No Wrap Pulled Pork Recipe - Carolina BBQ VS Texas Pulled Pork - Part 2

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welcome back to my channel i'm joe with smoking joe's play barbecue on today's video we're going to be doing a comparison carolina barbecue versus texas pulled pork stay tuned as you can see look at this bark is crazy oh man's perfect it helps to start with a nice sharp knife okay oh my goodness look at that all right before i get started on this cook i want to explain why i am remaking this video on the first video i titled it carolina pulled pork versus texas pulled pork and there's no such thing as carolina pulled pork it's carolina barbecue so i don't think i did the carolina barbecue justice also the rubs that i used and kind of the style it was carolina style but not a traditional carolina style barbecue so i really don't think i was fair to carolina so i'm going to remake this video and we'll see what my neighbors have to say this time stay tuned all right before we get start on the pork i am going to be making my carolina style sauce and it starts with vinegar okay this is apple cider vinegar i have three mason jars here they're 12 ounces so i'm just going to put about 12 ounces of apple cider vinegar in each mason jar all right so our next ingredient for northern carolina-style vinegar sauce is crushed red pepper so i'm going to add one tablespoon to each mason jar just like that okay i'm also going to add a tablespoon of salt i am using kosher salt and our last ingredient is black pepper i'm just going to add one tablespoon of black pepper [Music] i was talking to one of my buddies one of my subscribers actually david he actually came on my live chat and explained to me the differences in carolina barbecue carolina style barbecue he's up in northern carolina so he gave me the recipe i am using a version of what he recommended to me so david i want to thank you again for joining me on my live chat and explaining the differences in the carolina style barbecue and the traditional style that you guys do it up in northern carolina so i'm just gonna mix this up okay this is going to sit in my fridge for a day before i even use it so i'm just going to put this aside let's get to the rub stay tuned all right so let's make our rub for the carolina barbecue so i'm going to add half a cup of kosher salt a quarter cup of crushed red pepper and quarter cup of black pepper real simple ingredients okay i'm gonna shake this up here all right so i've got two pork shoulders here they're both about 10 pounds a piece i'm just going to move one aside this one is going to be my texas and this one is going to be my carolina barbecue all right so on the first video i actually took the fat cap off on this video we're gonna keep it carolina style and we are not gonna be trimming the fat cat now i do want to look for any loose fat kind of like this okay just a little bit of loose fat here nothing too crazy that actually looks really good okay so again this is gonna be my carolina barbecue i'm gonna grab my carolina rub which is real heavy in red pepper salt and black pepper so i'm not using a shaker because the crushed red pepper will get stuck obviously so i'm just going to sprinkle this on and this is a totally different rub than i used on my first video so i can't wait to taste this carolina style barbecue okay we're gonna go pretty heavy we're gonna pat that down make sure we get our sides i gotta tell you i am really liking this simple rub right here okay so that looks good to me just pat it down i'm actually preparing this the night before they're going to sit in my fridge overnight and tomorrow morning i'm going to be smoking these in my yoda frontiersman [Music] okay [Applause] so i'm just going to put this in a pan so i'm just going to wash up this chopping board i'll bring you guys right back all right so i've got my texas pork shoulder here i'm going to use mustard as a binder just a little bit i got to tell you mustard really grabs a hold of the rubs and it is used throughout texas in some parts of texas they don't use any binder obviously on my side of texas we use a binder and i've been using mustard and it's a pretty popular binder in texas okay so just a little bit and once it's cooked down you will not be tasting the mustard at all i guarantee you that this is just a very light layer all right so i've got my spg here which is salt pepper garlic and paprika yes traditional texas style is just salt and pepper but to be honest with you salt and pepper is really bland okay it's not going to have any flavor and that garlic and paprika it's so little but it gives it such a good flavor and without it again it's going to be pretty bland so i like to put a little bit of garlic and paprika in my spg i will leave a link in the description box to my spg and you'll see exactly how little garlic and paprika is in my spg i like to apply a good heavy layer because this is a lot of meat now in the first video i also trimmed the fat cap on the texas style and that's mainly that's just my preference you can leave it on or you can take it off but to be fair if we're going to leave the fat cap on the carolina barbecue i want the fat cap on the texas style pulled pork now on this video i will be crisping up the fat cap towards the end of the cook we're going to flip it down and get it close to that fire box and get that fat extra crispy and get it shredded up for the texas style pulled pork we're going to get it chopped up for the carolina barbecue all right just like that so i'm gonna pop this in my fridge they're gonna sit in there overnight we'll see you guys tomorrow morning all right so it's six o'clock in the morning and i've got my yoder frontiers been fired up and i am using post oak today and i've got the temperature set at 275 degrees i'm just going to open the door here and slide this shelf out a little bit so here's our texas pork shoulder and here is our carolina pork shoulder i gotta tell you leaving them sitting in the fridge with the rubs does something really magical because the aroma that is coming from these pork shoulders is absolutely amazing it smells really really good and look at that rub okay i've never had this before finally get the chance to do carolina barbecue the correct way just gonna slide my shelf in there alright so these pork shoulders are not going to get wrapped they're going to roll 100 of the time in smoke it's going to give the pork a really good smoky flavor not traditional carolina barbecue they cook these over an open pit usually whole hog and they chop up the entire thing but obviously i don't have an open pit this is the best i can do with an offset smoker so we're going to try to mimic that now when these are just about ready i'm going to go ahead and move them over to the right side and get this fat cap nice and crispy and get that all chopped up all right so i want to go ahead and shut the lid so we're going to check back in about three hours stay tuned all right so three and a half hours in my cook let's take a look at these shoulders and they are looking really good temperature's been running about 275 and they've got a really nice bark already both of these are coming along really nice so i will not be spreading yet i'm going to give this a couple more hours let the rub really stick to that surface so i won't be spritzing yet you know the bark isn't 100 set yet so i'm gonna give it a couple more hours we'll come back and spritz them both and get an internal temperature stay tuned all right so we're five hours into the cook now and let's take a look at our pork shoulders here oh yeah look at that fat split on both of them and it's probably because i'm running at 275 degrees they got a really nice color i haven't spritzed at all you know what the surface is pretty moist still so i'm going to go ahead and spritz just a little bit [Music] i am using apple cider vinegar and water makes it 50 50. all right [Music] all right so my meter app is saying that i'm at 167 degrees on the texas shoulder and 164 on the carolina so for some reason this one is a little bit larger the texas one shrunk down a little bit but that's okay so that's the current temperature we're gonna check back in two hours stay tuned all right so we are at the eight hour mark and the pit is running at 250 right now so the last couple hours the pit has been running at 250 just to slow the cook down a little bit so that's what we look like there so here's my carolina sauce and i got to tell you that the red pepper flakes have reconstituted so i'm sure that they are releasing some really good flavor into the vinegar so i'm just going to give this a good shake get all the ingredients to stir up a little bit i'm just going to pour it a little bit over the top oh man look at that just like that fantastic i do have a drain obviously so all this vinegar is just going to go to my drain i'm not too worried about it so you can see the red pepper flakes that was in my vinegar sauce it's now on top of the pork shoulder here so i am running at 195 right now the internal temperature on both shoulders in about 30 minutes i'm gonna come back and move both shoulders to the right side where it's a little bit hotter and get this fat cap nice and crispy again this was recommended by a viewer to crisp up this fat so i'll bring you guys back in 30 minutes and show you how we're gonna do that stay tuned alright guys so we are at the eight and a half hour mark and now it's time to toast up that fat cap again i want to thank all the people that commented on the last video that are from carolina and left me the comments about leaving the fat cap on and i wanted to do you guys right because if it was reverse and somebody was doing a texas-style brisket the wrong way you know we'd be pretty vocal as well so i'm going to go ahead and grab the shoulder hopefully it doesn't come apart the internal temperature is 204 degrees and it is extremely tender okay so i'm going to try not to break it apart and it is trying to break apart oh i lost a little piece but that's okay so fat cap is going down look at how tender this is it's already coming apart so i'm gonna put the fat cap here on the bottom and i'm also gonna do the same thing to the texas pork shoulder and get that fat cap nice and crispy as well all right looks like the texas held together so fat cap is down and right here the temperature is 350 degrees okay so on the next step is i'm going to add the rest of this carolina sauce that's why we saved it and we're going to pour it over the carolina barbecue oh my goodness it smells absolutely delicious so we're gonna let that fat cap get nice and crispy probably for only 15 minutes okay then we'll come back and pull them off stay tuned all right so the fat cap has been down for about 25 minutes now and i am going to go ahead and pull these shoulders off oh man the smell is insane out here so i'm just going to grab this piece that came off of the carolina barbecue and put in the pan and this is extremely tender the smoke ring is crazy so just gonna grab it put it in the pan oh man it smells really good and grab the texas which is falling apart as well oh it's sizzling on the bottom so that fat cap is gonna be nice and crispy and look at this a little piece for me hmm all right so i'm gonna take the shoulders inside cover them with foil let them rest for about 30 minutes and i'll bring you guys back all right the pork shoulders have been resting for about an hour now and they are still plenty hot so i'm going to start with the texas pulled pork first oh yeah pull my meter out did a good job keeping track of the temperatures then we're just going to grab our bone here and it's coming right off look at that clean as a whistle there we go so i got to tell you this is still really really hot okay so i'm just going to shred this look at this just shreds really nice and easy i mean that smoke ring looks like it penetrated through the entire shoulder i'm going to shred this up and i'll bring you guys right back all right so i've got our texas style pulled pork completely pulled and i'm just going to add a little bit more of the spg into that just like that and give it a good mix now the fat cap i did just leave it in here and shredded it with the pork and i got to tell you it smells and looks really good it's moist i'm not sure if you guys can tell on the camera but this is really moist okay extremely moist actually here's a little piece of cartilage or something that i missed so i'm glad i caught that all right everything else looks good all right so i'm just gonna cover this up so it stays nice and warm and now let's get to our carolina barbecue i'm gonna tell you this smells absolutely delicious okay it's a smell that i've never smelled before and i've done carolina style pulled pork before but obviously never like this i think i did it the correct way this time so let's go after that bone first look at that nice and clean clean as a whistle okay and this shoulder was actually pretty big compared to the texas style so you can see the the blade bones are quite different in size okay so i'm just gonna do the same thing i'm gonna go ahead and pull this but look at this look at that redness from that smoke ring nice and juicy as well so i'm gonna shred this and i'll bring you guys right back all right so i've got my carolina barbecue pulled now in order to make it authentic we're gonna have to chop this up okay so i've got my cleaver here from dalstrom look at the size of the sucker okay finally get to use it so i'm just going to chop this up oh yeah and doing this is really going to get that fat cap and that bark all mixed up so i can see why this is pretty popular okay just like that i'm going to chop this all up and we'll be right back all right i've got the carolina barbecue all chopped up and i got to tell you this giant meat cleaver works wonders to chop and also to scoop your carolina barbecue into a pan so if you don't have one of these get yourself one i'm going to leave a link in the description box so you can grab yourself one of these okay all right so we are not done yet so i've got it all chopped up here our carolina barbecue we're going to add some more of the carolina sauce just give it a good mix get that red pepper in there the black pepper and that salt mixed up and then just pour it over the top oh yeah i'm just gonna add about half of it and mix it in because i don't want this like super soupy okay oh man this smells good this smells absolutely delicious and you know what the texture is going to be nice because it's something that we're not used to all right you know what i still need some more so i'm going to add i'm going to go ahead and add the rest of this just like that mix it all up that fat cap is all mixed in with the carolina pork here all right i'm gonna wash my hands up we're gonna give this a taste stay tuned all right so i've got a couple of hamburger buns here i'm just gonna make myself a quick sandwich we're gonna start with the carolina barbecue first add a good amount just like that maybe a little bit more we got room in here oh yeah all right next up we're gonna make ourselves a texas pulled pork sandwich got those barky pieces in there as well a little bit more just like that all right so i am going to prepare sandwiches like this for my neighbors to taste as well and as an option i'm going to give them the option if they want barbecue sauce on their texas just to be fair because the carolina does have sauce i will give them the option if they want some i'll have them open up their sandwich and pour a little bit of that sauce on this so let's give these a try all right let's dig into these sandwiches and see how we did i'm gonna try the carolina barbecue first man this is going to be good it smells good so here we go [Music] man that thing is packed with flavor you know the vinegar sauce isn't as pronounced it's got really good flavor and you would think that with the red pepper flakes it would be spicy and it is not so now you can also have that with some coleslaw but we're gonna try to taste the pork okay so that carolina barbecue fantastic let's give this texas style pulled pork a try cheers all right that texas style pulled pork is fantastic as well now the carolina barbecue does have a lot more flavor in it okay and again i'm really liking that vinegar on the texas style it's good it tastes like smoked pork it's really tasty but it's also a little bit drier it's not dry it's a little bit drier and i like the texture of the carolina barbecue where it's chopped up it's a lot easier to chew and just packed with so much flavor so on my last video i said that i went with carolina i'm gonna stick with carolina barbecue okay that is fantastic just so full of flavor that fat cap all chopped up the bark is all chopped up in there just a perfect tasting sandwich i'm gonna prepare some sandwiches for my neighbors and see what they think stay tuned all right guys we are at house number one i've got bob and jeff here and these are non-texans okay so jeff where are you from originally i'm from the great state of north carolina north carolina and then bob you're from born in dc but raised in germany there you go so non-texans so i've got a sandwich two sandwiches in each box so if you guys want to try this one first actually and i do have the boxes labeled this is box number x yeah take take a bite so we're just going to take a small bite take a good bite all right grab a bite of that one all right so what do you guys think first one or second one second one second one really it was it was moisture it had more flavor oh wow now let me tell you the first one was good i get the whole thing and i will eat the second one okay yeah i think i don't know if it was the sauce or whatever there was something totally different okay all right so really okay so the s the one you guys picked number two is the carolina carolina barbecue is that right yes yeah so it's chopped up so the texture is different easier to chew wow okay number two i didn't know nice all right guys well bob and jeff thanks for participating enjoy the rest of your sandwiches okay so we're here at justin's house and justin you're from originally from texas all right so you got two boxes in front of you reach for whatever sandwich you want first take one bite and remember that flavor then put it down and take the bite off for the other one [Music] that's box number y there's something in that one man uh-huh good so if you had to pick right off the right off your mind right now which one do you like better why why yeah wow okay all right so that's the carolina style pulled pork yes yes it's a vinegar based sauce i get it it's got a hint of it huh yeah it just like wakes it up or something yeah so put a little bit of this put a little bit of this barbecue sauce on that one because that on that one over there because now that you know that one's from texas i mean you already picked carolina so we're gonna go with that but pour some of that on over the top of [Music] it a little bit or no you're still leaning towards carolina it does a lot it does huh yeah it wakes it up yeah i guess i'm not like you know i'm not too mm-hmm i'm not too versatile right i guess i like a lot yeah so you like you like the carolina one i like that carolina because i don't think i've ever had anything like that yeah yeah you know that like that i guess the bitterness of that video is like oh man yeah it's cool it's got uh red red pepper flakes crushed red pepper and there's a little spice to it yeah so i think i would still go over that one all right yeah i like that all right so that's three for carolina just so you know really three for carolina zero for texas so appreciate your help with that justin all right buddy yes sir you can eat them thanks man all right so neighbor number three we're with reuben he's a bears fan don't hate him for that so just grab grab one of those sandwiches there reuben look at that one so you're originally from texas no originally from chicago oh from chicago so you're non-texan all right so that's good all right all right so remember that flavor profile grab one of these this is box number you're both really [Laughter] good [Laughter] really okay all right so that is the carolina style so so do me a favor grab that sandwich from michelle again and that's okay that's okay i'm gonna put i'm gonna put a little bit of sauce on that one and see if it changes your mind i mean obviously carolina wins right there so carolina already has sauce in it okay the texas one doesn't okay so if we were to add sauce let's see if it changes your mind but you've already picked carolina really all right so zero for texas four for carolina so far yeah so now the last time you picked texas all right reuben thanks again thank you appreciate it all right so we're at claudia and daisy's home and they got box number y they don't know what it is so go ahead and pick it up and give it a shot tell me what you think a little bit more vinegar on this one okay it tastes really good like the meat is so tender is it spicy it has a little tang to it a little ting the bark [Laughter] [Music] really okay so that is the texas one [Laughter] yeah is that is that something that you've had before no no okay you're dizzy no no we've always had this that style but i love the other one too but this one takes different yeah so just so you know texas is behind right now okay so everybody so far has picked carolina everybody oh wow so yeah all right all right thank you ladies all right so we're with another neighbor stephen is going to try it looks like box number x first yeah so just take one bite put the sandwich back and tell me what you think texture wise okay this one had a little bit of a more slight sourness to it almost a little sweet x was mhm um you could taste the smoky flavor in it something in it so which one do you like better all right so that would be the right choice yeah that's it well i mean it's i like the carolina but you pick texas really yeah so yeah so it's uh raised here in texas so it makes sense yeah this one's got a little bit more of a like pickle-ish kind of feel to it like you know that kind of thing but it wasn't over it wasn't overpowered it was just more that way you can you can taste it right it looks different yeah this one's got a little bit of redness to it which i like the look this one okay so team texas yes all right thanks stephen all right my pleasure all right so i'm back at home and i just wanted to give you a brief recap i gotta tell you the carolina one really surprised me and the cooking style i think made the difference leaving the fat cap on getting it nice and toasty towards the end of the cook all of that played a factor in how good it taste and for me it was the carolina so carolina does win this comparison five to three and i gotta tell you the carolina one is really good the texas pulled pork was absolutely delicious it's something that we're used to but that carolina barbecue is something very special packed with flavor the crushed red pepper i think made the difference nothing but salt pepper and crushed red pepper and then the vinegar-based sauce towards the end so to all of my subscribers from carolina and if you're watching this video and you're new to my channel i hope you guys enjoyed this video hopefully i did carolina barbecue justice this time thanks for watching until next time joe with smoking joe's play barbecue see
Channel: Smokin' Joe's Pit BBQ
Views: 71,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no wrap pulled pork recipe, pulled pork, pork butt, pulled pork recipe, pork shoulder, smoked pork butt, smoked pork, how to, texas style pulled pork, how to smoke a pork butt, smoked pulled pork, Carolina pulled pork, carolina style pulled pork, best pulled pork, how to smoke pork butt, yoder ys640, pulled pork instant pot, pulled pork traeger, pulled pork sandwich, how to make pulled pork in oven, pork butt burnt ends, Texas style pulled pork recipe
Id: b_dDnaWywTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 17sec (1817 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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