The White Gold Rush?! The Video That CHANGED Aircrete Forever!

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how would you like to build a really inexpensive house have it super insulated fireproof and best of all made of 85 free recycled material yes this is a creative way to build first a big shout out to all of the pioneers on youtube who have shared their successes and failures on aircrete hajjar with domgaya aircrete harry darwin with honeydew carpenter little tiny giant all you guys have been great inspiration and motivation for me to get me researching and experimenting over the past two years with this amazing product at first i wanted to come up with a product that was as thick as shaving cream that i could just pump it right into the wall and fill it up for insulation i quickly found that air crete is way too runny you need a waterproof mold to work with it there is a product called air creek with a k and this is not a portland-based product this is a magnesium oxide based product and uh and it is not a do-it-yourself product they've got a patent on this system their foaming gun uses little tiny beads glass beads with a grid they get super insulation out of our value on the product it's a great product but it's very expensive the other thing i wanted to try to do was reduce the cost of just pure port portland cement and foam for the aircrete that's not super expensive but i want to see if i can do better but everything that i added to the mix either made it more expensive or it didn't help the mix i came close with a sand builder sand and air crate i got a real nice hard block out of this in my workshop and it is not nearly as insulated because so heavy but i decided this would be good for the floor of my workshop that i was building a 30 by 40 workshop so i decided to do the first 10 by 40 section of this but when i started mixing it up it was just collapsing all the air was blowing out of the mix the sand is just too heavy for the phone now if this if i could have gotten builders sand in a powder form i bet it would have worked just fine but it won't work with builders sand but when i was watching some videos on youtube i saw a ukraine video of these guys mixing styrofoam beads in with concrete to make an insulated product and i started thinking you know what that could really work well with hair crete and then i found a mixer in india that had the foam generator mixer and showed mixing styrofoam beads with it and then had a pump that you'd pump it into the wall which would be a wonderful setup but i can't find anything like that here we're just not building with air creed over here so i started experimenting with shredded styrofoam and that was the ticket it is amazing how this came out it makes a super light mix very insulative air creek can be finicky so i'd mix a big batch in my mixer i dumped it into a wooden trough that i had made mount it on forks on my tractor i'd haul it over to the building i'd bucket it put it up on my scaffolding wheel my scaffolding over to where i'm working hop up there dump it into the wall and then pack it with a packer and i made a packer out of a five a plastic pvc tube mounted with a 2x4 block on the end and i would use that to pack it down into the mold 48 hours you can pop the molds off clean them up oil them and move them to the next section and away you go with the next pour now the wall is very lightweight and flimsy you can run and push that wall over no problem at this point you've got to get it covered with the fiber mesh and the stucco and that is where you really get your strength and it's amazing how strong your wall is when you do that so here is a three and a half inch thick air crete and part aircrete styrofoam as they're doing experimentation with it and i covered it with roofing fabric and did a slurry coat stucco that is all that this is there's no steel there's no wood or nothing in this and that shows how strong this thing is at three and a half inches the thicker it is the stronger the wall would be at first i was not going to build a second story on it but then i saw a really video of an elevator winch that you can put an elevator in your shop and i said hey i can do that and that could open up storage upstairs if i can get it up and down i was able then to build a second story but i did not know if this was gonna be strong enough to hold it up there's no wood there is no rebar uh except for two inch two feet rebar that goes right into the ground to connect it to the slab but i figured i could come in and put a 2x4 wall around the inside if it starts to crack one year later no cracks it is holding up great and so this is a great way to build now i don't recommend that you build like this and put a second story on top of it my next project is going to be a garden shed it's going to be 12 by 20 and this time i'm going to do an arched a-frame style home a dome house is one of the most efficient structures you can build but it's a complex curved product it's hard to make molds out of four by eight sheets and makes it hard to build this way an arched a-frame just has an arch in one direction so you can you can have osb sheets covering your mold this way and i'll make it three and a half inches thick but i'm gonna make trusses and i'm gonna rip two before boards into two by one so they're real thin and make a jig and bend each piece over there put blocks and then another piece over here and nail them all together and when you take it out of the jig it'll hold that art so here is what aircrete styrofoam looks like when you pour it in your molds and you can cut it with a saw multi-purpose sauce is really easy to work with it's super light and very very insulative i did some r-value tests on this and it came out to 90 percent efficient of pure styrofoam pure styrofoam is around 3.6 to 4 r value per inch so i'm getting like 3.4 to 3.5 per inch with this which is wonderful pure air crate is closer to 1.8 to 2.2 r value per inch so much much more insulative than pure air creep this is so easy to work with you i made a rasp out of this is the regular metal that you typically put into a stucco wall and i just bend it around the edges over here and you can just sand your wall with this and take off inches and no nothing flat so if i end up with some bulges on this thing i can just knock it off really easily with this if you have a section that doesn't get packed in right in your mold which i did have under my windows because it's hard to get it all the way down under the window i had a big void underneath it and you can mix up a new batch and hand pack it into that hole let it dry and then sand it off at the end it is so versatile and there's so many things you can make with this you can make your entire home you can do an efficiency apartment you can do garages workshops well houses dog houses pool houses you can even insulate your pool with it you can insulate your concrete floor with it just so versatile if you're into sculpting you can do a big block and then carve out what you want on the thing and then cover it in clay for the final design so just so many different ways and then there's a lot of different ways that you can build with it you can do the forms like i did here and have it poured in place you can do um make big giant lego blocks that fit together with one another and then if you make them hollow in the inside over there then you can fiber mesh and stucco the outside and then put rebar and pour concrete in the middle just like insulated concrete forms make your own for the roof panels you could do osb on one side and fiber mesh stucco on the bottom side for strength and now you've got your nailing surface that you can nail shingles on your roof so just all kinds of cool ways that you can build with this and you can do the truss system like i'm going to do and then have that as your mold and then you have some wood in the structure as a nailing surface so if you want to come in and put a sheetrock on the inside if you want to put a metal roof on the top you've got the wood every 24 inches in the air creek styrofoam and you could screw it to that exterior if you want to do some kind of siding on the exterior you can do that clearly the cheapest way to do it is to stucco it so i would do the the aircrete stucco first coat and that was the with the fiber mesh and then i'd come with the one finished coat afterwards i'm going to paint it and that it'll be done you can make trim out of styrofoam and a lot of the styrofoam that you'll pick up will have be in about a three-quarter inch thick and you can rip it into one by sixes and then you get sticky fiber mesh which you cover over and stick it to the wall around your windows and doors stucco over it and can you can make some beautiful trim on the outside and you can paint that different color from the rest of the house just amazing if you're creative you can really make some gorgeous houses with stucco and it does not cost that much i hope that this is a big motivator for folks all over the country to start recycling styrofoam and where do you find this stuff you find them at furniture stores and so you go around make friends with all these furniture stores and they are glad to get rid of it and within two and a half hours or so a circuit of about four around close to me i can come back with a truckload of the stuff and then you have to shred it and i in it came up with a really cool giant blender that i made out of an electric lawnmower flipped upside down and and put a plastic barrel gorilla taped to the lawn mower it works great in four minutes i've got 55 gallons of shredded styrofoam and so you can make all kinds of cool projects out of this stuff that i like to call white gold so if you are interested in building with this amazing stuff i'm going to shoot a lot more videos to show how to do this and subscribe to the channel and i'll notify you when i upload some new videos so good luck with your projects
Channel: Abundance Build Channel
Views: 1,282,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aircrete, aircrete styrofoam, aircrete EPS, Alternative Building Methods, build cheap, inexpensive building, Aircrete, Building Homes, Eco Friendly Homes, Sustainable Building, Green Building, Home Construction, DIY Building, Home Design, Off Grid Living, Minimalist Homes, Home decor, Home Renovation, Housing Solutions, Alternative Building Materials, Homestead, Homesteading
Id: 27v7Oq-q9xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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