Noise Reduction in Photoshop CC

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in this video we are going to be talking about the best way to reduce noise in Photoshop but I'm going to tell you something up front remember I said reduce noise not remove noise all the software's no matter how advanced technology goes it can always reduce noise not remove noise yes it can reduce it to such an extent that it barely becomes noticeable but yes you cannot remove noise before we begin let me quickly explain how are we going to approach this by the way have you ever edited audio before sound if you have not ill get what I'm trying to explain okay so when we are recording audio in a noisy environment how does it sound it sounds like hi my name is Anne Mason today I'm going to be talking about you see the there's a noise in between and that noise is called a white noise and if you have ever edited audio before or even if you have not what we usually do to remove that noise is to give the computer a sample of that noise for example the noise was like the sound was like my name is enmeshed in DES so that's we select that and give it to the computer and tell the computer okay this is noise get this this is noise and remove every instance of this kind of sound from the whole audio and that's how we are going to approach noise reduction in image 2 we're going to get the computer in this case Photoshop that okay this is the noise and you need to remove this from all over the image now you're going to do this by using the plug-in called define tube it's a part of Nik collection by Google Wave do you need to panic about this no absolutely not is it free definitely positively is it safe genuinely to save because it's made by Google Google owns it right though it's made by neck later owned by Google so Google owns it so it's 100% safe 100% free completely there's no such thing as trial version it's all school version it's free Google is giving this out to you so far to video go ahead and download this and I totally recommend this not just for noise reduction for image editing as a whole okay so it comes as a plugin for Photoshop and Lightroom and also as a stand-alone version a standalone version is like a software in itself where you'll be able to open it and import your images just like Photoshop and Lightroom or any other image editing software so three kinds of variations available plug-in for photoshop plugin for lightroom and standalone version once you download and install it all the three get installed automatically so without any further ado let's get started [Music] so here we are photoshop and this is one of my favorite images that I've ever taken so to remove noise if you have installed Nik collection it should appear under filter menu so if you click filter there will be Nik collection under this will go with define - alright click on it now this loads up the image and gets the image and automatic noise reduction so it analyzed this area and this area and gave it an automatic image reduction analyzing the noise from that area but you know what that doesn't give an excellent result as you can see let me zoom in it didn't give an excellent result I can still see the noise and some of the details are gone so if I look at the before and after so this is the before if you click on preview uncheck it this shows either before click it again this is after it's good but what if you want to do it manually that's what we're going to do in this tutorial so let's click reset alright it shows your image not profiled then click on this drop down menu beside method and select manual and then you see this box now we need to select areas for noise samples now when you pick up noise samples make sure number one it's an even area okay it's a flat even surface it can be the sky can be a plain wall it can be anything but it should be an even surface there shouldn't be a light and shade it should pick an area as such that the noise is even throughout number two noise should be equal in each part of the area that you have selected there shouldn't be different kinds of noise in the same area that you have selected now what do I mean by this let's just do it you'll get a hang of it okay click on this square plus icon add rectangle click on it and pick out an even area like this now you shouldn't pick out an area like this okay to add another square to another rectangle alright so click on this again and you shouldn't click an area like this because in this we have two different kinds of shades two different tones and probably two different types of noise so this is the wrong area to pick so if you have picked the wrong area you can easily delete it if you want you can resize it if you want to delete it click on it and press Delete it's gone alright so pick another square pick out even areas let's do it throughout the image so this image is totally zoomed in so that we can go through and pick out even areas so for example this is an even area alright so this is an even area a darker even area alright this is totally Doug there's no detail in there I think here we can get some nice samples pick up from here good this dark area just a little bit this dark area okay don't make the triangle a rectangle sorry my geometry is kind of weak and it works I actually failed in it once not failed but very low marks let's not get sidetracked ok so don't make the rectangle bigger because you get two kinds of shades so keep it small keep it simple keep it even all right so let's add one more if you have noticed I'm recording this video at 9 a.m. in the morning because today I was very busy I'll click on it again let's take a sample here and let's see there else we can get some samples so and the door stopper yes we can get some samples from here good amazing you can turn off the preview to get it faster to get the process a little faster alright so it doesn't load up so quickly and you don't have to wait so much alright I think we're pretty much done you can pick out more samples if you want the more samples you pick the better but make sure make sure that the surface is even noise is even alright so let's zoom in let's see where else we can pick up noise from maybe somewhere in the ground alright so let's see whether we can go to the ground so yes one of the easiest ways to navigate if you don't want to navigate again and again and again to go to the go to the other corner of the image is to use this watch this watch this triangle this gives you a bird's eye view you can drag to the area of the image that you want and boom there you have it now let's pick out some other noise samples from here maybe from the ground just a little bit now every time you need to add a rectangle click on it a direct angle click on it a direct angle I just hope goodwill updates it in the next update but unfortunately it has not been updated yet but the plugin works amazingly alright so we have picked another enough noise samples the next thing that we need to do we need to click on measure noise so let's zoom out control - okay so if you're wondering how was I doing and zooming out it's the same shortcut that we use in Photoshop cc or any kind of Photoshop any Photoshop or even any browser it's ctrl + or command + if you are using a Mac so once you are done with selecting areas that have noise all you have to do is we have to click on measure noise it will work out the noise and it will take in the noise samples analyze it it is remove it throughout the image now watch it has done an amazing job let me just click OK and it shows you the before and after on the right hand side on in the loop have a look have a look at the before and after so this is before this is after now as you can see as I warned you before there is no software that can remove noise you will always reduce noise and if some software removes noise completely it's making your image smoother alright so click OK once you're satisfied with it so the effect has been applied and the best thing about this is that have a look this has created another layer called define - with all the noise removal done this has not destroyed the original layer pigeon so that everything is still intact if you think the effect is too much you can always go ahead and decrease the opacity now let's have a look let's zoom in and let's have a look at the before and after so as you can already see there's a very nice reduction in noise so if I turn off this layer so this was before this is after now it is this amazing alright so but when you do noise reduction you see that if you find there are some areas which has lost details all you have to do ok so this is before this is after if you want some more details in this fur and if you don't mind noise in those areas all you have to do you have to turn off this layer alright create a mask click on this button this creates a mask take a brush make sure black is selected if it's not click on this icon and press X so if it's some other color protip if it's some random color selected here and there alright all you have to do click on this tiny icon that you can see two squares click on this and this will turn to its default color press X again to get black in the foreground and white in the background and start painting of the areas that you think should have the noise alright that you don't mind having the noise and have the details instead so the Spain over it and there you have it you'll get back all the details all the noise those specific areas all right so no no that's ugly that's good so that's how you reduce noise in Photoshop whether it's a sky whether it's nice sky some of you requested about night sky whether it's a landscape whether it's a portrait whatever it is you can use the same steps to remove noise just make sure that you pick out an even surface so what do you get from this tutorial number one do you have to download Nik collection it's an amazing set of plugins my favorite is color effects Pro and Silver Efex Pro and Silver Efex Pro does some amazing black and white conversion if you're interested in that so number two pick out an even surface number three make sure that the noise is equally distributed in the area that you select number four if you think that an area has lost details if you think you don't mind noise in that particular area you can always create a mask and paint with black on it so that's pretty much it I'll see you guys in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe click on that felt button so that you don't miss anything thanks a lot for watching guys finally follow me on snapchat I just downloaded it at the rate fix imperfect and also on Instagram and other social media handles but I'm very excited about snapchat I just downloaded it so don't follow me there I'll see you there bye peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 176,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: piximperfect, get rid of noise in photoshop, how to reduce noise in photoshop cc, remove noise in photoshop, noise reduction plugin free, high iso noise reduction photoshop, best way to reduce noise in photoshop, fix noise in photoshop, noise removal plugin photoshop, remove iso noise photoshop, noise removal plugin, denoise photoshop, remove grain photoshop, noise reduction software, nik software, nik dfine, nik photoshop, noise and grains, photoshop grain removal
Id: teKMm9u-h90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2017
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