Not All Who Wander Are Lost // Judah Smith

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Luke chapter 15 Luke 15 has framed for me so much of my life and frankly so much of the impetus and passion behind why our community exists and let me explain it says in Luke chapter 15 verse verses 1 & 2 now the tax collectors and sinners all drew near to hear Jesus and the Pharisees and the scribes grumbled saying this man receives sinners and eats with him let me read this to you the message Bible if I can those first couple of verses it says by this time a lot of men and women of doubtful reputation were hanging around Jesus maybe you've never heard this about Jesus but he attracted a lot of men and women of doubtful reputation which is to say a lot of people that did not go to church were attracted to Jesus they were hanging around him listening intently Wow Jesus had a draw to him and the the the pastors the preachers were not pleased at all because this wasn't these weren't church folk they didn't smell like church they didn't look like Church they didn't talk like church their favorite words were not Church words and so they were not pleased and they growled and grumbled and they said he takes in bad people or sinners and he eats meals with them treating them like old friends treating them like old friends and they're grumbling triggered this story in other words the pastors and preachers of Jesus day could not understand his friends they could not understand his social circle now a lot of people today we we throw out the name of Jesus and the person of Jesus and he is portrayed in a lot of a number of different ways many of which I'm sure are relevant and important and valuable but one of the aspects of Jesus social life that many people don't talk about is the fact that he had friends that were not good people he didn't just befriend these people he ate meals with them and it typically an ancient time to eat a meal with someone is to align yourself with them socially it is to say you are my friend I accept you you belong in my heart you belong in my life so Jesus doesn't just you know I don't know that somebody on the street he says come to my house let's eat together and so the rumor mill began because Jesus had bad friends I want to suggest to you that not only should our life look like Jesus life socially but our church should look like the social life of Jesus everyone should be welcome in the church that Jesus is building now in an effort to explain himself to his critics Jesus tells us one story with three parts we've talked much about this but I'd like to take the next couple of weeks and talk even more about it he tells us one parable with three parts first he talks about a shepherd and some sheep then he talks about a woman and a coin collection he talks about a dad with two sons in every single story there will be something that is lost something that is found and there'll be a party in a home remember this is an explanation Jesus is explaining why he befriends the people he does he says let me tell you story he says there's a shepherd has a hundred sheep he loses one leaves in 99 finds the sheep calls his neighbors his fellow Shepherds has a celebration in a home another part there's a woman she has a ten coin collection she loses one of the ten she rips her house apart looking for the one coin finds it calls the neighbors in the cul-de-sac when she finds it and throws a party in a celebration fast forward third and final aspect of the story he says there is a father he's got two sons the oldest stays home and does this thing the youngest is wayward the youngest wants to go to Vegas the youngest wants to go to the ends of the earth and he wants to party so he gets his inheritance early he goes into some foreign land and he parties parties parties and so he's got no more money and then he finds his way trying to make his way back to the Father the father sees him a long way off runs to him embraces him gives him new clothes new jewelry new shoes gets a DJ dance floor music filet mignon and they celebrate okay that is Jesus explanation to you and me of why he loves bad people he tells us about sheep a coin and a son and here's what I like to talk about the next several weeks here's how God sees you and me he sees us as human beings who are prone to wander yet bear His image and are most certainly his children God loves you and me but he knows that we are prone to wander we bear His image Genesis says let us make man in our image we bear His image and we are most certainly his children for God desires that none would perish but all would come to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ their Heavenly Father what I'd like to do is I'd like to take the next few weeks I'd like to talk about why we wonder how Jesus solves our wandering I want to talk to us about how we bear His image and the implications of that and I want to talk about how we are in fact children of God so tonight today we're gonna dedicate the next few minutes to understand this idea of of wandering and so we're gonna go to quite frankly the most famous chapter in the Bible the most famous verse is probably John 3:16 but the most famous chapter is Psalms 23 okay alright fourteen of you thought about that okay Psalms 23 so let's go there together and I'm gonna title this sermon not all who wander are lost I just saw a bumper sticker I thought was funny okay I love it not all who wander or lost Psalm 23 says this the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside still waters he restores my soul he leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever I'd like us to use that passage to understand this passage of course is rooted in the metaphor of sheep and Shepherds sheep and Shepherd Jesus says he likens our nature to sheep that's why he tells us in his parable that we are like sheep that have wandered but the Shepherd comes looking for us I want to talk to you about our our wanderings tonight and I'd like to show you in Scripture how God solves and satisfies the wanderings of your life and heart and soul I want to remind you that the big idea when we get together is not to think more about ourselves but it's a thing more about God but that's where the power is to change and grow in this life someone's saying Amen would not be a bad thing Jesus thank you for the moments that we share thank you for your grace thank you for your love God we we sense that you're here right now and we know that you have a plan and a purpose and so we ask though whatever we came in with this room that you'd allow us in the brief moments that we do share studying your story to focus to lean in to listen to hear and to experience your grace and goodness God we we we need something supernatural to happen at the Coliseum on Sunday against these Rams help the Seahawks with all my heart I asked the Rams don't even need any more wins and selfless win Lord in Jesus name Jesus name Jesus amen I I grew up without without cell phones which is kind of a weird thing to say now I'm 40 and I talked to my kids about this this era of life that they know nothing about I had a pager in high school anybody have a pager any any pager people let's go let's go we ought to bring pagers back actually it's it was so this just like man I got a call I'll be back you know you go to the pay phone it was called a meeting point it's this thing called rendezvous maybe you've never heard of it but it's like a place you meet because you don't have a point now literally think about it we all just like show buddies later all right kids talk to you soon all right it just kind of runs off and hey where are you I'm on this ride it's just constant communication this brings me to a recent event between Chelsea and I now we'd only been 18 years married a few weeks ago now it's 19 years but went over to a local mall and we didn't bring our phones one of the reasons we didn't bring our friends our phones is because we wanted to be present for each other what does it be there for her okay it's actually like a love language now I think there's like five I think there should be a sixth love language it's like no cellphones that's my love language that is Chelsea's love language I'm not joking like it's no longer quality time it's no it's no longer words of affirmation it's no phone what I have no phone she's like oh my god she love me okay this is real so we go to the mall it's Friday date day that's what we do now Friday's our date day kids are in school praise the Lord and we go on a date on Friday so we're not gonna bring our phones so we go shopping and we're walking and we're holding hands and it's just the best time and we walk into a department store and we're walking around this is so great she's okay I'm gonna go over to you know this section I'm like okay perfect I'm gonna go over this section it'll be great and so we kind of go our separate ways just momentarily it's date day for crying out loud and suddenly I think it probably daunted us at the same time we never communicated and we have no phones now I know you're gonna laugh at me but for a moment I was like I may never see here again like I mean no it's guy I'm serious it's a weird you're like I I have the keys I will raise the kids without her like that I actually don't know how this is gonna work now and it was the 20th longest minutes of our marriage because then then you're in the dilemma do I stay in the men's department because she knows I'm here and she's over in her department going do I stay me here or do I go there and we would later compare notes we were literally going up and down the escalator missing each other I started to think to myself what will I say to the kids I lost your mom will hope for a new one no I was kidding relax relax Joe but like we just I mean 40 year old man in a department store I'm just looking everywhere few people are like hey you okay I'm like no what's wrong I lost my wife right and everyone's like why don't you call her I never thought of that that's amazing she doesn't have a phone I don't have a phone our life is over like it is amazing how we just assume it's so easy to get lost in this life I was nine years old got lost in the Atlanta Airport that's before pagers actually and I got lost for one little old reason my dad took a write down an escalator to go to the gate my mom sent me ahead said catch up with your dad because we were late for the flight with different places in the country my dad would talk to young people about purpose and destiny and vision and he was my hero so I ran after dad didn't know I was running after dad dad took her right down the escalator to another terminal and I kept running kept running kept running running I'm nine years old just just sad and I'm just I'm in the middle of a concourse just like I literally started dad did dad strangers walking past me that's what's wrong with this country and this sweet lady came up she goes she goes baby boy are you I said lost you know I didn't mean to get lost at nine I didn't mean to lose my wife at forty about as easy it's amazing how in Scripture sometimes if you're familiar with the narrative and familiar with Bible there a lot is made of lost people are lost people are lost but I think sometimes we assume that people are lost because they did something wrong or bad or they wanted to get lost but I would like to go on record to say I think it's easy to get lost because I think we're prone to wonder it's in our nature I think that's why the Bible speaks of sheep 400 times over 400 times this look references sheep most of which is a reference as a metaphor to the human nature now now don't be mad at me it's God's book but sheep are not exactly known for being the brightest sheep are easily distracted vulnerable and animals prone to wander over and over and over and over the Bible says makes it clear we are like sheep Jesus says it again they say why you got these friends and basically his answer is because they're like sheep in fact Jesus quoted as saying look they're like sheep without a shepherd vulnerable how strong we think we are how safe we think we are when if you're honest with yourself this life is fragile you and me fragility is the name of our existence we are so vulnerable we are so fragile safety is so elusive control is not entirely we're doing our best but we don't even know how our body functions the way it functions we're incredibly dependent vulnerable beings we are like sheep the Bible says over for two times but I would like to add that over 100 times in Scripture God is likened to a shepherd God is likened to a shepherd now before we go any further in Psalms 23 it is imperative for us to understand and to put ourselves in the ancient historical understanding of shepherds today the concept of a shepherd could be someone on a four-wheeler could be someone in a helicopter could be someone on a horse who's kind of herding sheep it could be a ranch hand it could be a hireling somebody who's just kind of getting the Sheep together but in antiquity in ancient time not only was shepherding something that was all-encompassing it was all-consuming but it was done very intentionally and delicate delicately let me say like this King David who writes Psalms 23 was a shepherd for many many years and he was probably far closer to his sheep than he was most human relationships he would have named the Sheep he would have known I know this sounds weird he would have known the smell of the Sheep the Shepherd lives with the herd lives with the Sheep knows the propensity zs-- and personalities of the different sheep understands that this sheep is a little ornery and this sheep is a little stubborn or this sheep is kind of whimpering and kind of whines a little bit and this one doesn't like the hills and this one doesn't like the plains and this one doesn't eat real well and this one has little always kind of bothered and agitated he would have known that about his sheep he would have watched over the herd at night when they sleep it was an intimate metaphor for God who calls himself the Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd well you and me we're prone to wander but I got good news there is a God and he is likened to a good Shepard now now that takes us to Psalms 23 where David think about a former shepherd now a king who says let me tell you about God and his nature let me tell you about God and how he takes care of you and me and David is going to use one of the favorite metaphors in all of Scripture it has been said about Psalms 23 it is the most intimate chapter or portion of scripture in regards to God being with us remember Christmas time you ever hear this emanuelle running around town you hear a manual you're at the mall also Emmanuel God with us music's playing Emmanuel literally means God with us scholars believe Psalms 23 is the greatest explanation of God with us I want to show you three reasons you and I wander and while doing that I want to show you exactly how God solves those three reasons we wander Psalms 23 starts off like this the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want I shall not want number 1 I wonder because I want I wonder because I need I wonder because there must be more I wonder because I need more I wonder because I want more I wonder because I desire more and more and more it's in our nature and so it is in the nature of sheep I wander because I want let me let me explain to you sheep sheep graze on average for 7 hours a day 7 hours a day and basically the rest of time they sleep so here let let lets let's explain the rhythm of a sheep's day you ready it goes something like this wake up eat move eat move eat move eat move eat sleep wake up eat move eat move eat what are these cows move eat graze grazes nice word for move and the definition of a sheep's life is what I eat here and I want more now eat sheep can eat can I just say that you want talking about consumerism sheep can tear up some grass she can just eat move eat move eat move eat move that's interesting if we're not careful that can make up a whole life won't get move what get move what get not what I thought it was move what get move what what what what what what get move what huh no move man I just love this life you do yeah always looking for more awesome how was your day it's good but man in a couple of weeks I'm finally gonna you know finally get that do that you know Wow two weeks later hey man so that was the big week yeah it's it's not what I thought but in a couple of months I'm gonna you know do something better Oh eat move eat move eat move David says the Lord is my shepherd and I don't have to move I shall not want watch this he says next verse he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside still waters now that he makes me lie down it sounds like God says hey lay down and that could be relevant but you know what the actual Hebrew here you look it up you know what it means it means these sheep arrived in a pasture unlike they have ever seen in fact they didn't even believe a pasture like this existed and so when they get to this pasture the sheep go oh ain't going nowhere I say that right are you yeah I'm good you good I'm good you want a graze I'm done my grazing days are over be honest I'm good right here meaning his goodness makes me lie down for it is the goodness of God that leads me to change leads me to lay down leads me to relinquish leads me to say I don't have to search any longer my search is over I have found the desire of all nations and the lover of my soul pop-up and the striving ceases and angst and the stress and he leads me beside the word still there it's better transliterated quiet I mean it's got that nice trickle of a little creek sound and and everything is just as it as it should be he he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside still waters he restores my soul he leads me in paths of righteousness for his name sake Jesus is supposed to frame for you what you want in this life the Bible says God will give you the desires of your heart there is nothing inherently wrong with your desires or your passions as long as you and I accept the universal reality that only God can truly satisfy the longing of your soul and that puts everything in its place I wonder because I still I just came to me we wander shut up we wander because we still haven't found what we're looking for how many more people got to have more stuff than you until we learn that stuff is never going to deliver to the core of your being what you think it is it's never gonna deliver what it promises that job won't deliver what it promises that income won't deliver what it promises that that social status won't deliver what it promises it'll be like eat move consume moves and your whole life follows this rhythm and we wonder why so many people keep thinking to themselves just over the bend just over the horizon just around the corner I'm gonna finally get what I'm looking for David as a king now says of the Lord is the one who satisfies me he is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down David says it's so good with God I quit searching now that's crazy because we read Luke 15 verses 1 & 2 and where did the bad people go they moved towards who they moved towards Jesus and when they got there they sat down and listened because when they got around to him it's like he made them lie down something something was satisfied in bad people that's why people were drawn to Jesus because when you get there you're like oh now this is green pastures this will satisfy my soul I wonder because I want going on I wonder I get lost in this life I deviate I go through detours I get distracted because I'm afraid because I fear and fear complicates things and convolute things and so I get lost in my head I get lost in my thoughts I get lost in my emotions because I'm so afraid it goes on in verses 3 & 4 & 5 this is even though even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death Wow David yeah David had been through some valleys he said even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me the word evil there in the Hebrew means harm or injury or threat I will fear no threat I will fear no harm I will fear no injury because you're with me your rod and your staff they they comfort me let me let me talk about you are with me David has an understanding of a shepherd he was a shepherd so he's thinking about ancient Shepherds and how they function and one thing about a shepherd is the shepherd is not a shepherd when he drives the sheep Shepherds never drive the Sheep in other words they never go behind the sheep and push the sheep that's not how you lead sheep sheep are too dumb to drive them you've got to get out in front of them so the Sheep can follow in your footsteps and so when David says the reason I'm not afraid in dark seasons and dark times and dark valleys is because I can look to you you're right in front of me in fact you're gonna go through the dark valley before I even get there you are ahead of me preparing the way for me so when he says you're with me he doesn't just mean you're at my side he means you're ahead of me and let me tell you something about Jesus he will not drive you or push you he will lead you he will lead nothing like a leader who leads the way nothing like a leader who says y'all be good god help you as opposed to follow me let's do this leadership he says I know I know you're I know you're ahead of me I know you're ahead of me I know you're ahead of me and then he says I love this and nobody talks about this when it comes to Jesus Jesus doesn't just have the staff he has a rod it take something about this rod it is not for the sheep people take this passage and they say that now God will use the rod on you sometimes you need to be careful because God will just he'll just God will get you oh man you do something dumb on a Friday night bye-bye well said it's the rod from God God's nickname is rod know the the rods not for the sheet the rod is for your enemies the rod is for the threats the rod is for the Predators the rod was literally a club worn on the belt of a shepherd and when there were predators and when there were enemies and when there were threats the Shepherd with courage and strength and accuracy would pulverize the enemy while the Sheep huddled behind the Shepherd he would protect the herd shepherds don't use rods on sheep so many people believe that God has a rod stop thinking that it's like the most direct thing a preacher could say stop it's bad put it that rod is not for you that rod is for your enemy now the staff is for you and the staff all the times would have a little hook as it's been popularized and that hook was to guide you to bring you back to keep you from a cliff to keep you from harming yourself and hurting yourself let's see sometimes we miss appropriate God's staff with his rod and we think it's his rod it's not his wrath it's not his judgment that was all the peas in the finished work of Jesus though he's using his staff to guide you it's not always convenient or comfortable but God is not here to beat you up that's why preacher shouldn't beat people up because God doesn't beat people up preachers are using rods and God doesn't he uses a staff and he guides his beloved sheep from whom he has named in whom he is numbered in whom he is intimately involved oftentimes of the night while the sheep would rest the shepherd would come by and check the eyes and the ears and the mouth for any infections for any a bugs that would be trying to harm the shepherd he would know their eyes he would know their mouth he would know their ears he would know the smallest parts of them he was he was a good shepherd he says the rod comforts me how does a rod comfort because you watch your enemies get pulverized no weapon formed against you will prosper there is a shepherd that is ahead of you and he will fight this battle for you the battle is the Lord's I wander because I get afraid and I think I've got to do this on my own I know it feels so alone in this dark difficult challenging season but I'm here to tell you you are not alone there is a God who was likened to a good shepherd and he's going before you and David says even though I go through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me going on in verse 5 suddenly we get a change and I end here suddenly do you see it you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemy what happened to the sheep Shepherd thing did this turn into a dining room metaphor or you see that everything sheep Shepherd sheep Shepherd sheep Shepherd sheep Shepherd and then it's like you're a great host and I am your guest I thought we were talking about sheep and shepherds well scholars have talked about how the table could be high ground and the table top ground where the Shepherd's will go beforehand and search it out and seek it out and eliminate predators to prepare the herd to go up on the table top but I think I know what David's doing here he gets to the end of this famous song this is a song by the way that was actually something to music and he says you're not just a shepherd you're the ultimate host now listen to this he says before I got to you you had already prepared a spread in a table for me even in the presence of my enemies now think about this for a moment David is saying God is the ultimate host and I'm honored to be his guest he will talk about a worldview God is the creator of heaven and earth he made the earth and all it is in it and then you know what he did he made you and me and said come on in and he's been a host ever since and watch how he hosts because it is consistent with ancient chivalry and hosting in the Bible days David says and when you come to his table he anoints your head with oil and your cup will overflow David's telling you something about God that can put some things to rest not only do I wonder because I want but only do I wander because I fear but the last thing I wonder because I keep striving I keep striving I keep striving and I have failed to realize that I am on earth being hosted please hear me we're being hosted God has hosted us you want to talk about putting in some trouble to get ready for a company you ever had company coming over and it's like what we all just get turned on each other in the Smith family it's like just put it away clean up the beer in ten minutes ah you know how much preparation God put in to hosting you like gravity was inserted to host you without it we'd be really unholstered God set everything in motion so that you could breathe so that your heart would beat so that you could live and the elements and stars and the Seas and I mean you just you remove bees we've all seen it bees and and stuff starts to go right like everything plays its part because the ultimate host has set it in motion you're being hosted you're being hosted right now well Judah that's weird well then how are you breathin well it's because and how did that happen well it's because and how did that happen well it's because and how did that happen well that some stuff just collided and then it and then and how did that happen it it did we're being hosted and David says here's the kind of host God is when you anointed someone's head with oil in your home if you were the host it oftentimes was very expensive and it was very fragrant and the more expensive it was and the more fragrant it was the more honor and esteem you were granting your guests in other words they get out the good oil like if the president came over if your favorite well-known figure came over they would give the good stuff to honor the role to honor the position David says God God God prepared a table and then he poured oil on my head what do you say he pours oil on my head God serves you yeah he he honored me in the process he valued me in the process nobody talked when they anointed the guest with oil it was a moment of esteem it was a moment of value it was a moment of placement it was to say you were always welcomed at this table this is the table you belong our entire family is honored that you're here so many people today are wandering because they're looking for where they fit they're looking for value in the things they do and David thousands of years ago says there's a host his name is God and he's prepared to spread for his children and he anoints your head with oil and your cup runs over this is the character of God on display he loves you more than you could ever imagine what's happening in Psalms 23 is is one of the greatest demonstrations of her said hih said is the unconditional covenant or love of God in fact there is not an English word or enough words in the language to even describe us said has said is this supernatural otherworldly love that God has for you you have a seat at his table and he is honored to be your host this is how much God loves you so then David in light of this reality says this in verse 6 he says goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I'm going to go to God's house I'm ending right here so much of this life is what I got to go get for me I've heard people say if it's meant to be it's up to me if it's meant to be it's up to me and that's fine I'm just saying this not how God works your value was there before you were even conceived the Bible says has nothing to do with what you did or how hard you work or how excellent or gifted you are God values you because you are his and you're in his image and he has a place appointed at his table for you and he's prepared to spread and he's honored and privileged and you are esteemed and loved and of infinite value no matter what anybody says about you and then that's clappa bow and then David says the steadfast this is a reference to that said the steadfast love of God chases me for the rest of my life look what it says in the message same verse Psalm 23 verse 6 in the message Bible it says it says yes your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life and I'm back home in the house of God for the rest of my life well you read this and you read between the lines and all the layers and all the historical context and all the backstory and all the background and you can't help but step back for a moment and say are you telling me there is a God who is this good he's that good of a shepherd he's that good of a host yes and that's why King David said and to top it all off I don't have to go looking for God's love it chases me that Hebrew word chase is that of an animal chasing down its prey that God is on the hunt to love you that's what some of you like I can't shake everywhere I go it seems like God people are around huh the chase is on I go to cafes I could have breads I go to clubs and go to parties are gonna games it's just like God loves y'all he's chasing me David says I'm home what's he talkin about the palace he lives in no I'm home with God I'm back home in his house for the rest of my life our church exists to see Psalms 23 demonstrated in people's lives that's why we exist that's why we exist as a church we can't chase anybody but I'm gonna tell you right now we can let everybody know there's a god chase him he's chasing you somebody here that you're like man this is getting creepy well it's close to Halloween's to be expected God's chasing God loves you so much he's prepared this place for you to host you and the Bible says someday there'll be a new heavens and a new earth and the ultimate host will be there too and he's prepared it for you and for me I pray that David's words ring true to many of us tonight in conclusion I'm also very aware that there are many people who are still striving and stressing and struggling and I'll be the first to admit that there are some days where that's how it feels for me too but I find again the reminder that God is my source he's my shepherd he's my host he's my strength and I'm reminded again that I don't have to go searching for God he came searching for me and of course that's how Luke 15 concludes I dream of a church that looks like this Luke chapter 15 verses 1 & 2 one more time in the message Bible guys if we could read that Luke 15 verses 1 & 2 in the message Bible here's the kind of church I dream of and I believe the church that we are becoming by this time a lot of men and women of doubtful reputation we're hanging around church home listening to Jesus some religious people didn't like it they said that Church takes in sinners and eats meals with them and treats them like old friends that's the kind of church I'd dream of and when people ask why do we do that we'll explain to them as Jesus did well we believe people are like sheep they wander but they bear His image and each and every one of them are his kids and he loves them I believe hey everybody thank you so much for watching our YouTube channel to be honest it really means a lot it's kind of overwhelming to consider that you take time out of your life to listen to us tell the story of Jesus if you haven't already you can subscribe right here to the channel and get more of God's incredible love for you and his story of grace again I can't say it enough thank you so much for watching and hopefully we can do this again real soon
Channel: Churchome
Views: 29,094
Rating: 4.9006624 out of 5
Keywords: Churchome, Judah, Judah smith, church, message, anxiety, depression, how to, elevation, Steven, Hillsong, oceans, sermon, the city church, church home, Chelsea smith, bobby Houston, td jakes, pastor, pastor preaching, carl lentz, Jesus, conference, guest speaker, sermon jam, worship, Justin Bieber, la Hillsong, Selena, preaching, Judah message, performance
Id: b5YgOFqvegY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 19sec (2839 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 15 2018
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