182 Blox Fruits Tricks Pros Abuse That You Don't: THE MOVIE (Roblox)

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this is how you gain 50 levels in a matter of seconds and this is how you destroy NPCs without taking any damage these are some of the craziest hidden tricks that Pros abuse that you don't so this trick is for players that have literally just started the game instead of farming NPCs at the first island the thing you want to do is make your way over to the last Fountain Island and then once you get up here you want to walk over to one of the NPCs and then you want to glitch them behind the wall and you just want to Pummel them with your melee attack until they've died and you're gonna notice that this gives you a huge amount of levels and if you do this like two or three times it literally gives you 50 to 60 levels which is really insane but if you're not a new player to the game then you probably don't want to be doing this because it's not going to give you as many levels as you think so everybody knows that when you want to awaken a fruit you have to complete the raid with that specific fruit but what if I told you that there's a way you can complete the raid with the Buddha fruit and awaken a different fruit and this trick is really overpowered because everyone knows that the butter fruit is the most OP fruit for finishing grades and the way you do this is you just cue up whatever rate of a fruit that you want to awaken and you complete the first four islands with the butter fruit like normal and once you've done that you want to open your inventory and eat the fruit that you want to awaken and once you do this you use that fruit to finish killing off the last NPC and then you'll be teleported to The Awakening place and you can awaken that food what is underneath the blocks Roots map this one's actually pretty easy all you have to do is go to the highest point on the map you can find I recommend the Mansion on the second seat all you want to do is go into your settings on Roblox and you want to turn your graphics to the lowest they could possibly be and once you've done that all you have to do is just jump as high up into the sky as you can and then hold down an ability so you stay frozen mid-air and what is actually underneath the Vlog screws map is the earth does that mean that blocks Roots is on an alien planet I mean it would make sense you can't really get abilities in real life but if you want an easier way to do this glitch I recommend some type of flying through like the flame food Venom fruit light food or even love fruit okay so apparently the light food is not the fastest fruit in blocksworth there's one that's a lot faster I'm obviously talking about the portal food this fruit used to be known as the door fruit but it was changed because of copyright reasons so once you unlock the sea ability for this route which is called World War it lets you literally TP anywhere on the map that you want you can choose any island or any place and just instantly get teleported there and a bonus to this is that if you have your friends standing nearby they can also walk into the portal with you and it'll TP them to the place that you went to this food costs one million nine hundred thousand belly or two thousand Robux when the stock chats it has is only seven percent so it's a pretty rare fruit but the downside is that it's not really good for many other things I mean it's decent fpvp but the main thing that you want to use it for is just traveling from place to place so did you know that in Block service is actually a way to make boats fly you might be wondering how the heck do you do this but it's actually pretty simple all you have to do is equip the control fruit then you create a dome with the fruit and then using its ability you can just fling your boat into the sky it is a pretty cool trick to impress your friends I mean it doesn't really have that much practical use unless you're trying to climb a mountain or something but overall it's a pretty decent trick because if you do fling your boat you can travel a huge amount of distance in a short amount of time okay so now this is a topic that I mentioned before seabeast hunting and Seabees hunting is a really good way to get your hands on a lot of money a lot of you are wondering how do you get a 1.5 million belly by Sea Beast hunting so every single Seabees that you kill in the game give you from sixty thousand belly to two hundred and fifty thousand belly and these chances double if you have double XP which increases the max amount you can get to 500 000 belly and there's actually two different type of CBS events in the game there's one where only one CB spawns and there's another one which is a CB storm and three CB spawn so when a CB storm happens and you kill all the Seabees and you do all the damage yourself you will end up getting 1.5 million belly which is a really insane way to grind money in the game but it's probably not gonna happen because there's no way someone's killing three CBS by themselves unless you're a pro player this next one is a really easy way to get your hands on a huge amount of cash when you're in the second C head over to the curse ship and the curse ship has a lot of chest spawn locations and if you make your way over to every single chest and collect each and every one of them you should get your hands on a huge amount of money and then once you've collected every chest you can just server hop and repeat the same thing and there's a butt ton of chests here which makes it way better than the upper Sky Islands farming technique so this is a pretty easy way to raise your bounty in blocks with by a huge amount in a really short amount of time there's this little hidden island on the first sea and there's a guy called the mob leader there so every time you kill the mob leader he increases you Bounty by three thousand and he literally only takes one minute to respawn you can basically AFK farm this guy and if you keep killing him over and over every minute as he keeps respawning that should give you a hundred and eighty thousand higher bounty in literally one hour imagine how much you could get if you grind it for one day so everybody knows that the F ability of the light fruit is one of the fastest ways to travel in the whole game but unlike the flame in venom 3 you actually can't turn what you started flying which is something that makes the life look pretty bad so if you started flying and you're off course by a bit you have to completely stop the ability wait for it to recharge and then start flying again but there's a pretty easy fix to this all you have to do is awaken your light food by doing the light raid and once you awaken this ability it lets you turn mid-flight and it makes a really nice bounce sound when you turn just like when you hit a wall when you're normally flying but if you want to stick to speed you should probably be going for the portal through so everybody knows that sharkn karate and God human are the two best fighting styles in the game but which one is actually better if you're trying to grind and reach max level SharkMan karate definitely is better at this because if you notice when you use the abilities the shark man character doesn't have a delay between his third attack but God human does and that is one big downside to grinding but when it comes to PVP God human definitely takes the lead in this all of God human's abilities are completely focused towards stunning and dishing out huge amounts of damage to your opponent I would mainly use God human for bounty hunting and just collecting belly and I would use shark macarthy to just grind levels and keep in mind human is literally the hardest fighting style to get in the game so most of you watching probably just want to go for a shark man karate so this is a pretty easy trick to farm some hockey so the first step is you have to make sure that you have an elemental food equipped in then you have to equip the worst sword you can find and then go to any enemy that you find which does not have hockey and then stand on their spawn point and have the bad sword equipped it and just leave an auto clicker on overnight and what happens now is that the enemy because they don't have hockey they can't hit you so you're just constantly hitting them and killing them but they don't do any damage to you and the reason you want to have the bad sword equipped it is because the way your hockey levels up is not by the amount of damage you do to players it's the amount of times that you hit them so if you have a really good sword equipped then you're gonna kill the NPC faster and then you have to wait for it to respawn but if you have a bad sword equipped it you hit them way more times than you would hit them with a good sword so using this trick you can max out your hockey literally one day so this trick is for the players out there that have their defense stat really low did you know that in blocks fruits NPCs actually cannot hit you through walls but you can hit them through balls so if you find an enemy that's super overpowered and they would literally one shot you even if they hit you once all you have to do is you lure them behind the wall and then you stand on the other side and then you walk up to the wall and you can just start hitting them through it and they can't do anything I mean they'll try to hit you but they won't do any damage and apparently NPCs and blocks Foods don't know how to press spacebars so you don't have to worry about them coming after you so did you know that there's a pretty easy way in this game to just get a free 200 fragments so all you have to do is be on the third C head over to Hydra Island and go to the arena trainer and then if you get the training dummy Quest and then you kill him you just get 200 fragments and 22 000 belly and the weapon that the trading dummy uses the dark blade I know what you're thinking oh my God bro it's the dark Blade the training dummy can't actually use the abilities of the dark blade it can only use the passive ability and this level is only 1 500 so he should be really easy to kill but keep in mind that you can only equip this Quest every hour so it's probably not the best method in the game but nevertheless a pretty easy way to get 200 fragments if you're wondering how to maximize your potential for leveling up the race you probably want to get for that is cool and the reason for this is that most of the ghoul's abilities are all targeted at leveling up with the Buddha fruit now keep in mind this is only if you have the Buddha food and if you don't you probably want to go for a different race so for the version one of the ghoul it's pretty basic you run 30 faster during night and for version 2 every time you hit a player using a combat style at deals you 25 of the damage that you've done to the other player but this is really good for Buddha users because even when you take that little bit of extra damage you can instantly yield back up and once you get version 3 of the race you unlock an ability called heightened senses and this allows you to use abilities that are still 40 on cooldown and it gives you Buffs such as increases your overall damage by 10 your speed by 10 and your defense by 15 so out of every race in the game you probably want to keep your eye out on this one if you want to level up as fast as possible so in the latest update of blocks fruits they actually added a new NPC to the Arctic cave and this NPC is the aura expert and you first see players might be wondering what is the aura expert and there's really good reason for this because there's no point having an auras expert if you can't actually buy any auras to use the person that you buy or is from doesn't actually spawn in the first sea he only spawns in the second and third one so it's kind of useless to have an auras expert in the first seat when firstly players can't even equip anything from him but I guess it's kind of useful for second and third C players that are just chilling out in the first scene okay so this is another pretty pretty cool trick to get yourself your own free private server and the way you do this is that once you head over to blocks fruits head into the server section you click on where it says descending and you change it to ascending and you can see that it'll show up with a bunch of servers that only have one player in them and once you join the server you basically have a private server to yourselves because players that Joy blast routes are more likely to be put into a full server than a completely empty one and if the player that's in the server leaves it literally makes it so that you're the only player in that Lobby and you can invite your friends and you guys can just have a good time grinding in peace because if you grind in public service there's a good chance that some annoying player is just gonna try and kill you over and over again okay so everyone knows that water is literally the deadliest enemy in the whole of blocks roots and the reason for this is that most players haven't blocked screwed equipped in and if you have a blocked food and you fall into water you're pretty much dead but there are some ways to actually survive water the most obvious one is the ice fruit having the ice food literally just lets you walk on water so you can never die to it and the same thing applies for awakened magma and dough with the dope food your donut can just roll on water if it's awakened and for magma you can just walk on water but did you know that there's a way for players that have any fruit to do this as well so if you somehow happen to land on water all you have to do is just hold spacebar not click it not spam it just leave your thumb on it and what this does is it lets you just keep jumping on top of water and you'll never drown and you can move a bit as well with it just make sure you don't start spamming your dashes because then you'll start taking a bit of damage but overall this is a really good trick and I think every player in the game should be abusing this mechanic so everybody knows that when fighting against player observation hockey is literally one of the most annoying things to fight against and there's actually a pretty easy counter to this there are a whole bunch of abilities in the game that are not affected by observation hockey these are just some of them and usually what players do is that they use one of these abilities first and this turns off the other player's observation and they can't activate it for a certain amount of time and what a lot of people do is have a gun to use that ability because guns are useless and nobody uses them so you might as well get one upgraded enough to have an observation blocking at stock so what you want to do once you have that type of gun is use it at the start and then you can spam all of your other abilities without worrying about them having to dodge it I'm gonna be giving you guys some tricks for every sword in blocks roots and I'm also going to be telling you about some secret stories that you might have not known existed in the game and starting off we have the katana the katana is sold for a thousand on the pirate starter Island and it can be bought from The Sword dealer and this sword is really basic it doesn't do a lot of damage it's not that good for Combos and has two abilities quiet rush and air slash and they do exactly what they sound like a good thing about the sword is that it's really decent for starters and you definitely want to buy this if you want to advance in the game but keep in mind it's only good at the start and you want to change to a different sword as soon as possible and next up is the Cutlass and this is another sword that beginners use similar to the katana you buy it from the exact same place and it also costs a thousand Barry the sword is basically the same as the katana it's good for starters but you want to get rid of it as soon as possible now this is a story called The Dual Katana but two times zero equals zero you can buy this sword for 12 000 at the pirate Village in the first Sea and the sword is also a pretty good sword for beginners but only beginners keep that in mind it's good for grinding in the pirate Village but once you reach the snow Island you definitely want to switch to a different sword this is the first uncommon sword that you can get your hands on it's called The Iron maze this can also be bought in the pirate Village and it costs 25 000 bellies the Z move has really decent knockback making it pretty easy to area farm when you start off but all of the mesa's abilities are close range so if you're trying to hit people from far away it's probably not going to be that effective now we have the shark sword it has a 10 chance of dropping after you defeat the sawbos which spawns for 15 minutes at Middletown but it only spawns every one hour so keep that in mind when you try to farm this overall this sword is decent but it's not something you want to waste your time getting because if you grind enough in the first scene there's other swords that are way more worth your time and now we have the triple Katana and you're gonna want to buy this one as soon as you reach the Frozen Village it costs 60 000. it's going to help you with leveling up tremendously it is pretty cheap good for beginners decently quick and the master requirements are really low but both abilities from The Sword are short range so it's not that ideal for PVP unless the player's standing right in front of you and next up on the list we just have pie they can also be bought from the store dealer of the East but this one cost a hundred thousand belly I wanted its abilities called Earth smash it makes it really decent for grinding because it doesn't a ton of area damage but the bad thing about that is that you cannot use Earth Smash If You're mid-air and overall this sword's abilities are really close range so if you're finding someone far away you're gonna have a hard time next up on the list we got a first rare sword it's the warden Sword and the way you get it is by killing the chief Warden and he has a five to ten percent chance of dropping it and this sword also looks really cool because of how big it is good things about this sword is that it has a really low master requirement for its abilities and the moves are really fast and all moves also have an area of effect making it really decent for grinding but both of his skills also do have knockbacks so it's going to send your enemies flying uncontrollably and keep in mind that the damage is also pretty low so it's not that ideal and you probably just want to stick to a different sword on this list okay so now we have the Dual headed blade and this one is a rare sword and can be bought from the master swords dealer which is located at Sky Islands in the first sea and it costs 400 000 bellies some good things about this sword is that it deals a decent amount of damage for how much it's worth and its moves don't have a delay between the third attack which is pretty good it makes it pretty decent for grinding and this sword is something I recommend you guys use when you farm with an elemental fruit but one bad thing about it is all its abilities don't have a single stun move that means you're probably not going to use this much in combos but overall it's still a pretty decent sword for how much it's worth so next up is the soul cane and this is a pretty sick sword that you can buy from a hidden place at the magma Island it costs a total of 750 000 belly and it also looks like a cane obviously some good things about this sword is that it has really good combo potential and the Soul beam stands for a really long time it's good for farming because both abilities of the sword have an area of damage effect which means they attack more than one enemy but one bad thing about it is that it has really short range meaning that you can't hit targets that are really far away okay so now we have the best Niro this is a legendary sword a pretty cool thing about this sword is they can use one of the Quake fruits abilities and the way you get it is you buy it from the master sword dealer located on Skylands for 1 million and belly but keep in mind you need to be at least level 250 to buy it a good thing about this sword is that it's the ability has decent rage and you can fight people close to medium range and this is also pretty good for grinding because it hits multiple targets at once and it has high damage but a bad thing about it is that the abilities take forever to recharge so it's gonna be ages before you can use them again but the good amount of damage that it does makes up for it okay so moving on we have the Trident the Trident is a rare sword that you can get by killing Fishman Lord in the underwater city on the first team but the Trident only has a 10 chance of dropping making it pretty difficult to get a really cool thing about this zone is that one of his abilities literally lets you become Spider-Man similar to the string food you can just grapple onto a place and you can swing there in a matter of seconds you can also use this to fight against enemies but it's really hard to aim so it's probably not the best choice and other than this one the sword doesn't really have any long range attacks making it pretty hard to use one of its abilities called water pulse deals damage to every single enemy surrounding its area but this this is literally only the space of like one meter it's not gonna be that useful unless you have a bunch of people grouped up on you for the next sword um actually this is more like a pole the way you get it is by defeating the Thunder God that's an upper sky islands in the first Sea and the pole only has a five percent chance of dropping so it's pretty difficult to get the thing about this sword is that it has some pretty mediocre stuns but it also has decent damage to make up for that and something else is that all rubber users are completely immune to the sword's damage because the sword is completely lightning based and rubber food users take no damage from any lightning based attacks the explosive Cloud ability from this sword is also really easy to Dodge I mean you could literally use like two dashes to escape it and the mouse one attacks from The Sword are also really slow so this sword overall is not that good of a choice okay so now we have a legendary sword called saber the saber sword is one of the best swords in the game for PVP and the reason for this is that you can upgrade it to its V2 version which makes it extremely overpowered and the way that you get this to it is by completing the Jungle Quest which requires you to press all of these different buttons and talk to a bunch of people to complete the quest now once you've done that you have to fight the saber expert which is underneath the blocks through gotcha and once you defeat him you have a hundred percent chance of getting The Sword and the way to upgrade it to its V2 form is you need to have a 1 million Bounty or honor and you have to kill another player with the sword which has the same level of bounty as you and like I mentioned before this is the best sword in the game for PVP which means the damage it dishes out is huge and it's also pretty decent for grinding but there are better swords and both the abilities of the swords are pretty hard to dodge especially if you're standing really close to the person a bad thing about this sword is that none of the moves of this sword break observation which means it's not going to be that useful for combos you have to get a different observation breaking ability first now we have the Saudi sword and this sword is a legendary sword that can be bought from the legendary sword dealer who spawns it for 15 minutes in random locations throughout the second scene but keep in mind that he only spawns in every four to five hours so it's gonna be pretty hard to find them and the sword itself costs 2 million bellies so that kind of money is going to be pretty hard to get your hands on and the sword is overall a really good sword it has good damage hitboxes Combos and decent for farming but the bad thing about it is it has pretty mediocre range and one of its abilities called sword dance it's pretty hard to aim for someone and you can't change direction once you've started moving making it pretty hard to use now we have the Wando sword and this story is also legendary sword that can be bought from the legendary sword dealer and this sword is also pretty similar to the one before and it costs 2 million belly but this sword specializes way more in PvP than the other one it has really high damage and one of its abilities stuns the user repeatedly slashing them a huge amount of times and its scatter shot ability is really good for combos but keep in mind that this is still a second sea sword so compared to the third sea swords it's basically terrible now we have the cheese Resort which in my opinion is one of the best swords in the second sea and this is also sword that can be bought for 2 million belly from the legendary sword dealer and the she sweet sword has really good range insane combo potential but a bad thing about this is it also does not break observation so if you want to do a combo with the sword you need a different ability to do it for you but overall this sword is really overpowered and the abilities from it look really cool so now we have the true triple Katana and basically what this sword is is a combination of all three swords from before and to get this you need all of them and then you need a 300 Mastery on all of the swords mentioned before once you've done that travel to the green zone and go to the highest stem that you can find then you'll see a guy called the mysterious man and then you can purchase that sword for 2 million belly but keep in mind since you need three other swords it basically cost 8 million belly and this sword has a lot of Pros the mouse one speed is above average and this is a really good sword for raids and all of its abilities are really good for Combos and dishing out high amounts of damage and this sword is also one of the best in the game for grinding and this sword has the highest damage per click out of every sword in the whole game the bad thing about this sword is that one of its abilities wolfang is pretty easy to evade and it's Dragon hurricane ability is probably not the best for grinding but it doesn't matter too much since the sword's passive ability is really overpowered okay now we have the long sword and the long sword is a rare sword that you can get after killing the diamond boss but it only has a 10 chance of dropping the sword has pretty high combo potential but not that great compared to some other swords on this list and it's decent for farming because its passive ability is an area of effect move a pretty bad thing about this sword is that it has really low damage compared to other rare swords in the game and it's probably not worth the amount of time it takes to get it since you need to kill the diamond boss at least 10 times for it to drop okay so now we have the gravity cane and this is a rare sword that can be obtained with that five to ten percent chance after defeating fajita who's the boss of the green zone in the second scene all of its attacks are gravity based and it has really good damage decent knockback and has really low master requirements but it's pretty hard to obtain since you need to kill this boss like a lot of times to get it and it's X move with the meteors is really hard to aim and if you actually want to hit a player with this you need a lot of skill but the sword is more focused on PVP and if you want to grind it's not that optimal okay so now we have jitte and it can be obtained with a 10 chance after defeating the smoke Admiral who's at the hot and cold area in the second scene and trust me when I say this the only thing that this sword is good for is mobility the damage that this sword pours out is really bad compared to other swords it's level okay finally we have another legendary sword I'm talking about Coco and this sword is really crazy for PVP and something really special about this sword is that it can be buffed if you use the control fruit and the way you get this is by killing order and it has a mere 10 chance of dropping but in my opinion this is definitely worth it one of its abilities breaks the observation ability which makes it really good and also has decent damage a bad thing about this sword is that it has really high Master requirements which means you have to do a lot of grinding before you can use the full potential of this sword and now we have the midnight blade and in my opinion this sword is definitely the best looking sword so far I mean just look at it it looks amazing and the way you obtain this sword is buying it from L admin who's located on the cursed ship in the second seat and it only cost a hundred ectoplasm so by the time you're done with your quests on the ship it should be pretty easy to get and what if its abilities literally opens a portal which makes it even cooler this sword has decent combo potential and does a decent amount of damage for the price it costs and you probably only want to be using this sort of close range because it's long range potential isn't really that good and it also has really high Mastery requirements so you're gonna have to do a bit of grinding now we have the red Goku Zone and this one is one of the longest swords in the game I mean literally look how big it is and the way you get it is after defeating the boss at the ice castle you have a chance of getting a hidden key and once you get that you can open up a secret room and then once you click on the chest it should give you the sword the sword has really good knockback making it a really good sword for PVP and his burning slash ability also breaks observation and its abilities also have good travel distance one bad thing is that to obtain it the hidden key from the boss is pretty hard to get so you're gonna have to kill the boss a bunch of times to get it now we have the second form of the pull sword from before and it can be purchased for 5 000 fragments from the Thunder God after completing a rumble raid keep in mind you have to have the fully awakened Rumble fruit with the 250 Mastery on it to get this and the Pulsar needs to have a 180 Mastery requirement it's gonna take a lot of work to get this the sword has high standard damage potential and something special about this is that it can hit rubber users unlike other lightning based attacks in the game bad thing about this get this sword since you need to fully awaken the rumble food that cost 19 500 fragments so it's really expensive even though this sword is really good in my opinion it's not worth the amount of time and money it takes to buy it okay so now we have the dragon Trident and this trident definitely looks better than the one from before and the way you get this is by defeating the tidekeeper and he has a five to ten percent chance of dropping it and since he's the hardest boss in the second season he's gonna be pretty difficult to kill at the passive ability from this sword is why it's pretty decent it deals a huge amount of damage and one of its abilities sea dragon fury is really easy to hit your targets with and the water dragon prison stuns your enemies and the hitbox with the sword is really huge compared to the other swords bad thing about this is that it has really high Master requirements and it's sea dragon fury attacks only breaks observation if you aim it perfectly but overall other swords on this list are definitely more worth it since the Mastery requirements for this one are really high now we have the Yama Sword and the way you get this sword is you must have at least a total of 20 Elite hunter or player Hunter quests that have to be finished now once you've done that you have to go into the secret Temple located on Hydra Island and behind the waterfall is where Yama is located all you do is you simply pick it up by clicking on the sword four times good thing about this sword is that both disabilities have really good mobility and the X ability has a good stun making this sword overall really decent for combos one bad thing about it though is it's really difficult to get since you need to do a bunch of quests to get it now we have the toshido sword and this sword is really similar to the Yama sword I mean they almost look identical and this sword has really fast attacks with high damage making it one of the best swords in the game for PVP and raids but the quest process to get this sword is really long and I don't think it's worth it but nevertheless the sword has really good damage good movement good combo potential and pretty easy to hit the attacks even without a stun I know we have a pretty funny sword it's called the dark dagger and the dark dagger is a legendary sword and you can get it from defeated rip intro the level 5000 raid boss but it only has a 2.5 percent chance of dropping despite how this sword looks is actually a pretty decent sword it has really good combo potential has a low click cooldown and the sword is almost impossible to Kendrick making it really good for combos but obviously the biggest downside is that bro it has the 2.5 chance of being dropped from the literal hardest boss in the game so good luck getting this one so the next sword on this list is the canvader and this is a legendary sword that has a five percent chance of dropping after defeating a beautiful pirate and the way you get there is through a pair of doors located on the floating Turtle Island good things about this sword is that it's really good in PvP and it's really easy to aim with and you can use other moves when you're using its piercing Dash ability but keep in mind that they do not break observation they just drain it faster and this sword is only good for PVP which makes it a pretty bad sword for grinding so if you want to reach max level this is definitely not the sword to be going for now we have an uncommon Sword and the sword is called Twin Hooks and the way you get this sword is by defeating Captain elephant who's located at the floating turtle on the third sea good things about this sword is that has pretty decent damage and a large hitbox and its attacking speed is really fast but its skills have really low range and none of its abilities break observation and one of its abilities is really difficult to land so overall this sword is probably not something you want to go for unless you're a farmer of course and now we have another mythical sword it's called the Halo scythe and this sword is literally on par with fighting styles like super human and God human despite his mythical status it's a pretty decent sword that has good combo potential and damage however when you pair with the Buddha food it becomes really good for grinding because of its low click cooldown the best thing about this sword is that its Mouse ones are really fast and the cooldown is almost nothing and its abilities have no casting times which makes them really useful so one of its abilities Called Death cycle knocks the enemy back really far so this ability is basically useless when it comes to grinding it's better to just utilize your mouse one and it also has really high Master requirements and did I mention the drop chance is literally just one to five percent and one of the requirements for the sword is Halo Essence that even that is considered a legendary item from the random surprises so overall this sword is really difficult to get but if you do get it then you're pretty lucky now we have a legendary sword called the Buddy Sword and the sword literally has a face on it the way you get the sword is by defeating the K Queen and it has a five percent chance of spawning and the place that the K Queen is located his Ice Cream Land in the third sea this sword has really fast clicks for its melee attacks the moves are all really fast making them hard to dodge and the lightning wave ability has really long range a bad thing about it though is that the heat slash ability is only single targets so if there's a group of enemies in front of you it only hits one of them and the sword is definitely not recommended for farming they're definitely way better options out there and even for PVP it's kind of mid making other swords on this list a lot better okay so now we have another Trident this one's called the spiky Trident and this one is known for its huge combo potential and overall damage and the way you get this sword is by defeating the cave Prince or the doe King but I recommend the Cake prince because he's much easier to kill while you only have a five percent obtainment chance from the Cake prince meanwhile the doking gives you a 15 chance both its moves are really good for traveling which makes them pretty fun to use and it also has decent damage but this sword definitely specializes in Boss grinding because it's much better for a 1v1 situation and both moves are single targets which makes it pretty bad for group Top NPC grinding and also has a pretty slow M1 speed and none of its abilities break observations so you probably don't want to use this for combos as much now we have another mythical on this list the curse dual Katana and this in my opinion is probably one of the best swords in the game when it comes to PVP and the way you get it is that you must have a 350 master in both Yama and toshida and then you have to complete the cursed dual Katana puzzle and keep in mind to begin the puzzle you need to be at least level 2200 so the requirements for this already are really drastic and to use both of the abilities of the sword you need a 375 Mastery but if you do end up getting this it's definitely worth it the abilities do a really high amount of damage and their effects look really cool and they're pretty decent for combos but a bad thing about this sword is that both moves go in a straight line and they do not break observation and since this sword has a lot of effects your ping is gonna Spike really high if you don't have a good computer or Internet finally we have the dark blade but keep in mind that this is not the best sword in the game just wait till you see what's next the dark blade is the only sword in the game that you can actually buy for Roblox I mean you can buy it as soon as you spawn it and that's exactly what I did it cost a 1200 Robux and it's really good for beginners if you want to level up and keep in mind if you're kind of rich on Roblox you can also gift it to your friends and the way to get it is by getting the Brazil Cube that can be summoned by rip Indra and then you defeat mihawk and once you defeated there's a really small percent chance that you get it good thing about this sword is that its X ability has a really long range and the Z move could break Instinct I mean it's literally called a thousand slashes it just locks you and repeatedly hits you and you can't do anything about it making this sword have really good combo potential but it's really hard to auto click with the swords since its third ability literally makes you dash forward but a pretty decent thing about that is that that third ability does way more damage and now last of all we have this triple Dart blade and this sword just looks crazy and it's the most overpowered sword in the game but too bad the only way you can get this sword is if you're an admin or at least really good friends with one and the sword is exactly how it sounds it's literally three dark blades and you remember the X ability from the dark blade well this sword literally does that same ability but three times more powerful literally it sends out three big slashes and same with the 1000 slices if you hold the button it dashes forward cutting your NPC a several amount of times and not much else is known about the sword because it's really hard to get your hands on okay so one really important thing you can start doing when you get into the seconds is fruit rate and fruit raids basically just let you awaken your food and when your fruit gets awakened the moves on it gets so much better and way more powerful take the magma food for example look at the abilities normally but when you awaken them you can do all of this cool stuff and you can even walk on water so the way you do raids to awaken your food is you head over to this cold Island over here you walk into this lab and you enter this code and when you look over here to the left there's a little secret entrance that opens up and if you walk into it and then climb up the ladder you can start doing raids with the raid scientist and for every raid you do you need a raid microchip the way you can get this microchip is buying from the scientists for a hundred thousand belly but you can only do this every two hours another way to get the microchip is to trade in a fruit all you have to do is unstore the fruit from your inventory and then click on the buy slash trade button but you probably only want to be doing this with really bad foods since you don't really want to trade like a doe food just to start wondering once you have your microchip you walk into this little capsule over year and then you click on this button and then there should be a total of five islands that spawn with a big boss at the fifth Island and the boss is really powerful the theme and difficulty of the raid depends on what type of rating there's a lot of raids in the game you can get into even better ones later when you're locked the third season but for example if you want to awaken your flame food You're Gonna choose a flame rate and one really important thing about this game is that you have to complete the raid with the flamethrow to actually be able to awaken it like if you complete a flame rate with a Buddha then you will have potential to awaken your flamethrough so once you've done completing the raid with your flame fruit you get teleported to a place with a guy called Awakenings expert and here you can awaken each move individually so it's pretty bad that you can't awaken all of it at the same time but that means you have to do five raids to fully awaken your fruit and also cause a butt load of fragments because you need to pay a decent amount for each time you awake in one move as the amount of fragments you need to pay depends on the ability and depends on the food worst fruits usually have less fragment paper so you probably only want to focus on the way the best fruits you have you can get in the second see that not all players know about and this fighting style is one of the best in the game for PVP I'm obviously talking about superhuman and to get superhuman these are the requirements you need to have 3 million bellies sitting around obviously access to the second scene and a 300 masterion electric dark step water Kung Fu and dragon's breath many of you don't know about dragon's breath but it's a fighting style that you can get once you reach the second sea and you just buy it on this bridge over here and once you have all of these requirements you can head over to the snowy Island over here in this secret location there's a guy called a martial arts teacher and then you can simply buy for three million belly and the reason this is really good is not only because it's one of the best in the game because you can upgrade it into the best fighting style of the game God human but you can only do that later once you hit the third scene keep in mind that this fighting style is really good only for bounty hunting so if you want to stick to grinding then you should probably just go with shark man character so next up we have an accessory called the cool mask and the cool mask is a must-have accessory once you get into the second seat and the reason for this is that it's really cheap to buy and the benefits it gives you are more than worth it it's really good for people that want to grind with the photo fruit and the place that you buy it is on the cursed ship and it only costs 50 ectoplasm ectoplasm is something that you get from killing NPCs on the cursed ship and once your quests reach the curse ship it should be really easy to get your hands on 50 of it and the reason it's really good is that because every time you do damage to a player you heal back 10 percent of it and against NPCs it's 2.5 which is also really good and the best thing about it is that it increases a player's movement speed by 35 and also increases your energy by 500 so speed and regenerating with health are some things that are really good for Buddha fruit users and the reason for this is that when you're using a Buddha fruit to grind you even take that little bit of damage you instantly want to heal it up and being able to run faster means that you can outrun your enemies and not let them hit you but with the overpowered reach of the Butterfree you can still hit them so this thing is something that's really cool it's hockey colors well you might be thinking the hockey colors aren't that important but there's two things that are really good about them so later in the game once you get to the third so you're gonna need some specific hockey colors to spawn in the final boss rip Indra and the second thing that's really good about them is that they're really really cool and they make your hockey 10 times better to look at so the way you change your hockey color is there's an NPC that spawns at a bunch of different locations throughout the whole of the second scene and if you ever see him spawn he lets you buy a random hockey color from him and these cost 1 500 fragments but this is only for regular colors as for legendary colors they sell for 7 500 fragments but they look a lot better so they're definitely worth it the NPC that you buy from is called the master of auras and it takes five minutes to spawn and 20 minutes to these spawns you have 20 whole minutes to buy your aura and if he's not in a spawn location that you're at then it's probably better to server hop to try and find but this is only for people that don't have a lot of Robux if you have a bunch of Robux you can just head to the cafe and then you get this chest and you go all the way here to the bottom and once you do that if you talk to this guy right here you can literally buy all your hockey colors with Robux literally any in the game but I don't think a lot of you watching just have millions of spare Roblox to spend on this so you should probably just stick to the other method so everybody knows that in the first scene the best fighting style to buy is water Kung Fu because it's the best for grinding but did you know that you can upgrade water cool food to a thing called Shark Man karate and that makes it even better for grinding the reason for this is that SharkMan cartoon is the version 2 of water Kung Fu which means it deals so much more damage and the abilities are 10 times better and the way you get it is that you head over to the Skull Island and you talk to this guy here named Digraph the shark man you have to complete the quest that he gives you which involves getting a water key from finding this boss behind the island and the key has a really low percent chance of dropping so if you want to complete this Quest fast you have to have double drops enabled and once you complete the quest it literally cost you 45 million belly and 5 000 fragments to buy it so it's really expensive but trust me this is definitely worth and it's gonna make your grinding life in the second season so much easier but keep in mind that you do have to have a 400 master of water Kung Fu so if you don't have double Mastery this is probably going to take you a bit of time to get and this is also something that's really good for Buddha users because this is definitely the best fighting style to use with the Buddha and the reason for this is that its passive ability does not have any delays now once you get into the second C you can literally upgrade your race so the way you upgrade your race to version 2 is you head over to this huge island over here and then behind this blue mushroom there should be a guy called Awakenings expert and if you didn't know what races are I don't blame you most people that just get into the second seat have no idea that this is even a thing in the game so basically how it works is that 50 of players that join the game spawning as human and the other races in the game are angel shark man cool mink and Cyborg but since most of you are human and you won't be able to change your race for a while I'm gonna be showing you guys how to do it if you're a human so actually the first Quest is to save for every race so everybody watching can follow through for this one the way it works is once you've talked to this guy you have to complete the quest that he gives you and then you should be searching for three different types of flowers and these are the spawn locations of every single one and to get the yellow flower you have to keep NPCs from here to one of them drops it and to upgrade your race into version 3 you head over to this huge tree over here and then there should be a secret entrance right behind the mountain and then once you talk to this guy over here he'll give you a quest so all you have to do is kill three different types of bosses and these bosses are pretty low levels for the second season so you should be able to do it I remember don't leave the game once you've equipped in the quest because that you have to go re-equip the quest and kill all those three NPCs all over again and the NPCs that you have to kill is Diamond Jeremy and Vegeta and then later once you get to the third C you can upgrade your race into V4 and this is what makes it really overpowered but don't really need to worry about that for now once you get into the second C you're gonna notice some pretty cool sea events and one of them is the CB spawning in so the Seabees there's a mini boss in the game and it has a ton of hell but it gives you a lot of rewards if you end up killing it the way to spawn a Seabees is just be randomly out somewhere in the waters just driving around on your boat and then there's a random chance that the CB spawns it and sometimes CBS even spawn in groups of three which is really scary because they're almost impossible to kill even for players that are max level but sea events are not the only ways that CBS can get into the game when a player earns a 10 million Bounty they can summon CBS that have around 20 000 HP and 35 000 if they're in the third sea but these CBS don't drop anything when defeated Seabees can also be spawned in by an NPC called the timekeeper which is a boss on the Skull Island keep in mind that CBS are a really good way to grind money and fragments so you want to keep a lookout for these guys and kill them whenever you get the chat did you know that once you get into the second so you can actually reset your stats without using any codes or paying Robux so all you have to do is you have to head over to the huge bridge on the map and around halfway on it there should be a guy there called plugster and all you have to do is oh is pay him a mere amount of 2500 fragments and then you should get once that reset point but make sure you upgrade your stat points properly because you don't want to have to keep giving this guy 2 500 every time you want to change them so everybody knows that the best grinding suit in the game for first C players is probably the magma food but once you get into the second scene you should have rolled the Bluffs with gotcha enough times to get your hands on the Buddha food the Buddha food is the literal best fruit in the whole game for driving quests and it literally makes them 10 times easier and the reason for this is that the Buddha's overpowered rage just lets you hit enemies without you being able to hit them and once you get to the second scene this is definitely gonna come and hide the time keep in mind that this is literally just the base version of the Buddha you can also awaken it by doing raids which makes it so much better and also it's a really cool food I mean look at the transformation you're just a huge person that's glowing pretty cool of my opinion and to get the butter fruit you can either roll it from the blocks with gotcha or you can wait for it to be installed and when you buy it it costs 1.2 million belly but that should be pretty easy to have if you're in the second scene but keep in mind that it only has a five percent of being in stock so it's probably gonna take a bit to get it but by using Discord servers and flute notifiers it should be pretty easy to know when it's in stock and to fully awaken the butterfly you need 14 500 fragments but you only awaken one ability so that shouldn't be a problem did you know that you could also change your race once you get to the second seat okay so all you have to do is head over to the cafe and you find the guy named Norm who's just sitting on his computer and if you paint the small sum of 3 000 fragments he would randomly change your race and the random races that you could get for him are human angel shark and rabbit and also keep in mind that you cannot re-roll the same race that you already have so for example if you're already an angel then you can't really get an angel again that would just be a huge waste of fragment alternatively you can also buy the race change in the shop for a small sum of Roblox but if you don't want to waste your Roblox I definitely recommend just sticking to Norm so fragments are something that you can instantly notice once you get into the second scene and this is because it's a new type of currency for players second C and above and it's going to be used to buy a whole ton of things and if you want to know where to get a ton of fragments really fast check out this other video of mine but keep in mind that to finish the game and get to the third C you will need a huge load of fragment and you can also buy a bunch of other things around the map with it one of the best ways to get fragments in the game is by doing fruit raids you just want to equip the flame rate and just keep doing it over and over as many times as you can because each raid literally gives you a thousand fragments but keep in mind the fragments are not as easy to get your hands on as normal money so don't be surprised if you can't get your hands on a huge amount of fragments really fast so another benefit of getting to the second seas that you unlock the ability to equip titles and subtitles just look really badass and you definitely want to get your hands on a bunch of them you can get titles by doing various things around the game like killing bosses and even some YouTubers and the way you change your titles is that you head over to the cafe collect this chest and then you go down here to the secret room and then there should be this funny looking dog penguin person and if you go talk to him you should be able to see every title in the game and which ones that you can equip and also the better the title that you have on the players around you know what you're made of so you want to get your hands on the best ones possible in this video I'm going to be giving you a guide on every single fighting style in Blast fruits as well as some pretty cool tricks to use with all of them okay so starting off we have combat that's literally what it's called it's the first fighting style everyone gets as soon as they start the game and once you change to a different fighting style you cannot get this back the combat has a total of two abilities quick tackle and ground Smash and they're both pretty bad so you want to change to a different fighting style as soon as possible okay so now we have dark step which is the cheapest fighting style in the whole of blocks roots and the place that you get this is in the pirate Village and it only costs 150 000 bellies and you can buy from a guy called the dark step teacher all of the abilities on this are suited towards PVP so if you want to destroy some players this is definitely what you want to buy and it has a total of four different abilities the first one is a literal flying kick that just slams you into the ground and you can aim exactly where you go the second one is called breakdance and it's exactly what it sounds like the third one is a barrage which locks your enemies in place and just spams kicks on them and finally overheat is the transformation it just sets your legs on fire and makes you look super cool and this is way more damage and now we have electric this is a pretty decent fighting style overall pretty good for grinding and pretty decent for PVP and the place that you get this is behind Skyline you buy it from the mad scientist for 500k belly which is pretty expensive but in my opinion it's worth it and this has a total of three different abilities and obviously they're all electric base but the best ability is probably the last one electric floor what this does is just locks a player or NPC in place and just spams out a bunch of damage to them and they can't move or Dodge it they just have to sit there and take all that damage okay so now we have water Kung Fu it's the best fighting style for grinding that you can get access to in the first seat and this is definitely what all new players want to say about the place that you get it is in Fishman Island you buy it from the water Kung Fu teacher located behind this wall and it's pretty expensive it costs 750 000 belly but everyone watching should definitely save up for this one this is a really good ability because it has no delay between a start attack it has a total of three different abilities but most of them are kind of useless and you mostly just want to use this for its Mouse one attack and later on you can even upgrade it to a different fight install which is even more overpowered than this one okay so now moving on to the second scene we have dragon's breath and dragon's breath is a really good fighting style for grinding but it's still not better than water Kung Fu and the place that you get it is from a guy called Sabi at this art it costs 1.5 K fragments which in my opinion is pretty cheap and so this fighting style has a total of three abilities and the first ability is called Dragon Rush which has a hundred Mastery requirements second one is called Dragon Flames which has a 200 Mastery requirement and the third one is called Dragon explosion which has a 300 Mastery requirement and with this fighting style you don't really want to be using your abilities you mainly just want to use it for the passive ability because that's really good and if you take damage alone it's definitely better than water Kung Fufu but what prevents it from being a better fruit for grinding is the delay that it has between its third attack so if you notice on water Kung Fu it's just fluent attacks with no pauses in between but for dragon's breath there's a short delay between the third one but overall it's still a pretty decent fighting style and for the price of 1.5 K fragments it's definitely worth it okay so now we have superhuman and superhuman is pretty decent for grinding but it specializes way more in PvP and the place that you get this is on the secret cave on the snow Island and it costs 3 million bellies but wait till you hear the requirement so you need a 300 mastering electric dark step water Kung Fu and dragon's breath that's a total of 1 200 levels of Mastery so it's gonna be really hard to get and superhuman has three moves the Z ability is called Beast alpound the X ability is called Thunderclap and the Sea ability is called conqueror's gun so for the Z ability what it does you can launch yourself in any direction and if you encounter a player in NPC it just locks them and punches them 20 times which is probably the best ability in my opinion even though you only need 110 levels of Mastery to get it the other two abilities are also pretty decent but you definitely don't want to be using these for grinding because water Kung Fu still beats it in that category and wait till you see what you can upgrade it to later it gets way crazier okay so now we have dead stuff and this is our first V2 ability on the list that step is the upgraded version of dark step and the way you get it is in the second C at the ice castle you talk to someone called Fiona the reform and it costs 5 000 fragments and 2.5 million bellies and this fighting style is really good for PVP not so good for grinding and also helps you with Todd wall of CB's content but keep in mind to buy this ability on top of the fragments and belly you need a 400 Mastery on dark step which is going to be pretty hard to get and that step has a total of four different abilities and the highest level Mastery that you need is 400 which is really crazy so first we have the Rocket Kick which is exactly what it sounds like it's just a Rocket Kick a wind bullet is just you basically just shooting a wind bullet the Vermilion drill is your players locking the character and just repeatedly kicking them hundreds of times and last of all the final ability called maximum overheat is a transformation which basically sets your legs on fire and when you use any of the other abilities they deal way more damage and also it looks pretty sick okay so now we have shark man karate and SharkMan quality is the upgraded version of water Kung Fu and the way you get it is going to the Skull Island on the second sea and talking to Die rock the shark man and it costs 2.5 million bellies and 5 000 fragments and you also need a 400 master of water Kung Fu to get it and this fighting style is the best fighting style for grinding in the game so if you're looking to level up as fast as possible and reach max level this is definitely the one you want to get and the reason for this is it doesn't have a delay between his third abilities you can just keep spamming the ability on NPC it also has three abilities but the abilities aren't really important the only reason that this is good is because of its passive ability and the no delay for the third attack but if you want to you can still use the Z ability for movement purposes if you want to get to places faster I mean that's the only thing I use it for anyway okay so now we're getting into fighting styles that can be found in the third sea so first on the list is electrocline and Electric Claw is the upgraded version of electric and it focuses a lot on PVP and it has a good amount of stun attacks so you're going to want to use this in combos a ton and the place that you get this is hawking to the previous hero in the middle of these arches on the floating turtle and once you talk to him he'll give you a quest to get to the mansion in under 30 seconds and this is pretty easy to do once you get there you can buy it for 5 000 fragments and 3 million belly but keep in mind you also need a 400 100 master and electric to buy this electric law has a total of three abilities and they're all pretty decent for PVP the Z ability is another ability that just locks the character in place and just spams them with electric claw attack the second one isn't really that good because it just knocks them randomly somewhere and they can quickly recover from it Thunderclap and Flash this is a really good attack and you definitely want to use these in your combo it basically just flashes you around the place and you just slam into the player dealing a buttload of damage although this one is really good for PVP wait till you see what comes later on it's gonna blow your mind okay so now we have dragon Talon and dragon Talon is pretty decent for PVP and also pretty good for grinding but it's not the best of both and the way you get this is actually pretty weird you need to head over to the haunted castle in the third sea and talk to the death King and then you need to keep rolling for a random surprise until you get Fiery Essence and once you get Fiery essence you talk to uzlo who's also located on the same island now once you do that you need to pay 3 million belly and 5 000 fragments and keep in mind you need a 400 master in dragon's breath for this and dragon's Talon has a total of three different abilities and the best ability requires a 350 masks and finally we have God human God human is the most overpowered fighting style in the whole game and will literally let you demolish players in five seconds one downside to this is that since it's really difficult to get you only see end game players using this and the way you get it is on the Turtle Island you head over to this tree and you talk to the ancient Mark and the requirements for this are pretty crazy so follow along you need a 400 Mastery on superhuman death step SharkMan karate Electric Claw Dragon Talon so this basically requires you to have every fighting style in the game and to have at least 400 Mastery on every single one of them and on top of that you need to pay 5 million Billy and 5 000 fragments and the list doesn't end there you also need these materials you need 20 fishtails 20 magma or 10 dragon skills and 10 Mystic droplets and God human has a total of three different abilities with the cause is being a 350 Mastery and every single one of these abilities are completely focused towards PVP every ability stuns the player and doesn't let them escape and just deals a buttload of damage to them and the abilities also look really cool and it reminds me of the dove V2 this is how you reach Max Mastery in a matter of seconds and this is how to finish your quest 10 times faster these are some of the craziest tricks that Pros abused in the third seed that you don't so this is a trick you can use once you get to the third seed to get Mastery really fast and all you have to do is literally head over to the last island in the game and then you want to get one of the NPCs down to literally one shot and then you want to take out the weapon that you want to get a Mastery on and then you just have to finish off that NPC with that weapon and your weapon is gonna get a huge amount of Mastery for that and if you repeat this a few times you should be able to unlock the abilities that you needed just keep in mind that you don't accidentally hold the NPC by accident because that wouldn't end well he saw a really good sword that you can get in the third sees the Yama Sword and the Yama sword is a super overpowered legendary sword it's also really similar to the two sheeta sword and these two swords will also help you get the cursed dual katanas but keep in mind you do have to have 350 Mastery on both of them the curse dual katanas are really good sword and probably one of the best in the game for PVP in my opinion and the curse dual Katana is obviously a mythical weapon which has two moves and one is called revolting ravager and the other one is called Slayer of Goliath and those sound pretty epic so another thing that you can get in the third C and this is something that helps you a lot with PVP against NPCs and players I'm obviously talking about observation V2 with observation V2 you can see the player's level fighting style sword blocks fruit gun combined with the normal abilities of the original observation it also lets you recharge your dashes faster which is going to be a great help it also blurs your vision a bit less so it lets you see your screen more clearly and also when a player is charging up their attack or using a move it shows the player in a white glow showing that they're about to use a move okay so now I'm gonna be talking about the Advanced fruit dealer the advanced fruit dealers and NPC that spawns on the Mirage Island the fruits that can be in stock for the advanced fruit dealer are so much better for the regular fruit dealer the minimum amount of fruits that he has in stock is three and for the advanced one it's seven and with the advanced router you also have a way higher chance for legendary fruits and with the regular food dealer it takes four hours to restock but the advanced fruit dealer only takes two but since you need to wait for the Mirage Island to spawn in to go talk to the advanced fruit dealer it's probably better to just stick with the normal guy this is something that all players in the third sea should have and it's gonna help you a ton to get around the place I'm obviously talking about portals the way you unlock portals is after defeating the rip Indra boss and since there's a portal in every major Island it's gonna help you a ton to just go around the place talk to NPCs Etc in every single Island except for poor town great tree haunted castle and sea of treats there should be a portal in every other Island but keep in mind that rip India is a really difficult boss to defeat because he's literally a level 5000 boss and you should probably get a bunch of friends to help you and keep in mind that you do need to do at least 10 percent of damage to him to unlock the portals because if you don't then it's kind of useless and these portals are also a really good way to help you escape PVP situations because I mean if you're fighting against someone that's super overpowered and is about to kill you you can just jump on the portal which takes you to a safe Zone and they can't really kill you there okay so now this is something that doesn't have much practical use but regardless it's something that's really cool I'm talking about rainbow hockey and rainbow hockey just looks really cool because you're just glowing it it just makes you look like a pro player keep in mind that this will not boost your defense or offense and it's purely cosmetic and the way you get this is by completing the rainbow savior Quest once you've completed the quest you can buy it with fragments but if you're pretty rich you can also just go directly to the aura guy and buy with some Robux to start the quest you have to talk to an NPC called the honored man who's located at the floating Turtle Island he's gonna tell you to kill all of these bosses the stone Island empress kilo Admiral Captain elephant and the Beautiful pirate and make sure you actually equip their quests when you defeat them or else it won't count and also keep in mind you have to be at least level 1950 to complete this Quest because if you're underneath then you can't enter the beautiful Pirates domain but if you try hard enough you can still glitch through using the flash step now this is something that in my opinion all players in the third C should have I'm talking about race V4 race V4 just upgrades and evolves you we're used to something that looks extremely cool and makes your character 10 times better and the requirements for this Quest are mirror fractals which you get from defeating the doe King and obviously you need to have any race that's in version three you need to already have killed rip Indra and you need to find the gear in Mirage Island and you need two other friends with different races in V3 now this is the most overpowered fighting style in the whole game I'm talking about God human and to buy God human it costs a whole 5 million belly and 5 000 fragments this is the literal best fighting style in the whole game but the requirements for this are really drastic you need a 400 Mastery on superhuman dead step SharkMan karate electric claw and dragon Talon and you obviously need to have access to the third seat because where else are you gonna buy it you also need these materials you need 20 fishtails 20 magma ore 10 dragon skills and 10 Mystic droplets but these aren't that hard to get compared to the Mastery level requirements and once a player has all of these you can head over to the ancient monk who is located at the floating turtle and then once you have all of these things you can simply just buy it but keep in mind you probably only want to use this for bounty hunting because for grinding shark man character is definitely much better okay so this is the lecture Club fighting style and this is a fighting style that's really good for PVP and also pretty decent for grinding to get the electric claw obviously you need 400 Mastery on the normal electric fighting style which you buy from this NPC on this rock outside sky islands and then you head over to the Turtle Island and then you find the previous hero and PC that's located to the logma boss then you have to do this quest which requires to get to the mansion in under 30 seconds if you're a mink race this should be really easy for you to do and keep in mind you can also do with the portal food so that's kind of a cheat and once you're done with the quest just pay him 3 million belly and 5 000 fragments then you can equip the electric law from this NPC at any time that you want and there is a level requirement for this Quest so if you can't do it then NPC will just say nah okay so this is something that you definitely want to get once you got to the third C I'm talking about the Buddha fruit I mean you're supposed to get this food as early as possible but in the 30s absolutely necessary and the reason for this is that the butter fruit is the best fruit for grinding in the whole game and the third sees the hardest to gain levels on since the enemies are way more powerful here so you definitely need this food because when you grind with the Buddha food you should be able to hit your enemies before they can hit you so the damage that you take from grinding will be very minimal but keep in mind that the Buddha only has a five percent chance of being in stock so you're going to want to keep an eye out for that did you guys know that the third sea has the least amount of islands in the whole game and you guys have probably noticed why the islands on the third CR humongous if you thought the islands in the second sea were huge just wait till you see the islands in the third sea the island sizes are literally five times bigger and unlike the first sea the islands at the third sea literally have three Quest givers per Island and there's way more things you can do at each island compared to the first season and from what the devs say there's way more Islands to come so this this could make the third seed literally humongous and the biggest scene in the whole of blocks fruits okay so this is something that's gonna make your level grinding process in the third see so much easier so since the third season really massive and really huge you want to keep an eye off requests that are closer to the quest Giver even if there are lower level of quests so I'm gonna be giving you guys an example from an island in the first sea so if you take the pirate Village this is where the quest Giver is located next to the docks and this is where the first Quest is Pirates and the Pirates spawn really close to each other and are pretty easy to group up which leads to killing them so much easier but if you take the second quest which is brutes they're so much further away from the quest giver and they're really split apart and this makes killing them so difficult because you need to walk such a great distance and then to group them up you have to walk even more and then you have to walk all the way back to the quest Converse even if it gives you a bit more XP you want to go for the Pirates Quest because it's much better and much closer and you want to apply this same logic to every Quest you see in the third season so if you see a group of NPCs that are really far away from the quest Giver this probably best not to do that okay so this is a chest farming method which is really good to do in the third scene and could lead to millions of belly so all you have to do is make your way over here to the castle of the sea and then you walk around the place and collect every chest that you can find then you take a teleporter to a different Island and you just repeat the process until you've cleared out every single Island and then once you've done this just make your way back and the chest should have respawned in the initial Island and you just keep repeating this process until you become blocks food's first billionaire so this is a place on the third sea that's literally gonna be a golden zone for every player I'm talking about the castle of the sea over here you have everything that you'll ever need you could equip any combat style in the game here you can find the aura editor you can watch flashbacks of what happened with the second C and you can do two different types of raids the advanced ones and the normal ones you literally have no reason to leave this place and this is why endgame players hang out players that have finished the game and have not much else to do so if you're a pretty low level player and you want a fruit you could just come here on the public server and just back beg for it and the players might drop it to you since they're really overpowered okay so one thing you're going to notice once you get into the third C is the potential to awaken legendary fruits I don't know if you guys noticed this but when you talk to the mysterious scientist there should be a section that says lock and this is where the advanced raids come in once you finish a quest on the third seat you unlock the advanced trades you can buy them for either 1 000 fragments or trading in a physical food that's worth over 1 million belly and the fruits you can awaken with this is Quake Phoenix and dough and these fruits are all really cool Foods especially the dough food it's probably one of the most popular fruits in the game keep in mind that the advanced raids are obviously way harder than the regular raids you probably want to get some help from your friends because I don't think a lot of people can finish these raids by themselves and now this is a pretty decent way to get your hands on some really epic fruits at the castle of the sea every one hour and 15 minutes a message should appear on your screen saying Pirates have been spotted approaching the castle and around 30 seconds later a bunch of pirates will start attacking the castle and this is called a pirate there's gonna be a huge amount of pirates that start attacking and once you kill every single one of them the person that kills the last pirate will be awarded a random fruit and players that defeat at least one pirate will be awarded a hundred fragments but if you fail to defeat all of the Pirates in time then the Pirates will just stop raiding and you have to wait another hour and 15 minutes for the raid to start again one really important and epic thing that you can do once you get into the third scene is awaken your doe food and everybody knows that the doe food is literally the best fruit in the whole game cost 2.8 million belly to buy or 2 400 Robux and the chances of though being in stock is only 1.4 and the way you unlock this doe food is by defeating the doking in the mirror world and then using the red key to unlock the door to the cake scientist and once you unlock the cake scientist you can do your dough raid but keep in mind that the fully awaken this food you literally need 18 500 fragments and that's gonna be really hard to get your hands on and all the moves of the week in dofu all sounded really epic and the reason that the dough fruit is considered one of the best fruits in the game is because of its abilities for PVP it has a lot of stun abilities and when the user is caught in them you literally can't even move you're just forced to sit there and watch yourself die and when the doe food is combined with other fighting styles and different types of hockey it just gives really overpowered and if you're bounty hunting this is definitely a fruit you want to keep your eye on everyone knows that the third C is actually the last sea of blocks fruits so once you're completely done with the third C and you've reached max level there isn't really much to do except for bounty hunting bounty hunting is something that keeps the game still fun for max level players because anyone at any level can do this and once you've reached Max there isn't much else to do but this players normally complete the game with the Buddha food equipped it but if you want to start bounty hunting then you should probably get a PVP food I'd recommend the leopard food or the awakened though because those are really good in my opinion and for your combat style you also want to switch that from SharkMan karate to God human because God human is really good at PVP and then all you have to do is click on someone's poster and just hunt them down and keep in mind that this is also a pretty good way to give you a lot of money so when the game finally updates you can go buy everything that's available in the new update this is a super secret room in Vlog screws and this is how you glitch underneath the map these are 18 of the craziest blocks route secrets that you must know I actually use secret fruit and bloxfoots that not many people have and this food is called the meme fruit and this is exactly what it looks like it's literally just a traffic cone and the reason a lot of people don't have this is because it's only for the admins and mods and there's no way that a regular player can get it unless you're friends with the admins and this food literally only has one move which can deal extreme damage to your allies but does no damage to non-allied players and hence the reason it's called the meme proof and not a lot else is known about this food like I said it only has one ability and this is a photo of it in use obviously a really good thing about this food is it's just a great way to annoy people but remember you're not getting it unless you're an admin okay so this one is a secret room on the blossom through its map so what you have to do to find is make your way over to the second sea and then you gotta come to the cafe and then you have to go down the secret hole where you find the Awakenings expert and right behind him if you use your flash dip you should be able to glitch through the wall and get into this secret room inside the room you will find a variety of toad and frog images and a briefcase full of cash but that's now destroyed you'll also find a green band and this place is King Toad's house and it's a pretty secret thing that the doves decided to add to the game to see if anyone could ever find it but there's a secret within the secret if you angle your camera right you can actually see what's written on this board over here so the sign says King Toad's house and then in Brackets it says also known as Wenlock toad who is King toad or Wenlock toad I guess we'll never know okay so next up on the list is another secret room but this is something that not a lot of you might know so when you're on the first sea make your way over to Middletown and then follow exactly where I walk and everyone knows that you can't actually walk into houses on blocks routes but there is a secret house that you can't walk into at this house right here you could actually walk into it and once you get inside you're gonna find a bunch of random things a lot of posters on the wall and you also have the aura editor hello there and I didn't even know the ore editor was in the first scene turns out he was in the secret spot the whole time that you have a different guy and this guy just says a bunch of random stuff you try and talk to like he literally doesn't make any sense and this is a pretty decent secret because I didn't know the oil editor was in the first scene but the other guy I'm not sure about him okay so next up is a secret that I'm pretty about so there's a secret love letter that you can find in bloxwoods and it can be found in three different locations across the first scene this love loader is actually a way to earn the dark blade version 2. so the first location for the love learner is behind this exact wall on the Frozen Village and the second location is in Skylands it can be found inside a house behind the door marked in the image the door has to be destroyed and in all of these locations you need the dark blade to access it obviously because it's the dark blade Quest and the Third location is at Marine Fortress behind this wall and since I'm guessing a lot of you in the game don't have the dark plate equipped it I'll show you what the love learner says when you click on it hmm that's an interesting message okay so this is a secret that I'm guessing a lot of you might already know but nevertheless did you know that this is secret Brazil Cube and it can be found inside of Don Swan's Mansion right beside his bed I knew the Thailand wall and the reason that this Cuban ball exists is to show the bloxfoot's dev support to these countries another pretty cool thing about it is that the Brazil Cube can also be spawned by an admin and if a player touches the cube that's spawned by an admin they just get a free dog blade that's pretty cool because the dark play is one of the best swords in blocks fruits but the chances of you running into an admin are a little too close to zero okay so now we have under the map glitch and you might be wondering wait how do you get underneath the map in blossoms well for this particular glitch you need to have access to the third C and you make your way over to this island with this humongous tree and then if you go to this exact spot on the map you should be able to just kind of fall into the mountain but it's not really a mountain underneath it's underneath the map and there's not much to do here obviously but I don't think it's something that devs went what did you define and did I mention that it also looks pretty cool down here okay so next up is the triple dark blade and this sword is exactly what it sounds like it's literally the dark blade but three times more powerful and this is probably the best sword in the whole of Boss roots and a lot of you might be wondering how do I get my hands on this well sorry to break it to you guys but only admins have access to this sword or if you're really close friends with an admin you could also maybe get the sword but for a normal player this is definitely not something you're going to be getting and when a user uses this sword they're basically wielding three dark blades and it has the exact same skills as the original dark Blade with slight modifications for example the slash ability is the exact same as the normal one but instead of one slash it sends out three huge slashes but the X ability is about the same as the normal sword and also another thing don't beg admins for the sword they're not gonna give it to you a lot of you might be wondering when was this sword added to the game it was added around Update 9 or 10 but it wasn't really revealed because I'm pretty sure the admins wanted to keep this as a secret from the community but some people accidentally might have leaked into the community a secret that is not talked about a lot in the community it's about the awaken versus awakened butterfly everyone knows that once you're awake in your Buddha you just get bigger and look a lot cooler and the ranger can hit people also increases by a little bit but there's actually a little secret that not a lot of you guys know so when you're in the unawakened version of the Buddha and you use your sky jump ability you jump about as high as a normal player would which kind of doesn't make sense because if you're as big as a Buddha you should jump as much as a Buddha would but that problem gets fixed once you awaken your Buddha your jumps are a lot higher and they're way bigger than the default jumps literally look at this here's a comparison with just a normal player jumping and this is the comparison with an awakened Buddha jumping it's a lot better and you can reach a lot higher places but sadly this does not work for the dashes but I wish it did devs please add it to the game oh this is something about the control fruit everybody knows that the control fruit obviously lets you move around a lot of items in the game including houses and trees and rocks and a bunch of other stuff but have you ever wonder what the biggest thing you could move with the controls route was well let's start small at boats everyone knows that you can move boats and if you also get on the boat and launch it you can do this pretty cool glitch where you launch yourself across the map but let's move on a bit can you move this bridge on the second seat Well you actually can and that's really cool but I think we can go a little bit bigger if you make your way over to where the diamond boss spawns and look at this huge tree right here well that's the biggest thing that you can move with the controller food and I honestly was not expecting this because this just looks way too big to be moved like I mean this tree is literally the size of some first sea Islands which is pretty crazy to me so if you're ever fighting someone with a control food near this area make sure you launch this tree at them it could do a lot of damage okay so this trick also doesn't have much practical use but it's something pretty cool that I've noticed so everybody knows that the way your hockey evolves is from your hands to your arms to your chest and so on but did you know that if you equip the dark step fighting style it actually starts from your legs and this kind of makes sense because when you fight with dark step you don't really use your hides do you use your legs and my opinion this just looks pretty cool I mean have you ever seen a Roblox character that only has the hockey on the bottom half of their body just looks kind of weird in my opinion okay so this secret is actually an NPC if you make your way over to the first sea and head over to Skyland did you know that there's this secret NPC called Yoshi that sells you an accessory and a lot of you might not have known this because a lot of people when they originally get to Skylands you don't have the sky jump ability so you can't really jump up here to see the NPC and you have no way of knowing that it's there and the accessory that this NPC sells you is the Tomo ring and this accessory gives you 10 more blocks for damage and this is something that's really decent for first C players and the requirement for this is that you need to have at least 200 stat points put into your melee because if you don't then you won't be able to buy it and it also costs 500 000 bellies so you gotta be a stacked first C player if you're gonna be buying this okay so everybody knows about the factory raid on the second scene which literally lets you get one free fruit and everyone also knows that you can cannot get inside the factory when the raid is not happening well what if I told you there was a way to get inside and get a head start before all the other players in the lobby well all you have to do is you have to walk over to this exact location and angle your camera properly and then you simply have to use the flash step glitch and boom you're inside and now hopefully you can outpace the other 9 billion people that show up for the factory raid well good luck with that okay so now we got another NPC and this one is definitely something that I don't think a lot of you know so in the first C on the desert island there's this little chest over here did you know that if you collect the chest you can actually open up a secret tunnel and you make your way down the tunnel and you just keep walking for a little bit you should get to this NPC called Hassan and Hassan sells you The Swordsman hat and gives you a 10 sword boost so you do 10 more damage with every sword that you have and the requirements for this are flash step Aura and air jump and you need at least 300 stat points put on your sword and then finally you have to pay him a hundred and fifty thousand belly but in my opinion this is a really good start accessory and if you're in the first thing you should definitely get your hands on this one okay so this secret doesn't have much practical use it's a secret code that a lot of you might not know if you walk over to this exact house at Skylands and at first look it might look like there's nothing inside but if you tilt your camera and look at the ceiling you'll see a bunch of text that just says food 10 and if you enter this as a code on blocks Roots you get a solid one belly and that's pretty much it but it's still a pretty cool Easter egg in my opinion but like I said before not that much practical use okay so we have another NPC and this one is also on the first seat if you head over to the magma Island and you go to this exact spot here did you know you could actually kind of walk into the volcano and once you go in there there should be an NPC called The Living skeleton and this living skeleton sells to you a sword for 750 000 bellies and this sword is called the soul cane and in my opinion it's really good for grinding and PVP and also looks pretty cool like it's literally a sword combined with a cane this sword has a total of two abilities and has has really high combo potential but you need really good aim to use it but overall I think it's a really good sword that all first see players should get their hands on this one is the tiny secret did you know that all fruits and blocks fruits actually have the properties of their fruit so if you have the magma fruit equipped then you can literally walk on lava you have the eyes food equipped and then you can walk over water which turns into ice and if you have the rubber food equipped then you take no damage from all lightning based attacks this includes attacks like the electric fighting style and the rumble fruit as well as some swords that use electricity overall I think this is pretty cool and it's something that the devs definitely put a lot of time and effort into to make the game realistic and fun to play in Opera Skylands that not a lot of people know about it's also something that I mentioned a decent amount in my previous videos but nevertheless it's still a pretty cool secret so if you make your way over to Upper sky islands and you walk through this exact part of the temple then you have to use an ability to destroy this wall and once you get up here you should find a total of eight different chests at least just all give you a decent amount of money and if you keep server Hobby the chest it's a really good way to grind money especially if you're in the first sea and make sure you also buy double money because it literally gives you double the money from the chest on the Mirage Island there's actually a secret Temple and the way you get access to it is you head over to inside the waterfall on the Hydra Island and then you have to use a physical ability to completely decimate the door and this is kind of similar to the game to get to Upper sky islands and once you're inside you'll encounter Five ghosts who are Level 1500 and they'll use Flash tip to teleport you although they're really low health and once you enter you can attempt to pull the Yama sword and you don't need to defeat the ghost if you have an elemental food because they're affected by its immunity and this is also the starting point to obtain the sword tushida which is pretty cool in my opinion nevertheless it's a pretty cool secret room that I did not know existed in this video I'm gonna be showing you guys how to maximize your observation hockey and one day exact reason one without spending a single dollar these are some of the craziest blocks fruits tricks that Pros abuse that you don't so everybody knows the observation hockey is one of the most in the whole game but but it is one of the hardest things to level up but I'm going to be showing you guys a little trick to help you get your observation hockey to Max in no time so all you have to do is hop over to any NPC that activates your observation hockey but preferably close to where you have your spawn point set and what you do is you just let them hit you with your observation on and once you've used up all your Dodges all you have to do is simply server hop and the reason you want to server hop instead of waiting for your Dodgers to restore is because server hopping literally only takes like 10 seconds I'm waiting for your Dodges to restore takes a lot more now once you've server hopped you just repeat the process over and over until you get the max amount of Dodge as possible but keep in mind don't forget to upgrade your observation hotkey to V2 because it's a lot better than V1 and this trick is for you Buddha users out there so what this trick lets you do is make a giant sword and something you might be thinking wait what you make a giant sword in blocks through well all you have to do is transform into the Buddha and then when you hold your sword it should show you a way bigger version of this sword the first thing you want to do is unequip your sword and go into the Buddha fruit and once you have the Buddha fruit equipped all you have to do is undo your transformation right as you switch to your sword now what this lets you do is basically be in the untransformed version of the Buddha but you still keep the long range that you get did I also mention that it looks really cool especially with the triple swords overall it's just a pretty funny trick that you can use to grind without being transformed or just to troll your friend okay so this trick is for those of you that are still in the first C and are looking to grind some Bounty really fast so all you have to do is head over to Upper Sky Islands but make sure that you actually hit the level requirement and upper sky islands is a place that you completely cleared and once you're here you'll notice that there are two boss spawn locations one is right next to the teleporter and the other one's on the second island and everybody knows that bosses are the NPCs that hire your Bounty so all you have to do is kill the first boss over here and then walk over to the second guy and then kill him and then all you have to do is simply server hop and just keep repeating this method over and over until you reach Max Bounty and this is one of the few places in the whole of blocks fruits where there are two bosses located in the same place so make sure you abuse it while it's still here so everybody knows about the rubber food and blast fruits it's a legendary fruit and overall a pretty decent and cool fruit but did you know these two secret things about the rubber fruit literally make the fruit really overpowered so since it's a rubber food it's completely immune to Electric attacks and the rumble fruit and the reason for this is that in real life rubber does not conduct electricity so the rubber food is completely immune to people that use the rumble fruit and electric fighting styles such as the electric and the electric claw and since electric law is one of the best fighting styles in the game it's gonna make it really hard for players without fighting style to fight against rubber users and that's not the only thing it's also completely immune to gun attacks can you imagine a complete category of weapons and Blossoms cannot do damage to rubber users that makes the rubber through one of the most overpowered fruits in the game especially if you're grinding against your users that use a gun or if you know that somebody is a gunman and you want to take them on in PvP you should definitely equip the rubber fruit and did I also mention how cool the fruit looks when you transform it's really crazy so the first thing everybody wants to do once they've bought their hockey is obviously level it up and if you want to hit two birds with one stone you should be grinding out raids and the reason for this is that there's a ton of enemies in every single raid and when you increase the difficulty it gets even harder and depending on your level I recommend you guys keep doing raids over and over because not only do you get the benefits of the raids like fragments you also continuously keep leveling up your hockey and this is really good because you're basically doing two things at once I mean you could also grind quests but you can't really awaken fruits by grinding quests can you and the fragments are also a pretty good benefit to this okay so now I'm gonna be talking about the most overpowered sword in the whole of blocks Roots I'm talking about the saber V2 and the way you get that is by doing the jungle puzzle in the first C and this is pretty easy and anybody with the level requirement to get it done really fast but to upgrade it to version 2 you need to get a 1 million Bounty and you must kill another player with around the same level or higher that has a million or more than a million Bounty there are no other requirements to upgrade it to version 2 making it something that players can get pretty easily and once your saber evolves you get a message saying something weird has occurred to your saber and now once you check it it should be upgraded to version 2. and the version 2 of the saber is the most overpowered sword in the game because of its potential for PVP it literally does the most damage out of every sword in the game it has two abilities the first one is called deadly rush and this one has a 50 Master requirement and the X ability is called triple slash and this has a 125 Master requirement and a really good thing about this sword is that you literally only need a 125 Master requirement for this making it a lot better than most fruits in the game okay so this trick is for players that are either really low level or completely new to blast roots and the streak is gonna let you get whatever race that you want so everybody knows that on Joy joining the game there are four different races that you can get human Angel mink and shark and every player has a 50 chance of spawning in as a human but if you want to get one of the other three all you have to do is keep making new Roblox accounts until you get the exact race that you want and since Roblox accounts are completely free to create and you don't even need an email it should be pretty easy but keep in mind you can change your race later on so for some of you might not be worried to create a completely new Roblox account just to get the race that you want on Block Street everybody knows that Seabees hunting is one of the best ways to farm money in this game I know a lot of you are wondering how do you actually kill CBS really easily because they're for 90 of players it's really hard to be able to solo CBS and it gets even worse if it's rumbling Waters it's all the best loadout to have for when you're Fighting Seabees is the shark race and magma V2 and the reason for this is that the magma v2's abilities are just really overpowered and specialized for CB's hunting at the shark race basically just lets you move around in water way faster and did I also mention that you can literally swim in water even if you have a devil fruit equipped in which is really cool when you use any of the magma V2 abilities it leaves behind this huge blob and what this does is it does damage over time so if the CB stays in the same place it keeps taking damage from the magma remains left by your attack and on top of that you can spam even more attacks dealing even more damage until the seam used is finally killed so this next trick is something that I've kind of shown before everybody knows that the way to AFK grind hockey is to equip the low gear through and stand on the spawn point of a user that does not have hockey and then equipped a really bad sword and just Pummel them till they die over and over again what if you don't have a low gear fruit for example Buddha users out there that are still trying to finish the game you definitely don't want to switch from the Buddha fruit to something else all you have to do is do the exact same thing but you go to the starter Island on the first sea and then when you stand on the spawn point of an enemy they won't push you away and they barely do any damage so you can regenerate it back in no no time and then all you have to do is equip the bad sword and do the trick exactly like normal and it should work exactly the same but this version is kind of worse because you kill the enemies a lot faster I mean they are literally enemies from the first island so the low gear farming method is definitely better so everybody knows that if you buy the faster boats Game Pass you get boats that go a lot faster and the enforcer boat literally the fastest boat in the game but what if I told you there was a way to use these boats without buying the game pass well all you need is a friend that actually does have the game pass and you ask him to spawn in the ball for you and once he does that you can kind of just hijack it and drive wherever you want but you also might be wondering if you're someone with the game pass and you're trying to spawn in the boat for your friend and they just steal it and run away what would you do well all you have to do is simply spawn in a new board and basically what this does is despawn the boat that your friend is on so your friend just drowns so remember when you ask your friend if you can use their boat make sure you don't make them angry because then they can just drown you and now this trick is for clear are more newer to the game basically when everybody starts playing the game and you complete your quest you just start fighting enemies one by one but here's a trick to make your grinding much faster all you have to do is equip the gun because guns are kind of useless and you shoot every enemy that you see and what this does is it aggroes your enemy which makes them walk towards you and then all you have to do is group them all up and once they're in a group you use a bunch of Splash damage abilities I recommend this ability from SharkMan karate it's really good for grouping up enemies and killing them and when they all respawn you can do the exact same thing over and over again until you completely finish with your quest okay so this next trick is about a fighting style and I'm talking about electric claw everybody knows that lecture Claw is one of the best fighting styles in the whole of blocks route and this is because it's kind of a hybrid fighting style you can use it for grinding as well as PVP and it's pretty decent at both of them but keep in mind that this is the version 2 of electric so if you want to upgrade from Electric to Electric Claw you have to do this Quest and the quest you have to do is located on the turtle island in the third scene and you come over here and talk to this guy named previous hero and he's gonna give you a quest to get to the mansion in under 30 seconds and many of you will find it kind of difficult to just Dash over to the mansion because it's a bit hard to do but there's actually a pretty cool trick to this all you have to do is equip the portal fruit or the light fruit and just simply teleport or just fly over there in two seconds and this makes completing the quest to get the fighting style 10 times easier because you don't even have to walk you can just zip there in two seconds but keep in mind you do have to pay at 3 million belly and 5 000 fragments so just make sure you have that ready okay so this trick is gonna help you a ton if you're a second C player instead of setting your spawn point where you actually spawn in in the second C you should set your spawn point at the half hot and half Cold Island and the reason for this is that this place is near everything a big thing about the second sea is doing raids and since your spawn point is set right next to the raid place it should make doing your raids a lot easier because you don't need to walk a huge distance just to do some raids unless you have the portal fruit obviously because then you can just teleport over Okay so this accessory is something that every player in the game should use I'm talking about the dark code accessory this accessory is a mythical accessory and the way you get it is by defeating the dark beard boss but keep in mind that it only has a two percent chance of dropping and the way you spawn in the dark beer boss is by placing the fist of Darkness at the Dark Arena in the second scene and the things this code gives you is plus 600 energy plus 600 health and a plus 15 damage in your blocks route if you take some really overpowered fruits like the doe and leopard it just makes them so much better and also on this side note this does look really cool it's one of the best looking accessories in the whole game so everybody knows that Bounty and honor is a pretty important thing in blocks foods but I'm gonna be telling you guys some things that you might have not known about them do you know that when you reach 2.5 million Bounty you can no longer level up your Bounty from bosses or NPCs and the only way to level up after that is by hunting down players the players you go after after have to be a similar level to you because it's kind of unfair if a Max Level player is picking on a level 200 player players with a 5 to 50 million Bounty when they join a game it displays a special message to all the members in the server and the same goes with the even cooler message for players that have a 50 million to 30 million Bounty and to prevent people from Bounty farming you can only kill the same player three times to change your Bounty every 72 hours and here's the chart of the overall damage and defense boost as you can see players that have a 20 million to 30 million Bounty get a 35 defense boost and a 22 damage boost which is really overpowered and once you reach 10 million Bounty you can literally summon CBS which is really cool and did I mention you can also earn a butt load of titles overall the bounty system is really cool and completely fits blocks roots
Channel: Hans - Roblox
Views: 851,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, blox fruits, roblox blow fruits, roblox hans, hans blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, hans roblox, hans roblox tiktok, tiktok hans, hans, roblox hans tiktok, roblox hans revenge, roblox revenge, revenge roblox, blox fruits revenge, roblox blox fruits revenge
Id: LCqjisiXxk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 45sec (5325 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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