Solo Leveling: Full Self Improvement Guide

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if you had the system what would you do with it I want you to think about that during this video and by the end of it you're going to feel better about yourself because there's something we're not really allowed to talk about and it's potentially part of why you likely love the show so much and felt so inspired by it so if you clicked on this video you're probably in one of two groups one is that you just watch everything I post and if that's you I appreciate it bro but the other is that you watch Sol leveling found it really hyper motivating and want to know what to do with that motivation and the first thing I want to say is that if you feel like you relate to him in the beginning where he's powerless he's not respected he's got this goal in his mind that he can't reach in his case it's to provide for his family but whatever it is for you you're definitely not alone there's a reason so many people love this show for that exact same reason and it's because honestly people AR aren't as different as you think you know you're mostly the same as most other people and if you do the same things as them you'll end up mostly like them obviously in the show he has the system and he's the only one in the world who can improve as a hunter but in reality that's just not the case you're not the one unique human on the planet who can't get better at anything you really need to give yourself more credit if you think oh I just can't improve at all of this like it's it's just not true and on on the topic of not giving yourself enough credit you're probably not aiming high enough if you feel like an e rank right now to use the same system as the series if the goal you have in mind is just to get to C rank it's really not that motivating so whatever the equivalent of what C rank is whatever you're aiming for is probably not enticing enough to make you want to put in all the work needed for it reaching it won't really excite you and so even though it's not as much work to get there you're likely not going to want to do it I spoke about this in all my blue lock videos but when you see Jin Wu able to fight these goblins like it's cool but it's not nearly as exciting as when he's able to stand up to these B ranks and then of course I won't go into any spoilers but obviously he gets stronger and stronger as he gets further on in the series and it becomes more and more hype and exciting to see people criticize the show for being quite a almost corny power fantasy and honestly they're not completely right wrong but who cares when these moments happen in real life and you suddenly realize your practice paid off and the people who doubted you can't continue to deny where you've reached it's amazing and reaching a level where that happens reaching a high level that's worth all the work needed for it and obviously the higher you aim the longer it's going to take to get there right but it's important to acknowledge that because even Jin wo can't jump from E rank to S rank IM immediately it takes some time but what happens with a lot of people is they don't respect the fact that they have to go through these lower levels you can't jump from level one to level 100 without passing through level two yeah there's no magic advice that's going to instantly jump your up levels if you're looking for that in any of my videos you won't find it likewise if you're hoping I'll say something that will just keep you motivated or disciplined forever it just doesn't exist you know it takes time and obviously it's fr frustrating when you're surrounded by people who are doing way better at whatever it is you want to do which I'll come back to but nothing you do will let you immediately jump up to that level we see constantly every single time jindu wants to improve he has to go and train to practice he can't get better without going through that and getting XP because no one can and so it really shouldn't be frustrating or footing when you start something new and you suck at it wait obviously you do man you've never even Tred to improve it until now and that includes things like consistency too on you first try something you're not going to manage to do it 365 times that year you have to build that up too and this is obvious for some things like no one expects to just turn up to J and lift 200 Kg on day one but the classic example would be meditating of course you can't just sit down and meditate the first time and your mind is completely blank the whole time that doesn't mean you can't meditate it just means you're level one at it or social skills and confidence like maybe you're like when I was when I was younger this is a bit embarrassing I would watch those like quite lame videos on how to be more confident and memorize all the tips so that next time I went to talk to people I'd be super confident and then obviously it doesn't work so I got frustrating and was still awkward but it sounds so obvious yeah we all forget it so easily that the only way is through practice the very essence of this series it's just getting that little bit better each time and eventually it all adds up Jin wuu has to fight increasingly strong monsters and maybe for the example of improving your social skills whatever you just make eye contact to everyone your past then once that gets too easy and it's too slow to keep leveling up that way you start saying hello to them as well and then maybe have a conversation with a stranger after that and so on you can obviously change and apply that to whatever you had in mind but I'd only focus on one maybe two areas at a time because honestly in my experience whenever I've tried to do more than one certainly more than two it it just doesn't really work very well but going back to that point earlier where you feel like you're surrounded by people who are way better than you if that's you either you're just starting out which we've covered or if you've been doing it a while and you've got pretty good about it and you still you still feel bad about yourself when it comes to this area I probably know why you still do so when you watch this show and certainly if you've read the mangle man one there's a lot of focus on the sranks right and obviously they're the ones you remember and of course the show focuses more on them because there's fewer of them but what's really interesting is only not not not one% are even Hunters e rank Jin wo was already phenomenal and what's more only .2 are C ranker above so 80% of hunters are D or E rank even a b rank is pretty incredible but that's not what I want to talk about I'm writing a bit here the point is if you have that problem I mentioned where you're actually starting to do pretty good at something but still feel as though you're not to the point where it really gets you down you probably just spend too much time online because the way these algorithms work those S ranks which make up a tiny percent of the world will wake up your entire feed and so you'll think that everyone is doing best than you I remember this used to really mess with my head a few years back you know I'd be doing pretty well but because I'd scroll through and see so many people doing better than me or allegedly doing better because obviously people aren't always honest I felt terrible about myself and as soon as I stopped looking at that kind of content I felt way better anyway that wasn't too related to solar leveling but I think it's something that's really important to say and then there's that last part that we're not really supposed to talk about but I know for a fact if I had seen this series when I was 10 years younger the seem where the girls are admiring him would have motivated the hell out of me and you've probably heard and maybe even said before you know don't do it for girls or I'm doing it for myself but I remember what it was like if I go back to when I was younger so I'm 24 now if I go back to when I was a teenager I remember how awful it feels to be kind of invisible to girls it really does mess with your head and self-esteem and once that changed I honestly did feel better about myself and so whilst I don't think you should do anything for girls it's fine if that's a part of what motivates you you know having a good social and romantic life makes a huge difference to our self worth a lot of people you've seen online probably including some of the ones you've seen will say otherwise but I'm sure just hearing me say that you realize that what I'm saying is true now I still don't think that you should make that your sole reason for doing anything because the irony is once that does change for you you realize on its own it doesn't actually do much for you it's more all the things you did to improve yourself but it's honestly fine if that's part of what motivates you it's going to our very core desires as humans but anyway the reason I talk about this is because as I said earlier the criticisms of the show being a corny power fantasy aren't wrong to be honest but that just shows that it's it's something a lot of guys clearly wish they had they wish they were more competent at something more respected and that they had this clear path do this get better at it those are all very reasonable and reachable things to want and I hope if you've made it this far you realize that it really is doable just by making it to this point in the video you've already got a better attention span than the vast majority of people let be real and so to go back to that question at the start what would you do if you had the system well you already have it so you're not going to waste it right thanks for watching as always obviously a little different to the usual series I cover but hopefully you enjoyed it anyway much more to say for this one I have a new video on next weekend so I'll see you then have a great day
Channel: Lessons From Anime
Views: 56,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling arise, solo leveling reaction, solo leveling motivation, jin woo motivation, solo leveling react to sung jin woo, solo leveling op, solo leveling gameplay, solo leveling arise release date, solo levelling ep 12 preview, solo levelling episode 12, solo levelling episode 11 reaction, solo levelling episode 11, jin woo vs igris, jin woo vs hunters, sung jin woo, sung jin woo motivation, jin woo motivation edit, sung jin woo vs igris edit, the power analysis
Id: _KnIfEIJ580
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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