This Off Grid Dome on an Island is a Dreamy Place to Live

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hey there i'm mark admiral i'm chris turpin welcome to concept neverland [Music] this video is sponsored by pronamat eco click the link in the description to get the best deal on the award-winning prontomat eco massage set with code florv stick around to the end of the video to hear more about how you can manage your pain stress or anxiety on the road or at home mark and i met in 1999 we were both free skiers and a company from japan kind of hooked us up from head to toe our friend hide who was the manager of that team put us together and 20 years later we're still best friends and still just like to get in trouble around the world we ended up at concept neverland because we're here on gambier island camping one night and we kind of realized that the ocean offers so much abundance with sea life and fishing crabbing prawning and we realized hey we've been in the mountains for over 20 years maybe we should switch it up and try something new there's a lot of different properties on gambier island from million dollar properties to these little plots of land that's barely big enough for like a mobile trailer we got lucky with ours it was 155 000 and we kind of caught it right in time when the market was at its lowest off-grid living is something that we've been dabbling with with the dome previously being up in braylor and we only ever used it like a couple times a year a couple weeks a year so it really wasn't getting enough use for how rad of a structure it is so as soon as this gambier island property came available were like all right it's no brainer we're packing it up removing it you're using your imagination you're being creative you're letting loose of all the connections you have to society and social structures you can kind of go barefoot and run free and it's the idea that peter pan set out that you're just you're free to be young forever a lot of people want to be able to experience this way of living and i think we are creating a place where we can share that with others so typically we get to neverland with the jolly roger but unfortunately john rogers got a bit of a mechanical going on so that's where mr eric berger here is come by pick us up take us all around beautiful property can't wait to show you guys [Music] welcome to concept neverland beach we're here in the wintering months now so the summer dock has been taken out from the the top of the gangway down to that white marker it's normally where the dock floats since normally where we tie off got some company here at the local water dog hey bud as we get older and we're pretty broken up it's nice to give back to your body so here on the beach we have our old-fashioned flaw foot tub cast iron just usually light a fire underneath it found online for free in vancouver it's actually one of the first things we brought over it takes about eight of these jugs to fill up the bath so just run down to the water if you wait till high tide it's easiest the walk is much shorter kind of tucked away in this nice little corner of the world where you can kind of just turn off your brain and be one with the water and zen out so this rooftop tent was on the top of my truck for a couple years it's amazing because it's a fully insulated tent but as soon as we uh got the property here we realized we needed a beach house you're not worried about roots or rocks or anything like that you just need to get semi-level and it's got a mattress built in so it's super comfortable and yeah this is definitely my favorite place to sleep on the property just up the hill from the beach we're in our flat building site we decide to place the dome here this dome comes from pacific domes in ashen oregon it's a 24 foot diameter with 14 foot ceilings the reason i went with a dome is because of its spherical structure i wanted to bring it into the mountains and with that there's gonna be a lot of snow load and that natural spherical structure handles snow and wind super well we simply dug some holes put some crush in put some paving stones down on some of the key points and then just use these pier blocks through some four by fours underneath and then we've got our floor joists and then on top of that dome deck the underside of the floor is insulated with spray foam so it does help keep it warmer in here and the dome deck is made up of 15 pie pieces so that when i want to move it i can break down the floor easily i can pack up the whole floor dome and loft onto my truck and a trailer right here we've got our portable electric solar panels here and these 400 watts go into our two kilowatt battery generator when we have full sun these panels will charge that big battery bank in six and a half hours bought this dome back in 2012 so it's eight years old and it's traveled to four different locations and it's holding up super well and every year just gets better and better inside so one of the greatest things about this location is this ocean view so we position the windows so when you sit down on the couch here you've got ocean almost 180 degrees it's nice and open and even though it's only 24 square feet it's got these vaulted ceilings so it feels super spacious in here you've got an outer skin made of vinyl then you've got reflectix liner and then you have this inner liner that installation helps immensely with keeping out summer heat but also helping retain the winter heat to our left we've got our kitchen zone so we're able to stash plates bowls cutlery pots pans in here right now we just get water from the creek put it into this tank and then it's just a simple hand pump our cook top is on propane this thing boils water almost as fast as a jet so in just a few minutes we haven't even had to change out a tank and we've been here for a few months right now we're doing a lot of work around here we've got our tools trying to keep ourselves relatively organized around here and then right here we've got a little book section with all sorts of inspiration we've got our portable electric unit it's made in vancouver which is super cool stores two kilowatt hours of energy it's just kind of a plug and play and has everything built into it i picked this book up and i was leafing through it and i noticed this beautiful stove in here it's like oh my goodness that would be so perfect for the dome and then i went on craigslist and i found that exact same lopey stove and found it from 400 bucks which i thought was a great deal burns the wood nice and slow and evenly and just creates a really nice and cozy heat in here we set up some of these rings in here so you can just kind of swing around get all george of the jungle in here yeah we have a great time in here man it's super cozy we've got a futon right here we've got couch space right here we've got a hide bed right here and then we've got a queen size and a double bed up top as you can see it's super cozy up here initially i had this dream of doing hanging beds in here i thought maybe we could do a whole hanging floor system but we realized that it was going to be stronger to build posts so a good friend of mine his name's flo he's a german builder acquired all these materials from a friend of mine that was doing a big renovation so it's all reclaimed materials assembled it and then brought it up to the dome and my good buddy eric he actually had some of this plexiglas kicking around the back of his house i wanted some natural light to be able to come through the floor and come into the lower area and so it definitely helps brighten up the area and just feels kind of cool to be standing on glass for people that come up here for the first time it definitely kind of throws them off or when you wake up in the morning and all of a sudden you look down you think you're going to fall down and another key component to the dome is the disco ball as soon as it gets dark out giant a headlamp plug in the disco ball and all of a sudden the dome gets taken to the next level and really comes to life in here and we now have an outhouse and with any good outhouse you gotta have a view pretty simple setup 55 gallon tank we've got some maple chips here so after you go to the loo you just put some wood chips in is essentially a composting toilet so one of our most recent developments is the poor man's pizza oven it costs eighty dollars to build the key to this process is sliding this paving stone a couple inches forward so the heat from the fire goes up along the back wall and then travels over the top of your pizza and you'll be able to cook a pizza in here in three minutes a good friend of ours out east is building these his name's ryan markham i've tried a few different wood-fired hot tubs in the past but this is my first time using an external stove within 15-20 minutes of getting a fire going hot water rising which in turn causes cold water to get pulled in you'll put your hand in here just 20 minutes after i'm getting the fire going and you'll feel hot water already starting to flow with the insulated liner and a lid it will hold heat and so long as you just have a little fire going then it's going to stay hot all day long and alongside the property we have this little creek that flows down so to get flowing water to the dome i just walked up the creek so i built a box out of this old cedar here i've got a four inch intake that steps down to the inch and a quarter line some of the water enters the box which goes into the line which then goes down to neverland really simple setup that took about a half day in the future i'm going to connect one creek with another into one line and then we're gonna hook up a little water turbine to be able to have consistent power will be a game changer for us here just up from the dome and just down from our water intake you'll see we've got a nice little bridge heading up to the yurt come check it out we got it second hand from the pemberton music festival dragged up this hillside and gave it his new home right up here on what we call the ravens nest we got a steal of a deal on this thing uh i think they're about 20 new we got it for five thousand dollars so up cycling it was definitely worth it came with the floor package which is inch and a half ply foundation here is the exact same as a dome find the flat spots and work the train you're given she's still a work in progress we're gonna have some floating stairs but come on in check it out not much going on in the year yet it's not as established as the dome on the entrance it'll be a wall probably about yay high with a murphy bed that folds off the side so when you walk in you'll come to this side you'll have bunk beds and a couch they're coming in this side will kind of be like a little kitchenette with a little table and then just nice and open in the front with a fireplace coming out here french doors that'll open up to the patio which will be absolutely breathtaking once we accomplish that constant neverland will keep evolving keep growing with three acres as there's so many nooks and crannies and so many places to continue to grow but also we want to be able to have a place where we can sustain ourselves so with that having an orchard greenhouse garden a spa area so we can revitalize ourselves produce all of our own energy and be able to live comfortably and happily i'd say one of the better parts of being in neverland is the ability to learn and all the new stuff that there is to learn that's based around with the ocean and island living and off-grid living we've got a short time on this planet so we might as well diversify our experiences as much as possible and we've spent so much time living in the mountains and becoming well versed with that so now let's flip it upside down and try something completely different for ourselves and learn the ways of the ocean now especially with mark and i both being 40 just turning 40 this year it's kind of that pivotal moment where you can continue to live the same life you have and get comfortable you have the last 40 years or you can kind of start to like use 40 as your restarting point yeah it's a good point where you're like you've established yourself you set yourself up in the normal standards of life but now we've got another 40 years of being like okay what can i learn now that i haven't learned in the last 40 years where can i put myself and test myself and challenge myself and i think that's a big part of life is when you stop learning or you stop living you kind of start dying you kind of go into an idle mind or an idle body so with this it's like you know the amount of work we've done this summer physically just the challenge of coming to this property physically has challenged us and mentally as challenges which will kind of keep us young and i hope pratimat eco is an acupressure massage set and a proven way to manage pain stress sleeplessness or anxiety on the road or at home you can get stress and tension relief anywhere anytime protomat eco works by harnessing your body's own defenses against pain and stress it's very easy to use i just lay down for 20 minutes and let the spikes press against my skin then your body produces its own organic pain blockers and calming sedatives i can combine this with catching up on work emails reading or catching up with people who matter pronomat eco is 100 ethically handmade in europe and is 100 sustainable it's made from zero waste coconut fiber buckwheat holes linen and cotton even the signature protomat eco lotus spikes are made from medical grade plastic that has a low energy low water and low emissions footprint and it's recyclable protomat eco is made to last with a 5-year warranty and they even offer a 30-day money-back guarantee which i think speaks volumes about their confidence and their product and gives you every reason to try it out for yourself click the link in the description to get the best deal on the award-winning prana mat eco massage set with the code florp
Channel: FLORB
Views: 328,724
Rating: 4.9258823 out of 5
Keywords: Travel, tiny house, simple living, tiny house tour, tiny house on wheels, florb, dylan magaster, dome, off grid, off the grid, tiny home, off the grid living, living off grid, off grid living, off grid cabin, living off the grid, tiny house living, tiny home tour, off grid solar, off grid life, small spaces, dome home, dome house, canada, neverland, concept, Gambier, island, gambier island, pnw, vancouver island, off grid house, homesteading off the grid, tiny houses, diy
Id: p3ufuk77F7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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