes over following a missed field goal as the ball first and tenant to 20 with 10 minutes 13 seconds left in the ballgame and Notre Dame as Terry Hanratty following the pass Allen to the near side along with Seymour and simmerman limping noticeably gets a passionate flat-out say third down and 14 [Applause] an interception by John O'Reilly from Fort Wayne Indiana now for do with the ball at the Notre Dame 31 Mike fish coming to the right Keys blocking for Leroy look at this move arrived keys getting to the 18 which gear makes the tackle and there goes the fullback curry Williams touchdown Purdue Jim Kirkpatrick through the block and Purdue moves 18 yards on a hunt for the fullback co-captain Perry Williams two plays following an interception and this is the third time today following a Notre Dame this view that Purdue has gone on to score [Music] kick is up [Music] that ejected Notre Dame fans who booted to Notre Dame 37:14 Bobby glad Joe with the ball at the 15 to 20 [Applause] go you nasca number 58 I'm fully 43 and now a new quarterback for Notre Dame sophomore Joe Theismann of South River New Jersey from the 40 misses finds Minh getting two yards second and eight Notre Dame on its own 42 this is Joe Theismann number seven completing two Denny Allen [Applause] [Applause] second down and 14 Hanratty at the controls lying bastard to make the for 3:37 Seymour going out and ready looking his receivers are covered now he spots one and it's Glen Joe fourth and seven Jim wine gardener as freshly as the full-back interception a third interception of Terry Hanratty today and this one picked off by junior Don Webster now has the ball once more first and ten from the 21 and in the lineup Mike Engelbrecht who now has a second down and six at its own 25 Mike Phipps giving the bullet and Bullock gets his baptism of fire and look at that Hey fumble Notre Dame has come up with a football on a fumble recovery and on the very first play you saw Henry D trying to hit Jim Seymour 5:11 left playing time with the explosive Notre Dame offense here's Hanratty and he throws one and what a catch by Bob glad Joe people and as he was turning in bounced he got the ball and ratty handing off to glad Joe build on a second down and eight from the 10-yard line of fur dude and ratty food third and six Hanratty out goes Alan he may get in touchdown Denny Ellen of Ashtabula Ohio number 22 on an 8 yard pass Hanratty to Allen and makes the score 37 to 20 and now they go for two points hen ready [Applause] Denny Allen we've got the touchdown pass it's two more Hanratty with great timing making the score now 37 to 22 15 points - touchdown - successful extra point tries to and this thing is not over yet let's go on ten yards and look out Notre Dame may have recovered the football belongs to Notre Dame war with dramatic subtlest there is Hanratty lips Linda glad you look at the blockers ahead of him and there he goes how about as we look at Hanratty Seymour is split to the near side and complete let's see this is a formation that's quite unique [Applause] [Music] similar to the farside in the flat all alone is glad you and he is forced out of bounds at the 22 this traditional battle and Randi on fourth down miss Oh beautifully flocked here and here's a pass way out of the end zone today 16 of 25 193 yards a gun happy and I'm sure that's what happened to Purdue they stopped Notre Dame warhead they Williams this is Williams [Applause] 75 Barbican burg 245 Keys is entitled on with Williams where is key a couple of more steps keys and Williams the setbacks behind Mike pips there is peas again buh buh what a heads-up play pretty 30 now for Purdue pull the right keys and can he play football have joked Iceland beat iseman looking at it Bob glad yo has it at the 32 makes a nice move you may make it and look at that battle what a play as Purdue comes up with the fumble that play by the Purdue man number 21 was sensational he's to the near side that cheaper is the quarterback and that's what he does start for their time pickup of this game is cheaper on a cheaper with about eight seconds to go also Pat's on the back to our longtime spotter go free Oh Norristown very caps teen and Ben gates Columbia City once again the final score Purdue 37 Notre Dame 22 and now this is Chris Schenkel along with bud Wilkinson saying so long from Notre Dame Stadium in South Bend Indiana
Channel: SteelBuck 6
Views: 17,577
Rating: 4.8125 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 59sec (2399 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 22 2018
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