'They're Lying To The American People': Lindsey Graham Slams Dem Claims About Build Back Better

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questions yes sir part of the reason the child tax credit scored at 1.6 trillion last week is the expiration of the tax cuts and jobs act provision december which results from your own budget gimmick that is identical to the one democrats are using so isn't that kind of funny no i don't think it's funny at all the the democratic tax credit i'm willing to talk to them about how you could help working people with a tax credit joe manchin doesn't like this provision that doesn't mean he's against tax credit but exhibit a is to the lie here is that they're pushing joe joe if you don't vote for bill back better the tax credit goes away in december under the bill it lasts for one more year so what are they going to say at the end of that year joe we need to extend it if you extend the democratic child tax credit for 10 years it's 1.6 trillion dollars count men for trying to help families who are working with child tax credits not this way this is exhibit a of how phony this whole process is yeah good no good good would you agree that the budget process needs to be launched here because it seems that when it's convenient you said expiration date so the bills can come in within budget it turns out that those expiration dates are translated yeah so upset this kind of politics and budgeting seems unstoppable well the way to stop it is have the cbo score it and make an informed decision if the american people want to support a five trillion dollar bill they need to be told as five trillion dollars it's the largest spending bill in the history of the country and they're trying to mask it to be 1.75 trillion when it's actually five tax cuts in 2017 we pass tax cuts we as republicans believe giving people back their money is a good thing this bill takes more money out of the economy it grows the government i think will be incredibly inflationary as to tax uh cut scores you can't score within beyond the 10-year window we believe that cutting taxes stimulates the economy over time you'll create more jobs but the cbo's set up that you can't go beyond the 10-year window so in 2017 i think cutting taxes jump started the economy we're doing very well into covet we've got the vaccine now and hopefully we can get our footing with a new new variant and keep the economy open so what they have done here is they're lying to the american people about three things the cost of the bill by sun and setting these programs and some of them there may be bipartisan support for they've artificially reduced the cost and they should vote again in the house based on the reality of the cost they say it doesn't cost a penny read my lips it costs three trillion dollars i don't know how many pennies that is so quit quit the games quit the gimmicks and that's not me saying that that is senator manchin so when you stop the uh the games the shell games and the gimmicks this bill i think is dead forever or should be no [Music] from programs you haven't even implemented yet if the cbo wants to supplement how this bill generates revenue that's great apparently they feel comfortable saying with all the revenue components is 3 trillion dollars in deficit spending but if you're going to raise a bunch more revenue i'd like to know where it comes from who's going to pay where does the revenue come from so i think they looked at the bore of the bill in terms of revenue generation spending programs in light of the fact they won't go away and the reason jason and i did that is that when you take the lie off the table that these programs go away it doubles in cost when you look at the effect of the deficit including revenue in the bill it has a three trillion dollar unpaid for component yes yes i spoke to joe when the numbers came out i haven't spoken to him since so he was the first person i called when the cbo score came out and let's show the the chart of the other the other groups who did this the wharton school of business looked at the cost of bill back better assuming the programs did not sunset before cbo and they found 4.6 trillion dollars to be the true cost joe had been working with wharton unbeknownst to me because he trusts them and he said would you look at this bill without the sunsets then we got the committee for responsible federal budget that is sort of seen by both parties as maya mcginnis's group is being honest brokers they looked at the bill without the sunsets and including the revenue is 4.8 trillion so when cbo came back using the same methodologies they actually went to 4.9 if you include interest as over 5 trillion so when you say cbo is fake you have to believe that wharton school of business is fake that maya mcguinness's committee for a responsible federal budget is fake i don't think senator manchin believes this is fake so that'd be a good question joe do you think the cbo score is fake do you think wharton was fake do you think the committee responsible federal budget is fake do you believe this bill is paid for i think he would say no so my conversations with him were short but he was stunned that cbo would actually not only be in the ballpark be a little bit higher when it comes to the deficit wharton had 2.6 committee for responsible federal budget had two eight the uh cbo had three trillion so i think what's happened here is that joe is convinced he was right about the true cost of the bill i think with the inflation numbers that came out friday and larry summers another saying this is not transitory that senator manchin is going to be a hard sell when it comes to voting for a bill that would be the largest bill in the history of the united states in terms of spending at a time of rampant inflation but he will continue i'm sure to try to find some middle ground there is no middle ground i think for bill back better there may be some middle ground for some of the provisions that we can look at that we believe not to be inflationary that can be rewritten in a fashion to to do a better job yes sir you might be alluding to a bipartisan deal on a stand-alone child tax credit bill the democrats are talking about moving something since bill back better might not be done in time for the january 10th so what do you know what would you accept a bill like that well i think that's a good discussion to have i think both parties have been interested in helping working people with child care expenses but not 1.6 trillion dollars over 10 years not the way they wrote it so i guess what i'm saying as a republican i'll let jason speak to this in a moment that there are some things that maybe we could find common ground on but what we're being offered to vote on in the senate and what they voted on in the house is a complete non-starter is an inflationary bomb it's a three trillion dollar unpaid for bill that will do far more harm to the economy than anything it could
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 68,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sen. Lindsey Graham, Build Back Better, Democrats
Id: RlnPOjkNL8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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