AircreteHarry New Dome Building System

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Interesting.I assume doors and windows are cut in once the shell is complete. I wonder about Radeon gas build up from the concrete.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/strangerzero 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

I have a question and a few comments as well. My question is how you sewed the form? Also, how many CFM do you need your compressor to supply and for how long?

My comments are colored by the fact that I'm a huge fan of earthbag building. So that initial phase with the poured ring foundation --I think this would have gone more easily with bags which allow the material to be compressed and post-stressed as well. This would also allow a much higher stem wall.

Overall, I see quite a bit of equipment here that all adds costs for people trying to reproduce the technique. One of the things that attracts me to the bag-based technique is that it minimizes the equipment requirements to just a single mixer and a tamper.

The custom-sewn bag is sweet though. That's good detail work on someone's part.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ahfoo 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
what's up everybody this is air queen harry and today i want to introduce you to my new building system now this is not a how-to video this is just going to give you a brief introduction as to the steps i take to build this house now it took me a long time to come up with this system of building and and this system is designed number one to build a dome house to code so this structure you could legally build and anywhere in the country in the united states so as long as you have you know your building plan your building permit and your structural engineering plan this would be a dome that you could build to code unlike a lot of the air creek domes that are out there where you're not allowed to build that type of structure unless you're building in a county that has no building codes but if you're outside of one of those counties and you do have to comply with building codes then this would be the system you want to use and um honestly for me after doing years of experimenting with aircrete um i don't personally feel secure in a structure that's made purely of air creed now air crete with a reinforcing fabric it's really good but uh it really pales in comparison to what i'm building here because what i'm going for here is maximum strength uh least cost and um construction method that one person could do themselves so that's right this down here one person could technically build it themselves although it's much easier with two or three people uh you could build this dome with one person um that's a lot of that is in part to the air form because uh there's air forms you can buy out there that are commercial that are good for a hundred times you could reuse them up to 100 times the air forms i'm making are one time use and it's a low pressure system unlike the other air forms that are a high pressure system that are reusable and um the bad thing about those are they're very heavy and you need a crew of people to work with it you know to open it up and to mount it to the foundation it's a lot of work where as to what i'm doing with these air forms made from tyvek uh one person can do everything themselves and that's really important when you're building your own home because you're trying to save money because the big thing that cost a lot can be labor and so i don't need to hire anybody for this system that i've been developing here so again this is not a how-to video but what you saw in the beginning was um i have uh stakes in the ground and i used quarter inch mdf wood i'm sorry i used quarter inch masonite wood and i have four by eight sheets that i cut into six inch strips and that is the strips the strips of wood you see going away all the way around now it's very thin the idea was to use as little wood as possible and to use as little materials as possible to do my form work so i did a test ring beam which is that dome you see in the back there and um after i i did that test meaning uh mrs aircrete and i mixed all the cement manually in the cement mixer and we dumped it in just to see if the form would hold this wood and the uh house wrap and plastic so we did that it worked and uh the slab you see here is actually the very first one and um once i saw it worked i felt confident enough that i could repeat the process make some improvements and then order a cement truck and not worry about my forms blowing out because that that was a big concern so after i did this first one you see us here working on it um it gave me the confidence that the system worked and i was able to move on so here we just did 1200 gallons of air crete we mixed up and poured into the slab and the air creek we used i have a special ingredient that thickens the cement up and uh the air create allowing you to trowel it and bullfloat it right after mixing so it gives it dense it gives it the density and it also allows you to do taller pores when you have this ingredient in there and um anyway that's a a real key ingredient to my air creep mixes that i personally make is i'm able to get uh a thicker air crete for taller pores and for doing stuff like you just saw we just poured that air crete and we were able to use a bull float on it no more air creep uh the bull float would just sink to the bottom it wouldn't float um anyway this is the air form that i made and we inflate it and when you inflate these air forms for the first time that process is called the birthing so what you're going to see next is a fiberglass reinfest uh reinforcing fiberglass mesh that we're gonna slip on over this tyvek airform and um this mesh is gonna serve a few uh purposes the first is is gonna uh give the cement something to adhere to because the tie back is very slippery if i uh if i just did the samantha i'd have a hard time having it stick without having to do very light coats but having this fiberglass on there it uh allows the cement to grab onto something then the fiberglass is also acting as a reinforcing fabric as well as a compression fabric to help keep pressure on that air form to help prevent any exploding that may occur occur now i've never had it with all the air forms i've made but it's always a worry of mine that the air form might blow so putting this fiberglass mesh over like a hat and um it helps to hold that pressure in and uh it gives it a lot more strength so what you're going to see is well actually you're not going to see it in this video but i spray this mesh on i sprayed cement onto this mesh now the cement is a special mix that i've been developing and i call it a latex cement and uh i have a few ingredients that go into it that i'm not gonna get into right now but when you mix it up it'll give you a uh a waterproof uh cement and it's uh super strong and so the whole idea behind it is to be able to build a thin shelled dome that's super strong because it's reinforced so the first reinforcing you saw was the fiberglass mesh then we put on about a quarter inch of my latex cement onto that fiberglass mesh and now we're installing the stucco wire mesh and this is a galvanized product so it won't rust and it's really strong it's a lot stronger than um like for example basalt mesh i was i do have some basalt mesh and i am going to build some domes using it but the cost of the basalt mesh in comparison to this stucco wire mesh is uh there's a big difference and um in my opinion uh right now i don't i don't see any reason not to use this stucco wire it's just so much stronger and so much less expensive than the basalt so anyway the idea is uh you cover the dome uh completely in this stucco wire mesh and then you spray another coating of cement to embed most of the wire and cement so what you really what i'm really going for is anywhere from one inch to two inches of a super strong cement mix uh as my structural shell so another reinforcing option is on top of this stucco wire mesh you can put a rebar and i have basalt rebar but you can use the basalt rebar which is very easy to work with because it's a lot lighter and flexible or you could just use regular steel rebar either one is fine and that'll give you another layer of reinforcement in this case it would be three layers of reinforcement that the structure would have now um in most of the country you're allowed to build these domes with just the rebar and cement and you can legally build that so i don't see any reason why you can't build what you just what you're seeing in this video which is three layers of reinforcing uh material so um anyway this is what i came up with because i want to build the maximum strength house that i can build for the least amount of money and i've come up with it this is the system that you see here i could build this is a 16 foot dome it's 12 foot tall at the peak and this done will cost approximately 5 000 once complete to build the structure now this is one dome of eight that are going to be built here and um this particular dome is gonna uh be my pantry dome where i keep all my food i store all my food and and stuff and so um what you're not going to see in this video is the last coat which is going to be my epic mix but you can also make air crete bricks and put the uh some mortar on air creed bricks onto this structural shell so anyway i just wanted to introduce everyone to the system basically how it's done uh i will have some other videos in the future that show a lot more but as i said the uh or another thing is i'm actually working on a cement mixer a special mixer for mixing all the different cement cements that i use which is air creed and epic and other latex cement and so it'll mix and pump anyway peace out y'all i love you all and i'll catch you later
Channel: Aircrete Harry
Views: 543,748
Rating: 4.8214974 out of 5
Keywords: Aircrete, aircreteharry, aircrete harry, dome, domes, dome home, Domegaia, Dome gaia, foam generator, aircrete generator, shotcrete, cement, concrete, sacred geometry, DIY, honey do carpenter, MrBeast, DemolitionRanch, Edwin Sarkissian, Pewdiepie, t-series, cocomelon, wwe, set india, zee tv, Ryan's world, abs-cbn entertainment, Movieclips, canal Kondzills, off-grid, offgrid living, off grid living, construction, building, foundation, insulation, fireproof, termite proof, hurricane proof, Tesla
Id: DVk6xNFduH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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