How one man (secretly) rebuilt Karasuno - Haikyuu

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name a carasso starting member and chances are you can think of multiple Big scenes they've had huge game saving or winning moments brilliant bits of character development or just pure hype but there's one player that doesn't really apply to sure he has his moments but compared to these huge scenes with flashbacks multiple minutes of buildup and even their own unique soundtracks he doesn't really have anything like that and that's the captain Dai but there's actually a lot more to say about him than it first seems his story goes a lot deeper than I realized the first time I watched IQ and it's one that could have gone very differently if wasn't for his incredible mental strength also it's one you notice has a lot of similarities with hits a lot firstly he too lacked a real team that shared his crazy love for the game sure unlike K he did at least have one to train with but they weren't really interested in it besides him no one on his team ever believed there was any chance of winning his final game in high school also ends with a crushing defeat leaving him frustrated but above all wanting to play more volleyball having seen Carno on TV he too wanted to play for them however when dii arrives with the other 30d years he's met with a completely different carasim the wingless crows don't even seem to be able to walk play alone fly with no coach or disinterested team and their contacts with other schools completely lost it would have been all too easy to just give into the despair because this is seemingly casso's lowest point even if he got his fellow first year to be as hyped up as he was you can't play volleyball with free players but I think D's experience when he was younger taught him something very very valuable cuz there how hopeless it may seem or how disinterested people are once they lose at the end of the tournament they're frustrated incredibly frustrated we see it from multiple teams in the same episode we find out about dai's backstory they stand on the court and realize they can't suddenly become a strong team they wish they practiced more they wish they took it more seriously they wish they got to play more volleyball even if it doesn't seem like there's an opportunity right now you'll regret not preparing for it when it does arrive and so he not only trains hard he trains after hours he coaches his fellow first finds a manager does everything he possibly can going above and beyond every single day despite how meaningless it seems he knows nothing will come of it for at least this year but he still does it every single day without fail and some of that energy did carry over a little to his upper classman who get a little bit pumped up at least but it was too little far too late Carno lost by eight points in the second round to a team we never hear of again so presumably weren't that good themselves and it's now the fges finally fed a regret of it all far far too late and his former Captain leaves him with those words that define di cheese and many other characters Journeys there's a chance carasso may never get stronger and if it does it will probably be years from now but if that chance appears you'd better grab it it's not too on common to hear people worry about oh what if I spend years doing this and it wouldn't work out wouldn't that be a waste of time but not doing it not preparing and not practicing we feel like far more of a waste of time and I've mentioned how hinu and Dai stories have a lot of parallels both had to with absolutely no guarantee of anything coming of it create an opportunity for themselves that otherwise wouldn't exist hin had to durin his ball Arc and Dai had to day one at carasso he had to do everything he could to improve himself as much as possible so that after the new members the next year or the following year turn out to be strong he'd be able to grab that opportunity and of course as we know in both years they got some great members and it's because of dai's perseverance that when hin joins carassa it's very different from when dii joined he doesn't walk into a team disinterested and hopeless he walks into a team that's full of Fire fire that's ready to give Nationals everything they have it was a real reminder for me that if you don't like the mood of your environment your work your house maybe your team as well the way you act can have a real knock on effect take a long time but if you're more positive if you're more ambitious slowly but surely others around you want to match that because they just feel awkward not doing so and have probably been wanting to be that way anyway but just felt all could being the only one and imagine if Dai hadn't been so dedicated and so ambitious sugu and Asahi likely wouldn't have matched their energy certainly not to the same extent and then who knows if Tanaka and nishinoya would have it certainly wouldn't have reached level that could Inspire Suk kushima and Yamaguchi Dai started something incredible and these two joining was such a switch that suddenly all that pointless practice and worthless optimism turned into something very very worthwhile and it's funny how that happens that all the effort if it was so hopeless and was probably almost sort of looked down on and Sneed at by others then you hit a certain level a certain event and it's like a switch has flicked and you become immeasurably grateful for it it's all finally paid off their strong thirst in second years won't be let down by their third years because they've ensured that they're strong too krasno is finally strong again and they couldn't have asked for a better Captain to lead them brilliant people skills knowing when to step in and when not to even when other's initial reaction is to step in he handled the difficult start of hinor kaga perfectly and there a constant reassuring voice that constantly lives his team spirits and calms players down without ever feeling fake or forced and above all he's the player who the majority of the time has to handle the most stressful situations the pressure of the winning Point often goes to h and there's plenty of pressure there of course but if he misses well the game carries on but on the occasions where Carno has been one point off defeat usually with the opponent's top server holding the ball there's no room for error and most of the time the responsibility naturally fors Dai to handle it and he's never want to let his team down even when it's just a set point the pressure must be immense yet even against the likes of oawa not once has Dai let his team down of course Being Human he does miss the occasional receive but not once has he missed one but it really counts he's taken the brunt of their strongest opponents strongest weapons and always managed to survive them much to his opponent's annoyance he's a foundation that holds the whole team together and now his vision that he thought for for years is finally happening and he deserves every second of it because none of this would have happened had he not been so serious about his first year and the crazy part is he was willing to give that all up for the the good of the team following their defeat to Alba jite the fges now have to decide if they'll play in the spring tournament or not and in spite of how long he's waited for this now that that chance is finally in his hands and he's a team strong enough to potentially make it to Nationals he's willing to give that up to let the first and second years develop I don't actually think it would have helped them if he had stood down because there is no way they would have gone as far as they did without him with how close the Ala josi match was losing D would have definitely resulted in losing that game G which then would have meant they wouldn't have had the development they got in the shiritori zawa and inaki games but either way just the fact that he was willing to do that he was willing to do what he thought would help the team out waiting so long for this really shows what a great guy and Captain he is thankfully sugara talks him out of it but even so he has the humility to realize that whil he started this crazy Chain Reaction it's not just him that has this vision and it's not just him that contributes to either but regardless even though he never really gets to credit for it in my eyes D is the man who started keser's Reber and embodies one of my favorite ideas from hiq that even when it seems like there's no point as though nothing is happening even though you're putting the work in one day something will happen to make all of it worthwhile but only if you keep going thank you very much for watching I've got plenty of other highq videos videos so I'll put the playlist on screen for you but let me know who else you want to see below have a great day and see you again soon
Channel: Lessons From Anime
Views: 54,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: haikyuu, haikyu reaction, haikyuu reaction, haikyuu season 4, haikyuu season 3, haikyuu!!, haikyu analysis, haikyuu analysis, haikkyu analysis, haikkyuu analysis, daichi haikyuu, haikyuu oikawa, haikyuu hinata, daichi dies haikyuu, daichi moments haikyuu, character analysis haikyuu, haikyuu murder of crows, haikyuu chance ball, haikyuu final point, haikyuu crunchyroll chance ball, haikyuu crunchyroll, haikyuu murder of crows crunchyroll, haikyuu essay, haikyuu discussion
Id: Y8ijvITMLhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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