Not Being a Model Businessman

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this is the plaintiff Hunter he says he hired the defendant to create an elaborate costume for him so he could enter a Runway contest and win the grand prize he also hired him for some lessons on how to strut down the runway properly well the guy never delivered on either he refuses to give him his money back and he's here in the name of the law suing him for the $700 he's now out this is the defendant Taurus he says he's a designer and he trains models he has no idea why this strange guy is suing him because he made two jackets for him he gave him multiple training sessions and he's not giving him back one cent he's are curious of not being a model businessman all parties please hit your right hand litigant have been torn Yanna thank you dougas you're welcome yna all right Mr Hunter you are suing Mr Taurus doing business as vinay how do I pronounce it Vin vinay designs um for $700 that you say you are out as because according to you he did not comply with the contract tell me what happened so basically um I had hired him to prepare me for an event that we were having what kind of event um we call it ball like a ballroom it's Ballroom stuff so it's like a function where um we get together and we do different categories depending on what it calls for so some at this particular ball it was calling for a bird effect like coming as a bird okay so so is it like a fashion show or yes okay go ahead you could say that um so I hired him to prepare me for it as well as design and make my costume literally day of no how how much in advance of the event did you hire him about a couple weeks and was it one costume or more than one it was supposed to be one costume all right and so he was going to prepare what part of that costume just the jacket um I sent him a picture so it was more so the concept of the look so whether he did it just the jacket or the whole piece that was supposed to be something discussed between us but he just did the jacket like I had no Porte or say well but I mean but in all those texts that I've read back and forth at some point was there ever any discussion about hey I want you to do pants and a jacket or I just want the Jack all right so it seems like everybody was assuming it was just a jacket if that's yeah I guess all right so and how much were you going to pay him for that he originally had quoted me um two something and then over time the price went up to what when I had spoke to him over the phone going over everything he said said to something so I said okay so 300 should be able to cover everything plus more and then you know you're supposed to provide receipts so anything more like you give back that was agreed upon um and then he had called me in the middle of the night saying that he needed money for some of the material sent him that um so that was for the effect um so in total how much did you pay for the when we say the effect we're talking about the cost right yes okay how much um about 500 so far I think we're at okay um and then 150 because in in the ballroom stuff he's good at Runway so I asked him if he can uh teach me lessons you know to do to better cuz that's the what I was walking for Runway lessons mhm okay one or two lessons after that how many lessons did you actually have you had three I think it was I can see how how much it is it was like probably yeah it was definitely not one it was either two or three but yeah okay it was three and then he and then that was it he ghosts okay and um you had assumed that it was or you guys had settled that it would be $30 a class so prior for uh to this event when I had uh took lessons with him before it was $30 per class okay so giving him this I expected to be either that or not less where we do that amount and like three class go ghost and then at some point you say here money's for a loan what happened there he hit me up saying that someone that was supposed to give him money didn't come through so he asked if I can send them um the money and then he'll pay me back I was very firm on you know you going to pay me back is it going to be this date that like whatever kind of weird were you guys friends or something somewhat yeah we were friends so you knew each other from before this yes okay um and yeah I gave him that he on the day he was the day that we agreed he was going to pay me back that never happened all right so now we're at the day of the event and you still don't have the outfit what happens the day of that's when him and I are finally communicating um he's telling me why haven't I you know been hitting him up before that I chased after you already after a couple of days of me chasing you and getting nowhere I'm not going to continue beating a dead horse so the day of we're going back and forth I'm explaining to him what was okay let's assume he had called you a week before and said it's ready who was supposed to pick it up or drop it off or whatever we meet up and meet up where well we'll discuss that whether it be at a practice or in the city or if I go to him he goes to me so the day of the event what happens couple of hour uh couple hours before the ball starts I wait first of all how do you know that it's done what's the first thing that happens that's when he called me and told me he called you or he texted you a couple of hours um I believe he called me there was no text on that day there was textes on that day the text was like real early in the morning what what day was the event July 1st is this a picture you sent that was we were going back and forth with ideas of different birds um and that was one of the ideas that he had for a bird so the morning of he actually texted me saying hey and then he asked me if I had black pants to go with the effect let's hold on one second let me get to the morning of the ball is 5 days this is you the ball is 5 days away and we're doing doing a dress rehearsal before to make sure we look good and everything's set whenever we are asked where are our effects and stuff I'm the only one who doesn't respond let me know what's going to happen if I'm not going to have it in time then let me know remember I gave you extra to get better quality and make the effect look over sickening what's that mean I don't know I'm sorry I'm not that hip it's like well you're not that hip either so I don't know why I looked at you go ahead yeah it's like say over you know you said over the top over yeah okay and whatever is left would go back to me but I'd rather you be honest and let me know what's going on I want to see your best work and it'll break my heart if our deal is broken or less than what's expected I'm an understanding dude when it comes to business I'm on point honest and fair I would never want to make someone feel taken advantage of hope to see you soon and then he does I hate this he does a video that I you took a screenshot of so I can't really play it what I hate when my kids send me that if they they're the ones who started me on texting cuz we're all busy and then and then they make me listen to an entire I don't have that kind of time you know I'm I'm you now you've made me into you all right so what was said on this message basically that to trust him and that he got this and not to wor so then that's where you put hash trust the process LOL I'm very understandable blah blah blah blah blah okay now it's June 27th what gets sent to him um June 27th that was basically a video that I sent him of me practicing with somebody else okay and then June 28th he sends you something but this is cut off I don't know what that is is like a flyer for another ball and then on July 1st he says Hey at 2:01 p.m. what time is the event I think it was it starts around 6 or 7 you say hey and then he says do you have black pants do you have your phone with these texts on them yes I I want to see the times of them and I can't do that hold on one second stay where you are I'm sorry my my BFF was busy I had to get a drink real quick but hydration is important it is it is very okay at 209 he says to you you have black pants you say the closest I have are these that's at 24 send me a picture of the costume so literally and then on July 1st at 359 later that day you say to him give the costume to Roman make sure he takes care of it send me a pick send me a pick of the costume I'm trying to get whatever I need done on my end I need to pick ASAP this is a part that's driving me crazy and going to make me back out I don't mean this in a mean way but it's going to sound that way cuz text but don't tell me what I need I'm stressed and unprepared listening to you right now I need to get everything on my end my clothes need to be ironed and steamed I need to know what I'm doing right now you have me on Paw black doesn't go with the bird at all let me decide everything else if you want me to at least try send me a pick ASAP pull over real quick the longer it takes to get the pick the worse it is I'm over an hour away from the ball and then you send him a couple of messages so we had a phone conversation where he says the bird's legs are black and then you send him pictures of the bird that's not legs black and are we talking about the same bird what is this a picture of right here yeah I'm actually talking about the the jacket I'll sent him the picture of I have to pull it over pull over to send him a picture of it of the jacket cuz I was driving when we were texting so the top the top picture is a picture of the bird and this is the picture of the jacket it's a tuxedo jacket that just I'm just holding it but I took Pi you're holding it in a funny way all right and then what is this a picture of the back of I believe it's the back of it yep that's the back oh so it's still the same jacket there's only one jacket yep all right I got it all right so who's Roman so I never met Roman I don't know Roman him and I had a phone conversation where we were discussing what was was going on cuz I told him everything that's going on I wasn't cool with he explained that he's going to give it to this person named Roman and that person's going to give it to me when I told him no basically my options was give it to Roman to give to me or he doesn't give me the effect I still don't get the money and we call it a day and this is at 4:00 on the day of the event so I told and you live where in the Bronx and the events you live Jersey City okay which is like saying you know California and Louisiana to to regular non- New Yorkers when was Roman going to how was Roman going to give it to you I don't know him I didn't speak to him he's said no what was when you text give the costume to Roman so what was the plan at that point at 359 that so he said Roman was supposed to go to the ball okay and Roman was going to be there at what time when it start well obviously when it started when we're supposed to cuz was there ever any talk about that I never spoke to Roman I never communicated with him I don't know who he is my options was I can give it to my friend Roman and he'll bring it to you or I don't give it come and drive to Jersey City at 4:00 in the afternoon on the day of the event no meaning he doesn't give it to me and I don't get my money back right well no the other option was go pick it up or send somebody to pick it up which is kind of hard to do at four o' all right the picture of the costume is finally sent to him at and mind you he's never taken my measurements and this is the first time we I don't understand though you guys had three uh Runway lessons why didn't anybody take your measurements then I brought it up and didn't happen wait how did you get his measurements his so when I did the first original um practice I saw his suits the suit sizes was there that's how I basically do it why didn't you just take a why didn't you just measure them the thing is I brought my measurement tape that the for the first Studio practice that we did and I it just it slipped literally what about the second one or the third did you how many Studio practices did you do I didn't even we did three right and you you didn't bring your tape measure to any of them this seems kind of Half Baked I get it okay Friday July 1st 7:30 are you Roman no oh that's a shame cuz I got some questions for Roman all right I'm here what's Roman's info this is at 7:37 what time was your event I started at it basically opens around 600 and starts at 8: probably what is Roman's info he texts you Roman's info Roman isn't bringing it and you say hold on my category is about to start this is at 802 then he gives you a different phone number did you try both those phone numbers for Roman did you reach Roman and the first phone number so they weren't picking up so I had to use some I had to go to someone else and say hey can you call this person that person called and then they picked up and then they said what they're not going to make it for me to go to wherever they are take a uber to them or figure it out out like and I'm like yo I'm about to go up like whose number is that just call him and say you're Hunter he has your effect I did he said he's not leaving anytime soon for me to send somebody for it or to send an Uber then at 11:38 he texts you hope you're having a good day I just finished up with mine I wanted to touch base with you on getting my money back the $50 I let you borrow and the $500 for the effect and after three practices you went ghost that's messed up I kept reminding you to take my measurements you kept saying trust you I trusted you and I got screwed at the end I've shown nothing but kindness to you I'm not going back and forth what happened with Roman so with Roman I so we got to go back a little bit yeah let's go back to let's go back to why it wasn't ready until 2011 on the day of the ball so I had multiple people I made his and then the reason I brought Roman because I was going to Brooklyn that's where I worked to drop off the effect that I already had made for somebody else the person Roman is a makeup artist so he was doing their makeup I was giving it to that person so that they can go they were going to the same ball as him so to Roman or to the other person Roman was there with him do his who did you give it to the Roman or the I gave it to the person I made the effect for and he was there with here's an effect for another guy I want you to deliver yeah I had talked to him about it because me and him spoken about it earlier on the phone right but the person who you said say that you're giving it to is Roman yeah so that is Roman is the makeup artist so that is Roman going to the ball yes Roman what time did Roman get to the ball I have no idea I was at work I have no well do you have any idea now cuz I presume you've spoken a Roman since you're not only in court but at the People's Court welcome back to the People's Court I'm Harvey 11 the plaintiff says that he wasted his money by hiring the defendant to make a costume for him for a contest he was entering but the defendant says that the costume made it to him in time just fine so pound sand let's go back into the courtroom what does Roman say happened I didn't speak to him oh you never asked Roman whether he get where's the effect did you give him the effect No I gave it to him I drove the that wasn't my question did you ever ask Roman hey Roman this guy says cuz you say you never got the effect so did you ever say Roman did you give him the effect no I didn't I didn't I was at work I worked from what about since that day so since that day said hey Roman the guy says he didn't get his effect that when he called me about um the effect saying that he wasn't going to get there or get it get there to the at that time that's when I was like freak so I was like hold on I had to call him like hey what time he's like I'm getting there it's just going to be late and I was like okay well you just screwed me because now now you have so did Roman ever give him the effect yes or no now that I didn't apparently yes just after you know really what makes you say that I keep asking you if Roman tells you that he gave him the effect because I spoke with Roman and the person I gave it afterwards afterwards I don't know how I can make my questions any clear no you you're what did Romans say I gave him the effect at what time after after the category after the I mean after his his category was like watch this did Roman give you the effect you don't have the effect do you have any proof that Roman gave him the effect no you have an affidavit from Roman is Roman here to testify is not so again so here's what we have we have no proof that the effect was ever given to the client we have a plan for the effect to get there in time for the category and you know for a fact it didn't it's sent with your friend Roman who you have no evidence while we're you're in front of me here that Roman actually gave it to him other than hearsay you don't have anything from Roman you don't have Roman here to testify and uh he out now $50 for a loan why were you hitting up your client for a loan so that the day that I did the um okay it was a lot the day that I i a g to bring that up so I'll just go back here boom I needed the the $50 for something personal but my friend that was supposed to pay me back that I lent money for never paid me back I know but you're you're a business person maybe you you know oh no but this I mean I asked as a friend cuz we were friends okay did you pay him back as a friend or no I did not pay him back okay so you did not pay him back no I did not okay all right so and uh there's two classes he didn't get and you did Ghost between the 20s something and the first and then you surface on the first you make arrangements for someone to deliver it and that person arrives after the category and why wouldn't he get any money back can I can I say I cuz goost I I communicated with them via phone of why I couldn't make those practic so it wasn't like I wasn't not going to do it I did say that I could do it just we had to resched it because of my work schedule that's the only thing that happened with that but we communicated that yeah he doesn't want the other two classes he's now suing you so I don't think that uh he wants the other two classes so that's 60 bucks is going to go back to him um but what I'd like to to understand is why would should he be out five we know he's not out the 50 because now you you admit that you never paid him that back so why should he be out the 500 if according to your own admission Roman didn't get there until afterwards and you have first you told me I don't know if Roman gave him the costume you told me that like five times and then you said yeah I talked to him later and he says he gave him the costume but we don't have any evidence from Roman that the costume was given and we have him saying that it's the contrary so why wouldn't he be entitled to his money back if he paid you for something that you didn't provide and you're so late to the game too I know that this is very common because I have this kind of litigation in front of me all the time I'm an artist trust the process the process stinks okay cuz nobody wants to get it at 4:00 from Jersey City at the last minute um you know when he's trying to get ready and get mentally psyched so you know the whole thing stunk but in particular not being able to walk the category why would he why would you not refund his money because I I spent the money on the look I and I also gave so that was kind of a mistake to trust to Roman yeah that absolutely you're right yeah ab and you might want to ask Roman where it is because uh I'm not sure anybody knows where it is I don't know whether have you talked to Roman not recently no since since all of that like after after this incident that was just that was it but I haven't spoken to him as of today right now I'm going to order him to pay you back for the two classes you didn't take the $50 that you loaned him plus the $500 for the Garment that uh the uncontradicted testimony in this courtroom is you didn't get it because I don't have Roman here to testify so I am ruling in your favor in the amount of $610 verdict for the plaintiff good luck gentlemen So the plan of prevails he gets essentially everything he was seeking here in the People's Court $610 the judge orders the defendant to pay him let's see what the defendant has to say tarus what's your reaction to the judge's verdict I agree with it I mean at the end of it because it made perfect sense so I have no heart feel overt I mean don't you feel bad about what happened in the end Prof never got the chance to show himself off yes yes absolutely it's just like it sucks it sucks for business-wise perspective for me yes was he a good student yes amazing student it's a shame he didn't get a chance to do it then is he absolutely all right thank you very much let's see what the plff has to say now Hunter's on his way out of the courtroom Hunter let me ask you a little bit you said you were you wanted this to look sickening what did you mean by that that term when you said sickening meaning over the top meaning the best of the best and good quality and I mean you really wanted to win the contest didn't you yes yes what about the what about the outfit did you ever see it did you ever get it never saw it never got it never touched it never met Roman what do you suppose it is the world may never know ask Roman crazy crazy crazy all right congratulations all right that'll bring this case to a close Harvey what do you think well Doug look this is a case where a witness was critical now we've talked about this in small claims and if you watch People's Court you've seen this that sometimes the judge will allow notorized statements from Witnesses who can't attend and it just depends on how vital they are to a case the problem with a notorized statement you can't cross cross examine it and sometimes you need to cross-examine to test the credibility of the witness so sometimes the notorized statement works sometimes it doesn't but you need something Marilyn has John ever embarrassed you in public oh only every day only just about every day right come on what have I ever done to embarrass you in public um let's just say our social skills are different that's fair to point out and so sometimes it's they so different they're so different that I don't go out in public no no you'll go out in public and then you won't say a word all night or something and yeah and it's like people are like what's John Matt at I'm like you know he's just John um so I find somebody who wants to talk about pinball right or uhb or you're about you truly do often behave like a 12-year-old boy yeah I'm sure I've embarrassed you in public constantly every single time you ask for directions you embarrass me because I know how to get there and I'm going really upset about that because you don't do that only Chumps ask for direction yes of course fre can find your way there I mean I know that the moss grows on the north side of the tree from being a Boy Scout and everything so yes that's how I want to get where I'm going not through GPS or or someone telling us I just want you to watch the Moss and the sun that's right I like to go by dead reckoning right
Channel: The People's Court
Views: 100,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peoples court, Marilyn Milian, jury, judge, justice, television, appeal, ruling
Id: g4mshzhu8z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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