RESPECTING ZORO & PARTYING. | One Piece Episode 378 Couples Reaction & Discussion

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foreign how's it going everyone welcome back to our Channel today we're going to watch One Piece episode 378 last episode ended with Zoro showing us what it means to be a man despite taking all the attack hell from the rest of the crew what happened if you liked tele support our Channel featuring link is down in the description below you'll get a few weeks ahead of the YouTube uploads and you'll get our full anchor reaction still one piece series if you're interested in those make sure to check it out the on TV anime ihima show foreign [Music] no we were right oh my God he lost he lost to Black actually no freaking way that's so messed up what he's casually he was just like to bring me a corpse that's why perona is not with them anymore she [ __ ] you [ __ ] left these [Music] oh if he loves cheese [Laughter] [Music] wait yeah how does she know oh take the shot the shadow knows she doesn't even know [Laughter] that she loves Lola can't believe this yeah now he's giving treasure away she only takes look like the Noland you didn't think of that too the last guy right it's his head foreign I'm not sure today [Music] because he would have wanted the same yeah look they're looking for that attention Robin heard everything which is good [Laughter] [Applause] you need to eat it's cute oh my God they're eating Gourmet I'm so lucky to eat something just cooking is that Kelly he cooked all of this himself that's crazy [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] hey [Laughter] chopper with his cake his cheeks [Music] [Music] Luffy the musicians he's gonna sing okay [Music] he's a true musician he plays Everything is [Music] Joker [Music] say anything [Music] this is the song he used to sing when he was alive [Music] how old is the song it takes me back [Music] now whenever they have victories the music will be from bro oh my God yeah don't just have him play a tune the party music right whoa really [Music] all the Pirates foreign Junior subscribe you can't say no to that face he's so cute together they wanted me [Music] so precious because they left them oh [Music] this is [Music] not sure he wouldn't know what even happened to him all these years oh that's so weird I'm so used to this guy skeleton right [Applause] [Music] and these guys are also fought other virus what yeah they still need entertainment on the ship I guess [Music] oh my God that's so cute I love that it kind of reminds me of like you know a pet or something like a dog right because they're not gonna do that with like a national animal because they're at Sea so I think and they would have lived it long time ago yeah oh Brook I'm so happy for sure you never heard about yeah you can end up meeting them as he was already doing his own thing all these years he's just been wondering how the prunes doing like what's going on with him like scared and sad yeah that he broke he couldn't keep their promise right I guess I guess he has to join now like yeah there's nothing holding him back he has to join that's so cute oh I love Luffy you are so kid like he does he does it's so cute yeah he's just having a good time right now okay okay Ace what the heck were we right about that no way oh yeah I think I can't believe it wait I was thinking that was what happened but just to think that Ace loss is still [ __ ] insane like last of the ace I feel like that's implying he's done right like he's in the prison now yeah they caught him that would make like what they're showing right now would make sense now to how Blackbeard got his promotion got his job because we're like okay he didn't get Luffy how did he why did he get the job so I guess then he took an ace but it wouldn't want to believe that Ace lost a Blackbeard yeah I don't want to believe that yeah like I think in terms of the plot it made the most sense because like there's no way the government would accept Black Beer without some kind of result to show for it he wasn't able to get Luffy so but just thinking that Ace loss is insane right because I guess it's hard to imagine that he lost to because I kind of see him more as like more of a main character than Blackbeard is because he is Luffy's brother he got introduced earlier than Blackbeard we met him yeah like there's a lot of things that made it feel like as an anime he should not have lost like he should have some kind of main character main character and then he lives right yeah like he's not a main character but he's feels like he should have some kind of main character have to get at least against Blackbeard right but yeah I can't believe this is what's happening is that it's the fight ending so I think are they gonna show us then now that they revealed that this is what happened I feel like they might show us the rest of that fight would they maybe that was the conclusion there's no action it was just their their final attack and uh they stopped there so they're not actually gonna show what the fight was like I guess just the reason it was just their final attack was not I still can't believe Blackbeard came out of nowhere and he was able to rival Ace and beat him um I'm shocked here because Blackbeard was under him yeah that's crazy and then this part depending on how they play it just could completely change the pirate era does is the government have a higher position right now no if he technically if he they have Ace now right doesn't that mean white Beard's gonna move is that what's going to happen it could mean that depending on how they play it this could change the pirate area who's day why are you talking about the government or the Pirates I'm assuming they talk about government because they just said they're just talking about the government I mean the straw hats went to go save Robin does that mean white beards aren't going to save these but he's in the prison already right that that's what they say like before like there's once they're in the prison there's no way they're ever gonna get out because uh Robin was still at Annie's Lobby so that's why they could save her because they weren't she wasn't officially in the prison yet but that's with our career so I don't know Whitebeard if what he is capable of like would he be capable of breaking into a prison about the same time like would he break into prison for Ace like I don't know if he would break into prison to save is but I feel like he would challenge Blackbeard now because of all the betrayals he has done to his crew does that mean he'll teach these challenging the world government then I feel like that's what they're important so even if he decides to go break Ace out or not he is going to challenge Blackbeard AKA he's going to challenge the World Cup because it doesn't matter if he if Blackbeard is a warlord or not he already said before like he is going to go after Blackburn no matter what and this intensified it like exactly this intensifies everything for white beer because a fish originally the reason why he wasn't moving was because Ace was supposed to finish the job but if Ace couldn't finish the job now white beer is gonna have to because Ace was like his second in a command and if it's not ace then it's gonna be him cause like nobody below Ace now is gonna be able to defeat Blackbeard if Ace couldn't defeat Blackbeard so it's only himself now that has to challenge Blackbeard and then shank sworn white beard is going to be watching I I'm not sure if Shanks knew like that things would tangle out this way like I don't know if Shanks would have known that Blackbeard was trying to get the warlord position yeah but no one should have known that they should know but I think because of the newspaper don't they tell that too no I think now they know but they don't they did not know that before right so I don't know about now like what's gonna happen because like I know for sure why beer is not gonna let this go with black hair like he there's no way he was already not gonna let go from the matter before like of him jumping ship and everything yeah but it's like now with him doing this to Ace like there's no way he's gonna let this go no for sure yeah these white peers seems like once you join you're a part of the family yeah so I don't know because we know Shanks does care about like Ace to a certain attack like he he knew them before like from their town and everything right so like since they were kids and he did like go out of his way to go to talk to White Bear to warn Ace regarding Blackbeard situation but I don't know like if he would mingle into this because they wiper and him still don't have a good relationship it's not really in his place to really say anything or do anything yeah like those white beers matter like he technically yeah so even if he wanted to help I don't think White Bear would take that home unless it unless it got to the severity of like government versus Emperors or something like that the Pirates yeah because yeah but I don't know how I don't know how you would pull that in though that's right that's like if they said they're gonna get all the Pirates or something yeah you know those A's what happens when they go to prison do they just stay in there or no nothing is there a death trial or anything like that or is it just like okay just stay in prison forever yeah I don't know like can is that possible to break anybody out of prison from Annie's Lobby they they said it's not possible Annie's Lobby was easy as hell for the crew you know but that's any Lobby a prisoner yeah it's so dangerous when we got there just kind of wrecked everyone except the CP naughty members in the beginning so it's a really unbreakable yeah we don't really know because but then if you are doing that then you're really challenging the government that is that why they're saying like to turn like the events or whatever It's Gonna Change yeah I think because now the government and the whitebeard's crew it's scary how some kind of direct conflict now that they have to resolve they don't know how to do it yet but why would the government come on is because they are confident right now but they wouldn't have been able to get Ace I think it's because it's too good of a deal you know like they probably want today's there's a high bounty on him but they're never able to right get him and now finally they have the chance to get him but that entitles now they're gonna go mess with Whitebeard so you're saying you're suspecting that they might use this opportunity to actually try to take down white beer I feel like they fly you just took his second and come out there's no way he's gonna just knock it down especially if you hire an ex-member yeah who created exactly on his uh right yeah and now he's like part of the Warlords he's not gonna turn a blind eye like the way he like talked to Shanks he's like gonna get him no matter what you have to pay I think because of the government's action they're indirectly right now challenging my beard they're basically saying come at us I feel like if he receives the newspaper I don't know if they're gonna show us the scene like I feel like white Beard's gonna tell everyone to move out I think so because because I think if the government was maybe just using it as an opportunity for themselves then they would have just taken Ace but not maybe given Blackbeard that position or they give or they would have gave him the position but not taken Ace but I feel like because they did both of those things it's basically saying what if you're we're challenging you take we're taking you on now that's actually insane you think Dragon would do anything that's also I'm wondering too like why would Dragon see his son get like locked up in jail for life or something like that and not do anything right I don't know if how much he would interfere though because I know last time in lockdown he did interfere I think he did interfere with Luffy's execution execution but I'm not sure if he will do anything if Ace is just in jail like in prison because this seems like it's a a newspaper right so that means that it's being spread around so everybody should already be finding out about this information the straw hats don't know yet but what are they gonna do I don't think the straw has to do anything with it Luffy my Ashley Luffy Luffy's gonna go right with white beer if he would go he sees his family member but that's that's the thing we don't know like we don't know if wipe your school right now is to um save Ace or just settle things with black beer we don't know like to what extent it's going to be because if he is going to go save Ace right then that means yeah then he has to break in now that you are actually fighting World Government but if he just deal things with Blackbeard you can still argue that maybe they could just settle things between the two of them without governments being involved you know I feel like if the government if it comes down to the government right maybe if they see like oh white beers or Blackbeard is losing to white beer they will just dip and be like oh you know like you guys settle your own matters because I feel like that's something the government would do it's too late they already took taking the gift right there's no way like but it's hard to say like it will like you but I think we need to figure out what's what's he gonna do like what beer is gonna do like if he's just going to subtle things or he's Gonna Save Ace like is it even possible to save Ace I think that's the question right now thanks for watching everyone if you guys enjoyed this video hit the thumbs up everybody else with the channel and if you're new here make sure to hit the Subscribe button below we'll see you guys in the next video bye peace [Music] thank you
Channel: JDanime 2
Views: 75,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, luffy, nami, sanji, ussop, zoro, jdanime, funny, cute, couple, react, reacts, manga, onepiece, one piece, coby, helmeppo, axe morgan, captain morgan, shanks, captain kuro, buggy, alvida, garp, merry, 3 sword style, gum gum, berries, bounty, jackie, devi, jackie and devi, jdanime 2, couples, reactions, japan, anime, one, piece, dorry, broggy, alabasta, vivi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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