AircreteHarry New Dome Building System
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Aircrete Harry
Views: 543,748
Rating: 4.8214974 out of 5
Keywords: Aircrete, aircreteharry, aircrete harry, dome, domes, dome home, Domegaia, Dome gaia, foam generator, aircrete generator, shotcrete, cement, concrete, sacred geometry, DIY, honey do carpenter, MrBeast, DemolitionRanch, Edwin Sarkissian, Pewdiepie, t-series, cocomelon, wwe, set india, zee tv, Ryan's world, abs-cbn entertainment, Movieclips, canal Kondzills, off-grid, offgrid living, off grid living, construction, building, foundation, insulation, fireproof, termite proof, hurricane proof, Tesla
Id: DVk6xNFduH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Interesting.I assume doors and windows are cut in once the shell is complete. I wonder about Radeon gas build up from the concrete.
I have a question and a few comments as well. My question is how you sewed the form? Also, how many CFM do you need your compressor to supply and for how long?
My comments are colored by the fact that I'm a huge fan of earthbag building. So that initial phase with the poured ring foundation --I think this would have gone more easily with bags which allow the material to be compressed and post-stressed as well. This would also allow a much higher stem wall.
Overall, I see quite a bit of equipment here that all adds costs for people trying to reproduce the technique. One of the things that attracts me to the bag-based technique is that it minimizes the equipment requirements to just a single mixer and a tamper.
The custom-sewn bag is sweet though. That's good detail work on someone's part.