Blasphemi's 1,100HP Supercharged Hemi is Rebuilt: See Inside This Aluminum Beast!

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look Hemi is back in blasphemy and right now we're going to show you how this thing got rebuilt at Herold engine and Dyno and why let's recap uh 2022 went B to Hot Rod drag week with Tony Angelo nuked the motor like on the very first pass we had a problem with the fuel pump 956 140 what you see Brian there's a big SM to the Finish Line sounds get back to maybe just the re6 so Tony and I and our friend Jake rebuilt the Hemi using the one spare piston I had and a new set of rings and then drag week got rained out it never finished and we never made a pass I did make one later on at Bowling Green we went like 9 I don't know 30 to 155 it was not impressive all right here we [Music] go this thing pulls hard so we took the car back to Pete harell at harell engine and Dyno in Morrisville North Carolina dned three times trying to figure out why doesn't this thing really make [Music] power I lifted a little early oh that ain't good and it was at that point Pete and I started talking and we realized that in the Mad thrash to rebuild this engine for drag week 2022 uh we had some parts compatibility issues and that resulted in less compression than we wanted and also not installing the cam shaft where we wanted it in terms of the cam timing so after struggling on the dyno to put a thousand of the tires which is not horrible but not amazing we decided to pull it out of the car and what did we find we found one collapsed ringland one piston number two with no ring tension in the top ring and just a couple other things that we were like glad we took it apart so Joe went down there this week to hang out with Pete and rebuild the motor uh I was hanging out with my kids because my wife was out of town and you know they're young somebody needs to make sure they don't burn down the house that was me and so those two dudes got the motor back together Joe and I just dropped it in the car last week I'm about to leave to film roadkill I'll be gone for a week but when I get back Joe and I are going to wrap this thing up make some more mods to the car and then I'm off to race fry briger and his Model A which is awesome and I can't wait here's the footage of the engine getting rebuil as well as some nuggets of knowledge that maybe you can use on your future builds courtesy of Pete Harold we are back at hero engine and Dyno with Pete here we are here today to assemble the motor for blasphemy it was a little bit hurt right not too bad not bad but it needed some changes done right so what all are the changes that we actually made well the really there's just one change and that's we have a an adjusted piston that's going to give us a little more Dome so we get a little bit more compression and also in that process we deepen this valve relief which is is hopefully going to allow us to put the cam in where I want it to be supposed to be right instead of where it's got to be between the two things I think that'll give us a significant Advantage here and the other thing is this piston is now is coated and lined lines a braidable coating which I use quite a bit of here and uh that helps kind of tighten up the Piston wall clearance a little bit at'll wear in really that's the only changes you know the one change allows two Chang how much that does that like wear off over time it depends how it's set up from the beginning but like not much it it'll what'll happen is it'll wear in some on break in will change the filter and pretty much after that it's not going to wear much um so there's initial wear in that because of that we can we can set the Piston to wall clearance Tighter and it'll only rub off what it needs so it's kind of kind of uh allows itself to adjust to its optimal size if that makes sense it's amazing what Coatings have done these days yeah right now the the you've got to change the filter in this process because it will put Coating in the filter right and you got to get it out before you go to really ripping on it you know but it's great stuff I Ed tons of it and now we're going to have it on this thing so what are we doing first first we're going to get the crank in here I've already um filed the Rings and stuff I can see that right I'm actually we're going to reuse the main barns they look great we're going to stick them right back in here that's it really we'll get that in then we'll get the rods on the Pistons I measured up the uh the rod baring clearance yesterday to get a little bit ahead of the game and uh we'll just start slamming this thing together awesome let's get it done cool I know Mike's excited to get it back together oh yeah yeah hopefully it'll pick things up a little bit what point would you think okay they need new bearings when they when I see obvious signs of wear which this these are coated we had them coated and they're designed to wear a little bit overall you'll see there's very minimal wear and any wear that is there is going to happen again as soon as we crank this thing when there's significant wear or when I feel that there's wear that's happened from a lot of abuse you know and with these that's just not what I'm seeing there's a little bit of wear right here but if we put a new set in I'll guarantee you it's going to do the same thing as soon as you released the clutch a time or two you know so there's no point in changing these these are a real soft bearing as well so they're they're always going to show a little bit but it's not like an issue one thing that he'll have to look at as far as oiling I'm thinking somebody makes an adapter to go on here to get his dry sum oil in okay you know what I mean but he doesn't need to well obviously he'll have to figure something out there or else he won't have any Earl pretty much all cranks that are good cranks are something like this nowadays they they they send them so small cuz everybody with a blower wants some tiny so they got tons of clearance which I can't stand because I'd rather get that my way you know right but because of that I got a lot of times I'll run coating to get up some of the some of that back some of back you know or or one bearings if I can get one bearings a lot of times you can't get them you know so I'll just coat you know but that's just part of it the the promod stuff is the worst like those things will come 3 four 5,000 small everywhere see what I got it's got a pilot Baron in it only I just stick my finger in there but kind of don't fit sometimes those things will try to fall off when you tap them in there I just go far enough to get the bolt started or the nut started but like when you're tapping them it'll knock the baron off and pulling it back out pull back out that pretty much the bulk of your work these days are L Motors yeah it's crazy how Wild those scen have just blown up you know from my perspective it's a natural transition for me cuz I started on small block Fords used to used to be in my shop was 80% small block Fords you know well LS is just I call it second gen small block Ford you know LS guys hate to hear that but it's a truth they're super easy to work on so that's why they're popular you know cheap and easy and they make Power the motor that's in beer money is a 62 stock aluminum block which according to you know the conventional wisdom sucks thing makes like 2,000 horsepower every pass hundreds of passes never a problem it's crazy like it just just goes and goes and goes doesn't care keep expecting it to tear up that day never comes it just keeps going and going and going so what's your guess if everything goes back together right the way you want it to this time to the tires put them over down I would hope it' get closer to 11 you know you're not something I build every day so I can't just say you know what I mean like some of these combinations I just do them all time I can tell you about what it's going to do you know but these changes will usually help out quite a bit I'm pretty sure that no matter what it makes on the dyno he's going to have to detune a little bit to run 850 yeah r that yeah ain't no way it's not going to try to run off from that yeah I'm a big believer in screwing stuff together with something where you have feel of it right because instead of just zapping it together those things are great you know in the right spot but like they also can cause all kinds of problems like I'll go ahead and tell you turbo vband flanges uh I'll bet somebody did a study of it 90% of those failures are because of of impact guns because if you if you impact one of those together feel that nut it's hot as you you can't even hold it when it's after it's on it's hot as fire but everybody uses them so we ran into a little bit of an issue not much Pete knocked it out pretty quick yeah so basically this is a continuance of our original issue that we didn't catch so the there these Pistons the first Pistons were originally made for steel rod we had to switch to an aluminum rod well one of the things that an aluminum rod usually requires is a little bit wider the small end of the luminum rod is usually a little wider so you have to account for that in the Piston so in other words the new Pistons the rod wouldn't fit in so we had to trim just a little smidge on either side to get room and uh we had to do that on the first set I just forgot about it we need to make sure we tell CP to alter the plan if we have had if we ever had have any more made we need to tell them and then I won't have to do it in the mail it' be already done not their fault just that's just that's engine building that's how it goes simple enough and now we start hanging rods yep now we're hanging [Music] rods got all our rods on our Pistons ready to go in the motor you can tell my stupid piston rack here needs to be extended cuz any big block that rods hit here and they don't let the thing sit like it's supposed to I don't know why nobody seems to make one for a big block but anyhow uh here's our new piston and the difference between the new and the old is the Dome is taller on the new guy so the Dome volume is increased and that's going to raise our compression ratio that's what that's the main difference here the other difference is the vi reliefs just a little bit deeper here than it is here um and that allow will allow us to get our cam timing a little more like we're like we want it to be instead of what it kind of had to be to to not crash in and stuff so those are really the only two like engineering differences in this motor versus the old one uh we're not really changing anything else but that should should be a big difference though [Music] you know you would think at this day and age it would make a better uh compression tool problem is a lot of times I got to cut them and slit them cuz I need something weird a 4505 or something right and then it's no longer ideal for what it was originally intended for but just part of it it's part of the fun those guys with the oddside stuff those are the ones buying you new recompression tools yeah right should [Music] [Music] be all right guys as you can see it's got pistons in the holes Che out these custom when I grow up I want to have money in on my PES too these are badass very very [Music] cool all right so we're setting up cam timing I just rolled it the way it was and as predicted it's a good bit so it checks about 115 and 3/4 and we want to be about2 so I'm going to loosen these four lock down studs and Roll It Forward a little bit and we'll spin it again and and see how close you are the degree Wheels floating yeah that slopping it yeah it's moving change it that'll change a few degrees here and there I was like damn I know I didn't move it that I was going to say you only moved it a little bit and I'm like wow how the hell could that be that's a huge change just by moving that little bit people at home you listening make sure your degree well is nice and tight see I got a custom Ultra stretch push indicator tip here that works pretty good is it all the way down in the cup Y and it also helps to have a long ratchet on here so you can have some leverage over it helps you kind of dial right in a lot smoother yeah you have a short one you just you're going to struggle especially a new motor cuz they just kind of they ratch it a little bit see how the indicator just jumps a little bit all right so there is so we need four and a half yeah even worse but that makes sense cuz we had to move it the wrong way [Music] all right there's 69 155 155 that should be closer pretty close 69 plus 155 224 5 by 2 112 Perfect all right so that puts the camp timing at what roughly uh well that puts the center line at 112 which is where I want it right now we don't know for sure we can run it there yet till we check our clearance yeah but more than likely we can you know I'm sure we're going to run it closer than where we were you know so that thing was almost 4° laid back that's what we had to do last time to get it to um to have you know clear pising clearance right where we would felt comfortable that we weren't going to crash something into something else you know right um all right so that's good I'm going to take this back apart and lock all this down and then we'll uh check for check our piston the valve clearance and see see if we're okay there but hopefully we will be all right about to check the valve clearance P's got some Putty down there on the [Music] Piston yeah there's more than one way to do this but it's always more than one way to skin a cat right but this is quick and easy and it'll tell us what we need to know oh let go right here there we [Music] go take it AP go Squish and then take it all back apart take it back apart we'll just usually I try to cut it with a razor and see what it looks like you know you could like I said there more than one way to do this you can put a checking spring on it put a dial indicator on it and keep playing with it while you that's a good really effective way but sometimes this old dumb way works pretty [Music] [Music] good Moment of Truth you look like a touched it Pete yeah we're good all right we're good and that was pretty much the whole reason for this yeah right we're justy other than a couple hurt Pistons right just to make sure we got clearance because before we were super tight and yeah uh now we're in better shape so there's that's good there's no reason to even check that it looks night and day better so now we'll we'll have more compression and uh more time more cam timing the cam timing's going to be more it be right so in other words when we pumped this motor now it's going to pump way higher than what it did you know which is a good sign so both so with that we're probably I mean it didn't even touch it no and you fill this whole thing God that's a lot of clearance yeah well I think it did touch it but it's just kind of hard to tell maybe a little back here right yeah but this whole it's not very deep there you know what I mean like the distance from here to here it's probably only you know 100th hour or so the whole thing yeah but that's way better than what it was so now we can leave our cam where it should be which is the whole plan and where's our cam sitting now you think uh now it's as far as 112° okay intake Center Line right but before it was about close to 116 and I checked it just cursory before we moved it it was 11 15.75 right so and that's I remember I had to lay it back a good bit to get it where I was confident we weren't going to you know smack a valve right go tagging valves you know a big block stick shift deal like you got to make sure you got room cuz and you know who drives this car there's definitely some driver error behind this sometimes there's uh money shifts involved yes yes it's like my favorite T-shirt with the Hemi just eating $100 bills it's the best shirt in the world right that's what they do right race car parts right all right so now we can uh now we can both the heads on start final assembly for the long block for the top yeah all right cool [Applause] [Music] off all right as you can see we have a complete short block here ready to go home to finigan girl garage and get shoved back into blasphemy uh we have a few more upgrades to do when we get back home um but for now we are complete here we've got new Pistons little taller a little different cam timing set where we want it exactly where we want it it's not it's not does it need to go special EG class no it doesn't need to ride a short bus anymore okay good deal right all right so uh the next time you guys see this it'll be in the car and um probably on the dyno back here in a couple weeks yeah and uh I'm going to say 1135 okay we'll see there's actually a lot of changes we haven't even discussed we new dry sum new dry sump we're going to be coil on plug coil should have been a long time ago so there's a lot of improvements that hard to quantify here you know right so we'll know shortly we'll see we're to make M but pucker right yeah all [Music] right
Channel: Finnegan's Garage
Views: 187,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roadkill, blasfemi, blashpemi, hed, harrel, leroy, cletus, pete harrel, bel air, chevy, tri five, trifive, tri5, gaser, gasser, southeast gassers
Id: V4b6rn4v1PE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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