NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated In a KICKIN CHICKEN Build Challenge!

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today we're doing a smiling Critters Build Challenge and I'm going to be secretly using hacks to troll my friend using the command sl/ paste I can instantly spawn in this massive kick and chicken build but little does my friend know I'm going to be filling up the whole entire build with a whole bunch of traps to prank him and now let's go check out my friend G and G what in the world is going on bubbles I'm on a roller coaster with catnap what the catnap he looks super duper scary and Bubbles are you serious right now that was super duper mean my bad bro catnap just look too scary whatever bubbles but wait a second what in the world are we doing today we're going to be doing a kicking chicken Build Challenge kicking chicken oh my Nar that sounds super duper goofy but wait a second what side are you going to go on the green side or the blue side well I know your favorite color is green so I'm going to take your side wait a second you're going on the green side that's why the okay fine I'll go on the blue side it's the way better color anyway I didn't know about that bubbles but we only have 10 minutes to build this so let's get building 10 minutes go go go now that you can't hear me anymore I could just type in the command and oh my God our kick and chicken Bild just spawned in we're way ahead of G right now but we got no time to waste cuz we got to put in some traps and from our first trap I'm going to be making a fake entrance where should I put it hm ooh I know what if I put it right under kick and chicken star necklace let me just break out a few blocks like this and make the entrance out of secret do disguises Emerald blocks Emerald or G is absolute favorite so this is definitely going to lure him into our trap for the fake entrance I'm going to be making a fake treasure that's going to spawn in catnap to completely destroy GE catnap is super duper terrifying so this is going to going to be hilarious let's go ahead and build out the room first there we go and now we can place down the fake treasure at the end of the room just like this before I allow catnap to spawn in we got to make a little obstacle for G to get through so that this isn't too suspicious I think it would be super cool to make g go through a whole bunch of lava boat clutches get all of the lava place down and then we can put down a chest right over here and fill it with a whole bunch of green boats green is G's favorite color so hopefully this helps him get through the obstacle as much as I like to see him fail I want him to get through this so he can get trapped by catnap to spawn catnap in all we're going to do is place a little command block right underneath this chest so now when G goes to open up the chest to collect his prize a huge can Up's going to spawn in ah canab holy moly that was absolutely terrifying G is definitely going to be pooping his pants when that happens to him so make sure to stick around to see that and just like that our fake entrance is completed but before moving on to building the real one I want to go check on G to see how he's doing I secretly hit a little invisibility potion in this chest right before the competition if I go ahead and drink it just like this I become completely invisible and now I can just break out a few blocks into the wall just like this and look at that G's building right over there all right and just a few more blocks and there we go my cake and shien looks super good what do you think of it Mr Carrot pig what the why is G talking to a carrot Pig and what even is a carrot Pig and wait a second why are you running away from me get over here what the heck but what Bubbles doesn't know is that I'm going to be putting a ton of super secret traps on my entire build with this super secret treasure at the end and we only have 8 minutes left to finish building so this is going perfect wao wait did he say 8 minutes I got to get back to my build go go all right now that we're done with the fake entrance it's time to put in the real one and I know exactly where I want to put it I think the perfect spot to hide it would be right inside of kick and chicken's mouth right over here we're going to go ahead and make the entrance out of some super hidden ghost blocks and wo look at that you can't even tell that anything's there it all looks like regular blocks but you can actually walk straight through them and now that we're inside we can start building our first official trap for the first trap of my build G is going to have to get through the poppy playtime Co Factory let's start by building the room first there we go and then we can start building the Factory toy machines that g is going to have to use to escap this room one of them is going to be his ticket out of here and the other one's going to cause him a big problem let's give them some eyes just like in the actual poppy play time and because blue is the absolute best color in the entire world the blue machine's going to be the correct one which means that this yellow machine is going to be a trap let's first put a sign right over here that says make a friend machine and then we're going to add a whole bunch of conveyor belts with a lever right over here I know I said that this is the make a friend machine but when G pulls this lever it's going to spawn in a dog day that's going to start attacking him holy this dog day looks super duper creepy just like when he C Falls at you in the actual game I can't wait to see G's reaction when dog day spawns in but now that we're done with the Trap machine we can work on the correct machine and to do that we're just going to place a lever down right over here and then some super secret iron doors just like this I know it just looks like regular blocks but when he pulls the lever it's just going to open up the machine to bring him to the next room just like that and our poppy playtime factory room is completed and now we can move on to building the next trap in our build and this trap is going to be even scarier than the first it's going to consist of a super long hallway where G is going to have to fight multiple M Delights yeah you heard that right it's not just just one it's multiple M lights let's go ahead and build out the super long hallway first and then we can start placing down the trip wires that g is going to step on to spawn in the M lights we'll have one right over there and one right over here then we're going to go ahead and place a dispenser behind the trip wire and fill it with a whole bunch of Mite spawn eggs we can go ahead and fill them all up and now when G unknowingly walks by it's just going to spawn in a whole bunch of these M lights they look super duper creepy but now that our mechanism is set up we're going to give g a way to actually defeat them to be able to defeat them he's going to have to collect this weapon right over here I know it's not but we can't make this obstacle too easy for him for some finishing touches let's add some creepy decorations all around this entire hallway this would definitely make G 50 times more scared but there we go our Mite hallway is completed let's wait and see if G can actually defeat all of these M lights or if he's going to get wrecked if G is able to make it through the hallway then he's officially made it to the third trap of our build and this obstacle is going to be the boss fight he's going to have to be able to defeat a super powerful mob boss let's build out the massive battle arena first and then we got to put down some super secure iron bars to make sure that the boss doesn't escape there we go and all right everyone it's time to spawn in the super op mob boss to help me Spawn him in hit that like And subscribe button in three 2 1 thank you for subscribing and oh my God this guy's power levels are over 9,000 we got to get out of here I have no idea how G is going to be able to defeat him but we got to give him some items to help him out anyway but the twist is this chest is password protected let's go ahead and set the password to 4 3 2 1 and then we could just fill up the entire chest with a whole bunch of emerald armor an emerald sword and two gold golden apples this should definitely be enough for him but I guess we'll have to wait and see the only way that g can actually figure out the password is by finding two hidden chests around the room let's go ahead and hide one of the chests in this little hallway right over here inside of this chest will contain a piece of paper with two of the numbers of the code let's go ahead and cover it up with some paintings just like this and then we can go ahead and place a second chest in this hallway right near the mutant hoglin inside of this chest is going to be the other two numbers that he's going to need so let's go ahead and cover up this hallway as well and just fill up the rest of the room with a whole bunch of paintings to confuse him oh yeah our boss fight room is completed the next trap in my boat is going to contain a million boxy boos but before I build it I want to go troll G real quick let me fly over to the wall and open up this chest and grab this invisibility potion and a dog day spawn egg and now let's break out a hole into the wall to find where G is and look at that he's right over there my kick and chicken build is turning out amazing I'm almost finished wait what he's almost finished we got to do this fast let me Splash this invisibility potion and I fly right over to him to troll him this build is literally a 10 out of 10 I'm definitely going to be bubbles in this build challenge what the there's no way I'm going to let him beat me in this Build Challenge let me just spawn in a whole bunch of dog days and wait a second why is there a whole bunch of dog days over here get away from me wait a second oh no I'm getting attacked get him Dog Days get him and all right guys quick while G is busy respawning we're just going to go our inventory and grab a bazooka and then just blow up this build run away run away and wait a second why is there a hole in my build now oh no dog day was it you g thinks it's dog day and not me that's good get out of here dog day this is what you get oh what the heck he shooting at the dog days this is super duper bad and we only have 5 minutes left to finish building I got to hurry up wait what did he say 5 minutes I got to get back to my build then all right we don't have too much time left so we got to build this fast just like I said earlier there's going to be a million boxy Boos inside this room so we're going to have to make it extra big I think this looks like a good size here we are and now we can spawn in a whole bunch of these boxy Boos oh my god look how many there are that is genuinely terrifying but okay now that we spawned in our boxy boo we got to give G an actual way to get across and his only way of doing so is on this mini bike right over here he's going to have to drive it super carefully on this one block wide passageway which is going to contain a whole bunch of twists and turns let's make it look like a road with some black and yellow awesome this looks super duper cool and if this wasn't hard enough we're going to add some super bouncy Springs to the side of the core so that even if he touches them slightly he's going to bounc into the pit with the boxy Boos let's go ahead and add a few more just like this and nice our boxy boo bike course is completed let me test out how ult this course is and look at that off we go and wait we're actually making it through and oh no the spring ah boxy Bo stop ow what the flippy flip that actually was super scary I can't wait to see G struggle to get across but wait uh-oh we only have 2 minutes left we're going to build this fast for the next trap on my build I'm going to be making the world's most dangerous dropper let's start by making a room that's super duper tall and then at the bottom we can split it into four different sections that g can jump down into in this first Corner over here we're going to be placing down some poisonous water this water might seem completely normal but when you fall in it it's actually going to completely destroy you and then in this corner we're going to replace it with some bouncy green slime that's usually safe to land on but we're going to go ahead and make it not so safe by putting a whole bunch of barrier blocks right on top without an actual barrier block in hand these barriers are completely invisible G is going to be so confused when he dies from the green slime then in this top left corner we're going to place down some cobwebs these are usually safe to land on as well but we're just going to replace it with some ghost blocks just like this when G goes to land in the cobwebs he's actually just going to fall right through uh and finally now that we have the three trap Corners completed we can actually make the correct one for G to safely make it down the dropper he's going to have to land in this blue slime right over here G absolutely hates the color blue which is why he's going to have a harder time getting it right all right now that our dropper is completed we can move on to building the last and final obstacle and if you guys didn't know what it is it's where G is going to have to pick if he wants the diamond treasure or the emerald treasure a decision that I honestly feel like is super duper easy because diamonds are amazing but I guess we'll have to see if G feels the same way let's first put down a chest at the end of each of these hallways and add some super cool cool looking decorations then now we got to decide which side is a trap and which side is going to contain his amazing treasure and I'm going to be completely honest guys the emerald side looks like a whole bunch of nasty vegetables which means that we're going to make it the Trap let's replace this treasure with a trap chest and then we'll put a little sneaky command block right underneath let me also put a whole bunch of spikes on the ceiling just like this I'll show you what they're for in just a second all right so when G goes to collect his Emerald treasure he's just going to open up this chest and a start levitating into the spikes ow ow ow ow ow my butt cheeks my butt cheeks that was super duper painful but but that was honestly kind of funny oh my I can't wait to see G fall for this now Emerald side trap is set up we can move on to giving him his actual prize on a diamond side his real treasure is going to be a whole bunch of poisonous potatoes poisonous potatoes are G's favorite food so I'm sure he's going to be super happy when he sees that oh flipping yeah our kick and chicken build is finally completed and won't you look at that the timer just went off as well now we can go meet up with G and check out each other's builds hey G hey bubbles now that we're done with both of our builds who are we checking out first well since my build is totally amazing you should check out mine huh I am pretty curious what you built so let's go check out yours all right prepare to be amaz bubbles check out my kick and chicken build wo G this is actually pretty good but uh what is all that behind him well bubbles I put a bunch of traps around my entire build and at the very end I have a super secret treasure well let me know how to get inside your build then G I'll give you a hint bubbles it's your favorite color my favorite color is so blue and wait brother the blue is literally right over here good job bubbles you actually found it now if we open up this store check it out wo is this a whole bunch of lasers Yep this is a super dangerous laser obstacle course and if you touch a laser a single time you get zapped Get Zapped I'm sure it's not that bad G let me just walk through this laser and oh my goodness that just do so much damage ow and are you serious right now bubbles I literally just told you well yeah but I didn't think you would make it that dangerous yeah these lasers are no joke but if you get to the very end you can collect your treasure wait I didn't even see that there was a treasure there now I got to make it to the end and uh I think I literally only have one laser left G you got this bubbles come on let me just duck under it just like this and look at that I made it through nice job Bubbles and since you made it through fair and square you can finally get your treasure oh yeah it's going to be a whole bunch of diamonds let me open it up real quick and well there's nothing in there a what was that brother was that literally a charge creeper yep I wasn't going to make it that easy bubbles you still have to go through every single room and just because of that you went inside the fake entrance the flipping fake entrance I should have known and I guess that means that I have to go find the real one is it inside of kick and chicken's mouth over here no nope then is it inside of his orange kick and chicken feet no not even close G where in the world is this entrance I can't find it anywhere and are you serious h y bubbles you literally didn't even look uh yeah I did and it's nowhere to be found come on G please just give me a hint oh no fine bubbles I guess I'll show you where it is but only under one condition oh yeah and what condition is that everyone watching the video to like And subscribe like And subscribe quick guys I really want to know where this real entrance is so hit that like And subscribe button in 3 2 1 thank you for subscribing G now you have to tell me where it is cuz they did it wait what the what I didn't think they'd actually do it but fine bubbles a deal is a deal so just follow me wait a second I didn't think to check in his star I should have known yeah but you didn't and now that you're inside you're going to have to choose between the blue button the red button and the green button wo that's so many different choices this big red one looks super duper interesting though all right so are you going to press it hm maybe you made it a trap I'm going to press this blue one instead and uh wait a second is that Mr light help me G help me get him Mr light get him you know what I'm actually a PVP Pro and I'm going to get her first let's go oh no what the I thought she was going to kill you nuh-uh all I had to do is hit her with that one two but now that I know that the blue one is a trap now I could press this big red one cuz this green one is super super nasty hey the green one is not nasty I have no idea what you're yapping about right now bro that literally looks like broccoli over there and this super cool red reminds me of boxy boo so I'm going to press it and what the there's no way you just fell for that bubbles and now that you press both of those buttons there's only the green one left ew I don't know if I could press that g can you press it for me well I don't really want to press it but if you don't want to press that big green button then I'm going to throw a bunch of lettuce at you what the G put that away there's already enough Green in this room ha but you got to eat your veggies bubbles come on eat up okay I'll press I'll press I'll press it and uh G what in the world is all of this wait a second where did that door just go what do you mean it was right over uh g g where did the door go get me out oh no we're actually trapped in here we're going to die bubbles we're going to die no no no G it's okay look there's a door right over here let me just try and go through and uh G it's not opening relax bubbles I got this I'm going to hit him with the hyah hyah hyah oh no it's actually not opening bubbles are we cooked I think we might just be cooked if even your hiy eyes couldn't get us out of here oh no bubbles we're going to die we're going to die wait dude we literally missed it there's a chest right over here wait I didn't even see that but wait a second what happens when you open it up well there might be something super valuable inside so let me try and open it up and wo a wooden sword and a lever and ow ow ow ow my feet there's a whole bunch of silverfish oh no get them bubbles get them oh no I'm getting stuck in this web up here ah help me and wait I think I just took them all out G let's go that was amazing but wait a second can't you use that lever to get us out of here you're right a lever and an iron door that equals an Open Door let's go let's go finally we're out of there but now that we're inside of here you're going to have to choose between the Green Door and the blue door you're making me pick between blue and green again well we already know that the green side looks like a whole bunch of nasty vegetables so the blue side is obviously better what are you yapping about bubbles vegetables are amazing yeah if you like bad tasting food think about it blue can be like some nice fluffy cotton candy G or it could be a bunch of blue broccoli e what the hell where did you even get those you know what I'm tired of all your vegetables I'm just going to open up this door and go inside and wait is this my treasure it might be bubbles go ahead and open it up I'm about to be rich with diamonds and uh uh wait why is this chest moving G ow what in the world was that brother that wasn't a regular chest that was a secret moving chest they just ate you alive ah yeah it literally had a mouth and teeth which probably means that this blue side is the wrong side huh yeah there's only the Green Door left uh even though I hate the color green I guess I'll go through it come on please do something good on the other side and wait I think I made it to the next room yep and if you want to make it through you're going to have to get past this pit of sharks that is pretty scary but uh there's only two sharks in there G really dude I ran at a time okay well that's perfect for me cuz this is going to be easy peasy you could have at least made this parkour a little bit harder are you going to make it obviously I am G just watch this I'm a parkour professional and wait wait wait shark stop it why did I fall through that block G I think you missed my question why in the world did I fall through that block well this block isn't a regular Block it's a gohost block oh my God I should have known but if that's a ghost block then how in the world do I get across well I did hide something around this room so you're going to have to find it wait I might have just thought of a 400 IQ play wait what the let me just throw these blue vegetables that you gave me earlier to distract the Sharks and I'm just going to make it toward the ladder come on and oh no oh no I don't think they like the vegetables bubbles see I told you g nobody likes them and are you serious I out bubbles I like vegetables well good for you I guess but let me find that item you were talking about that's hidden around this room cuz that seems like it's the only way to get across uh G why is there an Among Us painting over here wait what the what he actually looks super sus yeah and just for being sus I'mma hit him with that one too and wait there's a chest behind that painting and inside the chest is an enchanted golden apple what in the world good job bubbles you actually found it and now that you have the Apple you can finally make it across yes sir I'm going to be completely Invincible with this apple now that I ate it I can just swim across safely without taking any damage let's go and look at that G I made it across in one piece that was easy peasy Emerald squeezy Emerald squeezy don't you mean lemon squeezy uh no what in the world is a lemon uh something way better than emeralds and really bubbles I'm just going to open up this door now yes is it finally my treasure that is not a treasure what in the world is that g this is a mutant husk and you're going to have to fight him wait uh are you serious yes I'm serious right now and I'm going to drop the walls in three what in the world are you doing brother hey yo chill I wasn't actually going to do it yeah don't do that again don't do that again you scared me but if you actually want to fight him I put a bunch of items inside of this chest wo that's a super cool chest but let me guess g is it password protected and yes it is are you serious right now yes I'm serious right now and since there's a bunch of items inside of here you're going to have to figure it out well isn't that super duper easy it's got to be one of these levers over here knowing that the left is left and the right is right the right one's got to be right let me pull this massive lever and wait why am I in the room ow ow get him H get him GE that's actually wild why would you make that lever do that I didn't know bubbles but what's even Wilder is that you you literally just pooped inside of that cage what is wrong with you uh G what are you talking about that is definitely not me that's uh that's the mutant husk really bubbles you are not like brother uh I don't know what you're talking about let me just pull this lever right over here and look at that I think I just got the password so let me just type in 7531 and wo a whole bunch of lapis Luli armor and a poison sword let's go you look super cool of course I do and I'm going to take this big guy down all right so I'm going to drop the walls in 3 2 1 fight ha don't poop yourself again mutant hus cuz I'm coming for you and look at me G I'm literally destroying him yeah but he is throwing you pretty far uh what are you talking about he's literally gone wait what the I should have made it more harder I mean I guess you are the noob for a reason hey I am not a new Bubbles and just to prove it you're definitely not going to make it past this door well I think I will and let me just see what's in this passageway and dude you literally made this too short what are you doing what are you talking about bubbles it's literally the perfect size yeah if I were you but I'm way taller and uh are you serious are bubbles you're literally 3 fo2 okay well you're 2 3 well you're 1 five okay well you're 0 foot2 well you're negative one pillion well you're negative Infinity oh no that's not even possible bubbles well it is for you but let me just look around this room to see if there's any other way to get inside and uh what is this over here GE well it's a personal shrinking device and maybe you can use that to finally get taller yeah I think you need to go back to school cuz shrinking definitely does not mean to to get taller let me use it real quick to get shorter and look at that I'm super duper tiny now this is perfect now that you're super tiny I'm going to throw a bunch of poop on you e what the heck that smells even worse than usual I'm just going to run through and wait is this a whole bunch of silverfish what is happening get him silverfish get him stay away from me stay away from me ah gee there's way too many silverfish come on you got this bubbles Never Back Down never give up all right I'm not going to give up and I'm going to get every single one of the come on come on and there's only one left let me just knock him into this hole right over there and a goodbye good job bubbles you actually did it and now I'm going to have to find a way to get down here too wa nice crawling GE let's go to the next room over here and now I can just turn back into regular size let's go nice job bubbles but now you're going to have to make a really important decision it can't be that bad what is it are you going to choose the diamond treasure or the emerald treasure hm the diamond or the emerald is that even a close question G diamonds are way better than emerald emeralds nuh emeralds are amazing yeah if you were a noob but if you're a professional like myself you would definitely want to go on the diamond side all right so let's see about that I'm sure this price is going to be great let me just open it up and wait why am I in the void dude there's no way that you just did that to me well of course I had to cuz emeralds are amazing okay fine G I'll make you happy and open up the emerald side then and wait a second this might actually be better than I thought it's a whole bunch of diamonds and rotten fles let's go yummy yummy yummy wait a second why are you actually eating it get out of here that was crazy G but now that I checked out your build do you want to check out mine of course I do bubbles let's goe when can it turn around you can turn around in three 2 1 turn around and oh my God isn't my kick and chicken build super duper amazing yeah those look really good but wait a second this build's literally massive how in the world do I get inside this thing well what want to give you a little hint G it's your favorite block in Minecraft my favorite block in Minecraft so emeralds and wait a second I literally see some emeralds right over here oh my God I know I should have hit it better well G welcome into the first obstacle where you're going to have to get across this lava pit and then you could collect your super secret treasure my super secret treasure well good thing I'm a really good swimmer so I'm just going to grun for it let's go let's go wait a second oh no why in the world are you trying to swim in lava G well I thought he was good at swimming I knew you were a noob but that's some Next Level stuff over there he hey I am not a noob bubbles are you serious right now well if you're not a noob why don't you prove it by getting across legit all right well there is a chest over here so if I just open it up just like this let's go there's a bunch of big beautiful Green Boats yep I made them all green just for you g all right well this is going to be a piece of cake just watch Haya hiya and I made it no way maybe I underestimated you g you're not that much of a noob yep and since I made it across fair and square I'm going to open up my treasure let's go and oh no is that catnap holy moly canab just destroyed you really bubbles that was an L prize yeah I'm sure you saw that there was nothing in the chest because this is the fake entrance wait so I'm going to have to find the real one maybe it's inside of a star necklace and no not even close or maybe it's inside of his big orange nose and that's his beak but nope hey it's basically the same thing but wait a second if it's on any of those places then where in the world could it be bubbles what if I give you another hint yes please bubbles come on H psych I'm not giving you one and uh are you sure about that cuz I'm going to feed you a bunch of lettuce okay okay put that away I'll tell you where it is stop stop stop let's go even though you got a whole bunch of nasty lettuce on my side I'll tell you where it is it's right inside of kicking chicken's mouth over here and wait a second what the there's no way I would have been able to find that I mean that is is kind of the whole point of hiding the entrance but now you made it inside of the poppy playtime co-a Factory which one of these machines are you going to pull the lever for well there is a blue side but wait a second make a friend machine that sounds super interesting doesn't it yeah it does I really want some new friends so I'm just going to pull this lever right over here and wait a second dog day wao look at that dog day is crawling toward you oh no well you did destroy my build earlier but I guess I can forgive you and wait I think do just become your friend yep bro we're literally best friends now besides you bubbles yeah don't forget about me G but I'm honestly really surprised that he didn't attack you yeah I guess he felt bad for destroying my build but now that we have dog day over here I'm going to flick this lever and wao what is this welcome to my super creepy hallway room you're going to have to make it all the way to the end without getting super scared well that's going to be easy for me bubbles cuz I'm not a scaredy cat all right well just in case if you get super scared there is a weapon over here just for you all right so let me just pick this up just like this and wait a second there's literally nothing inside of this hallway so this is going to be easy and oh no is that Mr light are you sure it's nothing get over here and I already got her nice job G I guess you actually made it through yep and I'm really close to these doors so now I'm just going to walk through just like this and oh no why is there more M lights holy there's three more M lights and wa even though you died look at that dog day is fighting for you come on dog day let's go wao I guess dog day is a super duper helpful friend yeah dog day is literally goated but now let's just open up these doors and see what's inside oh no what is this bubbles what is this that is a super duper powerful mutant hoglin and you're going to have to fight it g wait what the what but I'm out of ammo uh well that's on you buddy I guess you're going to have to try and smack him with that let me just start breaking down the wall just like this and wait wait wait no no no stop stop stop dude I scared you guys so bad that dog day is still hiding in the hallway over there and uh are you serious right now dog day what are you doing it's fine it's fine just let him be I will tell you though G to get your items you're going to have to get it right inside of this chest over here all right so let me just open this up real quick and are you serious right now it's literally password protected ha I wouldn't make it that easy for you ge but the password that you need might be hidden somewhere around this room well there are a bunch of paintings around this room and now that I think about it there's way too many Freddy fazbears get out of here and wait a second I just found it what the no way off of the first painting what can I say bubbles I guess I am pretty lucky so let me just open up this chest right over here and wait a second there's a part of the code yep that's the first two numbers of the code g now you have to figure out the other two somewhere else hidden in this room all right so I guess I have to break down every single painting come on let's see if you can find it come on I'm definitely getting close and aha there it is yep behind the other Freddy Fazbear painting yep and it looks like the code is 4321 and are you serious right now I literally could have guessed that I purposely made it super duper easy whatever bubbles I'm just going to type it in just like this and wo there's a bunch of emerald armor and emerald sword and golden apples dang you're looking super duper green right now you must love it yeah I am pretty dripped out what do you say dog day are you ready to fight this guy I think I just heard him say is ready so the wer is going to drop in three 2 1 fight come over here get him mutant hoglin get him and oh no I already died and oh no wait no dog they just died G no oh no there's no way you just took dog day away from me get over here come on G get revenge for dog day this is for you dog day Haya hiya you got this come on just a few more hits let's go and I got him that's what you get but oh no I don't have dog day anymore oh man that's actually really really sad well it's okay cuz I'm going to get the treasure just for dog day let's go I Believe In You G I'm actually rooting for you to get the treasure well welcome to the next obstacle it's a min bike boxy boo course and wait a second there's a bunch of boxy Boos down there yep and your only way across is on this super thin Road well good for me cuz I'm literally amazing at driving so I'm just going to get on this bike right over here and wait dude you're actually making it through Yep this is easy peasy I'm just going to make this turn right over here come on W G you're getting super close to the edge be careful don't worry about me bubbles since this is so easy I'm going to go really fast Al one wait a second oh no oh no wait you're going so fast over there the boxy Boos can't catch you you can't get me you can't get me that looks so funny dude this is literally easy peasy in wait a second oh no I'm running out of gas oh no gee that was actually hilarious but in the end you still got wrecked well it's okay bubbles cuz I'm definitely going to make it this time you got it I believe in you I just got to take it super duper slow yep cuz slow and steady wins the race exactly bubbles now I just have one one more turn to complete come on and I made it dang that was some smooth driving but now that you made it through the boxy boot course you're going to be rewarded with the next course let's go and wait a second what is this welcome to the world's most dangerous dropper you're going to have to pick one of these Corners to drop down into well these Cobbs look C safe so I'm going to go through this one let's go oh yeah and wait a second why did I just die uh maybe cuz those cobwebs are some ghost blocks ghost blocks that's super unfair but we a second there still are some slimes and this water over here yep which are both safe to land in so you can pick any of them well you know me bubbles I do love the color green so I'm going to go in these green slimes let's go y look at that you bounced hey I did not bounce bubbles are you serious right now yeah probably cuz I put some barrier blocks right on top to trick you that's super mean but this water does look really safe so I'm definitely going to go through here yay you made it and wait a second why am I taking damage made it to getting wrecked there's no way you just fell for that poisonous water does it mean I have to go in the blue slime well yeah cuz you just failed three times in a row oh no well I guess I don't have a choice so I'm going to jump on it just like this and look at that I made it good job G you made it through and now you're going to have to make the biggest decision of your entire life G are you ready and wait a second didn't we already just do that I don't think so G cuz this decision is even bigger oh no well open this door up all right come right inside G are you going to pick the emerald treasure or the diamond treasure and wait a second you literally just said it was an important decision but this is super easy I'm going to go in the emerald treasure let's go and wait a second why am I floating and why is there a bunch of spes get him you didn't even give it a second thought why would I make the emerald side the right one oh cuz emeralds are amazing well let me fill you in on a new fact G diamonds are even more amazing nuh-uh bubbles you're literally the Capper but I guess I'll go through the diamond treasure and open this chest off and wao there's a bunch of poisonous potatoes yep it's literally your favorite food let's go oh yeah all right G now it's judging time we went through both of our builds so which one do you think is better well even though your build was pretty good I think mine was way better hold up hold up wait a second look how tiny yours is compared to mine mine is way better wait what the then who wins hm wait G what if we let the comments decide oh yeah that's a good idea everyone comment G huh no no no no everyone comment Bubbles and if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit that like And subscribe button and if you want to see another one of Bubbles and I Adventures then click the video on screen go click it click it click it bye [Music] bye
Channel: Bubbles
Views: 150,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft noob vs pro, noob vs pro, ge and bubbles, minecraft challenge, minecraft funny, maizen, jj and mikey, minecraft troll, minecraft prank, minecraft mod, minecraft build challenge, minecraft noob vs hacker, block buddies, catnap, smiling critters, poppy playtime, poppy playtime chapter 3, catnap poppy playtime, catnap minecraft, huggy wuggy, poppy playtime minecraft, milo and chip, dogday, miss delight, dogday death, kickin chicken, poppy playtime chapter 4
Id: LMPg7luu1Jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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