NOTHING HAPPENED.. | One Piece Episode 377 Couples Reaction & Discussion

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foreign how's it going everyone welcome back to our Channel today everyone watch One Piece episode 377. last episode ended with Kuma using ursus shock yeah another episode killed all of three what happens here because of her eyeshadow picture get a few weeks ahead of the UT fellows and he got following her action so one piece series if you're interested in those make sure you check it out now on TV anime into my show no way everything's gone so the no it's right there it's right there it's just oh it's like a prank well I think it seemed like everything was gone where's everyone whoa everyone's gone what the [ __ ] she sounds so heavy in his footsteps oh my God they're actually all knocked out where's the crew oh everyone's here he's got National fear no oh my God sound effects they play for his double fruit powder that's gonna land on someone what oh my God yay oh no he landed on top what the [ __ ] what the hell he's a cyborg he's a cyborg what the heck is that why he's so huge he's so cranky wait what oh my God oh my God he's firing his laser [Music] girl get out [Music] holy crap okay that's why Sanji can't kick him that's why you hurt his leg how is Zorro still okay Zora's a monster he survived the Bob and he's still attacked him [Applause] it melted the metal [Music] this is so shiny whatever doesn't mean the government literally just made their own weapon that they're trying to like pluton and stuff is that what he is n't what the dog food yes [Music] foreign [Music] oh my gosh [ __ ] God this has to be one like those moments man I didn't think they could make him any more sexier oh my God holy crap no way [Music] [Music] I believe they got these guys this is insane this Sasha can barely stand shaking holy crap yo this episode's intense the all willing to sacrifice themselves foreign oh my God come on come on just leave please actually he hasn't spoken a word this will make it even less satisfying than before like there's no way he would do it right that was his whole thing he won't do it unless but maybe he respects the world huh that's what I'm hoping that's all right he might just do it just because foreign what is he doing [Music] right now do that what the hell he can do that it's not even a tangible thing [Applause] [Applause] go away yeah dude what oh oh my God I don't believe this is even happening right now everybody's knocked out they cannot do anything to stop him [Music] what the frick [Music] they're not even gonna show us are you serious you know come on he knows he knows he knows he knows he knows that Luffy is dragon's son what the world government doesn't know [Music] why'd you know that I don't know how he knows that the whole is far from dude they don't even know what's going on depending how he uses he can like heal people yeah he can take all the pain away he could turn and do that and defeat the enemy he [ __ ] tanked that [ __ ] did he oh my God foreign [Applause] is like the [ __ ] man like [ __ ] he's not even I don't want to say what happened he just took it and that's it he saved everyone Kuma can't even take him yeah after that because he was expecting Zorro to just die to die right but I'm assuming he saw him live and then he was like holy [ __ ] there's nothing he can do because it'll bring shame upon himself yeah to kill someone after doing that yeah oh my God that was crazy oh my God this episode I think they made Zorro like you know one of the top two members oh my God he's just so cool did he carried literally he just like took on the warlord himself oh my God I can't yeah like I said that I didn't think they could make him any more cooler anymore sexier like what like they could have gave it to oh my God we should have a cigarette of him in this stage dude this place is like all blood yeah he saw hell yeah yeah he is yeah he is a demon he survived that he survived how I came down and he came back out of there and he's not seeing anything it just seems like he's like to talk his eyes are like blush shot red and he's just like nothing happened oh my God his perseverance is insane right holy crap it's like he was accepting death at that moment but he still has it in him to still fight against that yeah yeah because if he give up then he would have just died his ambition he would have lost this yeah exactly he still has that ambition even though he accepts that he was gonna take it and like die he still have that his ambition is stronger yeah he still had that in him he can't take that away from him you know it's his character this is crazy this episode holy crap this whole episode was like a Zorro I don't know what is it either fan service I think this is like to worship Zorro after this man look what the hell the Mansion did holy [ __ ] God you have saved everyone and and didn't say a word I know oh my God just waiting oh my God I can't wait until the next episode when the whole crew goes and he's like what the [ __ ] are you gonna happen yeah and whatever yeah he doesn't see it like he did something great for them yeah to him it's just something he should have done he had to do or something God damn that was insane with that little that small bubble the red bubble did so much damage and then next thing that he just charged into it holy [ __ ] yeah right I think because he already prepared for him now for it I think that is Kuma's downfall it's letting him know what to expect yeah right taste of it I think he prepared himself yeah because if he gave that at the full-scale attack in the first place then Zoro will get [ __ ] up because like that small one already like screwed him up so badly right but it's because he got a taste of it now he knows what he is going up against like he can prepare himself holy crown mentally spiritually I don't know what he did oh my God I'm like blushing off so you're so cool crazy and this episode like the like up the animation too yeah it's not even a fight it's just it's just a showcasing Zora right oh my God it was so detailed and then when Sanji showed up too oh my God he didn't even listen he was like yeah okay whatever like say what you want but I'm still gonna do it honestly it was such a surprise when he came in with the attack was that this episode did that happen this episode yeah it came out and he attacked Kuma yeah he even like survived that ball yeah it like knocked everyone out he came out still had energy to a land of attack that was wild Puma he has a lot of abilities I'm so interested in him he's such a cool interesting character I think I don't think he's I think he has morals yes to a certain extent right like for example he didn't want to kill Sanji and Zorro in the earlier episodes because he said oh I wouldn't find pleasure from that like it sounds like maybe he's saying it in some kind of sick way before but I think from this episode the fact that he let Zoro go is show that he has a certain standard for himself I think he wanted to give them like a fighting chance if even if they had one like we don't know if they'd stood a chance against him but it seems like he would have enjoyed either the fight with them or give them a better chance to fight him and he says he's a man of his words yeah like before he does it yeah I think he doesn't want to go after people that he knows this like in the weekend's day like he wants them even if they are weaker than him he still wants them to have like 100 chance at their full capabilities to go after attack um him and defend themselves against him right like he gave them a fair chance even if it was like he had he is way uh above them he still wants them to have a chance themselves to show their own use their own capability so I think he does have some kind of standard for himself and some is kind of morals like he's not you know it's not these scum scummy characters yeah he's definitely doesn't seem like he's just coming here too yeah he does have a sense of justice and he knows he has his own morals I need no dragon that was so weird so from the way he said that I feel like him it seems like he personally knows yeah does it feel like he's friends with dragon or something what if he's a spy he's only working for the world government and then he's giving info to Dragon no way that would be like is Oda setting this up it could be that's not why he's sucking up to them and like doing all their ordeals and everything for them that could be like he's probably the favorite warlord right honestly yeah he probably is and then if things do not know like there's relationship it doesn't because they really keep an eye out on the Warlords and like what they're doing really so like he could be feeding people to Dragon without them even knowing like it wouldn't make sense that the world government knows that dragon has a son but for Kuma to know yeah maybe he does have some kind of relationship with dragon no he has to because he's saying it like he knows Dragon like this line right what does he say I should have a certain no less from your son it's like you wouldn't say that if you didn't know that person like oh yeah this is a good term too yeah it seemed like they're on good terms that's weird yeah considering he's a warlord right but it's maybe it's like you're saying he's fine that's pretty funny maybe he is a spy and he's friends with Dragons kind of like how mihawk is like buddy buddy with um shanks and they drink together yeah yeah yeah right but then to then I don't know because if he is friends with dragon does that mean he was never gonna give Luffy up to the government he's doing his job I don't know he was doing his job I don't know like sometimes like we kind of like tell well if you're suspecting that he is trying to give info to Dragon right then that means like oh would he have really given up leafy or would he uh taking him or something yeah now we don't know now yeah we don't know if he would have done that yeah I mean it seemed like he was gonna do it though so I don't know I don't know if we can see I don't know if we can assume that he's conspiring of a dragon right now he hears something though he's a freaking cyborg he's a Human Weapon doesn't that mean he's kind of like pluton and um uh Poseidon Poseidon like a like a weapon is that what they're trying to compare him to [Music] um yeah I think it's just like a literal oh yeah like he's a humanized weapon look so he was human before and he had this double fruit but then I guess since he worked for Dr Vega Punk experiments around him yeah because she works for the government he has they have the resources to do stuff like this to give them enhancements basically yep and I guess he accepted it yeah he took it oh oh he has a name yeah maybe maybe I'm seeing him as like he is literally a Poseidon or uh so they're trying to make him similar to kind of to an ancient weapon or something it could be is that what they're trying to say here does that mean he has a weakness if he's incomplete I feel like he do but then like is he ever going to be complete like what's the definition of incomplete like it's are they still working on him or working progress or is he like a failed one because they're saying ah pacifista like says there wait what did he say that yeah there's more yeah I'm wondering if there is more oh if they say dog then I'm like okay he is the one right but now you're pointing that out so apart that's scary then that means there could be other ones right and then since the this is he has a result of this experimentation from Dr Vega Punk how do we know that he is now performing experimentation on other people right maybe by saying he's incomplete is as in they're not mean yeah failed one like he's a prototype he's something yeah he's a test yeah he was one that they were testing on yeah and there's somebody else that they are trying to create this completed this completed one yeah hard to say right now so that the world government can use I guess maybe maybe in a way it's kind of similar to what you say because we know the world government wants the ancient weapons but they can't get them because they need Robin right so they're trying to maybe make their own oh my God yeah honestly it sounds like something they would do yeah why not I still want power and then you say like oh you're suspecting maybe the government will like attack um what's it called Whitebeard if if our Theory regarding Ace and Blackbeard is correct right and that means you were saying that oh maybe they are going to take this opportunity to attack wifey or maybe their secret weapon is the passifista yeah because it seems like Zoro doesn't know what the heck he was talking about so this term is something that is not really well known yet meaning it's like a secretive thing not secretive it's like nobody really knows about it yeah because it's not revealed because it has exactly it hasn't been revealed and like a better place to test it on and if and if we never slashed open history we wouldn't have even known about this right yeah so I feel like maybe this passifista thing is like a secret thing that the government is working on and then maybe that's their secret weapon to use against the four Emperors because like we talked about this before it's like oh they are a period of Peace but that does not mean that they are not working um to take control to take control and prepare themselves in case of anything happening right so they could use this on Dragon they can use it as a pirate like they're very useful to them because they keep bringing him off and it's like this guy has is 500 years ahead well he did make the the items yeah that's why I eat the dog for someone and he yeah like how how is this guy have that much knowledge you know what I mean like 500 years ahead that's like multiple Generations like how is you know if when I was young yeah that's why I'm so suspicious suspicious of him if it's really just a matter of him being smart or there's something else because like how can someone be so smart out there 500 years ahead he ate the smart smart first that's insane like that's ridiculous smart smart you think he has a devil fruit yeah why not why does it always why is this outfit always need a fight maybe he has like a brain one he's a big brain baby yeah I feel like it's an impossible like scientific knowledge dude damn it feels good to be on like the world government side if you're like a well-known scientist yeah you can just do whatever the hell you want he's like hiding doing his experiments of this guy's like doing whatever the hell he wants an idiot he could have been working for the girl yeah he couldn't honestly because he was he was such a creep though he chose syndrie over his own yeah over just being a normal freaking decent human being yeah thanks for watching everyone if you guys enjoyed this video hit the thumbs up it really helps with the channel and if you're new here make sure to hit the Subscribe button below we'll see you guys in the next video bye peace foreign
Channel: JDanime 2
Views: 277,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, luffy, nami, sanji, ussop, zoro, jdanime, funny, cute, couple, react, reacts, manga, onepiece, one piece, coby, helmeppo, axe morgan, captain morgan, shanks, captain kuro, buggy, alvida, garp, merry, 3 sword style, gum gum, berries, bounty, jackie, devi, jackie and devi, jdanime 2, couples, reactions, japan, anime, one, piece, dorry, broggy, alabasta, vivi
Id: 5zR4pejEnTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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