Noob vs MAX LEVEL in Muscle Rush

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do you know what time it is it's time to go from oh okay yeah uh pathetic we're becoming chats we are getting our chad workout on we're taking this seriously first we're gonna start with the noob version we want the little girlies to giggle oh no oh no i don't know how to get this guy what alright here we go jump in my mouth good keep going oh my goodness oh nobody likes you oh we're getting the power out we're getting the g fuels i need to hit the blue one okay i gotta hit the green one oh my god this is actually kind of hard oh he's running through walls why does he dance like that come on chad take those girlies giggle you are getting into your summer oh oh my goodness he almost got to a podium and he died that is so embarrassing chad i believe in you this time i mean you're not you're not very nice to people like this is the guy at the gym that grunts it's not his fault that he grunts though it's just what he likes to do what is this am i going to lay on this stretcher and just die what is going on oh no oh no what am i doing oh my goodness i won the arm wrestle i did not expect a surprise arm wrestle like that and why does it look like i arm wrestled the lunch lady let's go i learned my colors look mom that's blue hey dad that's red uncle joe that's blue i want to get big okay i want to get huge i'm tired of this chad being such a mediocre head i unlocked a caveman well i'm gonna have to get him i'm caveman joke caveman joe is here to slay oh it's caveman joe's first arm wrestle oh this guy looks strong oh no oh i'm sorry but that's so embarrassing that you even came here come on well we just humiliated that guy we ended his career i'm just out here living my life getting as strong as possible all right i've had enough of the noob version let's get into the real version and it's really something go my man go run through these brick wall we're so much stronger than we used to be we're so much more attractive than we used to be look how big and thick we're getting get the robber out of the way just punch him okay this time we have to run through glass doors and then i don't want to mess with these robbers just yet i'm trying to get power i'm trying to get strong my guy has not been thick enough yet i mean he's really proud of himself he's a really big dude but like he needs to be bigger we're trying to get to epic levels of big we're trying to get roid rage and scream at people all right man go these robbers are killing my vibe okay i need all of these batteries because we're getting to max level we have to get to max level look how big i am look how juicy i am i'm not wasting any power whatsoever give me those oh my goodness what am i doing they call me the cycle uh oh what an alien oh my gosh i'm too strong okay so i guess like pushing these guys out of the way is a good thing i guess i'll keep pushing these men's out of the way whoa what a jump oh no oh oh you don't want to run into the brick walls though why am i spinning like this what is this workout plan how did i get so big okay getting to max level in this a little harder than i thought there's some sort of strategy here that i'm missing push this idiot out of the way he's wasting your time i'm so skinny i'm losing my gains go don't walk into that go i'm very strong okay i'm just getting money right now you need power push this guy make him feel bad he's in your way ouch get out of here i'm the strongest chad ever look how big i am my knees are actually falling apart because the muscle is just it's too heavy to hold i'm very strong oh this is perfect for my arm wrestle my debut oh listen old grandma there's no way you win against me why would i wrestle with grandma i just beat the crap out of a grandma i don't i think everybody should be scared of me now everybody should know that i am a force to be reckoned with your grandma bakes you pies well i slam your grandma in the face such a strong guy he's my absolute hero oh he's so dreamy i love him okay why do i start so huge now it helps when you're the strongest guy there ever was like i've never seen a juicier guy than my guy a safe oh my goodness open it up first you get the gold then you get money then you get i just watched so many ads i'm the biggest guy there ever was all these thick girls come up to me and they're like um well guess what i'm so thick too and i'm strong oh my goodness we just need to break down a few more walls just a few more walls go you idiot don't come back until you're strong come back with your shield or in it get out of the way push the robbers out of the way they can't mug you mugging people is for little skinny boys ooh new character who is this they call him cheese man oh look at this juicy juicy man no i don't have a camera on yell i have a camera on my juicy thick man cheese man is here okay he's a really confident guy he didn't want to admit to people that he's actually quite a sensitive guy he misses a lot of batteries but when i'm spinning oh you don't want to meet the cheese man oh this guy's as big as i am what do you mean what are you take the same steroids beside you everything is coming to plan cheese man is here cheese man is beer i mean cheese man does drink beer get in there bud take it all the way three points for us throw this oh he missed i mean i think that that robber dodged you on purpose like he made it seem like it was kind of a fluke but he's a little scared everyone's scared of you you're mr cheese and you smell like cheese too you're gonna have to get stronger though you're pissing me off right now oh we're coming up to the arm wrestle oh this is this is the king of the convicts you can't beat you actually can't beat me these fingers they go nuts we finally got the new skin what is it they call him long neck he's got the longest neck and he's so proud of it that he just puts baby oil all over it and it spills all over his legs who even oh my goodness hey is this somebody's bachelorette party i'm here to make the money i'm not here to prove that i'm strong i'm here to just to make the money i'm a natural beauty a natural queen and i just want the money oh and he's making so much money that's all he ever does and he's going to the safe to get his share of big booty money oh oh no oh my goodness i almost missed that i'm so strong now like even when i'm weak i'm so strong now i punch these fools in the face as i should you wanna slap bang okay we're very strong for this battle look at the dump truck oh my goodness she looks strong too though [Applause] i swear he almost didn't make it long neck's cute and all but he's not really that strong what would be really strong is not this red among us guy the among us guy no the hulk yes oh my goodness yes we're getting it oh my goodness we're the hulk and he's gonna be the strongest man ever you know i've been known to sing lullabies to the hulk because i really care about him he's a cutie and yeah he's big but we also feel sorry for it we want him to make it through we don't want the robbers to give him a hard day we want him to do the best he can and if anyone's going to get to max level oh it's the hulk look at this guy he's so strong oh my god i mean hey we've never been this far yet i'm sure he's gonna be able to get past that 5.5 look at that gigantic green back you got there look at that big old mac you got in there oh oh he gets spinning a lot easier than they usually do oh no it's his first arm wrestle against the what is this the blue the blue among us guy oh no oh no he's saying right now he's like sauce get out of my game i knew that you could have went faster you just didn't get to didn't get you because you had to arm wrestle that stupid idiot i'm not gonna let him hold you back not anymore get in there he's very strong he's ready to go he's ready to go get in there get all the way oh i just want to know like what the next character beyond the hulk is who's it gonna be who a skinny little alien boy okay if we have to hi it's so sweet of you to stop by now who could who could follow up the what is what is this galaxy space dude i have to see galaxy space dude what okay seriously let's see what this man does let's see what this man do do you ever work out so hard takes so much pre-workout pumps so much iron that you become a galaxy man a very strong he barely even did any work and he's very strong oh my gosh oh you really get your money's worth okay this galaxy man i think is a little too strong for me i'm a little scared i'm a little intimidated i think that's enough muscle rush for one day i've been having a lot of fun with this type of app game and when i saw muscle brush i was like yeah i'll give it a try i hope that you guys enjoyed this video if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications and i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,800,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, noob vs pro vs hacker, muscle rush, best games, noob vs pro, ios games, android games, app game, app games, top game, ios game, muscle rush gameplay, how to get muscle rush, muscle rush app, muscle rush apk, muscle rush hack, muscle rush max level, muscle rush game, noob pro hacker, mobile games, lets play, best app game, best free game
Id: Mr4yohr93Z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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