Bricky explains WARHAMMER 40K and I try to remember all the other HORRIFIC things he's taught me

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wait where's the sexy one where is sexy slanesh bricky timeline oh my dear friends my dear dear friends as you know I have a complicated relationship with bricky because I love him but he scares me not not him he doesn't scare me the stuff he talks about is fascinating and grotesque and it's it why do I like this I mean I like it but I don't like that I like it does that make sense does that seem accurate as always thank you so much to my channel members if you want to make sure your comment is seen by me please click the join button and become a channel member and of course thank you for just clicking on my face and if you're looking for a new fantasy read I am a self-published author and these are my books magic required and Domin required follow the story of a Celtic demigod trying to seek a Redemption he is not sure he deserves blood kin and curses follows a newly turned vampire discovering a world she never knew existed while trying to avoid an ancient curse they're available as ebooks audio books and paper BS thank you so much if you have read them thank you even more if you have reviewed them and if you're just here to watch me watch this timeline video then let's get into it h I've been thinking about a few things Warhammer recently somebody mentioned this video to me and it got me thinking about about all of these other Warhammer related things that I have floating around in my brain that I lowkey hate having around floating in my brain but I also quite enjoy having floating around [Music] around in my brain one is I remember when I was in New Zealand talking to this super cool family and they were into Warhammer and the mom was like just reading the books and going through the timeline and she was like no spoilers no spoilers which I thought was really cute uh and I wonder how much of this timeline is involved in what she was reading and then I think like oh my God I should read the books because I really really enjoyed that first Caiaphas cane book but I only got like halfway through the second one and I'm not sure why I didn't get as hooked into it so I need to give that a try again but like there's so much out there that I want to have in my brain and it's just so hard and the other thing that I was thinking of was just like how often now I see or think of Warhammer stuff in relation to other things and I hate that bricky is going to give me some questions he's going to pretend he's giving me answers but actually he's giving all of us more questions about the timeline of 40K and it's l okay I'm here I have my water got a emtional support pillow a blanket because it's winter now so I'm cold I'm ready in the Grim darkness of the 41st Millennium exists the Empire of man a backwards carcass of an Empire comprised of many devoted forces gigantic robot Knights religious machine cultists and Incredibly heavily armored women most likely with sweltering abs and one must know what those abs take taste like okay that's so silly my gamer Subs flavor is here sweet sixpack has arrived okay and refal gamer Stu's flavor is here I don't even know what that means not only in regular energy mode but also in caffeine free fairy pineapple flavor is not the kind of flavor Gatorade it is light it is refreshing and it's one of those things where you SI dietary supplement not bad use code brickie for 10% off your entire order not just for this but for everything you buy you buy any of these caffeine free of my K made this you will get a musle 32 Shaker completely for free there are only a couple thousand of those Akers confuses me I don't know is that like a are energy drinks or like things like that like a thing in the gamer culture the age why does he have that knowledge and Enlightenment has ended okay the age of Darkness has begun roughly 60 million years ago there existed aliens and these aliens lived short painful lives they belonged to radiation stricken worlds and often died of various cancers before the age of 30 these aliens the necron tier looked up to the stars and found extreme beings of real power beings with the ability to create life the old ones of the Galaxy they asked these old ones for help please cure us of our ailments to which the old one said piss off she gathered together and did the sensible thing they declared war upon these old beings and were promptly beaten into the dirt back to their short painful lives the world of Warhammer there is a hell this hell is not like you and I know it it's more of an afterlife a place where dead Souls end up has many names the imperion the Sea of souls the immaterial and the e ly we just call it the warp I do know this I know of hell as a place of Horrors and Punishment the warp isn't really that energy but the kind ofer from thought and soul psychic energy where the souls of people end up in a place that is impossible to understand no laws of reality exist like time is merely a suggestion like in France we but be braved easily the warp would be like sailing the ocean in a pirate movie to jump from your ship would be certain death to stay in the sea for too long on your boat could drive a man mad and there are many dangerous things lurking in those depths yet the sea is not evil it simply is ah mostly there are more the first no the first is evil like what the first not about right not about wrong it's about power hordes this would be known as the realm of chaos the realm of chaos exists in the warp as a special area led by three chaos Gods K the god of combat yeah I always forget about him because I remembering one and the sexy one God of change mystery confusing Paradox of Lies schemes we of Ro pestilence and genin impact all things Rock wait where's the and grandfather nurgle is waiting for you with open arms these Gods ruled their respective realm in the war followers against each other in the great game to be the most powerful of all the gods so the warp exists hell is real to our galaxy The Realm of chaos and it gods with the belly button mouths there are also gods of real space gods of the normal world too they're called Katon and they eat stars do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created these star Gods saw the plight of our poor nekron tier and how the old ones cast them aside and said you know what you guys want immortality we want make it happen we are the gods of the tangible of real space we can give you a cure so then they ate all their souls oh and turn them into Hier hieroglyphs tting on their souls and leave that might have been aun joke if I had tripped over my tongue that is technically Immortal with the power of an entire species Souls they turned their new robotic slaves on the old ones and hunted them to Extinction the necron tier now the soulless undying necrons got their wish at the price of their souls we him count the number of like Buffy vated hand with time the selfish star Gods turned on each other fighting one another for more chances at glory and power with this the leader of the necrons zerak the silent King the man who doomed his species when he accepted this deal waited planned by his time until he sees the perfect moment and turned his Legions of Undead citizens against the star Gods Gods cannot be killed but they can be broken so zerich broke the star Gods into thousands of pieces and loost Jud what's that do I'm really on a buffy track right now to them and sealed them away as basically Pokemon to be used as weapons in the future who's that PO it's Pikachu it's the with his Perfect Memory exiled himself for his flying out to the darkness between galaxies to atone for what he had done this entire situation the Geno side of the old ones and the rebellion of zerich will go down in history as the war in heaven it is the most brutal War the galaxy has ever seen and ever will see this was a conflict that took an entire galaxy SP species and pitted them against gods that ate Stars the necrons rather crippled from you know the war in heaven decided to go to sleep in gigantic tomb worlds on various planets until the upstart species of the Galaxy died out and so turns out when you have a war that last T hundreds hundreds of thousands of years and involves the genociding of multiple species the old ones of the Galaxy and the consumption of souls from an entire race the warp gets a little wacky you know if you had a kitty pool and it was nice and calm corn is over there splashing about so you don't really go in that direction nurgle has explosive diarrhea so you don't really go in that direction either but you can still kind of get in the pool the pool is still F turns out when you add a couple trillion souls to that kitty pool it'll make the waves a little more turbulent and turns out a lot of them like to pick a side nurgle zinch or corn so the once calmer warp the once relaxing Kitty pool has now been bloated a million years of war will certainly make Korn God of murder and Slaughter more powerful a million years of war will probably make zch God of deception and change a little more powerful and good God a million years of war will make nurgle God of Decay oh just the tiniest I hate him so much and my favorite one is no longer it's dangerous the warp is now a problem hell is is resembling hell a lot closer to what we imagined it originally the Sea of Souls and the realm of chaos are now intertwined so who else to Brave the Galaxy than a species that won't need to deal with that the dark elves age of elar am I was I close the elar are space elves they have a lot of the tra probably think of when you think of elves tall slender pointy ears bit more androgynous look no matter what DV and art will tell you and a bit stronger on on the emotional side the old ones as I mentioned could create life and when they were getting you know absolutely bodied by the Katon and the necrons they made some new races to try to help J are was the lar it didn't save them but they're here now anyway oh and also the Orcs they're busy right now the elog are a particularly psychically powerful race so they were really Adept at being able to handle the new turbulent warp of chaos and good at killing necrons hence why they went to sleep being psychically gifted is basically like being a wizard she was wearing an eye isn't that inis this is called being a psycher and basically if you want to do cool wizard [ __ ] like lightning from your hands or reading someone's mind yeah isn't that an Inquisitor siph the energy to do that no I don't have it on my shirt I'm a heretic the elar are very good at handling this without too many negative effects because you know summoning power from the sea of souls with the new chaos friends can be a bit of an issue but elar are pretty good at it and you see what's really cool and also awful about Warhammer is that most developed species travel long faster than light distances by going through that wall they create a tear in reality to unreality and move through it faster than light travel cringe we go through hell itself to deliver your packages for those of you who play Minecraft you know how the nether is like a pocket Dimension so moving 10 spaces in the nether is actually moving something like a thousand in the real world that's basically what warp much like in the nether there are a lot of things that want to kill you the lar found a way to do so in between realities not regular reality the warp something else a Purgatory of sorts a fabricated psychic realm that allowed them to travel without fearing the negative effects of the warp the Eldar were the perfect fit for the new Galaxy and they took it with open arms and pointy years the Empire of the Eldar spread everywhere and it spread all the way until now the 21st century that's right while you were watching NPC streams on Tik Tok the space elves were ruling the Galaxy and they did so for quite a long period of [Music] time the 21st century came and went Humanity grew and grew all under the nose of their elf overlords at this time humans Advanced your style began to expand colonize our solar system terraformed our planets created new and more powerful machines and Starships the age of Tera also known as Earth but we call it was here and existed between the 21st century all the way until the 15th Millennia not much is known about this time not much needs to be known Humanity grew up S the Stars classic then came the years between 15,000 and 25,000 the age of technology or to some the Dark Age of Technology this is when Humanity reached a new Apex of technological understanding when you think of sci-fi there's a lot of things you can think of Star Trek Maybe Star Wars style Star Wars is fantasy the age of Technology sci-fi like a scientific prowess that fringed on Magic this is also when the first ever psychers began showing up in humanity individuals with the genetic mutation to be able to access the warp and then because of that travel through it Humanity was no longer constricted to their early ways of travel with warp travel they could go anywhere in the Galaxy they equipped ships with gigantic AI machines with everything G ever need to know about Mankind and sent them out on Colony ships to expand their influence across the Galaxy this this was truly the Golden Age of humanity and with every golden age there is a fall while the new human up I don't even know if that stuff sounds like the golden the El anyway Deery Deery Deery Deery what happens when a species has everything you can produce unlimited food out of nothing your need for farmers and workers gone you have dominated the stars and have created a fast travel system that doesn't rely on the dangers of the warp you have nothing else to do you have no struggles no problem feel as if there is nowhere else to go well you begin to experiment the started harmless enough you know you you take a serious interest in your species Culture Your Arts paintings poems play this is reminding me of uh Tempest F Lois and Clark anyone anyone there are 9,000 channels and nothing on than us humans so your plays get louder they start to push on the limits of your hearing ability your music becomes different more deranged it pushes the boundaries of what is art the visual spectacle of art becomes more bizarre more delusional more eccentric and let's not forget a very important oh I can't wait touch pornography is one thing I'm a virgin brothel is what if they all mixed what if your brothel were part of your's my girl guy person when those became more the boundaries were not just met but sh you know Murder is common place and often mixed with the art music and sex pain is a common byproduct of entertainment whatever sensation you can have must be increased must be enhanced must be taken to the limits the elar Empire slipped into a nightmarish realm of debauchery and excess with the worst of it taking place in a city in the webway a black these kinds of known as some elar saw the writing on the wall saw what was happening to their species and how far they had slipped so they boarded continent sized Starships called craft worlds and left their empire seeking a more enlightened calmer exist among their peers some those in kamra pushed it to even greater Heights relishing the pain and torment they inflicted on those around them all during this the warp the yin to the Y of the world was fed fed by these emotions by the psychic I hate it I hate this world by the souls take him in these depraved acts on a gal IC scale and just like that elar ended the I haven't seen that picture before into existence cons 90% of the elar PO those that fled were spared the worst okay so they gotra were able to Stave off the pole of slanesh so long as they continued to commit horid acts of torture Howes that but for the majority of the lar their empire died with sl's birth the new fourth chaos God she who thirsts the god unspeakable excess of pleasure pain Hedonism and Perfection had been born with the fall of the Eldar Empire came the ruin of humanity sesha's birth sent storms in the warp across the Galaxy making I didn't realize before they said she was born after the other coupled with a huge classic AI Rebellion there a staple in these sci-fi settings Humanity began to suffer the age of strife now planets that relied on Intergalactic travel were completely cut off long range messages normally sent through the warp were I mean that's probably good for them you were a planet that was great at mining stuff but couldn't get food well you know that movie about the rugby players and the mountains oh and because of these insane warp storms and fluctuations psychers began to appear among the human population a bit more often now this initially had them hunted down as witches cuz that's pretty common in this setting but some deemed it right to protect them unfortunately for those people psychers because they open a gateway to the warp don't really know how to use their powers well and they kind of attract demons they attract force their way through the psycher as a conduit of sorts and begin to SL know that the age of strife was a catastrophic feel like that would be a great movie I'd watch that movie about a psycher who could like no demon but like it sometimes was but then almost like Venom but not really because the Demon's bad and I'd watch that main character uh Henry Henry I'd also like him to be kyus Kane both of those options are available I actually think the first character I'm talking about the psycher who has to who can has the no pleas demon should be a girl progress tfold over the not one not two but 5,000 year period during this time the age of humanity that we know began to form worlds equipped with large mechs for agriculture began to equip them with weapons to defend from Alien and demonic Invaders over 5,000 years this became a custom and tradition dubbing them as night worlds a feudal society of HonorBound knights in gigantic robots that uphold the chaler code to defend their worlds and honor a group of individuals Mars after radioactively bombing their planet to become inhospitable to human life ran their entire lives underground on the few life support systems keeping them alive those technicians who could work on the machines and keep them operational were revered and over 5,000 years went from skilled members of society to full-blown priests the cult mechanicus or Tech Priests of Mars formed in the ashes of the red planet with a religious fervor and Doctrine on the cult of the machine God and on Earth or Terra techn Barbarian tribes waged War across the planet in a Mad Max style of blood and gore until finally a mysterious man who lived in the shadows of teror for Millennia Finally Revealed himself to the populace his name was the emperor the Emperor of mankind where did he come from I don't know why is he 10t tall and the most powerful psycher of all of mankind I don't know why is he basically Immortal I don't know where' konai Joe go I was thinking that joke too he isn't happy with all of you ripping up Tera so he began the unification Wars where he and a very early version of the famous Space Marines the Thunder Warriors reunited terara under a single banner with blood then after taking over Earth he reunited the Thunder Warriors into the [ __ ] dirt this is where we get the Imperium of man also known as the Imperium the the new faction headed by the Emperor of mankind with a treaty signed with the cult mechanicus on Mars to spread out and reunite Humanity after the catastrophic get first the emperor is going to need some smaller versions of himself 20 of them 18 of them I meant Jean crafted sons of the strongest human to ever live all of them possess unparalleled strategic power intelligence formidable strength and size a real powerful force to unite humanity and stop the chaos of the current Galaxy speaking of chaos you ever seen that image of that guy it's like throwing the baby like a basketball it's about what happened the chaos gods intervened and grabbed the 18 Primark gation pods and yeed them across the Galaxy at a wh everywhere they could possibly go a galactic game of keep away so the emperor had to get them back so Begins the great Crusade a crusade across stars to reunite not just Humanity but the emperor with his Fallen Sons the first to be found was Horus one of the strongest and most noble Sons the emperor carried with him a legion of newly crafted warriors with genetic material made from their Primark father these are the newly made Space Marines Horus his were the Luna Wolves and as the emperor continued on his great Crusade he found more and more of his sons reuniting them with their individual Space Marine Legions Leman Russ the cunning Hunter with the Space Wolves rogal dorm the failinks with the Imperial fists angron the Barbarian the very angry with his world eaters fulgrim the perfect with his Emperor's Children and Jag tyon the Swift the stoic and his white scars those were just some of the 18 and one by one his lost primarch Sons were returned to him and their Space Marine Legions returned to them the great Crusade saw Humanity once again reconquer the Stars returning worlds of humanity back to the Imperium and killing any and all who stood against their Noble Crusade but in the years of the 31st Millennia treachery would break this all apart yes yes Horus the emperor's most beloved and favored Sons named War Master for the Crusade succumbed to the power of chaos and D all because of that bastard arabis yo [ __ ] arabus slowly become corrupted turning the emperor's sons against him this Begins the most pivotal moment in our story and the one that has like 50 books written about it the Horus heresy half nine of the 18 primarchs turned against the emperor and the following years were a bloody battle for the throne of Terra the emperor originally was working on a special webway project just like the lar to make faster than light travel significantly easier and safer really improve Humanity to allow them to the stars without the risk of the warp well this big red idiot named Magnus kind of blew a hole into that literally and figuratively so Big E over there is stuck on a gigantic Golden Throne holding back the oncoming Rush of demons the astronomicon basically a big North Star for people who are sailing in the warp to help them navigate the Horus heresy saw many loyalist and traiter Legions pitted against each other in a Bloody War until it reached Tera itself Horus unable to break through the lines and with time running out made a Gambit and opened his how related is all of this to D have I asked that question before quickly allowing someone else to take control of the throne as he teleported his way onto horus's Flagship the emperor did that the emperor unable to truly kill his most beloved Son changed his mind right quick when Horus strangled the life out of his other son sanguinius vampire I'm sure you've seen this image at some point the emperor then said I'm not going to sugarcoat it and proceeded to psychically blast Horus into complete Oblivion killing not only his body but also his soul horribly wounded from this duel the emperor is returned to The Golden Throne in order to keep the demons at bay and power the astronomicon because without it Humanity would be Flying Blind there he sits slowly dying from his wounds and the strain gold Throne the only thing keeping him alive is feeding upon the souls of 1,000 Pyers every single day this was was 10,000 years ago we are now in the 41st Millennium modern day [ __ ] heal this guy man 40,000 I just don't get it the emperor remains on his the Imperium is a rotting carcass of an Empire a fascist xenophobic cult that worships the Emperor as a deity despite him never wanting to be seen as a God over the span of 1 million Worlds the ecclesiarchy the Church of the emperor is spread throughout inquisitors with unparalleled power root out any sign of heresy or lack of Devotion to their God Emperor the other half of the traiter legions move about as chaos Space Marines raiding and pillaging the Imperium while the loyalist half does their best to keep the Empire alive all throughout this they must endure orc invasions Eldar trickery The Reawakening of the Necro race and The Great Devourer the newest tyranid threat from the darkness between G has arrived to Feast on their worlds the theme of Warhammer 40,000 is regression and intolerance every major faction in Warhammer has had an Empire that spanned the Galaxy only to be crushed back to a hollow shell of what they once were due to their own failings culture the Arts personal freedom religious tolerance the simple possibility that alien life might not want to kill us is considered heretical and is often met with a pistol to the head there is no time for these things all there is time for is worship of the god Emperor and a million Wars to be fought to be a human in the 41st Millennia is 99% of the time to live a horrible existence to be one of trillions of other humans across a million worlds throughout the Galaxy a Galaxy where AI is outlawed so humans are repurposed and lobotomized to become slaves a place where lack of devotion is met with death and if you even have devotion there is a good chance the threats to the Galaxy chaos and Aliens will kill you anyway war hmer is a world where you Revel in being bad there are protagonists there are antagonists but every faction is some shade of evil because playing the bad guys is always more fun and my friend you have a selection Sal pick up that last Soldier you and the other 3 million men and women in this single deployment on this single World in this single battle will now show them the might of the god emperor that weapon in your hands has killed 99% of the alien population in this galaxy unfortunately for you Soldier you're fighting the final 1% May the emperor be with us glory to the first man to die for in the Grim darkness of the far future there is only War he's so good at that oh disgusting well done bricky well done thank you everyone I have helped teach you about Warhammer if you are a brand new person and you want to get a bit more about the world there are multiple books that had do a great job at showing off how the entire universe operates for the most part Warhammer is a setting and often stories are told in that setting with a Warhammer coat of paint gauns ghosts is Band of Brothers but Warhammer it's honestly one of my number one recommendations for you okay please hold is there an audible version ooh I wonder if it's at my public library because I feel like I the the one thing that I struggled with with Caiaphas Kane even in the first one even though I really enjoyed the first one was that um all the cool Side characters died and I think I need um some longevity in some of the characters outside of kaius and Amberly I don't know if I'm going to get that but that's what I'd like not at the library I also really liked one of the Halo books that I read I really like that whenever I think about it I'm like wow that was a [ __ ] good story people assassinorum King maker is an assassin novel involving those night work worlds this is Mission Impossible but Warhammer Bloodlines is Blade Runner but Warhammer and the list goes on if I had to recommend a brand new novel for a firsttime Warhammer enjoyer these are the four I would recommend Horus Rising Kai Kus Kane yeah I just got to go back to K infinite and the Divine I like fantastic novels and they will get you acquainted with the world without needing to know too much thank you all so much for watching this video get yourself a enjoy the new sweet sixpack and if you're curious and you want you know just a little Lord you can find him in the description as well on my merchandise store orch this world is dis for watching and may the god Emperor be with us come on educational as always disgusting as expected I am so curious to see what Henry caval is going to do with that's real right that's not pretend he's actually going to make some kind of of Warhammer or something something because I get it as a backdrop and as a setting I don't know I I just I'm very curious to see how that will play out on if it's a movie on the big screen I've been reading save the cat recently which I think Blake Snyder is the author and it's about how to write a screenplay and it's so specific and just thinking of what bricky said at the end of that video about how Warhammer 40K is the backdrop it just makes so much sense as to the viability of so many different stories and why there are so many novels about it and I wonder how well that will translate into the mainstream mainstream movie culture I guess I think it will be interesting to watch but this was also interesting to watch thank you so much for making it to the end of this video let me know any of your thoughts in the comment section I hope you guys are all happy and healthy taking care of yourselves and each other and as always until next time May the force be with you live long and prosper and I'll be back in one of these videos so quick one cuz it helps thanks bye
Channel: HannaH's Over Invested
Views: 49,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bricky, warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, bricky warhammer, warhammer bricky, 40k, 40k bricky, bricky 40k, warhammer 40k lore, warhammer 40k reaction, warhammer reaction, warhammer lore, warhammer 40k timeline, warhammer timeline, warhammer for new people, reaction, Hannah, Hannah reacts
Id: QMPfGfmS6Ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 12sec (2172 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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