#nodevember with Simon Thommes | Day 3-4 | '4 Sided'

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okay perfect we got ourselves another day in november uh this day the prompt is four-sided just go to the website last time it was a three-sided so i made oh what's going on a nice triangle pizza slice today four-sided i was thinking of huh there we go four-sided making a nice windmill because i don't know how many people know this but blender is based in the netherlands and holland and yeah there's a bunch of these things around they're very nice and they have four blades here on the spinny thing so i thought very nice and thinning let's make a window should also not be too difficult to do in geometry notes just a bunch of primitive primitives stick them together and there we go so yeah let's just get going uh as always i'm gonna or as is my plan for always this november i'm going to start out with a completely empty geometry so nothing as a basis and then work my way through with geometry notes i was planning on adding like very very basic shading but nothing nothing uh much seeren yes nice hey everyone uh yeah let's just see how we can get this going here so for the windmill we need a cylinder base which no input just the output is just going to have eight vertices i think there's a low poly base and then i want to rotate this a little bit just to have it face differently i'm gonna just go for what that 360 divided by eight wait it can't be right by 16 there we go we got a basis ah folks here again nice yeah very very old traditional technology here made in the very newest technology that blender has to offer it's going to be interesting to see um yeah i'm not super sure how detailed i can get this i was planning on actually getting some nice details in there here and there to actually have it interesting looking in the end because otherwise it's just going to be a bunch of different primitives stuck together which is not super interesting but at least it's a completely different workflow than the thing that i did last time which was more organic displacement based uh modeling maybe make the windmill itself four-sided hmm oh yeah it's not a bad idea uh that should work out yeah let's do that why not i think i'm still going to stick with the uh um what was i going to say 45 degrees with the cylinder primitive because that gives me a nice amount of of options that i can set that the cube primitive doesn't have ah it's similar but these are might be more useful as just seeing this at least more intuitive but right now i'm not going to use them that much anyways okay so i'll just take a second cylinder cube and then join them together that's going to be my base maybe i'll just give it a frame call it base and this is going to be my main hull thing we're just just gonna sit on top oh scale translation this a lot of vertical space with the note setup here it's going to be a little bit thicker and then i want this to have like a gradient here a profile where it's more curved to the top um i like tapered and i think for that actually i should make this a little bit differently because yeah because i want more precise control over the uh the curvature on the side here i'm going to before i scale this and transform it into the into the position where i want it later i'm just gonna have this have a radius of one a depth of one so let's just wait is that correct oh yeah it is and then i just push it up so it's standing on 0.5 and then i can get a parameter that's nicely just following from the bottom to the top by just taking the position the y the z coordinate of the position so you just take the position field separate the components and then this is just going to be my gradient along the z component and i think at that point i want to see what's going on so i'll also make a shatter setup for evie so i can actually see what's uh what's happening i did this the last stream as well in the future that's not going to be necessary because there's going to be a viewer for fields i'm not 100 sure when that's going to happen though so for now it needs to uh we need to do this workaround thing so i create the viewer output i output it to a viewer attribute and then i make a new viewer material that i'll also assign in the end set material and that oh there you go and that viewer material is just going to display the attributes that we wrote here to the viewer attribute typo there we go and then that should already work so that's the position right now let's take the z and i'm going to change the settings but there you go you can also already see that it works which is super nice because it's real time it's just eevee and it works i gotta change some input settings here because i'm used to a different input key map extra hitting pi menus there we go okay uh now that we got the viewer set up we can just start working this is not necessary anymore for the viewer i'm just going to create this reroute socket so everything we plug in here every field that's going to be plugged in there is going to be displayed with ev and it's super responsive and super nice yeah and then let's see i want to basically scale the um the x and y position of the points on this cube by a curve that follows that follows this parameter that i just created and for that i'm going to use a float curve float curve and with that i can control the profile and that profile i'm going to use for some vector math probably yes vector math and i need to combine x y z because i only want to scale this on two components x and y with the same factor z is going to stay the same [Music] yes and i need the position again and that i multiply with that vector set vector 1 this and then set position okay and that should work oop there you go wait wait should scale it to zero hmm let's see i'm a little bit confused because this oh this is not starting at zero it should be ah i plug it into the offset never mind there we go okay you might be wondering this was better before and now it's worse but we'll make it work again let's take a map range and right now this is the this this outputs values between 0 and 1 so it's going to scale it to 0 in the center and then to 1 at the top instead i want it to start at 1 no let's say one is at the top so i have better control of how large this actually is and then uh at the bottom it's going to be like 1.4 or something so yes i gotta map this from zero to one to one and four point one at 1.4 like this then that is going to be combined with the rest oh like this nice okay but also now this needs to be scaled up but i have to do that after i created the map actually i should probably capture the position attribute so that everything that is created here can be reused later and doesn't get re-evaluated because it's supposed to be a mask or a parameter for that matter so let's capture the position there's a vector and then use that instead i don't know if people but also have issues with the concept of capturing attributes because i i don't know how much in detail i talked about it before but the basis is just that if you don't capture it and it's just like this everywhere where it's actually used in the geometry node like here so here this position would be reevaluated on the geometry that's passed in so if if we were to use this same parameter that i exported here way later down the line and i did a lot of changes to the geometry but i used this same mask again it might be completely different because it's going to be regenerated from a new position but if i capture the position first it's going to use that position at this time and then propagate the information down the line which is very nice so now we can just use this same z component later on even though this might be transformed completely differently which i'm going to do now because oh no no rotation this should be oh yeah i shifted it already yeah like scaled up along the z-axis for example that's starting fine what is the difference if i make a windmill by modeling and by using geometry notes well one is procedural and one isn't uh you might say it doesn't make sense why would you make it procedurally but oh well we're in november so everything is procedural but if you if you wanted to just have a whole bunch of windmills that all look different then it would be very easy to just make them larger if you made the most geometry notes for example like scale them along one axis or like make them higher and everything [Music] like nah i'm just going to make it first and then we can see what's what will be parametrized okay another cylinder wait this all is the main hall this was the base and now we need a top the future is procedural yes everything will be procedural in the future let's take a look at this so for the top i was thinking of just taking a cylinder and or half a cylinder and just popping it on top for that it just needs to have the correct uh dimension that should be fine i guess we'll just take another transform node uh like this this should be two i think let's probably this as well wait didn't i i thought i made it one at the top did i not ah radius one well well well maybe i should have used uh the cube okay i'm gonna use the cube instead because radius means that it's going to put the the vertices at radius 1 and that will result in shorter edges right okay two like this that one no rotation there we go back to the start but now it has the correct dimension because if we take the top part and shift it all the way up yes it's matching nice and that now comes the procedural part let's combine a vector and use a value input so instead of manually trying and match it i'm going to just take this value and use it for the translation and also for this oh well math a little bit of math so in the beginning it has a scale of one and then scale it up by this so i need to oh god i shouldn't have done this vector math just this no where is it why is it there okay now i need to think wait that's fine okay i move it up by no by the factor yeah there we go why is it not perfectly aligning though yes geo nodes is very nice for scattering gives you a lot of control it's uh much more precise than the old way of scattering with particles which was also nice for what it was but geonotes is a bit nicer let's rotate this as well but i'm not 100 sure where there's an offset ah where did i create this offset here let's not do that let's keep it like this the base needs to be a little bit thicker maybe a taller kind like that and for this nightmare i'm just going to use a boolean because i don't want the intersections to stay so instead of join let's do boolean operation and it's going to be union there you go clean topology no cheese november well we felt that yesterday uh two days ago already there's plenty of cheese involved with the pizza okay is this going to [Music] this i think i'll also make it a little bit wider at the bottom which is this actually let's add some parameters so later on we don't lose what's actually important so this is the base width this was the height yeah good enough for now and this is the top i didn't actually increase it let's go for this and then also thicken this up i'll just use the same parameter and scale it up down beautiful oh hmm well do i fix this i wasn't really planning on making more of a kind of a clock tower windmill it doesn't really bother me that much i think i'll just keep it as it is this is fine okay then top needs to be a little bit more detailed there's going to be another cylinder actually i don't want to include this stuff in the boolean operation so i think instead of putting this all on it on here i will just do it afterwards so another cylinder joined together with this there we go there it is okay this should also then take uh the same transformation so it's at the correct height oh oh yeah this is the scale wrong uh run vector there we go and then an additional transformation hello like this kind of are there even windmills that are smaller at the base uh well i'm not an architect i would assume it's not the most uh um physically integral type of building when it's thinner at the base but there might be will using geonotes increase ram usage or will it be the same sf4 model traditionally as far as i know it shouldn't increase the ram usage as long as whatever you're doing in between the beginning and the end is not blowing up the ram because it will still have to go through all the calculations right but if what it ends up with is the same as if you'd just done that thing by hand then it shouldn't increase the ram usage but yeah you could like scatter billions and billions of points and then throw away 99 of them it's still going to calculate all these points so keep that in mind it's not about the final result only it's also about every single step in between which is why huge note graphs just take a while to uh to be evaluated because there's so much stuff that needs to be calculated in between hmm i think that bug where you drag select yeah it's i think it's when you start dragging from a value that's already one uh already zero and you type in zero it doesn't change here if i type in one again oh it works that's very specific for a bug yeah i gotta report i that have to fix that later it would be great if you can just do it but otherwise i'll just report it and uh hope that somebody picks it up at some point you apply the scale to the roof hmm not sure what you mean by that i don't know to apply any scale this is all just one object but yeah the basic shape is just gonna be this i think i'll just move on to the actual rotor in the front and for that we're going to make some nice uh rotational array kind of thing which is something that people have been asking for for years and years for the blender array modifier but now that we have geometry nodes we don't need that stuff we can just make a circle well i haven't really i haven't really tried it before but i'm sure it'll work fine make a circle maybe maybe i'll just create one blade of the of the rotor before just have something to actually uh array okay let's make it very very simple thing probably a grid by the way i think something that's probably going a little bit unnoticed is that the note wrangler shortcut for previewing something has changed for geogels so in shader nodes it's ctrl shift click to connect anything to the output and now we have this viewer node here which at some point for geometry nodes is going to be able to preview anything you click on in the viewport and also preview a field you can plug in here right now it only works for the spreadsheet that's not incredibly useful but sometimes it is useful but yeah later on it's going to be the main thing to preview stuff all over the note 3 when those features are actually implemented but the functionality of the node wrangler to connect something to the output is still there but it's on shift alt click yeah just to have mentioned that because i don't know if people know that it moved or just think that it's gone because it's not okay grid uh i'll just make something random kinda like this and transform no need to report it that's good one last report to do nice okay let's try and do the rotational array in theory we should just be able to instance on points on this curved circle and there we go it's not necessarily the right thing for for a windmill but it works could i get the time uh the tangent of the of the curve i don't i don't remember what inputs we have here ah that's easy that's almost it so now i just need to align the euler to the tangent so the tangent is just let's take a look at the circle well it's called a circle the tangent is just going to go kind of like this so i want to align the y-axis of my blade let's move it up yes the y-axis along the no the x-axis along the tangent and then i do this and then i have a thing why is it oh huh ah it should be the negative right yes i need to invert it let's do some vector math there you go and now we have all we need so if we put the radius to zero oh it explodes it's not good to almost zero it's just gonna be this kind of a thing beautiful that was easy so that's the rotor child objects don't move with the parents hmm right now there's no parenting going on but yeah this translation totally works so the instancing actually references the origin after we have it from here so it's actually going to move it from the origin into the points of this circle like this okay now we just have to [Music] make the geometry properly i guess i can make a curve to mesh is that a thing yet curve to mesh ah there is oh yes i need to realize the instances right that wasn't it ah match the curve damn it there we go does this even matter now it shouldn't matter at least right now okay and then i craft a mesh i use another circle mesh circle is fine four vertices i need a curve curved circle with four vertices a little bit thinner there we go oh god good enough but i think i'm gonna twist the curve or wait do i twist the curve or rotate i think it yeah just twist it twist no it's not called twist tilt there we go like this beautiful uh what even was this oh yeah this was like the the axle kind of thing and then this is just going to be put on top please make life of character snow rigging i can i can poke some people not going to do it myself we have a we have a professional rigger here in our headquarters would probably love to do it okay now i'll just do some transformation stuff i think i'm even not gonna bother making the scale match up beforehand i'll just i'll just do it right now here because i didn't really think ahead which which is fine it's totally fine this just goes up here i do need to be in the correct position though so [Music] i should just be able to take this vector that i used a couple of times before use some vector mass and add this on top of whatever what uh whatever other vector i'm transforming this by just copy this don't work okay hover copy paste doesn't seem to work for some reason ah because it's in meters well i might want to report that as well did you know everything about the program i don't think i can claim that i know everything about blender i don't know if there is anybody that would claim that there's a lot to know about this software i certainly don't know everything i guess we're figuring out right now all the things that i don't know about geometry nodes because i have been spending most of my recent time when i was using geometry notes with a very old version so i'm a little bit out of date for that okay now i just need to have some corner some kind of connection this was the whole rotor and up here this was just the array and this is a blade why am i i should i should be doing this before instancing this doesn't make sense like this okay same result but the workflow is a little bit more neat because i'm actually creating a single blade first and actually i do think i will just um put this back to point zero zero zero one something and then make the correct offset by offsetting it ahead of time like this are we building a helicopter engine very close it's going to be windmill we already have a base oh i might need to fix some scaling later but that's going to be fine but yeah it's going to be a windmill is that actually very far already for being less than an hour i mean it's it's very simple so but i'm planning to add more detail um i was going to maybe add like tiles on the surface which is scattering them around and then add some surface detail in the geometry uh yeah i don't really have a very precise plan of what i'm going to do but i'm going to fill the time because i want to make something nice okay another cube i would also like to have these edges not be perfectly straight and everything add some randomization some somewhere maybe i think i'll just do that afterwards it is kind of fun though that you're just able to change everything in the note 3 at all times and it's super responsive as well okay another cube yeah at this point i'm just going to go back to the single blade and just add like a bar that goes all the way through i was also thinking of adding some cloth for that i would need some some fake kind of simulations so it's waving in the wind a little bit run it for now where did the drawing go here just a bar kind of like this maybe i'm just doing it very very free form not very precise what is happening oh it automatically connected something that shouldn't happen but it shouldn't look like this these are the points and this is the instance no idea why that uh why that happened oh well there we go we need reference images might not be a bad idea i mean i looked at windmills beforehand um windmill maybe a square windmill that's kind of what i'm doing oh interesting these look very interesting maybe a little bit too interesting that looks like square is not too popular in terms of windmill shapes but there's a couple yeah they seem to like doing this separation of the top level and then a lower level i'll keep that around yeah i mean adding windows and those kind of details is an obvious choice that i'll just probably do at some point hopefully for now i'll just get the basis going um yeah if you look at the whole thing it's this and it's it's not even that many nodes i think it's fine but yeah the scaling here is way off oh wrong wrong node yeah here it was it's cutting it very close if i would make this very uh elaborate or very parametric i would account for this with the offset but i i think i won't i'll just keep it at this and just add two more cylinders over here so this was the rotor and for that i'm going to add i have a cylinder around no cylinder transform just join it in there like this and then one more of these guys which is going to have a bunch more vertices and be a little bit thicker for the front wait right here perfect kind of that's a windmill where do we spin it oh not quite the right direction there we go it's recognizable as a windmill i put the link to the latest experimental blender version into the description of the live stream as well at least on youtube on twitch i didn't really change anything but as always builder.blender.org we share the blender file free the blender file will be on the studio platform i'm doing this on work hours and that's our platform so it's going to be there it's not free but it's 10 euros a month and yep the file's gonna be there the the video is uh going to stay up on youtube though so that's free okay now it's time to think about some details let's check the reference again so i was thinking of adding cloth not maps it's like this this kind of a cloth i guess it's just going from this one bar here and then connect it to the corners and to the axles okay and then we'll windmills also have this this kind of a thing which is just a bunch more bars to add but i think the cloth would be a nice touch to have something a little bit more organic shaped than all of these very primitive shapes so it would be coming out of here and then it hello over here where's greece pencil going over here and over here spanning over there something's not working with this setup and that might be a little bit more tricky to do i don't think i'm going to account for gravity i could shouldn't be too difficult i mean obviously it's not going to be simulated just we're going to be a little bit uh fake simulated with some some waving in the wind and sagging so in terms of gravity it could just i could just mark some masks that i'll need for sagging the the cloth and then do that after i realize it in the very end after it's rotated and everything that would be totally fine but yeah i mean at first i just have to do something first needs to be there before i can actually do some fake gravity on top yeah i'm planning to tear it cloth no that's a little bit too much i think i was uh planning to do some of november that i mean i did some of november last year but i was right in the middle of working on sprite fright and was doing that stuff in my free time in 2019 i was doing everything in my free time because i i was just finishing university and i didn't have anything to do at that time so that was fine but doing it while also having a full-time job is kind of overkill so now i'm doing it during work hours which is pretty nice cloth okay so this was a single blade and this is also getting the cloth so another grid this is going to be a little bit more interesting i'm not 100 sure how i'm going to do it yet but we'll figure it out so because this is going to be more organic i need a bunch of resolution um but also i mean okay let's just take a look at it here sorry i'm still coughing once in a while a little bit can't wait for cloth notes yeah that would be really really sick having this in combination with charity notes from what i heard people are starting to very slowly think about working on them which is going to take a long time but it's already visible on the horizon i think which is very cool i can just copy this grid because i need the approximately same dimensions here and then i might just move this i might just move it over all the way and then transform i'll also just copy that over whatever so that's perfectly aligned but need way more resolution i'll just keep it as the same factor and to make it easy for myself so i can just change it later on and don't have to change the values by hand i'll just have a resolution slider just going to just multiply the second value by 3. there you go then we have nice almost square quads on this plane and then yeah let's just grab our old friend the viewer because now that's going to be useful for a little bit more organic modeling right because ah damn it i should have done it differently yes so here i'm going to use the same kind of idea that i was using in the very beginning to get this uh z value along the along the bay what's going on here along this edge to create the profile which is just doing the transformation afterwards but first keeping this grid let's keep this around at 1 1 and then yeah let's just transform it to somewhere 0.5.5 i think let's see yes because now it's perfectly aligned with zero zero one zero one one zero one which is gonna give us a nice uv mapping so i'm basically just generating uv coordinates like this by first having a very just just having this square grid then creating a mask or a uv uh coordinate map by reading out the position well actually this is already what i need so i can just capture the position capture position and then now if i oh let's first take a look at this ah it's not connected yeah i can't wait to actually have the field preview it's going to be amazing this is not quite working ah it's connected the wrong geometry so there we go there we go now we have a nice uv map on this plane and then we just do the scaling afterwards with another transform node so just use these values for the scale it doesn't work again okay i really care about the meters to be honest like this and this needs to be reverted and there we go it's like nothing happened wait it's not hmm did i mess something up oh i guess i need to use the scaling oh yeah i do um not if i do it in two steps right yes it's going to be a lot of transform nodes in this tree but who cares it's going to be fine okay hmm yes okay we have a basis for a cloth which is just a high resolution mesh that's following the wing and now this can nicely be where was it here cloth oh god it's already starting to be a mess the tree but that's why i try and re-frame everything and give it names beforehand let's give this a name call it um wing no cloth let's also call these wings and not blades it's been nicer i've been following the chat much yes a lot of geometry notes tutorials are very much outdated because of the redesign but in terms of in terms of general design not much is going to change from now on i think just going to be added on top so all the tutorials that are coming out now regarding 3.0 and higher are probably going to be fine and going to be valid for a long time i think but yeah the the redesign was very much needed all of the stuff that i've been doing with fields would have been very much a pain before because instead of building actual no trees we would be building snakes operations okay and now i can use this very attribute actually maybe i should start making node groups instead of these frames so i can dedicate outputs more specifically let me yeah i'll just keep going and then i'll start doing that as well but yeah now i can use this to have very nice parameters uv parameters along the uh different dimensions of this cloth which is going to be very useful because then i can do a bunch of vector math and pin the corners into specific points which is going to be nice so let's see where's the viewer i need it back um so how's this going to look this whole edge is basically going to be attached then this corner is going to be attached to the corner here and this is going to be connected with a string over here so that string is going to have a corner attached as well like here and then this is going to be basically free floating ah not really oh god i don't know if i want to dive deep into the math for this or just make it look kind of right i think that's probably what i'm gonna go for and for that i should even yeah i think i'm just going to scale this a little bit too small and then use the masks use some masks that i generate from the uvs to pin them to the right positions and the rest can basically be hanging with gravity and flapping in the wind okay so set position there's going to be a bunch of set position nodes i think and some vector math um yes scaling with masks let's take a look at the uv map why does an arc do i need to shouldn't work ah do we need to realize the instances or something i do interesting i thought this would work even without realizing oh do they just not no i'm i'm not sure i thought this would work a little bit confused but it's fine but maybe i should realize this after because the rotation yeah i mean the windmill is going to spin maybe i'll just add this parameter spinning is going to happen here yes so i can combine xyz and then 90 degrees 90 times pi divided by 180 yes that's just because this is in degrees and this is in radians calculation is just degrees times pi divided by 180. you can also just use a math note for that if you don't want to keep that in mind there's two degrees and two two radians same thing well now that i have it here maybe i'll just do it like this same thing and then spinning is going to happen here spin good now back to the mask right so spinning is here and then realizing the instances is after spinning because yes because just because the only difference between the different instances of the of the wings is going to be the gravity direction basically or like the wind displacement and that's just going to be affecting it after after the rotation happens good back to the cloth i need to make some masks so math nodes okay now that i have a good look at this you can see that right this is y equal to zero this is x equals zero this is x and y equals one x and y equals zero so one one is going to be pinned to this point so i need a mask that is one at one one and zero at zero zero and for that i'm just going to multiply x and y there we go good enough now just add a power node to control the uh the fall off and then i use this to scale the effect of this node oh right that that's not how it works wait wait wait wait i need to yeah i should probably just use the offset and then use the position inputs because right now i just put all the all the points into the origin i just set the position of them all to be zero and that's not what i need to do i need them to be at the position by default so i'm just going to use an offset and that offset is going to be the difference between the position and the point where i want to set them to scaled by the mask and now i can yeah just pin this one point here somewhere and that somewhere is going to be right there but this is not the most convenient way of looking at it so instead let's look at this at this i'm a little confused as to why zero zero zero is here oh right wrong direction and now it kind of looks like a piece of cloth right let's pin this somewhere you can even change how much pressure is applied okay i'll just eyeball where this is going i think it's going to be fine nope wait how are you going to be doing gravity and wind with notes uh i'm going to cheat it it's going to be all fake there's no such thing as simulation notes in blender yet but i'm just going to create a bunch of masks like the one that i was using here and then i'm going to use those masks to make it flop around with some noise animation and like sag down yes yeah last time i was on on the 3.0 beta version today i'm on alpha i think i'll stick to alpha throughout the month because there might be some some changes in geometry notes that i want to take advantage of but up until what i've been doing here the beta version of 3.0 should be totally fine as well okay yeah i think the questions can't be way too long and in detail here i i gotta keep going with my stuff yeah and blender.chat there's an everythingnotes channel where you can ask people anything about notes and there's a bunch of people in there that are glad to help out as far as i know okay what was i doing right i pinned one of the edges at one of the corners and now let's pin another one so same thing but now it's a different corner so instead of just multiplying x and y i'm going to invert one of them by subtracting it from one and that one is do i remember this was the y axis so i'm inverting the y axis like this and then i do the same thing i multiply x and the inverted y i power it up and then just do the same thing here again i subtract the position from the point where i want them to be and then i offset it by that difference scaled by uh let's get by the mask that i just created now of course it's going to be different points it's kind of all right i'm going to pull it up a little bit as well okay let's just take a look at the the resulting thing i think i'm gonna try having having this in a way with red bulbs a little bit i mean should go back oh god other pieces of cloth on windmills usually in the front of this structure looks like they are okay that's fine just dig a moat yes i was i was thinking of adding a little bit of an environment because it would be night uh it would be nice maybe having it like stand uh on the water or something but first i gotta finish the windmill itself would love to see how this compares to the old attributes workflow imagine long chains of appropriate math notes yes so i mean i'm thinking of maybe i could just enable the legacy system and try and redo like just this part here but yeah this kind of stuff where there's no actual geometry nodes like these but just math nodes um would be a lot of pain with the old system because you would have to use uh let's just turn it on very quickly i'm not going to redo the whole thing but just to show [Music] the old ways of doing things why is there no experimental tab and it needs to be turned on somewhere right where was that develop actress yeah um there we go there is this whole long list of attribute nodes and they're all dead except for these two i think and for good reason because they're not necessary anymore instead we can just use the regular vector math and math nodes but before there was this specific attribute math node which would pass the whole geometry around and then you type in a name and then another name and then another name and then you select which math operation to do and it's just one of these many many nodes and they're all in succession it's impossible to know which one does which and it's just a chain of operations and it's a nightmare but now you actually see okay these this multiplication and this multiplication are using the same x input and this is just the inverted y so it's basically the same operation just when inverted by y inputs and this is basically the same and then they're operated in succession and the rest is just happening here and it's much cleaner and you actually know what's going on when looking at it so that's the a grassy hill hmm ah band practice have fun sibrin sounds nice this here looks complicated i don't know what you're referencing but if you if you think that this look looks complicated then you should look at the other option that you would have with the old system which is just a chain that is like this long with a bunch of names typed into it okay no more slacking i need to create more masks so this is the basic cloth deformation oh also i forgot that i oh did i change something yes did i oh no did i press f by i think i pressed f by accident okay it's fine oh the the nodes in general look complicated it's just a bunch of very repetitive steps and they're all joined together it's just a bunch of cylinders really now we're getting in the more complicated parts very slowly and i'm already one and a half hour in i'm not sure how much detail i'm going to be able to add we should be talking less okay so base cloth deformation let's add the piece of string it's just going to be curve primitive curved line and let's make it curve the mesh that's also not great i'm typing in curve to mesh and it's also selecting mesh the curve because all the names are matching all the words are matching the order is ignored i should point that out as well at some point right and the start is going to be the exact same vector as this because this is where we attach the cloth just make it a vector input instead um what was the thing it was ctrl alt c no ctrl shift c no there was some shortcut to copyhole vectors i don't remember which one it was let's do it one by one all right can't be any of these not sure okay so this is going to be the start points of the piece of string and the end point is going to be oh yeah right this is going to be connecting to the next uh next win wing of the windmill so i'd rather look at it in the result also i don't really see what's going on with the curve it's not too far off maybe there looks kind of neat just need to make the curve thicker circle not this thick that's kind of all right i'm not sure how i'm gonna deal with thickness of this because there's no such thing as solidify yet in nodes um i don't know if it's really important for this to have thickness maybe it's fine it's probably gonna be fine yeah this should have a little bit more dimension to it i do yeah i do want to have some like seams on here where the grease pencil is not working where it's sagging in between a little bit like this very very roughly okay go drink something okay so the con the concepts with geometry nodes when you're working just with maths on on these fields are now that the nodes are basically compatible uh basically the same as with shader nodes because all of this stuff um i could basically just instead do a shader displacement like this displacement stuff there's no real reason to do it in geometry nodes other than you see it in the viewport in real time which is quite amazing if you think about it um because also there's a bunch of these texture nodes that are exactly the same and designed to be exactly the same as in shader notes so you will get the same results whether you do the displacement in here or in the shader so in theory and i've been i've been thinking about doing that because it sounds really cool in theory i could just go ahead and port basically all of the november entries that i've been doing in the past years with shader nodes with vector displacement and shader nodes into geometry nodes and see it in the viewport in real time which would be kind of cool can you just use offset from a position for thickness um well i can i can duplicate the mesh and then offset that a little bit uh that that's true but then there's going to be this gap between the two pieces of cloth basically it's not going to have actual thickness i could uh take the boundary edge and make a curve from it and then give it thickness that way which actually i might i might do that it's kind of a little bit of a cheeky way of doing this but let's just try it out why not okay so to get the boundary i don't think there's a note for that yet no eventually it would be nice to select edges by boundary so you'd only get the boundary edge of the boundary loop of this geometry so right now we need to hack our way around that keep in mind that geometry is still very very young like this is the the first release with the new system is not even out and the very first with release with the old system was was it a year ago i think yeah i think it was december i think it was less than a year ago and since then it's been completely redesigned and that's going to come out soon start with a subdivided cube ah that will be easier and the thing is i'm still because i need to hmm the thing is i like with the setup as i have it right now i would lose the dimension wherever i shift the points into this one point i would need to account for the offset uh the thickness beforehand and i kind of just don't want to do that i wanna i think it might be easier to just try the curve thing if it if it doesn't work i'll throw it away i'll just i'll just try it out very briefly but yeah to to get the boundary edge i will just use the fields that i have the uvs so i use more vector math and then where are they oh yeah those are the uvs i'll just give them a reroute and then give that a name it's the cloth uv i subtract 0.5 and x and y then i do the absolute of that and then do the you know i separate the components take the max i think yes wrong node math node take the maximum i'm not sure i'm doing the easiest way i just know that this is going to work so i'm just doing this and now if we look at the output yeah this is going to give us exactly a mask on the edge and that we can then use the lead geometry from the cloth and what was this that was the piece of string string ah i still have the legacy notes enabled that's not a good idea that's a very very bad idea i hope i didn't mess up the file this way it should be fine i think because i only added these notes in between um okay the viewer and then i delete with this selection there go and it looks about right now i just need to make sure that this really only gives us the outer edge and this looks fine so yeah because the edge itself is exactly on 0.5 because i subtracted 0.5 in the beginning and then yeah everything else everything that's less than 0.5 is going to be deleted and only the edge remains points is good and then i do curved mesh and i use the same string profile and join it together with this and then we look at it oh right i need to convert it into curve before to curve the mesh mesh the curve which already has a selection so instead i can do whatever let's keep it like this but you can see it works there's some thickness it does look a bit strange but it works i don't really know if that helped but yeah fine so this is the boundary curve what was the mask this is the boundary i don't think we'll need this later but if we do then it's there okay note 3 is slowly steadily growing that's nice it's not getting too outrageous yet it's also evaluating very quickly it's very nice i feel like the detail level here is a little bit too small because there's really no detail on the rest um i think i'll just start making it spin now and try and add some wait i should also attach this a little bit differently try and add some dynamics to the cloth also thinking of just making the wings a little bit wider it's not super realistic but it looks like the focal point right now is going to be the cloth on the wings if i manage to actually make it move probably and then it might help when they're just larger so you can see them properly but you have a cloth i want to push without and the nice thing is everything still works with it i tell damager to rig snow i am excited i will i will definitely let them know that multiple people asked in the stream [Music] yeah the keys that i'm pressing i don't think screencast keys is a default add-on anymore is it no i don't have it i can make sure to for the next stream install it i don't want to do it right now i want to keep going with this but yeah i i'm sorry i thought about doing that but it was already too late i'll do it for next time i can try remembering uh to to mention what key presses i'm doing from time to time when i think something might be interesting but yeah it's mostly mostly just uh i mean the regular blender key presses like g for moving stuff but also the note wrangler uh no regular shortcuts my voice is muted is it i've only seen one person so far complaining about that before it was fine okay should be fine let's just try how it looks like when i size up the the wings a bit i'm just going to make it look a little bit more chunky as well so i size that up and then the grid here let's try this or well the factor should be wait 5 by 12 12 by 5. and also here oh no never mind i need to ah no i'm messing it up i need to change the point positions and those are here and here it's a very chunky windmill weight i'm also going to move this back a little bit more like more like this so it's attached a little bit differently hmm also just going to add another bar just on the side here to to hide this thing but i want to have it also peek out on this side because that's something i've been seeing on windmills a lot where was that here this is the second one of these so and then just eyeball it yet again nothing is lining up here really but that's okay it would be nice to have the edges not be super straight though unfortunately this not a bevel node yet to help with that stuff is coming together though but yeah i think i'm gonna add more detail on other places now i want to have yeah i think i'm just gonna have some um tiles on the sides i want to see if i can make that work so in theory i should just be able to distribute a bunch of points and then make it work from there that's going to be on the main hull so on this thing is what is going on here this is not right i was joining a bunch of geometry that i that i already joined multiple times so yeah let's not do that will you be able to change the number of wings well practically probably not but in theory yes wait let me just find the right value there you go there's a bunch of wings it's not quite accurate let me quickly just mute this then it's going to be a lot faster uh yeah it's not it's not really accurate it's intersecting in all sorts of places and it's also the string is not in the right position anymore i probably shouldn't change the number of wings if we wanted to make it work it would be possible to just drive this drive the things that need to be adjusted with this resolution value probably just going to keep it at four i mean that's the prompt of the day four sides four sided so that's going to stay like this as it works uh the subdivision surface node to work is bevel hmm yeah i mean i could uh just use both the subdivide node and then the subdivision surface node because then i will be able to hang on keep some edges or i mean i could use creasing i haven't really used creasing with this with geometry notes it shouldn't theory work i don't know how how well that actually uh would work but if i just add plates uh in terms of tiles on top then i don't really need to care about the edges anyways because there's gonna be detail that's hiding it so i'm going to just go for that game plan yeah let's just try it out i'm going to just take this into some space it's a little bit uh far off that other tree because i want to just have a little bit of space here and then distribute some points and i only want the points to be on the outer side not at the top or the bottom so let's take the normal so back to math dot product uh some more math dot product with the z axes and then the absolute of that because if that is one then we have ourselves a top or a bottom mask face so just compare this result with one and only if it's less than one i want to have points oh yeah right it's it's it's curved at the top i completely forgot about that i'm not sure what i'm going to do about that it's going to work out eventually i think but yet still works here at the bottom there's no points so let's create a bunch more points like this many and then use points on disk because what i want to do is remove the points based on distance let's take like two centimeters no five centimeters more uh just 10 centimeters and i think that might give us an interesting result i'm absolutely into absolute yeah that doesn't make any sense what what what was i planning to do here nothing not sure why i did that but this this will be fine okay now just create some tiles uh cube very thin cube and we had them at 10 um 10 centimeters distance they should also be about 10 centimeters large like one centimeter high and then i instance them the points and as for the rotation let's just try this that's something hmm actually yeah let's see this should be yeah i'm gonna push this down so we can later rotate it around this point so here i want to um rotate this around the x-axis wait the x-axis oh yeah in local space there we go now it's nicer i do have to figure out what i'm going to do with the edges though because this just looks wrong for now let's just take a look at the what this gives us in the final results those are tiles yeah it's recognizable as tiles kind of it's a bit unfortunate that you can't see much wait let's use a different madcap doesn't really help um i mean they should just not be perfect cubes let's just look at it rendered with some studio lighting and cycles that's it's more recognizable as tiles it's not too bad actually uh it's it's better than i would have expected actually i thought this would just not work at all but uh it's it's not the worst i will change the resolution of this top part where was it this is the cloth here it is and i should change this absolute here because um doesn't make a difference right oh oh no okay so the issue with with the tiles at the top here is just that the ones on this side are facing to the right and the ones on the other side are facing to the other side so yeah it's just bald at the top i will just um merge this with the input to hide the baldness a little bit better uh it's not ideal but i also need to figure out what to do with the the edges i could i could try and do the same thing that i isolate the boundary edges convert them to curves instance something on them that cuts off the extra part basically and then throw boolean on top i'll just decrease just just make sure that there's no tiles spawning here and then hide the edges with something else i should do that anyways i'm in occlusion that's a great idea uh right that's up here here wait it's cavity was there no i mean occlusion in here the shadow there we go much better this kind of works nice hmm i kind of want to also now add some detail to the base i think i'll i'll just worry about these edges later they're okay-ish for now one thing one thing that would probably help would be to just taper this at the top to make it thinner because you don't really see that anyways just change the shape of the tiles i think i'll do that thing and then table this issue for later okay so this here needs to be tapered how do we do that um use the position i guess i don't know if i feel like there has to be a better way of doing this but i will just do it the way that i know most i use the position and wherever the y is 0 i scale down the position on the x-axis vector math there has to be a better way of doing this oh yeah right this also has a selection i don't even need to scale the vector that's that's very nice i think i i might have been able to utilize this earlier uh i don't recall where i was doing the the vector math i think for the cloth but yeah whatever um on the x-axis i scale it by let's say 0.5 but only for points that are around zero uh around y equals zero so compare the y component y component to be equal zero there there you go that works yeah it helps a little bit still not ideal but it helps it could also be a little bit more randomization maybe this should also be a little bit chunky or a little bit thicker that's nice but yeah detail on the base ah the lie shadow i don't know if shadow is going to be so great what was it here [Music] it's not bad i feel like the yeah the gpu is not liking it though it's really dragging down the performance i think i'll keep it like this um boolean i guess this was about the edges this is already cleaner than it was before i keep it like this for now and then look at it later this is still nightmare it's still very much bold at the top i'll i'll just have to add some more tiles manually at the top later on i guess but i'll forget about it now i'm a little bit tired of the tiles so i'll just do something else i want to have some nice pattern on here and i'm thinking of just creating something like this oh just some wooden planks that are that are put in here like this so for that i could either i think i think i'm just going to go for the easier route i could manipulate the vertex positions precisely to to create this pattern but that sounds a little bit like a nightmare instead i will just use some instancing so where was the base here okay that base was very very simple it's going to be a little bit more complicated now that's fine instead of this stuff i'm going to create a tapered cube which is going to just use the same idea that i just implemented for the tiles oh god i should have yes i need to name the tiles so i still need uh still know what's going on later tiles i'm just going to duplicate this and that's going to be the base what was the tile before it's going to be the base this was the the wideness of the base the the width so let's use that for the combine x y z it's gonna be x and y um let's say 10 centimeters high and then here instead of the y component i taper the by the z component and instead of multiply just use scale that doesn't work ah still doesn't work right because the cube is aligned by the center so i'll move it up with a transform node i want to have a dynamic height so i can change it later on so i'll just expose it right now that's the height and then i transfer the transform it by half the height up i divide by two i combine the vector put that into the z component and translate and there we go now it's standing right there and if i change the height it's still standing up there and then i use that to taper finally there we go no tapers shred taper i should probably taper inwards yeah i'll taper in once let's instead of shifting it up shift it down now do this okay and now that's just one of the elements now i'll just repeat this and basically make a little bit of an array by just using a mesh line and using the points for instancing on top that's already kind of it offsets there we go ah this is still half though um yeah that's kind of it that was that was easy so that's a that's how you make make an array with geometry notes just use the mesh line and instance on points um i should already have it now then oh right i need to translate it into the correct position no rotation this goes away and for some reason it's much thinner than it should be huh whatever it's fine so we have a little bit of detail in there as well oh cutting it really close here it's precision work look at that it's not even touching okay i've been neglecting the chat for a while here it's lagging oh that was probably because of the shadow that i turned on yeah we can technically take a look at it in ev it should look a little bit nicer if i change the settings around oh yeah it's not even using the gpu for rendering and also i should give it the normal pass as well it's going to improve the denoising by a lot that's something it still looks very strange at the top but i'm relatively happy with the amount of detail for now okay let's still name this stuff so we don't forget about it later this was the base this used to be the base no it's not anymore so let's just remove it and i also save cam it's quite a bit of stuff already really cool the cool thing is with geometry notes you can just very easily do things modularly and all these different things here a very specific purpose and it looks complicated when you look at it from afar but you break it down it's all very simple steps hell healthy yeah but also keep in mind that i didn't make a single node group yet it's all just the tree so what you're looking at is everything that i made to make this thing and there's a bunch of detail so it's not too bad i would say okay i'm thinking about adding something like a window in a door but i'm a little bit scared of actually committing to a sense of scale because right now it could be it could be any scale it could be just a just a toy it could be like a meter tall um what else could i do i mean i i do have to still animate it and maybe have like a little bit of environment yeah i think i'm gonna i think i'm gonna do that rather for now oh yeah i know also i still need to just patch this stuff up let's do that first tiles okay i can just use the same tile which was this let's make that a note group tile and then i copy that and use it somewhere else yeah for that i'm just gonna i'm just gonna use another mesh line and do the same array idea [Music] of instancing on the line so use the points of the mesh of the of the mesh line and then instance the tile that i already had here i think about it i think it might be more efficient to use the exact same tile like this rather than using a node group in terms of node tree evaluation i mean here it really doesn't matter because timely piece of geometry but for heavier setups it might be beneficial to actually use the same thing because it's just otherwise it's going to evaluate it twice as far as i understand but maybe i'm missing something as well yeah the cloth needs motion from the wind that's the thing that i was planning to do so let's just do it do it next thing after i patch up the bald spot right so the line to have an offset on the y dimension with like 10 centimeters because that's the distance between the tiles that we said earlier i transform it up where's the line there it is actually [Music] yeah let's just set a set the end points because then it's going to match what i need so this this is the hole with the tiles let's just join it with that where is it there just eyeballing it yet again it's totally fine to make a difference oh it does wait no it doesn't yeah no it doesn't i just noticed that i did mess something up earlier i don't think it really matters though it's probably going to be fine for the rest here this this is not ideal but it should be fine so at the end it needs to be a little bit less than a meter because there's still the length going on then i'll just add a couple more and i want to introduce some randomization i didn't really have any randomization in these tiles other than just the position of them uh let's just add it right now here because these are a little bit too neat and the way that works with the new system and fields is just with the random value node we can also just get a random vector and then you can just randomize stuff from directly with a field and it's just going to use the the id of the points yeah that's a bit too much okay i'm gonna tilt them a little bit more as well oh wait yeah tilt them here and then actually yeah like let's let's do it like that so negative one and 0.84 that kind of works i shh yeah i'm gonna do it i'm gonna just use two and the nice and easy way to do that is just by using the same thing putting a different transform on it on it combine them like this and then i'm gonna have this a little bit more to the right and just a little bit more to the left let's 0.1 and negative 0.2 ah okay i'll i'll just keep it like this nobody's gonna notice it'll be covered up by everything else it's fine okay bold spot okay yes motion on the cloth finally i've been talking about it from the very beginning but only now i actually get to do it right so the cloth was here but the deformation from the wind i'm only going to do [Music] after it's realized on the rotor so like here i think but for that i will need an actual mask of the cloth yes but that i kind of already have because i have the cloth uvs which are these so whenever i actually use those those are going to be those are going to be completely useless on anything that is not the cloth so if i create a mask from these cloth uvs because this is this is not actually named or anything before with geometry notes when you were actually dealing with direct attributes in the geometry whenever you would also call something in a different part of the note 3 cloth uvs and also cloth uvs up here and you join them it's going to just use the same namespace it's going to use the same attribute but this doesn't actually have a name that you can address it with the name is only what i gave it here for readability purposes but the actual information is contained in the noodle basically kind of so you directly have to pass this around with nodes to use it and not address it with a name somewhere and that way whenever we merge this together with something else and use this connection afterwards it's not going to use any any cloth uvs from anywhere else because this noodle only makes sense together with the geometry that we created here which in our case here is very neat because then again just manipulate the cloth with the same masks from before and everything else will not be addressed so set position and i'll do it after the spinning what was this this thing does it spin it probably spins i think it spins so this should also go in here so it's also going to spin and this goes away i'll just make these smaller control h and now everything that's supposed to spin is going to spin or is it why is it on here why is it up there did i mess something up yes i did right that's the issue um so the problem is that this transform node also makes that the whole rotor goes up so it should instead of what i was instead of what i was doing here a little bit of a disaster here but it's not a problem i'm just gonna do it differently so instead instead of doing what i just did i will just add like one of the one of the other cylinders that i had here so then it's going to spin for sure and it's not going to be a nightmare with the rotation so vertices 12 the radius is going to be different because it's going to be scaled up the depth should definitely be higher but i'll just keep both around to just compare what's going on i can just still delete it later so it's going to be like this and like this and it's good enough and then we can just delete this and these that's all fine and now it's still going to spin and this thing spins along perfect okay so what am i looking at it's a windmill of course that's a windmill yes flapping cloth i cut i keep forgetting about it okay so um for the cloth yes here it's realized this is the cloth uvs i'm gonna need those but for now just so we can see what the what the game plan is i will add a set position node and then use some vector math to create the offset and that's going to be um using a noise texture not a white noise just a regular purlin noise texture oops yes and then for this let's see out of the uvs let's just call it claw fuves again oh i will just do this i want to create the map okay yeah let's ok rather than just doing it in my head i should show actually what's going on so let's look at evie evie should be showing us the cloth uvs what's going on didn't mess something up with material i'm realizing and i'm setting i'm not setting i'm not setting the correct material there we go sorry there so from cloth uvs i am subtracting 0.5 and x and y to center this then i'm absoluting it and separating the components basically the same thing that i did earlier for getting the boundary but now there's a slight difference which is that i use maximum node a smooth maximum node i think and arrange nodes to create a mask like this so the mask is zero at uh at the outer edge why is this not doing anything did i mess something up is this not not working properly or am i am i missing something let me really check this so i'll just do the exact same setup in shader notes or actually first let me check this in cycles okay same result maybe i'm just maybe i'm just not thinking of something correctly but let me try this out so separate math smooth max yeah it should behave like this we find another bug i think so looks like the smooth maximum and i assume also the smooth minimum is then probably not working that's that's what you get when you work with alpha versions of blender but that's fine they're going to be fixed this works okay um yeah but if that's the case what i can just do instead is invert this and use this a smooth minimum if that works i guess it's just a book and i'll report it later what a productive session yeah well i've been i've been using the sprite fred branch for the last like month and a half or something and the first time i actually switched back to master i completely forgot oh this is what it's like to report a bug because i wasn't used to it anymore but before when we were working on master every day i would just constantly be reporting bugs because yeah i mean they just keep sneaking in that's that's just alpha versions that's fine uh but yeah that's also one of the reasons why on the studio we are using usually working with master to just be the crash test dummies and uh catch a lot of the bugs before they uh go out into the world but yeah this should now also work fine yeah this is this is what i was expecting to get directly from the smooth max because now i can get these smoother corners which is nice uh yeah and then also i'm going to yeah so this is one of the masks that i'm going to gonna need and then there's also going to be i'm just going to multiply it with the x component which was this but it needs to be inverted first so subtract it from one and then i multiply it with this and then i get this wait do i not need to invert it there do something wrong let's just quickly check also i don't need this yeah it doesn't need to be inverted never mind sorry multiply there you go because it's technically not supposed to flap here it's just going to be connected there let's even change this around a little bit with the map range nodes there we go maybe even a smooth step okay good and now we have a mask of where the the cloth is actually supposed to be flopping or do we because it should only really be connected at the points and the edge here right now it's just going to be completely static here and here and that's not the point also also it should be flapping around a little bit here so maybe i maybe i messed it up a little bit but i'll yeah i can still change the mask later on i'll just illustrate the point of what's going to happen here so i use this mask to scale the offset the offset is going to be in a certain vector direction which is positive y oh i already can kind of see what's going to happen here um and then the vector is also going to be scaled with with a noise let's use a float curve so how's it gonna look um i think just more like more like this is probably gonna be fine let's see oh god not quite ah i i feel like this might be a perfect opportunity to have the cloth actually wrap around this so it's not intersecting it with some nice raycasting or so our proximity i guess i think i can figure out something a wave texture yeah there is one uh i'm sure i'm following everything in the chat but i'm glad you guys are also talking amongst yourselves and giving advice but if i'm missing something just add me um i'm having that problem packing bvh notes hmm the render isn't initializing um you can report it if you can i mean i i'm assuming you're working on latest master and that can have crashes from time to time so the the workflow always is to try and simplify your issue like trying to figure out what is causing the crash and just make a pack a file from that simple case of reproducing that crash and reporting it to blender here just click this button to already fetch all of your information from the computer and then you can attach information so the developers know what's happening but uh yeah blender in alpha version is expected to sometimes crash that's just how it is because it's the the newest features and everything in there that just needs to be polished so it doesn't crash anymore can you share your expertise or education qualification i want to understand which field you had learned i personally i went to university for physics so that's maybe one of the reasons why i'm relatively technical and math oriented it's i wouldn't i really wouldn't say that you need to have this education to do stuff with notes at all like the there's not that many connections i would say to to the information that i learned during uh my physics studies so it's mostly just this orientation of being rather technically oriented in general and yeah but what you're seeing here like the math operations i'm using are all just multiplication scaling it's it's relatively simple when you look at it like this of course it doesn't look simple at all and if you would go back to a note tree like this and it's not neatly organized then everybody would have a hard time reading this stuff but uh if you just go step by step it's really not as difficult as it seems to be at first glance okay right so this can be animated i think yeah i don't really need three dimensions for this stuff because the the windmill is only going to be oriented like this and it's basically a plane so i'm going to manufacture my own position vector so i have one dimension for free basically so i separate the original position and i only really need the you can look at it here the z and the x component and the y component i don't really care about so combine it to a new position give it the x and the z the order doesn't really matter and then the z is free for something else which is going to be some animation and for the animation i'm just going to create another input and give it a driver it's hooked up to the frame and a very easy way to do that is just type in hashtag frame because hashtag will just mark it as a driver and frame is just the name of frame in the driver namespace so that automatically creates a driver and you can see it just has frame in here you can just change that to anything anything you want to it's just a regular driver and that's probably going to be a little bit too fast but you see the idea uh it's not perfect i'm honestly not quite sure why this is flapping at all i think yeah right i need this to be clamped so there's no negative values it needs to be zero but that actually i think i might have a pretty decent idea here i'll just use another map range node and then also just over overshoot this a little bit into the negative space so i'll just start at negative 0.1 because then this was the viewer then also this is not just going to be zero but still flap a little bit but these are still going to be zero which is all i care about negative 0.15 2. and then still multiply with this so so this is not flapping i'll change this to smooth thirst [Music] no i'll keep it at linear yes because there were there were some artifacts that you might have seen earlier maybe that maybe you can just change it right now it's still there there's this edge right here but also i do want to have this cloth be smooth shading so let's just do it now just all of this should be the cloth there we go but there is this edge artifact now i'm not 100 sure what's creating it it's not this i guess it's this movement in no no good enough it's better it's recognizable as things flapping in the wind it's not too bad another scale let me just move this stuff around oh god uh i mean the speed not the scale sorry this speed can just be controlled with a math node by just dividing this by something one is going to be no change and let's just make it half as speedy something along these lines but yes now i need to somehow figure out a good way to um to not make these intersect and i have a couple of thoughts so one thing i could do would be to kind of like ray march these things so instead of just having a single step of displacing them with this thing i could every i could just go very in very short increments and always just check okay am i going to intersect or not and uh yeah i think i'm going to just do that but for that i should probably isolate the mesh that i'm going to check the intersection against and that's going to be what was it this hmm this so this but then it needs the same um the same circular array plus it's the same transformation which is here and i'm planning to end this stream at around six so i have eight minutes left to pull this off but we'll see okay i also realized the same thing let's just check this is actually the one i need looks like it it's spinning as well it's good so that's basically only the rotor blades let's create another frame glazed plates and then i just used some proximity okay now some thinking um because i'm only pushing it towards on the y-axis and the y-axis is not used from the position i can just have this a free-floating position field basically because this stuff's not going to change and that's that's quite neat even though it doesn't really matter i could also just capture it but it's fine and then yeah i just make a bunch of these steps and they all use this as an offset but instead of just using this as an offset it's first scaled down by a proximity and this is the true beauty of fields in action because the proximity to this second geometry it's always going to be different because it's been pushed so in this step it's further away than the next step because it's pushing the the cloth further and further into the the mesh that it's intersecting with this mesh and this distance field here that i'm getting is going to be evaluated in every single of these steps so it's going to change but i don't need to actually duplicate this thing because it's a field it's it's dynamic it's just going to be evaluated each time i use it so instead i can just simply scale this again with the proximity and that's it and it doesn't look amazing but it works and i can still fix it now so let's see i need to map range this and i want to scale it with 0 when the distance is 0 that is fine but otherwise the scaling doesn't have to be as harsh so yeah that's way too much obviously and also this shape isn't isn't too great but is it even yeah i should okay i need to definitely decrease the step size hmm okay it's starting to be a little bit better okay now it doesn't work anymore kind of getting there it's a little bit too detailed is he making waffles now yes it's too detailed i would love to just be able to smooth this thing how can i improve this um so it would be good if for checking the uh if this mesh that i'm checking the intersections against i could just smooth in a way that this creates more smooth corners and there's multiple way multiple ways i could do this i don't think what if i just do a boolean with itself basically is that going to do anything solving this section and i sub device i don't think it works it's kind of working a little bit what if i um it is working on the outside here oh thunder crashed interesting it's the first time crash oh it's already one past six that is a sign i guess let me try and actually at least get it into a proper state so autosave like one minute ago that's fine um okay i think i'll just yeah i'll just keep it like this for now it's bothering me a little bit that it's this detailed it intersection is quite extreme here but there's worse so last thing that needs to be done is animate the spinning it's going to be just the frame divided by 20. oh god it's way too slow is it even the right direction i don't think it is let's just try one degree per frame beautiful stunning display of dutch craftsmanship both in the software and the hardware sense okay i think i'll keep it like this for now i think it was a very productive stream i hope there was a lot to to learn and it was fun to watch yeah i'll i'll do some way of rendering for this again tomorrow to just publish stuff and make a breakdown like i did for the first one and uh yeah call this done otherwise maybe i'll go ahead and fix some of the things i didn't get to during this stream uh i'm not sure but yeah that's what we have it kind of plays back with a stunning five frames per second which is more than i would have expected to be honest so performance is great and yeah that's about it see you next time
Channel: Blender Studio
Views: 11,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dSICpMr4Yb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 26sec (10826 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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