Non-Gamer Watches #88 BRICKY'S Every Single Warhammer 40k (WH40k) Faction Explained

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every faction in the world explained by this guy every single warhammer 40k faction explained part one i'm excited so a while ago i uh i wore this church mistakenly well turned out not to be a mistake while i was watching a 40k video and i just really learned how many of you guys are so so into the fight for equality equity social justice beyond any creed color race religion so many of you guys love this shirt so much that i just i just feel the need to wear it every single time i watch 40k stuff and i couldn't find it last video but made a concerted effort to find this shirt for you guys because just like superman just like wonder woman just like the justice league you are fighting for social justice in your day-to-day lives you care about your fellow human beings you respect them i know this about you and i see it i appreciate you i also appreciate all your silly comments in all seriousness for those of you who would like to see some of the ridiculous comments i get i do post my favorites on my instagram hs paisley there is a highlight of the gem comments i get this is one of my favorites anyways today i'm going to learn about the different factions in the warhammer 40k universe my goal is to watch between 15 and 20 minutes of this video and hope my brain doesn't explode but i feel like it's going to i've never watched anything done by brickie before i'm pretty excited about that because you guys request his stuff a lot and he seems exceptionally knowledgeable about this stuff and i always like to learn the first warhammer lore video that i watched like my brain just exploded but i'm hoping that after reading the caiaphas cane book i'm gonna have a little bit of a better handle on it and i am interested to learn a little bit more about the nuances of the world and how it works because it is so extensive and i'm just endlessly endlessly impressed by the depth of storytelling in this whole new world of of games that i'm i'm learning about so uh let's dive in with this dude as someone who doesn't necessarily serve the messiah but someone who can appreciate them you will not be getting my legs today as i will be replacing them with various things depending on which faction we are currently talking about to add a little bit more context and possible comedy to whatever the hell i am currently doing so okay hello everybody my name is bricky and this is going to be a long video and a large project that has been going on for quite some time this is i need two hands for this this is every single warhammer 40k race in kind of a nutshell explained a little bit of explanation a little bit of lore a little bit of talking about the tabletop mostly lore what they're all about and also a little bit of background for those of you who just have no clue what warhammer 40 000 is and you see warhammer and warhammer 40 000 is a universe people hear plenty of but don't know a whole lot about they see oh there's these dudes in big power armor with chainsaw swords and they got these big old green orcs and there's some bugs over there and everyone calls these guys weebs and then there's these spiky [ __ ] over here i don't get it i don't understand where do i start well this video is particularly for you or for those of you who have a little bit of knowledge but you're kind of curious about eating different races and factions in warhammer overall the warhammer universe is vast when it comes to lore and background and each different faction is so different with the things that they believe in and some are human some are trans human like where they all have all these crazy ass electronics on them you've got aliens and you've got the chaos factions and there's so much to entail so i decided to embark on this project to tell you what each and every single one of them is about and what the warhammer universe is about as well to give at least a little bit of an intro to this extremely bloated but very very enjoyable world that i and many others partake in okay i will be explaining every single faction in the warhammer 40k at least all the factions you can play okay i want to see which ones inquisition i remember those oh what's her name from the book amberley dark eldar i feel like that's familiar but i can't remember anything about them tau empire and tyranids i feel like those were the ones that were in the caiaphas kane book i'm trying to remember what they were about though and what their their thinkings what their were the tau one of them was the for the greater good people right some smaller factions here and there i will not be discussing absolutely everything in it because that is a little bit much and i'm not gonna go too mega deep into the lore i'm going to give you a pretty solid overview of each of the different factions and have you learn a little bit about them and we'll discuss a little bit of the tabletop as well in case you were curious about that okay but for this episode entirely we are discussing the imperium of man because that takes up a fat chunk of warhammer lore [Music] what is warhammer 40 000 well the 40 000 starts off is the year forty thousand the forty first millennium that's where it takes place is in the year forty thousand forty one thousand a d you're already more knowledgeable let me read you a quote first of many quotes in this video it is the 41st millennium for more than a hundred years the emperor has sat a mobile on the golden throne of earth he is the master of mankind by the will of the gods and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies he is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the dark age of technology he is the carion lord of the imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day so that he may never truly die to be a man in such times is to be amongst untold billions it is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable these are the tales of those times forget the power of technology and science for so much has been forgotten never to be relearned forget the promise of progress and understanding for in the grim dark future there is only war there is no peace amongst the stars only an eternity of carnage and slaughter and the laughter of thirsting god i'm a thirsty god that sounded weird um okay guys just like a quick question uh because you know people have said some mean things in the comments to me and you know the heretic thing is not mean i think it's kind of funny but like you're playing the game and you're buying into that you're fighting for the emperor but you don't actually think he's a good guy right right my eyeballs are so itchy everything blows and it blows [ __ ] hard warhammer is probably the most dark and depressing universes so funny ever in fiction or at least like like top three everything is so absurdly horrible destructive or overpowered that it all kind of ends up cancelling itself out it's like dota war rages across the galaxy interstellar travel is only possible due to sacrificing a thousand souls a day to a rotting carcass of a man who you believe to be your god demonic gods and just demons tear open the fabric of reality on a whim other zenos or even other humans end up killing each other in untold billions across the galaxy it is a time of unending war slaughter and a bloodbath amongst everybody planets are deemed unrecoverable and are completely destroyed on a whim everything sucks but that's like the charm of it charming warhammer is evil but being evil is kind of fun like humanity in its own right is a xenophobic prejudice and religious zealot group that kill each other just as much as they kill all of their enemies i know that none of you guys are actually like that though that's why you like my shirt so much but and they're like mid mid to high tier evil on the evil scale of warhammer nobody guy who brings food that's fun oh the tyranids are down down low oh no were they just bugs tau players they're more evil who are the for the greater good and what's the greater good i guess should be my question tear evil on the evil scale of warhammer nobody is good no matter who you are everyone is no not them either but who's war hammer nobody is good no matter who you hip you are everyone is at some flavor some color of you know whoever you pick you are going to be the bad guy but that's the fun of it because being the bad guy is badass villains are cool they look cool they got cool outfits they got cool weapons they got cool armies villains are cool man and when everyone is a villain everyone is pretty cool that's what makes this so charming is that but if everybody's a villain isn't nobody a villain you know like if everybody's special no one is everyone can be the bad guy so let's start off talking about the main bad guy quote unquote the imperium of man horus heresy there's a there's a book series about that or something the imperium of man is the main empire of the human race all of humanity is under this one flag called the imperium about 10 000 years ago there was a man he was the emperor the emperor of mankind a 10-foot tall psychic demi-god who led humanity across the stars to colonize tons and tons of worlds create super human soldiers and really bring humanity into a new age this man the emperor of mankind was a psycher a psycher is like a magician of sorts in the world of 40k there is the warp the immaterium kind of like hell but sort of like a purgatory dimension of hell and a psycher is someone who can take that power and manifest it through their mind to use it to do stuff like witchcraft stuff magicians stuff spells and lots of other things but we don't get too into that the emperor big boy psycher big boy a plus maybe even s now the emperor created a bunch of suns yes created a bunch of suns known as the primarks okay 20 18 18 primarks to have them lead all of the different legions of humanity to the different stars and plants to help colonize and bring it out okay these primarks are basically like little versions of the emperor not all of them are cyclists but a lot of them are very very powerful and they lead his special space marine legions then this big cluster [ __ ] happened space marines are the um ace a startus a star tease a star t-shirts all the horus heresy where the emperor's favorite son the primark horus ended up joining chaos and leading nine other well i guess eight nine of the eighteen half half of his primarks directly to earth to fight down the emperor himself oh if you're into a chaos hang on hang on i'm in confusion his favorite son the prime cluster [ __ ] happened called the horus heresy where the emperor's favorite son the primark horus ended up joining chaos and leading nine other well i guess eight nine of the 18 half half of his primarks directly to earth to fight down the emperor okay now if you want to know what chaos is remember what i mentioned earlier the warp that immaterium the hellish place in there relies the four chaos gods imagine like satan and three other satans the warp being kind of evil those chaos gods that's the reason um i know this one slaanesh like a like a genderless all-gendered sex god who uh sounds fun and is not right and so so was this one was this one in in the not elsa trailer oh were they all oh my god they all were and we went into that guy's mouth and all of like the the like the maggots and stuff okay i've totally lost the plot i need to go back because i don't know what he's talking about anymore chaos is remember what i mentioned earlier the warp that immaterium the hellish place in there relies the four chaos imagine like satan and three other satans the warp being kind of evil those chaos gods that's the reason and so those chaos gods manipulated horus and then horus helped manipulate all eight other primarks to lead this giant coup directly on the emperor on earth and they [ __ ] up [ __ ] after this huge civil war horus died but not before brutally wounding the emperor and right at the end of his life they put the emperor on this large golden throne on earth in which he is now alive just barely but slowly rotting away powering something called the astronomicon so long as he stays alive and is fed a thousand people a day yeah astronaut watched angel and do you remember jasmine and do you remember when angel ended world peace oh that show was weird season five was great though season one and season five so good nomicon is like the north star if you want to do interstellar travel in 40k you need to pass through that demonic warp i mentioned earlier but how do you know where you're going well the emperor is there putting a nice little navigator right there he helps navigate you to know where you're going if you want to go from earth to some crazy solar system across the way go through that warp and then you need to know where you're going go through there and pop your way out it's like doing nether travel in in minecraft so you can shore in the distance between going to everything so long as the emperor is alive and being fed a thousand people a day to stay alive you can do that the moment he dies but there's like no way to make him not look like that i feel like what if you give him 2 000 souls a day will he stop being so disgusting still our travels gone for all of humanity maybe that's you're so boned now since the horse heresy ten thousand years ago the imperium has fallen from grace substantially all technology has started to dwindle and die there is now giant fundamental religious extremists that now believe the emperor of mankind was a deity a true living god which is probably the last thing the emperor would have wanted to be remembered for so now you have this thing called the ecclesiarchy which is this giant church entirely devoted to spreading the good word of the emperor he is now the holy emperor god the god emperor of mankind and all of the imperium has taken up worshiping him to the fullest extent and killing anything that isn't humanity in his name the imperium has this futuristic gothic tone to it and a hefty religious zealotry to them if you think anything against the emperor that's heresy and you deserve to die that is called being a heretic heretics die in 40k there is no such thing as freedom of religion there is no such thing as freedom of speech so long as you are against the emperor they're literally gonna think that any girl i see is amberly until somebody tells me different there's no such thing as any kind of tolerance everyone is a religious zealot some more than others but no matter what you preach in that good word so right now everyone in humanity is trying to expand their empire across the stars if you are a heretic someone who doesn't believe in the emperor you are deserving of death if you believe in the chaos gods you are also a heretic and you deserve death if you are an alien race of any kind you are a filthy xenos and you deserve death as well so long as the murder continues and humanity expands the imperium of man is very very happy however the largest fighting force of this imperium is my personal favorite faction and the first faction we will discuss the astra militarum or also known as the imperial guard man game the imperial guard is the main fighting force of the imperium and in a world of horrifying creatures galactic monstrosities the literal demons themselves breaking through the fabric of time to kill you the imperial guard are untold billions of regular men and women wearing modern day like flak armor with a laser rifle this is the humble last gun the main weapon okay something freaky deaky's happening with my phone and i film on my phone so my storage was full and for some reason i have like eight photos on my camera but it's still 17 gigs of storage so i'll have to do some research about that later but luckily i hit pause and looked at my camera right at the same time as it cut out unfortunately i have no idea what i was so excited about oh the last gun i know what it was now all these people he's about to talk about they were the people in um the book that i read like the little little army people the two groups of people coming together the ones who died and i wanted to know more about them okay so i'm gonna try and get to the 20-minute mark in this video um because like it's going okay i don't feel too head explodey but it's still a lot you know it's still a lot guard it fires superheated plasma lasers at an extremely fast fire rate is reliable never jams it can blow off limbs giant holes and concrete it is overall an extremely devastating weapon in modern day it is one of the weakest in the 40k universe yeah a laser rifle that never jams it could blow off limbs one of the weakest weapons that's the one we're in flashlight who cares because the imperial guard has in each battle 500 000 of these men and women 30 000 large armored tanks 10 000 artillery batteries the imperial guard wins through sheer numbers and firepower they kind of have this world war one world war ii style legions of guardsmen as well as high company commanders and generals on the field along with them and multiple kinds starts off with artillery long lines of artillery cracking the crust of the planet underneath the enemy's feet and as this barrage continues hundreds of thousands of guardsmen see a sea of guardsmen surges forward firing and charging and everything they like this world while the planet roll up behind them gun ships block out the sun and tanks block out the dirt with the steps and hood prints of millions of guardsmen discover your happy place sportsnet now lets you stream anywhere so it could be right here or right here it is block out the dirt with the steps and hood prints of millions of guardsmen it is i mean like i get that opinion is a thing i guess i just don't understand i guess i understand the appeal of total destruction i'm just going to keep watching it is through numbers and sheer sundering firepower they are the first and last line of defense for the imperium and make up a huge bulk of the battles the imperial guard is also made up of tons of different kinds of regimens the katachin jungle fighters live in a death world that's more hospitable than almost any firefight they live in a death world not everybody in the war warhammer world that lives in a death world just these rambo vietnam war guys just them they'll ever get into so they just have this steroid looking giant knife rambo predator looking sons of [ __ ] where nothing is anywhere near as scary as a simple night on their home planet you have the vol holland winter soldiers who haven't felt their toes in 300 years the morty and iron guard who are more interested in making their shoes shine than actually fighting a battle and then of course the big one the cadians from cadia the biggest export of guardsman in the entirety of the imperium you will fire your first gun at five you will disassemble and reassemble it at 10 you will have pounding artillery drills day in and day out at 15 and you'll fight your first swarm lord at 16. and if you mention kda you will burst into an unrelenting amount of tears and sadness like i do daily to quote i have in my command an entire battle group of the imperial guard 50 regiments including specialized drop troops stealthers mechanized formations armored companies combat engineers and mobile artillery over half a million fighting men in 30 000 tanks and artillery pieces are mine to command emperor show mercy to the fool that stands against me for i shall not the imperial guard are my personal favorite faction in 40k they're the army i collect the most the ones i enjoy playing the most and the one i enjoy in the lore sense a lot there's something about just a regular man with a laser rifle being told to charge the horrors of this universe so okay so i guess okay okay i have a question i have a question now so i think i said before that this is like like a super intense version of risk right and i like risk but i'm building something in risk i guess like i'm the emperor but okay so all of these people are fighting is there such a thing as just like joe blow average citizen you know and are you fighting for them because i remember i'm trying to remember in the caiaphas kane book they go to a town and i think the tau are kind of there in control or something and they don't blow it up because there's like a larger scheme at play or something and i'm just wondering like why what's their why warhammer therapy with hannah willingly doing so for his god emperor it's just poetic they actually represent the main imperial guard tactics pretty well large amounts of artillery that doesn't require a line of sight lots of tanks tons of infantry drop troops and gunships overall they're pretty similar to how they sound though a little bit expensive to collect unfortunately and they don't hit a lot they have a bit of a bad aim but you don't really care because you're just drowning them in shots however if you want more accurate fire and specialization we can move on to talk about specimens the angels of death are up next space marines are genetically engineered super soldiers and super humans they're given extra organs their skin tissue is toughened their bones are stronger they're taller than the average person they're pretty massive people and these are these specialized super soldiers that carry out a lot of the more specific tasks for the imperium and there's tons of legions of them okay in fact there's one per primark each primark the emperor's son as i mentioned okay overseas they're coming together coming together guys the genetic upgrade they get is based on the genes of said prime minister that's what brings them up to this like super human level as stated each primark has their own legion okay a robot girly man has the ultramarines jagatai khan has the white scars a rogueldorn has the imperial fists corvus corax has the raven guard there's a whole bunch of other side sections that are also extremely interesting and have a little bit more of a twist on the average space okay cool discuss in a bit all right conversely enough i don't have a whole lot to say about space marines they're super humanly fast and in fact it's been said that nothing that large should move that quick these men in power are moving at blazing fast speeds their reflexes are faster their skin is tougher they are overall just extremely powerful soldiers in fact where they differ it comes down to which space marine legion we're talking about for instance the ultra marines done by robot gurlam and gilliam and are the main blue boys strong in almost every way the jack of all trades kind of group that are a little bit too strong and that's a lore problem but the white scars by jacket icon are all about speed freaks go fast we're talking attack bikes we're talking land speeders you want to go in quick you want to hit apart around like buzzfeed i didn't really understand that there were like people inside the suits i don't know why i thought they were like just machinery that's interesting flies buzz buzz buzz saws with the speed of buzz saws he's funny [ __ ] you pale king salamanders love fire fire the forge fire in battle flamers melta guns multi-meltas just so long as something can be burning that's big and they're also actually some of the nicest of the space marines a lot of space marines have this kind of like holier than val thing because of their genetics i like nice people however the salamanders tend to put human lives above the lives of themselves which is actually rather rare they're also all black but not like just regular black like like 2am line at a white castle black like they have a charcoal dark ashy exterior oh my god i was so on board with this guy okay charcoal dark ashy exterior and blazing red eyes apparently something about living on their home planet of nocturne which i don't know if that makes much sense but who cares this is like fantasy land anyway overall salamanders are actually my personal favorite legions because they're just really cool they're fun to play as like i mean if if they're if their skin color is black they're not black people in in the in our canadian and american sense of it so i just don't really know that the white castle joke was necessary um also totally different to bricky's comment but just a sci-fi issue thing that i have in general specifically in the red rising trilogy if you guys have read those books everybody's like skin color is different based on their class because they're genetically breeded for a purpose and i remember talking to a friend about this trilogy saying that everybody in the book was a white person and he was like what are you talking about there are blue people and purple people and black people and and gold people and it's exactly this thing right here like this is the like the features the hair is that of a white person and their skin is like actually the color black you know like this is not the skin color of someone whose ancestors might have been african though we're all from africa but that's just a general like fantasy pet peeve of mine in that like you can have all of these different races like eight maybe not alien races but but different types of of people like lord of the rings is a great example where we have all of these different types of people but they're all described as white and i think that media like this like games and tv shows and movies and books is the fastest way that we can get different people into your living room for lack of a better a better way of explaining it maybe i don't have a lot of trans friends but if i watch pose i might be more uh inclined to relate to these people because i've been watching their stories or if i i don't know watch all rise i love that show so much or like a show like kim's convenience or whatever you know it's just like a really easy way to humanize instead of othering which i also totally understand is not the purpose of this game and i still don't like the white castle joke you can fight me in the comments section i may or may not respond actually my personal favorite legions because they're just really cool they're fun to play as because of all their flamer weapons and they have a nice like more heartwarming lore as opposed to being super evil like everyone else is oh my god we're not even a quarter of the way through the space marine legions uh imperial fists believe in the power of the siege and defensive positions raven guards master of stealth and sabotage while having bird helmets iron hands masters of machines and vehicles while being really goddamn good at being sold on ebay after one nerf space wolves of vikings and wolves and tons of wolves and and axes battle axes fur everywhere space wolves so angry big teeth blood angels the genetic defect to make them want to drink blood and go crazy called the red thirst they have cupid wings and stuff it's a little bit strange and they are all super gay for sanguineous dark angels are old school knights and inner circle theme and are you a heretic me no never [Music] group that nobody plays because death watch and look cool though but no no one plays them i don't know about death watch they're going to play because death watch uh fancy pants the auntie zenos group that nobody plays because death watch and look cool though but no no one plays them i don't know about death watch they're they're there though black templars for the people who if you haven't prayed at least three times oh i remember them black templars caiaphas kane talked about them ah to start praying out that airlock i may have missed as well like crimson fists and stuff but those are the main ones right here here here quote from the emperor himself they shall be my finest warriors these men who give of themselves to me like clay i shall mold them and in the furnace of war i shall forge them they shall be of iron will and steely sinew in great armor i shall clad them and with the mightiest weapons shall they be armed they will be untouched by plague or disease no sickness shall blight them they shall have such tactics strategies and machines that no foe will best them in this guy is they are my defenders of humanity they are my space marines and they shall know no fear and on the tabletop they [ __ ] oh they [ __ ] hard as of making this video space marines are laughably strong that might change at some point but overall space marines just have the it's like a swiss army knife a tool for anything you need except it's like a gold-plated swiss army it is extremely strong if you are actually getting into the tabletop of warhammer space marines are a great start also whatever gameplay style you have whether you want to be sit back with long range and heavy weaponry go fast and run in or even just full melee all of these options are totally there for you space marines are super badass but unfortunately it's time we start praying to our new god the 2011 honda civic so is it anything okay so this is the next faction technology right oh my gosh the adeptus mechanic okay i'm gonna stop there 22 minutes feel like my brain is pretty well exploded i actually feel like he did an incredible job of making all of that very understandable i can also see that had i not read the caiaphas cane book this would have been way way harder for me to understand but because i had that and got like this kind of small glimpse into the world i was able to place all these things better and that's really fun i really enjoy that and he's doing an amazing job of making all of this information very accessible if you don't like warhammer i'd be very surprised if you made it to the end of this video but if you do and you're still here thank you so much for watching i do understand that a lot of people have different requests for different games and want me to watch a really wide variety of trailers but part of the reason why i keep going back to the same games over and over again is because putting these pieces together is really cool and i think i'm going to do some more world of warcraft soon because that also like again a lot of different pieces to put together maybe i'll read another one of those books and i did promise somebody that i was going to read another um war hammer book so i will probably read the next kaifus kane one at some point but the to be read list is never ending you know but yeah that was a lot very interesting i guess that's that's it for today depending on how the next chunk of the video goes maybe i'll get through the whole thing in one video but i feel like that seems unlikely i'll probably break up the next half hour into two if i ever get back to it i'll see how you guys like this because i do feel like there was a lot of me just staring at at the screen and i don't know how engaging that is for you guys when it's a lore video so i'll post this one see what you guys think before i film the next one and i do hope that was fun for you again thank you for making it this far into the video i hope you're all happy and healthy taking care of yourselves and each other and as always until next time may the force be with you live long and prosper and i'll be back
Channel: HannaH's Over Invested
Views: 189,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer universe, warhammer lore, warhammer all, warhammer all faction, warhammer all factions explained, warhammer explained, warhammer story, warhammer lore explained, warhammer horus heresy explained, warhammer 40k explained, wh40k explain, wh40k lore, warhammer bricky, warhammer 40k custodes, warhammer 40k space marines, non gamer, reaction, non gamer reacts, ngw, HannaH, hannah reacts, sjw, black youtuber, nerd, gamer, gamer girl, gaming, tabletop
Id: 6w668YyD6zM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 22sec (2182 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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