One Piece Live-Action Episode 1 Reaction

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oh double nuted welcome back to defy not definitive I'm Ken and I'm Bethany we're just a couple of cookie crazy kids in love that love doing some reaction videos together yes we do so we're checking out one piece uh for the first time we've done some uh one piece on our games Channel we checked out some supers and everything like that but we don't really know anything about this world um so we're checking out uh the live action on Netflix have heard some good things about it and if you want all of our reactions to the series we'll have a playlist for you in the description of this video and if you want early a reaction access to our reactions check out the link for patreon Down Below in the description of this video you can also see our full watchalong reactions that way yeah all right uh let's uh let's get into it let's do it and if you can on patreon here we go three two one I declare your life where is your treasure those are some chops yeah you know where my treasure is I'll tell you wealth I found everything this world has to offer take to the Seas my treasure is yours to find he just created a bunch of pirates [Music] gold Rogers final words changed the world forever H the great pirate error [Music] nice all right good opening yeah the se's been calling well i' been calling because pretty much can't swim but you get the idea it's a problem you can't swim oh dude that is that get seasick and just really bad place throwing up in that Barrel oo it's cool looking ship it's a big ship [Music] too I have glitter in it yes there's sending glitter bombs I mean there are hearts on the ship it's not impossible I think you're right maybe actually oo those are some Nails oh weapon's awesome she's vicious mhm back story time I'm not and urchin I'm a pirate the SE isn't a child's game I can do it Shanks I swear Shanks nice and I'll show got the family to speak off the kids on his own better a disappointed kid now than a dead one later hey shes put it down Luffy before you hurt yourself going to jump oh my God what are you doing [Music] kid holy crap c i one had you North should it landed a few days North which way is North oh God he's teaching how to dodge nice MO oh I'm sorry what now pistol oh what are you some ban of Assassins it's a high honor to be asked to join our Rex does it come with a free face tattoo my favorite is number one nice if they were that serious they should have sent someone better than number seven ooh [Music] nice style mhm oh in half damn good intro for that character yeah Zoro right at least you didn't get your eye so does that mean this guy dies and gives him his hat don't Stitch too good I want everyone to see my scarf a l him behind the scar you didn't earn this one then let me earn it I've been practicing what my face is going to look like on my want poster you're halfway there to be in private since you like leaning so much poke him in the eye with your mop come on man let's find a real B why are you laughing but you should have fought back why didn't you kick his ass a man needs to be strong but he also needs to be good you're not a real man oh great lesson you're nothing but a coward dude I told you you weren't ready huh you ate a devil FR I didn't know any better next up to the Grand line you can't navigate no you don't even have a MTH we should probably pick one of those up theyve always wanted to be say it Marine wanted to protect people that can't protect themselves good for you mhm if that's what you want I think you should do it I'll help you out she don't even know me we shared the meal Kobe that's good enough for me I love this kid mhm you're in luck sweetheart who was attacked by Pirates no why do I feel like she's learn them into a trap mhm it's a fair trade for saving your life you're going to regret opening it hm sorry boys nice didn't have to overpower them just toce them can I buy you a drink Too [Music] Tall not asking the next guy she wants his uniform that's why she said Too Tall what's this rice balls for you chocolate makes everything taste better next time I won't be so nice oo just try it he's going to eat it you at least not eat the one he stepped on or delicious I like this dude mhm now you eat one he's like incredibly handsome apologize to the girl do you know who I am shedhead Marine with a bad haircut I wouldn't do that come on tough guy three swords I only need one to lose yeah CH nice oh this guy is's so good such a badass I love her too uh-huh yep you're right but I can spot a [Music] grifter oh good fighter please tell me you guys become friends that guy was amazing yes he was and what's with the F sword where does it even go we had to protect that little girl from the Marines they're going to be good Marines and bad Marines too exactly you'll be one of the good ones I need to get into the base and find that map help you steal from the Marines no of course not except yes what are you going to do steal Marines oh yeah cuz you can get in any space really what do you say puppy you're really too stupid to learn your lesson mhm sit up and beg put it down what's so special about this whole thing cuz when I get down from here you'll be the one begging yes you think my father's going to let you go you are going to die in this yard no cuz they wouldn't make a character this cool just to kill him she got to walk down do we have her name yet I don't think so I'm BR nooro the pirate Hunter and I think you should join my crew yeah you can untie me but I'm still not going to join your crew I just think it's a waste of time for you to be hanging out here good luck on the sword thing good luck on the sword thing thanks yes if he's an interesting dude uh-oh mhm you let go from the bar you trying to piece it together little slow on the uptake she's oh oh okay she got a little staff little bow staff this is fine you have any idea what you're doing it's just okay just open the doors walk it in oh my God you are so tragically insecure yeah they mean this guy's such a tool is he doing this naked probably yeah he is he's turning himself on with you're going to chop it [Applause] off are you you're going to kill me you're not worth it i' got something much worse than mine I was just esing thison can't wait I'm a transfer from the 77th sir I put in a request to serve under your command Last Choice he goes ego she's the best you just hit her dude I I I mean she's the best of the worst ter that was amazing we are not a team are those how you do that pick his pocket yeah you're really good at Fe you should think about joining my Pirates crew I hate Pirates hate them that's because you don't know me yeah you don't know the good Pirates his whole crew is going to consist of people that hate Pirates mhm that's great every idiot dreams of finding the one piece well yeah don't you I needed to eat you do what you have to to survive just find the map secet lover can you crack a safe what's going on here Pirates a woman with orange hair dressed like a marine oh jeez H do you think they know we're here after the other Thief an idiot pirate trying to steal a m but are the other of that you need to hurry I can't rush [Music] enough leverage oh [ __ ] hope they pulled the whole safe with them okay they did how did you do that okay impressive [Music] mhm he's always got to make sure hat stays on oh double nut it come on you got to help him out be part of the team aren't you got drunk from the bar glad I made an impression you're a crew nope not together there you go oo thought thought was going to blindfold himself so did I D swords coming out in the mouth so that's where it [Music] goes hm oh maybe if we find some rope or something holy [ __ ] [Music] what okay sure so he's got the strength and those sword skills yep oh I'm not going to lie he's really hot it's all right I I agree he is I don't work for you I'm sensing a little bit of tension among the crew not a [Laughter] crew the Marines are here already what you're under arrest not by toad like you what's wrong with his hair I'm taking you in and handing you over to my father you are a joke get a medal or something yeah waa it also felt really good to explain but we got to go dad your hair trying to kill us every choice was made for me I'm going to be a marine I want to help people that can't help themselves good for you next time we meet we might be enemies we're friends what the hell is that a phone okay this is gar Pirates you say what did they take change a plan going to shells town map to the Grand line has been stolen what the hell was that I don't know oh it's the [Music] clown buy bugy okay I'm going to get it back oh creepy no matter who I have to kill oh oh what a great introduction for the character buggy what's his name buggy is the clown yeah okay I'm in I'm in I'm I'm sold uh the introduction for all the characters was really solid uh got me on board to like them right away um even that end shot of buggy uh it's like I'm like okay this is a cool villain I want to know more about this guy I mean you know it's going to freak me out as we watch it but still they like the way he was sitting in the chair and everything just the presentation of this I really love so I'll admit I came into this as a as a very big skeptic CU I was like this I mean what little we've seen of One Piece it's crazy yeah and the world seems bizarre and the characters are kind of out there and I was like how are they possibly going to sell this and not just sell this but sell it as live action so I I came in I was like I was kind of expecting to to be disappointed or for it to meet my expectations which were really low and this blew me away especially as it got towards the end I was like this I feel like if it hasn't blown up already because I know like our community is well aware of it but like I haven't heard a lot of talk about it outside of our community and I know our community is well versed in gaming and so there's obviously an audience for it but for those who aren't familiar with one piece I don't know what the likelihood is of them tuning in but I feel like all they have to do is watch the p it and it will absolutely blow up because the the writing is fantastic but the acting is Stellar for all the characters and um this this is not just to the main actors the main four cuz I'm including the clown at the end they really carried it the side characters are a little more outlandish so they kind of more tow the line of like believable versus not like the guy with the the Marine General with like the Iron Jaw okay yeah yeah yeah ax hand yeah ax hand I'm like he's he's a character where like I think in part because I can't see the lower half of his mouth and because he is just so cartoonish looking I'm kind of like I like this feels borderline unbelievable mhm but our four our four main actors the three on the ship and then the clown at the end giving us a I'm like I'm so sucked into them their stories what's going on with them I want to know more I want to see more like they've they've got it nailed and just clarify things uh for for for everybody here uh so Bethy was talking about it as the video games because we've only checked it out as a video game yes but it's an anime um which I believe is also based on um manga I I imagine I think that's I feel like that's what all most animes are based on we don't really hang out with people that watch uh anime or anything like that in in general so that's why probably we haven't really heard of it or I mean we haven't really heard a lot of discussion about uh people checking it out um so we're coming from this as people that aren't as super invested in in anime like we are just started starting to get into it um Dragon Ball is kind of the the first one we got into we been doing Dragon Ball super um and then we've checked out a lot like of a bridge and and and whatnot um so having no attachment to these characters and not mind I mean we're just going into this and they are selling me on these characters so well uh Luffy I feel like could be a is a really hard role to play that the actor is doing an amazing job with it because like I feel like he could be border line annoying if you play him wrong um just because he is kind of like a little bit aloof and happy go-lucky and uh he's Goku yeah exactly yeah yeah he reminds me so much of of Goku like that but that's what I think of I'm like man if you try to play Goku live action yeah like he could be annoying um but I think the actor's doing a great job where it's really like sweet and endearing and um also just like charismatic yeah uh I feel like just a ton of Charisma for all these of our main characters that we've seen so far and I mean as far as uh you know well you know the sort just zor yeah oh my God to play the sort of Broody silent strong man character has been done has been done a lot um and can be so caricature at this point especially in this kind of Fantastical material not this guy no I bought every moment y of his performance from the very first that we were introduced to him and I I had a moment in the fight with axe hand where like they gave him they they pulled out all the stops for this actor with the moment of pulling out the third sword and putting on the bandana I mean like the way that he was shot he was shot from below up Sun's over his shoulder like it was the badass samurai shot all the way the music changed I mean they pulled out all the stops but you know what he earned every freaking moment of it yes he did and none of that was in the first scene they weren't supporting him to that extent in the first scene so like this actor had to earn it he did and then he crushed his big theatrical moment in the fight um um and truly that bar scene like his introduction made him mysterious and interesting and badass but it was the bar scene that made me absolutely captivated by him in terms of who the [ __ ] is this guy and he's amazing and and like he's a good guy and where the hell does he come from and and why is he here and how did he fight with three swords like where did he learn all like I still have so many questions cuz I'm so invested in the character yeah I mean his fighting was just so effortless and smooth and slick and uh I look I like the choreography in this so far as far as the fight scenes go I thought they've been all been uh great and um the other thing about Zoro is like he's got he's funny too um I mean the whole you know stoic uh badass or whatever sometimes the the lines can come across as like and they try to be funny it's like it's like cheesy or whatever or um you know like almost seems like forc uh but everything about this guy is just super cool I mean he is just so [ __ ] cool and everything he does his line deliveries in um just like the little like the looks and the and the glances and the the the brooding every everything about it I I believe all of it and um it's so captivating to watch and the girl whose name we still don't know she I think she might have said it because she said like he asked her her name and she said her name but like I imagine I think that was her real name but I can't I can't remember what it was okay maybe she said it but it was like one time compared yeah yeah yeah um I love her because she like lafy is not necessarily relatable right like nobody's usually that happy or that confident or that like aloof and and whatnot um and obviously Zoro is not relatable like who the hell's living that life but she is kind of a a human anchor in this cuz she is a misfit but she can pull out the stops too and hold her own and she's very much someone who's determined to hold her own so like she has that Fierce Independence thing too which is really attractive so I the combination of these characters is what I imagine made one piece so lovable as an anime series but to find the right actors to sell them to a mainstream audience that isn't familiar with that is is really hard and so I have to give props to the casting director and I don't even know who's casting it but whoever they were well done because I don't think that you can go out and just find an actor for these roles like I feel like you really have to find the exact right actor because these are very challenging roles to make believable and they got those actors yeah I mean the thing about her is that she uh one I mean they did such a great job just establishing each of the character uh personalities mhm right away and with just um like one quick scene like when she steals the boat like okay like I know who this person is like I knew right away that she was a grifter like and then um you know so when she went in the bar I'm like okay it's too tall like Too Tall she's trying to steal something's uniform um you know so like here you get in on it as well um and she is like you said the most human like I mean she doesn't have any special powers like she can't go stretchy but she's also not this like crazy sword but she can still like she was still holding her own in the fight yeah so she's still badass in her own right without uh being this going to sound weird saying she's not special but like I mean you know uh Luffy whatever is special he uh had the the devil fruit yeah so that gave him his power yeah and I mean Zoro is obviously someone that has trained a lot and um is legendary already like like a pirate killer or whatever I mean so um and she's just kind of a thief and she like she didn't get her power through um a special fruit she didn't get her powers or skills through like training I imagine I mean Zoro didn't just Train by himself she said that like she became a thief just because she had to so everything she's learned along the way was out of necessity um which is I don't know which which makes her I don't know if that relatable is the right word um it makes her which is just another reason to make that makes her very likable you have to respect her tenacity tenacity great work and her resourcefulness and her street smarts um yeah she Savvy I mean I was saying lafy before maybe it's Luffy I think it's Luffy Luffy I think so um Luffy doesn't strike me as somebody with Street smarts like Luffy and Goofy that's why that's how I thought of it oh that's a good way to remember Luffy's goofy um Luffy doesn't strike me as someone with Street smarts watch his th's name in that we just [ __ ] it up sorry yeah um and neither does Zoro necessarily because I feel like Zoro has been like this student of Sword play in in a sense like he doesn't strike me as somebody who's necessarily like had it rough in the same way that she has I'm not saying he's had an easy life I'm sure he hasn't but like there's just something about her that's so rough and gritty and he does seem more polished than that like whatever whatever he's been through has given him sort of a a different air about him where there there is like I don't know even right down to the way he carries himself he's very like standing tall and proud and should like there's something about him that's very different from her and her energy is just like a rougher more Street more grit more tenacity yeah and that's that's what makes her really enjoyable great start to the series um can't wait to check out the rest of it and let us know what you thought about this down below in the comments if you want early ad free access or to see our full watchalong reactions check out Link in the description of this video for patreon and thanks so much for checking out our reaction for One Piece live action but just keep mine that our reaction is definitely not definitive
Channel: Definitely Not Definitive
Views: 30,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece live action episode 1 reaction, one piece netflix episode 1 reaction, one piece live action reaction, one piece reaction, one piece 1x1 reaction, one piece episode 1 reaction, one piece netflix reaction, definitely not definitive one piece, one piece live action 1x1 reaction, definitely not definitive anime reaction, one piece zoro reaction, one piece live action zoro reaction, one piece netflix live action reaction, one piece netflix live action episode 1 reaction
Id: ILHXtf66TP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 44sec (1664 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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