I CHEATED with //PASTE in YOUTUBER Build Competition

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today we're doing a YouTube appeal challenge but we're gonna be secretly cheating using slash paste which lets us spoil its massive aphmau builds what in the world this is huge well let's quickly go back to Gracie before she gets suspicious hey Gracie hey Jamesy are you ready to do a YouTuber Build Challenge I've been waiting for ages of course okay let's see you were building first press the button Louie okay here I go yes amazing we've got 10 minutes let's go let's go okay I'm gonna paste in our first build whoa James you oh my God she's so gorgeous okay Louie we now have to build some traps wait but same thing before we do the traps we should go and prank Gracie oh yes let's go prank her let's go come on okay let's move into some horses okay let's do this okay now that we're these little horses we should sneak onto her size okay but Monogram's suspicious that we're both white horses no it'll make us look like we're like a married couple or something okay oh my gosh Gracie's right there she's blowing up a TNT wait a second did that TNT just spawn in a house huh wow this house is amazing and I'm gonna hide something in here so that James you and then we can find the next room oh Louie she's hiding something in there how about we drop her in there I'm gonna get some barrier blocks yeah come on that's gonna be so funny if we just walk her in there she's now blocked inside the build how about we replace all this Cobblestone with bedrock and there we go wait what Bedrock but this was a Stone House oh I could just leave what there's a barrier blocks oh this is so funny Lily she's trapped in our own house wait and what are these horsies doing here are they brother and sister or twins oh Louie she's no disaster we have to act like normal horses we should make horse sounds [Applause] I got out but these horses are really noisy maybe I should just kill them okay let me she can't see us she's on that side don't let her spot us flying oh Louie inside of her build there's tons of traps oh no it's gonna be super annoying to get past them we should just put a ladder up like this so we can skip all of the traps wait that's that's GS come on let's do it because if we get through all the traps then we'll we're in the prize oh what you pick to fit through his horses but as humans that'll be great that's a genius idea Jamesy I'm so glad we did this okay Louie we should throw the outside of Mikey now that way we can win the building challenge but what should we do see I've got a really good idea for this one okay what's the idea we should turn his face upside down turn her face upside down that's genius yes perfect ah we get rid of this bottom mouth Louie look at that that one's kind of silly don't you think it's so funny how are they how are they oh no Louis we've been caught quick well over here go on the land come on land Mikey 's outside phone oh she's noticed there hopefully she doesn't see the ladder on his left side yeah that would be very good dinosaur not actual dude I hope she doesn't find us they don't have a wing oh they must quickly run away don't let her kill you if you guys move one more story okay fine let's do more fluid okay Gracie you caught us welcome back to our side you know what are you miss me okay how should we make the entrance to our Mikey well I've already got a pretty good idea take a look at what I'm holding uh is that some blue staircase absolutely we're gonna make a staircase just stop into Mikey's knee there oh okay so let's make the Little Engines right here and then let's start the staircase okay so I'm gonna make three distinct staircases just like this oh okay I understand I understand and there we go Louis Austin cases are now in but what do we do now okay so this is where the fun comes in so we're gonna replace random stairs on this staircase with ghost stairs you'll just fall straight through and then we can put traps underneath that's perfect so let me just break this stair right here and there we go you can't even tell that's fake okay I'll do the next one up here I'll do one more up here and then finally I make the last one Focus well I can't wait for her to fail on the last block whoa I'm with these goggles of true Vision we can see how many of them are fake oh there's no way she's getting into that foreign yeah this looks like it's gonna be kind of difficult for Gracie to solve she's going to jump side to side and look at the very end there's only one way to get to the top without falling oh it's a bit mean we not added us down here what you thinking well we could just build some good old lava but that wouldn't work no I think we should do a mix of things let's do some lava some lasers and some turrets so for the first few stairs I'm gonna put down these lasers like this so if she's almost down one of these like here she had four into lasers for the next set I'm gonna put a little lab remote right here let me fill it in Louis okay I'm getting some water now so if she falls through like one of these stairs Ben for the next little section I'm gonna spill it with spikes I'm gonna use do a ton of damage when you fall on them wait Jamesy but how much damage does it do well why don't you go to survivor mode and try it out Louie oh let me give it a go I'm ready okay three two one jump yeah it does enough damage let's just say that okay Louie what should we do for the last little section if she fails these last jumps well we've used lasers lava and spikes yeah we haven't used any turrets yet oh yes let's put some turrets at the end how about we put free on both ends like this that seems like a good idea but AMC there's a problem what's the problem the turrets are gonna shoot to how well she's going up the stairs wait really Let's test that out come up here Louie okay I'm coming oh look you're being shot wait that's no good that's no good okay okay I can't even get up the stairs we could just cover them with orange blocks and put them in like a little shed that way they can only shoot her once he falls the last blocks oh that's a real really good idea we should do it on this side as well yeah you do that side when I do this and that way you can only shoot her when she's Fallen like down to here yes that will work perfectly if she falls down here she'll get shot by all these turrets absolutely this is gonna be so funny to watch okay but now we've built our entrance to Mikey we should build another trap in here but we don't have much time Louie okay Louie but what should we do with this next room well Gracie just got past these staircases so why don't we just do a trivia room oh yes that way we could give her some loose so she can fight some dangerous mobs later on yes let's do it so I'm gonna place down three different chests each of them are gonna have way different loot okay I'll fill in the best Loot and you could do the worst Lou okay okay Jamesy I can't wait to show you what I'm gonna put in here I'm gonna do a never right flame bladed sword look at this this is what like kings use okay I'll just give her fire can still armor this the best in the game ah there we go this is if she gets the correct answer whoa Louie's working on the next Lou I'm gonna come out what the question is gonna be we should make it about Mikey oh wait Jamesy we should ask which channel has the most Subs the Japanese one or the English one oh that's a brilliant question okay if you guys didn't know Mason actually has two different channels one for English and one for Japanese okay now we're gonna do the options so the correct answer is actually wait how about you guys comment down below let's come up with the third answer first let's put Spanish over here yeah they don't have a Spanish Channel but Gracie fixes that but she'll get the rotten flesh at Bronco diamonds yeah the broken diamonds are kind of useless yeah that's a bit mean Louis I have to say well I mean how will she ever pick this answer well we have to see but I think that's enough time for you guys to comment down below and watch how it has more subs and if you said English to you it'd be correct I guess if she chooses Japanese at least she'll get some protection yeah it'll at least be somewhat gone wait Louie did you just see that oh no Gracie must be nearby okay we're the fighter and get rid of her wait a second Jamesy is something different oh lasers are gone wait they've been deactivated okay I'm gonna place these red walls back with redstone blocks that should turn all these lasers back on wait does this lava look funny to you yeah wait a second why is it all weird hang on I'm gonna test this out okay that is real lover but this is fake lava she replaced most of it with fake lava okay we're gonna fix all these little trolls she's done and then we need to find her and get rid of her okay there we go I think that's every wait a sec does she give our Mikey some ugly toenails ew we need to clip them right now okay what else has Gracie done hey boy who are you I'm Mike really yeah I I see Libby did you invite Marky from Mason no I didn't invite Mikey there's no way you're real I I am okay well we don't have time for this right now monkey uh what about friends well my girlfriend is trolling us will you help us find her okay let's go find her I have a feeling she might have done something else up here it looks a bit funny wow why would she do this to my face because it's a bit of a challenge and she's probably trying to make you ugly so that we lose let's get rid of this mustache you know mug your voice sounds a little bit different to the videos are you okay sorry I have a cold right now okay well we need to get rid of this ugly little teeth and make sure that you look as good as can be how's next to you he looks like JJ oh it's Louie say hi Louie hi Mikey hello okay let me fix this Mario bro this is no good okay there we go it's all fixed Mikey you have spiky hair no my hair doesn't look like that yeah let's fix it Mikey have you seen Gracie anywhere we're still looking for her wait Lou we all build is now a pig ah well that wasn't me either so this has to be Gracie she must be close let's fix these spikes and then we can go find her but where would Gracie be I've been feeling that she's hiding in plain sight she normally does that but where could she be I think you guys should like this it looks better wait do you like the pink Mikey it's my favorite wait a second Louis Mikey's favorite color is green not pink this seems really suspicious yeah don't worry either way to test you out likey what do you mean I'm gonna try the mob killer stick on you if you drop a crazy head that means you're Gracie I don't think where are you running to come here I'm gonna hit you go Jamesy go ah yes look it has a crazy head I knew it was Gracie you guys are so mean I was just pretending Gracie we literally had like four seconds left go back to your side right now yeah four seconds we're almost out of time we're gonna go to the dispenser now okay let's go hey hey what are we doing for our next build hey hey Gypsy we're about to find out okay let's press the button Louie do you want to do it again okay here we go what is it guys we got cat your favorite color Louie let's go build okay Louie before we start building our cash how about we go and get our revenge on Gracie yeah let's do it Jamesy she shouldn't have ever trolled Us in the first place exactly okay Louis morphing and invisibility just never works how about we just sneak in the good old-fashioned way that seems like it might do us better than what we usually do yeah let's give it a go I don't see Gracie anywhere let's just end to put our way in wait let me Gracie's coming hide ah all right Louis I don't want to get up there do you think we can end up onto that platform I think it might just be possible okay I'm gonna go three two one jump yes I made it okay it's your turn Gracie should catch on to us three two one yes I caught you the block James you saved me if I that missed I would have landed directly on Gracie oh wow is she fighting Lois oh she is where are these stinking Endermans okay she knows that we're nearby but we should have a bit more time than pranker Phil before she finds us well just to start I'm gonna replace Cash's red Wool with orange there we go that's much better that way we'll win the Build Challenge because it looks not like cash oh Gracie's looking sharp here be careful James definitely around here oh no okay what can we draw oh Louie look at this one it's one of those challenges where you have to get the right answer and some of these waters are obviously fake and some of them are real maybe we should change them all to real water exactly what I was thinking Louie if we make them all real water that makes even the wrong answers correct and there we go they're all now real perfect now no matter which one we go through we'll always get to the end exactly oh Louie look at this there's some fans this is gonna blow us into the lava wait but what should we do about them uh we can just you know disable them all you need to do is put some blocks in the way so I can just put in some barriers and there they go oh that's great so we won't go falling into this lava anytime soon exactly wait let me Gracie's up there look oh my gosh she's so close oh quickly as it fell down there so she doesn't see us okay let me just make sure that this trap is working properly all right all right poo oh Louise she's noticed that we've blocked off the fans the barrier block front of my seat my secret way oh no Louise she's down there what are we gonna do oh no let me jump yeah it is how we're gonna get out of this I'm not myself and she won't see me I think bizarre no I'm not letting you in I'm not letting you in you won't get me ah oh cause they need to go back to your build we've only got six minutes left fine let's go back okay Lily I'm now gonna paste in our cash build okay I'm ready to see it and there we go does he look amazing whoa and he's red just like me yeah he's awesome okay for the entrance I'm thinking that we should do some piston slime jumps that seems like a very good idea so I can put down a piston right here at a slime block on top and that way if you guys didn't know if you started on it you get frog in the space whoa that was so cool and I'm assuming we are gonna be doing this all the way up right yes the first one let's do here and then we can do another one right here and this last one we'll make a little platform here for the entrance to our cash I have an idea Jamesy okay what is it how about we hide the letters from Gracie oh that's genius we could hide we can hide the levers she's gonna need three of them so we can put them in three different chests oh I've got idea we could use the secret chests and then we can hide them in some obvious places but there's three of them so if she doesn't find one of them we'll be fine so over here I'm gonna put down a secret chest flower and inside this flower we can hide the first lever okay but what should we do for the next chest we want to make it just a little bit harder how about we camouflage our secret chest in with a redstone anger block huh yeah okay that's amazing I can put down the chest like this and sure it does stick out a little bit but it is also red she needs free to get up so we should hide the last one over here I think we should do something a little bit different what do you thinking Jamesy we could just put down like a second piston right here and it looks like we just forgot to put another slime there but that's actually the chest Lindsay how about we make her use the armor and the weapons she got before and we'll make it to a mob battle oh that's genius okay I'll build the arena while you think about what mob we're gonna make a fight ah there's our Orange Box okay what mob are we doing Louis well since everything is red we'll make her find some Redstone Golem oh yes wait Jamesy but we spent a little too much time trolling we need to go back to the Pizza are we out of time already okay let's get back to the Spencer and see what we're gonna do for our next build okay guys let's find out what we're building for the last build I'm gonna press the dispenser this time it's my turn okay okay we got sneaker wow okay let's go build and we have 10 minutes okay let me put this in the code Builder I've got a little trick up my sleeves what are you thinking Jamesy well let me paste it in and have a look at this in the world is that Nico and Zoe yes this is how we're gonna beat Grace in the Build Challenge not only have we built Nico but we've also built Zoe okay but let's stop messing about we should start building yeah let's do this well how about we do a roller coaster entrance for this one oh that's so cool we could do two different roller coasters we'll have them as booby trapped and one of them is safe oh that's a great idea James let's do it okay we're gonna need some power rails and some normal rails and then for the poopy chat one I'm gonna get these real mines so let's build the Trap one first we'll start off pretty safe but then we can put an explosives okay that sounds like a good idea let's do it come on SO to get going we'll have this here can you put on a chest with the Minecarts in it please yeah absolutely Jamesy I'll start it right now and then we'll have some of these powered rails we want to make Gracie go super fast so she doesn't have time to react to the explosive Minds these explosive Minds some really dangerous Jamesy I don't know Gracie's gonna survive it should we give it a try oh I don't know I think I'll give it a little go okay come over here and let's give this a go okay here I go all right test number one will this be good oh my gosh okay that worked well let's go back to building okay so we'll have a go all the way up here but then Louie right here we should do our explosive rails okay Jamesy whereabouts on this little section oh my gosh you're gonna do four yeah we're gonna do as many as we can we want to make sure that she explodes up the whole rail that is a good point I mean she can't get away from this alive exactly oh I'm slightly worried that she'll see that it's a dead end but I guess that'll be a test to see how smart she is but now we should build the real Railways let's just build that on the side right here okay let's build the legit Railway this time this one actually wants to go into his body so we'll just go all the way across and then all the way up I'm even gonna put in a little jump wait a little jump what do you mean by that well put the rails all the way up and I'll show you okay Jamesy I'm on my way okay let me see if this works so I'll get my Minecart and I'll press the level ah yes that worked perfectly okay then let's finish this off by going into Nico's leg and in this room I'm gonna make a fight of frostmore hey no not Frost more two Frost moles and for the over the bomb tag Nico until he comments yes please okay Lou but when she kills these frostmours where's she gonna go well I've got a good idea for this come over here okay I'm over here what am I looking for oh yeah I'm gonna put some of these secret ladders just up this wall those are the ladders they just let let no more blocks what are you talking about well try and walk through them whoa I can climb up this that's awesome but then what we're gonna put in here we don't have that much long left so we should need to hurry up maybe we should do some Parkour trivia oh yes that's a good idea not only is it parkour Witcher crazy sucks at but she also have to answer the questions to know which ones are real yeah so she's two times more likely to fail exactly okay so let's make a little platform right here and then we'll put in some fence blocks uh we'll make this left one real and this right one fake but to help her out we're making a trivia question so she has a clue but what should we do for the question okay Lily while you're thinking about the question I'm actually gonna put some spikes underneath these fences so if she fails the job and she'll be dying okay Jamesy we should ask how many Subs does Nico have oh that's genius okay let me write that down but Lily what is the answer to that well I I think it's one and a half million right yep on the left I'm gonna put a sign that says 1.6 mil because that's how many Subs he has on the right were put two mil oh three crazy thinks he's more popular than he is so she gets me wrong and falls on the spiky white keys absolutely that's incredible but there we should do another question any ideas for this one Jamesy I've got a really good idea okay what is it we should do a trick question and ask how many subscribers Zoe has that's genius okay how many Subs does Zoe have oh I don't have a genius idea on the left side we'll put 400k and the right side will put 700k and of course and of course both of those are wrong because Zoe doesn't even have a channel so she'll fall into space no matter what but we can then put a little barrier block over here with the real answer which is zero but we'll make a little pathway over here too like a little Diamond platform which if she could get here she'll win I'll build okay Louie we're all out of time let's go to Gracie's side all right guys are you ready ready to play the builds yeah let's start on your side Gracie okay okay is this your Mikey I know and I didn't have any time to fix her hair yeah it looks a bit goofy that's some bonus points for us well whatever whatever um you guys need to figure out how to get to get boat over here I mean do we though there's a chest right here and inside this ender pearls look there's a red platform up there do you want me to go for it raise you to it race you to it oh I think I won okay you guys see where I am I found her I found her but there's some fans here what do we do um brave enough go ahead and jump okay Louie you go okay here I go uh it doesn't look good up there what's happening oh I think that's my question no no I'm looking on that side I'll go on this other side thank you very much oh we're to the Next Room awesome okay guys okay you can go first you're so brave and handsome and brave oh thank you Jamesy I'm gonna go for this one when will he learn Gracie okay Louise surely three times in a row it won't be the right side right oh I don't know I think I should try it again yes you're so brave you're so brave that's such a surprise yeah you have to be The Beatles I know it's your favorite color oh I don't like it yourselves pink is the best color ever Lily quickly help me I'm gonna die you're mine I'm hiding I'm scared oh I killed him oh you guys still behind you what are you talking about ow wait what did you just do it you just opened the door by walking into it okay let me it's all fake love but just walk straight through okay I guess here I go go go oh no um that was kind of mean but I guess now you need to figure it out it looks like this is all real love apart from what I'm standing on so how could you get to this door over here that's a tricky question uh I bet there's some barrier blocks around let's find them Louie can you see them not really Jamesy I think you should work this one out because you kept pushing me in the lava sorry okay fine I bet there's something hidden underneath the lava I'm clicking all around but I can't find anything there's a chest underneath the fake lava with fire resistance in it no there's just one which means we have to share okay both standing right next to it if we don't get it both we're screwed a point yes we both have it Jake yes yes repulsion I love I love her okay fine what do we do in this room well you guys can get up here I don't see anything around do you Louie maybe it's hidden in plain sights wait a second James look up there oh look there's a chest I'm gonna open it okay yeah go for it I can't believe we were so stupid not to notice it wait there's zombies run away from the zombies well I killed all the zombies don't worry Louie but how are we gonna get up there guys it's hidden in plain sight I told you but that is something hidden applied so let's start clicking around the blocks uh oh I found it it's underneath the door look there's a slime block wait a second that's not a slide block that's a piston and a lever silly no it's a slide block what are you talking about wait are we in the same chest wait huh oh there's two of them okay come here now jump on top with me three two one jump oh we're in sync all right Louie are you ready to jump on that now three two one jump wait a second why have you put this full of crocodiles like Lily's been caught in one of the crocodiles baths Louie how are we supposed to get to the other side these crocodiles are so strong look he's trying to eat me well I guess we could try and kill them with our swords but I don't know if we'll do it okay you try and kill them and I'll just run sounds like a brilliant idea well you guys I'm opening up the gates so ready or not here they come go oh I'm in a wall I'm in a wall Louie I can kill them from afar this is that seems much more safe I think James is a little bit scared of the crocodiles okay it's crocodiles it's my number one fear wow I'm just gonna kill them from over here look I killed one of them wait Louie you're making it go go go I'm gonna get out of here it's the baby ones okay I've done a lot of damage these ones now I might make a run for it yes I made it out get it for the babies can they help me up wait look inside here there's lily pads you can have some we could place down the Liddy pads like this to get across this poisonous water because look it's gonna kill me wait a second the skeletons we might have to hurry oh no okay let me heal up and then I'm gonna go really fast run across the water let's do this together wait we should race that was like a good idea Josie let's do this come on whoever two Enchanted God apples okay countdown three three I made it over I think Louie wait how did you get across so fast I only have one God Apple left because Jamesy took it yeah I just ate it I felt hungry whatever guys but you still need to get up here wait Jamesy it seems like they're all kind of arranged by height so maybe we could do this wait a second this works oh yeah we can just go left right left right left right left right almost actually smart for once that's amazing I don't believe that for one second oh guys I time to jump down from my Mikey build oh wow which side we should jump into Louie I think the middle seems like the right one okay go whoa okay okay I'm gonna land in the middle you know um Louie may be good at Lily Pad parkour but he still is pretty blind okay let's go to your next build now Gracie whoa oh Chris what do you think she's kind of pretty actually yeah he looks kind of like a surfer boy yeah exactly so how do we go this Lava Moat well it's easy just jump up to this block right here oh okay let's go Louie let's jump oh it didn't work again what if these blocks are real and they help you jump over this lava mode okay I'll pick this one I'll pick this one okay Jamesy go ahead wait a second Louis I'm at one billion IQ wait what why what's this ah it's fake no way you already know what we're gonna do come on come on keep going around and the stake stays still which we did solid Gracie one day your brothers are intelligent I am whatever you still need to figure out how to get to the Next Room there's some lava over here that's probably not correct or or get pushed you okay in there no I'm burning but you should just come up it's fairly safe okay I'm coming real you and do we need to figure out which ones are real and get up to the next floor Casey I've got a good idea go straight to air well those blocks over there seem close enough maybe I can skip this here I go wait oh um yeah looks a fan saved you okay so even if we make the wrong jump we'll be fine we just have to skip the first row I'm getting rid of this no no no fake so it must be one of these two you go next this was real okay but which one of these two are Jason well I already knows this one there we go I did it okay I'm gonna call the ladder Louis okay will we come back down I found something there's a pink block here and of course it has loot in it because Gracie's favorite color is bigger he just hit me off ah wait how am I climbing this wall That's because the armor you're wearing helps you climb walls oh my gosh that's amazing cave centipede leggings Mr zombie you hold nothing against me I can play wolves what could you do nothing I think Jamesy still doesn't know how to climb most though I do look I'm going up Lily you can fight him see that this is extremely useful haha Gracie oh yeah this hug I fell oh he's dead thanks Louis do all your dirty work yeah exactly I'm super smart oh no is this the water Gracie did you fix this or did you not well no I fix it that means you guys can choose end anyone I'm dying get me out of here wait let me which one did you go in Jamesy I went through the one in the middle so it's gonna be the one on the right yes we did it oh oh oh it's not the right again it's not the right again it's not the right again okay uh you pick first okay I'm gonna go for the laugh because if you guys didn't know some of this Waters poisonous there we go and now you just hit one more this one says d That's a clue that must mean definitely right oh really this is hurting me go in the other one Louie is hurting me okay I'll go in this one ah wait wait I lied oh oh it's a big jump where'd we go well Jamesy you passed me your leggings so I can get down safely so okay well let me catch me I'll catch me catch me Mom guys you just completed my cash building now it's time to play Nico oh yes this was my favorite to ask why should I ask why no don't ask why anyway crazy what do we do oh also my favorite and you guys need to pick which painting is prettier oh this one's way better look this karazi kid is fighting a finger who doesn't love that well I mean it's a bit of action I love action I love action and also the stairs are orange that's perfect and yes he was the correct answer oh no way that was easy oh yes let's get the pickaxe in mind our reward thanks so much Gracie what are you guys for choosing the right one yeah and I'm taking the pickaxe so they're mine here I go why would you guys go on to pink you know Lou that's a good point and it also has a pink pig we preached a thought about that shouldn't we what happened in here did something happen wrong yeah this is what happens when Jamesy says hello to me okay well let's do this part called Louie it's pretty simple exactly oh we're getting pretty high oh be careful don't fail oh no I'm getting so close okay let me make the next jump oh yeah okay let's keep going good good work couple jumps away from the Next Room a lot of these jumps seem possible no I don't know maybe that's possible but what are we supposed to do I don't know if you guys can't make a jump maybe you need to swim that's my only clue but it's lava we can't swim in lava maybe it's not lava we've only found the bomb but it's not beside bits that is a good point maybe it's fake lava but who must be the one who tries it out first James you're doing you know Louie I'm extremely Brave I'll do the deeds and oh yeah it's fake come along we can now do the rest these jumps perfect see that was pretty easy wasn't it okay Louie it seems like we have a bit of squid game Parkour uh you can go first because you know I was Brave down there okay I guess I'll go first then I'm gonna go for the one on the right whoa well done okay uh yeah now you could go again okay I'm going for the one on the left I guess it's the one on the right okay Louie I'll go next I reckon that she did three in a row on the right I know crazy all too well you know we are dating after all and yeah I was correct no away Jamesy maybe you really are the best boyfriend ever I know but where do we go now I don't know let's see if you're smart enough to figure it out wait what has happened oh open that door that wasn't me I don't know what it was I'm sorry did I break anything well done Louie wait what was that wait let me waffles oh no it seems like the mutant skeletons oh no they're shooting at us let's kill them quickly oh yeah wait where are they going they just I guess they ran away I think we're too scary for them yeah look they're down there they run away oh okay Louis we got rid of those skeletons but where do we go now I'm kind of lost I don't know where to go you just walked into it and it made you go up oh it's a lather sorry I thought I had the leggings on still oh but where'd we go now Louie it seems like there's water down there okay jump three go go go oh yeah I think I should jump into the pink one instead yeah it was water thought so oh no way oh is that the traps Grace that was the end of my Nico build now let's go see yours yeah this is a building competition after all let's see who's this better Gracie what do you think of our Nike build wow your Mikey looks amazing kind of like me way better than you actually it's gorgeous well you have to cup these stairs good luck well we made it extra easy look there's three staircases so you can't pick the wrong one oh so I can just pick any of that man oh no lasers be careful yeah we forgot to mention there's some holes in these staircases they're a bit uh crumbly but you could just find them and jump around them yeah perfectly fine oh I see okay so I'll jump to this one just don't throw it to love it below that would be super tragic oh okay Gracie well done but you're now and on next trap what does the question say which channel has thumbs oh is this about amazing yes they have different language channels did you know that of course I did I'm the biggest Mikey fan ever so Wichita has the most Subs well one because I love I love it hey what okay she got it correct she got the most OP armor and weapons okay Gracie this is the next room this is our cash build looks amazing it's amazing just like your Mikey one yeah he's reaching out he's gonna grab something okay Gracie but you have to get all the way up here so how are you gonna do it wow it looks like this might be some sticky piston parkour which is quite a sticky situation but you're gonna need some buttons right yeah and I don't have happy in order to make this work I need buttons so I'm gonna look around wait a second this sticky piston that is useless actually is a secret chest oh Louie I thought that she'd find that one last the other two are much easier okay grace let's give this another go yep I'm well done but are you missing something yeah yeah I'm missing the lever again where can I find that oh you're not gonna have to go back down and fight at the bottom I'm afraid yeah maybe but where would it be right Louie yeah guys do the most eye-catching thing ever are these beautiful flowers yeah it's for me to you don't touch it you liar I know you didn't want to give that to me as a kid there's actually a secret chest and there's a lever inside of it oh she found the second lever Louis but she doesn't have the third so let's not worry too much before I go up I want to make sure I have the third lever as well okay but where is it hmm let me quickly over here help me block it wait a second I must be looking for the odd block out and this is all red wool except for that block you guys are standing behind what block I don't see any blocks do you see any blocks Louie no I don't see any blocks I don't know what you're talking about guys okay crazy but now you have to do all these jumps again good luck okay that's one but what about the next two I have to go over there so let me do this again and boom oh she's getting good at this Louie oh made it guys we're crazy in this room there's two very still going for that wanna kill you um the best armor and weapons though in the previous room huh you don't have Redstone Golems are powered by Redstone quickly place it down quick before they die come on go go go yes look they're charging up because they're no match for me no come on come on come on come on no church oh Louie didn't work so Gracie you know how you said to build Nico [Applause] yeah they even have a love heart above the means me and Louis really built this one fast didn't we Louis you built Nico and I built Zoe oh of course you built Zoe you little weirdo I don't believe it there's no two roller coasters here which one do you want to get on be polish that wish that out this one oh well done okay let's go riding on the Minecart place it down and press the lever are you ready Louie yes did it just explode okay that Armor's way too strong anyway I guess you can get on the other railway that one was just a trick okay there we go would you like that jump that was fun wasn't it well no not really but we delivered you to an agri-fossmore good luck what gone on this roller coaster did I say ugly frostmore I'm an Aggie Frost moles my bad yeah yeah exactly it's called the roller coaster to hell it's called the roller coaster to Alaska oh you killed one already what well guys this phone was so easy to beat no I can't believe it Louie that was our last line of defense well well really our last flight of defense do you remember what we did yeah I forgot what she's never gonna find the way up that's weird oh you guys must think I'm silly yeah I do well I know that this probably a secret ladder or a staircase up yeah probably but you won't find it before I block it off with your head oh you're trying to block this area off which means it has to be right here okay well she won't get these questions correct don't worry Louis these are foolproof and she's a fool so you know she will get past how many Subs does Nico have don't have I hope not yeah yeah actually how many Subs he has okay what's the answer even if you know what the answer is Gracie you still have to do the parkour which is not gonna be easy oh no you got it correct and you did the job first try huh yeah wait how many Subs does Zoe have she doesn't have a channel well those are the only two options I guess you gotta pick one of them no no no no well I guess I'll just pick a random one here we go that was wrong come on then Gracie answer the other side you get 700k it was wrong guess 400k I believe it I know that the person who runs the fake Zoe Shadow isn't actually Zoe yeah so those are we don't like the fake channels wait a second Jamesy out oh sorry my bad oh no I might keep it away Louie guys comment down below if you think Gracie Louie and Zoe should make a channel wait wait find it in the description and the comments below oh yeah my bad okay anyway uh Gracie you won't find the exit though um is it just through this wall oh come on yeah it is oh okay Louie should we tell her the truth well I guess so Jamesy what are you guys talking okay grace you know how in like the last few videos you cheated well yeah we cheated today no you made me feel bad about my bill okay fine I'll give you a hundred thousand Robux just to say sorry yeah yes I got one box anyway thank you you guys watching today's video yep if you enjoyed it then please watch the next video on screen and we'll see you tomorrow bye bye bye bye bye foreign
Channel: Jamesy
Views: 361,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jamsey, Gracie, Jamesy and Gracie, Jamesey, Jamesie, Jamesy Minecraft, Jamesy, Minecraft roleplay, Minecraft building, Build battle, Minecraft mutant mobs, Minecrafft theme park, Nico and cash, Cash, Nico, maizen, maizen build battle, Wiederdude, MongoTv, Smirky, JJ and Mikey, House Build challange, Maize, Aphmau, Jamey, James C, Gracey, Louie, Loey
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 13sec (2653 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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