Nomad | Koreans vs Persians | vs Hera

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I think we got here oh yeah yeah we're gonna random yes probably picked Persians so wishes looked with our Koreans it's gonna be a disaster unlikely that we will achieve much Koreans aspersions never say never scored a goal we have Eagle oh now all to Eagle was so close to getting gold himself that would have been the perfect start Bigelow also got a goal sick I haven't been paid yet to check with hemlines I don't know how much I'm gonna get for crystals well to be fair if I got pushed like that I probably kicked him in the nuts as well I don't judge the guy I know it was it was not nice and I was scared he would just be sent out there but they follow Holland or Dortmund of course how can I not guy's a freaking machine crazy guy this is just a rated game I should high weights that show up there it's not supposed to show [Music] who will get top five type top five and criminally this year hopefully United will make it up there although would surprised I wouldn't surprise me but I think they're neither are not favorites we were looking okay Chelsea United Tottenham so Liverpool of course you have City and Leicester then the fourth fifth spots are up for grabs for Tottenham Chelsea United Sheffield United all the good teams I don't know I was I'm cheering for United but we'll see I think about imagine say the ban if you break the rules they gotta take the consequences just ask Ceylon la not easy so yeah it's very likely we just get completely stumped here Koreans against Persians unlikely to be much of a matchup will try something see if we can force a little fight at least I think it's change anything is placed up particularly but like the question is Harris seems to improve a lot which they do you think you've changed anything in this place Towers is just grind I think it's a combination of grind and just getting more experience and learning more about the game which is a consequence of the grind right so so it's a combination 5 foot make another villager first game of the day why aren't you in hidden Cup 3 I haven't hidden Cup 3 you're starting off a question with and you're asking something that is completely wrong don't really know what else to tell you I haven't hidden Cup nothing hidden Cup qualifiers though because I am directly into the final part finish dragging what hundra's good-looking a final today it's not like you needed but still thank you I think maybe I just talked to go fast castle into war wagons maybe I think no matter what we do here is gonna be an uphill battle I cannot compete with them on water it's gonna be impossible we're very likely impossible so you can see what we try to do here [Music] that's a lamp up there it's interesting good maybe you step for something we're still getting some money from twitch of course yes we are I say of course it's not of course I mean yes we are yes we do I'm great fish anyway you might expect a tower so I think fast casting into origins could be an interesting way to try and try and make something happen at least it's very unlikely that anything we do really will work personals versions are so versatile and powerful right now that it is unlikely but one way to find out or fish is where it's very close it's actually interesting I could make a dock there and fish on the other side potentially something interesting well as well could be to actually just dock towers dogs fast fuel towers dogs that could be extra very interesting nice try see here potentially as well is that I will go up to castle age will be all fine but I will be super exposed to for example Scouts which is not unlike that he mixes in a couple Scouts we're gonna try to go straight to Castle H stone as well mister fire ship oh I forgot to announce I will I will tweet out and discord after this game might do like a second dog down there when I go to cast elation make a turtle shape or two just two dogs there which means he probably has more villagers in this area wish mrs. town center might be very close let me do some scouting years now I'm disc old miss me wonder where it is I mean if I won't say if I could wall as well the goal that's especially we'll see actually got you baited all the way there what's good for me I think is preparing preparing a stable as well on on land where he will probably do some scouts just to get scouting Intel and then react what I'm doing this can't rely on my fishy Co in any form any shape or form yeah well we don't have two people playing that problem better at our level so to say the fact that we're facing each other is not it's not weird I want to try to do a second off there and I'll try to sneak in some Turkey's making a lot of fires actually what's surprising how many fires is missing in food is gonna be an issue for me though not sure if I can justify horse-collar yes any sparks when gold is reached doesn't like it doesn't make a difference for my like the bonus I will get the same no matter what so yeah in some ways it's useless but of course still you want to show your support spam some sparks I'm all for it oh we found this it's bad actually it's say 83% okay I have an idea I could get a palace ID there you couldn't cross unlikely a maverick thank you for a SUP welcome to the channel dudes talk on the top side I will not do it yeah it'll be nice to actually get that control that I get problem on Kip is up that kind of sucks actually live so he has a barracks confirmed too bad so I cannot compete on water which means his fish is gonna go completely untouched which is bad bad news oh that's a very convenient castle it's a very convenient castle indeed actually I need to keep pressure on her then very convenient indeed little did I know I was making a magnificent castle [Music] I shoot [Music] [Music] oh he even has a dock on that side [Music] [Music] [Music] still would love very much to please fight him a little bit water okay hey I would love to get a turtle ship up boys let's go I'm sure he has some fish there that I would love to have and I want to make so many things but unfortunately there's a limit to how much I can afford let's see if I can raid the fish there [Music] oh [ __ ] well should be an interesting game at least he still has huge equal lead 1% that's not what we are relying on like what we're counting on right now oh my god oh my god what is this map hacks 100% oh my god what is this accuracy Vaught BAM his own workshop now there's so many farms though so his echo is pretty good but if we can hurt him a little bit put some more pressure on this towers etcetera chance we can get away get some damage in there oh this is gonna be a conversion or not see if they immerse the camel some people would come to complete the fan with don't thing we have arranged for that thing I have top score I need to set more make more my own eco I want to have any chance in this girl what oh the gathering point thing again happens so often these days I have not control as well going on there it's gonna release and try to delete haha I was ready for you killing all the fish there it is good just add some more old fish then [Music] Oh repair faster new houses let's get ready for another caster dropping the yes score isn't looking too bad surprising a little bit but we were able to kill his fish but I still look at his eco and he has a lot of farms up so is eco certainly isn't bad there's a castle okay I might have to just Ireland go into them that's how it's looking right now let's do that then the idling going because I fair that he's just gonna go in peer and I would rather be the first one to might ascend the beam but whoever gets the first imp okay we lost two as it could be worse not sure if he's up or not because the scores has dropped we'll find out I should have more castus and I have better area in this defend I think hey if we go now we hope that we're faster hello hello what's up what is even going for it is up germs Australia choice was a relic up there would love to sneak and grab it make a whole detour over there it's an old way back there ok now you're on your own I'll leave you your mission another cast no should do woman's feels like maybe it's not up I think oh yeah I think I actually just clicked up so it feels to me now that we might go up faster than him and I can afford modern cast all that would love to maybe mixed in some cheeky Towers rather it's probably a waste would be better to make it castle towers are part of the charm of Koreans you have a setup for a paradise final set up know what I mean by set up okay turns out I'm extremely impressed er did not expect that looks like a Melissa's choice of units I have made enough fishing ship for me to like I'm not gonna make marks I need the wood for other things now but I have made some fishing ships so [Music] I'm going towers and war wagons let's do it that is my choice he's probably only heavy camels from what I can understand so his army does kind of counters at counter hours a little bit but our army is gonna be way cooler that's way more than you can ask for it was he wanted to run in for them but I have started gating I think he thought white about twice about it what a bomber can smile yeah of course my army will be cooler I will have war wagons you will have a camel stick it's not even a question about it whose army is cooler we get my bomber cannon out I don't know sure if he notices this but I have towers on this actually he doesn't have Jonas fetching I couldn't maybe sneak in there and get some cannon shots yeah lose my trap - up let's get a lead for islands I don't have to force the issue here hey Tory gold what I lost him oh yes heavy camel now so his army is certainly gonna be a little bit scarier no question about it yeah but no they're not war wagons go get the mess what each other at our how long can you repair this thing you know did I get that much relic oh it lost it they're gonna send another one out for questions I'm actually struggling on gold it's allowing to tread that [Music] long ago keys have a song he's officially out of stone it is officially out of stone I lost the tread though but it's living I shall not even have that non-issue but I'm letting him have that gold I could have just sent a couple of or writings over there do it gasps this guy's look lower and lower what's this rating and such with part of the deal I'm actually struggling involved myself enormous expensive it shouldn't be that expensive [Music] what's another one maybe throwing a little bit with my not adding house for example as longer game goes he will get also get to command around you know so I might just fall back now with these guys clean up this let's start writing as well will be annoying I want are there at least [Music] [Music] are they gonna ever shoot am i throwing it doesn't look like a good fight for me after all or does it I don't even know at this point drum is cool but countered I can agree with that sentiment that's not looking good I'm throwing boys we threw why did we have to be cool why don't we just play it good on me so to put it out there easy win would have been hand corners helps a little bit easy win bomber cannons but I just huh how could you not I feel like doubt but how can you not yeah had the option to go for war wagons picker man I don't know any food income even at the moment work Fisher boys it's actually handled losing a trip to my tower which is pretty interesting why do you have a shoot when I have be relics too bad I gave him access to ball game we didn't lose a lot of his army so I mean switching to Crossville now which is not ideal but I don't think his gold is death good anymore that he can go ham with camels we'll keep trying a little bit until a population is really bad again some trebuchet into death kind of maybe we can save this all right we got those trips in to do that [Music] these crossbows don't have the best upgrades maybe we still have a chance there actually might still have a chance cannot allow those types of things to go down we also have ice farming there I don't like the Army's building it's gonna be hard for us to stop so a question we have not right now is how long will he do still didn't take that relic how long will his gold last and can we deal with him more Trapster once it becomes full trash war yes come on the round I saw a trebuchet there speaking what's the push on this side taking out the lumber camp we're not there yet we're lumber camp is what matters this is not again this is not the tournament are a lot of people wondering about that oh that could be a big battle oh that's actually a huge bedroom she plays more towers over my base now forward over here screams as well but we have enormous the way you cannot kill it's quite a weird game but I think his population is probably closer to 200 and ours it's like I'm going to guarantee you guys this population is closer than 200 and ours you have to go for the real late-game here you actually want to do anything I have my bomber Kim still here don't I it's a good fight for me mister as he probably knows about my momma can there [Music] castle I still have so many resources and like access to so much stone and hope that that's better actually I have access to a lot of resources in terms of stone and gold still if I can max out maybe used to have chance he took the relic now that's not good for us just need to build a population to an unbeatable army sounds harder than it is okay actually not it sounds easier than this [Music] I should finish one of them of these I will always repairing it okay it's a good one he's gonna need ramps as well eventually his traps should be an option back to two castles voice over stay steadily over a hundred population things could not be going better yeah we have golden come still he's completely out of gold I could still potentially get up to like an unbeatable army and if I don't have too many bills which means I might have a bigger army as game goes on it's not all bad you should be struggling with gold I'm not willing to overrun the bills I mean I'm making villagers so we are removing so the same like this war wagon army can be really hard to stop so if I can make like a 200 pop army with the research that I have now and I wouldn't rule out our chances when I'm all together of course still it's not looking great but I am the one with the gold I have stone can make more towers a bomb and cannons speedball mechanics actually is there any other ISM is there missing that than that focus on those now what are you guys doing to brave for your own good just get a tech upgrade for those what's going on here I'm a little worried about this too if I pushed there he might push here oh yes his whole army there to see this is where a target fired we might finish our might not be of all Syrians oh good shot awesome maybe maybe even shoot let's show what word I was looking for which oh yes helps as well now I shouldn't eat your hand can nurse what you guys shoot survive Nimmo champions now have two relics what sir I'm a relics yes there's gonna be damn hard to kill us because we have all the resources in the world we need actually this might be about wood this is I should have done a little bit still but let me see here yeah yes Ben I would still in theory you make a ton of towers more know what let's mix in some monks to heal our war resins should be very convenient Niki's burned most of his gold in that attack as well I think don't stream snipe dude our cashew that's not good don't do that don't be like a shoe you don't want any stream sniping or anything of that sort no yes Adam no I have top-score hell man so really no that was been sick actually it says I have 61 wheels right but I actually have a little more because I have some facial shapes not that they're working very efficiently they are fishing ships nonetheless when I tell my Marcus where my Marcus I do have my Marcus yeah fun enough he might actually run out of gold at a would at some point as well I mean war rockets are incredibly strong in this type of mass so if I can just keep them alive another to our game well our poornima is supposed to start in five minutes that is potentially on this shit's good season nears that's not where a target fired it's so weird it's like target firing doesn't react this again this is not where a target fired [Music] he's preparing a big ram go okay my pumpkins are camouflaged in no way for him to get my bamboo canes they are camouflaged you have nowhere to find them yeah I think I think it cannot beat my army ever I don't think you can ever defeat this army did you I'm happy with that we were able to win with Korean singers Persians on nomads that's pretty not bad I think there's only three relics here because he only had yeah I won't see one monastery with garrisoned yeah second one is not garrison so yeah I think I mean it's gonna run out of wood as well yeah this is less wood yes this pretty much would be his less wood we obtained a wood still down here there's someone on the right side still contacted with middle one there as well we still even still has stone income so we have enough for two castles or a ton of towers and we also still have hundreds of gold to mine to get more war wagons yeah what workers are so powerful we were a little bit lucky though the first castle I had no idea I was casting his gold so that was pretty good yeah we did throw by going in one way we actually threw by going war wagons but in a second way we kind of won as well because we stuck with war wagons because as the game went on those war wagons were an unkillable force look at the timeline here this is where we lose our war wagon fight so he has taught twice our population here but there are some tanky sons of [ __ ]
Channel: TheViper
Views: 37,628
Rating: 4.9119267 out of 5
Id: WchWf6Z58jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 1sec (3001 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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