'That's Not The Way To Fight Inflation': DeSantis Hammers Dems Over Build Back Better

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to be here in Washington County. Uh we have a number of folks here with us that I'd like to recognize. Uh I have our secretary of the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, Dane Eagle with me. Do we have Jimmy chief financial officer, Jimmy Petronis? Uh we have the state representative for this area, Brad Drake. Uh we've got our deputy director of Florida Division of Emergency Management. Uh Jimmy Bujeda. Uh and then I think we got commissioners from Washington County. So, I want to thank you all for coming out. I think we have the mayor of Chipley is here and we're really excited to be here and excited to be able to you know, normally when I show up places, I come bearing gifts and so we have a good announcement today. We'll be able to provide some money not just to Washington County but some other neighboring counties. We also have congressman Neil Dunn here. Uh so, you you have all of Washington County in your district? I do. Okay. he's got Washington County So, he's y'all's congressman. He's also my congressman at the Governor's Mansion. I'm in his district and I just want him to know as a constituent, I don't like what I see going on up in Washington DC right now. So, if you can get him to kick it in the gear, maybe it'll take an election. I don't know but we've got a lot of problems. Uh I think coming out of Washington and you have all this inflation, you have gas, you have everything going up, and they want to print more money. That's not the way to fight inflation and so we're proud of what we've been able to do in Florida. You look, I just did the budget last week for the state of Florida. Uh our governor's budget came in at 99. 7 billion. You know, we have states that are similar population to us like in New York. They got 3 million fewer people. You know, their budget is like two hundred and thirty billion over twice our size but yet, they have worse roads, infrastructure, schools, universities, and obviously more crime and so we have 9nine point seven billion, fifteen plus billion in budget surplus in our reserve funds and so that's really what you want to be doing and no income tax in the lowest tax burden in the in the country per capita but we're also doing huge things with infrastructure. Uh we're doing huge things with education. Uh we're doing huge things with I just did a great announcement where we're doing commercial vehicle license expansion so people can become truck drivers. You make a lot of money doing that right now. So, we're doing all these things. We're doing huge bonuses and pay increase for law enforcement. 25 percent salary increase for state law enforcement and $5, 000 signing bonuses for new law enforcement coming into Florida. So, we're proud to be able to do those really big things but then, do it on a very prudent budget and having a lot of money in the rainy day fund in case we have something that happen down the pike. So, we're going to keep on doing that. We're going to be keep putting wins on the board. The same time, we realized when I became governor, they had just had Hurricane Michael had swept through in October of 2018 and it was a huge deal. People were paying attention and then it seemed like three weeks later like anyone outside of Northwest Florida, they just kind of moved on. So, when I became governor, I said, we haven't moved on. We understand we need to do. There was things we needed to do immediately and we were able to do a lot of funding but I also said, this is a long-term effort. You know, you look at the closest thing we've had to Michael in Florida in the last 30, 40 years was Hurricane Andrew down in a homestead and and honestly, that's never recovered. Uh if you want to be honest about it. So, we have I think we're doing a better job here in Northwest Florida but I mean, this this is something that requires a lot of attention and so I told my agencies. I said, you know, if there's dollars that we can get. Let's get it. Let's try to cut through the bureaucracy and then if there's things we can do on the state level to help some of the local communities, particularly some of the rural counties and some of the smaller areas. You know, there were places in Northwest Florida where the debris cleanup was like 10 times the total budget for like a municipality or some of these areas and so obviously, you need help with that. So, we've been able to pay out over a billion dollars disaster recovery thus far and we're always looking for more to do. So, when the hurricane hit counties in Northwest Florida had the opportunity to apply for something called Fema Hazard Mitigation grant program funds and it helps communities build back from damaged areas to where they will be more resilient if future storms come. The problem is the Fema funds require the community to pay 25 percent hatch in order to receive the funding. Well, that's not something that all these communities are able to do and can afford and so to the Department of Economic Opportunity, we have been able to cover the match for local communities. In October, we announced more than 3. 1 million in hazard mitigation grant program award s for the Panhandle and today, we're here with an even better announcement and I'm proud that today we're going to be a an additional 8. 9 million dollars for 32 projects including nearly a million dollars just in Washington County alone. The rest of the projects span across Northwest Florida include things like 1. 7 million for six projects in Jackson County, two projects in Calhoun County, two in Gadsden, one project in Gulf County, one in Leon, and 19 projects in Bay County. So, these funds will help impacted communities, strengthen their infrastructure, and help them mitigate damage from future Hurricane So, we want to thank the folks and all these areas here who work very well with our state folks and we're going to continue to do what we can to be to be helpful. So, I think this will make a big difference. So, I'm actually going to present money to the check. Uh so, this is the Washington County portion of what we're doing. So, who from the county wants to receive? Here we go. Alright. a million bucks. So, not bad. Not bad Alright, so we're going to have a couple of folks come up and and and say a few things. So, let me invite up the chairman of the commission, Trey Hawkins. Thank you, Governor. Thank you, Governor DeSantis for visiting Washington County. Most of all, thank you for your non-wavering support in our allegiance and constitutional beliefs. Thank you for leading Florida with facts, not fear. Thank you for your leadership. While Florida is thriving, other states are floundering. In today's society, people are full of empty promises but new Governor DeSantis or man of action. You're building back Florida better. Hurricane Michael happened 1164 days ago. Since that time, Hurricane since that time Governor DeSantis with his leadership has produced more than one and 80 million dollars of road and infrastructure needs to Washington County. Mitigated over 24 homes totaling over $5 million dollars. Also as of today, through his efforts, we are pumping out the South and the County, removing the mitigation of water damage, and trying to save over 30 homes. He's resolved permanent issues to allow debris removal and paving along the way. Since becoming governor, DeSantis has not only seen a broadband as a necessity. He's went as far as opening a division of broadband for NDEO. Through that department the broadband, we've received $1. 5 million dollars to make broadband a reality in Washington County. You're making sure DEMs working tirelessly to understand the needs of Washington County to fund Hurricane Sally fully. Governor thank, you. God bless Washington County. God bless Florida and god bless you and your parents and you we did do in my in my governor's budget. We did a lot of money for additional rural broadband. And so that's something that we're fortunate enough to be able to have the capacity to do. And we understand it's important. And so I think what we what we propose and if the legislature supports it will be probably the most significant investment that we've ever done along those lines and so we're happy to work with folks here in Washington County and around the state to do it. Um okay Congressman Neil Dunn. It's always a great day when Governor DeSantis shows up in Florida, isn't it? I mean, really amazing, yeah. You know, he's setting the pace for governors all around the country. Uh I I speak to a lot of congressman up in my normal day job up up in the up in Washington. I have to tell you, they express a lot of governor envy. They wish they had my governor. but you know, we're really really fortunate to have have a governor and his staff by the way. Let me compliment your staff. They've been outstanding to work with and those you know, very proactive, reaching out, trying to help all of these counties, rural and otherwise, really make a difference with this kind of money that we we comes in after these disasters. We all know what it's like to live through a disaster but it's also great to see the the comeback afterwards and I give a lot of credit to the Governor and to his staff A lot of whom are locals and old friends. So let's infect this building here is a is a representation back when we had replacement. I know you all remember when we rebuild this courthouse. So it's great to work with with Governor DeSantis Uh. let's keep oh you have a chance in next November to bring him back as Governor. and Ben and I apologize for Washington. Uh I profusely I apologize for Washington. It is going to take an election to clean up Washington. I hope you help me with that too. God bless all of you. Merry Christmas. and just for the record, we like Washington County much better than Washington DC. You know, I run into some of Neil's colleagues and some of these guys were my colleagues. I I was in the congress. Um I'm a recovering. I say I'm a recovering congressman. I think I've shaken most of it off but I mean, you know, you go up and you know, be in Islam and they'll be see me. They'll be like, oh Ron, we really miss you up here and I say, I don't miss you guys at all. I'm happy where I am and so, thanks Neil for for working hard and hopefully we can we can turn some things around up there soon. Um we've also you know, throughout this in the the governor's office and and and our DEM and the staff and we've been very supportive. Obviously, the Panhandle but we also have somebody on the cabinet in Florida who's from the Panhandle and really saw first hand a lot of the destruction being from Bay County and so our CFO Jimmy Patronis has really been strong supporter of supporting these communities. And assisting with these efforts and so I'm going to bring him up say a few things. Good morning. Thank you all for having me. Governor thank, you for being here. Uh I'm going to repeat something you've heard me say before but the most significant speech at least in my opinion that the governor's given since he's been in office since his inaugural address. At his inaugural address, it's pretty hard not to get emotional when he outlines his commitment to the recovery in Northwest Florida after Hurricane Michael. He could be talking about anything else. He can be talking about his vision. You know, he talked about the recovery. Matter of fact, the very next day, his first full day in office. He was in Panama City and the next day, he was and then and then I think it's two days later. He was back in in Northwest Florida and that two-week after his inaugural. He was probably in Northwest Florida a minimum of eight times. Um so, his commitment, he allows no daylight to get between he and his constituents in Northwest Florida. His passion for these people that live here. There are people, there are families, there are neighbors. Uh Governor when, you look around here, I mean, this this is this is the cream of the crop of Northwest Florida. You've got water management members. You got the county judge. You got your county commissioners and then you got everybody who makes this community work. Uh so, proud to be here with y'all but you know, more proud of my Governor Um. there's just so many times, if you, raise your hand if you've heard let's let's make America like Florida. Have you heard that? Have you heard that? Hey, George. Uh you know, there there's not there's not enough common sense in governance and the envy that we have all over the United States is what we're doing here in Florida and starts at the top. If the governor is willing to lead, if he's willing to take the hits, if he's willing to blaze the trail, it makes it a lot easier for folks like myself and members of our legislature like Brad and all others. The the funnel right behind him and let him blaze the trail and we become the cheerleaders for his leadership Um anyway, glad to have you all here. Governor thank, you for the good news and Dane, thanks for bringing the check. Thank you. Absolutely. You know, we're you know, we are, we do think we view Florida as having, having lead the way, and a lot of times I'm out in front on that and that, and that's great, but, you know, a lot of what we've done, we've worked hard hand in hand with our legislature, our our house and senate members, who've stood up with us to do what's right, and I think the state is, is doing a lot better as a result, and hopefully, you know, they'll be very supportive in this next legislation of all the things we've already outlined that we want to seek to do whether it's supporting law enforcement, education, whether it's what we outlined yesterday with making sure we have good curriculum in the schools whether it's my job growth grant fund where if there's a need in Washington County for infrastructure or job training, you could apply to my office and I may come in with another check, you know, in the future to do that. Uh we just did one in Nassau County where we're doing the truck drivers and so it's been very effective. We were in we were in Okaloosa. We did some stuff for diesel mechanics and these really good jobs and so we have the wherewithal to be able to do that and we will. So, Representative Brad Drake has been supportive of all these efforts to help the Panhandle and it's been a really good advocate for y'all. So, I'm going to let him come up and say a few things. Well, merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Everybody's favorite time of the year. It's the season of giving. Now, the three wise men brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Governor Ron DeSantis brought good old-fashioned cash and we appreciate that, Governor Uh. in fact, if he keeps coming around this time of year, every year, dropping off gifts, we may refer to him as DeSantis Claus. That make, that may catch on. But Governor we, want to thank you. You have been instrumental to this community. Uh, two months after the worst thing that has ever happened in Northwest Florida, we got devastated by the wrath of Hurricane Michael. Two months later, this man was elected to be our leader of the state, to be the caretaker of Florida, look after its citizens, and Governor DeSantis on his first day on the job, he came right here to Northwest Florida. He took up time with our elderly, our law enforcement, our frontline workers. He took up time with citizens. He wanted to make sure that he understood the needs of this community and that he could go back to Tallahassee and that he could go to Washington DC and bring the as items here for Northwest Veridians and he hasn't stopped there. If you noticed a couple of weeks ago, he came out with this proposed budget and he's proposed over $100 million dollars for rural infrastructure. That's never happened in our state to have that type of aggressive proposal for rural infrastructure for Northwest Florida and for all of rural our rural communities. So, Governor we, want to thank you for your commitment to the rural areas. Uh thank you all for allowing us to be here and I tell you what, you got a lot of friends here in Northwest Florida. I know you got your your detail here but you're on friendly ground. 85% of the people in this community supported you and and I bet next year, Next year, let's get ninety. Alright. Good to see you. and you know, we we've we appreciate being able to to to help out with a lot of stuff and just not just Hurricane but with our budget, the infrastructure, all this. I think that there's some great opportunities and you know, bright future. That's what Chipley is all about. So, we we want to be there. Um we also had help with the Hurricane stuff. Uh we had help from the Trump administration back then and that was a lot of funds that we were able to bring down from them and they didn't necessarily have to do it but they did. Uh so, I do want to say thank you to the Trump, Trump administration. I don't get as much help anymore from Washington. You know, just the way politics works but we will certainly help if they want to help Michael. We will certainly want to do it. So, we'll be back. Uh we want to do more. Uh hope everybody has a merry Christmas and that you're able to spend time with your friends and family. My daughter just turned five. So, she's kind of an old pro at Christmas. My son three and a half and he didn't quite understand Santa Claus fully last Christmas so this is really the first Christmas where he's asking a lot of questions about Santa Claus and and I can tell you this anytime I remind him Santa's watching he does improve his behavior so it does work so we're looking forward to doing that and for my family to yours merry Christmas everybody thanks so much and god bless.
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Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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