I Hired SKIBIDI WOMEN In A Build Challenge (Movie)

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today I'm doing a skibby build challenge in Minecraft with my girlfriend but what she doesn't know is I'm going to be hiring the TV woman to help me cheat and win well anyway Zoe are you excited for today's skibby Build Challenge I am so excited but what are we building Dax well Zoe if you look inside this dispenser there's actually a bunch of different options that you can choose from and whenever you're ready you can just hit the button on top to see what we're going to build first awesome let's see what I get come on please be something good what do we get Zoe we got the Gman oh my gosh I love the Gman okay you're going to have 10 minutes to make your build zo and I think I want to build on the purple side today what you want to build on the purple side that means I have to build on the gross green side uh no of course way I don't want to build on the purple side that color sucks but just go over to your side you have 10 minutes to make your build best of luck good luck Dax okay guys perfect and now that we're on the our side I actually set up something a little bit that I can cheat with if you look at this direction I have a big TV woman head and inside of it I can buy a professional skiy builder let's go inside and see who's willing to trade with us I really want a good professional builder hey skiy do I told you I was coming and now I'm finally here oh hello Dax did you come to buy a professional builder yes I did and I really want a really good Builder and let's see who do you have it looks like you have the speaker woman you have a normal skiy toilet you have the upgraded tight speaker and you have the TV woman is that all you have today yeah these are all the people I have but trust me they all super super good Builders so whichever one you want is going to be excellent H well let's see who do I think I want you know what what if I just get the tight speaker man he's really good well he's going to cost you 3 stacks of diamonds wait did you just say three stacks of diamonds what the heck I don't have that many diamonds who else can I get that's like less than a stack of diamonds well you could either get the normal toilet or you can get the T they're both worth about 32 diamonds okay either one of them is 32 diamonds well I don't really want the toilet he's really creepy I mean just look at his face how about I just take the TV for what did you say 32 diamonds yes 32 diamonds and you can have her you better not be lying or anything as long as he's a professional Bild I should be good for this oh yeah well don't worry DX she is an excellent Builder she can can help you build whatever you want okay well here you go 32 diamonds now can I have the T to help me build oh yeah of course you can just break the glass and you can get her out thank you so much skiy do I really appreciate it and oh I think he's leaving okay well he said I could just break the glass and get the TV woman out okay all I have to do is open this door and perfect hey TV woman hi Dex what did you need uh well I needed a professional builder because I am doing a building challenge with my girlfriend Zoe so I heard you were pretty good can you help me out yeah I'm a pretty great Builder what do you need help with h well let's see I I think for the first round we actually got the Gman is that something you can build yes I have plenty experience building the Gman oh perfect okay well how about you just go build up like somewhere in that direction over there and while you're doing that I'm going to mess with Zoe okay sounds good okay guys now that the t's over there and making our Gman build I can actually go prank Zoe and of course in order to go over there I need to become invisible so why don't I grab myself a nice invisibility potion and then I can just splash it on myself so I can walk over there let's go see what Zoe's up to and perfect guys now we're on to Zoe's side and oh my gosh look there there's Zoe right there it looks like she started to make her Gman build man I love building I am such a good Builder this is so much fun honestly Zoe is looking like a pretty good Builder I can't build worth anything but you know what I have to prank a little bit so what's something fun we could do while he's building what if I just go ahead and spotted a few different TV men that she's going to have to fight and oh my gosh look they're trying to fight her what the heck where did these TV men come from good thing I have my sword with me okay she does have a sword but what if I spotted a bunch of TV B she's going to be so confused this is not good where did these people come from I died wait what they just took out Zoe oh my gosh and wait I think she's coming back for Revenge get back here oh my gosh he is going to work on them let me spot in a bunch more TV but there's no way that Zoe can actually win this man it's like they're multiplying this is crazy what in the world Zoe is literally so strong and oh my gosh there's only like a couple TV men left how in the world is she so strong perfect now there's only a few up here and then I should be safe okay I mean she did do a pretty good job she took all of them out which is cool I guess but she did lose once which is pretty funny perfect now that I defeated all them I can go back to building my Gman okay she's going back to building her GED so I think I can do a different prank but what should I try and do this time oh I have a really good idea what if I go into my inventory and grab this one Dynamite called the lightning dynamite and basically if I throw this down to her a bunch of lightning will appear just like that what the heck where did that lightning come from there's not even that many clouds in the sky oh my gosh guys this is so funny some's just getting zapped with lightning she is so conf where all this stuff is coming from what the heck my mob caught on fire what is going on next uh Hey Zoe what's up why in the world are you screaming at me because it's lightning on my side is it lightning on your side too oh yeah it's um I'm getting a big lightning storm on my side I don't know what's going on like the skies are really clear but the lightning is just coming out of like thin air basically I know it's super crazy I wonder what's going on yeah I don't really know but uh you might want to figure that out and get your build done yeah we only have 5 minutes left I need to figure out something fast wait a second did Zoe just we have 5 minutes left oh gosh we should probably go check out the TV W and see how our build's coming along okay look it looks like the TV W's right there let's go ahead and get ourself a bucket of Bel so I'm no longer invisible and perfect here we are and what the heck she built this whole thing hey TV woman did you build this entire thing yep I sure did doesn't it look amazing what in the world you really are a professional builder oh my gosh skiy do was not lying at all this looks like the G and it's so perfect is there anything else you want me to do well hm I kind of want to have a few different challenges for Zoe but we only have 4 minutes could you maybe make like a parkour challenge and then like a big water dropper at the end yes I can certainly do that okay perfect while you're doing that I'm going to go mess with Zoe a bit more thanks again TV woman no problem guys she is such an insane Builder I mean look at this whole thing this is just crazy but we still do have a few minutes so let's go ahead and splash ourself with some visibility again and I can go over to Zoe's side and what the heck she built this whole thing why is everyone such a good Builder except me this makes no sense yay my build's practically done and I even have a little challenge for Dad wait she has a little challenge for me what in the world is she talking about I spawned in a bunch of gmen and he's going to have to defeat them in order to defeat my build oh my gosh she spotted a bunch of G and guys look at this build this is honestly super super impressive I can't believe she actually built this well we only have like a minute left so I think I'm just going to relax until Dax is ready wait guys she said we only have a minute left quick we have to get back and check on the TV woman let me just make sure to drink this milk bucket and now I can head over and let's see what she ended up doing and oh my gosh guys look look at this parkour she added in and wait is that a diving board up there wo that must mean that she has a water jump to do at the end T you did such a good job thank you so much I hope that it meets to your standards I think it actually blew away my standards but quick you're going to have to go hide somewhere because otherwise zo's going to get really really mad that you help me build this okay I'll go back into the head wow guys she did such a good job look at all this parkour this is so cool and let me see what this diving board jump looks like at the end I guess's going to have to come up here and jump from here all the way down into this water wo this is going to be super difficult for well anyways since my build is already done we should probably see if Zoe's ready Hey Zoe how's your build coming along my build's coming along great I'm all done oh perfect okay how about we check each other's build out and I think I want to check out your side first is that okay yep come on over okay Zoe I'm super excited to see your build and wow this is your Gman yep doesn't it look amazing honestly it does look pretty good Zoe you did a really good job thanks Dax that's nice of you to say let me just go ahead and inspect the whole thing yeah you have the Gman head and you have the water and you have the whole toilet this is really good I think I'm going to go ahead and give you a pretty good rating wait before you give me a rating I have a challenge for you wait you have a challenge for me well what do you have go through those doors and find out uh okay let's go ahead and see and uh wait a second zo why did those this put me into survival mode because you're going to have to fight all of those gmen wait I have to fight all the jeit Zoe there's literally no armor anywhere and wait oh there's a little chest here am I supposed to look inside this chest well duh all right let's see what did you end up giving me and wait you literally gave me leather armor but I mean I guess you gave me golden apples so I should be okay to take out all these man see you'll be fine let me just go ahead and put this shield on and then I'll also get these golden apples and I guess whenever I'm ready I'm just supposed to like jump in there yep go ahead all right let me break this glass like this and then I'm going to let them out of here so I can fight them all come on Dax you got this oh my gosh wait Zoe they are all jumping me what the heck is this I mean what did you expect ax I don't know but there are so many wait why is there a baby villager inside of here um he's part of their army no Witnesses he's going out too oh my gosh that's so mean wait I need to eat more golden apples oh gosh I don't have so much health come on come on let me take them all out there is way too many Dax come on you got this come on keep hitting them all they're all in a big group I should be able to do this come on come on you're doing really good Dax wait these guys over here aren't even trying to fight me what the heck are they doing so I think some of your guys are bugged well some of them just aren't violent well I'm going to be violent and take them all out there's only two of them left and perfect oh wait that little villager still there should I take about two no leave him be all right I'll take about two don't worry come on get out of here Dak stop doing that and perfect I took everyone out which means I'm the ultimate Champion Zoe that was not cool Dax but I guess you did pass the challenge well I think I'm going to give your build a solid 9 out of 10 you did really good Zoey I'm proud of you thanks Dax that's so nice of you to say well now let's go ahead and check out my side okay Zoe go ahead and come over and check out my side wo this looks super cool you built this all on your own uh yeah I built this completely myself Zoe doesn't it look so good it looks crazy good I don't know how you could have done this by yourself oh thank you Zoe I'm just a really talented Builder but I actually do have one little challenge for you really where is it you're going to have to do a little bit of parkour and as you can see there's a couple Oak planks over there where you can start at okay I think I can do this I'm getting better at parkour uh I doubt that Zoe I don't think you're that good at parkour but I mean I guess we'll see that's not very nice decks look I'm doing good so far honestly you are having a pretty good start okay you definitely have been practicing what the heck is this Zoe I've been practicing because you always make me do parkour okay fair enough but this next one is a little bit of ladder parkour so it's probably going to be a bit difficult for you ladder flatter I got this okay and now you're going to have a little fan to go up on and whoa look at that and oh looks like you missed Zoe haha dang it I was so close it's okay you can just try again maybe this time you can land on the Block and wow good job Zoe yes that was a little tricky but I did it okay just a few more jumps and then you're going to have another one of those fans that you're going to have to fly up on again man why do you keep making me do these fans I mean you said you were better at parkour and wo look how high you went I went super high that was actually kind of fun okay Zoe you're almost to the of this challenge all you're going to have to do is go to the edge on this diving board and then jump into a pit of lava Jax you know I'm afraid of heights why would you make me jump into that ah I don't know because it's part of the challenge and wait I might have said lava but don't worry Zoe it's just harmless water so as long as you land in it you'll be perfectly okay okay well if it's water I think I should be okay all right let's see what you can do Zoe I believe that you can do this here I go and oh my gosh look at that you landed straight in the water good job Zoe thanks sex that was a lot of fun okay Zoe you know what since you actually beat my parkour I'm I'm going to go ahead and give you the first round win how does that sound that sounds amazing I'm so happy all right Zoe but it's best out of three so let's go ahead and head back to our dispencer to see what we're going to build next okay let's go okay Zoe whenever you're ready you can just hit the little button to see what we're going to have to build next wao it's the TV woman this is awesome wait we got the T oh my gosh this is going to be such an easy round okay Zoe you have 10 minutes once again best of luck good luck Dax okay guys let's go ahead and head back to the tvom and I can ask her to make another super good build since I mean this build was pretty awesome I can't even lie okay TV woman I'm back I need your help with another build can you help me out real quick I'm sure I can what do you need me to build well I actually need you to build a TV woman if you could do that wow that should be super easy I'm the best at building the TV woman okay well I would hope you're the best since you are the tvw but I'm going to go ahead and check out Zoe's build a little bit while you build that okay okay have fun okay guys and of course before we head over to Zoe's side let's go ahead and splash herself with a bit more invisibility that way she doesn't get suspicious let's go see what she's going to start building for her TV Woman and hey look it looks like she's starting to build something already this is going to be so easy I know the TV woman like the back of my hand well if this is going to be really easy for her guys we probably shouldn't let her have an easy time what could I do to mess with her it oh wait a second what if I just got some cobwebs and like got her stuck in it so she's super super slow let's just go ahead and smack this on the ground and perfect now zo stuck in cobwebs what the heck where did these cobwebs come from oh my gosh guys she is getting so bad I'm moving so slow it's going to take me forever to build my TV Woman and oh gosh guys okay wait she got out of the Cabas a little bit too fast let me just go ahead and break these and let's see what's something else I could do to mess with her what if I just got a really funny spawn EG to mess with her I actually have this one called the ti speaker woman and if I spawn her it'll be really funny let me just go ahead and put a whole bunch of them around Zoe's bills so that way she gets attacked waa where did this Titan speaker woman come from this is insane but it looks like they died oh there's still some more wait how is Zoe even taking them out so fast guys come on we have to spot it a bunch more there's no way that Zoe can take all these people out this is not looking good and at this rate I'll never be able to do my build okay it looks like she's getting jumped I think Zoe is actually going to lose and wait all these tight speaker went are dropping so fast how in the world is this even possible it seems like they're multiplying again what the heck why does this always happen to me okay wait there's only a few left there's no way that Zoe can take out these last few without taking too much damage perfect I took them all out now it's time to get back to my build oh my gosh guys this is completely ridiculous I can't believe she took them out that easily you know what I should probably go check up on the TV woman again and see how our build's coming along let's go ahead and see and what the heck this is the TV woman this thing is absolutely crazy you built this yes St how does it look this looks so good how in the world did we even do this you're so talented well thank you so much that's very kind of you to say well I think we still do have a couple minutes left in this build battle so could you add one thing in for me sure what is it can you add in like a fake entrance and a real entrance and inside of the real entrance I want there to be like a bunch of TV wom that Zoe has to fight okay I can do that thank you so much okay I'm going to go back and see how Zoe's build's coming along let's go ahead and see how her build is looking and wow this is Zoe's TV woman this is kind of pathetic I'm not going to lie and is she running around on a couch car man my build looks so good and I'm so happy I brought my couch car today so I could pass the time uh I mean her build is kind of mid so I don't really know what to say but I probably could mess with her a little bit let's get something really funny oh what if I use this one TNT called the physics Dynamite basically if I throw this at her everything's just going to explode so let's see what she thinks whenever I see everything flying around what the heck what just happened it almost hit my couch car oh my gosh guys look at all the destruction that caused let's go ahead and throw another one right in front of Zoe what the heck that almost hit my build oh wait it almost did hit our build what if I just go ahead and throw it at the face of her build and oh gosh wait I missed and oh look at the head oh no the top of my build just got destroyed this is not cool Hey Zoe uh the time's almost up how's your build looking it's looking awful there's explosions happening on my side and my build just got ruined wait there's explosions happening on your side and your build got ruined yes this is so not fair oh man that is a little bit unfortunate Zoe well you only have like 2 minutes left so you better figure it out what can I have more time uh you have 2 minutes and 30 seconds that's a little bit more time oh gosh I got to hurry okay guys Zoe is definitely not going to have that build done in time let's go head back and see what the TV woman ended up making okay T but I went ahead and checked up on Zoe did you go ahead and make that fake entrance in the real entrance like I asked yep I sure did okay well where are these entrances at and I see a bit of purple over here is that where one of the entrances is yep it sure is uh you know that I don't like the color purple right why would you use purple well you see that's the fake entrance and I made it out of purple because that's Zoe's favorite color and it's going to trick her oh that's actually a really good idea but wait where in the world is like the fakeness in this go ahead and walk forward and you'll see uh okay let's see it wa wait did you add in ghost blocks there yep Super Creative right oh that is the perfect fake entrance but if this is the fake entrance where's the real entrance follow me to the top uh okay well let's see I see a bunch of line blocks up there does that happen to be the real entrance it might be considering that's your favorite color oh you are such a Genus TV okay let's go ahead and check this out well what in the world is this real entrance supposed to be all I see is a bunch of buttons but there's no way out one of these buttons when they're pushed releases a hidden door oh really it'll activate a hidden door let's see where could it be it oh wait I think I found it and when Zoe goes through the trapo all of the TV women are going to be down there that she has to oh my gosh okay T that is perfect I'm going to go ahead and check up on Zoe and I think I'm going to need you for one final round okay okay sounds good okay Zoe well my build is done and I think the time is up can I come over and check out your side yeah you can come over but just know that this isn't really my work because it got exploded uh okay well let's just go over there and see wow Zoe this build is all destroyed and it sucks what were you even thinking de keep walking uh keep walking well what do you mean there's a build behind it wait there's a build behind it and what the heck how did you even build this thing because I've been practicing my building skills I'm getting a lot better what I thought I destroyed enough of your build where You' be able to make another one how is that even possible what do you mean you destroyed my build uh no I didn't say I destroyed your build that you said someone destroyed your build and then I got confused and then I said I destroyed it yeah it was a big confusion mess but uh this looks good Zoe thanks de yeah you seem real confused well I think I'm going to have to go ahead and give your score like a seven out of 10 since all the ground in front of it is like destroyed and this weird build in front of it is really destroyed too it looks kind of ugly and takes away from the awesomeness of this build but if you were just grading this build what would you give it m like a 9 out of 10 but I can't just grade that build so you get a 7 out of 10 woohoo I got a 9 out of 10 okay whatever Zoe you can just take the 9 out of 10 it doesn't even matter let's just go check out the better build which is going to be my side but Dax remember if I win this whole round that means I win the entire Build Challenge yeah Zoe but just trust me you won't okay Zoe we'll come over to my TV woman build wao this is so crazy how did you build this oh because I'm like super super talented Zoe you should already know that I'm like the best builder ever she's huge and it looks like there's a door over here should I go in there oh yeah it's made out of purple so I figured you would like it yay I love purple that's so nice that you added that in h yeah of course Zoe well good luck what the heck I'm falling into the void zo you found the fake entrance what the fake entrance Stacks that is not cool so does that mean there's a real entrance yeah there is a real entrance and you're going to have to figure out where it is well knowing you you probably made it out green I don't know maybe Zoe you should go ahead and check out the tvwood build and maybe you can find it wait a sec I see some green up here I don't know maybe that is the real entrance you're going to have to go inside and see wo and there's a room full of buttons in here yep and actually one of these buttons will open up a hidden trap door that lead you on to your next challenge really there's multiple challenges that is so not fair you are getting super close so come on you got this and perfect you found it wo and then there's a door yep good luck down there what the heck there's a bunch of TV women in here well Zoe you're going to have to take them all out if you want to win wa they're jumping me this is totally not fair yeah I don't think you're going to win you are getting absolutely destroyed right now no way I'm defeating them I see a lot of them dying yeah I don't know Zoe I definitely think you're going to lose there is just way too many them for you to take out and oh it looks like you finally lost Zoe dang it I died well Zoe that makes the score 1 to one so I guess we have to move on to our final round okay let's do this I'm ready to win okay go ah hit the button and see what we're going to be building wo it's the Titan speaker man oh this is going to be so much fun and let's have a fast round Zoe you only have 5 minutes to make your build okay 5 minutes are you serious we got to go okay guys let's go ahead and ask the TV woman if she can make us one more build hey tvom I'm back and I need one more build okay what do you need I would like you to make the tide speaker B can you make that happen yep I can definitely do that oh perfect this is going to be so much fun okay guys and while she's going to make the tight speaker man I should probably go ahead and just see what Zoe's build looking like let me just go ahead and grab myself an invisibility potion and then we can see what Zoe's up to on her side and oh wait a second what the heck is this this is like a super cool build and wait who in the world is Zoe talking to right now thank you so much for helping me with this build I'm so glad that I hired you of course I am a professional builder after all and I think I did a pretty solid job you can definitely beat Dax now yes you did an amazing job this is awesome wait what the heck Zoe hired a professional builder to help her make this final build that is so cheating and since my build is done and I still have time left I'm just going to go ahead and relax guys what the heck I can't believe Zoe actually hired someone to make this this is so crazy you know what and I do want to add something to her build that will actually mess everything up let's go ahead and grab oursel a panic button and I'm also going to grab a piece of TNT and I think I'm going to grab something called the death ray let's go ahead and put oursel a piece of TNT down here in the ground like that and then we'll cover it up and put this panic button on top and Zoe's going to be super confused where this panic button came from and she's probably going to end end up pressing it quick let's get back to our site and see how the TV woman's doing and what the heck wait it looks like the TV made a really cool build but I don't think she's finished it l she still has the legs hey uh Miss TV woman what's going on over here what's wrong I still have 5 minutes left no TV woman this round is only 5 minutes long and you don't even have the legs done yet well I hate to say it Dax but you didn't tell me oh man okay you know what I don't think it's that big of a deal this does look pretty cool already so I'm pretty sure I'll still end up winning good I'm glad you like the build okay Zoe well I think the 5 minutes is already up can we check out each other's builds already yeah this time can I come over to your side first oh yeah I guess you can come over to my side just meet me in the middle okay and perfect now you can just go ahead and check out my super awesome tight speaker B build wow he looks super cool but he's missing a few things oh yeah he's missing legs you know we only had 5 minutes so I just decided to make the upper half of the body it still looks pretty realistic though doesn't it yeah it looks super cool but I definitely can't give you a 10 out of 10 if he doesn't have legs wait what you can't give me a 10 out of 10 well what are you going to give me then Zoe probably like take a 7 out of 10 you know what I'll still take a 7 out of 10 that is pretty good and I doubt your build's even going to be close to mine I guess we'll just have to wait and see you'd come over and check it out let's see what you end up having built and wo Zoe this is honestly super cool thanks Dex I told you I've been practicing my building skills yeah I can tell you did a really good job I can't believe you built Us in only 5 minutes yep it's super cool I'm like the best and uh wait a second Zoe why is there a button over here oh I don't know I don't remember putting that let's go ahead and push it and see what what happens and uh wait a second zoee what is that noise I don't know this can't be good uh this sounds a little bit weird I think I'm just going to back up a bit Zoe why are you running Dex uh because I think something's about to come from the sky and oh my gosh look at that Zoe what the heck my build is being destroyed Zoe you just completely destroyed your whole build what is wrong with you that was insane what did the Titan speaker man do uh well Zoe now it looks like you don't even have a build so I'm going to have to give you a zero out of 10 for this round no Dax you saw it before it exploded you saw that it was really good uh well I mean I don't see it now so I can't really give you a score sorry Zoe it looks like I win the Build Challenge the heck this is so not fair today we're building the best roller coasters in Minecraft wo that is so exciting I love roller coasters okay Zoe what side do you want to build on the awesome green side or that ugly purple side Dax I don't even know why you ask me you know I'm going to choose the purple side cuz purple is my favorite color okay whatever well you're going to have 15 minutes to make your roller coaster best of luck good luck Dax okay guys and I'm actually not going to be building this roller coaster by myself secretly for this roller coaster I actually hired the TV woman but the first thing I need to do is build out a little TV head so let's go ahead and get a few things so we can summon her in I'll just start making the floor like this and then we have to start going up pretty high and perfect I think this actually looks pretty good now if I go ahead and walk inside the TV woman should be inside there to help me and oh my gosh guys look perfect it's the TV woman right there hi Dax what are we doing today today we're doing a roller coaster Build Challenge and I need your Professional Building help to help me make one ooh this should be super interesting what type of roller coaster are we building well let's see I think the first thing we need to do is build one out of like lime green since lime green is like the best color ever right that is a super cool color okay let's go ahead and get a few different railings and I'll get a mine cart so we can start building this out and I think I want the first part of this to be like a basic upy part um Dax what is an upy part oh basically it's just going to go really really high off the start so let's go ahead and get a few powered rails like this and then we'll angle it out this way and then we're going to have a really really cool part that's going to scare Zoe at the very start wow that looks super good I don't even know if you're going to need my help oh I'm definitely going to need your help because you have way better ideas than me so once we get to the challenges I'm going to need a lot of your help okay Dax just let me know when you need me okay let's just go a little bit higher and I think this is looking pretty good what do you think TV woman this looks super scary Zoe's definitely going to get scared but we're going to need something for our first crap what's probably the first thing we should add in why don't we have a big lava room with Minecart parkour oh my gosh that's actually a super good idea okay well the first thing I should probably do is finish out this railing so let me go back here and add in a few normal rails and more powered rails and then we get to building that mcart parkour you were talking about that was honestly such a good idea how did you even think about that I'm just super smart all right well let me go ahead and build this going up a little higher and add in a few blocks of redstone so we can get all the way up here and once we are finally up here we can build that little lava area so the first thing we do is add in a big platform that zoee can just start on something like this but then I actually have to build out a really really big room which is going to take a second so let me go ahead and place a few blocks down here and let's see it has to be super even everything has to be even if it's not even I'm going to cry so let's add in something like this and then I'll surround it back this direction and then basically we have to duplicate this really really far okay now that we have this big root build outw all I have to do is add us some lava to the floor like this and now the whole floor is made out of lava what we need to do is put some lime concrete blots like this with some railing on it and then it'll put a bike card on top and basically she'll just do parkour throughout all of these in order to make it to the very exit wow Dax this is exactly how I envisioned it yeah and this is going to be super super challenging for us so let me go ahead and add a few rails like this and I'll build it out in this direction and man I really doubt that we can beat this the first try but if she does she honestly deserves to move on yeah but she's not very good at parkour okay now that all this is built out let me go ahead and test it I just have to jump from here and then jump to this one here and then to this one and man this is honestly pretty difficult even though I'm super good at parkour that was really really challenging after she gets done with this we can build the next section of our roller coaster okay once she gets to this part over here we're going to have a little bit of a drop because you know every good roller coaster has a nice scary drop on it so let's go ahead and build it down in this direction like this and then it's going to go straight for a little bit and I also want to add in a few different bumps just so zo way get scared that there's something big coming up okay let's go ahead and head back and then we can add in all the railing like this and man we're only going to use power rail basically cuz I want this roller coaster to be as fast as possible okay this does look pretty good but what's probably the next type of challenge we should even add in for Zoe ooh why don't you do a room that has two different choices in it wait a room that has two different choices I mean I guess that could be pretty cool what do you have in mind let me build out the main room first and uh tvw why did you make this all out of iron blocks you know I want to make everything out of lime green because we're going to make one side purple and one side green and then Zoe's going to have to pick one side oh wait that's actually such a good idea okay let me go ahead and get some purple which we're pretty sure Zoe's going to pick this side since purple is her favorite color right probably so the first side we're actually going to give her is going to be that purple side so let's go ahead and build a big room and of course the right side is actually going to be the green side so we have to make the purple side as scary as possible let's go ahead and extend it out this direction and then I'll make it super super tall and probably what I should also do is add like a drop in here so that way once Zoe Falls inside of here there's no way she can get back up okay let's go ahead and add a bit of railing to go inside of here and of course we'll end it off with a few of these power wheels that way she just goes in super super fast and how about we change all this floor to be like nether thing because we want it to be as creepy as possible okay that's looking pretty good now what we need to do is add in a few pieces of these raing in here and we're going to make this side super super slow because I want zo to be creeped out as she goes in this whole thing we'll also go ahead and add in a bit of lava just make it extra extra creepy and perfect I think it looks pretty good but we should probably change up this entrance a little bit just that way she doesn't know it's actually behind there we'll add a b cart right in there that she could go in and then now we can build out the green side which is obviously going to be the way better side so let's go ahead and extend this green to be all the way back to where it originally was we'll do the same thing by covering up the entrance just to make both sides seem pretty much the same once you inside of this room it's going to be a lot more fun let's go ahead and set all of this ground in here into grass and then we'll even add in a few different nice trees like this and we'll smack some bone meal on the ground just to make it look nice and friendly of course this wall is all going to be roller coaster so let's add in some basic railing with a few different powered rails and then we're just going to have the exit go out all the way over here and of course when Zoe finishes this side here she's going to be able to get out so let's go ahead and build that part in and both of them will just meet right here in the middle and let's go ahead and look at this side again and we should probably edit a few more things like maybe a couple water spouts like this and yeah that gives it a lot of color let's go ahead and add in one more like this and we'll make this one two wide and perfect just like that I think our purple side and our green side both look really good one is definitely super super scary and the other one looks a lot more calm and better but now we're going to have to build on another part so let's go ahead and break this part out here and then we're going to go ahead and make this go up again since I want the roller coaster to go super super high let's go ahead and turn it out in this direction something like this and then we'll keep going a bit higher Zoe is going to be so scared while she's on this roller coaster actually kind of make it curve in this direction and then we're even going to have it drop off a little bit like this and then we're just going to have it go under this part right here and I think around here we can build our next challenge but the first thing we should probably do is add in a bunch of railing since there's practically none of it and perfect all this railing is basically done over here and it looks super super good but what's probably the next type of challenge we should build out tvom oh why don't you build a find the button room oh wait a find the button room would be a great idea okay how about I go ahead and use some more of these iron blocks like used earlier and I make the room kind of small but also kind of big so they're can be be a lot of buttons inside of it okay and then inside of here we're going to get some buttons but secretly we're going to get this one thing called a secret button so first off let's go ahead and put a bunch of Oak buttons in here and we're going to tell Zoe that she's going to have to find the hidden one but none of these are actually going to be the right one what she's going to have to do is hit this secret button right here that now looks like an iron block and what it's going to do is open up a secret trapo just like this okay let's go ahead and click it and perfect that looks super super good this is definitely going to take Zoe a while to find but once she gets through that we'll have another little course down here so let's start adding it a few different iron block so we can build out the next part and actually why am I making out of iron block let's go ahead and go back to green since green is the best color ever next let's go ahead and build a little straight shot of a bunch of roller coaster rails but on the edges I want to put a bunch of lava to scare Zoe with so we'll go ahead and build it out like that and then over here is where we're actually have to put on those lava containers okay and perfect now that this is built out we can go ahead and get oursel a bit of lava that we can add to the Sid just like this it is going to be super super scary for Zoe man this is probably going to be the scariest part of the roller coaster and if you agree with me go ahead and comment # scary let's confuse everyone that hasn't made it this far yet but man after this little scary part I don't even know what the next thing we should build for Zoe is hey why didn't you do a question room oh wait a question room would actually be so much fun okay let's go ahead and make one of these with iron blocks again and then let's make this like four blocks wide okay so inside of here we're going to put a little question in the middle on each side we're going to have a different exit that Zoe could possibly go in our first question is going to be what color is better and on one side we're going to go ahead and put green which is the obvious right answer but on the other side we're going to go ahead and put purple which is not the right answer guys so in order for these to be actual choices what we do is add in a few signs here and then put some paintings down and now if Zoe goes ahead and walks to the purple side what we're going to do is make out a little floor piece just so she falls all the way down to the floor but as she ends up picking the green side she can obviously just walk on to the next question now let's go ahead and ask her another question and I think for this one I want to see what she thinks is better between a frog or a rabbit and obviously I know that frogs are better since I have a little frog on my head but Zoe has like rabbit stuff so I think she's probably going to pick the rabbit on this side over here we'll put in frog and then on this side over here we'll put in rabbit now of course if she picks rabbit she's just going to fall all the way back down straight to the floor but if she picks the right answer of frog she can just move on to her final question and our final question is going to be are you subbed and guys if you are subscribed I honestly don't know what you're doing so on one side we're going to go ahead and put in yes which is the obvious right answer for the other side we're not even going to put in anything because no one should not be subscribed let's go ahead and break out the wall here and then we'll add in the paintings like normal like that and then yeah you can't even go through this side because that's obviously not the right answer and then once zoee gets through this we're actually going to have a really cool purple wood which is going to be her Victory room so let's go ahead and break apart this wall here and inside of here we're going to have a chest that has a bunch of purple candy inside and we'll even put a bunch of random purple blocks in here just to make Zoe really happy and perfect just like that I think our roller coaster site is done but we're going to have to check on Zoe and TV you're going to have to hide otherwise Zoe is going to get really really mad okay sounds good okay Zoe will my side of the roller coaster is basically done are you ready to check out each other's build yep I'm practically done okay how about I check out your side first since I'm super curious to see what you did okay come on over okay Zoe I am super excited to see a roller coaster okay are you ready to see the best roller coaster of all time let's see I'm so excited come on over let's see it wo Zoe this is pretty cool yep it's like the best definitely my most magnificent Masterpiece okay and this one says the Zoe coaster and it looks like you have a few different roller coasters over here you built multiple yep I had plenty of time I'm sure that you're pretty of my build honestly I am pretty jealous this is super cool okay let me go ahead and open this chest cuz I'm sure there's my cards later and yeah perfect there's some my cards and now can I go ahead and ride this first one yep you sure can okay let's go ahead and hop on it and wo this looks like a super big incline this is actually kind of scary wow I bet Dax is so scared right now and uh wait was that all and wait am I going backwards yep you go back and forth and back and forth uh Zoe I don't go forth anymore I kind of just went back and then stopped but I guess that was pretty cool yep wasn't that super fun that was pretty cool but are the roller coasters supposed to get better and better yep go ahead and try the next one okay and wait does this one have a name at all Zoe it's Zoe coaster number two okay Zoe coaster number two that is a pretty cool name let me go ahead and put my mic heartart down and let's see it wo this one's going up a little high too I'm actually kind of scared and wo I'm jumping from the sky whoa Zoe I don't think your roller coaster Works ja you just got to push your mine cart a little bit uh okay let me go ahead and push it back this way like that and uh you know I think it's stuck why do I just bring out this block here then I go ahead and try that again perfect try it again I don't think your coaster is very safe Zoe I almost like crashed completely you'll be fine Dex okay let's see about this one and wao look I made it inside and wow I made it to the end and wait the heck Zoe I fell in the void you fell in the void isn't that awesome no it's not awesome Zoe I'm taking so much damage Zoe what the heck I can't believe you just made me fall into the void that's so messed up well Dax it's an extreme coaster it's supposed to make you feel scared oh my gosh okay whatever and I see there's like one more coaster over here is that right yep do it if you dare what the heck this one looks so high I can barely even see the top it's going to be super fun for you Dax I'm so excited for you oh gosh let's see zo you know I'm scared of heights what in the world I am literally going up so high right now I can see like everything in the world are you having fun I don't know I'm so scared and what the heck wait I think I'm going to fall in oh my gosh I'm dropping from the sky and uh wait a second is there water down here yep now you're going for a little swim what the heck you're insane Zoe what type of roller coaster is that was isn't it super fun I mean it was kind of fun but why the heck would you make me fall from something that high because it's scary Okay it definitely was scary you know zo you did an excellent job with your roller coaster thanks Dax but now it's time to check out the super awesome ultimate Dax coaster so let's go to my side let's do it welcome over to my super awesome roller coaster wao is this the TV woman's head uh no Zoe it's just a little building I made but isn't this side pretty cool yeah it's super cool okay let me go ahead and get you one of these railing so you can start the coaster let me just put it down there and then I'll put you a m cart down and now you can hop in and ride the roller coaster let's do this this is going to be so much fun and there you go Zoe wo we this thing is super fast oh no what is this this is your first challenge you know what let me go ahead and reset the cars a little bit so it's a bit easier for you but you're going to have to do some mycart Parkour this is not good all you're going to have to do is just jump it up like that and then hop out and then go ahead and jump over to the next one this should be pretty easy Zoe yeah totally let's see what you can do go ahead and start oh man I got to jump all the way over there yeah but all you have to do is click on the mine cart so you can hop inside so it really shouldn't be that hard I'm so glad that you believe in me Dex come on and wo you're actually doing pretty good from the start thanks Dex I've been practicing my parkour okay this is the hardest jzo so please be careful oh my gosh my heart is beating so fast XX you can do this it's only like five blocks away and wao look you actually made it and oh I just knocked it off for you let me put another one down for you I was about to say that's cheap cheating Dax and there you go there is your final jump and all you have to do is just jump over you can definitely make that oh you say so but I'm really not good to parkour and perfect Zoe now you can go ahead and use this myart to go on to your next part and oh gosh Zoe hop in the myart Dax why are they falling so fast because you're too slow and wo look this is your next part of the coaster wow this is going super fast and wao traffic jam oh wait so you're going backwards hot out before you fall in the lava no not the lava no oh my gosh so wa what in the world is wrong WR with you Dex I died I wasn't supposed to die from your roller coaster well Zoe this is an extreme roller coaster you have to be safe but this next part is actually a big challenge okay what's the challenge you can either pick the green side or you can pick the purple side which side do you want to go on ooh purple all right Zoe well let me know what you think about the purple side when you get in there Zoe so far it's pretty dark well all you have to do is move forward and then you can go through I'm not going very fast ah going super fast now this is super scary why is there lava uh because cuz this is the wrong side zoee what purple's always the right side no Zoe purple's always the wrong side what are you talking about okay then I guess I'll go on the gross green side if that's the answer well I mean you already made it through the purple side but look this is the nice awesome green side isn't it so much better wow that was super pretty okay well since you already kind of went through the whole thing and I guess you kind of pick both sides randomly I guess you can just move on yay moving on okay Zoe here's your my cart and now you can hop on and you can continue the awesome roller coaster sweet thanks okay Zoe this is a super super high incline so have fun this is super high I don't really like heights yeah but it's super fast so it goes by really fast wow now we're going down hill wao what is this room this next room is called find the button and you're going to have to find the hidden button in order to move on ooh I love pushing buttons let me just give you a little bit of a hint Zoe the actual button is kind of hidden seriously what's the point of having all these buttons out in the open if it's not the right button well that's cuz you have to find the hidden button Zoe it's called a hidden button room whatever Dex I'm just going to keep pushing these buttons butons Zoe you are getting super close what the heck and look there you go you found the hidden button now you can just drop through wao Dex is this lava yes this is a bunch of ultra scary lava this is super scary how am I to get through without getting burned well I guess you're going to have to figure that out let me just throw you a b cart right here Zoe and then you can hop inside and I'll push you through wow thanks Dex you're making this a lot easier and there you go uh try not to get burned and look you made it through all safe and sound zo wasn't that pretty easy that was super easy but what is this room what color is better green or purple well duh the answer is purple oh Zoe what in the world are you doing dang it I fell Dax why do you keep checking me Zoe you know purple is not the right answer why would I ever let you pick that disgusting color cuz it's my favorite well Zoe just because it's your favorite doesn't mean it's right go ahead and pick the actual right answer which is super obvious okay I'll go through the gross scen door and perfect you made it through now you're on to your second question what's better rabbit or frogs well it's obviously rabbit because that's what my hat is oh Zoe that is absolutely incorrect no one likes rabbits Everyone likes rabbits Zoe we all know that frogs are just infinitely better than rabbits yeah I really don't think so these questions are kind of biased uh no these are like the perfect question they came from like the smartest place ever and then final question are you subbed yes and perfect Zoe now that you made it through you're onto your Championship room this is awesome this room is perfect for me it's so purple yep you deserve it for winning and look inside this chest I even gave you a bunch of awesome candy purple candy how tasty today me and my girlfriend are building giant mazes in Minecraft wow that's going to be so much fun and guys what my girlfriend doesn't know is I'm going to be hiring this speaker woman to help me build the whole thing wait what did you say Dax oh I said you're going to have 15 minutes to make your B Zoe best of luck well you're going down Dax best of luck okay guys and like I just said I'm going to be hiring the speaker woman to help me build this entire thing and as you can see I have this this huge speaker woman head over there and once I walk inside I can just ask her she wants to help me out and here we go and oh my gosh guys look it's the speaker woman right there Hi speaker woman hi Dax I heard you needed my help today yes I need help with a challenge and I'm building a secret huge maze against my girlfriend Zoe and I heard you're like the best builder ever so can you please help me out yes I think I can help you out with that oh perfect okay come outside and we're going to start building the maze over here okay speaker the first thing we should probably do is make like the walls of our maze right yeah that's a good place to start so let me go ahead and start building up some walls like this and then I'll click on the top of it over here and I'll bring it all the way to this side because we want a giant mazee and that'll make all the walls out of diamond blocks and then once we have that we can set all the Florida diamond blocks and oh my gosh speaker woman look at this we're so rich you are super rich Dax this is awesome well now that we have this huge diamond maze built out what's the first thing we should actually add in speaker woman the first thing we should do is add a fake entrance wait a fake entrance it's such a good idea okay how about we go over here to like the front of it and maybe we should make it out of purple since that's Zoe's favorite color yeah she'll definitely be tricked by that okay so what we're going to do is make out this little hallway right here and then somewhere in the middle is we're going to add a little lava trap W how are you going to make the lava trap well in order to make the lava trap we're going to need a bucket of lava obviously and then we're also going to get something called a sticky piston that way we can make the sticky pistons pull back whenever Zoe tries to walk on it that's going to be so funny okay so let's go ahead and break out these diamond blocks here and then I'll add in these sticky pistons on this side and then I'll do the same exact thing for the other side and of course like I said this is going to be a lava trap so let's go ahead and add some lava into the floor where zo he's going to fall now we can go ahead and replace these blocks back with diid blocks just like this and then of course we're going to have to get some pressure plat so let me line some right there and then finally we're going to have to run all the Redstone so let me connect it to all these Pistons back here and then finally we'll throw in a redstone torch here and then we'll add in the Redstone in perfect look at that it already connected that looks awesome okay now that we have that part done let me go ahead and get some more Redstone so I can run it back to this side over here and then we should be good to go with our little Contraption okay now it is all set up as soon as Zoe steps on these she's just going to fall straight into the lava and she's immediately going to fail the maze this is like the best fake entrance ever but I think you should make the front of it purple so she definitely Falls for it oh yeah I think I said I was going to make it out of purple earlier I don't know why I completely forgot about that let me grab some purple wool and I'll get some purple concrete and I guess we can just line up all this inside to be out of purple let's go ahead and break out the grass here and then I'll build in a little entrance out of purple like this you know what we might as well replace all the walls in the floor with purple right she's going to love that and perfect now this is all bit out of purple W she steps on those she's going to fall through but we should also probably add in a corner over here so that she thinks there's more to the Maze and just the fake entrance probably so that'll definitely fake her out okay let me just stack up the walls a little bit and once we're done with this we should probably build out the real entrance right speaker woman yes we should definitely start doing that soon okay now like we said it's time to build the real entrance and I feel like we should probably place it on the complete opposite side of the maze I think that's a great idea and of course it's my favorite color is green unlike that ugly purple color we're going to make the real entrance out of green so she has to go inside of it she's going going to be so mad okay let's go ahead and throw it a few pieces of lime concrete and then we'll also throw it a few sticky pistons like this and in order for Zo to get into this she's going to have to solve a super complicated math problem what's the math problem well the first thing we need to do is put out a sign here that way she knows it's the actual entrance and then we can build the math question over here so at the top of this we're going to put in the math equation and we're just going to do 1 + 1 which is a super super complicated math problem that is super hard I don't know if she's going to get that I really doubt it but now we can put in all the answers so at the front we're going to put in one and then we're going to put in two which is going to be the actual right answer and at the very end we're just going to put in zero abve all of our answers let's go ahead and throw in a little button like this but now we're actually going to need to Route the Redstone signal so let me go ahead and get some redone dust okay so now if we press one it obviously doesn't work same with zero but if we press the right answer which is two our secret door will open up and then Zoe can just walk right through wow Dex you are such a great Builder but now we need to build the next part of our maze which is going to be a giant twist a giant twist how are you going to do that so basically we're going to make a whole maze inside of here but there's going to be no real way out that sounds super cool but how is she supposed to defeat the maze if she can't get out oh but look at this speaker what I'm about to do is have a secret door right here and as you can see it looks just like diamond blocks right yeah it looks just like diamond blocks but if you go ahead and click on it it opens like an actual door wow she's totally going to get faked out by that exactly so we're going to have like a whole huge maze that she's going to have to wander through but the real eggs is going to be right here at the front and she's going to be so angry she is going to be super angry okay let's go ahead and build out a few different routes where this maze could go and I don't want to make it too long but I would to make it long enough that she'll get annoyed from let's go ahead and wrap it around like this and then I'll wrap it a few more times and then I think it's basically good to go let's go ahead and make everything like three blocks taller like that and perfect but at the end of this we should probably have a little sign just to make her a bit mad what do you think speaker woman I think that's a great idea okay let's grab a side and say you got breaked and this is basically going to mean she's going to have to go all the way back and try to find a different way out she is going to be so mad when she sees that like I said earlier over here is where we're going to throw that secret door so let's go ahead and throw it down just like this and perfect what she finds that she can actually go through wow that is so cool and actually speaking of her maze I haven't checked up on Zoe in a minute maybe I should go ahead and see how her maze is coming along Hey Zoe how's your maze coming along over there it's coming amazing it's almost done and you are so going down what there's no way though we all know that my B is going to be like a trillion is better than yours I don't know Dax my maze looks pretty good all right well you still have like 10 minutes so you better start wrapping it up okay Dax whatever you say okay well now that we have that hidden room dud speaker woman let's go ahead and build another little room over here except this is going to have a hidden button inside a hidden button and what happens if you push the button so basically she's going to have to find the hidden button and once she hits it another door is going to open up over here wow that is so tricky okay so I put a little hidden button right about here and then next to it we're going to add in these secret redstone blocks which basically look like normal diamond blocks but they act as red stone so if I go ahead and hit this hidden button here the door will instantly open up and look at that that's such a perfect little exit that is a good exit but Zoe's going to have to be super super fast because it does close really fast so hopefully she can get through it okay and now we actually have a really big area for this next part and I'm thinking for this we give Zoe a little bit of lava Parkour Lava parkour she's not very good at that yeah she is really really bad at lava parkour so let me go ahead and make these walls like super super tall okay now that we have this little part done let's go ahead and select the floor all the way over here here and then we'll just set it all the lava which is going to be what she has to jump over if she wants to complete this section wo that's going to be insane okay and all these jumps are going to be made out of gold block so let me go ahead and add in a few basic jumps that Zoe can do but it's going to get a lot harder as the parkour goes on and like we all know Zoe is really really bad at parkour so she is definitely going to struggle with this let's go ahead and add on a little ladder jump so she has to get really high up in the air and then I can go ahead and build a jump in this direction that she's going to have to go on we'll make it bed out in this direction and I also want to add a little iron bar parkour section which is really really difficult to get across because it's super super thin so let's go ahead and add it going in this direction over here and then I'll add some more gold blocks and then I'll add some ladder parkour and this is already looking so perfect over here in the corner is where her exit is going to be at so let me go ahead and put down a few different slime blocks like this and she's going to have to climb on top of this ladder here jump on the slime blocks and then land on a singular Block in order to move through let's go ahead and test out this little jump in perfect she can actually make it through right there okay now when Zoe gets to that parkour what do you think we make her a little like multicolor challenge room a multicolor challenge room what is that basically we're going to have a few different options of different doors that she can go by and there's actually only going to be one right answer so she's going to have to struggle to figure out which one's the right one oh that sounds pretty cool okay I think the first one we're actually going to make is going to be a nice gold entrance and she's really really attracted at Gold since it's super shiny so let's go ahead and build this out but obviously this is going to be a fake one let's start adding in a few walls and I wanted to twist out in this direction cuz there's going to be another hallway over here that she's going to have to go down but like I said this is the fake entrance so of course she's not really going to get anywhere here let's go ahead and bring out the floor right about here and actually we'll continue this a little bit more that way she actually keeps running forward but right over here is where it's going to get dangerous what we're going to do is added a few different ghost blocks and if you don't know what these do you actually just fall straight through them so they're super super deadly for traps and now at the bottom of this is where we're going to add in a bit of lava that zoy will just fall into wow Dax I really like that you are super good at building es yeah I think that is a super super good trap but of course I need to make these walls a little bit taller cuz we don't want them to be one block tall so let's go ahead and select over here and select over here and then I can stack them like three blocks up which looks really good that does look super good okay now that our gold entrance is basically done let's go ahead and build one but out of purple that'll be really cool it'll definitely trick Zoe right yes that's definitely going to trick her she loves purple and for this we're basically going to build her out like a little tiny maze that she's going to have to go through but at the end is where she's going to see that this is actually the wrong way to go because no one wants to pick purple and like I said at the end of this we're going to put in a little side that just says wrong way so that way what she walks all the way down here in this little tiny maze she's going to be super super mad when she realized that purple was obviously the wrong way to go yeah she's definitely not going to be happy okay but the final one is obviously going to be green since that's my favorite color and it's going to be the right way to go so let's go ahead and build a little green room that she can get out of and at the end of this is where her next challenge is going to be which is actually going to be an archery challenge wo an archery challenge what is that going to be all about so basically we're going to build her a little platform over here and she's going to have to shoot a bunch of different targets if she wants to be able to move through that should be pretty easy for Zoe she's pretty good at archery yeah she's pretty decent but I'm going to make it super difficult how are you going to do that once we added the fences what we're actually going to do is get a little bit of railing that she's going to have to ride on it in order to shoot everything so she's going to have to ride around on a myart while she tries to shoot a bow and arrow wo that is going to be hard so let me go ahead and place down some redstone blocks like this so that way the power rail can actually work and this looks pretty good good to go but now we can go ahead and add in those targets and secretly one of these targets is going to be the right one and what we're going to be doing is making this target all the way up here the right one that will actually open the iron door at the end okay perfect and as soon as she hits this target up here this iron door will open which will lead her to her next challenge and what's the next challenge going to be well the next part of our maze is going to be an underwater maze an underwater maze that sounds awesome yep and it's going to be super super dangerous for Zoe to guy and get through but of course we're going to be using a bunch of diamond blocks since they look really close to water and now what we can do is start building in a little course and I'm actually going to make the entrance right over here and it should be pretty easy to build out since it only has to be one block tall let's go ahead and add in a bunch of different turns and twist and of course at the end of this I'm also going to add in some fake Pathways and so we can fall into and right over here is where we're going to call the exit so let me go ahead and Mark this by putting it a blue stained glass but now we need to add in all that water so let me go ahead and place this blue stain glass above all of where the water is going to be at and perfect now I went ahead and fill it all this with a bunch of water and the way she gets it is by using this trap door here and like I said of course she's going to have to Swip through all of this which is going to be extremely difficult wow that looks super crazy I don't know if she's going to be able to do that okay now once we're done with this we're going to have one final room that Zoe is going to have to complete before she's done with our entire maze what's this final room going to be this is going to be a big boss fight where she's going to have to fight a bunch of different skimy characters wow are you going to supply her with any armor uh yeah I'll probably give her like some iron armor what do you think I don't know iron armor a little too good I think Zoe should get some leather armor okay I'll go ahead and give her leather armor since leather armor is actually pretty pretty weak she's definitely going to struggle with this so right here I'll adding a big door that she's going to have to open in order to get through and on the other side is where our skibby characters are going to be so let me go ahead and iron a couple iron trap doors right here with a few different pressure plates that she's going to have to step on and then like we said we're going to give her a bit of Arbor so I'll go ahead and grab an aror stand and give her a couple things of leather armor that she could use but in order to actually be nice I'm going to go ahead and give her another right sword since those are pretty strong and you know what also give her a chest with a few different golden apples because this is going to be really really difficult wow that's super nice of you Dax now once Zoe steps on those pressure plates and come through she's going to have to fight a bunch of different Buzz TOs and these guys are extremely strong so she's probably going to lose wa those guys are super deadly I don't know if Zoe's going to be able to do that but if she does end up defeating them all we're going to have a door that she can go through which is going to be her prize room that we're going to make all out of purple and of course instead of here I'll throw in a chest with a bunch of purple candy so she'll be is super happy she ends up beating this a I hope she gets to this part we'll add an iron door there that way she can't actually just get through and I think our bze is actually looking pretty good what do you think speaker woman I think this maze turned out super awesome okay speaker woman now that we're completely done with our maze you go ahead and hide back in the speaker head because Zoe cannot see you okay I'll hurry thank you so much for your help you're welcome okay guys and now that that's completely done let's go ahead and see if Zoe's done with her stuff Hey Zoe how's your maze coming over there it's practically done and let me just say it looks amazing I really doubt it's going to be anywhere near as good as mine but can I come over and check your side out pretty please yep come check it out okay Zoe let's go ahead and check out how cool your maze came out and Zoe why did you make your maze out of dirt Tada doesn't it look amazing I mean it looks like a really big maze but once again why in the world do you make it out of dirt because dirt is like super super strong and it's like one of the prettiest blocks ever uh I mean okay I guess it is kind of pretty and kind of cool but I mean there's a lot of dirt everywhere I didn't expect you to use dirt but Zoe where do I start your awesome you'll just have to figure that out well I mean I do see some doors right here so I'm pretty sure this is the entrance and this is a really really easy entrance though you probably should have made a hidden or something well Dax why would I want to trick you okay yeah fair enough let's just go around and look and see and man we're already starting in a big maze oh I hate this so much Dex that's the whole point of the challenge yeah I guess you're right Zoe but man this really sucks and wait Zoe look there's a deadend over here wa what a trick are you surprised wait do you have some type of like HIIT a door or something ow Zoe there's lava down here oh no Dax it looks like you died Zoe what in the world that was so messed up man did you have like ghost blocks there or something yep and it totally worked I so got you okay you definitely did get me that was super good but zo if that's the fake entrance where's the real entrance at Dax you have to find it I'm not going to tell you let's see is there something on the roof over here it wait what is this bluish thing right here this looks like a trapo what am I supposed to do with this you'll just have to figure it out I guess wait what and I see a bunch of lava down there wait a second if I go under the trapo like this and then press it I should be able to swim in wao look at that I got inside Zoe good job Dex but wait what in the world is this next room there's a bunch of lava here but Zoe there's no way to get across maybe there's something around here that can help you get across maybe there's something around here wait I don't even see anything and wait a second why is there an invisible blow block right here what are you talking about let me just see it looks like there's a block here but nothing's there H I'm a little scared if I mess up I'm going to fall in the lava but I guess I can try it out let me just go ahead and get a running start and oh my gosh look I landed on invisible block wow you found the first block that's awesome wait that must mean there's a bunch more invisible blocks and yes look there's another one over there let me try and jump to it and wao Zoe this is actually super super scary you're doing a great job Dex okay it looks like there's one more in front of me there and there's another one over here look at this I'm on a roll now good job you're doing super awesome okay let me keep jumping up so close to the exit and one more here and perfect I made it through and why are there a bunch of paintings here this room is super special and you have to figure out a way to get out of it a way to get out oh there must be like something behind the paintings let me go ahead and run through all let me see if I can find it let me go ahead and keep running and man wait I haven't found the painting yet what in the world is this Zoe this is so rigged it's not rigged ax there's a way to get out you just have to find it oh my gosh I ran through all the paintings and I didn't see anything and wait a second why is this block all colored differently over here I don't know maybe you should go inspect it wait Zoe did you add in a hidden trapo oh my gosh yes you did haha you found it awesome Dax okay that was honestly pretty creative Zoe that was super super cool I like that one thanks wait it looks like I'm inside another maze oh my gosh I hate mazes so much Zoe why are we even building these things so I can prove that I'm a better maze Builder than you Dax du well you're definitely not the better maze Builder you just wait until you check out my side Zoe oh my gosh there are so many quns I keep running into all these different blocks what in the world am I even going to get out of here yeah I don't know if you're making any progress come on the exit has to be here somewhere and wo look it looks like I made it to the next room good job Dax you made it through my super hard Maze and Zoe why are there purple blocks here what in the world is this ugly color doing here cuz it's lava parkour and purple's the best color ever oh my gosh okay I'm really really good at parkour as you saw earlier so I bet I could beat this on the first try yeah I think you're probably going to fall no way I watch this I can even do a 360 because I'm so confident yeah that was more like a 180 what that was a whole 360 but I'm killing your cor away this is too easy you are going super duper fast you're really skilled here we go I'm almost to the end and perfect and wait are these fans yep they sure are uh okay let's see where this takes me and oh my gosh I'm so high in the air wee that's so fun and oh thank goodness there was water here I would have broken my legs but wait what is this there's a bunch of diamond blocks here go ahead and take a look inside the chest and wo there are even more diamond blocks in here what the heck does this mean I beat your course yep you won this is awesome let's go that was such a fun course Zoe thanks stack I tried super hard but honestly I think you're going to like my course a Teensy bit better than this one really I don't know if I believe that but you'll just have to show me so we can see okay zo let's go check it out okay Zoya welcome to my awesome side of the maze wow is this entirely made made out of diamonds uh yeah of course it's made out of diamonds because I'm super super rich you are super rich this is so pretty and look a purple entrance uh yeah I made this purple entrance for you why don't you just go inside and uh go look what it looks like wow this is so pretty and thank you so much for making this purple for me Dax what the heck I fell into lava Zoe you just fell for the fake entrance that was totally not cool well Zoe if that was a fake entrance obviously you have to find the real entrance really Dax you made a fake entrance that is so not fair what do you mean you literally did the same exact thing Zoe whatever what is this over here is that the speaker woman's head oh yeah that is a speaker woman's head I just uh decided to build it because I thought it looked really nice on the side what do you think you had enough time to build the speaker woman's head oh yeah I did and oh thank goodness she left guys she's not in here anymore yeah I had plenty of time Zoe because you were taking so long H that seems super strange but okay I think I'm getting closer to this real entrance yes you are Zoe and boom here you go what the heck there's a sign up here 1+ one Dax are you serious a math problem yeah you're going to have to do some super super difficult math if you want to get through this door Dex only a dummy wouldn't know the answer to this it's obviously too wait what the heck so wa how are the world you know that so quickly Dex I'm a lot smarter than you think I am okay whatever Zoe well this next part is definitely going to tellest us on your smartness this is a huge Maze and you're definitely going to get lost inside yeah I don't think so I'm actually super good at mazes are you well I bet you five stacks of diamonds that you can't get through this maze you got pranked what the heck what I just tell you Zoe there is no way you can get through this maze I'm going to figure out a way out and you'll just have to watch me uh Zoe how in the world are you going to figure a way out it's really really difficult to get through this okay so I'm going to start from the beginning hoping that I see something kind of strange well do you see anything strange Zoe not yet but I'm definitely keeping my eyes out okay how about I give you one little tiny hit Zoe what is it there is actually a hidden door somewhere inside this little maze that you're going to have to open up to get through what the heck a hidden door okay so I'm just going to start clicking a bunch of things yeah I mean that's always a pretty good strategy clicking is the best thing to do and well you are getting super close Zoe really yes you are getting extremely close Dax I found it oh my gosh look at that you found the hidden door Zoe now you can go inside now you owe me a stack of diamonds uh no zo I owed you a stack of diamonds if you complete that other maze not this maze right here whatever you're just cheating now I definitely get some diamonds at the end of this and up it looks like you can't go through the iron door Zoe what the heck how do I get out well there's actually a hidden button somewhere inside of this room that you're going to have to find oh my gosh what is with all the hidden things in this maze cuz it makes it super super difficult for you okay so I'll just keep clicking around but this better be the last thing that's hidden what the heck I opened it it was too quick uh well maybe you have to be super fast then Zoe dang it come on you can definitely do this how much you stand somewhere over here and then press it and then you can run through Run come on Zoe you can do this you got to be super super fast I'm trying and there you go good job Zoe woohoo I did it oh no I do not like the looks of this Yep this next part of the maze is a parkour room and this is super difficult parkour so best of luck to you Stacks I'm really going to need it all these jumps are basically pretty simple Zoe so you shouldn't have that much of a problem doing it and up you already messed up the first jump okay come on Zoe you could definitely do this this time that first time was just a fluke yeah that first time was practice but I wish you wouldn't put parkour and things like this because I really can't do it well it looks like you're doing pretty good already look at that you made the first jump I know but it was super scary and I'm getting super close to Falling okay Zoe this next one is really difficult there's a bunch of ladders that you're going to have to jump around in order to get to the top ladders too you've got to be kidding me Dax but wait you're actually doing pretty good Zoe good job thanks I've been trying to practice but I'm really not getting any better okay and here's another really difficult part and make sure to hold shift the entire time because there are a bunch of iron bars that you're going to have to go across I actually really like iron bars this is like the easiest part of the whole thing wait you really think this is the easiest part I honestly thought this is probably the most hardest part no it's like the easiest part to me okay well maybe you're just better at parkour than I am yeah I don't think so but I am better at archery than you okay there are a few jumps left and once you get to the final jump you're going to have to jump all the way on those slime blocks in order to make it to the end o gross slime blocks yeah they are a little bit gross but hey at least they're made out of the color green that's like my least favorite thing about them okay whatever Zoe let's just see if you can make the jump and wao look at that good job Zoe I did it I did it I am so surprised well zo way I'm honestly not that surprised you've been getting a lot better at parkour but this next room is a little bit more difficult than some simple parkour wa what am I even supposed to do why are there so many entrances well inside of this room there's three different entrances that you can go down and you're going to have to figure out which one's the right one ooh gold is so sparkly I'm going to go through here first yeah I figured you like the gold and up it looks like you picked the wrong one what the heck I died what's with you and lava Zoe I'm putting a bunch of lava because I want to test out your super smart skill so why don't you go ahead and try again okay well it's obviously going to be the purple since that's my favorite color you really think that I'd picked a purple Zoe wrong way you've got to be kidding me it's the dumb green tunnel of course it's the green tunnel Zoe I'm never going to pick Purple in my life what in the world is this Dex this is a mcart room that you're actually going to have to shoot some archery things on it in order to open up this iron door this is super crazy now I just have to grab the bow and arrow from the chest but why is this rail here because you're going to have to ride a my cart in order to shoot your bow and arrow so look here's a my cart for you and then you can just hop inside of it and try to pick the right target wa this is not going to be easy oh I'm sure you can do this Zoe and wow you're actually doing pretty good already oh that shot was a little bit off but let me just give you another hit wait a second what you actually hit the right one Zoe the door opened that is awesome I told you I was good at archery okay that was pretty impressive you did that really fast but now you're on to one of your final challenges wa what is this this is a water Maze and you're going to have to go inside and swim all the way around in order to get out yikes but I think I'll drown before I get to the end well I guess you have to be super fast then Zoe good luck here goes nothing come on Zoe you can definitely do this you're actually doing pretty good already you're going around really fast thanks Dax I'm trying not to drown oh gosh I bet you're getting really close to drowning but you're almost to the end come on Zoe am I getting close only a few blocks left you can do this and good job Zoe I did it I did it I'm a really good swimmer you are a really good swimmer but uh yeah look behind you what the heck why is there armor and a netherite sword this is super weird well Zoe obviously you have armor and a netherite sword because you're going to have to fight your Final Bosses fighting my final boss who's my final boss well why don't you just grab your armor and then you can see once you go through these doors okay okay Zoe now that you have all your armor you can go through these doors and fight all of these Buzz toilets oh no buzz toilets ah they're attacking me there's too many of them oh my gosh you're getting absolutely jumped how in the world are you still alive right now because I'm super strong Dex what do you mean why are you sound so surprised what in the world I spawn in like a hundred of them and somehow you're still alive right now I didn't think you're going to be able to win this one because I don't lose oh my gosh there's only like 10 left what in the world you're doing so good thanks St only a few more left it looks like five or six now and man you are really beating them I would not want to mess with you thanks Dex but did you really have to spawn in so many uh yeah I did because your final Challenge and it looks like some of your armor is even breaking this is not good wait only one of them left come on Zoe you can do this you just got to take them out and boob look at that you took them out woohoo I win I win now you can go through my door and go to your awesome purple winner room the purple winter room this is awesome this is like the most beautiful room I've ever seen and there's purple candy yep I gave you a bunch of purple candy for being a winner good job Zoe thanks stack today I'm doing a skimy build challenge with my girlfriend but what she doesn't know is I'm going to be using hacks wait what did you say Dax oh I said we're doing a skimy build challenge today Zoe and you're going to have 10 minutes to make your first build really only 10 minutes yep only 10 minutes Zoe best of luck wait what's that green stuff around you oh it's nothing Zoe don't worry about it okay guys and now we're on to the very first round of our Build Challenge and like I said I'm using super hacks in order to win this I have a huge menu of a whole bunch of hacks that I can use to troll Zoe but my favorite hack is an ultra awesome Auto Builder and let's see for this first round what do I want to Auto build oh wait a second what if I use this mutant toilet right here and if you don't know this is basically the combination of like a skiy head and a huge speaker man and oh my gosh look how cool this thing looks and in order to paste this thing in all I have to do is press these two buttons right over here and boom look at that we automatically have our build pasted in and obviously this build's going to be way better than Zoe's I mean just look at it there is just so much detail in this thing there is no way she get anything better than this but before I gohe and mess Zoe with my super awesome hacks I should probably build her out a little challenge I think we should make her a quest room yeah that' be super super fun okay let's go ahead and fly up to the top of the head over here and right inside of here is where I'm going to build up my little door and of course since my favorite color is green I'm going to making the entrance out of this lime green wool let's go ahead and put a door at the front and then she can enter right here and this is where the question room will be let's go ahead and get ourselves some signs and we'll also get ourselves some painting right in the middle of this is where we're going to ask our first question and our first question is going to be what color is and guys we all know that green is going to be the better color since it's my favorite color but of course I'm going to give Zoe the option to pick purple which is totally not the right answer let's go ahead and place a painting down in the front of it like this that way she could just walk through but if she does pick the purple side she's obviously not going to pass so we're going to make her fall straight down into some lava that will be super super funny to see because I know she's going to pick the purple side but just in case she does I'm going to go ahead and put green over here let's go ahead and put the same painting down like this but now if she just picks this side she can walk through to our next question let's go ahead and put our next question area right about here and the next question is going to be who is cooler on one side we're going to put in the skiy toilet which is not going to be the right answer and for other side we are going to put the ti speaker man which is like the coolest character ever okay let's go ahead and break this out so we can put our little payy there and Zoe can walk through but like I said the skimy toilet is not going to be right if she ends up picking it is she's going to fall straight down into a pit of lava but if she does end up picking the Titan speaker man she can move on to her next question next up we're going to have another what is better question on one side we're going to be putting in salad and on the other side we're going to be putting in candy and if she picks candy it is obviously the right answer we all know that salad is immensely better than candy let's go ahead and throw in our sides here so we can put down our paintings and like I said candy is going to be the wrong answer so she walks into this you guys already know she's going to walk straight to some lava but if she picks the Sal side she's free to move on which means she beat our little question room but guys that's totally not going to be all she has to do we're going to have one final challenge for which is going to be a little bit of a boss fight past this gate right here she's going to have to fight a whole bunch of creepers and she wants to officially win but just kidding even that's not going to be enough once she ends up being the creepers we're going to go ahead and get her a little water bucket and she's going to have to jump from the top of this all the way down into a couple blocks of water and if you don't know that is extremely difficult to do okay now that that's built out we should probably go check on Zoe's side and guys in order to get to Zoe side I actually don't have to fly over there if I go to my super awesome hacker menu I should be able to find something called free camp and look there it is now as soon as I click on this I can just go ahead and leave my initial body and oh my gosh look there's my body right there and now I can just fly over and zoy will have no idea I'm actually flying and what the heck wait she built out this huge toilet it actually looks pretty cool wow my build is looking so good but I think I need to build a challenge for Dax wait she thinks she's going to build a challenge for me I mean her build does look pretty good I honestly have no idea how she built something like this but what does she mean by a challenge I know Dax really likes parkour so I think I'm going to add some wait she's going to add in parkour okay guys while she's trying to make parkour why don't I mess with her a bit the first thing I'm going to do is build a water course wait she's going to build a water course what in the world does she mean by that cuz if Dax touches the water that means he's going to lose uh okay this is a little bit weird I'm pretty sure I could do water parkour there's nothing special about this but you know what I kind of want to use one of my other hack if I type in this Command right here it is called gravity I can change any of the gravity in Minecraft if I go right here and type in gravity set up Zoe she should just fly up into the air and oh my gosh look at her she's upside down now what the heck why is everything turned around oh my goodness this is so funny Zoe literally got flipped on her head Dex is anything weird happening on your end uh what are you talking about Zoe nothing Weir's happening go my end seriously I'm like upside down right now wait you're upside down that is a little bit weird Zoe up I don't really know what to tell you about that you just might want to fix that before we to check out each other's builds um I'm trying my best ax this release sucks okay guys I feel a little bit bad for Zoe so let me go ahead and make her stuff normal like this and boom she should be back to normal now and wait why is she all the way over there what the heck how did I end up here and look I'm right side up again okay guys Zoe looks a lot more happy and she is building out this little course you know what I should just let her build out her little Challenge and I can probably add a few more touches to my thing let's just go ahead and go back to our super awesome hacker menu and I can click on free cam and perfect I'm back in my body now okay let me go ahead and add in a little armor St so we can fight off all those creepers de I'm tired of waiting can we show our builds now oh yeah uh I guess we can show each other's builds now how about we check out your side first how does that sound that sounds perfect okay Zoe I'm heading over right now okay Zoe I am super super excited to see your build I'm super excited for you to see it come on over and wo Zoe this actually looks pretty cool I see you added in a few different blocks which makes this even better yep that's my build and then I also built a little challenge for you wait you built a little challenge for me wait wait is this parkour Zoe yep it's water parkour wait what if I just jump in the water and swim across that would get me a win right no Dax that would not be following the rules wait what so I have to jump on each block or something Dax as long as you don't touch the water you can do whatever you want wait guys did you just say I don't have to touch the water let me just go ahead and see if I have a little bit of a hack for this I should have one called Jesus and yes perfect if I click this on I should be able to just walk over water okay Zoe I'm ready to go okay on your mark get ready go okay and here we go and oh my gosh wait I'm walking on water Zoe what the heck you're walking on water and I don't even see you touching it this is super crazy yeah it looks like I'm actually beating your course legitly because all you said I had to do was not touch the water how did you learn how to do that uh I learned how to do it back in the war yeah that's how I learned in the war what the heck okay well you're definitely not going to be able to complete this parkour wo is this like a little ladder wall Zoe yep and I know you're trash at ladder walls so this should be super fun oh gosh guys she is right I am pretty bad at ladder walls let me see if I have anything else that can help me out oh wait a second this's this wood called spider and it allows me to climb on walls this might be perfect okay Zoe I'm ready let me see if I can complete this parkour and wow these jumps are super super easy yeah it starts out easy but it gets super hard oh gosh there are a bunch of ladders here let me see what can I do and oh look I can just climb the wall like this and walk over what the heck how are you doing that I don't even know how you got up there oh I don't know let me just fall down again and maybe I can try again and perfect look I made it back up Zoe are you serious Dax how are you doing that up and I fell on the ground guess I have to start over haha I knew my parkour was super tough yeah it was totally your parkour fault let me just go ahead and go back up and perfect now I'm all good to go what the heck how is he doing that this is way too easy and who wait is this next part like a tight rope Zoe yep and you have pretty bad balance so you should fall pretty quickly oh gosh guys you already know I'm going to need another hack oh wait a second what if I turn on this one hack called Safe Fall I'm pretty sure this will allow me to not fall off anything okay Zoe I think I am ready to go for this tight rope now okay Dax give it your best try but I'm sure you're not going to do good let's go ahead and see and who look I'm actually doing this pretty fast Zoe are you serious you're running through it oh man this is so easy I'm not even falling off the edge and wait it says winner at the end I'm the ultimate winner what the heck Dex you have gotten so good at parkour this was crazy oh thank you Zoe I'm just like super super talented but you know what I think I'm going to give you build a solid 9 out of 10 it looks pretty good A 9 out of 10 that's a fantastic score all right well now it's time to go check out my super awesome build okay let's do it okay Zoe welcome over to my super awesome build what the heck Dax this looks amazing oh thank you Zoe it was really nothing but this is the mutant toilet and I tried to put a little bit of detail but I really didn't have enough time to add as much as I wanted not as much as you wanted what do you even mean this thing is awesome and what's up here oh this is a little challenge I actually have for you a challenge so do I just go through the door yeah you can just go through the door and see what your first challenge is going to be wao is this a question room yes it is Zoe and you're going to have to answer three different questions in order to move on okay first question is what color is better purple or green obviously it's purple cuz purple is the best color ever okay Zoe I guess we'll see about that what the heck I'm dying Dax help me so you really think I would ever say purple's the best color ever well maybe because it's my favorite color I thought you were just being nice no Zoe I'm never going to pick purple so I guess you're going to have to go through the green side yuck green is like the worst color ever I don't even know why you choose to dress in green it's really unflattering what in the world that is so mean so I just go through the great side okay here goes nothing and perfect you made it on to your second question wow another question how many questions are there there's one more question after this but this one should be pretty easy okay who is cooler Titan speaker man or the skibby toilet well zoy which one do you think is cooler honestly I like the skibby toilet wait you like the skiy toilet better Zoe what's wrong with you what the heck where am I and wait you avoided the fire no Zoe get back in the fire what the heck I don't want to be in the fire dad I died Zoe you know the skiy toilet is nowhere near as cool as a tight speaker but you better go with the tight speaker inside okay yikes these are opinion questions How can there be a wrong answer there is always a wrong and a right answer but this is your final question and I totally hope you get it right what is better salad or candy I'm going to choose salad oh you actually got one right Zoe good job seriously I know that candy is a lot better than salad but I just had a feeling that you like salad over candy what the heck okay you actually tricked me but now you're going to have to do another super super hard challenge what the heck another challenge you're going to have to fight off a whole bunch of creepers if you want to move on creepers Dex you know I'm I'm afraid of creepers let me just spawn in a few of these guys enoy whenever you're ready you can go ahead and fight them yikes these guys are super creepy there you go take them out oh I'm going Dax I'm going oh no they exploded what the heck you are still alive and wait they all blew up how in the world are you still alive Zoe because I'm super strong Dax why would you even ask me something like that okay whatever Zoe but you're going to have one final challenge you have to jump into that block of water down there a block of water oh no that's a far drop that's of luck zoee what the heck and what the wait did you actually make it in the water how is that possible because I'm super good at aiming okay whatever Zoe well that was my entire build what do you want to rate it I'm going to give you a 9 out of 10 wait Zoe you had a 9 out of 10 I know that means we're tied okay whatever let's go ahead and have one more round to determine who the real winner is sounds good okay guys it seems like me and Zoe got the same score for the last round which is a little bit ridiculous cuz my build was way better but if we're going to have one final round I totally can make something awesome and let's see what do I want to build for this round oh I have the perfect idea what if I go ahead and build the speaker B and wao look how cool this guy looks this guy is like super super tall look how big he is man this is an awesome build and you know what since this is a really big build I should probably added some parkour for Zoe to do let's go ahead and get some blocks and I'll also grab some ladders and then I'll also grab a few things of water so she can have some water jump let's start building out our first area which is going to be some basic climbing and then she's going to have to do a little bit of Parkour across a few blocks let's go ahead and also make one of those ladder parkour things because those are always really really cool to see from there she's going to have to go up in this direction okay and this is looking pretty good and now I just wanted to go ahead and connect to the Tian speaker man over here and from here is where she can climb over to her next challenge which is going to be a bit of archery let's go ahead and build a little Arena and we're also going to need some fences for the edge I'll just go ahead and smack these all the way around and we'll also make sure to throw in a bit of a chest with some arrows and a bow and if she wants to move through she's going to have to hit all five of these targets but what she's done with that she's going to have one final challenge that she could go into in this next room we're going to be having a whole lot of paintings in here and she's going to have to figure out which painting is the real one in order to move through so let's go ahead and fill up this room with a bunch of different super cool painting and perfect I think this looks pretty good but now we need to figure out where the actual exit's going to be let's go ahead and put it in these quarter where this block is let's go ahead and add in a few Oak plakes like this we'll throw in a couple signs that way the painting can actually sit here and perfect this looks pretty good now once she makes it through this this is where her Widow room's going to be and in order to make the win room we're going to make the entire ground out of purple we'll even make sure throw a chest at the end with a bunch of different purple thing and you know what now that I'm done with my side I should probably go check out on Zoe to see how her build's coming along and perfect guys now that I'm in my free Camp mode I can just go over to Zoe's build and wait what the heck how in the world did she build this huge thing perfect I am so happy I cheated this round so I can finally win the Build Challenge wait did Zoe just say she cheated in this round that is totally messed up this build looks super good and I even added a few challenges that there's no way that Dax can get through wait she added in a few challenges let me see it looks like there's some type of mining challenge here and then there's a bunch of cobwebs that I might have to get through and wait what in the world is this oh my gosh it looks like she took my jumping into one block of water idea these challenges totally suck I am definitely going to destroy Dax round and win the Build Challenge okay guys I think I've seen enough let's go ahead and get our free Camp back and then I can go back to my normal body okay zo well I'm basically already done with my build can we just check out each other's builds to end this yep let's do this and of course first off I'm coming over to your build let's see what you got I bet it's not even that good it's super good Dax why would you even say that well let's see it waa Zoe you built this huge thing yep isn't it amazing what the heck this is pretty cool how are the world world did you even build this I'm just super duper skilled like the best builder you probably know I mean I guess so this definitely is one of the best builds I've ever seen good job Zoe thanks Stacks but let's go take a look around I have a few challenges for you to complete oh you have some challenges for me this is going to be so much fun and wo Zoe wait is this the first challenge right here yep it sure is go on through and wao what in the world is this Zoe this looks kind of cool this is a find the diamond challenge there's a pickaxe in that chest that you're going to get out and then you have to find the diamonds in under a minute oh my gosh okay that sounds like so much fun let me just go ahead and grab this pickaxe like this and you said I only have 1 minute Zoe yep timer starts now okay guys and of course I'm actually not going to be mining let me go ahead and see if I have a really cool x-ray hack and oh look at that perfect I do and now I can see everything and oh gosh wait there is so many different materials I can barely see Dex why are you looking at the floor like that oh uh I just tried to figure out where I have to mine Zoe don't worry about it let's go ahead and see see if I can find this diamond man this is super hard to see it oh wait I think I found it in perfect Zoe I found the diamond are you serious how did you even know where to go uh because I'm super smart Zoe that was super super easy whatever Dax there's still more challenges for you to do okay let me just turn off my x-ray so I can do the next challenge and Zoe what is this supposed to be Dex you have 10 seconds to run through these cobwebs otherwise you fail wait 10 seconds to R through the cobs oh gosh guys let me see if I have something that can help us out come on there has to be something good in this whole list oh wait a second there's this one called no web it prevents you from getting stuck in cobwebs this is perfect okay Dax your time starts now okay let's see it oh gosh look I'm stuck inside of these cobwebs I'm super super slow eight seven and perfect now all I have to do is just run through all of this and Zoe that was such an easy challenge what the heck those cobwebs didn't even get in your way at all how is that possible yeah those cobwebs just suck Zoe but wait it looks like you have one last challenge for me what is this yes sir you need to walk the plank and land in the pool of water wait I have to land on that one block of water down there yep you sure do oh gosh guys come on let me see if I have something else I can use oh and perfect I see this one hack called the Glide which lets me slowly fall okay zo I am ready to go down in three 2 What In Here I Go you better be careful Dax super careful what the heck why are you going so slow uh I don't know maybe I'm like super light or something this is a bit weird yeah you're not that light I am pretty light and now I'm going to land on the water with no trouble at all are you serious how are you moving so slow you're cheating somehow what the heck zo I am quite literally not cheating that was just a super easy Challenge and boom I landed right in the water well I guess you did beat all my challenges so what do you rate my bills I think I'm going to give you a solid 8 out of 10 this was pretty good an 8 out of 10 what the heck this deserves at least a nine no your challenges weren't challenging enough so I had to take off a few points whatever let's go ahead and just go to your build okay okay zo welcome over to my Titan speaker man build wo this looks exactly like the Titan speaker man I know it's so good and I spent a lot of time making it I think it looks pretty accurate this is super cool and do you have any challenges for me yes I do Zoe and you're going to have to start right here at the parkour seriously Dax you put parkour you know I'm really bad at that yeah I exactly why I put the parkour there's no way you can beat this first try well I actually bet you a stack of diamonds that I can defeated it on the first try oh okay Zoe I take that you're going down okay Zoe let's see what you can do okay Dax I'm definitely going to get on this first try so don't be surprised when you owe me some diamonds there is no way you can get this on the first try zo this parkour is super difficult yeah I seriously doubt that I think you've been kind of slacking in the building department it what the heck you already made the first jump yep and it wasn't even hard okay and it looks like you made the second jump zoe how in the world are you so good at this sheesh looks like all my practice is paying off oh my goodness this is absolutely ridiculous but you're definitely going to going to mess up soon no way I'm going to do this all the way to the top what the heck there's only a few jumps left and wait this is the final jump and wait you actually beat my parkour how in the world is that possible you suck at parkour because I'm getting better cuz I know you always make me do parkour okay whatever Zoe but now you're on to your next challenge which is an archery challenge ha archery are you kidding me Dax you know I'm like the best Archer you know go ahead and open up the chest and then you have to hit all these targets right here in order to move through this is going to be so easy I really doubt that Zoe you are not going to hit all these targets first try da I'm willing to bet you double or nothing that I can hit all of these Targets on the first try what there is absolutely no way Zoe we'll go ahead and see and wait you've already hit two out of the five targets there's no way you can do this what were you saying Dax oh no and you're getting super close come on please don't hit these last two and wait there's only one more left here goes nothing and oh my gosh okay you hit all the targets F Zoe let me go ahead and give you two stacks of diamonds and there you go woohoo this is awesome okay Z whatever forget about that challenge you have one final challenge in this room right here what is the challenge you're going to have to find the way out that's all I can tell you okay so I guess I'll just start clicking around to see if there's like a hidden door or a hidden button uh yeah there's no hidden door or hidden buttons wa I'll tell you that bud um I'm not getting any hidden buttons or hidden doors Dax can I have a hint okay let me just tell you you're going to have to jump in order to find your way out what the heck I'm going to have to jump yeah you're going to have to jump and wait you're getting super close oh gosh and look at that Zoe you made it wao Dax I almost fell off the side but hey look you made it and now you can move on to your final part really the final part what is it this is your Winner's room and you can open this chest and get a bunch of purple stuff this is awesome what is this purple stuff this is amazing it's just purple D away but now you're done with my course what do you want to rate it I mean considering you had a treasure for me and I won so many diamonds I think this is a 10 out of 10 which means I'm going to be winning the build battle good job Dax you definitely deserve it today I'm doing a skibby build challenge in Minecraft with my girlfriend but what she doesn't know is I'm going to be hiring the TV woman to help me make all of my builds well anyway Zoe are you super excited for today's skibby Build Challenge I am so excited I love the skibby characters well zo if you come over to the dispenser over here and look inside I have a bunch of different skibby bills that we could possibly be building ooh can I push the button yep whenever you're ready go ahead and hit the button to see what we're going to build first wo it's the skeleton toilet oh my my gosh the skeleton toilet is so crazy okay Zoe you're going to have 10 minutes to make your build best of luck good luck Dax okay guys and like I said earlier I'm going to cheating by hiring the TV woman and the first thing I'm going to have to do is type in this Command right here and wait a second oh my goodness I think the TV woman's head actually spawned in now when I go over there she should be inside but as soon as I flick this Boom the door will open up and look guys it's the TV woman hello Dax I heard you needed some help building today yes I would love some help I really need your Professional Building skills to help me beat Zoe in this Build Challenge sweet so what are we building first well the first thing I want you to build is the skeleton toilet do you think you can do that yep I can do that easy peasy I'm like the best builder ever awesome thank you so much T and while you're building that I'm going to go check out on Zoe's build okay okay have fun okay guys but in order to get over to Zoe's side I'm going to need to change myself a little bit and I think the best way to do that is by getting a invisibility potion so now once I Splash myself with this I'll become completely invisible and now I can just walk over to Zoe's side without her noticing let's see what she's doing and wo look it looks like Zoe starting to the base of her toilet this is actually looking kind of cool so far perfect I've laid out my Square to start building my toilets now I just need to build up to make the toilet part this is going to look so good man Zoe is really doing a great job I think I'm going to have to mess with her a little B before she gets too far in this build but what's something good I could do guys oh wait a second I have the perfect idea what if I spotted some different cameraman to mess with her let's see we should have a good cameraman somewhere around here and oh my gosh the camera ditch is perfect okay just need to add some finishing touches and then this will be perfect oh guys this is this is the perfect opportunity okay let me go ahead and spawn in some camera plungers and watch them attack Zoe what the heck are these camera Ninjas Oh my goodness they're completely jumping Zoe right now she looks so confused ah they're coming after me okay she is completely getting jumped what if I help her out a little by going to my inventory and I can grab a diamond sword and then I can go ahead and place this inside of her inventory so she can fight the bom yay now I can defeat the camera ninjas okay she's actually doing a pretty good job let me go ahead and spotted a bunch of these guys that can completely destroy her what the heck there's even more of them this is not good oh man it looks like Zoe's really getting jumped out here but man she's doing a pretty good job she is taking out a bunch of these camera plunger dig guys I'm so glad I've been training and hitting the wait room I'm destroying these guys I don't even need dax's help what the heck she is completely destroying these hey YouTu stop being lazy get down there and beat up Zoe we have to destroy her come on and oh wait a second I think she just took out the last one what the heck Bo yeah I showed those camera ninjas how strong I really am okay she did do a really good job at taking all those guys out man what's something else else that I could do to best with Zoe oh wait a second I have the perfect idea what if I go ahead and make all of our toilet right here out of green so all I need to do is put one position here and then fly all the way up to the other side and set another position and then I can just go ahead and replace all the white wool to be lime colored wool since lime wool is the best color in the world and boom look at that now it's lime green wool what the heck why did my white wool turn green Dax uh Hey Zoe what's up I mean just take a guess my build just turned green your build just turned green that's a little bit weird Zoe yeah super weird considering it's your favorite color Zoe you remember you are color blind right what if you're seeing the wrong color yeah I really don't think I am but maybe well I'm going to come check it out real quick just to confirm for myself okay Dax oh guys this is perfect let me go ahead and get myself a milk bucket and I'll go ahead and drink the milk bucket and then I'm going to do all the stuff that we just did with this one simple command and now it should all be white again Hey Zoe I thought you said this was colored in green this looks pretty white to me it just changed colors again I swear uh I think you might be going a little bit crazy Zoe this definitely looks like all white wool literally no green here except the grass Dax I swear it was green 2 seconds ago uh whatever you say Zoe I'm just going to head back to my side okay okay whatever you say okay and since we're heading back this actually gives me the perfect chance to check up on the TV let's see how our build's coming along let's go ahead and check this out and oh my goodness TV woman did you build this huge skull toilet yep I sure did doesn't it look good what in the world you're literally like the best builder ever thanks de I'm really good and I know it well we still do have a few minutes left think you can do a few different things for me yeah what do you need well I would love you to build out like a really big parkour course and then maybe have like a big trampoline jump at the end where she has to jump into water that' be really fun oo that would be really fun especially cuz Zoe isn't very good at parkour exactly okay you go ahead and get started on that and then I'll meet you back whenever the time's up okay see you soon thanks so much tvie woman wo guys her building skills are absolutely insane but since we still do have some time left I should go back over to Zoe side and mess with her a bit let's go ahead and put our visibility back on oursel just like this and now I can walk over to Zoe's side and what the heck her zombie skeleton acid toilet looks so cool how in the world did she even make this y my build is almost complete now I just have to make a little challenge for Dax what the heck she's even going to make a little challenge for me I wonder where she even going to try and pull off let's see what she's doing and wao wait what is she building this looks like fences first I have to make this enclosure for dax's question room and then I could put somebody in here and ask the question wait she's going to make a little Quest room that actually sounds kind of cool I wonder what the quest are going to be and once he completes the question room then he'll enter the parkour area wait what she's going to build a question room and a parkour area this is going to be such a cool little challenge honestly I don't know how much of the challenge I want to spoil for myself maybe I should just throw a few different dynamites at to mess with her while she's building this well I think the first thing I should actually grab is something called the lightning Dynamite cuz if I throw this at her a bunch of lightning will spot in what the heck where's this lightning come from oh my gosh guys she looks so confused but it looks like it didn't bother her that much she's doing pretty much fine okay what if we go ahead and throw a few more at her just mess with her what the heck it lit the ground on fire I hope it's not messing with my build oh wait I don't think any of it hit her build actually so she's going to be fine for the most part whatever I need to focus there's only a minute left I need to finish this parkour wait did zo say there's only a minute left oh gosh guys come on we have to get back to our build quick let's go ahead and drink the milet bucket and then I can check on the TV woman okay and wo it looks like she added in a bunch of Parkour this actually looks pretty good hey TV are you done with the whole build over here yep I'm pretty much done wow this looks awesome you did a great job thank you so much I'm glad you like it okay well like Zoe was saying over there we only have like a minute left so if you want to go back inside that TV woman head so you can hide and Zoe doesn't get mad I'll take the rest from here okay sounds good I'll be in the tvom head awesome thank you so much tvom WoW guys look at all this parkour she built out there's like a bunch of fan parkour and wo there's even these Emerald ones and these Emerald ones actually shoot you super high look at that so what I'm guessing she has to do is use all these parkour pads and then eventually jump onto this little thing and then it looks like she has to jump all the way down into a few blocks of water man this is definitely going to be a super tough challenge for Zoe let's go ahead and see how she's doing okay Zoe well my build is completely done are you ready to check out each other's builds yep I am super ready come on over oh I can come over to your side first that sounds perfect of course because mine's the best build ever and you want to see it first okay let's go ahead and check out how your build is looking and wao Zoe this actually looks really good yep I'm like super talented at building honestly this might be one of your best builds yet really good job Zoe you did great thanks Dex I'm glad you like it but there's a little bit of a challenge on the inside oh there's a challenge for you I'm so EXC I'm definitely going to destroy your little challenge we'll just have to see you just have to walk through these doors uh okay let's see what's inside and wao wait there's a bunch of questions yep it's a question room and if you answer the questions correct you get to move on oh okay this should be super easy I'm like an ultra genius with questions yeah we'll just see about that first question Dax who is better Dax or Zoe wait who is better Dax or Zoe Zoe you know I'm completely better than you at build and everything I'm a super talented Builder no first question incorrect wait what how is that not right because you answered it wrong I mean how plain and simple can I put it oh my gosh okay whatever let's just move on to the next question okay next question what color is better purple or green wait purple or green everyone knows that green is way better than purple Zoe that's not true Dax man you're really answering these questions wrong what in the world these questions are literally rigged Zoe this isn't fair at all moving on next question is Zoe taller than Dex true or false zo way you are quite literally not taller than me and you know this if I get this one wrong I would be so bad Dex we stood back to back and I am an inch taller than you so you did in fact get that question wrong what the heck Zoe this is so rigged how am I supposed to move on of all these questions are impossible okay Dax I'll tell you something if you get this last question right then I will let you move on uh okay this one better be easy what is one + one uh isn't it just two wow Dax you're so smart you did it okay looks like you get to move on uh yay I did it that was super easy whatever okay go ahead and go through the doorway okay and what is is this a parkour yep it it sure is oh my gosh zo this is way too easy I'm a parkour Pro I know you're super good at parkour but now you have to land in the water wait the water and why are there two different options Zoe you have to choose the right one oh gosh wait the right one I see what you're doing there I might as well choose the one on the right and wait what I fell into the void haha you lost how in the world did I just fall through the floors zo that's so messed up I know you so well Dax I knew you were going to choose the right one that's why the normal Waters in the left one oh my gosh this is absolutely ridiculous and yeah that's the right one well I guess I your little build didn't I kind of you did answer all the questions wrong and you fell into the void but you did pretty good whatever Zoe I'm going to give your build a solid 7 out of 10 it is pretty cool I'll take a 7 out of 10 all right let's go check out my build which is a million trillion times better than yours okay Zoe welcome over to my side wow this is super cool how did you build something so big uh because I'm like the greatest builder ever Zoe isn't it obvious yeah you are pretty good but I still think I'm better no way Zoe and once you do my challenge you're going to be totally disappointed really you have a challenge too of course I have a challenge and it's a bunch of Parkour if you look right over there you'll just see a bunch of Parkour where you can start at you Dex you know I'm not very good at parkour ah yeah that's exactly why I built it Zoe well I guess I can give it a try I have been practicing let's see how you can do I made this super super difficult I really doubt you can get this on the first try Dax have some faith in me how about this Zoe if you can beat it on the first try I'll just give you the round win really then I'm going to try super duper hard I mean I really doubt that you can do this first try it is super difficult after all de I'm kind of killing it right now I'm feeling pretty pretty lucky about this okay just wait Zoe it's about to get a lot more difficult don't get too confident what double fans are you serious Dax triple fans and I even added another fan to the top just wait till you get all the way up there this is not good hopefully I can do this okay Zoe there's this fan and then there's one more fan and he'll be at the very top wao I almost fell yeah that was super close but I'm sure you could do this and wao good job Zoe thanks ZX I'm doing super good you know what you didn't land on the wood platform but you pretty close so I guess I'll give that to you thanks stack it really means a lot okay and this is your final challenge this is a big drop and you have to land all the way in that water at the bottom in order to move through Max what the heck you know I'm afraid of heights oh I'm sure you can do this come on Zoe you have to jump okay here goes nothing and there you go come on Zoe and perfect look at that you landed right in the water yay I did it I did it I didn't think I was going to land in there at first but I sure did well like I said Zoe that gives you the first round win so let's go and head back to the dispenser to see what we're going to build next yippy let's go okay Zoe whenever you're ready go Ahad and hit the button and see what we got to build this time wo it's the Astro toilet wo the Astro toilet is going to be so much fun okay Zoe how about this time you only have 5 minutes to make your build sounds good you are so going down okay guys we might have let Zoe get that last round win but I'm totally going to destroy this round let's go aad and head back to the TV and see if she can help us with this next build all I have to do is open up this door and hey TV are you still here yep I'm right here Dex okay I'm definitely going to need your help again and we actually let Zoe win that last round so we're going to have to go super hard mode this round what I can't believe she won yes we're going to go super hard this round okay what I'm going to need you to build is a UFO toilet do you think you could do that a UFO toilet that sounds super cool I can definitely do that okay and while you're building that I'm going to go ahead and mess with Zoe a little bit have fun have fun Dex and of course before I go over there let me Splash myself with this visibility potion that way Zoe won't be able to see me I doubt Zoe's done anything yet and wait a second what the heck is this how did she already make this wow this looks so good my build is practically done what the world guys there's no way she actually made it okay we have to mess with her real quick because this is completely unacceptable let's go ahead and go into our inventory and we'll grab this astronaut toilet and what we're going to do is spoted a bunch of these around Zoe while she's making her build completely destroy her waa what the heck are these astronaut toilets this is not good oh my gosh guys she looks so confused but wait a second she's flying why in the world is she flying haha they can't even get up to me good thing I can still fly you know what guys let me go ahead and put her in survival mode real quick and there we go now she fell from the sky ah they're jumping me I can't fly anymore oh my gosh guys this is perfect so it is getting completely jumped over here this is not good how come they're jumping me where did they come from you know what while she's getting jumped why don't I go ahead and grab myself a piece of dynamite and I'm thinking we'll throw the physics Dynamite at her just to mess with her what the heck and now I'm being blown up this is not my day and uh wait a second did I just blow up all of the astronaut toilets oh gosh that wasn't a good idea wait where did the astronaut toilets go I guess they got blew up in the explosion I guess it is my lucky day oh my gosh guys okay that was a horrible plan on my part but let's go ahead and do something else let's go ahead and turn all this ground into lava and the way I'm going to do that is by selecting one side here and flying all the way to this side over here and then I just have to set the floor to Lava and boom now zo sl's completely destroyed what the heck why is the floor lava this is not good guys this is so funny Zoe looks so confused you know what they say you have to make lemonade out of the lemons that the world gives you so I'm going to make this lava a Parkour Lava wait what the heck Zoe just say she's going to make this a Parkour Lava what is that that going to do this is going to be a super hard challenge for Dax I am not going easy on him this round wait she's going to make the parkour challenge for me oh my gosh guys we keep setting her up with a bunch of cool stuff okay I need to do something else but what should I do you know what what if I just grab a different piece of dynamite but what should I grab and ooh this x-ray one looks pretty cool let me go ahead and chunk it all the way over there in the middle of Zoe's lava what the heck why did these blocks turn into glass no part of my Bild turned into glass this is not good oh this is so funny and while zo is making all these changes let me go back to my side and check on the TV woman of course I need to drink my bucket of milk and then I can just walk right over and oh my goodness look how ginormous this UFO toilet is TV woman this looks so good oh hey Dax you really mean that you like it yeah this is like one of your best builds yet there's so much detail at so many different blocks man you are such a good builder thanks STX I really am good though well we still do have a few minutes left you think you can adding a couple things for me sure what did you want me to add well I want you to make like a fake entrance and a real entrance that way we can actually trick Zoe when she tries to come over here ha that's going to be so funny to figure out yep I can definitely do that okay and while you're doing that I'm going to go ahead and check on Zoe one last time okay have fun let me just grab my invisibility potion again and perfect now I can just walk over there like normal okay and wao it looks like Zoe actually cleaned up the parkour area a lot this actually looks pretty cool perfect I finished the parkour and now my build should be ready to go honestly this does look pretty cool even though there's a bunch of glass everywhere H should I do one more little thing before the time ends I think I should there is this one TNT called The Entity Firework and when I light this up there's going to be a bunch of pigs that spawn in so let me go ahead and put this TNT at the top of Zoe build and then we'll just watch it all blow up and wao look at all the pigs what the heck where did these pigs come from and they're falling into the lava it smells like bacon over here oh my gosh they are all getting burnt alive okay Zoe's going to have to deal with all this this is too funny let me head back to my side real quick okay it perfect it looks like the T woman might be done hey T are you doing with the real entrance and in the fake entrance yep I sure am follow me this way to the fake entrance o and I like that you made it out of purple that's definitely going to trick Zoe but wait why would you give her cake because that's going to fake her out when you walk through that tunnel there's ghost blocks wait there's ghost blocks let's see it wao look at that she'll fall straight in the lava that's so funny yep I did pretty good right I think this is pretty good but where's the real entrance at I'll have to show you wao wait is this the real entrance yep it sure is and I made it out of your favorite color wow you did it looks like you added in a bunch of lasers that Zoe is going to have to try and get through yep she's going to have to try super hard to not hit the lasers wow this looks super difficult and wo even at the end you have a little pool that she has to jump into yep and zo's afraid of height so we'll see how that goes first oh this was so perfect thank you so much T but you can go ahead and go back to the little head while we do the round you're welcome DX see you next round okay and now that we're pretty much done with our build let's go ahead and see if Zoe's done with hers Hey Zoe how's your build coming along mine is completely done and ready for you to evaluate oh perfect okay I'm going to head over and I'll judge your build first okay come on come on over uh Zoe before we start I do have one question what is it why are there so many pigs everywhere oh well when I was just about done with my build the pigs came flying out of the sky so I've made them all my pets uh that sounds a little bit crazy Zoe but wo your build actually looks pretty good thanks Dax I've been trying super hard and let's see do you have any type of special challenges for me to do yep if you come this way there's some lava parkour for you to complete oh lava parkour I love parkour so much all right Dax so your goal is to get to the very top of the build oh can definitely do that watch this zoee I can do this Parkour in no time because I'm super fast wow you are doing it super fast maybe I should have made it a little bit harder this is way too easy and I'm a professional at this I could do this with my eyes closed and ow I fell into the lava Dex what the heck how did you fall I have no idea but don't worry Zoe I can definitely do it this time you got this STX and perfect I made that jump now I only have a few more and then I can use this little fan to get to the top of the build and boom look at that Zoe I made it all the way up wow good job you're doing really good that was honestly a lot of fun and since your build is really cool this time I'm going to go ahead and give you an 8 out of 10 an 8 out of 10 heck yeah that's better than the last round all right now it's time to go check out my super awesome build okay let's go okay Zoe welcome over to my super cool build what the heck this thing is huge uh yeah cuz I'm like the best builder in the world Zoe duh you are pretty good this is really awesome a thank you so much Zoe but I also have a few challenges for you just like you had for me really well where's the challenge well the first thing you have to do is figure out the right way to get into this build okay well it looks like there's some purple over here so this must be it uh yeah we'll see about that go ahead and get yourself some cake Zoe you beat the course ooh I love cake and Zoe you thought you really thought I would let you beat the course that easily Jax I died cuz I fell into lava well Zoe that was obviously the fake entrance you're going to have to go ahead and find the real entrance well it's definitely not going to be purple so maybe I should look for some green uh yeah you should definitely look for some green oh it looks like there's some green up here oh and perfect I think you might have found the entrance oh no this is not looking good yep it's a bunch of laser parkour that you're going to have to get through yikes I am not good at parkour well I'm sure you can do this Zoe just make sure to take your time okay here I go and it looks like you're doing pretty good so far good job Zoe thanks St okay and now you have to make a little double jump and then you just have a few more different jumps and you should be good to go okay but Dex don't look at me too hard cuz I get nervous uh okay I guess I could just stare at this wall over here or something yay I did it wait zo how the world did you just get through that fast Dex I don't know I'm just super skilled like that okay whatever okay and you have one final jump and then you can move on to your final part of the challenge okay here goes nothing all right that was a good jump and here's your final part here Zoe oh no this looks super high yep it is super high you have to jump all the way down there to some water are you serious yep best of luck Zoe okay here I go and wao you're going so fast I made it and perfect good job Zoe you went into the water woohoo does that mean I win uh I mean yeah you did pretty good you won I guess but what do you want to rate my build I would probably give it like a N9 out of 10 oh it perfect it's just I got a n out of 10 that means I win this round but you know what that means the next round is a tiebreaker all right let's go ahead move on to the final round then let's do this okay Zoe whenever you're ready go Ahad and hit the button to see what our final build's going to be wao it's the tri Titan wao the TR tit is going to be so much fun okay Zoe this is going to be a really quick round how about you only have 5 minutes to make your build sounds good to me good luck Dax okay guys is this this is a speed round I need to go tell the T to build this quick so I can see how Zoe's builds coming along let's go ahead and run into the TV woman head right here and hey TV woman I need you real quick hi Dax what do you need I need you to build a tri Titan do you think you can do that yep I can do that how much time do we have uh we only have 5 minutes so you're going to have to be super super fast okay I'll get to work okay guys and while the TV was getting to work let me go ahead and look at Zoe to see how she's doing let's go ahead and see it wait what the heck she already made her build and wait who in the world is this guy over here thank you so much Mr Tri Titan for helping me make this amazing build I'm surely going to defeat Dax oh yeah you're you're totally welcome I made it as good as I could I hope it's to your needs it is it's more than what I needed it's perfect thank you so much wait did she just get this guy to actually make the tri Titan build that's totally cheating thank you so much Mr Tri Titan I think I'm going to take a nap because I saved so much time because I hired you wait is Zoe going to take a nap guys this is absolutely ridiculous but you know what this does give me a really good idea since Zoe's taking a nap let me make a little purple doorway and inside of this doorway we're going to place out some super explosive TNT she is going to be super confused where this came from but since it's made out of purple she's probably not going to question it too much let me go ahead and throw in two of these TNTs in the floor right here and then we'll just fill up with some grass and put some pressure plates on top and now she's definitely to go step in that but okay quick let me go ahead and get back to the T to see how the bill's coming along okay let's go ahead and check it out and wao this Tri Tite is so big wao good job TV woman thanks D I really hope you like it and judging by the other side of the wall your build is twice as big as Zoe's oh yeah you did such a good job but I don't don't think we have any time to make any type of traps this round we're just going to have to go with this okay sounds good all right well thank you for all your help T but I'm definitely going to win this round fingers crossed okay Zoe well my build is already ready to go for this round are you ready to check out each other's builds yep I am ready to go and how about you come over to my side first okay I can do that okay Zoe just come this way and you can check out my super ultra awesome build what the heck how do you build these things so big I don't even have enough time uh because I'm the best builder ever Zoe duh you are pretty good Builder decks this thing is amazing oh thank you so much Zoe I really tried my best but sadly there are no challenges for you this time you're just going to have to give me a rating well since you don't have any challenges I think I'm going to have to give you like an 8 out of 10 wait an 8 out of 10 Zoe do you see how big this thing is yeah it would be a 10 out of 10 if it was just based off looks but you didn't include any challenges oh my gosh whatever well I doubt your build's going to be anywhere near mine let's just go check it out let's go all right Dax come this way and wo Zoe this build looks really good yep it does look Prett pretty good right probably one of my best works yeah I would definitely say one of your best works but why is there a purple house in the front that's kind of weird I don't know maybe the tri Titan built it wait what did you just say Zoe nothing Dax looks like there's nothing in here hm super strange wait Zoe did you st on some pressure plates I don't think so whoa Dex why is the wall being destroyed wait what the heck Zoe there's a bunch of meteors coming down what did you just do what the heck my build is destroyed oh my goodness Zoe you're getting everything destroyed look my build's getting completely destroyed yikes this is not good I didn't mean to the tri Titan must have done that what in the world and wait a second Zoe it looks like your build's completely gone which means I'm going to win this round no what the heck I paid that guy for nothing wait you paid who Zoe nothing Dax what in the world were you cheating no definitely not oh my gosh you know whatever it doesn't even matter since I completely destroyed you anyways yeah you did win since you're the last man standing but the next time I'm going to win and if you guys enjoyed that video and want to watch more Dax and Zoe make sure to CLI one of the videos on screen bye guys
Channel: Daxx
Views: 431,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft build challenge, i cheated in a alphabet lore build challenge, build challenge minecraft, minecraft challenge, build challenge, house build challange, minecraft build battle, i cheated in a speakerman build challenge, i cheated with //paste in a tv women build challenge!, maizen build battle, i cheated with //paste in a skibidi speakerman build challenge!, build battle, jeffy cheated with //paste in a baban build challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 53sec (6653 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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