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hello and welcome to another standard game video today we're going to try to close out some games using song of Totten tons in combination with warleader call to deal a ton of damage out of nowhere most people might be used to seeing warleader call out of the borus kog deck we're going to try to subvert those Expectations by actually closing out games with song of totons after keeping the board clear using our various sweepers which of course will help out in the boros convoke mirror match so we've got lockdown great at dealing with any artifact tokens that the opponent May produce as well we've got two copies of brotherhoods end and then at four Mana two copies of the Elder Dragon War which can start out by dealing two damage to each creature and then we can also use to kind of sculpt our hand on the second chapter and eventually make a dragon token although we can always read ahead and start from any different chapter and then finally there's burn down the house dealing five damage to each creature and each Plaines Walker can also make three one- one devil tokens which have pretty good synergy with our war leaders call as well since we'll be able to make a bunch of tokens pump Them Up and Deal damage when they enter and then eventually we want to close out the game with song of totons making X11 black rant creature tokens those creatures cannot block and creatures we control also gain haste until of turn so we get to immediately attack with the rats maybe also with a dragon token that we generated with elder dragon war and hopefully deal lethal in one big swing and the beauty of this deck is that we're not really presenting many creatures until we're ready to go for the kill so we can easily keep the board clear with our own sweepers and if the opponent maybe tries to prepare their deck for the board's convoke match up and has plenty of sorcery speed removal their deck may not line up all that favorably against a bunch of hasty rat tokens and then taking a look at the rest of our deck we've got some discard and draw effects for copies of demand answers and then a big score can also make some treasure tokens to set up a bigger song of totons so those are also helpful in sculpting our hand maybe getting rid of sweepers in matchups where we don't need them and find those missing combo pieces and then we've got a bit of spot removal as well with Lightning Helix gaining us some life back can also maybe deal the finishing blow if the opponent gets low enough and then get loss can also hit bigger creatures and chinman and plains walkers and then at three Mana celestus can maybe accelerate her Mana to set up a bigger song of totons and also can easily switch between day and night especially good with cards like big score as we can just pass a turn let it switch to nighttime and then big score during the opponent's turn and then our manabase also has two copies of the Restless bwack as a creature Lan that can maybe chip in for a bit of damage and then we've got some dual LS including the new elegant parlor letting us surveil can also be pretty useful since we don't have anything going on on turn one so we can just play it tapped and then later it can also kind of help find those missing pieces and then a crucible can also be channeled to make some one ones and I ganjo for more interaction so yeah that's our deck typically looking to cast song for at least xal 5 although xal 6 is kind of The Sweet Spot making 6 22 rats can attack for 12 damage six Mor is 18 total basically and then it just takes one Lightning Helix or maybe a pain line from the opponent to close out the game so yeah that's our deck now let's jump into some games and see what the deck does okay we're on the play we have a keepable control hand of sorts cestus can help find Our Song eventually and with celestus we can cast a turn before burned out the house so it's hopefully fast enough against the more aggressive decks and A Sundown pass we can get rid of for now got plenty of Mana another burnd down opponent on a humans deck could see end of turn reinforcements okay so could still be on a borrow deck here Knight erand convoked and finds a single epic here all right let's burn down for now make it harder to convoke a second Knight errant and then next turn we could maybe main phase Big Score discard get lost Bon has got to run War leader call which I could get lost since the damage can certainly add up over time although giving them two map tokens is also not ideal so I'll wait to respond to them casting a creature might affect their sequencing opponent's going to hang back so they probably have another reinforcements they can cast so now we're kind of between a rock and a hard place if I want to get lost to war leaders call yeah I mean I guess I cast it now opponent makes their tokens we take two damage and then they'll have some map tokens they can explore with or use their various synergies never mind just mirx activating it's not too bad and Big Score can go and I'll discard a lan to Big Score keep digging towards our song also could have considered just casting burn down the house with war lers skull dealing some damage but uh still believe we might need it as a sweeper so for now we'll discard celestus maybe hit our land drop for the turn all right there's our song at least and we also switched it back to daytime so demand answers can go next turn I can cast song xals 5 which is not quite lethal especially if they produce some blockers so we may need another turn to developer Mana to set up a bigger song Crucible can also make some one ones opponent keeps on exploring so not sure what they have in hand at this point that they're not able to cast maybe they're just flooding out a bit okay so let's say we were to cast song can do it for x equals 6 right now so Falls to 14 and then we attack for 12 and then maybe Helix can close out the game if her opponent's got reinforcements they can make some uh blocks but they're jump blocks so yeah I don't hate song x equals six and then between Helix and burn down the house we can hopefully close out the game Bon takes it all so they're within range of Lightning Helix now they did have the reinforcements but they'll need something pretty special to present lethal here maybe if they have mult multiple recruiters plus more Goblin tokens that they can give haste to it's not impossible I guess so inspector step one a warden okay and there's a recruiter still not 19 damage although they got pretty close and our opponent explodes yeah next turn we can attack for lethal plus Lightning Helix would get there as well onto the next one okay we're on the draw with both combo pieces in hand already couple of lands and a sweeper problem is this may be too slow against an aggro deck so we might get run over before we can assemble our two cards right opponent just uh BW white passing the turn back and forth so they might be on a more controlling deck field of Rune likely to answer the bivwak all right I'll play a war leader call see if that resolves it does not opponent looking at the Anchorage all right that's surprising so they don't have anything else going on maybe they have a bunch of board wipes so we'll just go for parlor could also get an attack in with a bivak but we do have two tap lines we need to work through yeah maybe we'll get an attack in here while we can maybe entices the opponent to keep up field of Ruin and uh our plan is to eventually burn them out with our rat tokens so any point we can deal beforehand could help we are looking for another War leaders call although I don't think I can turn down another song opponent's going to use field of Ru which also shuffles so that song's going to get shuffled back that's okay so counter spells are the main hurdle we'll have to fight through as we draw song regardless all right um maybe interested in just casting burn down house making devil tokens and then if they counter this fine if they plan to sunfall next turn at least they're not exiling my rats and don't think we need a get lost opponent with flanker can potentially Exel a graveyard but more likely to gain life and scry 31 doesn't really line up all that great against a bunch of one one tokens unless they maybe pump it with the map token or with a Wandering Emperor opponent explores memory Del keeps it on top take four and there's the war leaders call all right I guess we'll give that a try first can maybe still cast song of tot and tons afterwards x equals 3 still pretty threatening here and maybe they'll counter this one could also see get lost on our war leaders call in response then we would still deal six down to 10 March for three instead so we still deal six Bon's likely to sunfall next turn then we can cast another song x equals uh 7 here put them to three so they're within range of a Lightning Helix farewell instead doesn't matter and there's a lining Helix all right x equal 7 yeah some fall would have been a bit uh scarier since then it would have given them a large threat to close out a game with now they don't have any meaningful pressure they need to answer the board and answer our Lightning Helix if they can gain any life delush goes digging so I doubt they can answer both threats here lock down deals with the rats but helix or another song is lethal so yeah that early attack from the bivag potentially mattering as well sweet onto the next one okay we're on the draw with a pretty slow hand no early interaction although maybe the surveils can help so I'll give it a shot let's see what we're up against a red white so another big score can go for now have plenty of discard and draw already and a bunny corn all right so we know what we're up against to log down will be effective can still demand answers if we'd like so turn two demand answers turn three lock down and then I still have a t plan I need to play which can maybe play celestus so then maybe Big Score goes all right there's a war leader call sadly can't lock that down but we do have a get loss to maybe draw as an answer so I think we ditch big score for now and then could play my own War leader call celestus also has some advantages here since we can maybe Elder Dragon War although now with a call to damage is unlikely to be Al that effective I want to wait for them to present more creatures before we lock down even though the bunny corn is going to hurt I guess we could also just heal exit now and then uh play our parlor and then don't need another Elder Dragon War evangelist also a bit of a sticky threat which doesn't get exiled by the lockdown but Elder Dragon War now can wipe the board and then next turn we can discard and draw a bunch we have both call and song in hand this is just about developing our Mina and making sure we don't die in the meantime inspector next that we can log down Okay so this turn we could place custus and lock down so maybe Another Log down can go or I can just keep everything and have a second log down as kind of a replacement yeah let's just keep everything since I'm probably going to have to wipe the board a second time before we actually manage to combo off and we can play lockdown alongside War leader call to set up our song I might end up exiling my own dragon in the process but so be it they do have an end of turn reinforcements putting us to 12 and with an attack we're at eight so we're getting pretty low another reinforcements main phase pointing towards a convoke knight erand perhaps so that's going to put us to a nine and they found a recruiter that's scary so yeah next turn if they hold back they can likely end the game with uh creature plus recruiter so even though I can um cast lock down here to deal with all the tutus next turn we're still de to the Knight erand attack I'm afraid is there anything else I can do song x equals at most five is nowhere close to lethal even though it does give my dragon haste as well so that can attack if I call First that doesn't really make a huge difference so yeah maybe had they played The Epicure we would have been able to survive demand answers is not going to do it so we can lock down again play room War leaders call and sadly a turn away from casting or song of totons but that should do it here all right so couldn't quite beat the original boros Koke but we're still pretty close on to the next one okay we're on the draw with a keepable hand got a good mix of interaction board wipe War leader call setting up our song facing mon at aggro not our favorite matchup although we've got some good interaction with a Lightning Helix couple sweepers if we find double red and Reckless impulse so at least no additional threats custus can fix for double red as well and a mechanized Warfare I think we get lost the Warfare since it's going to be kind of a long-term problem and keep Helix for a bigger creature and then for now just play cestus Keep developing our Mana opponent can at least make use of the map tokens sees a tectonic Hazard on top so yeah they're trying to combine these deal one to each creature plus mechanized Warfare to build your own sweeper which is going to be pretty good against the Koke deck so monor rats trying to adapt to a deck that can easily be faster turns out we've got a more controlling build of the uh boros's deck now the Phoenix chicks a 44 so does actually survive all my burn spells I've got BRS and instead of lockdown so yeah this 44 Phoenix chick is not messing around could make a 44 dragon with elder dragon war could play War leader skull first to make it a five5 but then we're taking at least another four damage so maybe I have to just uh make the dragon token and hope that can trade for the Phoenix chick I suppose we could have double spelled Broods and then Helix as well maybe would have been safer since now if they have another monster rage it's not like they can add a second Monster Roll to their creature so they're unlikely to increase its toughness even more our opponent does attack another monsterous rage so we're at nine play with fire down to seven and and of festivity is down to six Okay so I could pass a turn let it switch to Knights so we trigger celestus discard another celestus and then we can still big score and Lightning Helix I like that idea and then we're digging for a song of totons to eventually close out the game Feldon not the best creature to damage as our opponent will get to uh find a replacement card so let's start with big score discard I want to say bro Roots end see what else we draw lockdown is a better answer so I'll just take two here festivities down to four now of course log down also Exel my own Treasures so I could use one now on demand answers discard a land or maybe even sacrifice a treasure token to the demand answers yeah that could work so it's sa artifact and Gatos can also answer Feldon celestus triggers all right what do we want to get rid of so we're definitely going to lock down and then safest would be to keep up Lightning Helix yeah I can maybe ditch a l for now find burn down the house could also play the war leaders call with a plan of making Devils next turn to start beating down I think I still hang on to the uh Lightning Helix and then I'll just just pointed upstairs to Pat our life total a little bit there's song of totons all right so now ditch Elder Dragon War play War leaders call keep up get lost and then next turn song should get there can cast one for x equals 5 it's going to be close enough at least suppose I could have cast one x equals 2 now and then next turn x equals 5 is definitely enough festivity is down to eight these one damage sweepers would have been effective if it weren't for war leader call at clearing all the rats all right so now with the land I guess your opponent could jump with mishra's Foundry but that's acceptable so x equals 6 so this would have been lethal if it weren't for m f but with one card in hand I also don't see us dying next turn yeah so had I gone for song last turn we would have gotten there but opponent just takes it all right sweet on to the next one okay we're on the draw and we've got song of Totten tons and War leader call bit of interaction may need a sweeper as well to stay alive long enough there it is so now we just need to hit our land drops using our discard and draw effects perhaps opponent also red white can uh demand answers opponents got their own War leaders call could also use get loss to remove it here and then uh take it from there basically sure all right play parlor and then we can potentially demand answers logd Down's also pretty good in this matchup so maybe I don't need the Elder Dragon war and we can discard it with demand answers now our opponent can make use of these map tokens if they're on the traditional boros convoke another call okay so then I'm probably going to Big Score next turn could also play my own War leaders call although it's not the most man efficient Sal pass Maybe One log down can go and keep the second song as an extra finisher scrs hi okay so it is also kind of a slower approach to the boros deck it's a pseudo mirror one loog down can go no land drop is annoying so we could use our Treasures to cast a lock down and then still play War leaders call could also try to Big score again discarding Lightning Helix hope to hit our land drop and then I'll be able to maybe cast a lock down afterwards close call I do want to hit my landine drops so we'll try that all right so if I want to log down now I will end up uh wasting a treasure what if I just War leaders call and try and go for lethal next turn could also work and then we want to keep a land on top all right so next turn we can song for x equals six resulting in six damage plus maybe 12 more from the attacks so then the scres hive might take them out opponent does now have a blocker with Adin so that makes things a little trickier although I think I'm still a fan here since we have another song to follow it up so that should be able to end the game not in any immediate danger of dying next turn I don't think unless they return the favor with their own song of Dot and tons which is entirely possible s Bon Falls to three Hive down to two and then I could even win in my upkeep with a Lightning Helix yeah they play an deals one damage and then even more from the tokens so OPP's actually pretty close to killing us goes for mechanized Warfare so we're at three that doesn't do it and uh yeah they're just dead on board awesome onto the next one okay we're on the play we've got a keeper I think start with a bivwak hold parlor to get a bit more info on the opponent also if we draw land we may not want to put it in the graveyard put it on green white enchantments yeah this can be a tough match up especially if for early interaction is burn out the house here so maybe I do want to cast demand answers for now and look for some cheaper interaction at least the the good news is that um temporary lockdown doesn't care how large their creatures are so that can be a clean answer so one burn out house can go and I get lost to draw all right do I War leader call do I get lost here I think I uh I'm better off using get lost and then yeah need a fifth Lane before we can burn down the house so I have to get rid of it I'll wait on casting it maybe that influences the opponent's decision on which enchantment to cast with a weaver another visitor sure and another Weaver all right they're growing the Weaver of Harmony so that's going to work out well for us found lockdown so that will clean things up nicely do we have to cast it now or do we wait if our opponent plays cix next turn it's not like lockdown will deal with it I think it's safer to just clean up now there are some cards their opponent could have to deal with a lock down but they're not commonly played outside of maybe a bosu double companion would have been pretty good with Weaver of Harmony out so now we want a big score discarding one war leaders call to keep hitting our land drops hopefully all right another long down is not terrible reign of Truth B so companion and another one all right so next turn we can play call and then use our Treasures for lock down since otherwise we would Exile them and parlor is not bad either keep a land on top so next turn we can cast song xal 5 and then turn after maybe cast another one so as long as they don't present a seven powered creature in the meantime we might be all right all right now we're probably just going to burn out the house first doesn't mean they get to cam me back but otherwise there's a good chance they kill me with Cy next turn so the Cami returns and another one all right so they'll need at least two enchantments to kill me next turn or an audacity would do it too I could technically hold back the BFF whack but I don't think that's the way to go just cast one x equal 6 and then hope to survive next turn and cast another one for to win opponent can afford to take it all all right let's find out if we're dead yeah looks like an audacity will do it too bad and then I'm sure they had Al ification in hand for a while so yeah they probably double deck the audacity for win here onto the next one okay we're on the draw and I've got a few T Lanes to deal with is it good enough can always discard custas to demand answers I'll try it hoping to draw an untap land on turn two here so we can at least curve out a little bit better turn one mountain found the plains okay so we can demand into maybe lockdown B under red white and the reinforcement so this convoke once again well we've got uh some good answers in hand and we've got some demand answers as well aicure is next and the night erand that's too bad that one's going to slip through the cracks guess I shouldn't give them any unnecessary information before they decide on the night erand Warden plus frontliner okay Lightning Helix do we log down now or do we wait another turn is a question I could just go for celestus and then next turn burn down the house to deal with the night erand that might be a cleaner solution Plus it lets them maybe overextend into another board wipe of course the recruiter is going to hit pretty hard don't think it's quite 19 damage at least but it's awful close Okay so we wipe the board opponent does get to une Earth frontliner so that can put us to one so it doesn't take much here do have a lining Helix to gain three but we may not get a chance to use it all right blood token goes digging and a front liner Unearthed oppon down to one card in hand and Helix is good insurance so I can cast to leader call keep up Lightning Helix that's probably safe enough could also use lockdown but on a single creature it feels a little weak and there's a war leader call all right so that's pretty threatening now there's no followup and we found an answer to the call so that's good could also get busy with a bivwak and then still get lost I guess that's not unreasonable could also use logd down to clean up the map tokens regenerates which our opponent could maybe otherwise use but uh yeah let's get in with the bivwak and then I can get lost at inant speed so we can trigger celestus burn out the house isn't bad either so maybe it's time to let go of the lockdown and then if our opponent doesn't present a creature maybe heix face to next turn make devil tokens so we would put our oppon to 11 next turn burn down the house down to eight attack for six so they would go down to two and I guess they could die to another Lightning Helix if we top deck it yeah I don't hate that P's probably just going to make a token with mirx demand answers and attack do we get lost to war leader call in response to mirx so we would go down to seven OPP can hit us for two needs something pretty special to present lethal next turn giving them map tokens maybe not super relevant when the m is also an artifact if they need it for the goblin tokens for instance yeah I guess I'll get lost now and then next turn with bivwak we can hopefully get there and our opponent concede awesome so yeah we faced boros a few times and it's not by any means a free win but uh it's definitely a winable matchup we've got the sweepers to survive long enough to set up or combo but uh don't even always need to get there since her opponent might check out after the third or fourth sweeper and then of course creature Lanes devil tokens can also get there if we don't necessarily draw a song of totons so overall not the most competitive deck since it's pretty one-dimensional but uh can certainly hold its own and if your opponent doesn't know what's incoming can set up for some fun surprise wins out of nowhere so that'll do it for today's gameplay I want to thank you for watching hope you enjoyed and as always have a nice day
Channel: LegenVD
Views: 47,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lvd, legend, mtg, mtga, mtg arena, magic the gathering, deck, decks, gameplay, guide, Standard Deck, Standard MTG, Mythic, standard deck, murders at karlov manor, mkm, mkm standard, murders standard, markov manor, karlov manor, red, white, boros, rats, rat deck, song of totentanz, warleaders call, tokens, control, rat tokens
Id: ZCcPD2Xpxik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 30sec (2310 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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