HannaH learns 'How to Play WARHAMMER 40k: DARKTIDE' -- NewGamerWatches #18

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oh oh there's crazy um piano ladies um Brookie you guys know I have a love-hate relationship with Warhammer of all kinds but I do really enjoy how Brookie presents information so this week when I was looking for a video to watch and I saw how to play Warhammer 40K dark tide I thought to myself self maybe Ricky will yet again answer all the questions that yes he put in your mind but still he will answer them wonderful as per usual it's 8 000 degrees in my apartment it's actually not that bad today but like I will be sweating so when you see like my nose start to glisten just ignore it I've had such a hard time with Warhammer because I have never really understood like exactly what it is is it a tabletop game is it books video games is it painting small things and the answer is yes she's not as helpful as I would like but makes me feel a little less less cuckoo bananas so I'm excited to watch this video we're gonna watch the whole video it's 20 minutes long I think how long is it tell me your secrets yeah 22 minutes long we're gonna watch the whole thing today because like I want to know before we get into that thank you so much to my channel members if you want to support the channel and make sure your comment is read by me please become a channel member also if you did not already know I am an independently published author and these are my books [Music] I like to think these are a great gateway drug to the fantasy genre so if you're trying to convert somebody start with magic required it will convert them I think I think it will and then let me know if it works last thing before we jump into this video is there will be some changes happening on the channel moving forwards and I would like your input on it so please if you are interested in that stick around to the end of the video and that's where I'm going to talk about it a little bit okay bricky teach me some things my name is bricky currently being lobotomized for the glory of the Imperium oh no they botched the surgery he's so funny there's a person in there welcome no rejects to atoma Prime Warhammer and there is a possibility that you have stumbled upon dark tide and thought wow this game looks fun but I don't really understand what's going on here what is this weird variant of zombies why does everything look like a cathedral why so much organ music who is the god Emperor nothing has been more fun is the god Emperor nothing has been more fun as of late than playing this game with a group and getting to tell them every little aspect of the title I definitely get annoying when I do so in order to preserve my friendships I can instead point to a video right here and not only okay I'm already sweating so much so I'm gonna turn on my little help help me fan just means it's only a matter of time before the camera starts overheating oh I definitely get annoying when I do so in order to preserve my friendships I can just point to a video right here and not only teach you right here in the universe of warmer 40K but also how to play dark tide and luckily I can do so with the help of dark tide this video is sponsored by Warhammer Dark tide that's cool this is the brand new four player course some fat shark creators of the esteemed Warhammer vermintide games as well and it is a delightful day he's so funny on Warhammer can be sponsored by Mr Warhammer I will show you all how to be a fantastic servant of the emperor and fight Harris In His holy name but first if you want to play anything you see on the screen right now you can check out dark tide down in fact I don't think I can because I think it's true for yourself it is the master race is excellent because you've never played the game the rest of the stuff here might go a little over your head unless you're just Mr Warhammer if that's the case then awesome you you're already more than prepared but if not do check it out in the description it is excellent it is a lot of fun I'm not let's talk for starters let's chat lorem oh God damn it Warhammer 40 000 is a sci-fi and fantasy hybrid taking place in the 41st Millennium in this world hell is real and is a genuine threat to civilization across the Stars to conquer a million yes a genuine non-hyperbolic million colonized planets 10 000 years ago nine of his 18 Sons led a rebellion that despite eventually failing left him a shattered and dying corpse atop a golden throat to be fed one thousand Souls of humans a day in order to survive one of my favorite comments I'll try and find it and put it in here if I can if I can is on an early video of frickies I think I asked the question if he gets 2 000 Souls a day will he be less disgusting and the response was something along the lines of like she's where she belongs or like that I was fitting in just fine even though I thought it was all so gross I'm gonna try and find that comment because I think about it regularly and it's so funny [Music] in those 10 000 years Humanity's main governing body the Imperium of man have taken him up as a martyr and have slowly degraded into a religious fascist right which apparently the emperor no Untold violence and War for a better part of your life the emperor the god Emperor is the only true divine being in the galaxy and you will serve him and his Imperium until your dying breath in which you will then be transferred into corpse starts to be fed to other people in the world of Warhammer there is no greater to mankind than to die in the emperor's service if you truly want a good picture of what it's like to live in the Imperium just read the loading screens each of them is pinpoint accurate No I want to read it speak but praise of thy Master Cleanse the mutant burn the heretic hey that's me Purge the xenos take um is pinpoint accurate here at this planet we have a Toma Prime and it's major Hive city tertion is a city that holds billions of people oh it's basically was multiplied ten times over and stretched into atmosphere that sounds horrible that sounds like a horrible place has got him loose intersham and one of Hell's four major guards the chaos Gods has sought to it which one for their own game chaos God is [Music] this place from the lowest dredges of the working class all the way up to the spiers of the Rich and Powerful now normally like any good Imperial citizen would we would bomb it from orbit has many strategic assets that make it worth taking back problem is we don't have the manpower to do it with our traditional soldiers one of four separate classes prepared to be executed for some discretion to the Imperial I am a heretic faith in the emperor the insubordination dereliction of Duty or maybe just looking the wrong way at a higher up these all carry punishment of death but they're not greater pleasure is there than to die for the emperor the emperor yes so out of the holding cell you go according to tershom you arrive kill the Servants of the plague God and to redeem yourself in the god Emperor's Holiness you must pick your reject you have four total options with each of them having a guard Guardsmen are hardened soldiers strong in faith but stronger in Marshall prowess typical Imperial Guard battles use Guardsmen as fodder in order to soak up the enemy's big guns to allow them if your costume of Tanks artillery and aircraft you are a veteran in an army with a 90 mortality rate on their first deployment oh share the old in a profession where men Die Young the veteran will operate I love that wow I've never heard that before but I feel like Google that did he come up with that I need to Google that that can't that is so so interesting fear the old in a profession where men Die Young that is a whole story right there wow I mean I'm sure there are a lot of stories like that already written but like I haven't read them I love that that line sometimes I'll hear a line somebody says something in passing I'm like a whole story just appears in my brain and that's one of them well this is a character another one was once I was watching a video that was reviewing angel this was many years ago and I've completely absorbed this phrase to my main character of my novels and it was I don't know if this was it exactly or it was something along the lines of redemption is a state of being not a destination and like Lachlan does not really understand that quite yet he's working on it but he doesn't understand it quite yet I just uh that idea is so anyways thank you bricky for even more fun facts and information for my life operate as your standard this kind of range damage specialist you gain bonuses to headshot damage have extra ammo and can utilize your main ability to highlight special enemies against them every class has a primary weapon a melee weapon and a grenade that is specific to each class your grenade as a veteran is a grenade but you see nobody else has that type of grenade so in a horde shooter being able to chuck Mr bombastic is a lot more helpful than you realize you aren't the fastest of the classes and your stamina is a bit low but dark tie is a 50-50 range of melee game that sways depending on the class you play the veteran is saying good luck getting me to use myself whole Personality yeah she's the she's the piano the piano girl that's what I was talking about because don't they like Drop organ bombs on people or something like they have not organs but like organs did I imagine that for six feet but skipping on them let's see what is that pose be asking for men over six feet but skipping on the number of Heretics could set a flame you don't know when to shut the [ __ ] up about the emperor which one would think ever shine about the emperor is a bad thing but even the most devout Christians don't get on their knees and Praise Jesus when McDonald's ice cream machine was working the Zealot is Simply Built different as the beneficent Emperor Wills the only true God does relative Health as everyone else however you also have a meter called toughness think of toughness before you take actual Health damage that is regenerated by being near your other teammates stacking higher per person you know what else regenerates your toughness what glorious melee combat you know who generates even more toughness in combat the zealots you push towards the melee side of that 50 50 split and decide the best way to deal with a heretic is to run at them screaming at the top of your lungs and introduce their face to your blade or chainsaw my favorite parts of The Last of Us [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm even getting benefits for being low on health because martyrdom is a blessing because what greater gift do we have than to die in the emperor's service health is a social concept to the zealous you won't run into battle what HP completely regenerating toughness to make you an unkillable God while simultaneously murdering everything now I mentioned already hell is real but one might ask can you utilize hell for your own gain well the unfortunate psychers don't get a choice is a special mutation of humanity that allows them to reach into hell or in this case hell is known as the warp to allow for special powers the problem is that reaching into oh yeah it means hell can reach back yeah and the more you push yourself the more you reach into the warp the more problems you're going to have right also since you're a mutant you and the Zealot are just the best of friends I see how you all regard me friends fish inside efficiency I love that classic Mage style character rather weak in terms of stamina and health but absolutely loaded in terms of damage what keeps you in check damage wise isn't ammunition or stamina however it's your perometer The Perils of the warp come in many ways and the higher the percentage becomes the more problematically become for you what you get in exchange for this is all manner of psychic powers the main one is just popping heads of enemies which oh like what's her name in the boys oh chain lightning warp flame just AOE explosions you name it the cycle has it your only downside is your personality and finally I just don't want to think not because you want life to be easy but because you genuinely don't know how to think well maybe for you ogren's are enormous AB humans that trade any possibility of intelligence [Music] has a special chip installed to drastically increase his intelligence so you're currently playing wait wait wait wait these are the ones no no I was thinking Of Orcs not ogreens these are the ones who ate the foot soup I watched a video of these guys eating food soup this is this place is ours life as ogren is simple you big man little ones small need protecting you do that and then you break angry smaller ones upon your car lifting muscles damage and crowd control you do plenty of damage with your own weapons both melee and range but one would say that isn't your focal point you can use these gigantic Shields to tank damage grenade launchers to deal with hordes or better yet just use your girth most ogreens barely even have infinite level intelligence one of the most famous ogrens of all time was able to count the number four without an intelligence chip you may be smarter but don't think too hard this is why it's Canon for ogre names to almost never be more than one syllable you get powerful titles like thud grud bang tug Fork girth so on scary time someone goes up to the ogren right says all right big fella here's your weapons right you've got your Club you got yourself your big old gun and here is this called a box of grenades you take these and you throw them at the enemy the ogren thinks take these throw them at enemy got it your your grenade is throwing a box of grenades that is not primed and you do damage with direct impact oh great you can then pick a background and customize them at the moment there it isn't a ton of changes that go into where you come from or your story but they are neat little Lord you can make them look however you like oh my gosh this is all just cosmetic and for you the actual face you can change in the in-game doctor whenever you feel like it the number one most important thing you need to care about is your character's voicemail this is not changeable after character creation at the moment part of the game unlike verminta that had specific characters each class has three voice lines per body type if you pick a masculine or feminine body type you'll get three different voice types with six different actors depending except if you're an ogram who has one body type in Dark Times they operate as your character's personality okay there is also a Guardsman voice pack that can only be accessed if your home world is cadium this also allows you the special purple eye color too so keep in mind that if you want to use that the variety in these voice lines is quite high and will really help show the kind of character you're creating personally I judge voice packs entirely on what they say when you activate their special abilities for example this is so interesting and like a lot this is so much I find this fascinating super cool to learn about I think the game itself would be interesting to play this I don't know if I would like it I don't know I I feel like it's so cool that you have this much variety and I don't know that I want to be making those kind of choices and I think as I've said I think this entire Journey I've been going through about learning about video games is because I write novels and I'm making all of these decisions about the type of voice different characters have and what they look like and all this stuff um and I don't I don't know why voice seems different because when I started playing Mass Effect which was very brief it took me so long to create my character because I wanted her to look like me voice seems almost like a bridge too far but in Mass Effect I learned that making dialogue choices is not for me not right now I hope to trick myself into getting there because I really want to love The Witcher 3. uh so I I'm I'm trying to like crawl my waist slowly to liking open world dialogue choices whatever that's called type of games because right now I just want to be told a story and I'm playing Tomb Raider right now which is fun more fun than I thought I'm enjoying the puzzles more than I thought I would I really thought I was gonna hate that but I don't and yeah anyways that's what I'm thinking the veteran have three the professional Cutthroat and loose cannon professional is your tried and true strong Guardsman he's a career Soldier and generally likable so his ability voice lines are all pretty standard stuff oh I guess you just make one choice and then that's your care oh I don't oh he's not very happy about his life [Music] gone and he shows it tiny coats finally the Loose Cannon is a fun one complete with a ton of various mildly comedic voice lines I personally find the professional my favorite as it's not bad playing the Everyman every so often but I hear the Loose Cannon in game sometimes and I think damn there's some good voice lines lots and lots of magic this continues with the other characters the Zealot has various levels of of piety the psychers are all over the place including an insane German man or a person who thinks the emperor is their boyfriend and other crazy Shenanigans it's ever so hard to hear your voice the ogren I can't give nothing funny Slavic ogre and angry mad orc ogren or the physical incarnation of hey xenos chaos love me and bruh see all the world and realize that devotions of the emperor can even be present to the architecture of Starships when you get to the hollow map in the center of the table you have multiple missions with five separate difficulty Pips don't even think about doing anything above level two when I was level 10 out of 30 on my character I was still mainly only doing level twos with the occasional three so start with ones you will want to familiarize yourself with the game as much as you can so much pain each Mission will have a rough difficulty time frame of between 15 to 30 minutes depending on difficulty the main objective is to move from one point to the other and do anything and everything The Sassy Tech priest tells you to do confidence in you assessed and you will do a combination of killing enemies moving for supplies with cryptocurrencies and objectives such as holdout points aspect scans objective delivery and more when it comes to enemies norgul has certainly blessed quite a few of them and there are a shockingly high volume of enemy types you have regular chaos cultists and pox Walkers that make them fodder enemies with armored soldiers being tougher and harder hitting you also have chaos Guardsmen equipped with range Weaponry that can suppress you into a staggeringly high amount of damage if left unchecked but the specials you need to look out for the most you've got maulers Raiders volley Gunner shotgunners talk Slammers mutants pox versus bombers snipers Trappers play counts Crushers bulwarks and creepers for Mass Effect yeah there's a lot to deal with honestly most of these you'll figure out on your own when you see them and the only specialized way to deal with some are when you get to the higher levels don't let the sniper shoot you don't let maulers hit you and don't let dogs pin you are pretty self-explanatory and with practice you'll find a way to deal with all of them if I have any like real true advice to give to new players it's to stick as a team not only is it advantageous for me people who go alone die point of view but it's also advantageous from a genuine game mechanic point of view your toughness regenerates faster when you are with your team and that affects stats with more players staying as a team is smart from a coordination and mechanical point of view there's even a little bit blip Pip Boy down in the bottom left-hand Corner that shows who is incoherency oh what's that flip Pip Boy that shows who is in coherency not to mention there are often Feats and abilities you get that assist your teammates incoherency so stick together move as a team play as a team because if you move alone you die alone you'll find things around the map to help you survive often ammo being the man I don't know if he's gonna answer this question but I think it's a question that is maybe too obvious for him to answer when you're playing a team type game and you die what happens like is there like are you like in The Penalty Box bad gamer for dying Shame Shame Shame Shame and then you get to play again like what are the repercussions of dying when you're on a team do you just have to wait for everybody to finish whatever Mission they're on or yeah what happens please thank you um is that the veteran should have priority mois then the ogren Stella and finally psycho though the ogre and the Zealot can kind of flip-flop depending on whether the ogre built for melee or the Zealot brought a flamer the veterans should get him a priority and then you can pick between the two depending on what weapons they brought so stop stealing my [ __ ] ammo Cipher looking to give you a Maybe random ammo you will find midpacks and ammo crates these will be dropped when you want them and then can refill both you and your teammates ammo or health back to full health will go until that little purple bar what is that purple box might be convincing with that award-winning but some people don't get convinced easily so they need to be corrupted this is your corruption the purple will never be healed when you are healed the only way to get rid of this is to find the healing stations known as Medical servitors in Warhammer 40K artificial intelligence is considered one of the largest forms of heresy do you ever notice that when you put down a data interrogator it has a little human skull in it that's because it is a human skull with a human brain in it acting as a computer gather around children gather around papa bricky is going to tell you about how he makes servators in the Imperium a servitor is generally a criminal that has been lobotomized dissected dismembered and put back together in a robotic form to serve as a slave for The Wider Imperial there is a high chance that if you reject were not executed for your crimes you would have suffered this fate sometimes the lobotomies are successful sometimes in rare cases there is an issue of relapse functional I am so lonely [Music] so yeah I'm just gonna walk really far away from that concept just that man gaining self-awareness again if I don't think about pain won't arrive you know smile but this servitor will fully heal you and all your careers you watch for the flashing lights below him this tells you how many charges it has on horror difficulties this will have fewer and fewer so make sure you don't rush to it and use it instantly save the charges for the right people other than that you can just look for materials such as plastiel but that's just if you feel like doing a little bit more exploring once you finish the mission and extract you'll be rewarded with XP and currency with experience comes Feats these are basically like perks you get every five levels and you get three to choose from it can be swapped out whenever you're not in a mission but what do you do like outside of a mission well people often forget that the Imperium runs on faith but not faith alone they also run on murder money is a servitor in charge of arms here you can get more weapons and gear like curios passive trinkets or other things that have ratings and Rarities that you can enhance or Forge with a tech priest at a higher level as well the higher your level the more Feats you get the more Curious Lots you unlock and the more weapons you have Acts access to a veteran may just start with the last gun an auto rifle for their raged weapons but with time you might get other variants styles of last gun or even bigger chunkier things like the Bolter or the hot hot plasma you're Off to the Races my friend with levels comes upgrades but upgrades comes weapons with weapons comes contracts and with contracts comes the phrase again and so on oh wait I forgot something if you ever hear Whispering like a lot of whispering just standing still and Whispering go ahead and shoot them it's an enemy of the Imperium right it would be wrong of you not to kill it do it why does that sound shoot them wake them up now and that my friends how you play what what what no explain that look at it we don't have a ton of experience in either this game genre or the Warhammer 41st Millennium World final statements the cyconom does have something called the meat grinder if you ever want to test out your character's voice lines weapon damage or enemy interactions I really love dark Tides so far I really appreciate them sponsoring this video yeah that's pretty cool I know I'm sponsored I don't care it's great I do recommend it is in the description I would give it a look I can't see you again video on this game so stay tuned are you going to the Warhammer open in Vegas and if you are can just find my bricky waifu cup uh I will be I will be going to the lvo in Vegas so uh if you have your cup I will be there obviously you have your audible recommendation for books and podcasts but do you have any music artists or album recommendations um I guess Rob Zombie but that's not like nothing underground you know oh I do like Poor Man's poison then they're pretty good hey Brookie what is one thing that was suggested to you by someone that you were sure you were going to dislike which you instead ended up really enjoying in the end I maybe didn't really heavily enjoy it uh but the Danganronpa game I don't even know what that is visual novels I don't like anime and I hate like teenagers especially was a really solid series I think I mainly blame that on the villain being incredible but I was a little bit shocked so my favorite thing at all but you know I went from really low to surprisingly enjoyable oh okay I like that little q a at the end that's cool dark tide video okay bye that was very interesting that was very very interesting and enjoyable and uh I think I paused the video in like quite a bit to talk about my feelings so I don't really have too much to say on on dark tide except that like I don't think it's my kind of game right now because one I am not a master race PC Gamer two I do not play games with other people because I am self-conscious although I do play with the chat they tell me what to do and three it just felt like so much information and right now I feel like the amount of information I have to maintain in my brain and absorb in just like the basic mechanics of how to play the game not even the inner workings of the game I need a lot of stuff in the game to be spoon fed to me because I can't even remember where L2 is you know that's where I'm at with dark Tech it's interesting because I don't I don't really want to play anything in Warhammer but it's such a fascinating world I was kind of in that video thinking about it like Shakespeare in that I find find Shakespeare fascinated because sure it's cool I enjoy studying Shakespeare but the Western like our obsession with Shakespeare is so interesting like why why are we so obsessed with this thing and I feel similarly with the fandom of Warhammer 40K like what is it about this horrible horrible horrible world that is so fascinating that so many people are so dedicated to it and that is just it's just like another layer of enjoyment as I'm discovering new things about this creepy creepy place okay that's all I got about bricky and Warhammer and and dark tide for right now as to what's going to be happening with the channel I think I'm going to be making a little video about how I have ruined my channel somebody on Twitch sent me a video of Lila TV I think that's her name Lila and how she ruined her YouTube channel and I watched that video and I thought huh I think I did that too and I have been noticing recently that my numbers are really really dropping and I would like to try and course correct a bit I also understand that because I've been in school I've had less time to dedicate to the channel so the numbers are reflective of the time I've been putting in and I just want to be able to put my time in the right places so that I'm creating content that I enjoy creating but that you guys enjoy watching so I have been thinking about how I can produce more content maybe shorter videos for this Channel and varying um not just new gamer watches videos although I don't really I don't really know what direction to go I do know that I really enjoy lore stuff I do want to make update videos on how my gaming is going and I also now have a Vaude a dedicated vods channel so if that is of interest to you the name of that channel is in the description please only go to it and um subscribe or watch if you're actually interested in watching the full vods because I would like that channel to actually find its correct Niche something else I learned from Lila's video but it is there and I think all my videos will be uploaded Doom will be fully uploaded by August 7th or 8th I think that's what the schedule I have there is now but from you guys I just I want to know what kind of stuff you want me to make and what you think I will find interesting uh and yeah I really hope that this channel feels collaborative because I really enjoy reading comments some of you guys who watch me on Twitch I really love chatting with you there and I want you guys to help me choose the direction that this channel goes because as long as I'm enjoying making content I want to make whatever you guys want me to you know so I want to find this the middle of the Venn diagram where where we can just watch cool stuff and talk about cool stuff and have a great time all right that's all I got for you YouTube promotes channels that keep people on platform so clicking on another video is really helpful to me thank you so much for watching thank you again to my channel members check out my books if you have not already and I hope you guys are all happy and healthy taking care of yourselves and each other being friends instead and as always until next time May the force be with you live long and prosper and I'll be back
Channel: HannaH's Over Invested
Views: 38,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, bricky, space marine 2, warhammer 40k, darktide, reaction, Hannah, Hannah reacts, gamer, non gamer, new gamer
Id: IiznP9XIyrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 13sec (2053 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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