Noel Noa's GENIUS SECRETS (Blue Lock Manga)

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what is the thought process of the world's best Striker no Noah and how can you use it his logical efficient philosophy is really simple to use however to explain it we will be going into manga spoilers which will give away some of the setup for a future Ark okay there's a really interesting conversation between isagi and Noah in chapter 158 isagi Begins by asking what do I need to do to increase my ranking to which Noah responds by asking about his specialty his weapon when a sagy replies with direct shots now then begins a series of questions which seem to get more and more into the details of this however what quickly becomes clear is that he's actually working out route backwards from a goal that a saging can take to score a goal he likely use his direct shot to use that he'd need to get past his opponents unmarked and be near the goal to do that he'd need the vision to see openings and a stamina to make it to them however when Miller asks him on details of that isagi seems to falter he's very aware that his physical ability is his biggest weakness but Noah doesn't let him get away with just pinning it on that as he coldly but very calmly asks him assuming you had all that could you beat me isagi admits he doesn't know and Noah's response when aagi asked him what he lacks is extremely insightful and is actually the main point of this video but before that I just want to go over what we've just seen this whole idea of working back backwards from a goal is something you should try yourself you don't have to do it now but once you do you realize whatever it is you want it's probably a lot simpler than you realize if you watched my videos before you can probably guess what example I'm going to give the gym let's say you want to get in shape to do that you need to work out and you need to improve your eating okay looking at the workout side of things you need to know what program you're going to do and then you're going to need to know how to do exercise it in there once you write it all down it seems really obvious but that's kind of the point which when you don't know how to do something unsurprisingly you'll very rarely end up doing it it become so easy to procrastinate and subconsciously hide behind the shield of I don't know how to do this but it can also just be very overwhelming to try and start something when you have a lot of unknowns about what to do in your head so I think this is a really useful logical plan as would' expect from Noah however I want you to Bear something very important in mind whilst you're doing this if you're just starting out you do not need detailed answers you do not need perfect answers using the gym as an example don't get caught up on is it this program or is it this program in the same way Noah asked to saggy if having all these traits would get him to where he wants to be ask yourself would knowing this actually get me closer to where I want to be deciding whether you're going to do plan a or Plan B isn't actually going to get you close to the goal just doing either one of those will on day one you just need an answer not an explanation as you progress you can add the details as they become increasing ly important anyway going back to Noah but hopefully you can see the points I'm making and apply it to whatever is you have in mind Wii asked him what he's lacking Noah responds asking him what the first thing he does in the morning is does his first action of the day does every action of the day bring him closer to his goal now you don't have to spend quite literally every second focusing on one goal personally I do like to spend the vast majority of my time focusing and progressing towards a Target but regardless of how extremely you want to go in you should be very very conscious of whether or not each and every action you're taking is actually getting you closer to your goal or not there's obvious examples here where let's say your goal is to pass an exam so you say you study for an hour at 1: p.m. for instance but then it gets to 1 p.m. and you go oh well I'll just hi in my room first so I can focus and it's been ages tidying your room and then after that you go well I'm not feeling motivated right now I need to do this or watch this so I feel motivated neither of these things are actually getting you closer to your goal they feel like they are but really the only thing that will is actually sitting down and studying but there's also less obvious examples let's Jump Ahead to chapter 199 where saggy and Noah are on the attack together with Noah by his side it's like's huge brain can see a ton of roots to the goal there's a lot of options to him that will get him closer to there and he realizes that he's wasting a lot of time looking at all of them Noah picks up on this and tells him to get rid of unnecessary noise and streamline his thought process because if all these roots are equal just pick one I kind of spoke about this in my previous video but if you keep jumping between all these different routes you won't get anywhere so using YouTube as an example I get a lot of questions for people wanting advice on their Channel and more often than not when I look they've made three or four videos and I already plan on changing that entire Channel and just imagine if aagi got to hear on his route and went well change your plan let me take this route instead he's never going to score like that whatever it is YouTube a sport a personal goal whatever it may be stick with it for a while to see if it works and if you enjoy it there's a time and place to re-evaluate your strategy I actually had an old YouTube channel that got about 60 Subs after a year and you know changing that up has gone pretty well but give it some time anyway it's what Noah says next to a saggy that really stuck with me as a sagy wastes his time looking at all the roots Noah reminds him that he's not God and tells him to focus on the one single thing he desires most for a Sagi it was to destroy Kaiser and this really links back to the start where we spoke about is this action actually going to bring you closer to what you want so in my case you know I have wasted the most time on this year it's not Facebook or video games if you're a fellow YouTuber you can probably relate to this it's looking at the analytics on my channel comparing myself to other channels seeing if my views are up or down for the week working out oh if I keep growing at this rate I'll hit this many Subs by the end of the year but here's the thing the one thing I want is not looking at the analytics it's growing the channel staring at the analytics whilst exciting and fine if it's just once a day or so constantly checking it is not getting me closer to where I want to be focusing on the one thing you want stops you procrastinating and making excuses because whatever it is you're distracting yourself with or hiding behind you realize that those things just aren't as important as your main desire and that is the main driver of no's efficient effective philosophy that lets him stand on top of the world break it down into simple steps be honest about whether or not what you're doing is actually benefiting you and keep your site firmly fixed on that one thing you want more than anything else however if you've watched all this and still aren't sure what it is you want to do I've got a video coming out next week which will explain how to figure that out so be sure to sub if you don't want to miss that otherwise thanks for watching and I'll see you next week
Channel: Lessons From Anime
Views: 27,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blue lock, blue lock anime, blue lock manga, blue lock isagi, Noel Noa, noel noa blue lock, noel noa real life, blue lock 240, blue lock rankings, blue lock rank 1, blue lock best player, blue lock best player in the world, ego vs noa, noa vs snuffy, noa vs isagi, noa and isagi, blue lock motivation, blue lock motivational speech, blue lock react, blue lock essay, blue lock video essay, blue lock ego and noa, blue lock noa speech, blue lock noa scenes
Id: jZyokSW9yTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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