Casting the biggest X-Spells in Standard.

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hello and welcome to another standard game video today we're taking a look at a band cave control deck featuring two copies of Doppel gang as one of our finishers voted on by my supporters on patreon this is a triple X spell for a blue and a green as well and then for each of X Target permanence create X tokens that are copies of that permanent so the goal in this deck if the opponent doesn't have any juicy targets is to actually copy or c a small uh land cave that can turn into a 3 three Creature if we have enough caves to activate it and yeah if we can make lots of creature lands then we can usually close out the game on the following turn and then with cavernous ma entering untapped from the double gang we can potentially even cast another big spell in the very same turn where we cast our Doppel gang so that can also come up so that's one of our finishers now how do we build up enough Mana to cast a lethal Doppel gang well that's where mind splice apparatus comes in handy can Flash this in and then it will slowly pick up these oil counters which will give us a discount to all of our instant and sorcery spells we can also speed up that process by proliferating with experimental augury which also lets us take a look at the top three cards so that can also help smooth out our draws hit our land drops find relevant interaction and then eventually it can find our finishers and then we can also ramp the old fashioned way using green Mana with a glimpse the core we can find one of our forests only have three in the deck since we don't want too many since we are still kind of a blue white deck at its core but uh we can also eventually get back caves from our graveyard should the opponent answer cavernous small for instance and then cosium Confluence can also search up three cave cards occasionally can also destroy enchantments or turn one of our caves into a creature but we're often going to get one of our eight caves either sunken Citadel which enters tapped but then we can choose a collar and it can make two Mana of that collar to help activate abilities of L which is very useful at activating cavernous M which requires two Mana to turn it into a 3 three so these are the eight caves in the deck and then you've got your traditional control elements a few spot removal spells March also benefits from mind splice apparatus but we can cast it early if needed even by pitching a wi spell from our hand then there's a get loss can also hit enchantments and Plaines Walkers so both of these are quite versatile and then we've got some sweepers depopulate a copy of sunfall and then two copies of white Sun's Twilight which also doubles up as a gain spell and as a win condition since we can make lots of one- one might tokens which can try to poison the opponent to death then we also have a counter spell in the form of syncopate can cast it early if needed but in the late game it doesn't lose potency like it normally would thanks to the Mana discount from M splice apparatus and then we also have some big card draw effects with silver scrutiny can syn a lot of extra Mana into it to essentially draw all the cards we need and then hopefully find our double gang or wh since Twilight to close out the game and then Union of the third path also an important piece against the Red Burn decks as it can gain us a lot of life back especially nice after resolving a large silver scrutiny as we can easily gain 10 plus life and then the rest of our Mana base has headquarters as an important Mana fixer can also cycle it in the late game and then a bunch of blue white dual Lanes since we are kind of a blue white control deck at its core and then saring City and aano can offer a bit more utility so yeah that's our deck now let's jump into some games and see how the deck does okay we're on the play with a nice hand turn to Glimpse s up turn three apparatus augur can proliferate the oil counter and then we can set up a big wh s Twilight let's see what we're up against humans all right if Thalia shows up that could be annoying I guess for now I could play cavernous small and it's going to be a Vanguard instead all right that's fine so we'll pass with mine splice available something like adelin could hit pretty hard it's going to be aalia instead so Play Apparatus in response apparatus offsets aalia a little bit can play a two Mana augury and then see what we pick up another augury probably better than another whon so we can Now cast this for one mana and then I guess I should do that now finding Confluence may not be necessary let's go for scrutiny and then next turn we should be able to White Suns to clear the board Adin fine so let's say we float all our Mana here four plus force8 minus 1 is 7 so x equal 7 back up to 18 and there should be a twoone clock opponent is playing red as well cathar can clear one token and a Vanguard syco Bates good backup so let's say we cast scrutiny x equals maybe seven tapping Cavern small and our forests I guess minus one here okay and then now Union is pretty good and we could do a number of things including get lost on Vanguard attack Hout could also pass with syncopate available part of me wants to just dig towards our uh other finisher just to see it in action but we're out of card draw effects so it may take us a while to get there so her opponent can block one creature take five poison and yeah her opponent has seen enough we've got a full grip on to the next one okay we're on the draw and uh we seem to have a fine hand facing what could be asper this probably wants to name blue now so we don't have to pay life to a dark our waste turn to keep up syncopate and augur and a mastermind yeah I mean that's pretty annoying since we have Union we want to cast although we can cast this in the opponent's turn two it's not as bad as a rafine would be so maybe I'll let that one go Shield R also maybe a must counter and then we can still Aug could also keep it until after we play apparatus but uh good to dig a bit deeper and then another Union maybe what we need over Doppel gang although Doppel gang will be a great finisher if if we combine it with the extra Mana from apparatus and Confluence so it's definitely the more fun option so we can pass with Union make sure to cast it in the opponent's turn not to trigger Mastermind well now if her opponent activates Mastermind they can draw a lot of extra cards their land ENT tapped luckily all right so now we've got M splice at the ready hoping they don't commit more threats that we need to counter they could of course have their own counter spells and a tide binder going to try and stop the apparatus trigger and essentially shut it down so could syncopate here have to do it for x equals 3 so I'm basically tapped out or I can just play another apparatus which is probably better at this point and then try and set up our sweeper land is good could now also just play a confluence which is maybe still preferred get a bunch of lanes so let's say we get one cavernous small and then double Citadel one on blue one on white rafine shows up okay so hopefully the coast is clear for whiton to wipe the board if they have a counter spell we're dead the populates is maybe safer here opponent does get to draw for fi but we can counter a counter spell with syncopate if needed and then I can still play another apparatus okay sarus is now working again as intended virtue makes a token that's acceptable can block it with a M if needed but could also play around removal just take the hit for now opponent plays the enchantment that's acceptable M supplies number two gets make disappeared that's good to get out of the way okay so we've got a lot of Mana here maybe wait on Doppel gang until we build up our apparatus a bit more and then for now white Suns x equals uh 7 should buy us a lot of of time don't think it's worth it to keep up synop pades and our opponent explodes unfortunately so yeah next turn we could have cast a pretty large Doppel gang and we can do the math here so apparat is up to two counters means double gang for x equals 3 if I'm not mistaken and then it's just just a matter of choosing our targets cavernous Ma and mine supplies is a good starting point and then virtue of loyalty could be our third choice if we choose a dark our was we can keep up syncopate and then set up a huge silver scrutiny and then it's not going to be long before we find our second copy of Doppel gang okay we're on the draw got a keeper Glimpse sets up our mana and then Aug can find whatever card we're missing up against looks like JY okay so if we can Glimpse and set up a turn three M supplies that would be a big deal all their opponent's going to keep up mana still worth it to have M splice available opponent does not budge they are stuck on three so I guess um play augury and then second scrutiny is tempting yeah since we can make our land drop I think it's fine and then now that we drew Union I'll still go with uh keep up for Mana for apparatus and Union otherwise I might have just cast a glimpse opponent with a Lightning Helix and we all for our mind spli now possible they can remove artifacts but it's not as easy as removing creatures or enchantments maybe a white March okay fair enough x equals for so they had to pitch two cards to it so the game continues can main phase Union and then still Glimpse now they could still counter this but I want to gain the extra life and uh I don't think we'll need iano as a channel land I guess do we even have a forest left I guess we don't since we uh only have three so glimps doesn't actually do anything can just hold it to eventually get back a uh Cave from the graveyard take our turn Confluence is excellent is it going to resolve as a question if it doesn't then scrutiny might resolve could also pass and then end of turn scrutiny draw three let's just go for the Confluence here and there's no more lies to counter it that's fine another scrutiny yeah I think we just main phase it x equals 5 opponent's going to D usion response can hit our land off for the turn and then what to discard probably Glimpse at this point the populate could still maybe come in handy so we found another M splice and now we can just pass and play den and speed wandering Emperor is acceptable I've learned much during I guess I could now resolve our M supplies while the quest is clear guards to me them we wait on augur until we pick up a oil counter so we can proliferate good scrutiny for three end of turn since we have another one in hand that's reasonable can help us hit our land drop for the turn and Bon counters that's fine okay so cast augury and get a Confluence can cast this on the cheap and now we're just missing Doppel gang as kind of the cherry on top opponent tries to dissipate I will fight over this and then keep the final syncopate for either a must answer threat from the opponent or to protect our uh silver scrutiny or Doppel gang all right pass it back still have sync bait for x equals 5 available and we've got a lot of time here opponent only hitting us for four or they might make another Samurai strike fast and strike hard and since our game plan involves copying our creature land a bunch we don't need to worry about sorcery speed sweepers messing up our game plan all right let's Aug keep digging get another M splice I suppose so I could cast a relatively large scrutiny but I'll wait another turn one potential concern is a farewell exiling our mind splice apparatus but I'll let them resolve the Deluge they might find one relevant counter spell but hopefully not to Field of Ruin can deal with one Cavern as small I have got new moves to teach you all right cast mine splice untap and find another syncopate that's huge okay so now cast a pretty large scrutiny can do it for x equals let's say 10 would cost me six Mana total maybe do it for x equals 8 and then I could keep cavernous small untapped probably don't need all of them that resolves and we found Doppel gang so that's the card we want to resolve now augre gives us more Mana for free essentially find another cavernous M proliferate cast a union while we're at it okay and then it's probably time for a large Doppel gang I guess her opponent Can field of Ruin one of the cavernous Ms in response so that's slightly annoying so maybe we want to wait a turn for now depopulate and then could maybe bait the opponent into using field of run on cavernous M right now put and dissipate that's lovely all right yeah I guess we could animate a cavernous M although then I'll be kind of shields down on syncopate a little bit more yeah I guess we'll just pass for now keep up double syncopate that seems safer opponent with a faithful mending that's acceptable yeah I'm hoping our opponent sticks around for another turn and then this Doppel gang is going to be glorious could have definitely Ted more of our forests which we don't need here wondering Emperor makes another sum keep watch for intruders take five don't think we'll be able to bait them into using field of Ruin another Union can go first now we could also just copy M splice apparatus to set up an even bigger Doppel gang that's left in the deck but then might be a bit Overkill that resolves okay let's try x equals 4 could probably even do five if we wanted to and then go one two 3 four five T some of our cavernous Ms and our green Mana so they can feel of Ruin one of them and response opponent with a mending that's fine and that resolves that's 20 cavernous Ms that's glorious okay Confluence can uh get some more sunken citadels I guess do we even have left in the deck uh might have one of them so I can go for counters instead opponent with a delusion response we'll let them have it and now we have syncopate available time two can March one of the tokens casting that depopulate first also would have made sense but yeah next turn we can send in most of our creature Lanes could have also kind of done a split between cavernous Ma and Sun con Citadel so the Citadel pays for the ma activation but I think we'll be all right well mission accomplished cast a large Doppel gang took us a while it's not always easy to have your opponents stick around when you're this far ahead but that's our finale and it's not that easy for decks to interact with once you make a million creature lands sweepers don't work you only have so many field of ruins or insta speed removal and now with eight copies of Mind splice apparatus we can set up an even bigger Doppel gang that's uh left in Our Deck so it does scale quite nicely once you get to this stage of the game you just don't see it in action all that often our opponent may have disconnected here we could also bounce the token to make make sure Emperor dies okay pass it back I guess I also could have just activated the cavernous mod to give it plus three plus three since we have a lot of colos Mana we can spend so wouldn't affect keeping up syncopate and then Cavern small would hit for six since it still has three plus one counters on top of that so yeah a lot of options here but uh not sure if our pun is here all right they seem to be back temporary lockdown going to deal with our cavernous M no it's nonland permanent so doesn't actually do anything or token still have Mana value four maybe trying to bait out a counter spell yeah that's over 20 cavernous m M spli apparatus triggers can we top deck another dopple gang if we do I'll cast it if not I'll just go for lethal and I get lost the draw all right let's fire these up probably want to keep up a syncopate just in case this is probably more than enough but while we're here opponent seems to have disconnected all right that should suffice they do have a field of Ruin to deal with one of them maybe Lightning Helix another one still take close to 30 damage all right sweet on to the next one okay we're on the draw with a keepable hand Glimpse on two and then aury to maybe find a M splice apparatus or some other ramp cards facing red aggro okay so getting our life gain cards is going to be pretty important could technically march by pitching a get lost don't think that's going to be worth it take another two and a Raider gets in for two as well there's our Union perfect so we have a few options could just remove one of their creatures although get lost will give them more artifacts to enable the Raider so I guess keeping up um March isn't bad exal their one drop and then next turn we can Union gain some more life Glimpse for extra Mana would be okay although we're probably going to on a union on three so the Mana lines up better this way and then we'll Exile the Ronin so they also lose an artifact for Tomb Raider and ronin's also difficult for us to answer with our sorcery speed sweepers Bon got a monsters rage on the Phoenix cheick so we still take five so now we have to make a decision between union or maybe get lost on the Phoenix ji ban splitter probably on the Tomb Raider now okay so we'll be taking six Union gains me six life so it's kind of like a fog ideally we draw into our four Mana sweeper depopulate otherwise I could just get lost the Tomb Raider we only take two this turn but then next turn my man is less efficient so let's just Union and then next turn we can double spell and then a play with fire is their last card let's them cry okay so we know what we're up against keeping up synop bit for one alongside augury is certainly an option right now I don't have a use for the extra Mana from glimpse so let's do that just pass and then the plan is Get Lost Tomb Raider opponent will get to explore a bunch and this is three Mana to equip so they could also opt to just suit up the Phoenix chick and a shock okay can't counter that one so we're at three so finding another Union with augury would be important play with fire on top doesn't kill me if we can answer Phoenix cheick we'll see if they want to explore again all right let augur finding sunfall uh yeah that keeps me alive can play the mo as well now we're essentially at one life so can feel great about it but Opps out of creatures and synate can counter their next threat now a darker waste can make colored Mana for us anymore but yeah we can uh Glimpse and then we'll still have synop pades available plus maybe we can cycle a headquarters synthesizer thing that's worth countering since it's essentially representing multiple cards so now our safety net is gone so main phase cycle headquarters probably keeping one green Source untapped okay can can Confluence getting some more caves and then do we get three caves or do we want to put some counters on cavernous Ma I guess we need to get three caves to enable ma in the first place and then could maybe get one sunken Citadel and naming maybe blue all right let's see if we're that to a haste creature or burn spell we are all right GG's so in hindsight I guess we could have survived by getting one fewer cave but putting three plus one counters on an untapped Mo although we still die to a burn spell and then we don't have enough caves to activate more in the first place all right on to the next one okay we're on the draw our hand is slow missing a few lines perhaps but it is powerful if we can hit our land drops with augury get to Confluence or sunfall to wive the board and then scrutiny to take over so I'll try it opponent also blue white if it's a control deck we're up against then counter spells like syncopate are important hitting or land drops is also important and then our creature land especially once we can copy it with Doppel gang could help close the game so sadly cannot select the apparatus here we'll get uh headquarters even though it doesn't let me cast Union I think that'll be okay their opponent on JY control likely featuring Lightning Helix maybe zuren oai at five apparatus is nice although unlikely to resolve all right I guess now we can resolve it didn't think we care too much about wandering Emperor would much rather get the apparatus going R keep for intruders so double Samurai kind of runs into our sunfall eventually and a big score okay so we have a few options here resolving cosmi Confluence would be a big deal although their opponent may be able to counter it here for two Mana with a new blue white counter spell could cycle Union just to gain a lot of live bias time and try and hit our land drop I think that's safer perfect and then the second Union we can cast in the opponent's turn even though we miss out on one life gain let's just keep up syncopate and get lost so yeah we just want to build up a huge Mana advantage over the opponent so we can leverage cards like scrutiny syncopate and of turn Union and a Far Side ritual in response their opponent's going digging now with only one Samurai there's no real pressure to cast sunfall Union resolves and a land is good so play a land play Confluence can pay for a conditional counter spell and get three caves get double cavernous M plus one sunken Citadel which can name probably blue and we'll pass a turn could fire off a smaller silver scrutiny we'll see what our opponent does let your blade do the talking take three yeah I'm not opposed to a smaller scrutiny here would be x equals three which we can still do it instant speed if they counter it fine if not we still have another one right Point's going to Big score again not sure what the opponent combo finish or top end as like could involve Chandra okay so play another Cavern as small can uh Glimpse get a forest and at this point we're just looking for Doppel gang to close out the game for us might be time to sunfall even though we could also use cavernous small as a blocker I guess it's kind of awkward against a 3 three so yeah I don't mind sunfall and then wait another turn on Silver scrutiny could also attack with cavernous small to pressure the wandering Emperor and if uh they answer it it's not the end of the world do want to leave some man unted for syncopate all right bones got another wandering Emperor so that would be exiling cavernous M so I could fight over this syncopate taing two lands and then they have no wandering Emperors not sure if it's worth it since incubate is pretty important to counter opposing counter spells but if they're conditional in nature then I guess we're fine so synop xal 4 mostly paid for by aerus they could of course have a different removal spell Lightning Helix but at least that'll cost them some Treasures all right that's fine we'll let that go could get lost Emperor but I don't think I'm uh too threatened by it and Cavern small still tracks copies in the graveyard all right there's Chandra so that's kind of a must answer whether we syncopate or whether we get lost is the question I guess we'll start with syncopate x equals 4 so let me tap manually just in case our opponent could counter back with one of their conditional counter spells but doesn't seem like they have it okay so now opponents mostly tap out we can resolve a huge silver scrutiny remember your training and a glimpse can get back cavernous M from the graveyard okay so let's say we do x equals 10 might be good so let's see four six yeah that seems okay could also make it like eight which is maybe more reasonable so we don't have to discard to hand size a bunch and our opponent concedes sadly don't get to go off with Doppel gang all right so we get to see our baned control deck in action sadly didn't get to cast Doppel gang as much as I would have liked but uh understandably after resolving a big silver scrutiny most opponents are going to seed but if we do ever manage to pull it off and maybe also copy a m splice apparatus you can see how you can easily set up an even bigger Doppel gang on the following turn and then cavernous ma can also help close out the game which Dodges most sweepers and other interaction you can think of so overall not the most competitive deck out there since you're going to probably lose a few games to a fast start from monored aggro or the red white convoke deck which are very popular in best of one but if the meta game were to shift towards more mid-range and control strategies then this style of Mind splice apparatus control can easily go over the top and ignore most interaction so that's going to do it for today's gameplay I want to thank you for watching hope you enjoyed and as always have a nice day
Channel: LegenVD
Views: 37,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lvd, legend, mtg, mtga, mtg arena, magic the gathering, deck, decks, gameplay, guide, Standard Deck, Standard MTG, Mythic, standard deck, murders at karlov manor, mkm, mkm standard, murders standard, markov manor, karlov manor, blue, white, green, bant, cave deck, caves, ramp, control, mindsplice, doppelgang, x-spell, x spell, copy, cavernous maw, control deck
Id: W1bpkM24r_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 12sec (2412 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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