Non-Gamer Tries to Play Hogwarts Legacy | Part 1

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hello everybody this is it this is the beginning of our Legacy our Hogwarts Legacy hold on I'm gonna post this link on social media real quick oops copied the wrong thing all right who [Music] who's excited I mean hold on sorry I it's really hard for me Peter why didn't you do this before you started the live stream yes that is quite the question I don't know where is the link this is not a very good start to live stream sorry y'all just give me a give me a few more seconds to I've got it posted on Twitter and Instagram just waiting on Facebook there we go remove link and we want to add a photo and we want to say next and post and we are live we're officially live y'all have my uh attention welcome to the very first live stream of Hogwarts Legacy here on the powder collector Channel um I've been playing for the last week or so um to it I I admit but I wasn't able to tell you guys now I can tell you guys but what I'm going to do is I'm starting from the from the beginning we're starting from scratch we're gonna play through and we're going to explore together and learn everything together so without further ado let's go I know y'all are saying let's go let's go start game all right so I already started the new character right here that was my old character um so there's a little delay on the stream here but I need to be able to see your comments so also guys I want um you to to say a quick hello to Tara who is the real life Newt she is gonna be one of our mods in the chat so hello Tara thank you for joining us thanks for for doing this very very kind of you keep that chat family friendly I appreciate it um so this is what you see before you get into the Character Creator section so you've started your account you've linked your account etc etc um this is what you see so I'm gonna let you read it real quick if you haven't seen it read it really quick and what I'm so excited about is that we start as a fifth year student like it's just cool like we start as a fifth year student so we have to kind of catch up with everybody for our owls we've got a Super Chat hey you spider thank you so much for the Super Chat good luck and welcome to the wonderful world of gaming thank you yes I'm very excited this is my first game if you didn't know I am not a gamer all right we're gonna go past this here I am not a gamer so please bear with me as I am learning how to still use the controller and my face is in the way let me see let me turn off the camera real quick and nope that's not it let me turn off the camera real quick um this is what we want to do is that what we want to do no this is what we're gonna do nope Oh no just took a screenshot uh options turn uh let's see let's just move the camera down here sorry guys this is my very first big screen stream so we're gonna move myself down there I know I'm looking in this direction it's really the camera's here so I'll kind of look like this all right so this is the character creation and I'll thank you for the Super Chat DD Peter is the goat oh that's really really kind that warms warms my soul like I've drank a butter beer or something so if you didn't see my very first uh official Hogwarts Legacy video which I posted this morning it goes through this entire section um so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to create the same character that I've already created maybe or should we choose Right Here Right Here and Now what character we're gonna be playing with throughout this this series because this is going to be a big series y'all um we're gonna be playing a lot so actually I think we're gonna all pick so I'll just pick like between two two guys right here this guy or that guy so one or two one or two we're gonna go real quick here I love it Kate yes let's create together all right one looks like it's working ones and we've got one looks like the winner all right number one should we customize it I think we're going to want to customize it let's just customize the hair although there's a lot of customization to do guys why are we rushing why is there a rush let's spend the time and actually customize this guy um I am going to pick the face shape because this I think looks most like my face shape and skin color what do we want so throw out your suggestions light dark medium tan whatever we're creating this together as you guys say that I want to say a huge thank you to Nickel Nickel Evans hey Peter I love your videos keep it up okay first of all a huge thank you for that massive Super Chat y'all that's a huge Super Chat um but one thing I want to say because you brought this up I've not stopped making normal Harry Potter videos it's just this is like the biggest thing in Harry Potter right now and I'm so excited y'all are excited so we're gonna be playing Hogwarts Legacy for a while but I am going to be sneaking in Harry Potter videos like unboxings and stuff within this content so don't fret all right so medium looks like kind of tan medium is oh but like dark light tan light super dark it's like all over the place but what I think I'm seeing is more like light tan so that's I think more of a medium tan that's that's probably closest to my skin color but like not pale but like color color so let's go like let's do that how's that let's do that okay so we're gonna do that hair style long or short long or short long or short hello Brad from Australia short short short long short out long it's kind of 50 50 right now but I'm definitely seeing more short okay short it's gonna be um I'm gonna pick my favorites and then we'll do one or two I mentioned in the the video that I posted um earlier today about this process how almost I didn't essentially I didn't say it was envious but I'm envious of these full heads of hair he's 15 year olds with I haven't started losing their hair yet Lucky them all right so my favorites are this is what I chose for my first character but I think like I wish that my hair looked like that or like that or no not like that so let's all right we're gonna do one two or oh what's this one now it's too Shaggy for me all right oh that's actually very slick and Sleek okay so we're gonna do three three we've got one two or three I'll do them again one oh sorry two was this one I messed up one two or three one two three looks like threes have got it oh yes um good good good to know yes um Tara thank you for saying that the wp connection may not be working for everyone um is trying to do the same thing so I've been hearing that uh the WB connection like linking your account isn't working currently because everyone's trying to trying to link it all right so we've got number three hair color do we want to do brown or blonde brown or blonde or I don't I mean we could do a color but I think now we can do a color brown blonde or color okay I've seen a lot of Browns even after saying color I'm seeing a lot of Browns Brown's win all right let's go with let's go with a lighter brown we'll kind of go in between ish not in between ish but you know what I mean is that brown no that's more dirty blonde no it's more like silver I'm color deficient so like I can't always see colors um so we're gonna go with that one that's a little lighter brown all right here we go scars oh okay sorry I just have to pick since we're like creating a character that doesn't look like me we're going with this scar I think that's literally the coolest scar here with Hogwarts Legacy it's awesome so we're picking this scar and what do we want to do with complexion do we want freckles or no freckles I'm not going to put moles as an option freckles or no freckles yeah honestly I think if I had that scar I think I'd I would feel like the coolest person in the world all right no freckles all right no freckles oh freckles uh oh freckles are oh okay freckles no freckles looks like it okay no freckles wins um oh so we want to turn off the freckles complexion we'll just say no complexion no he looks too like [Music] perfect let's give him a little a little color a little bit of color that's a little too much color there we go all right now we've got the eyebrows Oh eye color throw out your eye color suggestions although honestly I don't know if I'll be able to tell what what colors what because of my it's not color blindness it's called color deficiency like I have issues with like Reds and greens and blues and purples that sort of thing all right so Greens Greens win so let me see if I can find green okay is that green is that green y'all help a color deficient brother out uh oh chat stopped are those green eyes that's Hazel those are I think purple oh maybe those are green are those bright green [Music] yeah actually I need to turn off slow mode all right so those are the green eyes we got them um let me shut off slow mode for this whole section because I think for the most part y'all are we're just having fun here so let me turn off slow mode real quick oh can I not turn it off how do I where is the option here it is but maybe I can't turn it off one second back foreign here we go customization and slow mode is off bam all right we are back uh eyebrow color I think we should match or a little darker one one shade darker I think that's the green eyes are awesome wish I had green eyes um eyebrows we could go with no eyebrows or eyebrows so no eyebrows or eyebrows eyebrows all right so we want bushy eyebrows I see bushy eyebrows I'm seeing all right lots of eyebrows and more bushy so let's see what's are these These are pretty bushy I think those are pretty bushy all right so we'll say one ready one two or three one two three does anyone feel like they're at the eye doctor one I'm seeing oh here they come oh lots of Threes I think the threes are winning I definitely see more that it's close but I think I see more oh oh no now the ones came in oh I think one one bam that was a big blast of ones so there we go number one foreign do we like him anything to change Final Call on any type of changes all right so we've got voice one we're just going to do the middle one that was quite I mean a few cobwebs and some dust nothing to be concerned about all right and then we're gonna go with easy mode well I haven't been playing for rap and a few hours should we go with normal or easy let's go with normal let's see what happens and then we're gonna call this guy what should we most most um most uh uh uh uh uh uh creative name wins first and last name oh I see Tom all right first name Tom that's the first one I saw so his name's Tom Kenneth Peters achievement collector Tom I'm just going to pick a last name out of this Tom well they're going so fast oh my goodness Tom Asher Tom Asher is our character's name Thomas Asher I like it all right we've got Thomas Asher he's a wizard there he is he's ready to go are you all ready to play Hogwarts Legacy okay so fair warning oh let me move my camera up again out of the way all right so fair warning we're about to see a really the beginning of the the the the the the the the the game so there are spoilers so here we go and I'm excited to react to this for the first time like I've like seen it but I've not been able to react to it so I'm going to put the controller down and we're gonna watch it together enjoy ah it appears we are almost ready to depart it's a Pity we didn't have a bit more time to spend on spell casting I presume you've been practicing the suppose we worked I have Professor well I'm quite sure I'd never seen anyone take so quickly to a secondhand wand you'll be a force to be reckoned with when you get your own thank you Professor fig I appreciate you working with me all the time again George bad mine run out of the cryptic description of our location did not thought you're finding us I've operated to more vaguely to find destinations than this then I confess I may have miscalculated slightly on my first try gave quite the Fright to some theater goes in the West End it's been much too long when I received your owl I must say I best not speak here Elias are of course why don't we speak on route to Hogwarts we have a start of term feast and the Sorting ceremony to get to wonderful idea as long as your young child here doesn't mind me tagging along y'all should I talk it all or should I just like not say anything while we're watching this or should I like would be good to see the oh say what I'm thinking [Music] okay so obvious oh no I'm not gonna say that oh I'm so excited to see sorry I do have to talk I'm so excited to see this again it's like for like watching the Harry Potter movie for the first time like so the first time I watched this opening ah that music like I almost I felt pressured almost because like the Warner Brothers people were watching like for reactions and stuff now I can enjoy it you know what I mean [Music] glad I caught it before you left the sky just barely and who is your traveling companion a new student new yes sir I'm starting school as a fifth year how extraordinary it is indeed none of the faculty has ever heard of anyone being admitted to Hogwarts so late nor have I of course as the other fifth years will have been honing their magical skills for four years now the Headmaster asked if I could get a new student up to speed a bit before the term begins he's also a remarkably intuitive and gifted wizard Mr ozric is prone to flattery I dare say it's one of the reasons he's risen so far at the ministry thanks Marky oh I have opinions differ as to how great a threat Round Rock really is although I've yet to convince my colleagues that the ministry I believe he is a significant threat and it was your wife Elias are who alerted me to his activities months ago Miriam how she wrote to me about ran Rock before she died wondering what the ministry knew about his activities before I could respond I said an owl on the carriage I think there's an owl on the carriage which was the last thing she sent me that is uh Hogwarts Legacy symbol but with no correspondence I can only assume that she had to get rid of it quickly safe presumably from ran Rock I cannot open it whatever magic protects this is powerful indeed it looks like Goblin metal that glow I don't see a blow nor do I Merlin's beard how did you wait gets me every time [Music] by far the most brilliant thing of this entire opening character Tom saw death for the first time the key catch the key oh but he saw death for the first time so now he can see thestrals absolutely brilliant absolutely brilliant brilliant are you all right you're hurt perhaps a bit take this it's wig and well potion that stuff will write you in a second so if um the controller you can feel the heartbeat thumping it's like it's amazing all right so we're gonna heal we're gonna heal Tom what happened I can't believe he what the hell got into that damn thing is that intense that opening so intense typical Dragon would never professor sir where are we I'm not sure but that key you discovered was clearly a Porky whoops an item Enchanted to bring whoever touches it to a specific place I'm feeling better sir if you'd like to look around a bit I would stay close we've no idea who created this Porky here we go guys why and we're moving for those of you who have not seen this any of this yet is that not like a stunning first View father from London look at that runes those runes either of us expected but Miriam sent that Porky to George for a reason and I believe that she and now George died in pursuit of whatever it was meant to lead to if you're sure you're all right and wouldn't mind indulging me I'd like to have a look around absolutely sir good agreed the music is amazing if we can find I'm um trying to read us trying to read as many of your comments as I can as I play um but what I want to say about that is how exciting this is that I get to experience your first experience like I'm seeing like whoa It's like oh my goodness and for anyone who has not seen anything yet and you're experiencing these these pictures and scenes for the first time in the music a powerful magic wielded by a ref it just makes me so happy that we get to experience it together and is itself a stronghold of that ancient Magic I don't know where she came into possession of the poor key sir that's the part down below sir why was your wife searching for evidence of Lost Magic Miriam wanted to understand why such powerful magic disappeared from The Wizarding World spoke of the good it could do but magic is no different than any power what really matters is the one who wields it what it appears to be a sort of enchantment someone wanted to block This Bar let's see some of that one work you were practicing focus on the center all right so we're gonna press R2 which cast the first of the Spells all right so I'm just gonna keep continuing because I've read these already that was a bit rougher than I'd expected your WonderWorks improving with every cast thank you sir thank you sir oh I didn't did not remember that he responded in that way that was pure happenstance so while we're doing this take a good look at Tom here does Tom look like look like a good Wizard or a bad wizard because now it's just ahead while we're playing this I'm gonna let you all choose choose our path we're gonna kind of choose it together the sound of the wind is incredible amazing right amazing he just made the runes up here so I'm also feeling the wind in the controller why would someone have built this here I suspect they valued their privacy that Porky led us here for a reason let's have a look around for anything that seems out of the place so the other thing is I just realized as I was casting the Spells like um Chicago uh Quest object of details okay um that we're on normal mode oh wait is did a stream stop or is it just my computer I don't know if the stream stopped or not or if it's just my computer that popped out okay good so we're still on okay good um oh so we're not doing we're uh normal mode and here I'll look around a little bit for you guys get that pot out of our way um investigate shall we Professor this statue this may have been his hope so hopefully the uh next section isn't too difficult for me professor it's a mural of some kind perhaps our host was a noted seer interesting interesting indeed ah I see more runes wanted crystallized Stone again but what could it be blocking I want one of those like Professor fig what what's that guys when I saw this for the first time I was freaking out it's like that's green God's Bank screen guards Katie bugs you're so welcome thank you for being here and sharing this gameplay with me and how is there a room behind it what room I don't see anything there's that glow again like the glow on the porky container and I also want to just stop real quick and say a big thank you to Tara y'all she for anyone uh new and starting uh to watch the stream she is our mod right now keeping the chat safe and friendly for everybody so thank you Tara all right here we go we're gonna investigate this wall what is Merlin's name it's hot are we I don't believe it ready guys I'm gonna turn the camera you know where we are this is where we are we are now in Gringotts Bank but it looks strange doesn't it let's take a look at this chest see what's in here oh we got 41 galleons let's go over to this chest over here oh wait there's no chest over there all right let's wake this Goblin hello hmm [Music] hey you spider you will find out in just a moment oh unfortunately miles it does not but we can visit the Quidditch pitch Avery Nicole thank you so much for the Super Chat the Gringotts Wizarding Bank I am a huge fan thanks for being awesome thank you I I presume thank you for being awesome precisely thanks for being here the key the White's Pokey oh yes of course this way then so as far as future streams go they're gonna be random I'm gonna try try to get like a schedule good night gold info Wesley yes this is right now live cracked you'll see quite a few on our way to vote number 12. as we speak we're just released our private entrances to the banks they are Mets so there you are guys could have arranged it's a private entrance to Gringotts how cool is that thief's downfall experience the thief's downfall before have you heard Samuel thank you so much for the Super Chat holy cow I love your videos Peter thank you my mother and I are able to bond over your videos that is so cool we that is so cool to hear speaking of mothers tomorrow is mom actually today it's Mama Potter collection's birthday today so wish her a half everyone wish her a happy birthday it's officially her birthday today vote number vote 12 12. momentous day our new wine Samuel Dewey did you guys notice anything people that God was where it was glowing like the girl you saw in the 4K container that'd be darker I saw that same glow attracted yeah what was that we were just wondering about I'm sorry what what what is over the oldest section of the back Samuel I was going to ask you if if you and your mom have a favorite video and all everyone wishing Mama Potter collector a happy birthday she's gonna love it when I tell her tomorrow we're gonna have breakfast here we are wow guys we got 911 people watching welcome to the Stream we're happy to have you here moment to stay indeed it's Mama Potter collection's birthday so we've got to visit the vault [Applause] [Music] thank you for your help all right and we go to the Vault we go what do you suppose we should be looking for I'm not sure so I wonder if you want instructions for Vault 12 indicate that I under Grant access to the holder of the key and then close the door excuse me Professor that was certainly unexpected let me think there must be something here reveal your brand Belio yes a revealing charm no time like the present let's see what we're missing shall we yes we shall ready your wand okay so I'm pressing the corresponding symbol Button as well as moving the left um stick so I've now learned the spell and now I can cast revalia whenever I want revelio then I said something what did you see move a bit closer and try again revelio well that's a start it's that symbol again I don't suppose you see a weight too I love the Well Done Dragon moments too has the same clothes the one I saw well done Potter collector community we've got another Super Chat Cheyenne was taken let me read this real quick I got home from Night Shift thinking nothing would stop me from playing I saw you oh really you saw me stream and they want your plans I want you to play too but I'm honored that you're here love your videos leading up to it I'm more excited to see you play oh then go through it yourself that is literally the kindest thing someone could say thank you very much I'm honored that you would rather watch me play in this stream then play yourself like I'm wow thank you so much and thank you for the Super Chat thanks thanks for being here you do need to play though but maybe stick around for the next little bit all right here we go guys this is no ordinary Vault I suspect we will need to earn our way out of here [Music] I do but to what end I can't say stay close there will be no disapparating if things go poorly not out of Gringotts I'll let you go first sir wow look at our hair look at it glowing that's awesome we definitely picked the right one so I was going to say something um whenever I've watched live streamers for this is my first live stream of gameplay I've done live streams before here on the powder collector Channel but they're always like smash that like button let's get a 700 likes or whatever so let's see if that works let's get 700 likes everybody smash that like button oh y'all are doing that's so fun it just jumped up like three that's so fun so let's smash that like button all right here we go to the glow [Music] what is going on here investigate when I move towards the globe it suddenly seemed as if the ground was swirling about are you all right yes sir I'm fine you seem to have caused the floor to change what statue I see some sort of statue but only is a reflection in the floor revelio revelio I presume this is what you saw reflected in the floor it is the reflection's still there but the statue's positions don't match wait when you moved the reflection turned in the direction of the light Fusion cast lumos yes please lumos um okay um lumos well done now the reflection's Turning towards me it does follow the light uh hope they're here to protect us [Music] we forgot I'm determined to be that big that good exposure I'm not very good at moving the camera too so I'm trying ah sorry ah stupefy Defender I'm glad I practiced a little bit whoa wow this is a lot harder than easy just FYI if you are not a gamer um easy is what reveal uh reviewer objectives to reveal the way forward okay oh I have to do uh protego twice or one more time okay like successfully I I guess when it says to do it uh protego is that it did we get him that it's a lot harder so just FYI um my my uh my hands aren't like gamified where are you this isn't good I'm out of breath I'm literally sitting down I'm out of breath oh lumos lumos okay here we go I need to just a quick second to just um catch catch myself Catch My Breath this is the magic seemed to be leading me somewhere might make this these streams a little more entertaining if uh being on um normal glow again okay and I know what happens after this glow uh uh more statues lumos lumos oh wait no no no uh we want to do I suppose I'm on my own this time great lumos [Music] we want to line up the see that little that little uh line of magic we want to line all them together meet in the center because I have no choice I'm gonna have to fight my way out of there oh no Lord help me I [Music] think protego Stupify all right we gotta we gotta no oh dear we gotta Focus Focus Peter so maybe if I like no oh my goodness normal is not normal it's it's very hard and I can't turn that camera that was close that was really close uh move the camera did we do it I'm really sorry if you guys are like wow Peter is nuts and does not know what he's doing I don't I don't know what I'm doing all right hold protego to stun enemies with stupid with a stupefy counter-attack so that's what we're experiencing all right so here we go we're gonna let the professor deal with it the professor's not here otherwise I would but like we've oh goodness all right we don't oh okay we don't have um a lot of Health left so I've got to rely on protegos and then just this so all right I think I'm getting into a rhythm protego this is stupid five so thankfully like you get warned huh that was close you get warned before they attack you essentially with that that glow that like halo effect that goes around your head whoa that was another close one so thankfully they're not just like coming from all angles I'm just gonna run this way and are there any more do we get them oh we did it drink a potion I don't have a potion I don't have a potion oh lumos uh uh lumos lumos yeah I don't have a potion yet I don't think I do do I do I have a potion no I don't have a potion yet uh hit down on the Deep d-pad down there's oh wait there are potions thank you guys what would I do without you bottom right there are potions [Laughter] did without a potion I'm so impressed um the difficulty miles is normal and for someone who does not do very well with games or not that I don't do well with games that I've never really done a game it's pretty difficult all right gotta follow the magical wisps uh press that to Sprint oh sprinting to the magical okay I said I wanted like a statue of that I want that I want that giant thing all right here we go a door all right can we just take a second and send some like applause to the game makers of this like Avalanche killed this game I mean if you haven't already seen the reviews the reviews like for like the game critics or whatever are like really high everyone's loving it well done everybody who was involved amazing all right here we go look at this gorgeous room look at this room is that beautiful all right what's this let's investigate this is the archway but we did not die this time Brad when hey how are ya welcome to my very first gamer live stream oh he's back thank goodness ah he can help us what is this place I don't know but I found this floating above that basin that is no mere basin it's a pencil that is offensive for viewing memories I wonder Brady won't be disappointed it's amazing is that gorgeous look how beautiful that this whole scene is I should have taken a screenshot huh I'm not quick enough all right here we go [Music] thanks for joining Michelle all is in place okay as well hidden perhaps too well I wonder if the path we've created may be impossible to follow it will only be impossible for one who cannot see traces of ancient magic as I can your ability to see what others cannot will not be enough Percival we are entrusting the one who embarks on this path with Powerful Secrets with knowledge others will do anything does anyone recognize the name Percival and if we are correct Charles the ritual wizard who completes the trials will have proven themselves worth Peter is on normal and the responsibility that accompanies it we've done all that we can [Music] that's what you're seeing glow around at them yes sir astonishing can I see Magic traces of an ancient magic to be precise the magic that Miriam had always believed existed yeah it's quite possible that Percival is a descendant Miriam whatever's First full wolf Rick Brian Dumbledore's first name full names are the key to understanding why I'm so curious what what the what our our key is like what are we why can we see the magic I was right ran Rock seems my reputation precedes me I was beginning to think no one was ever going to visit raccoons walks and why are you here where's my wand no need for that just give me whatever it is actually both hands suck they have the key to the vault words wisely I I only learned that the instructions to Vault 12 were quite clear sir I must insist I was to Grant access only the one with the key and using telephone hey gone I have no patience for traitors now where were we not giving you any young friend here will be more healthy oh boy goblins are actually really powerful magical creatures if you didn't know that oh who's this hello I noticed the light the glow that's a good guy [Music] he's huge watch out run ah made it oh the guardian wow guys we had over a thousand watching that's amazing I've never seen so since however the Goblin totally unaffected by my magic where are we it can't be it's not those who set up the pensive guys lock it and the path to both look wanted someone with yours recognize those signs [Music] we have a sorting ceremony to get to okay guys get ready prepare yourselves prepare yourselves ah [Music] foreign [Music] foreign Magic [Music] that whole intro pure Magic I mean okay we're still going though we'll take a pause when we can take a pause good we haven't missed the Sorting ceremony perfect I'm no expert but that seems more appropriate thank you sir I need to study this locket as soon as I can but first I must contact the ministry they need to know what happened to George and be warned of ramrock for the moment I ask that you keep all that's happened this evening between you and me of course sir thank you yes JS Productions ready for the Sorting ceremony I love Magic foreign black prepare yourself to meet Headmaster fig nice of you to join us the Sorting sediment is over there were complications complications goblins like no time for rumors fig and I'm rapidly losing whatever patience I had left if you're lucky we might still be able to get you sorted this I'll be in touch [Music] all right so I don't think there's gonna be a break look at that look we're in the Great Hall we're in the Great Hall is that beautiful Harry Professor Weasley we've won more to be sorted welcome you're just in time have a seat we're getting sorted guys Tom is getting sorted [Music] I oh yes a bit older than the others aren't you you come here with preferences and preconceptions certain expectations okay good we're at a pause point so first of all let's quickly talk about that intro from start to beginning I mean it's beautiful the music is amazing and then we end like there's excitement and fight and you're also learning how to play with play your character in the process and then we get to Hogwarts Castle and that music with the Hogwarts Legacy logo just gave me badonkers chills all right so now we're at the Sorting ceremony and I'm gonna let you guys choose the house I am a Slytherin but I am willing to play another house so I did connect my um uh Harry Potter fan club account to this so most likely it's going to sort me into Slytherin but you can choose your house so we're gonna go through it when it gets to the house Choice section majority rules for house um can't wait to start classes it really I can't wait to explore let's be honest I'm looking forward to exploring Hogwarts and the world beyond the castle and grounds so don't do your votes just yet mads can be gleaned by having an adventurous spirit ual professors have a great deal to teach as well [Music] um interest okay you've recently learned that you possess a rare ability very rare I detect a growing sense of remember Slytherin all right so it did sort me to Slytherin but we are now able to choose so cast your votes right now oh Paul oh yeah yeah how do you do a poll a how do you pull pull poll or maybe the plus thing start a poll [Music] oh here we go I think I can do it add option add option all right here we go I'm gonna do a poll uh Gryffindor Hufflepuff oops spelled it wrong Ravenclaw and Slytherin all right ask your community vote I don't know I've never done this before so I don't know how this works oh the poll just popped up I'm gonna give it a 10 SEC uh maybe how long should I give it all right where I'm gonna do it a 10 second timer ready hey Siri start a 10 second timer [Music] how do I see the oh here we go all right oh Slytherin really okay you all want me to play Slytherin followed by Ravenclaw that was the second second highest but looks like Slytherin is what we're gonna do I'm actually surprised by that but I'm also happy because I am a Slytherin uh we are going to accept the house look at that sorting that isn't it gorgeous he's just beautiful all right here we go [Music] you belong in Slytherin [Applause] bye tjs thanks for stopping by [Applause] oh and one more thing due to the unfortunate injury on the pitch in last spring sorry guys I don't want to make anyone mad [Music] enough as though I've been flying all together tempt me is that so sad academic futures I'm sure you will have plenty to do before classes begin tomorrow I said I'm sure you all have plenty to do before classes begin tomorrow quite an entrance it's lovely to meet you and Professor Weasley would you be so kind as to show our new student to their common room I shall see to it sir as I was saying I'm Professor Weasley pleased to me nice to meet you as well professor as Deputy head mistress it is my distinct honor to show you I know I shouldn't be sorry but I just feel bad I should just said I'm going with my normal my usual house sorry anyone who's mad I'm sorry I'm sorry can't help it it may be a bit of a challenge one I'm sure you're up you're not broke I can be quite resourceful I suspect aspiration aspiration very well very well inspiration okay that scar so darn cool let's say I'm gonna say that probably multiple times throughout these streams how cool that scar is holy cow guys it's 1am no [Music] also guys espresso Weasley you're welcome he seems like a very respected disrespectable um respectful that's the word respectful 15 year old look at how gorgeous that is look at that castle looks like everyone's gone let's head to the common room welcome part to collector community to the Slytherin dormitory let's take a look around this is my bed my four poster bed and I made it I don't actually make my bed every morning but he does look at that isn't that beautiful oh does each wait oh no that's my bed or is that my bed I actually don't know what I think this was my bed I was excited it was like oh look we've got like an owl perch because you don't start with a an animal but I think you can get an animal in the in the game I hope so oh my goodness tonsillectomy in the morning I just saw that best of luck with that that best of luck with that that was rough for me I had the same I had one too but you got this and I've got streams on the way so you can you can join us as your recovering all right let's listen to this music this music but as I was saying um you know start with an animal but I think you can get one I guess we'll find out so if you don't know the Slytherin common room is under the um the Black Lake so if we look above that is like a stained glass window and above that is the Black Lake but beautiful's tapestries in here things to interact with but I have a common room to show you all let's actually I want to look down here let's see what is this anything down here no it's cool though so across the hall that's the sixth year uh dormitory fifth years and then the other years down that way and this is way to the common room I suppose some introductions are in order I don't know if you can go into the other common rooms it is quite different yeah we are lucky yeah that is sad that poor man hey I didn't just Waltz in I was attacked by a dragon and other things look at that look at the um like the waterfall underneath the stairs oh oh my gosh I have not like tried to walk up there before that freaked me out I guess you can't go up there so I guess we now know whoo what did I do but look at this isn't this amazing I wouldn't do that if I were you so I hope that you can visit other common rooms in the game maybe through your friends the frenzy make or something so here we are looking out into the black lake at the fish and I'm wondering I've not seen any yet but I'm wondering if you wait long enough if you see grindy Lowe's or mermaids or the giant squid that's my goal I really hope that you can see the giant squid because we've never seen the giant squid you know we've read about the giant squid but we've never seen the giant squid in like the movies or anything oh the stairs to the girls dormitory yes that that actually is probably accurate why we can't go up there huh I think that again let's talk to Imelda ugh not are you here what's this don't say I didn't warn you she did warn you told you I know who you are you're the new Slytherin the one who barged in with Professor fig last night interesting tactic on your first day taking all the attention away from the first years I'm Imelda by the way shame I wasn't with you and fig I could have lured that Dragon away my skills in a brim are legendary honey I think we had it handled though we handled it and I think you're underestimating the nature of a dragon a broom would have been kindling the way I fly the dragon would have gotten you honey I'm sorry I can teach you more than Kagawa ever could speaking of which I'd like to get in some time on my broom before classes although I guess you know Harry escaped a dragon on a broomstick so maybe it's possible um I'll say farewell though nice meeting you all right so we have on the bottom left-hand corner it shows us kind of our objectives so we need to talk to a few more people before we can and Sebastian is over here I think no this is ominous okay guys this is a gaunt I gaunt we're about to talk to a gaunt and if you don't know a gaunt gaunts are the um ancestors of Voldemort so let's talk to him I I think I heard one doubt mermaids find us that interesting ah based on all the chatter When you entered the common room I'm guessing you're the new fifth year I'm ominous ominous gaunt nice to meet you ominous well you also guys and they are almost at 700 likes we've almost made it 700 likes memorable more like terrifying uh I do like to make an entrance oh okay guys this is where we this is where we s we're on the fence of either good or bad because I mean I do like to make an entrance that's kind of like uh you know what so so let's let's pick good or bad this is the good that's the bad where are we going guys I do like to make an entrance that's what I'm seeing oh but I'm also seeing good bad you're definitely in the right house don't let me know if you have any help as you navigate your first days here though I doubt you'll need it um did you suspect you'd be in Slytherin I wonder if he says anything about his family were you expect him to be sorted into Slytherin most certainly my family or my father a direct descendants of Salazar Slytherin one of the four founders of Hogwarts not something I'm especially proud of mind you oh interesting obsessed with blood status unfortunately most of his descendants do not fall far from that tree interesting response so I think there's some there's more depth to ominous than thank you ominous then we know nice to meet you very fine don't be a stranger all right so I think he's a friend not a foe now we have to meet Mr Sebastian who's up here hello can I help you oh you're the new fifth year I'm Sebastian Salo welcome to Slytherin thank you sir not everyone has a Ministry escorts to school he was a friend of Professor figs who merely joined us for the ride I don't think he was blind I think he just oh he is like the way to go poor fellow I thought he just didn't want to look at this figure all right um it was quite exciting it was Dreadful certainly but quite an experience nonetheless good response good way to say that how did you and fig managed to escape can we trust suggestions you you just get yourself settled we can talk more later nice to meet you it was nice meeting you Sebastian I'll let you get back to your book nice meeting you too good luck today all right the new fifth year Slytherin in here yes I'm here he's waiting for you just by the stairs ah thank you look at that look at this common room why can't Hogwarts be real oh why why guys why is this all not real oh sorry I'm spiral staircases and the controller I'm still trying to figure that one out foreign oh yeah I've been dreaming of this are you all ready for our first day at Hogwarts I believe I'm here guys we had 700 likes it you only have one we did it we hit 700 likes now in light of yours that's awesome so now what they do gamer streamers they say we've made it 700. let's get to 800.wls I'm not making fun of anyone I think this is funny that's fun oh so did you hear that like so it sounds like we're going to be doing our owls after maybe at the end of the game I don't know to ensure your success welcome to everybody watching here you are welcome to the Potter collector Channel [Music] such a cool sequence it is a Wizard's Field Guide it will help you to keep track of what you are learning so that you master all that's expected of a fifth year you would be wise to take full advantage of this exceptionally valuable resource [Music] thank you professor hopefully the stream is still doing okay I see someone's Shelley said it's cutting out hope not with me and we shall put it all right we will be we will be back to the common room to explore some more I don't know if I can see this yet no not yet I certainly where am I going oh over here sorry oh look at these isn't that so cool and also look at this like as you walk away from the door so rad so radical is that a word that people use still that's like totes rad the guide will give you opportunities to practice your magic says no no it's not do keep up why don't you cast revellio on that statue sure see what details the field guide can provide sure our first Page Field Guide page from locked the field guide challenge your progressor is completely the challenge appears here okay so that's our current progress one percent okay and exit Field Guide all right [Music] foreign I don't I don't know how to stream on Twitch so probably not I think eventually I might learn but as of now just here on YouTube I'm streaming directly from the PlayStation 5. ah timing effect opportunity to show you how to use blue flames to get around a bit quicker your Field Guide contains a map of the Castle open it up and find Central Hall okay when I first got to this point um I didn't actually get much further past this maybe like a half an hour past so we're almost to the point of where I stopped but when I first um got to this point I was like nothing's working the buttons aren't working it's frozen it's frozen and then I accidentally pressed this button here which is I didn't realize a button but that's that's what opens up the the uh the map here it's kind of funny the Grands uh staircase wait what am I doing what does she want me to do I forget um what does she want me to do I forgot oh this here we are and we are okay return to map exit why isn't it working what's what am I supposed to do this is you I know oh I'm supposed to click this one now oh I see okay yeah all right and then you rotate you can rotate you can zoom okay okay um oh no uh oh I'm supposed to click one sorry guys travel Let's Travel we're traveling bye Jack thanks for joining and here we go guys we're almost at 800 likes that's pretty darn cool directly to Central Hall you can get almost anywhere in the castle quickly from Central Hall you cannot change your appearance but I don't think you can change the robes just yet that should be all for now you will be expected to attend both charms and defense against the dark arts classes today charms and defense against the dark cards as soon as possible to replace the supplies you lost on the way here um thank you thank you Professor Weasley a lot to absorb on your first day sorry if anyone had headphones in there you'll be up to speed in no time judging by your Adept use of revelio earlier I'd say Professor flicks succeeded in at least showing you the basics definitely an expert in that spell he's been terribly vague as to the events preceding your arrival specifically about what happened after that awful dragon attack 800 likes that's awesome Let's Go Crazy let's do a thousand let's blast up to a thousand uh uh yeah I'm not gonna talk to her just yet we don't know her just yet I'm afraid there isn't I'm sorry Professor but I'm afraid that's all there is to it [Music] almost precise to speak of the devil Professor fig your ears must have been burning oh yes seem to have it's been amazing so far the solid foundation in the basics of spell casting ah I'm afraid I can't take all the credit there Professor they have a rare aptitude for magic it seems hmm well I'm just glad you both arrived in one piece perfectly good boats and carriages to Hogwarts and you chose to fly in the park I am pretty good at protego too yeah I wouldn't say I chose the dragon's path professor rather unfortunately it would seem that it chose us very well enough chit chat I need to get to class myself might I rely on you Professor fig to explain the details of the Field Guide Kiki I'm not quite sure yet we're not quite sure yet if she's a friend or a foe I would imagine she's a friend but I remember to use guide valuable to we don't know just yet because I'll be using progress yes professor come and find me in my classroom after you've attended both classes today and I'll explain more this is the deluxe version I mentioned and we'll see yeah she's definitely got some secrets for those supplies um all right let's talk to Professor fig who is he Mrs figs like ancestor potentially it makes sense it's good to see you professor and you I was hoping our paths would cross today before you immersed yourself in studies did I hear you master philia vade Professor Weasley's interrogation regarding our late arrival yes you did I did my best I'm fairly certain she suspects that we're not being entirely forthcoming yes well Professor Weasley is a brilliant and a student okay how do you guys think we got those scars though details to yourself for now we don't know it does seem like a werewolf attack I don't think our guy is a werewolf with your time and she may feel obliged to share details with the Headmaster that would be better left between us understood Professor good now as capable as you are I believe the ability you possess obliges you to be well trained happily you have the benefit of an exceptionally skilled team of witches and wizards to guide you speaking of guides and so that I may avoid Another Not So subtle reproof from Professor Weasley why don't I show you the clever enchantment we included in the field guides map unfold it and have a look okay main quests completed me first continue right so we've got defense against the dark arts and charms class which one are we doing first which one first cost your votes also guys we are getting close to a thousand we are I say okay see um charms defense against our guards so far looks like charms is the winner so we're doing Charms first we'll do defense as well but oh we're learning Akio and then in defense we learn levioso the map is Enchanted to help you find your way this will be incredibly helpful thank you it is incredibly helpful thank you quite a day ahead what with classes and a trip to hogsmeat for supplies including your own wand you'll enjoy Mr Ollivander he's an exception that'll be fine man and a good friend welcome to chat when I customize our wand as well mysterious locket for now focus on your classes and pay attention more than your owls May hinge on the magic you are able to master Within These Walls all right here we go so we're going to press the up Arrow
Channel: The Potter Collector
Views: 97,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: harry potter, the potter collector, wizarding world, wizarding world of harry potter, harry potter world, harry potter books, j.k. rowling, warner bros, harry potter collecting, harry potter collector, hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy reaction, hogwarts game, playstation 5, ps5, ps4, harry potter video game, gamer, first look, xbox, nintendo, playing hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy event, playing, video game, magic, non-gamer, livestream, live, sony
Id: _cLLAdT2nRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 45sec (5565 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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