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[Music] tell me the story of jesus right on my heart every word tell me the story most precious sweetness that ever was heard [Music] tell how the angels imposed sang as they welcomed his birth glory to god in the highest peace and good tidings to tell me the story of jesus right on my heart every word [Music] tell me the story most precious sweetest that ever was heard tell of the cross where they named him writhing in anguish in that story stay let me weep while you whisper love paid the ransom for me tell me the story of jesus right on my heart every word [Music] tell me the story most precious sweetest that ever [Music] [Applause] was [Music] [Music] so [Music] hello i'm pastor wintley phipps pastor of the palm bay seventh-day adventist church in palm bay florida we're so happy you've joined us for our live stream today our messages are to help you grow to become more like the character of christ if ever you're in the palm bay area please feel free to worship with us we love visitors and if you're looking for a church home we would love to embrace you we pray that this message you are about to hear today will be a true blessing to you thank you for joining us and happy 7. [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] what if you could make a difference in the life and future of a child in brevard we need foster parents for all different types of kids foster families are some of the most extraordinary people in the community who open their hearts and homes to the many children who suffer abuse or neglect i think foster parents just have to have a caring heart and the willingness to open up their home to a child i love teaching and helping foster parents when they first come in and they don't know anything and they're nervous and they don't know if this is for them and they they learn so much and they get excited and motivated and then when they take kids and they're doing so good at it i'm just so proud and i feel like it's my success too i would advise new foster parents to be committed be ready for the journey that they're getting into have your family ready for it we don't try foster care we're in it for the long haul we were always looking for families that would be willing to accept older children and teens we became foster parents because we wanted to help out in our community and when we found out the numbers and the need for foster parents and how many kids were out there we just jumped right in when i first thought about fostering i thought there was no way that i would be chosen as a foster mom because i am a single parent and so i went to the class and i'm sitting in class and there's tons of husband and wife teams and i took my biological children with me and i said if we're going to do this we're going to do it together we have fostered nine children single parents may think that it's impossible or really hard for them to become a foster parent but it's actually the opposite before our family partnership is a great opportunity to become a parent they're supportive and they help you through it brevard family partnership provides a lot of support for us and everyone can do their part one of the most rewarding things for me is to be be able to keep siblings together these kids have lost everything they've lost all their family so being able to keep that family intact to a small degree for now it has been so rewarding to us to see these children grow together and stay together it's been challenging and so rewarding all at the same time preparing for your first child coming into your home we usually set aside pajamas or a set of clothes for the age group that we have in our home being a big sister to foster children is definitely a learning experience and i've had to learn a lot of patience the things that it takes to be a great foster parent are the same things that it takes to be a great parent don't be afraid to be a foster parent you don't have to be perfect you have to show up every day to learn more about how you can help the children in our community contact brevard family partnership at 321-752-4650 or visit www.brevardfp.org for additional information [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i see the state of the world and it grieves me [Music] i hear the cries of the broken from the rich and the poor i smell the fear of dizzies all around me i feel responsible now that i see cause we all approve to live for more [Music] [Music] like you love help me love others the way that you love me i wanna love like you love love like you love help me love others the way that you love me the way that you love me [Music] i've held the children unseen and they moved me i wonder what i can do to improve a thousand lives i'll feel the absence of love and it scares me i feel responsible now that i see cause we all were born to live for more than this more than this i wanna love like you love love like you love help me love others the way that you love me i wanna love like you love love like you love help me love others the way that you love me the way that you love i was that lost so that you rescued [Music] i was the orphan you adopted and brought into your heart i was equated with the hopelessness that was living in the streets that was me [Music] love like you love help me love others the way that you love me oh god i wanna forgive like you forgave and rescue like you would save all days [Music] the way that you love [Music] me [Music] on october the 19th at 6 00 pm you have been invited to a special broadcast event accelerate dreams a live cast gala sponsored by amway and the u.s dream academy during this night of inspiration and music you will hear from general colin powell and his wife alma miss alice marie johnson president terry ford wintley phipps the tacoma academy choir and you don't want to miss our amazing dream kids for more than 20 years the dream academy has been providing hope and inspiration to children of incarcerated parents and children falling behind in school during the event there will be an exciting concert giveaway the individual who attends and invites the most people who register and attend will be awarded a free concert by wentlay phipps in 2021 at the church or organization of their choice the winner will be announced and contacted on october the 23rd invite your friends and family to the 19th annual u.s dream academy power of a dream virtual life cast gala to register yourself and your friends for the gala and the free concert giveaway just go to www.usdreamacademy.org or call u.s dream [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] would you be free from your burden of sin this power in the blood power in the blood [Music] there is power power wonder working power in the precious would you be free from your passion and pride this power in the blood power in the blood come for a cleansing to calvary's tide there's wonderful power in the blood there is power power lord in the precious blood of the land would you do service for jesus your king this power in the blood power in the precious power praise the lord hallelujah for you pray with me father as we open your word i ask that you would cleanse me of all unrighteousness fill my life with your holy spirit's presence and power speak to me through me and for me i promise you lord i'll always give you the honor the glory and the praise in jesus name i pray amen what elder wright and the cochrane did not know was when i was 16 years old i gave my life to jesus christ and god spoke to this the heart of this 16 year old kid and said i've seen your dreams give me your dreams and i will let you glimpse a little of what i've been dreaming for you god said if you can just be faithful to the best of your ability i will take your life down an unusual path it will allow you to sing and minister to the masses you will get a chance to speak truth to people of influence and power and then god said i want you to prepare to articulate the issues of religious freedom that's what god spoke to the heart of this 16 year old i didn't know what it meant didn't realize that i would end up living everything god showed me he was dreaming for my life even having served our church as the associate director for public affairs and religious liberty for the worldwide church how do you do that our scripture today tells of daniel's prophetic ministry unfolding to king nebuchadnezzar the kingdoms he had seen in vision he said to the king you are the head of gold but other kingdoms will come after yours kingdoms of gold silver brass iron and iron mixed with clay nebuchadnezzar listened politely but in defiance of the prophecy ordered his engineers to construct a statue made entirely of gold a statue signifying his intention to thought and obstruct the irrepressible ever advancing will of god the statue unveiled was unequaled in history 10 stories high made entirely of gold upon its completion all citizens and subjects of babylon were summoned to come and bow down in worship before the image the announcement was made that at the sound of the music everyone was to fall down and worship the golden image the king had built as the military band began to play the official hymn of the state everyone without quarrel or hesitation bowed down to the idol everyone that is except for three hebrew boys shadrach meshach and abednego church i can tell you a secret i have learned in my life that when you stand for right you will always stand out some of you know i have a motto i've tried to live by in my whole life you don't have to compromise to be recognized while everyone was bowed down before the idol a few members of the self-appointed worship police you know them they are in every church you know they will sneak a peek to see who's bowing who has their eyes still open to their dismay and delight they saw shadrach meshach and abednego standing ramrod tall no look of fear or anxiety on their faces and the worship police ran to the king with their report inspired of envy or king live forever you know those young jews shadrach meshach and abednego they refuse to bow to your image that you have created o king we have it on good report that their boast is that they will not obey any command that goes against their faith and conscience what said the king bring them to me shadrach meshach and abednego were summoned to the palace to be queried by the king is it true said nebuchadnezzar that you will not serve my gods nor worship the golden image which i've set up now before you answer remember whoever does not bow down shall be cast into the midst of a fiery furnace boys let me reason with you you've been a real asset to my kingdom just bow down and all will be forgotten and besides who is this god you are expecting to deliver you out of my hands friends without fear or tremor in their voices shadrach meshach and abednego said to the king o king we have heard your decrees we are aware of your orders but respectfully o king we understand the consequences we've already counted the cost no need for negotiation or special consideration our response is neither impulsive nor ill-considered when it comes to the worship of our god neither threat of fire coercion or duress will cause us to vacillate or equivocate we will not bow down to the idol you have created what insubordination said the king i've put up with your religion all these years i've given you your sabbaths off i've accommodated your vegetarian diet i've gone along with your absence from my religious festivals but this time you've gone too far soldiers make the fire seven times hotter and feed them to the flames we'll see if their god is able to deliver the three hebrew boys a point of order o king there is no if here our god is he he brought the children of israel across the red sea on dry land he is able our god when they were hungry in the wilderness our people were hungry god sent the children of israel organic probiotic manna there is no if here when they got thirsty he turned a rock into a wellspring of clean water sparkling vitamin enriched water brothers and sisters many years anybody know that god is able i said did anybody here know that your god is able i want you to know years ago i was flying on a private plane from seattle to spokane washington we were coming over the cascade mountains it was dark and raining and we crashed i've only been in one plane crash in my life the faa investigated and found out that the pilot had forgotten to put the wheels down and we came in and slammed into the concrete they said the sparks could have ignited the fuel and sent us up in a ball of flames but they said that because it was raining heavily the rain doubts the sparks that could have ignited the fuel but that's what they said i want you to know my god is able three hebrew boy said king we know our god is able to deliver but if not if he doesn't be it known we will still trust him we will not serve your gods nor worship the golden image nebuchadnezzar tie them up take them away bind them like sheaves in their coats their hats and garments this way they will be more combustible then throw them into the midst of the flames the bible says that the fire was so hot that those who threw them into the flames were killed oh but i want you to know when the three hebrew boys were cast into the furnace they opened their eyes not only were they still alive they found they were not alone in the fire praise god the three hebrew boys realized they had a friend in the fire nebuchadnezzar looked up from his royal box his face pale his tongue stammering he could barely get out the words did we not cast three men into the fire how is it that i see four men all loose walking around in the midst of the flames nebuchadnezzar went stood in front of the fiery furnace shouted servants of the most high god come out i want you to know shadrach meshach and abednego took their time walked leisurely out of the fire and in that moment brothers and sisters their friend in the fire disappeared the king had shadrach meshach and abednego examined they had no burns not a hair was singed robes had not been touched by the flames and even more amazing they didn't even smell of smoke now i want you to know many times in my cooking career i have burned something in the kitchen and when i'm cooking and burning something in the kitchen i can spray all the furby febreze in the world i can't hide that burn smell from linda linda can tell right away when she walks in the house if i burn something in her kitchen not only were the bodies of these boys not scorched or blistered nor their robes charred or colored the three hebrew boys walked out of that fire and didn't even smell of smoke nebuchadnezzar looked at those boys he became overcome by a spirit of praise and worship he began to testify what a god what a god blessed be the god of shadrach meshach and abednego he sent his angels and delivered his servants spared and yielded their bodies the servant of the lord says by the by the deliverance of his faithful servants the lord declared that he takes his stand with the oppressed and rebukes all earthly powers that rebel against the authority of heaven now i'm going to ask them to turn up the mic just a little bit so i can back away i don't like working it too close and then in the midst of all this praise and worship the bible tells us that nebuchadnezzar made a terrible mistake it is the same mistake christians have made down through the centuries if you have your bible you can turn with me to the book of daniel chapter 3 verses 28 and 29. nebuchadnezzar spake and said in verse 29 therefore i make a decree that every people nation and language would speak anything against the god of shadrach meshach and abednego that they shall be cut in pieces and their houses shall be made a dunghill because there is no other god that can deliver after this sword you see church nebuchadnezzar's mistake was this he used his kingly power and the power of the state to forbid anyone to speak against the god of shadrach meshach and abednego and that was a mistake nebuchadnezzar's mistake was that he used the power of the state to pressure and coerce all in his kingdom to show honor and worship to the god of israel and all who violated the will of this religious political alliance were to be punished with persecution and death they do they were to be cut in pieces from linda limb their houses were to be raised and reduced to rubble brothers and sisters nebuchadnezzar used the power of the state allied with his newfound faith to bully and intimidate others into worshipping the god of earth and heaven the servant of the lord says it was right for the king to make public confession and to seek to exalt the god of heaven above all other gods but endeavoring in endeavoring to force his subjects to make a special similar confession of faith and to show similar reverence to show similar reverence nebuchadnezzar was exceeding his right as a temporal sovereign he had no more right either civil or moral to threaten men with death for not worshiping god then he had to make the decree consigning the hebrew boys to the flames god never compels the obedience of man he leaves all free to worship whom they will serve i want you to know i want you to pray for me right now for what i'm about to tell you this misguided impulse to use force to compel others to worship god has plagued the church of god for centuries and frankly that impulse is alive and well in america today a recent survey of christians following this election cycle lord have mercy what a cycle a recent survey showed that christians in america are primarily motivated in the political arena by a desire for power and control in american society did you hear that the church the christian church in america is primarily motivated in the political arena by a desire for power and control most christians in america believe that a strong man working on behalf of the church is what this country needs to bring liberals into life most christians in this country believe that what this country needs is a strong man to bring wayward progressives into line they believe a strong man working on behalf of the church is what is needed to elevate the christian church to its rightful place of power in america the bottom line is christians in america want more political power and control they want the congress back they want the senate back they want the white house back many christian leaders even believe they don't necessarily want or need their president to be christ-like one southern pastor said and i quote him he said i just want the meanest toughest sob i can find and i believe he said that that's biblical another pastor said nowhere in the bible is a government told to forgive those who wrong it nowhere in the bible is a government told to turn the other chief christians he said shouldn't care about a leader's tone or vocabulary and he said my leader does not have to be christ-like somewhere i read that righteousness exalted the nation but sin is a reproach to any people god is telling us here that the righteous character of a nation is what will make it great again by the way only one candidate has told the christian church when i'm elected president christianity will have power again brothers and sisters church state alliances have never made any nation great god has no need of state power to advance his kingdom agenda jesus never sought it his true disciples never will god's true church will always be distrustful of the trappings symbols and authority of the state god never intended for the church to have state power history has proven that when the church gets its hands on the wheel of state power the church becomes a manipulating tyrannical beast i have watched over the last four decades prophecy being slowly fulfilled in america in fits and stats starts the christian church in america has been seeking the reigns of state power as a way to extend the dominion of christ over this nation the religious teaching that has been gaining traction amongst christians is the theology of baxter and calvin the belief that god intended the world to be governed and subdued by christians it is an erroneous belief that god made a secret covenant with christians to have dominion over this country the role of the church in the public square is to witness not to rule how did you hear me today the role of the church in the public square is to witness not to have dominion it is to resemble reflect and reveal the character of christ to the world and this dream of the righteous ruling the earth and ruling this country before jesus comes is a miserable delusion when nebuchadnezzar used the power of the state to terrorize and threaten other people into worshiping god he made a new idol for them to worship and right now the christian church in america doesn't realize it but in seeking the help of the state to bring liberals to heal they are trying to do something that is both dangerous and impossible it is impossible you see listen carefully they are trying to have religious freedom for themselves and have a christian nation too the truth is you can't have both you cannot have a christian nation and religious freedom too are you listening to me i know this is a difficult pill for some to swallow the founding fathers understood this they understood that democratic majoritarianism which is what we have in this country is a wonderful form of government democracy is a wonderful form of government it has one fatal flaw and that is the will of the majority no matter how slim takes priority and marginalizes the minority and even the moral objections of the righteous and yes even the majority can get it wrong when it comes to minorities the majority is seldom magnanimous and gracious they are usually fearful and distrustful that's why the first amendment amendment to the constitution of the united states says congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion that includes christianity or prohibiting the free exercise thereof the founding fathers understood you couldn't have religious freedom in america and a christian nation too so that's why in a treaty begun by george washington and signed by president adams said that the government of america is not in any sense founded on the christian religion the founding fathers did not have to tell our forefathers that america is not in any sense founded on the christian religion every slave in america knew that this country was not founded on the christian religion every native american knows frederick douglass said that the most devout christians made the most savage slaveholders as a matter of fact because it is not founded on the christian religion it's not a christian nation it's it's and and because it is not a christian nation is precisely why we have religious freedom for as long as we have religious people and christians they will be fighting amongst themselves one day the lord said to me my church has grown more by acrimony dissension and division than it has grown by evangelism what do i mean by that if you see more than one church of the same faith in the same city it's usually because some got it somebody got mad with somebody christians who are not christ-like are a mean bunch have you ever attended a board meeting lately i read a sign when they said lord keep me save me from the hands of an angry christian without christ's likeness we can be an intolerant and dangerous punch as a matter of fact can i tell you honestly i feel safer amongst tolerant people we have religious liberty because precisely because we are not a christian nation too many christians have what i call the spirit of cain you know what the spirit of cain is you know they believe their worship is acceptable and right and because they are right they feel like cain that they have license to hurt and maim and undermine people who worship differently than they do someone once said it is an easy step to hurt the body of one whose soul in your imagination you have already damned first of all brothers and sisters a christian nation is an oxymoron it is a contradiction of terms one of the greatest christian leaders of our time said to me once wentley america has never been a christian nation and more than america was meant to be a christian nation she was meant to be a nation of christians of jews of muslims of whomever where all people can worship god according to the dictates of their conscience or not worship him at all if they so desire and it's a an oxymoron because listen only a person can be a christian you cannot baptize a tire shop or a burger king franchise and make it a christian business only a person can be a christian people who call america a christian nation have selective historical memory they forget the slaughter of the native americans and the horrors of slavery they forget that most of the founding fathers of this country were able to have a bible in one hand and the chains of slaves in the other throughout this history of our country we have had this epidemic of christianity without the character of christ james madison if you if you've ever heard that name he was the architect of the principles of religious freedom that made it into the constitution that same james madison owned hundreds of slaves and would not free them upon his death because that would mean his wife would not be able to live the lifestyle to which she had grown accustomed the very man who uses genius to preserve religious freedom for generations could not see his own hypocrisy my god and some of you have heard recently they discovered that in 1838 georgetown university was about to close its doors but the priests who ran georgetown university were able to save the university by selling 272 of their slaves that's how georgetown university was saved can you tell me what christians are owning slaves but one thing james madison got it right he was the one who had that language congress shall make no law he understood that you cannot have a christian nation and religious freedom at the same time and let me tell you why can you can i tell you this is how ellen white tells us she said persecution always follows religious favoritism on the part of secular governance you cannot have religious freedom and a christian nation too persecution always follows religious favoritism brothers and sisters i want to tell you before i leave you that state power is a satanic gift to the church in 1990 february 8 1990 i landed in johannesburg south africa that's february 8 1990 february 9th the next day i was in the office of president f w d clerk the president of south africa who said to us you've come a long way to tell us apartheid is wrong but we want you to know you're now preaching to the choir he said we know it's wrong but we need time we need time that's something oppressors always need time the oppressed they don't want to hear nothing about time president f w the cleric did not let on to us in that meeting that the next day he had a secret meeting with nelson mandela to inform him that the following day he was going before the press to announce that the day after that that he would be released from prison so as a consequence i was honored to be in the crowd that welcomed nelson mandela when he walked out of prison mr mandela had spent 27 years in prison he literally suffered himself into power but i want you to know what he dismantled apartheid apartheid was a dutch religious freedom a dutch religious teaching a dutch religious teaching it was taken the word apartheid means separateness and it had at its foundation you got a misguided in misinterpretation of acts 17 verse 26. in this religious teaching and theology they thought they taught that even though god in acts 17 26 said he made all nations of one blood they talked you didn't read the second half of that verse the second half of that verse says he also has determined the bounds of the habitation that biblical teaching meant to them that it was god's will that people of different colors and races were to be separated by geographic borders and boundaries so in their official church magazine the equivalent of our review the dutch reformed church called apartheid official church policy the government then began to implement church are you listening to me the government began to implement church policy and under and this is what it looked like under apartheid in south africa light-skinned blacks also known as coloreds could not live in the same town or city with dark-skinned blacks there was even a department of government that handled the classification of race and color and if you were living god forbid with the dark skinned blacks and felt you were light-skinned enough to move to the light-skinned town that had better homes and schools you could send into the government the most flattering picture of yourself and if the government decided you were light-skinned enough to move from the black town to the light-skinned town only then would you be allowed to move and all this oppression and cruelty for 50 years was the result of the state enforcing a misguided religious teaching religious beliefs empowered and implemented by the state a persecution persecuting power in 1985 a group of black south african theologians wrote that this state theology is not only heretical it is blasphemous and the church cannot collaborate with tyranny now i remember when we first traveled to south africa during the days of apartheid to travel freely as a black us citizen i was granted the status of an honorary white or do i look like one i must have been in the bible too but one of them and i share that to tell you this one of the most touching sobering documents i have ever read in my entire ministry one of the most sobering touching documents i have ever read in my entire ministry is the confession of the adventist church of south africa confessing publicly their failure to be a bold christ-like voice standing up to her father this confession was presented to bishop tutu's truth and reconciliation commission it is so profound it is so profound allow me to read a few sentences from this confessional statement it reads we confess that despite our zeal for the commandments of god we failed to adequately contextualize just what the righteousness of god meant in practice in south africa we confess we were all together too caught up with maintaining our traditional a political stance with regard to the separation of church and state that we effectively did not combat the viciousness of apartheid we failed to realize that the state demanded of its citizens things to which it had no claim and as christians we should have resisted this usurpation of god's authority to the utmost we have to admit that we coveted security peace and quiet for ourselves with public respect and acceptance rather than risk raising the wrath of a state that was running amok with the exploitation of poor people and the enrichment and corruption of strong people so we commit ourselves therefore once again to the denouncement of the babylonian captivity of the church in which it sells its soul to the state and the articulation of a more effective and clear warning against the worship of the beast that civil religious concoction of blasphemy coercion human arrogance and injustice when i read those words i'm humbled i'm inspired because it is a modern cautionary tale that reminds us church alliances with the state are dangerous before i leave you the time is coming in this country when god's people like the three hebrew boys will be commanded to bow down to the church state alliance this country will create and like the three hebrew boys we will have to say we will not bother we understand the consequences we have already counted the cost no need for negotiation or special consideration when it comes to the worship of our god we will not bow down nothing will cause us to vacillate or equivocate our position is firm we will not bow to the idol of church stake religion in america and because god's people won't bow down to this church state idol we will face the fires of persecution and i believe we will see it in our lifetime you see the pendulum it keeps swinging it's swinging from the church being persecuted and it will swing back to the church doing the persecuting we will see the church being the one placing others in the fires of persecution i believe just as nebuchadnezzar threatened those who would not bow down to the true god with death we will have a church state alliance here in america threatening people with persecution of death listen christians who are not christ-like are a dangerous bunch i believe the christian church in this country will go from being a persecuted church to being a persecuting church the church will use state power to personnel don't get me wrong can i say spoiler alert when you sign up to be a christian you sign up to be persecuted for all who will live godly in christ shall suffer we are not to seek to avoid persecution by seeking to persecute others can i tell you why persecuting is more dangerous than being persecuted because when you are being persecuted you can resemble and reflect the character of god but you can't do that when you are doing the persecuting god is telling me pray bow your heads with me [Music] when we are thrown into the fires of persecution [Music] someone will say look we have a friend in the fire and i saw heaven open and behold a white horse [Music] we have a friend in the fire and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true [Music] we will have a friend in the fire his robe is vestures dipped in blood his name is called the word of god we will have a friend in the fire and i've heard a great voice out of heaven saying behold the tabernacle of god is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and god himself shall be with them we have a friend [Music] in the fire [Music] are you ready to go through the fire [Music] are you ready to stand on the side of the persecuted church if you are you will have a friend in the fire [Music] dear god some of us will feel like we're being burned up when you're just refining us in the fire you let us stay in the fire until you see your reflection in us christ is longing to see himself perfectly reproduced in us are you ready to go through the fire remember we have a friend in the fire when the darkest is deepest when we will be assailed by persecution we have a friend [Music] in the fire [Music] god wake us up help us to prepare ourselves to stand undaunted to stand committed lord we're gonna trust our souls to that friend who will take us through the fire [Music] is there anybody here today who wants to say lord you've convicted me i need to stop playing around i need to get ready to face the fires of persecution father give me the courage to go through the fire if that's your prayer today lord give me the courage to go through the fire of persecution i invite you to just raise your hand today and say lord give me the courage to face the fires of persecution if you have your hands raised you mean it you're sincere stand on your feet stand on your feet god give me the courage [Music] to face the fires of persecution and maybe if you're here today and you want to give your life completely to the lord this is a life-changing moment for you raise your hand and say i want to give my life completely to the lord i want to be baptized i want to study the word of god i want to prepare to go through the fire raise your hand if you want to give your life completely to christ today wherever you are in the balcony god bless you i see your hand sir wherever you are just raise your hand this is not formal fashion i'm not standing for formal fashion this is something that i deeply needed and deeply mean i give my life to christ completely there's a hand i can't see all the hands there's a hand over there there's a hand over there those of you who are raising your hands can you do something for me can you slip out of the aisle if you raise your hands you're sincere you mean it slip out of that elder right is right here he wants to pray with you for you come even if you're coming from the balcony it's okay if you are giving your life completely to christ today and all you're saying is lord help me to be ready to go through the fire god bless you sir someone else in the back wherever you are wherever you are you got a friend in the fire wherever you may be god bless you god bless you let the church say hallelujah let the church say hallelujah god bless you sir man if how you gonna go through the fire if you can't even walk to the front come on say the lord has been speaking to me i know i don't have time to play around god help me take me through the fire [Music] father we thank you for those who've come forward today we thank you for those who stood in commitment we ask of god that you will show us how to trust our souls to the friend in the fire in jesus name i pray amen amen peace be seated [Music] [Applause] on october the 19th at 6 pm you have been invited to a special broadcast event accelerate dreams a live cast gala sponsored by amway and the u.s dream academy during this night of inspiration and music you will hear from general colin powell and his wife alma miss alice marie johnson president terry ford wintley phipps the tacoma academy choir and you don't want to miss our amazing dream kids for more than 20 years the dream academy has been providing hope and inspiration to children of incarcerated parents and children falling behind in school during the event there will be an exciting concert giveaway the individual who attends and invites the most people who register and attend will be awarded a free concert by wintley phipps in 2021 at the church or organization of their choice the winner will be announced and contacted on october the 23rd invite your friends and family to the 19th annual u.s dream academy power of a dream virtual live cast gala to register yourself and your friends for the gala and the free concert giveaway just go to www.usdreamacademy.org or call 1-800 u.s dream [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] praise him praise
Channel: Palm Bay Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Views: 7,924
Rating: 4.6903224 out of 5
Id: pdyU-_Dc4nY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 40sec (4900 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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