BOUNCE MAN! GEAR FOURTH VS DOFFY | One Piece Episode 726 Couples Reaction & Discussion

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how's it going everyone welcome back to our Channel today we're going to watch One Piece episode 726 last episode end with Luffy saying fourth gear oh we're so excited to see this reveal let's see what fourth gear means if You' like to have support our Channel our patreon link is down description below you get early access to all videos that we post onto our YouTube channel and your phone car reactions to the one piece series if you're interested in those make sure to check it out now on to the anime show warning this video contains screaming due to Hype headphone users beware when did he have time to do this within his training does really know about this it's new I think when would he have been able to practice this he doesn't practice though he just does them oh of course they're not going to show us right away they're like here watch this bird Cas sh for a while oh my goodness they're really showing us the destruction they're showing us the struggle R what are you doing oh my God someone didn't make it oh my God oh my God that everyone's going to watch this everyone's going to see his forth gear the whole world's going to know about it what oh my God God he's literally Gathering an audience for Luffy to beat his ass right now he doesn't even know wow that's a lot I'd be surprised if like no one died from that yet that's true right that's a lot of surface who oh damn she like converted everything she [Music] [Laughter] B didn't she's like imag oh my go she's too cute can you bend the back what she thinking about mid battle oh my God he's moving the center yo did he just jump on I guess half offer to like carry him okay I thought he just like laughed off can you imagine dude he's actually going to cut it he's going to do it what no way no way oh my God that's so ins so excited what I'm so scared I'm so scared why are you talking about this right now [Music] [Music] and then kaido will come after them oh my God why are they making that's so tense I'm so scared actually kind will probably come after them too oh my God everyone's going to be coming after them this is it whoa the sh he's flying oh you're right you're right is third what what he doesn't even need it he doesn't need the Sandos the first time he took those off what wait what he's blowing it up balloon isn't this just like whoa his whole body what oh my God how is he maintaining that what what oh my God he reminds me oh my God his whole body covered and he so why is it talking oh my God oh my God what boun he reminded me of the the zombie form of him oh yeah at the at the oh yeah that's totally what it is the face the face his his markings was that from like the devil fruit [Music] holy crap he's maintaining this he he's been training this with r he needed something that could fight them oh my God he had this all along he just never needed to use it up until now what don't up P to use it spring Hopper dude it's compressing ro oh my God he's so F oh my God holy crap that's crushing him damn he's said flying oh my God into he's off the freaking platform he's literally going to die from his own bur cage if they just went into oh yeah that's from one hit yo what the freak I love the fing noise yes this is so awesome what oh my God I guess he's still releasing steemo yeah with his body that's how he's fast right oh my heart is like out of my chest that was so intense that was insane so it's like third gear but he stays inflated run run run run he's going to kill y now do flamingo's upgrade his skill too no way he have something else he's do something else so that is even after right yeah are they is he going to come down in fight or what he's going to BL down here oh my God he is he actually is taking the fight down here what his ass is jiggling it's just like yes oh there's a rocket yo he's so D he's even faster now than in second [Music] gear oh my God he didn't even see a coming he didn't even react he's still looking the other way observ no he just can't react fast enough oh my God same I'm like everyone here is he bouncing it looks like he's bouncing from his butt yeah what the heck oh [ __ ] he gets to see did he see it did he see it oh he sees it he sees it now D dude he's shaking him and he's on one leg oh my God he's literally describing how I'm feeling oh my goodness how is he going to deal with [Music] this what the heck man he's actually just a bounce man he's so fast though and he can fly around crazy oh my God what this is insane Luffy what I wonder how I wonder how long he can stay in this form for I oh he broke it he's way too fast now he's not liing anything he's so strong what the hell you're [Music] oh oh [ __ ] this the only way to fight him oh my God already he can't match it's cuz he's rubber oh my god he has the ability to compress oh oh my God he's just no oh what wait what he popped him it exploded wait [Music] what he on Pur oh my goodness what I can't believe this how the hell did he do that cuz he can choose when is hard when is soft what the freak oh the the feather's coming off now oh my God he's chasing him what oh oh my God that's how far he's going how he's going punch his ass man oh [Music] oh oh it overpowers so dude yes yo it's the end of doy oh my goodness the glasses is still on D I was hoping it just flies off oh oh no oh yeah they're not going to show us holy crap his mode is so strong oh my God this is so hype my God holy [ __ ] I'm like I'm actually so glad that episode ended cuz I'm like I can't [ __ ] breathe right now break okay I need to calm down first that was like way too intense damn what yeah dude ever since he went into that gear DOI is just tanking it dude he can't even attack back at all doesn't do anything to yeah like not mus has changed he's he's still getting hit but now he's actually like feeling it yeah that's crazy yeah he actually can't keep up it just like straight up overpowered him yeah cuz he used this mod to fight the we go from the beginning from the first moment they show it okay what the hell they were already TR training for it well he already had it yeah so he already had it but like this whole time he would have known he just didn't have to use it at all with anything we that Hy Jones was such a joke Hy wasn't that it just Hoy who else okay I guess so uh Punk Hazard no I mean not Punk Hazard yeah no no that was it that was it that was it yeah true damn it just been that long since he's like had an opponent where he even had to do anything yeah he didn't need to use it yeah he just did everything with second and third yeah that's crazy oh my God but with the but with fourth it's like the the difference in strength is so insane yeah like do Flamingo can't keep up with it at all he's essentially just maintaining third actually it's even more stronger than third gear cuz his thing compressed what the watch him transform muscle balloon muscle balloon so this is the same as third gear yeah but now is muscle density before it was not muscle it was just round you see now there's like shading for the muscles true before so he's blowing up his Muses is that what yeah but I I think it's because he's using hocky too cuz before like if you're just using rubber property like it'll be more stretchy right but if you like you said if you have hockey then you can have more air being more dense do you know what I mean like the air is more compressed was wasn't his third gear also already had hockey on it but I don't think he was blowing it up like this cuz he would already blow it up so it's already has the limited amount of air and then he would use hoaky on it which hardens it but now he he's using hocky first and then he's um using he's blowing it up meaning now the air inside is like more compressed uh-huh yeah I guess I guess so yeah so it's like that's kind of so cool how they did that cuz like in his third gear form it's just flabby looking like just it's just blown out but then now to show that it's more dense as muscle it's like the air blows up he blows up the muscle yeah the air density inside okay yeah yeah you have a point there yeah that's true that's so cool how they did that oh my god dude that so awesome like when his arm was coming out it was like all muscular I was like damn goodness that's crazy so these lines so are these the dou fruit lines these are the lines from the D fruit isn't that the fruit yeah that's what I was saying too yeah they show the dev fruit and then there's like lines the lines are on him is it to show that like the fruit like you reached a certain point in the fruit or something is that is his power yeah do you think cuz how come all these marks only showed up now it's almost like he like the fruit he higher Lev the fruit like leveled up or something the power unlocked unlocked or like it kind of makes sense though cuz like cuz law they were saying how the op op fruit had like the ultimate technique right right oh oh so you're saying the fruits have an ultimate technique could that be it well I'm only saying that because op op fruit they're saying oh that was like the peak yeah that was the best thing you could do with it right true actually no that does make kind of make sense cuz then it's like this whole time he's been training different ways to get to this point cuz he wouldn't have been able to do fourth gear without doing the first two oh yeah that's right so it's like he had to do those in order to get to this point but then this is like the one like unlocked move or level up from this fruit mhm that's why it's showing the marking so are you saying like eventually it's like the whole fruit that's kind of weird though like they I don't know about that I don't know about that markings or something but it's crazy how they um they brought the fruit in they brought the fruit in you know what it doesn't really matter like they didn't have to bring the fruit in and be like the markings were kind of related to the fruit but they don't usually do things like arbitrarily that's why I'm saying like why did they bring the fruit in it's almost like a message yeah so is that the message though like he like is he's utilizing more of the devil fruit true yeah like some percentage or whatever it is something about it yeah like that could or something I think I think that's because like the op op fruit had like the ultimate technique true yeah so does it mean does that does that mean every fruit has like a ulti yeah like a ultimate right like an ultimate technique but the thing is is like you might not know like like has doofy pushed his fruit to that point where no he could do something like this do you know what I'm saying no I don't think so cuz then if he was using it then it would have the markings on him as well if we're assuming that everybody get the mar that's a form change do you think doy would have a form change though you know his powers are all like form change like second gear third gear is for is like form change but the markings showed with the markings not show on him though the markings showed with Luffy because it's a form change what do you think like I'm seeing Opie op for ultimate attack probably I don't know if they'll have markings but like that's like a that's like a what is it it's like a it's action it's an action right this is like so you're saying like body is like changing his form is changing cuz we wouldn't compare it to like kind of like doy's thing true cuz there's no like string he could do to himself yeah right like all his moves are do you count do you count trouble as a form change he was kind of like a Blobby thing but he didn't he's using his Del fruit to change his form isn't that basically what Luffy is doing it's just that his devil fruit is like part of him his own properties versus trouble is controlling exterior true objects that's yeah what it be I'm just trying yeah I'm trying to see if there I do think it has something to do with the dev fruit though cuz like they brought it up yeah yeah yeah but I'm trying to see if the markings have something to do with his devil fruit isn't there isn't there like types of Devil's fruit like I'm I'm thinking like if it's not if it's not a form change kind of Del like a loia like I don't see like markings could be on you you know if it's like an attack uhhuh right mhm it would work if it just like a form change like uh maybe maybe uh Chopper could Chopper have markings or or Rob uh Luchi like like form change is that is that what it is cuz it's just based on what we've seen right so I'm like okay he has marking on this but it's like his Lil stre is different from other people's what Luffy's type again part something I can't pronounce it I can't pronounce it either but I don't so you're saying those two types maybe have like the ability to do something like that I'm just ass I'm just assuming because he's changing his form it's kind of weird that he's able to change his form he's technically not transforming like a zoan cuz a Zan's the animal right changing he's he's basically like he's just changing his form isn't that like kind of like what the impel down guard was doing too actually that's true okay fine you have a point but was he was Lo right he was no he wasn't loia actually the same typ oh yeah he was the same as Luffy yeah also you're saying they those type can also change their form a bit yeah kind like Pro I'm just using like based on what they so maybe he has like what was his name againu no that was the other guy the poison guy majelan ma yeah so Maan majelan maybe has I think he yeah he's not loia but he's the same type he's the same as L I remember him saying something like that so so I'm trying to WR our notes though like I don't remember what's how to pronounce the devil fruit type I don't know if we wrote down Del I wrote it uh I think I wrote it down in like the beginning I think they talk about it a lot in the beginning and then after just like yeah cuz the only one I really remember is just loia yeah cuz that's they were like that threatening you know the main ones cuz like you can't like attack them before we knew about like hockey and everything that's true so it was like oh I always to remember that one cuz I'm like scared of it paria yeah paramia sure we let's just go with that yeah so he thinking that zoan and paramia can have we forms maybe Mar or like level up or something true just based on what they showed true I don't know you know how would you know how would you know the Loos can't do that cuz they're the element like okay let's say Sabo like okay his fire he's always going to be that fire like what like his fruit is fire the fire symbols yeah the flare flare fruit so I don't know how how would he even have the markings though oh so you're saying that they have to have like a physical body in order for like those Mark yeah maybe maybe loia doesn't change I can see like zoan yeah and par par paria maybe like maybe majelan could turn into like green slime or something I don't I don't know like like a crazier color or whatever or his poison has his poison is like more potent or something so he's like different color but but that's this is only theory on why his marking showed yeah yeah right technically this this could all be nothing it's just like he got markings for some reason true true but then they never just do things for no reason I and then like remember seor pink his design we're laughing at it cuz he's like dress a baby and then we're like why and then there's like reasoning why so I feel like they wouldn't show us his gumu fruit and then like that was such a that was such a kind like Aint It was kind of like a power up of basically telling us right here in our face like this has to do with the devil fruit something with that devil fruit so unlocking the devil unlocking something or whatever it is but yeah oh yeah you also mentioned he looked like his zombie form yeah that's why I was thinking I saw his eyes I'm just like where did he get the souls man like the souls came back yeah cuz I was try yeah you remembered right I was trying to remember cuz I recall seeing that face before and like that and his build is pretty similar yeah he was like topheavy and he was just like oh yeah super strong I think the face was the most recognizable perame because like the body wasn't the same color but then when they showed the face I was like oh this expression looks so familiar and I can't believe he actually just bounces so he's just steaming this whole time like the white stuff yeah yeah I think it's cuz the is it cuz uh the air is so compressed inside it could be he's like overheating right maybe that's what it is true cuz Tech can we even say he's in second gear kind of no he say he said it's not second or third it's Fourth it's Fourth I'm I'm just saying like he's faster than second gear true right but isn't that but isn't that because of the compressions of his like limbs cuz he's like shooting himself like a rocket at this point now he's flying at this point oh true like or saying that heat and everything is coming from the friction yeah from from his from his limbs cuz it seems like his Center doesn't really like doesn't really show that he's pink he's not pink first of all and yeah so it's steaming because there's so much friction and then probably like the air you know the air molecules the water molecules in the air are getting like heated from something like that yeah that's true that's true yo that's so scary actually if you think about it now doesn't that mean that Luffy is already like insanely strong compared to a lot of people like how many people do we know that like you said have unlocked this point of their double fruit even so like would you say I know they haven't really shown anyone cuz what I was thinking was you know how there we were talking before it's like hockey versus hockey or like double Fruit versus hockey hockey always overpowered D fruit something like that right now they're kind of bringing the Del fruit back now they're kind of bringing the Del fruit back aren't they showing that there like something more it's likee yeah more than just hockey now because it's like if you able to unlock your double this weird double fruit power level up thing and then you also have hockey could maybe if your hockey is slightly weaker than the other person's hockey you might still have a chance because your double fruit now has like this level up right mhm potentially yes I think so yeah I think so why would they show that that fruit and the markets wait hold on hold on did he take his slipper sandals off yeah he did it's the first time ever those sandals came off why why did it look like he was wearing sandals when he kicked doofy oh he put them back on no way did he or is that hocky sandals the hocky sand he took them off he kicked them off he's he's bare feet he put them back on he's bare feet okay go back to the scene where he gets kicked bare feet your feet no way he puts them back on shut up he puts his he doesn't he's like hold up he's like after he punches him he's like hold up you know puts his sandles back on and he goes for him oh my God I totally missed that detail that's that's so [ __ ] funny dude what that's ridiculous oh my God you're right what the fre I was like hold up he kicked those off dude those days are so op he he does not using hacky on them that's just the build of the sandle it's not the same shade as him that's true would it be oh no no it's black never mind okay yeah he it's taky infused cuz his sandals aren't black no his his his sandals is hockey infused but like his main body is like let's keep going let's keep going I I remember uh doy saying um something about the colors of arms or something like maybe it's that special type of hockey that doy and him has oh right that I thought that was just like their hockey I thought they was referring to the hockey by hardening his skin with the color of arms he's multiplying the tension of his skin isn't don't they just mean arm by that yeah is is that what it was actually is it a type of arm hacky color of arms is that that's our first time seeing that I'm pretty sure did they ever prer to haky as color of arms though I don't think so is that what like English is called oh you're thinking like it's like a translation thing I don't know by hardening his skin what does he mean by hardening his skin like hockey right yeah arm yeah AR Hy that's what I was thinking but he's like so shook he's multiplying the tension cuz I think it's the way he's using it he would have never expected it or something like that that's why he's shocked oh what the the color of orange the one was trouble saying like um Luffy also has like the same um hockey as uh doy I thought they just were talking about conquerors at that time was were they just talking about conquer okay or did you mean something okay no maybe I just got confused yeah okay okay cuz that's the whole thing Trel just just excited that he had that conquerors right yeah but he couldn't he couldn't believe Luffy also had it that's why he was saying the true king cuz he's saying Luffy is the fake true oh so hyp I can watch this a million times and then the thing the python is just like a it's a missile yeah you can stretch so far with that he's just Falls him no matter what okay is it safe to say now he's Emperor level whooping a warer like like nothing maybe with his fourth gear he might be he he can defeat a kinde maybe he can get revenge for Ace now huh no I don't know no uh I hard to say I think it'll depend if he I don't know I don't know level up first can he I don't know he's being doy no it has to be that's why they're showing this now right because like this a changing Point like he has fourth gear now and the opponent is's going to fight easy no problem problem is that what's going to happen no it's not no problem I think it's maybe that he's at a equal playing level now I guess we'll have to see someone rivaling his fourth gear yeah cuz he's making it the power scaling like he's just easy right cuz it's like strong you've seen so far no I don't know Admirals you don't the Admirals fuor I don't know I know Fuji Tor gravity yeah fuj Tor is not even trying I don't know that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying I don't know I I think it's well Kar is like light lasers oh like who's faster now that's true K is so fast he's light though speed of light that's true well Luffy does have both the speed and the hockey now to keep up with him maybe that's true so I don't know I guess maybe actually yeah I guess with fourth gear he's now maybe can beat some is he on a level on the level of I I don't like I don't know like they have the first time they shown it right like we haven't seen him go fourth gear on some Admiral's butt but like based on what we see here true I I can kind of he's pretty strong now right I think so cuz he's destroying doofy at this point yeah I'm trying to think like with this form right like who can he can fin like who he would be even Le up Mash gu no one cuz everyone he fought so far he just beat them all you know I'm being the top dos like people that were actually like were always being scared of like uh yonko Admirals Admirals he's be Shanks like this stuff like that be sh that would be really funny I don't know but that be I see that's what they're showing though isn't it cuz like kaido and big mom is going to be up next and like he has to use this form to fight them yeah I think so cuz like right now it's showing that he's crushing do Flamingo with this and then up next it's going to be like oh he has struggle again right yeah he has to struggle I think but I feel like for that struggle it needs to be a big shot then it needs to be an emperor Admiral yeah that's what I'm thinking true and he shouldn't be fighting an admiral so it has to be I don't know they're losing another warlord actually lost two Wars true true actually yeah law is is partner with him too now so going to be even more pissed yeah that's true I kind of is going to oh my God I kind kind of obsessed about Luffy yeah kind is going to have a heart attack when he hears about all this I guess he might have um Luffy's form might have problems with uh Blackbeard still why his ability his ability I'm assuming if he touched him maybe he would just lose his like fourth gear form right true I don't know would he have trouble with Blackbeard I guess if he I I I just like we haven't really seen Blackbeard fighting that's why I'm like I can't really see him cuz like we still I'm still imagining you know him back in like Marine for where he's just like cowering in fear and stuff getting wed basically so it's like I don't really have a strong image of him right now but I know that he's a war um a yonko right like an emperor so it must mean he's strong or some something he has a devil fruit yeah like he has to be doing something to get receive that title so that's why I'm kind of like oh I don't know how much stronger he is that compared to back then so for me I still seeing it more like see the thing was with Blackbeard he takes hits though like he's but he takes hits M so would he be able to handle fourth gear that's you know you know what I mean like before like he can able to touch Luffy maybe Luffy already landed a big hit on him already yeah so I don't oh so you're saying like Luffy has speed as well yeah I think is fast but his like surface area oh but Luffy can fly now he can fly that's true so then if he's like trying to get him Luffy could be trying to dodge it that's true but then he has like whitebeard's power now too I don't I don't know if that the fight that could just like you know he can do it anywhere he just smashes yeah uh I don't know well okay I don't want to imagine that right now we'll have to see I can't wait to see buggies leveled up fruit his feet his feet oh they don't have to be on the ground anymore it goes above oh my God that's what he's going to happen he has the marks he has his fruit marks and then he like he just flies his own con is lifted that's so funny right how else would you improve him yeah the only con holding him down his feet flies he doesn't need to touch the ground oh my God could that be it yeah no that's so funny imagine they did that he like looks all cool and stuff he has the markings and just his feet are just like floating with him his feet floating with him and that's his best form oh my God that would be so looking funny that's very interesting have we seen anyone though that does like the kind of gears and stuff like like form changes not form changes like yeah I guess form changes like they're like leveling up using their double fruit power uh kind of I guess Zan they change forms but I don't know if you call that there's like stronger forms mhm for zoan but I don't know if that's like leveling up I guess it would be leveling up if you p the limits kind of like what Chopper did with like the forms you have of oh do you think that could be like oh that could be their version of you're already break you're breaking the norm of your fruit isn't it like what they say they have a limit of what like three three four forms or something but he broke the limit like Chopper got got what his seventh form or something so what happens if he goes his eighth form does he get like the Zan markings and then it's something crazy right so you're saying Luffy kind of was like Chopper he pushed his devil fruit to the point where it like leveled up kind I guess from the markings true so you're saying that Chopper will also have the markings if he like pushes his form if he pushes his form so what happens now if he eats that Rumble ball thing like eats more than three like does he go crazy or yeah oh okay I guess for zoan maybe more another unlocked form mhm and then they'll have a marking that would be like the level up mhm fruit for it mhm and I don't know about zoan though I know I don't we talking about Luffy's type right Luffy's type could just be marking have we seen that many paries yet actually yeah maj's par think par yeah so he would just get markings in his like form that makes sense but they haven't shown him shown true how they say shown any oh sorry they shown him change his poison color oh true so that that could have maybe been like his equivalent of like second gear or something second third gear or whatever or whatever it is but he's not at the point yet where it like shows marking yeah it's marking true honestly didn't Flex that but yeah and then the last one would be loia how would they even do that I don't know how they would do that just think of like Sao how how would they even he his Flames can't turn blue cuz we already have Marco like the can do like a fire color change though what like what if he just like his fire how do you make it stronger make it hotter but how would they gaug that you know what I mean like he just gets markings and then his fire is just stronger and bigger I think loga is like maybe the hardest one for unlocking or like leveling true unlock ability leveling up your ability yeah we don't know how you would do it though how would you just get stronger is that what it is just get stronger Lu just got stronger true this no I'm I'm trying to think like from based on like what we think with the paramia and the zoan how with the loia unlocking work H bigger yeah weird Stronger Yeah just stronger huh there's not like a way to kind of describe it maybe maybe loan doesn't haveen maybe loan they're already op already also true could that be it oh that's their like con is they don't have this oh right that would make things more fair I think between like Del fruits yeah like you have your start off strong versus you like build for later yeah for later true cuz zoan can have a new form and then we can be like oh yeah they unlocked the Del power or they leveled up and then Pria may maybe some kind something changes I don't know it kind of makes sense though like in games and stuff and strats that's it's like that like maybe the the easier ones there's like a cap to how much you can get do do you know what I mean like how much stronger you can get versus like someone that's playing something harder that to level up you can the potential and the return is like higher sometimes something like that right true does that wait hold up is is buggy paramia uh he is I think so yeah anything that's not loia or Zan is paramia paramia yeah true right yeah I think so so is doy paramia yeah cuz he's not loia we thought he was loia at first so unless there's another fruit that we don't know about no no I think there's only three but what does that mean doy oh he can have a foreign CH but he hasn't done it he hasn't done it no one has pushed him to the point no one has pushed him or he hasn't been training he's just been making money true how do that work with him more string denser string oh yeah denser string yeah denser Stronger Yeah true like he makes the string more dense and then he uses hockey infus in every single string so he's just like also like Luffy super big and buff maybe he could use the string around him right so then it looks like it's just like muscles or yeah why doesn't he use the string like to reinforce his body and then control it from that you know what I mean yeah cuz he's about he's able to have so much and he's able to manipulate it right so if I was him the equivalent of what Luffy is doing right now would be if he just covered himself in it but it would it wouldn't be sexy though yeah I mean he could like shape it however he wants to cuz he's the one applying applying the string I I don't he could like make it like Luffy like have it like muscular or whatever it is make him buil like burgo or something I don't it's hard to see see him do that but yeah that could be a way for him to do it thanks for watching everyone if you guys enjoyed this video hit the thumbs up it really helps out the channel and if you're new here make sure to hit the Subscribe button below we'll see you guys in the next video bye peace [Music]
Channel: JDanime 2
Views: 86,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, luffy, nami, sanji, ussop, zoro, jdanime, funny, cute, couple, react, reacts, manga, onepiece, one piece, coby, helmeppo, axe morgan, captain morgan, shanks, captain kuro, buggy, alvida, garp, merry, 3 sword style, gum gum, berries, bounty, jackie, devi, jackie and devi, jdanime 2, couples, reactions, japan, anime, one, piece, dorry, broggy, alabasta, vivi
Id: C8SG3KTYunk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 49sec (2569 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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