Noah’s Ark and the Flood with Tim Chaffey

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thanks for joining us in Legacy Hall to hear from one of our dynamic speakers Tim Chaffee tim has earned advanced degrees in theology apologetics and church history now he's also a cancer survivor Tim is the author of several books including the truth Chronicles series available in our bookstore Tim works as a Content Manager for the attractions division so he is responsible for managing the signage and teaching content here at the Creation Museum and at the Ark Encounter at this time please silence all cell phones and note that emergency exits are located up front to your right and left and along the left side of the room now let's give our full attention and a warm welcome to Tim shaving [Music] thank you good afternoon I can say that now I was waiting for the second to tick over so good afternoon good you guys agree at least most of you the rest of your kind of quiet how many of you are making your first trip to the Creation Museum today okay that's fantastic welcome we're glad you here if you're making your second or third trip we're glad to if it's fourth or fifth maybe not something no I'm kidding you're all welcome we've read that this day will be a blessing to you that this presentation would be a blessing as well let me ask you that's how many have been to the Ark Encounter already or and how many are planning on going maybe tomorrow or later today or in the next couple days awesome well again pray that that would be a blessing as well this talk what I want to do is go over some of the skeptical questions that people have about Noah and about the ark and about the flood and show you that if we start from Scripture we can answer those questions so I have what I think is really the coolest job in the world I get to work behind the scenes for the Creation Museum for the Ark Encounter I work with the design team the people make all those really cool things that you see as you go through here I can't even like draw a stick figure at least not a very good one and these guys are making incredible things I get to do the writing for the exhibit so when you go through the exhibits and you read the signs if you like what you read that means I did a good job if you don't like what you read well we need to have a chat you got to learn to like it no it means you got to read it again or it means I had a bad editor I'm not sure it's one of those but it can't be my fault right but I love what I do and then I get to go and share with people so if you stick around till the end I'm gonna actually give you a little bit of behind the scenes at the Ark Encounter as well show you how we did some of the things that we did I shouldn't say we how my team that I'm a part of did because I've had very little to do with the artistic part but here's a picture of me with my beautiful Packers t-shirt on hey all right we got must be a bus from the Wright State that's my hometown actually there's a picture of me with my lovely wife Casey and you can tell this was taken shortly after the ark opened why because there's no ramp on the front of the ark now if you were to look at it it would look more like this this picture was taken about a month ago and you can see that it's a lot lusher around there with the greenery and the you know everything is built up and we're continuing to develop the area this picture was taken a while back if you were to see to the right side there we are building a multi-purpose auditorium that will be much bigger than this one about 2500 seats in that other one along with some classrooms and other things so we're building up there on the backside of the arc on the left side we're more than doubling the size of the zoo and we're going to include a lot of teaching points that are they've already been written and the signs have been designed and then we just gotta wait for the construction to be finished and we're continue to develop that whole site so if you've been once before you got to make sure you check it out again and if you're going tomorrow well then you're going to want to come back you know several months later when those other things are done so here's what it looks like on the inside it's just a gorgeous structure in fact we like to say that it's an attraction within an attraction within an attraction and what do we mean by that well each of the exhibits that you can see a couple of on the back side there those in and of themselves are in traction and then the inside of the Ark just looking at the architecture and how it was done how the huge Timbers are put together that and it is an attraction then when you see the arc on the outside especially for the first time when you get up close to it and you realize how big it is that's an attraction as well so why does the subject matter why do we spend so much time talking about the arc and about the flood and about Noah why is that a big deal you know people say well you should just be preaching about Jesus well I agree that we should be preaching the gospel message Jesus Christ and that's the most important thing we can be doing but a lot of times we also have to clear up those skeptical questions people have take a look at this this is one of the reasons that it matters these are very common online young people are seeing these cartoons that are made by skeptics mocking the idea of the flood of mocking the biblical accounts in Genesis particularly the flood account now these are just two of the ones that I could show you the rest of them there's hundreds of them are extremely vulgar and vile so I can't show them in this kind of a setting and I wouldn't want to anyways in any setting but they they love to Mock the idea of the flood in fact we had dozens and dozens of protesters who were a theist and agnostic there on opening day July 7th 2016 and they were holding up signs protesting and and some of us went down there and got into some good conversations with them and had an opportunity to witness some of them and I had the privilege of at the end of their protests taking 21 of them on a tour through the arc on opening day so for me opening day became far better than I ever imagined it would be because I had an opportunity to answer a lot of their questions we did a Q&A sessions on the top top floor and then I even got to share the gospel with them as well and I want you to take a look at their faces here notice they're not screaming and yelling at me and I'm not doing that back why because we took the time to get to know them and treat them with gentleness respect and they listened I'm not saying anybody fell on their knees and believed at that point that's not my point here but at least they listened and they heard the answers they heard the gospel but see what happens far too often is we tend to think of a lot of these people as being like they're really staunch devout like Richard Dawkins you know people who are really obnoxious and just hate God it's better to call him is Oh theists and atheists they are haters of God not necessarily just not believers in God and they tend to think of all Christians as being like Westboro Baptists you know people who hold up the offensive signs at military funerals and everything and the truth is it's not like that and we're not like that and many times they're just more like your neighbor next door and we need to treat them with gentleness and respect and show them the love of Christ and then we'll have an opportunity to share the gospel so opening day was a great experience for me because I got to do that and in fact I would I mean this when I said I would do that every day of my life if I could it was really pretty special so let's deal with some of these skeptical questions and the first one actually comes from within the church itself most of the time in fact the first couple questions usually come from within the church wasn't it just a local flood there are some Christians who have believed the idea that the earth is billions of years and billions years old and they think those rock layers that we see out there evidence of billions of years and so they say well you can't have a worldwide flood because our worldwide flood would rip up all those layers and lay down new ones you no longer have the evidence for billions of years and so they say well it must have just been a local regional flood or maybe it was just a worldwide flood to left no evidence yeah you can laugh at that idea it's the flood that leaves no evidence is really it's an oxymoron there's no such thing okay water is very powerful anybody who has a gravel driveway during rainstorm knows what I'm talking about okay because that drive way often disappears especially if it's on a hill so the idea that it left no evidence would be absurd but what about this idea of a local flood does the Bible allow for that here's what we want to do with each of these questions we want to go back to scripture because that's where we want to start our thinking from we're gonna start from God's Word he's the one who knows everything he's always been there and he cannot lie so 13 times in the flood account it tells us that the purpose of the flood was to destroy all flesh all flesh is used 13 times in the flood account what do you think it means when it's used over and over and over again like that just some of the flesh oh all the flesh that was on all the land dwelling creatures that were outside the ark died everything in whose nostrils was the breath of life that lived on the land was gone they died if I was very clear on that that can't happen in a local flood it only happens with the worldwide flood the size of the ark tells us this is not a local foot because if it was just a local flood you only have to bring the animals from that region okay and you don't need to have as much space to bring animals to you no representatives each animal kind from all over the world the flood waters tell this is not a local flood remember the Bible tells us that the waters covered the highest hills or the highest mountains to the depth of 15 cubits that's this measurement times 15 so about 22 feet or so once it goes over the top of the highest hill to the highest mountains guess what it no longer is it's no longer local okay because water will just keep flowing over the top of it and it will flood there's nothing to hold it back and it will cover the whole globe the duration of the flood tells us this not a local flood how long were they in the Ark about a year we often think of the flooded being 40 days and 40 nights well that was the initial flooding mechanism that lasted that long the waters dominated the earth for about 150 days before they started to go back down they were in the ark for about a year that's way longer than local floods now local floods can be devastating and they can last for a while but they don't last that long why build an ark in the first place think about this if God's just gonna flood one region don't you think he could have said hey Noah I want you to take you and your family and just skedaddle out of there for a little while let me show you a new place to live and then once I drown everybody here you can move back well we can figure that out don't you think God well actually God doesn't have to figure anything out he knows everything now he didn't have to think through it like we do so if we know that well God certainly could know that so why would he have Noah spend years and years of his life building an ark that is really unnecessary if it's just a local flood and what about this why bring Birds if it's a local flood why are you bringing the flying creatures because they can do something that most other animals can't during a flood they can they can fly out of there so it doesn't even make sense to bring flying creatures and yet the Bible's very clear he had to bring the flying creatures the New Testament tells us that only eight people survived the flood and Jesus uses it to compare that judgment to his second coming so if that was just a local judgment in genesis then maybe when he returns it's just a local judgment you think no that's not really an option is it there were huge changes that took place at the time of the flood we believe there was one continent on the earth prior to the flood the Bible says in Genesis 1 all the waters were gathered in one place it seems like all the land would have been in one place as well also the way that it's described in Genesis 2 doesn't match any place on earth it's very different the way the world is described there and there's also some other changes like dietary restriction you know before the flood they were told to eat plants that's what Adam and Eve were told and then after the flood Genesis 9:3 one of my favorite verses now you can eat meat that's paraphrased and I think the most important reason for us to believe that this is a worldwide flood because at the end of it God put the rainbow in the sky and says this is my reminder of my promise to you that I will never again never again never again three times she says that flood destroyed the earth with a flood like this if it was just a local flood and we have local flood today so that means every time you see a rainbow God lied and yet the Bible tells it's impossible for God to lie this has that multiple times not just that he doesn't want to or just that he chooses no he it is impossible for him to lie so somebody said can God do all things the answer is no he can't lie there are a lot of things he can't do he can do all things that are consistent with his perfectly good nature and so he cannot lie the rainbow tells us that this is a worldwide flood so there are a lot of reasons from Scripture to believe this is a worldwide flood and that's not even counting the geologic evidence we have for it so how about the construction of the Ark let's deal with some questions that have to do with this issue and this first this one also comes from within the church when we were building the Ark I used to get this question quite a bit in fact but it wasn't worded this nicely a lot of times I had a lot of colorful language included you know directed at us for building an ark that wasn't box shaped they were really upset saying you guys are making it look like Hollywood you're compromising the Bible the Bible says it was a box no the Bible does not say it was a box the Hebrew word is Tavon okay it only appears outside of the flood account in one place as it Exodus chapter 2 2 different versions there anybody know what's happening in Exodus 2 why it uses that word there were the little baby named Moses who was placed into an ark of bulrushes did they have to be a box now we see most of the time the words don't tell you the shape of something and many times they tell you the function the purpose of something in in both these cases Noah's huge Ark and Moses little Ark what was the purpose to save preserve protect life right life preservers and that's really what this word is describing now here's what where it gets really interesting most likely it's an Egyptian lone word which makes sense Moses writing this Moses grew up where Egypt but it's from their word for sarcophagus that's pretty weird isn't because sarcophagus where you put dead bodies just doesn't seem like life preserving except in Egyptian theology what do they think they were doing preserving them for the afterlife so now it does make sense doesn't it so it's telling us the dimensions Bible gives the dimensions it doesn't tell us the shape if I told you I'm 6 foot 8 inches tall that means at the very top of my head that's how tall I am I know something you're like you're not that tall hun you'll come up afterwards look I am ok yeah I'm not gonna lie to you when you can check it right afterwards but I'm one of anyways but that doesn't mean I'm a rectangle ok just mean to the very top of my head when you give the dimension something you're just giving the longest measurement you're not saying it's a cube or it's a so if you get the dimension of a car you just given the longest dimensions each direction and that's happening here with the arc so it doesn't mean that it was box shaped how about this how many people built the arc who says eight people who's not gonna answer questions today okay who's the a people so Noah his wife their three sons and their wives how many people say just Noah Hebrews 11:7 by faith Noah being divinely warned of things not yet seen moved with godly fear and prepared an ark for the saving of the household so was he the only one swinging the hammer do you think it'd be quite a task but let me ask you this did Solomon build the temple yes and no right I mean yet this is the answer because Solomon probably didn't move any of the blocks into place but he was in charge of the project so you can say Solomon built the temple right Noah built the ark it doesn't mean that he was out there swinging it you know maybe he wants and I think he probably was but it doesn't mean he was the only one he's just in charge of the project that's what it means so could he have had extended family members helping out if he's got siblings living nearby if his dad lived nearby he died five years before the flood his grandfather died the year of the flood if they lived nearby which we don't know if they did but they could have helped for a while correct what about construction crews people a lot of things building no there's no way he could do construction crews because these people didn't believe there's no way they would work for him well if there's a paycheck coming in right then many people might be willing to work even if they don't agree with the message when we were building the Ark Encounter I took this picture you can see in the back there where the Ark is unfinished and then when you look down here at the back of this car what is that little symbol right there anybody know you should be familiar with it in the middle it says FSM Flying Spaghetti Monster and we laugh but why should we be familiar with it because that's what the atheist used to mock the Jesus fish they'll say there's no evidence for for some cosmic sky god zombie that you guys believe in so we're just gonna sit Flying Spaghetti Monster made it and they call themselves pastafarians this is very common and I think there's just as much evidence for this as there is for God who became a man and walked this earth for 30 plus years in Israel about 2,000 years ago okay now we have evidence for our God they don't but anyways this person apparently did a good job working on the ark because when you go to the Ark you see that there was a it was done really well it didn't mean they had to agree with the message just to be a contractor on the project and the same thing could be true in Noah's day and think about how great this would be for Noah no it could be like you know what I'll pay you as soon as it stops raining no I don't think he did that okay that's just what he told the bank with the loan I don't think that either alright so anyways how many people built the ark the answer is we just don't know I all right so what is go for what people would say hey are you guys building the Ark out of the same thing that Noah built his archive and I said yep would no no no are you building it out of gopher wood and the answer is um I don't know what's going on the Bible Genesis 6:14 make an ark of gopher wood so we're not entirely sure what it is what kind of trees came from that now if Douglas fir and/or humans first came from that then the answer is yes we built it out of gopher wood okay because that's what we use for a lot of the heavy Timbers there some Bible to say that it was Cypress but here's what they're doing and this is this is really a mistake because they're saying look at the Middle East today what kind of lumber or what kind of trees are there that could be used to build a big boat why is that a mistake well did he build the Ark in the Middle East was there a Middle East just because it landed him in the that region after the flood doesn't mean that's where it started because the world is very different not like they just went up and anchored and just stayed in the same spot the whole time they would get carried along by the wind and the waves so we don't know where they were when they built it so ultimately what does go for wood the answer is we just don't know uh all right so how about this and how long did it take to build the ark a lot of people think 120 years that comes from this verse in Genesis 6:3 the Lord said my spirit shall not strive with man forever for he is indeed flesh yet a day shall be 120 years and people think see there's a countdown to the flood and even if that's the right way to interpret that verse and other people think that maybe this verse should be interpreted as like a shortening a man's life spans from over 900 years down to the 120 but whichever way you take that verse nothing here says that Noah started building the ark at this point in fact the ark isn't mentioned for like another 11 verses so not even in the in the same context really so 120 years doesn't seem to be the right answer how about a hundred years because in Genesis 532 we were told that Noah was five hundred years old when he begat Shem ham and Japheth doesn't mean they were triplets just the oldest was born at that time but the flood came when he was six hundred so there's a hundred-year difference right there so that's how long he had to build it except when God told him to build the ark he said is going to be for you your wife your sons and your sons wives with you sounds like the boys are already grown up and married when God said build the Ark doesn't it which would mean what well it can be less than a hundred years how long would it take for the three boys to be born to grow up and then get married maybe twenty-five to fifty years so subtract that from the hundred and you have a maximum build time of fifty to seventy-five years now I don't know if it took that long that's just I'm saying that's about the maximum that we can get from Scripture but think about this if you're building something out of wood and it's taking you 50 years so you start way down there on one end and 50 years later you're way over there on that end what do you have to do to that end again kind of fix it don't you because wood doesn't last super long out in the elements and everything so I don't know that it really even took that long this is the maximum so how did Noah find all the animals all the skeptics love this one and they're at they asked this one a lot do you really think that Noah had to go to Australia and find the Kangaroos and the koalas and and he got back and look Oh guys we forgot the wombats Japheth go get him is that really the picture that the Bible gives us no remember we said we think that the world was very different there with all apologies to my boss there was no Australia at the time okay remember God create a perfect world it's just kidding I'm kidding I like Australia but there was no Australia there was no any of the other places yet either is very different but if we start from the Bible we had the answer to this question what does it say Genesis 6 20 of birds after the kind of animals after the kind two of every kind will come to you to keep them one he didn't have to go look for the animals and yet how many times have we heard that okay if a skeptic asks you a question about the Bible don't take their word for it that it says what they claimed it says okay have them show you from Scripture before you start answering let them prove a lot of times they've never looked at it they've just heard it and they're repeating it but if they've looked at something in they're genuine about looking for an answer they can show you in the Bible where it is or you can pull out the Bible and show them so start there all right always take it back to God's Word now this is really one of the big questions that we had to figure out how did he fit all the animals on the ark and we've heard all sorts of crazy numbers okay I get emails and how we fit all six million huh how do you fit all eight million species hardly fit 11 million species I've heard 80 million species it's like they're just pulling numbers out of a hat anyways those are all pretty high numbers one of the skeptics who was trying to respond to a video done by Ken Ham here's what he did and he put this picture in his his response his rebuttal trying to make the ark look silly do you guys see anything that looks sort of fishy in that picture um I understand whales are not fish technically but why would he have to bring the whales the last time I checked there would have been a pretty big pond outside the ark during the flood in fact it was bigger than the oceans had ever been before okay since day two of the creation week so that's the most the most based of the whales would have ever had is during the flood he wouldn't have to bring the sea creatures okay but they often include those they when they want to make fun of this idea so let me ask you this what do we have to know in order to answer this question how could he fit all the animals on board the ark you have to know what kind of how many right you have to know how many animals what else you have to know how big was the Ark so ask those two questions when somebody says how can you fit all the animals in there you know what you usually get how big was here I don't know but there's no way you can fit all the animals on it well how many animals you need I don't know but there's no way you can fit them all on the ark the two things you have to know usually they don't even know they just know that you can't do it well we had to figure it all out so in order to figure out the size of the ark let's take a look what the Bible tells it gives us the answer to this one we know the size roughly we have to know what cubit they use the lengths of it shall be 300 cubits the width 50 cubits on his height 30 cubits so two cubed again this measurement from here to here so which cubit did they use well the common cubit in biblical time now it's weird to say biblical times because I covered a long time period many thousands of years okay but in the time of the Israelites in in Israel when they were in Jerusalem it has a Caius tunnel we can look at the cubit that was used for that is seventeen and a half inches some people say 18 inches so somewhere in that range is the common cubit now many of the ancient building constructions were done but the huge projects were done on what's called a royal cubit area long cubit you take this measurement and then you would add the four fingers to it so that would be a royal or a long cubit and why did they build why didn't wear a lot of the ancient building projects done that way we're not sure maybe they got it from a different idea such as another important building project that they would have all been familiar with the Ark so what we did is we took one of the shortest of the common cubits and then made a long cubit out of that by adding two point nine inches you get twenty point four inches so our Ark is 510 feet long 85 feet wide 51 feet tall for a total volume of 1.88 million cubic feet now if some of the math whiz they're probably looking at and saying that math isn't right well we've subtracted 15% for the volume because of the curvature of the hall and everything so the math is right I just didn't show all of it now how big is that well this is difficult for the people in Cincinnati area to figure out where we are they don't quite get this one when I saw the picture okay but where I'm from where I grew up we know exactly what this is I grew up in Green Bay Wisconsin so this is called a football field and people in here like what it's sort of like a soccer field but it's a bit much better game is played on it so this is what it looks like next to a football field okay it's huge so how many animals had to go on the ark well here's from the journal science back in 2013 so five years ago they said we argue the number of species on earth today is five plus or minus three million of which 1.5 million are named don't you like home specifically are anywhere from two to eight million we've identified 1.5 million and we're estimating there's this many more now there are some people I'm sorry the IUCN Red List which is what we use for the the endangered species list they say there's one point seven eight million species okay so a little higher number than what they say are identified but here's what they're not telling you they are including all of the bacteria and one celled organism that have ever been identified if no I had to bring those they would not take up my space they are including all of the marine creatures remember the whales that you saw in the one picture every most of the life on Earth is in the oceans there including all other marine creatures he didn't have to bring the marine life he'd have to bring the fish or the eels or anything like that they're including a million different species of insects he probably did not need to bring insects okay maybe the more delicate ones like butterflies and moths and bees but they don't match the description of the animal that had to go on board the ark and we're dealing with kinds not species what's the difference well if you think of the classification system that we have so you have like kingdom phylum order class or class order and then family genus species a lot of times people think Oh II had to bring all these different species no you the fant the kind level is roughly equivalent to the family so you go up a couple levels it's not always equivalent there but think about it this way well let me show you an illustration these are all different species of Tyrannosaur that you have to bring two of every one of those now we think of just this guy here the biggest and the baddest and the coolest the t-rex okay that's what we usually think of but all of these are different are classified as different species of trends are if what God brought to Noah was something like this one of the smaller ones fully grown they don't take up as much space do they okay there's a lot of different ways to think what here's one way we'd talk about it at the ark Noah didn't have to bring all of these all of the biggest ones that you could possibly find he just needed two of these he didn't need to bring any of these any of the marine creatures I know it seems silly to even have to say that but because they include it so often we had to make a point of it but he did have to bring animals that are now considered extinct so at the Ark Encounter what we've done if you think about the way you you usually think about the ark what animals were on there well you got your F you might have elephant you got lion you got a monkey you got a snake and maybe a rhino or hippo right those are the ones that come to mind well we didn't want to do it that we wanted to get more realistic picture obviously each of those would have to be on but we did about 50% that people would recognize and 50% that are now extinct since the time of the flood so you'll see a more diverse picture than what you're used to seeing when you're there so the other decision we had to make is how many of each kind had to go on board the ark the Bible talked about two of every kind will come to you but then he clarifies in the next chapter just a couple sentences later that there's going to be seven or seven pairs of all the clean animals and the flying creatures are going to come to them so in the seven or seven pairs well it depend on which Bible you use why is there a difference well the Hebrew phrase is 7 7 a male and his female so 7 and it's just kind of stressing the 7 or is it 14 it kind of sounded like 14 but here's what we did every single time there's an option between a lower number and a higher number we always went with the higher number because we don't somebody to think that we cheated and when we say yeah you can fit all the animals on board they're like well yeah but that's because you took the lower numbers no we went with the higher numbers all the time so we did that with a 7 or 14 issue and we did the same thing when it comes to what we call splitting or lumping what does that mean well if you think about the different animals that belong in the same kind so think about dogs you got wolves and dingoes and coyotes and foxes belong in there and the common dog that we think those are all dogs they're all part of the dog kind he didn't need two of each other they just needs two dogs with a genetic variability for what we see today and that same thing same principle is for so many other animals but we don't always have the information we all the hybrid data to know whether or not one kind one species can interbreed with another and so if we don't have that information we split them in two different kinds for example there are a whole bunch of frogs that look very similar from different parts of the world but for whatever reason some people haven't taken their lives studying the mating habits of those really obscure frogs sound all that exciting so I know why they haven't but we don't have that data so we have to split them in two different kinds even though they probably belong to the same kind and so our number is probably overestimated by quite a bit so how many animals had to go on board the ark well we had to count them on you can read the list on our website in fact you can look at the academic papers on these on the answers research journal how many amphibians 194 kinds that are still around today and that number again is probably greatly inflated because I mentioned the Frog the same things true with salamanders a lot of them look the same so 388 total because you multiply that by 2 same thing the reptile bird they're multiplying most of those by 14 because most of our flying creatures are some that are flightless the mammals some of those get multiplied by 14 because some of them are clean animals like the cattle the Sheep that kind of thing and some of them are flying creatures like the bats in fact we have over 300 bats on board the ark so how many extinct animals well there's the numbers does that add up to millions what's the total there well the total number of animals is fewer than 6,800 the total number of kinds is fewer than 1400 and again those are overestimating the numbers this is probably much less than that how could he possibly fit all the animals on the ark actually they would fit in just right and we've run the numbers we've had to go through and figure out how much room they take up how much water they need how much food they need all of those different things have been put into our calculations and when you put everything together guess what they fit just right it's like Goldilocks okay it's not too much it's not too little doesn't that make sense that guy don't know how big the Ark would need to be in order to hold the people and the animals and the food yeah and it is it's just right so I mentioned dinosaurs a little bit of going people think are you crazy dinosaurs on the ark I mean come on really well guys that's not the Ark that's a fairy tale the ark didn't look like that and once you explain that the Ark was a lot bigger they think okay I get it the Ark was really big but really you think Argentinosaurus has gone there I mean they estimate they might have been between 60 and 80 tons well yeah fully grown you don't have to take the biggest ones you take the ones God brings you in why would he bring the biggest ones in fact you bring juveniles the even the biggest ones Rome wants much smaller and before they were that size they were this size about the size of a football I'm not saying that Noah rolled eggs up the ramp of the ark that's not my point I don't think he did I don't think he had any Bader's in the ark but after they hatched from there they're not that much bigger so why would you bring smaller ones the juveniles well for a lot of reason one the very obvious reason they take up less space there's a good reason number two they eat less if you're in charge of feeding them that's a good thing and this is even better number three they have less waste if you're in charge of cleanup you're very thankful that for that they're more durable what do I mean by that well if I were to take the wrong step up here and fall off the stage because I'm over 30 years old what happens I break and I lie there and cry and moan for the next couple hours till I can move again slowly and if you're under 30 and you did that what would happen you'd bounce and you get right back up and do it again because it was fun okay the same sort of thing is true with the animals and if you're in a ship that is rocking quite a bit on the biggest storm stormy seas that I've ever been you might want something that's a little more durable and here's a really important reason why you bring the younger ones because they would have many more years to reproduce after the flood you don't bring the oldest ones that aren't going to be able to do that okay or at least won't have much time to do that so there's a lot of reasons to bring the smaller ones let's talk about some misconception that people have about the ark and about the flood and about Noah and there's one right there actually on the screen as I mentioned before that is not Noah's Ark that is a fairy tale that is a bathtub Ark okay we have an exhibit at the Ark Encounter called the fairy tale Ark and it's kind of cute it looks like you're walking into one of those things and unfortunately a lot of people don't take the time to stop and read what it says there and they they think oh I should go buy this book down in the bookstore because they have a lot of different we're not promoting those as good things okay now understand what I'm saying here I get that it's really cute I mean it's adorable and you know when you have a bunch of cute animals and a happy old guy and you put these on the nursery wall it's really cute but let me ask you this is that what the flood account is about in Scripture a happy old guy and a bunch of cute animals or is it about an extremely wicked world that had turned its back on God and was filled with violence and corruption throughout the whole world is a degree that God was grieved that he had made man and he was going to wipe man out and yet he showed his grace and mercy to Noah and his family and to the representatives of the animals on board the ark is that what it's about that's what it's about so if this is the only message we ever convey to people and we teach young people from when they're really little all the way up that this is what Noah's Ark is about and then they get to high school and they have this Pixar still in their mind and skeptics start approaching them it's a fairy tale right that's what's in their head so here's what I want to say I've just want to caution you about these things if you do use them please make sure that you teach the truth about them as well that you teach what the ark was really like it wasn't like this in fact only an ark of biblical dimensions could survive a flood of biblical proportions if that's what the Ark looked like none of us would be here today there would be no more people left there'd be no more animals left most no more land animals most importantly one person one descendant of Noah who also happen to work with wood would have never come to the earth he was the son of a carpenter his name is Jesus of Nazareth he never would have come to the earth and never would have died on the cross for the sins of the world so what Noah was doing was extremely important wasn't it and we should treat it as it should be treated that it was a historical event and the Ark looked like what it really did not some cartoon version of it so several years ago Bill Nighy guy that plays a science guy on TV stood right here on the stage and did a debate with with our CEO with Ken Ham and he said during the debate that his his ancestors were shipbuilders in New England and he said during that time when you know these large wooden ships were being constructed he said the biggest one they were ever able to build was the Wyoming and the six masted schooner and the problem was it was 430 feet long from tip to tip so it's not quite as big as the ark but it's getting closer right and he said the problem was that it would keep springing holes and it would twist and Bend and then water kept coming in and they had to keep trying to bail it out and then it sank and all 14 people on board were killed and those things are true but you know what he left out a really really important detail and I want you to decide whether it was accidental or not okay the Wyoming floated and carried thousands of tons of coal up and down the coast for over 14 years why do you think he didn't mention that at all because you can't have a wooden ship that large okay there are just some difficulties that have to be overcome when you do that and if you want to know what those difficulties are you need to go out and buy the answers magazine which is available in the bookstore because I just the lead article is all about that the cover article and how do I know that because I wrote it so now you really got to go by that so I'll tell you more about that by the time we're done here but you can build large wooden ships there's just certain difficulties that have to be overcome and there are ways to do that some people say the Bible Bible copied from ancient flood myths in fact we find flood legends from all over the globe I know because I've read over 200 of them for the four while I was preparing for this exhibit in the Ark the flood legends exhibit every place where you see the little black dots on the map and there's a lot more than just that there's flood legends and a lot of times they sound very similar to the biblical account now there's some differences but a lot of times about one righteous man or a favored family who was told by God or by the gods that that there's gonna be a big flood that destroyed everything so build a boat build a raft build a canoe build an ark and bring the animals on board and then the floods going to come and then you can start over and sometimes there's even a rainbow mention at the end sometimes there's even animals that are sent off to check the water depth and everything at the end so there are a lot of similarities around the globe now people will say well the Bible just copied ancient ancient myths but that's not the case you see the distortions of that show us the Bible isn't just picking one of them and copying it because there's differences but the similarities show us something different that they have a common source and what's that common source well think about it the Bible tells us in Genesis chapter 11 that the whole world was one tongue one speech one language and then they gotta had told him to scatter be fruitful multiply and fill the earth they didn't they gather together in the plain of Shinar and then God came down and Confused their language and they scattered throughout the globe they took their beliefs they took their history with them and as the years went by they started sharing that history but it gets distorted over time and there's still that kernel of truth there so the Bible gives us the real kind of what happened these ones are echoes of that in fact the flood account is not the only thing that's like that you have creation stories from around the globe that are very similar to the biblical account even man being made from the dust and then a wind or God using a win to to make them alive that's simple you have that in several different legends you have legends of how man became wicked that are very similar to the biblical account in fact around the globe almost every time you know what they had to do with something to do with a tree or a fruit or a serpent in in so many of these cultures they have that but again there's distortions from the biblical account the Bible goes the true history these other ones are echoes of that true history so here's one that's a possible misconception a lot of people have heard that it never rained before the flood and they get that from Genesis chapter 2 verse 5 before any plant of the field within the earth and before any herb of the field had grown for the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the earth and there was no man to till the ground the problem with that this verse is describing the circumstances on day 6 before God makes man does that mean that we can extrapolate from that point in history to well over a thousand years later and say never rained on the earth some people say yes some people I don't really think that you can I don't think that's the point of this verse it's just setting up for what's about to happen so if that's why I say it's a possible misconception how about this one does the Bible ever said there were no rainbows before the flood it doesn't now God put the rainbow in the sky afterwards but that doesn't mean that's the first rainbow that ever happened when God said in Exodus chapter 12 to take a lamb without blemish in the sacrifice that for the Passover was up that he invent lambs at that point or do they just suddenly take on a new significance so he doesn't have to create something in order to use it as a symbol or a sign okay he can take something that's already there let me ask you this if you were in the pre-flood world and there was Waterfall and you got the mist coming off of the off of there and sunlight shines through it what do you think you would see I bet you see the colors of the spectrum okay now could God have changed the laws of figs that physically that I'm sure yeah but I don't think that he did there's no there doesn't seem to be a reason that he would have done that so how many of you heard that Noah was an amateur the Titanic was built by experts the ark was built by an amateur and we think oh isn't that cool no it's not cool because that means that God entrusted the building of the most important ship in history to somebody who had no clue what he was doing what does that say about God doesn't God prepare his people to do the tests that he has them that he calls him to do so what if Noah was already one of the best shipbuilders in the world have you considered that before it's a different view than what we usually think of him okay the Bible never says he was an amateur it doesn't say he wasn't expert either but he was able to do what God called him to do so certainly by the time he got around to building it he knew what he was doing or he could hire people who knew what they were doing does the Bible say nobody had ever seen a boat before no it doesn't say that doesn't say the flood only lasted for 40 days and 40 nights well that was the initial flood mechanism The Fountains of the great deep bursting open in the water the windows of heaven but the waters continued to dominate the earth for 150 days before the started to go down and again they were in the ark for about a year and does the Bible ever say that Noah was mocked while he was preaching and that he was pleading with people to go on board the ark it doesn't say that either fact you won't find a single verse in the Bible that talked about people making fun of Noah the strange isn't it because we say that every time we retell the account why well because our brains fill in details that we think are there and we heard it when we were in Sunday school and then we kind of just repeat it without ever realizing the Bible never says it and we do that with all sorts of things now let me to be fair let me ask you this Noah lived in a very ungodly world and he was a very righteous man do you think they made fun of him probably if there were people around that's very believable I have no problem believing that they did what I want you to see is that the Bible doesn't say that they did see the distinction so let's not say the Bible says they mocked him let's make sure we understand the difference the Bible doesn't say that but it's very believable that they did and that's consistent with what we see in Scripture but it doesn't the Bible didn't say it itself so I'm just trying to separate our story from what what the Bible tells us so we're not guilty of adding our own ideas to scripture fair enough all right you know what looks like we're running out of time to do this I'm gonna skip I'm just kidding I'm actually ahead of schedule from where I usually am I I want to do some behind the scenes for you guys because I got to really had a unique privilege to work with these very talented individuals that can make things that are they're mind-blowing when you go to the are keys to the different animals you see the different exhibits and even here at the Museum the different exhibits the guys that I work with and the gals I work with they did it okay they make those things we have this one guy named Joel and I'm gonna brag on him even though he doesn't like when I do but I'm gonna do it anyways he was hired to be a sketch artist he worked with my assistant who's kind of in charge of all the animals real ated to the animals and he my assistant would stick his nose in fossil books all day trying to figure out how big the animal would be and so Joel is working with him to draw those animals and then they would take the his drawings and they would put them on the computer and they would make a 3d model based on that and then they would sculpt these 3d animals whether they were cnc printed carved out on a CNC machine or whether they're printed on a 3d printer whatever we were going to do for him but joel was a sketch artist he had never sculpted an animal before and once he finished all the sketches I said hey Joel he won't try sculpting an animal because we need help on this and he said yeah I'll try it and so he started with this animal called by Lucas Milas and when he started it's just a Styrofoam frame and you know the body was styrofoam and he's got this rat like tail and he's got this really goofy jaw and I'd go back and look at it I thought that is the dumbest animal I've ever seen why are we making this thing but then he finished it after he put fur on and I thought that is one of the coolest looking animals I've ever seen but it's the first animal he's ever sculpted okay just kind of gives you the idea of how talented the guys are that I work with here's Theo Saddam these ones you can see in the arc these ones are the intelidox they are called Terminator pigs fully grown they be about 6 feet tall at the shoulders you would not want to be in front of him if they were angry okay you would lose here's a picture of my favorite one there's Joel the one on the left the one on the right is my favorite why because that's the one that I sculpted you can laugh at that I told you before I can't even draw a stick figure okay I didn't really sculpt them I made like six little impressions on his foot and that's true I did that and I think they went back and fixed it but um just so I could say I sculpt it there at least had a hand in it but what is this one this is a it's a train of horror that's right okay it's a juvenile t-rex we have a lot of fossils of juvenile t-rex we have a good idea of what size they would have been we don't know if the color pattern was exactly like that but we have a very good idea of what their size would have been we have one guy his name's Greg that worked on the dioramas quite a bit in fact in this diorama this is the Tower of Babel under construction and the diorama is under construction but you can see a thousand little tiny individuals that were 3d printed and about 300 different animals that were three 3d printed and here's the size in the detail of each of those that he spent two months doing this every single day without a magnifying glass and like he can still see straight his eyes aren't doing this permanently okay what you think they would be but that's the amount of detail he put into and here's what it looks like now down at the Ark Encounter you can see the Tower of Babel under construction before God judged them and confused the language so I mentioned 3d printing one of the things we wanted to do and this provides a much more lifelike character in the dioramas if you go through the the Creation Museum you look at the dioramas especially in the flood room or in the voyage room where the Ark is you can see the family in there those are done the old-fashioned way you take a lump of clay you mold it and take these several days to week to get it just the way you want it you put it in the kiln you fire it and then you bring it back out and you got to let it cool down then you can paint it two to three weeks you got a character now you build your character on the computer and you sent the 3d printer and you can have one in about a day you still got to paint it and depend on how big they are how quickly they're gonna print but Travis wanted to do something to make them look even more lifelike so what he did is he made this little turnstile with these LED strips and you just put the person in there you have him pose and then he's holding in his hand I don't know if you guys can see this anybody know what that is if you have an xbox at home you might know it's called a Kinect and when it does it track your emotions you don't need a controller in your hand to show that you're throwing a ball you just do this and it knows you know so as he slowly spins around it's creating a 3d scan on the computer but it's very lifelike then you just go and clean it up well that wasn't fast enough for Travis and so what he did and by the way then you just send it to the 3d printer and you and you'd have your character in a little while so he said here's what I want to do I want to bring in this company that has like 74 different cameras and they set them up in a circle all the way around and they were at three different levels and they were all hooked up to a computer so he's pressed the one button all the cameras fired at once and create this 3d image on the computer and so the actor just needs to go in stand in the middle and you can have the wind blowing on them you know fan blowing on so their hair can flow like Fabio that's what they did with me but then the Rope can flow that kind of you know it's active it makes it look active well for one of the dioramas they needed a giant what do you think they called you guys want to see what I look like when I get back from Florida with my tan and after I was printed I looked and then primed I looked like that and today I look like that down in the Ark Encounter on the left side there you can see me there so when you go to the Ark you can say hi to my mini-me and you know people always look at it why are you so mean to that woman she's like a serial killer I'm the good guy in this okay just remember that I'm the good guy she's the one she's the bad one all right so there's a little bit of behind-the-scenes let's talk real quickly about Noah's family the Bible doesn't give us a whole lot of information about them in fact really we know very little about Noah and we very know very little about the rest of them we do take artistic license down at the Ark Encounter we have signage up several different places telling you we're using artistic license when it comes to the look of the individuals when it comes to the clothing that they're wearing when it comes to the we named the women Bible didn't name them but we gave them names even the shape of the Ark and the look of the Ark the look of the animals all of that artistic license okay we're filling in details that the Bible doesn't give everything that we need to create a themed attraction and the reason we name the women is we want you to understand that they were real people okay they had names we don't know what they were and people say why don't you just name one like mrs. ham and it's like because when she was born they didn't say mrs. ham she had a real name we just don't know what it was but we're upfront about the fact that we're using artistic license in fact the first scenes you first signs you see when you walk into the art talk about that so here you get to see each family member once per floor those are the only time they're all together this is on Dec 1 and the flood has just started to know is leading the family in prayer here's Japheth and his wife in the living quarters here's animatronic Noah you can talk to him and well you can ask him 14 different questions he'll talk to you and tell you some of the answers and if you ask the right one he'll even flirt with his wife a little bit and you can see his wife there so speaking of his wife let me ask you this the Bible doesn't tell us really anything about her other than she was married to know why she survived the flood and she had three sons that's it do you think it's safe to assume that she was faithful I think that's a pretty safe assumption it's hard to imagine Noah doing all of the things that God commanded them to do if she was not there supporting him that would be very difficult to to think that way do you think she was hard working I think everybody on the ark was pretty hard working so I think that's a safe assumption Percy's unnamed in Scripture that hasn't stopped some people from trying to name her now one of the most common names people give her today is the name Naima and that comes from Genesis 422 the sister of tubal-cain was Naamah he'll say well it doesn't say anything about her so maybe she's named because she's Noah's wife maybe I mean it doesn't tell us that law so it's really just a guess and it's just as good of a guess as any other I guess but the Bible didn't say that that was her name and because we didn't want to reinforce that idea we thought we'd come up with something that was different so in by the way she's called that in Genesis Rabbah in the fifth century AD the the book of Jasher which is mentioned in Scripture in Joshua and second Samuel the one that you can read today is not the book of Jasher it's a modern-day forgery so don't think that that's the one that's mentioned in Scripture but the modern-day forgery calls her that as well another name that she was called in the past was the name I'm Sarah and that really just means like ancestor of Sarah so people would connect Abraham Noah to Abraham so they connect no his wife to Abraham's wife so she's called that in the book of Jubilees which is written in the second century BC it's called little Genesis together take a little bits of Genesis and then kind of expand the stories kind of like historical fiction it's not inspired by God it's not part of Scripture but here's what it says no it took to himself a wife and her name was ansara and we happen to like that name so guess what we called her I'm Sarah now in 1941 there the paper published called 103 names of Noah's wife pick one okay but pick a good one because she was our all of us great great great great great great great great great great a whole bunch times grandma something you get a few more grades in there young people in there okay we're all related we all go back to her okay that means we're all one big family so that means we are all related Bible tells that we're all made of one blood in other words there is no basis for racism in Scripture because we are all related now some people try to use scripture to promote racism but their Bible does not give any permission that in fact there's nothing in the Bible that teaches that okay we are all made in the image of God and Jesus Christ died for all not just for people who might look like you okay so again we're we're all one blood and we talk about that here in the museum in the in the babble exhibit so let's wrap it up by talking about who Noah was who was this guy well the Bible doesn't give us more information about him you can read about the historical account of the flood the Ark and and Noah in Genesis 5 through 9 you can read detailed about his character in Ezekiel 14 and Hebrews 11 and the Ezekiel 14 when I always get a kick out of this it god is describing the wickedness and Jerusalem he's saying you're gonna judge them they're gonna be wiped out and that's not the part I get a kick out of but he says even if these three men Noah Daniel and job were in it they would save only themselves by their righteousness Noah is put in the same category as job and Daniel that's pretty good isn't it you know what's even cooler Ezekiel wrote that meaning that Daniel was alive when that happened so he put Daniel in the same category as job and Noah I should tell you something about Daniels character and you can read detailed about the time in which he lived in Matthew Luke and 2nd Peter we know he was a righteous man the Bible says that God said don't come into the ark you and your household because I've seen that you're righteous before me in this generation he was a hard-working man God told him to make the ark of gopher when he goes through and says here's how you're gonna make it all these different things and know it did all of those things he was a blessed man God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth he was a husband and a father as we've talked about God so he's gonna establish his covenant with you and you shall go into the ark you your sons your wife and your sons wives with you he was a faithful man by faith Noah being divinely warned of things not yet seen moved with godly fear and prepared an ark for the saving of his household by which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is according to faith and finally in Genesis 622 doesn't know it did according to all that God commanded him so he did wouldn't that be a wonderful testimony for each one of us if you could put your own name in place of Noah's name thus Tim did according to all that I know I've blown that a billion times but as believers in Jesus Christ we have the Holy Spirit who empowers us to live godly lives and we should be striving to do that we should be striving to honor him and all that we do so why build the Ark Encounter is it just so we can have a really cool-looking ship out there well that's one of the reasons actually it's a building that designed like a ship is it just that we can answer the skeptical questions well that's one of the reasons - that's an important one but it's not the most important one why build the Ark Encounter because we had the most important message that could ever be shared and we had the gospel of Jesus Christ that we're going to proclaim we we shared several times in the Ark Encounter here's one way that we do it we call this the doors of the Bible we know that Noah and his family had to go through the door of that Ark to be spared from the physical consequences of the flood right they weren't saved eternally because they walked through a doorway but this pictures something it's a good illustration for us of what would happen later on in fact so do some other doors in the Bible they provide a good illustration for us think about this when God told Moses and the Israelites to take a lamb without blemish and to sacrifice it and to take some of the blood of that spotless lamb and to put it on the doorpost on the lintel of your house that night the destroyer would pass throughout the land of Egypt and those who were not covered by the blood of the spotless lamb would lose their firstborn okay teaches the importance of atonement being covered by the blood of a spotless lamb of this sacrifice and then 500 years later roughly Solomon build the temple and in the innermost part of the temple he creates the Holy of Holies or they build that and he puts these two large olive doors on the outside of it they remain closed every day of the year except for one the day of atonement why are they closed because God is holy and his presence is there in man is sinful we were separated by God because of our sin and that's what these doors represent once a year the high priest could go in there and make atonement for the people then Jesus comes along and says I am The Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd lays down his life for the Sheep he says I am the door of the sheepfold he is the only way in or out this is what he was talking about guys the Shepherd actually sits in the door where they are the door the Sheep cannot go in or out except by going through him he's talking about being the only way just like when he said I am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the Father except through me all of those things are pointing forward to this aren't they when the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world Jesus Christ our Passover is what Paul calls him shed his blood on the cross for me and for you in our place paying the penalty that we deserve dying the death that we deserve so that we can be forgiven so that we can live eternally with God each of those doors are pointing forward to this but you know what's really great about this this isn't the end for us because three days later there's another door we get to talk about because Jesus Christ came out of that door alive and well he had conquered death he conquered sin he conquered the grave and he showed himself alive by many infallible proofs all who believe in him are given the hope and the guarantee of eternal life and then we can ask these this question about two more doorways the wide gate that leads to destruction and the narrow gate that leads to life and we can ask our visitors if they are on the narrow gate that leads to life and of course that's through Jesus Christ so that's just one way that we present it at the Ark Encounter so why build the Ark Encounter because we have the most important message that could ever be shared think about this if all we were doing is building a big structure and putting some animals on there with no teaching do you think the skeptics would really object that much no but because we're saying the Bible is true from the very first verse the Bible is our authority and by the way Jesus Christ is the only way because we proclaim those things that's why they object that's why they test but we're gonna continue to proclaim that if we can go all day talking about this and I enjoy talking with us but let me tell you about some of our resources real quickly before I get you outta here we got a couple of freebies here for you this is the answers update so it comes out every single month is our newsletter and actually just underwent a new redesign so it look a little different than that but it tell you about some of the latest research some of our specials that are going on some of the latest news and how much does it cost it's free okay we just need your name address phone number credit card social security number and no we don't need those last two things all right but if you sign up for that today you can also get this DVD for free there's Ken Ham he's our our founder and CEO and this is his own personal testimony actually talked about the construction of the Creation Museum some of the hurdles we had to go through or over to build this place we have our answers magazine these are not free but we recently redesigned these they used to come out four times a year now they're six times a year and there's a kid's pullout section they can learn about the same things mom and dad are learning about but a level they can understand and here's the deal if you sign up for this today you get the current issue free and then you still get one whole year after that so it's like getting seven for the price of six and you also get the digital copy as well so you can put that on the tablet or the phone for the young people to read and you can have the paper version if that's what you prefer we have our pocket guides on sale for just two dollars each several of these they're about 96 pages of information just for two bucks but we've got one on the global flood we got mine on Noah's Ark we got dinosaurs so a lot of things we talked about today are in the pocket guides we also have this special going on you could take any of the books DVDs or CDs that you see out there that have a green dot on them any three for 35 five for fifty five ten for 95 15 for 129 but I know you really want to do what the good Christians do and that's by 34 199 I'm just kidding you don't have to do that to be a good Christian you go buy the ones I have my name on it um you don't have to do that either that's a joke you should do that know people say well I'm not gonna read 30 books I'm not that have you ever read it but if you could recommend just a couple of resources while I'm here so I can understand how to better answer the question that people have how can what are the things that you guys face the most what kind of questions how can I deal with those guys pick up the answers books while you're here there's a four-volume set called the new answers book impact so there's a fifth one that it's not call new Answers books really called the flood of evidence it's all about the flood like we just talked about that goes along with this now as well so you can get the four inches book books at that price or add the fifth one there's a different price on it we've got journey through the Ark Encounter and there's a new book I don't even have a slide for you journey through the Creation Museum so they're like the coffee table style books he opened that up and got all the beautiful photography the doors of the Bible presentation I showed you just at the very end there that's part of an exhibit called why the Bible's true or searching for truth is at the Ark Encounter you can get it's like walking through the pages of a graphic novel so that's just one part of that huge exhibit at the Ark we have inside Noah's Ark how it worked or why it worked that one's available it goes through a lot of how could they get the fresh water happy to get a ventilation fresh air how could they do all these different things they needed to do while they were on the ark my book old Earth Creationism on trial has two chapters about the extent of the flood with a worldwide flood or just a local foot where the Scriptures say in dealing with the arguments used by Christians who try to argue for a young earth in critiquing the arguments and not the people okay treating them with gentleness and respect but critiquing the arguments they use we have one of these rhyme books you know a is for such-and-such n is for Noah and it's set up as the way it is so that you have the story in the front there for the young people and on the back you have the same sort of thing but then it has teaching points as well one of the things I wanted to do is take this information that we teach here the Creation Museum at the Ark Encounter and put that into an action-adventure series for young people so a lot of these series we cover in the answers books I've wrapped into an action-adventure story for young people with time machine explosions dinosaurs all that fun stuff but they're also learning how what does it mean of a biblical worldview how can I witness to my friends how can I answer these questions what about dinosaurs in the Bible what about carbon dating what about who was Cain's wife all those different things we hear on a regular basis there's a study guide that walks in through 15 of those issues in more detail so you can get those and one of the things I was asked to do for the Ark Encounter is to write this exhibit called who was Noah and they wanted me to write a fictional backstory based on the detail the few details we have in scripture about how Noah could have acquired the skills that he obviously had just to give an idea of what he might have been like and so I did that and people like the exhibit I said well you said write you know a novel about that and I thought I don't want to write a novel about Noah because to heaven I don't want him to walk up to me and go where were you thinking he might have to reach up like that I don't know I was way smaller than that okay I was a little nervous about that I thought if I if there's a way I can do it where I can separate our story from Scripture and make it very clear which ones which then I'll do it and so I got together with with a friend and we ended up writing a trilogy called the remnant trilogy so there's a second one there's the third one and those are all available now the last one just came out a couple months ago and there's a section in the back of each of them called encounter this we're different details that are in the stories you can go see it at the arc you know because I knew what different props are gonna be there different things in the exhibit and so we worked those details in it the backstories that you see for the women at the arcade all comes from a story so that it's integrated fairly seamlessly with the things at the Ark Encounter so let me close in prayer and I'll turn it guys thank you so much for your attention I believe others for eternity Lord may we boldly proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to each and every person because this world so desperately needs to hear it and we pray these things in the name of our risen Savior Jesus Christ amen guys thank you so much for your time thank you so much Tim Tim will you be available outside in the lobby area afterwards so Tim will be available just outside these doors in the lobby to answer any questions you have just give them a couple of minutes
Channel: Answers in Genesis
Views: 177,823
Rating: 4.6424675 out of 5
Keywords: noahs flood, noahs ark, noah's ark, was the flood global, how big was the ark, how did noah fit all the animals on the ark, evidence of the flood, fossils from the flood, rock layers formed by the flood, the ark and flood, is genesis history, is genesis poetry, the flood of noah, the ark of noah, georgia purdom, answers in genesis flood, answers in genesis noahs ark, ken ham, tim chaffey, tim chaffey noahs ark, tim chaffey flood
Id: UDG0bdRrExc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 15sec (3855 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 14 2018
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