WHAT HAPPENED?!?! END OF THE STRAWHATS?! | One Piece Episode 405 Couples Reaction & Discussion

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foreign how's it going everyone welcome back to our Channel today we're going to watch One Piece episode 405 last episode ended with the real Kuma appearing and sending Zorro somewhere else hopefully Kuma sent him somewhere similar you get a few weeks ahead of the YouTube festivals and you got following keriations the 1p series so if you're interested in those make sure to check it out now on to the anime show [ __ ] you oh my God Choppers lost control too [Music] oh Chopper just grabbed him and throw him away yeah right we don't have time for you right now foreign foreign the official recognition is insane [Music] oh oh damn he he is actually saving them he is yeah he's not letting them die what why tell this is when we're like whose side is he on [Music] yeah he's so worried about he's afraid he's afraid of losing his friends foreign oh [Music] yeah oh my God he just gotta slowly tell her every single hopefully somewhere safe like come on give us something here Kuba he's infuriated now oh yeah like mid-air or something it's not sweating though I think he's struggling more yeah he's retired though the other age right it's not really fair we why the [ __ ] what did he say what what the hell oh my God are you kidding me what it was you why he fears his own situation he can't hit him they're on the same team oh [ __ ] [Music] why oh my God is he good why is he telling us to trust him do we trust him the choice is ours do we trust him I don't know those paws are so Opie oh [ __ ] oh wow oh he repels himself God damn [Music] dude everyone hears [Applause] do you trust him I don't know I don't know what's happening yo my heart is beating so fast I thought we're going to fisherman Island what the hell is happening what the heck I feel like my chest feels literally heavy right now I don't know like we're like Luffy right now we're like what what the heck even Luffy's like what what did they do like he doesn't have the answer [Music] you can't do anything dude this is just so tough to watch it's gonna teleport even Chopper I think he's near his time limit oh even Chopper oh my God just everyone you can send them all flying regardless how big they are oh my God he actually took all of them why is he not going after Luffy it's like he's oh my God is he playing with Luffy like why he specifically say Luffy for last is he even gonna send Luffy away I don't know what's up [ __ ] [Music] oh no that's this is so hard to watch he just lost all of his friends [Music] why are they doing this [Music] so I feel so heavy for Luffy [Music] we think he just lose everyone you know he doesn't know [Music] he actually have really strong connection with every single person on his crew it's not like someone just joined on the web you know they're all family yeah he's definitely blaming himself now even with his second gear he said like he had to get stronger to protect his friends [Music] [Applause] [Music] the one time Zoro cross yeah had tears Ruby Frankie Brook look at my story more [Music] you worry guy says yeah exactly [Music] saravada he actually just did it he just set them all away does that mean s what do you mean uh oh my God what the [ __ ] are they safe or not I'm like I like I was assuming maybe they are safe because like why the hell would Kua show up and like stop them from getting killed but at the same time I don't know farewell one that will never I will never see each other again what does that even mean like this is the last time he's gonna help them is that what he means or is it that because he helped them now he's in trouble or like what I don't know that's true he might be in trouble because even he's like you better have explanation for this and everything so because he did and he was saying like oh he was he's saying to relay he was like I'm worried for my own safety or something he fears his his own like situations yeah something's gonna happen to him that's kind of giving the vibe like he didn't really want to become like the experiment or like the side yeah right right like he's kind of like forced to or something yeah he say something trust me I fear for my own situation as well so is there something happening something's happening to him something's happening with him even though he's so loyal to like the old government there's something he's afraid of is it white beard is there a station to fight white beer right although is it that he think he he will die because he doesn't die anyways why does it matter they're all stationed to say white to fight wiper now right so you think like just because he's gonna die he's just decided to help I don't know but then when I'm warlord have like that kind of mindset it's weird right like why would you accept your own death yeah before it even happened I think it has to do something with the government yeah also like he's part cyborg so they could have did something to his body that's true what if they're like working on him right and you say like the prototypes aren't complete does that just mean they're gonna keep working on it right hard to say like I was thinking maybe because vegapunk has done work on him there could be something memory or some way that the government can control him or or kill him or make himself destruct you know stuff like that because because his body is not his own that's right the government has done stuff to it they technically own his body at this point but I don't know why because he would have had to agree to that in the first place so why did you agree in the first place yes I'm so confused of Kuma now man like do you think he's safe though I feel like he did right in a way I feel like he's saying because he told he said no matter what he did say that yeah like that doesn't change that he did save their life from his Rock because like uh they were not gonna Escape they were not gonna Escape that for sure yeah so he did save them but we just don't know where he sent them that's the main issue right now doesn't it just mean like really kind of like trusted him at the end but it's not like Bailey could do anything there's nothing occupied he was occupied and he couldn't even like save them if he wanted yeah oh I think it's his age it is it is because he's technically retired now so he should be like way older old man was a shaky son 50 years ago so they're like 67. they're elderly 67. yeah for him to be keeping just like this still has black hair right yeah yeah yeah yeah so he's probably like in his like 40s maybe yeah hard to say how old he is he looks he looks 40 but anime right yeah yeah for whatever reason he feel like threatened and now he's some reason siding with straw hats even though a couple episodes ago basically like he was gonna destroy them but now he's kind of going against what he was initially supposed to do so that's kind of weird to me now I think it's conflicting of his position so I think something maybe something happened in between that time period for him to like this for him to now feel like he is helping I'm assuming he's helping because he says to really trust me right like he would say that if he was not helping yeah so something happened in between the time that he fought with Zorro and now that he feels like he should be helping them we just don't know what it is is it because of Zorro do you think is because or it's kind of messed up like he he showed Mercy to Zoro and then here we are like these clones of his are here literally destroying them could that be it I think it's like us no I think it's deeper because like I said the last time situation is different from this time right like that Mercy should not have pulled up that's true in my opinion so something had to have happened for him to change his mind because last time he has he was going to fulfill his order right it was just because Zorro gained his respect that he did it so that's that was that time this is a different time now I wonder if it's because he doesn't get along with like uh Vega Punk or Santa Maru or something what do you think this could seem kind of like the like why is he here kind of not to see and he's like yeah and it's like they're using his body yeah I don't know see what it is but I feel like it had to something happen in between that time that instigated this because it feels like he's acting differently from before now because before he was all about you know the government and like but it's not Government Contracting these guys this is actually his true self like there's no motive but the government's initial order to capture them doesn't go away just because like that is it based on that that uh time though like do you think he's his job is still to capture the straw hats or he's like oh he failed like that's that so you you're thinking that he only follows that he's free to do whatever he was not like you know it's in my opinion like the order number shirt oh like his like his mission still was to just capture them well if his you know if he failed to fulfill his mission last time that he should be fulfilling his mission the next time right yeah we don't know his next mission we just don't know if that is the case so let's see thanks for watching everyone if you guys enjoyed this video hit the thumbs up it really helps with the channel and if you're new here make sure to hit the Subscribe button below we'll see you guys in the next video bye peace [Music] thank you foreign
Channel: JDanime 2
Views: 125,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, luffy, nami, sanji, ussop, zoro, jdanime, funny, cute, couple, react, reacts, manga, onepiece, one piece, coby, helmeppo, axe morgan, captain morgan, shanks, captain kuro, buggy, alvida, garp, merry, 3 sword style, gum gum, berries, bounty, jackie, devi, jackie and devi, jdanime 2, couples, reactions, japan, anime, one, piece, dorry, broggy, alabasta, vivi
Id: ETFIU2fkFv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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