noah schnapp getting stuck in everything for 3 minutes

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[Applause] all right well guys I just have to go thank you so much [Music] at least stuck in a bat can't get out of and my sister can't get me out either Oh what's this where Chloe can you just let me out you ready Chloe I need you to get me out Chloe how would you stuck in here for 20 minutes Chloe let me out stop drinking water and let me out of the back yeah so high this might be a weird situation but I'm stuck in this bathroom and the door is heavy and it doesn't open when I try to open it what do you recommend no what do you put it on this side we put this set on the floor my claim is like family not a shade right one oh you're wasting mariokart time I'm trying to get out of here you're good oh yeah [Laughter] no I'm just stuck oh yes you are you're good alright never gonna push it back down this way Vinnie seize the day gave me
Channel: tubular thingz
Views: 3,753,758
Rating: 4.9828267 out of 5
Keywords: #noahschnapp #noah #stuck #strangerthings #schnapp #chair #bathroom #rock #jacket #cast #millie
Id: EFE3lM7ef8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 39sec (219 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 29 2018
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