Nordic home encased within geodesic dome for passive solar

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I like it, in fact, if I had some land, I think I would figure out how to build it.

I'd be worried about heat and humidity in the summer, and snow loading in the winter.

Some IR reflective coatings on the panels, could help with heat. Maybe a see through mirror coating for the bottom 10ft or so, for privacy. Maybe find a manufacturer that can make solar panels in that hexagonal shape, and use a few of those. I would also put some ceiling fans at the top vent to help drive the heat out.

Maybe put design some sort of superhydrophobic coating into the panels as well. Help shed water better, and keep snow off the surface.

Also, this is more of a biodome, than a greenhouse.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/adaminc 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

Wrong. C60 is a description of a carbon sphere called buckminsterfullerene and not diamond which is a crystal lattice of carbon.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/UnderTheRain 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

Haven't watched the entire video here, but I've been in this dome a couple of times since it was constructed and it's not actually used as a house (no one lives in it). It's used for concerts and events with small artists, usually for free. They are going to tear it down eventually since it's a temporary construction.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SimonGray 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2016 🗫︎ replies
right now we are actually in the center of Copenhagen on a place called Santiago's place which is the third biggest the yeah actually is empty space in Copenhagen CJ the building behind me is called the the dome ovations Domo vision is an experiment we wanted a building a construction where we could imagine to live like this in the future we are inspired all the architects that I work together with we are inspired by Buckminster Fuller one of his projects was actually to build a dome above Manhattan and back in the sixty he even calculated that the cost of that dome would be paid back in six years on the energy saving cost of New York if you did that and the structure itself is inspired by the geodesic dome if you look at the beams in the structure it's actually inspired by the molecule called c60 which is the same you have in the diamond structure so the structure itself is the strongest structure that nature itself has produced which is here then scale up to a building then the circular sheet is made up of polycarbonate which is transparent material so it's in kind of both flexible it is only a climate shell that should protect the indoor climate from rain and from water it's not the dome itself that's interesting it is the thinking of could you live inside a greenhouse you should imagine that this is a single-family house so the thinking of the dome itself and that was actually also buckminster fuller's idea is that could you live inside a greenhouse and from a structural point of view or engineering point of view you could say that this building that is then supposed to be the house that you live in when it's very cold when that building is protected from wind and from rain you can produce a house with a minimum use of resources you can do it without glue you can there's no chemicals in the building so if you could actually digest wood you could actually eat your house inside here just because you don't need any protection from rain yeah exactly okay it's important for people to understand why have we chosen this size of the dome in the house and that was to ask the question could you live like this in the future we said it had to be as a house that was big enough to host two adults and two kids so it's a single family thing and then the architects have calculated if you chose to live here and you had your own vegetables in the dome area you would be self supplied with vegetables for for year-round that that's why we have chosen this size of the project today we don't have vegetables all over because it's also a cultural house voila who is the dome master here he just told me that in two hours we will have a small concert so they're busy right now so if you look around inside here you can see we are not using it as a home right now we are using it for for office space actually so there are four to six people working here every day and this would ya bedroom or it could also be a living room the house inside the dome itself is in two storage and is 120 square meters all in all at least in Denmark that is supposed to be enough space for two adults and two kids this is polycarbonate we have chosen material that is the say as the the plates on the dome itself the idea is that even in a Danish climate when you are protected just from wind and from water you could use a minimum use of isolation material to have a full year living planet here and then we have outside here we have a terrace here and what we have learned is that the architect has chosen it to to be on the south side but when the Sun shines it's actually so hot in here that we were today if we want to do the project differently we would have put the terrace here on the north side yeah in summer in winter it's beautiful because this is an experiment you can see it as this wide thing it's called an icy meter we have 12 of these installed we get a lot of data here and all data is transmitted to the internet and even the Danish Technological University have access to the data and they can do some research both for their sake but also for our sake of course here we have an average temperature in the dome the temperature right now is twenty four point seven degrees then we have the outdoor temperature so you can see there's a difference of six degrees then we have a parts per million carbon in the air it's 550 now I think that if you're below 800 you talk about in Denmark then you have a good air quality and then the last KPI we have is the humidity in the air inside the door well today it's chilly out and it's warm in here yeah excite yeah yeah yeah that's a difference I would say this project it actually gives full credit in spring and autumn and then it's raining then it's very exciting to be here if you can see the Hat what we call the Hat is that we can actually lift the roof so when it's get too hot in here you open the roof and then and then the hot air when go out and the chilly air comes in below in the dome right now we're doing a dome evasions 2.0 I call it in Stockholm in Sweden and there we have take the learning point from Copenhagen to that dome and there we are actually doing a roof that is twice as big and we even have not two doors opening for photos so we will have four times as much natural ventilation but here you can sense the what I call this is actually my favorite part of the dog because you had the view to the harbour and you can really feel the size of the dome inside here it's ten and a half meters to the top normally when you're having buildings you can be inside the building and outside that mean you've been outdoor but in the dome ovations we are actually working without what I call the third space because you can be inside the house outside the house but inside the dome and still you're not outside so we have what we call three three spaces in the inner dome and but Mr Fuller was talking about the greenhouse effect yeah and you could say that the idea why does it come up now then Denmark we are very much tightening the building regulations in terms of isolation to use as less energy as possible but we see nowadays that we build walls that are that thick in the housing and it is both expensive and not very efficient from a space perspective so what your your plane will hear is actually that you're separating the inner wall from the outer wall so the dome itself is the outer wall of the building and the inner wall is then the wall itself yeah so it's a you actually turn the thinking upside down and of course in Nordic countries where we have there not that much light in wintertime people love the Sun and love the light here we have a meditation climate in Denmark year-round if we move over here you can see the garden this is me being in the forest in the center of Copenhagen and it's actually voluptuous trees which normally grows in Australia in very hot temperature and with not that much water I love trees so obviously it's a Mediterranean climate yeah I think what we have also discovered here if you only look at all the measurements if you ask the question would people be happy inside the dome the answer would be no because all the measurement shows you that there's too hot in here or too noisy or whatever but whenever we ask people how did you feel being here they say they have never felt more happy so how do you measure happiness here we have also a technical room where we have a water tank because we have heated water in the floor to heat it up in wintertime and then we have the outdoor tank room out there where we are also experiment with new ways of heating systems and I know it's not your thermal actually you would if you were supposed to be here forever you would have constructed the dome on the ground itself so you would use the the heating of the ground from the winter but since we have to move this it was too expensive to construct this on the ground actually just for a year and there's actually five thousand Bowl in the structures you could say that's a challenging thing for us because when we have to disassemble it and we rearrange it again that's the way we use a lot of hours or man-hours to collect it but the great thing about this rock is that we don't use silicon material it's all just bolted together and then the water can run off the structure itself so there's no glue there's exactly Clues there's no glue yeah yeah how the plate has been collected together you can see the actually overlap as a kind of I call it official and then it's bolted together it is a fact that the carbon sixty miracle sea 60 is the strongest molecule that the nature itself has produced you can't get a stronger structure with less use of materials if you look at the forces from engineering perspective if you see how actually light this structure is and then what happens when you have to have all that forces down to a rectangular construction then you can see actually how heavy steel you need in order to take all these forces so whenever human being thinking read angular and you can see how how heavy forces it has to to collect but when you use the the c60 molecule structure you can do it very like you can't get a stronger structure with less use of materials so in that context I think it's silly not to investigate more what can we do of course if you did this construction and you have to live there you wouldn't be probably 100% transparent of course you could use she ate and all that kind of stuff when you look back in time in pokemans the fullest era in the 60s I think that the dome was kind of equal to he pills and I think when that culture whatever develop I think people forgot the dome or even didn't think of that as a new way of living I think it comes up now as because we need to think differently when we talk about construction and urban and city development I think when you look into problems to follow and someone hears ideas it's actually interesting not only to look at this size of a dome in a single-family house but could you actually think these wave are construction in bigger urban areas and if you can imagine that you did a dome above what we call a building block in Denmark where several family lives then you actually create a small society in the society so you maybe could actually even also play with that and you could start playing with ideas also to maybe let the house go through the dome and then play with that kind of ideas it's actually only the imagination that sets the limit limitations
Channel: Kirsten Dirksen
Views: 619,355
Rating: 4.934319 out of 5
Keywords: greenhouse house, greenhouse home, tensegrity, bucky fuller, buckminster fuller, geodesic dome, c60, buckminsterfullerene, bucky ball, dome, dome building, passive solar house, self sustaining homes, home energy efficiency, dome of visions, copenhagen, denmark, dov, dome of visions v3, passive solar, cnc milling, cnc milled homes, home within a dome
Id: 1Bn2o-xyS6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2016
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