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father [Music] as we open your holy word i ask that you would cleanse me of all unrighteousness fill my life with your holy spirit's presence and power thank you lord speak to me through me and for me i promise you lord i'll always give you the honor the glory and the praise in the name of jesus i pray amen thank you lord well i want you to pray for me this morning and i thank you that i have a church that prays for me but this sermon today is the kind of sermon that people leave the church on my message this morning how to keep from being angry whoo are you ready it was a morning when the earth was young everything still glistened with the pristine beauty of eden everything in creation still gave evidence of the grandeur and symmetry of the marvelous handiwork of god along the side of a babbling brook two brothers walked together as they strolled alongside the waters they talked of their love for god and their love for each other and even though they had so much in common yet in so many ways they were so different they had come from the same womb shared the same nurture and upbringing yet in their character and personality they were worlds apart the elder brother cain was a moody soul lord have mercy moody people one who guarded his privileges and entitlements with the vigilance of a reptile cain also carried in his heart feelings of resentment against god you know god is the last person you want to be angry with what sense does that make to be angry with the only one who can help you you see while the rest of the family accepted god's punishment for sin cain would often question why it was necessary to punish adam and eve his father and mother so severely for one mistake and sometimes he questioned it was just one little forbidden fruit to be cast out of the garden of eden for that seemed to came to be arbitrary and unfair oh but god in his wisdom had ordained a plan of redemption a plan that made offerings and sacrifices part of the plan of salvation hebrews 9 22 says without the shedding of blood there is no remission for sin god had commanded the two brothers cain and abel to build identical altars and what they placed on the altar revealed their hearts and the measure of their faith abel brought a sacrifice of a lamb from his flock in harmony with the lord's directions and the scriptures tell us that the lord had respect unto abel and to his offering in other words god showed his favor towards abel and his sacrifice and as abel stepped back from his altar a single volley of white hot flame came shooting out of the sky the altar came ablaze with a holy fire showing them both the blessings and benedictions of heaven upon abel's offering the fire danced around abel's sacrifice consuming it in divine approval or but cain cain ignored the direct and explicit command of god and presented an offering of his own choosing he did not bring to the altar a sacrifice of a lamb instead he brought an offering of blemished fruit and dried out fading leaves and as he stepped back from his altar this time there was no fire from heaven like with abel's sacrifice no sign from above that god was pleased with the sacrifice of cain cain stood there can you imagine what that was like he stood there before his altar embarrassed but he was unrepentant cain was saying his heart god if you can't find pleasure with me just as i am so be it if you can't find pleasure in my offering so be it take it or leave it abel begged his brother cain to comply with the requirements of god but his pleadings only made cain more determined to follow his own will and go his own way the servant of the lord says that cain and abel represent two classes that will exist in the world and in the church till the close of time there are going to be people till the close of time saying i'm going to live my life the way i want to live it and if god wants to accept it fine if he doesn't so be it as cain continued to complain of the injustice of god often he would angrily reproach his brother and attempt to draw him into controversy concerning god's dealings with them and all this caused cain's anger to burn the hotter have you noticed that when people are trying to calm somebody else down they get more mad you you're not you're not taking it they get more upset that's what happened with cain the the servant of god says his anger burned hotter as his brother tried to reason with him reason and conscious told him that abel was in the right king took from him cain's anger his anger took from him and angered us the ability to think straight one day cain said abel brother this tension between us must stop let's go for a walk and let's talk it over the bible says that as they walk together in the field cain suddenly and viciously out of anger and resentment attacked his brother abel and killed him first murder abel lay there on that green grass his innocent blood flowing amongst the dew or but the memory of his life and faithfulness will never be forgotten abel was faithful brothers and sisters i think that it is significant that the first violence that the world ever knew was the result of anger how do we know that cain was angry because god said he was angry that's what the bible says when cain saw that his offering was rejected by god in genesis chapter 4 verses 5 and 6 the bible says cain was very roth he was very angry and his face was downcast so much so that the lord went to cain and said cain why are you so angry church cain had an anger problem when cain saw that his offering was rejected he was angry with the lord and with abel he was angry that god did not accept man's his his substitute sacrifice in place of the sacrifice that was divinely ordained he was angry with his brother for choosing to obey god instead of joining him in his rebellion against god now i got to tell you i've been teaching bible doctrines and bible truths for almost 50 years almost my entire ministry and it's been in the last 20 years that i made a spiritual shift from knowing all you need to know to be saved and get to heaven to growing and becoming more like the character of jesus because god made it clear to me that knowing and becoming go together they cannot be separated but sadly that has not been the emphasis most of us grew up learning in church in church it was always about rehearsing and remembering and and repeating and quoting it was not about living and walking in grace and peace the emphasis was on knowing enough and believing the truth but as a pastor when the spirit of god changed my perspective i changed my preaching unabashedly and i tried to make it more balanced because i realized that knowing the truth is not what will get you into heaven it's trusting in jesus and trusting him enough to let him moment by moment hour by hour day by day change you more into the likeness of his character it's not enough to trust him if you don't let him change you and trust transform you transform you into what i call a character ambassador hallelujah don't ever forget that we are to be character ambassadors for his kingdom when jesus said if you love me keep my commandments jesus was saying if you love me in your character look like me walk like me talk like me live like me in your character represent me be a character ambassador and unless you look like me you will not inherit the kingdom of god unless you resemble reflect and reveal my character you're not going to make it into heaven now let me be clear only god decides who goes to heaven hallelujah only god decides who doesn't go to heaven and thank god it's not any man's decision to make hallelujah and let's be clear god in his word not only says for god so loved the world john 3 16 that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have what everlasting life i want you to know listen if you're not planning to be in heaven what's all this for if you don't plan to walk on streets of gold and and sing with angels what are you coming to church for but god also in his word states very clearly that there is a class of human beings who are not going to heaven you know there are there are people who are teaching and preaching now hey hey don't worry about it everybody going to heaven there are some preach preachers and teachers who are teaching that no matter how wicked you are everybody going but my god in his word tells me there are class of human beings who are not going to heaven and god clearly in his word spells out the reasons why so we can never say who's not going to heaven but god took great pains to clearly let us know that there are some things people become wedded to that disqualifies them from going to heaven yes god's grace is available but grace is only available for those who choose to submit moment by moment day by day hour by hour to the principles of god's character grace is not for those who reject the holy spirit grace is not for those who reject the spirit as a change agent in their lives grace is not for those who refuse to submit to the renewing power of christ and yes there are people in their outward appearance and conduct they know how to act right but they've not submitted to the character of christ yeah so that you know it's one thing to say and knowing but it's another thing to live so that jesus is lord of every thought jesus is the lord of every word jesus is lord of every mood and attitude jesus is lord of every action every decision well in my study of god's word i came upon this list in the bible it is a list of actions and behaviors that will keep you out of heaven now there's some people say i don't want to hear the list hey if god put it there you better read the list now i know there are some people who say because i love jesus i don't need to see that list but jesus says if you love me and want to be with me i put that list in the word for a reason so respect my wisdom respect the wisdom of god of putting that list in his word and believe i put the list there because i love you don't touch that hot stone it's cause i love you now most people think that the only list we need to worry about is the ten commandments did you grow up with people teaching that but there are many number of things that will keep you out of heaven that are not on that ten commandment list and let me say if heaven is not your goal what is all the religiosity and singing and praying about i don't want to teach and preach all my life and not make it to heaven what's all this about if i don't make it to glory so here's the list as a matter of fact there are a number of lists in the bible but this is a list god expects you to pay attention to it is a list of all the kinds of things that will keep you out of heaven it's found in galatians chapter five galatians chapter 5 verse 19 through 21. listen to what the word i'm reading it from the new living translation when you follow the desires of your sinful nature the results are very clear now the works of the flesh are what manifest which are what these what adultery what else fornication uncleanness uh this translation says sexual immorality impurity lustful pleasures next idolatry what else witchcraft what else hatred in other words uh uh let me let me break it down a little bit keep that text up there uh uh idolatry sorcery [Music] hostility you know some people just hostile hostility will keep you out of the kingdom of heaven and do you know what variants and emulations you know what that is quarreling some people love to quarrel they are you know they they don't mind getting into it jealousy and then wrath you know that word wrath really means anger anger strife selfish ambition dissension division and look at verse 21. look at some of the other things that keep you out of heaven envy envy you said about why she got to look so good in that dress envy will keep you out of heaven murder yes yes drunkenness yeah i didn't write this bro i i'm just delivering the mail i didn't write the letter okay drunkenness revelings you know what that is people who love wild parties and orgies and such like of the which i tell you before as i've also told you in time past what come on that day which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of god now now friends friends friends to all these things that i read there's a private face and a public face to every one of these sins on the list and and depending on your own character weakness some people like to talk about some and leave out others we may overlook the things that that we like to we don't like to speak about that we have to deal with right but the truth is the bible says everything on that list that i just read will cause you to be lost and today because of my responsibility i've got to deliver my soul as a pastor as a pastor and a spiritual leader i have spoken clearly on many of the sins on this list but there is a sin on this list that i must confess i don't think i've spoken and preached about it with urgency and clarity and it is a deficit of character that all of us and i said you and me have to deal with and overcome if we want to get to heaven and the sin of which i am speaking today is anger now why am i speaking today on anger you may ask i'm not singling out any one person and if you get angry because i'm preaching on anger then you really got a problem you really need to listen to this sermon if you're one of those rare people who don't need help with anger some people think that you know um that's good i'm good then as you listen to the sermon pray for someone else who may be struggling with it and frankly you might need to pray for yourself now let me be as straight and as clear as i can be and you have never heard it this straight and clear before but hear me today angry people are not going to heaven now i did not make this up it's right there in god's word angry people are not going to be changed on the trip to glory those who choose to live with and live by a spirit of anger the bible says will not inherit the kingdom of heaven wait a minute pastor are you saying anger can keep you out of heaven no i'm not saying that god said that pastor are you saying that anger will keep me out of heaven i'm not saying that god said that and he said it right in his word we just didn't we just read it angry people who repent of the sin and habit of anger and turn from it thank god there's a crown waiting in heaven for them and a mansion prepared in heaven for them that's what second chronicles 7 14 says if my people which are called by my name will what humble themselves pray seek my face turn turn that means change from their wicked ways then i will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land and if we confess our sins he is faithful and just and will forgive us of our sins and purify us from anger and all unrighteousness but there are some christians i got to tell you sadly there are some christians who would rather stay angry than go to heaven too often when we think of sins that will keep us out of heaven we think of sins like adultery and murder and but this nasty emotion called anger has not only created wars and turned homes into battlegrounds but this nasty little emotion will keep us out of heaven i don't know about you but i don't want to miss heaven because of anger have you have you noticed you can't hide anger very well you can look at people and their eyes look angry and their nose is flaring and they sit there sweating and [Music] like they're their whale snorting you can suppress anger even repress anger but if anger lives in you it will come out and anger can poison your health did you know that anger can leave you some people got cancer because of anger anger will make you diseased anger affects your digestive system your nervous system your respiratory system every system in your body responsible for healthy living anger affects your blood your blood chemistry changes because of anger and you know for sure your blood pressure changes and people do strange things when they're angry some yell and scream some withdraw their emotions and affections i i had an old preacher say to me one time he said son he said when a wife is mad with a husband she doesn't always have to holler and scream he said there's something called a withdrawal of enthusiasm some people when they want to show their anger they withdraw their enthusiasm i'm not going to be cheerful i'm not going to be upbeat some even reject occasionally their commitment to act and speak like christ can you imagine anger is so wicked it makes you decide i'm not going to be like christ right now just for a while they say to themselves so so i'm not going to be like jesus whatever i'm angry and i'm expressing my anger it's my right and that's all that matters right now i only have one question is that is it is it is it is is it that good to you that you are willing to jeopardize your soul salvation isn't that good to you just so you can give the offending party a piece of your mind friends did you know that the devil was the first angry soul and angry souls who have the devil as their father will do the same some of the most spiritual people struggle with anger moses struggled with it lost the promised land because of it samson fell prey to it one day jesus sent messengers to go to a village of the samaritans to make things ready for his visit to his visit there the bible says the people said to the disciples you go back and tell jesus he's not welcomed here they knew jesus was tired they knew they knew jesus needed a place to rest but they did not open their doors to their heavenly guests the disciples were offended and in their anger they asked jesus let us call down fire from heaven and consume these ungrateful people who have disrespected you our leader but christ rebuked their anger and their indignation and zeal for his honor yes they were angry and we all feel angry sometimes i don't care how spiritual you look you're gonna deal with it somebody say amen at some time or another no matter how spiritual you're trying to be you're gonna have to deal with anger the question is do you indulge it or do you smother it with love have you noticed when are angry you have no desire to forgive when you're angry anger is a feeling of intense intense displeasure and it is usually directed at someone we believe has hurt us or done us wrong oh my brothers and sisters whenever we get angry i want you to know your anger god is saying to you you still have some character work to do sometimes we get angry at ourselves but have you noticed we can forgive ourselves much sooner than we can forgive others you with me today and we can stay angry with others much longer than we can stay angry with ourselves friends the devil delights in our anger because it means we are carrying his spirit into the world and into our homes but he said yeah but jesus got angry once some say when he drove people out of the temple well first of all that was righteous indignation and there's usually nothing righteous about our indignation and second of all jesus was angry about deceit and systems and institutions that distorted and misrepresented the true loving character of his father never ever ever ever can i say ever one more time ever once in the bible did jesus express anger to a person not once in the bible that jesus expressed anger to an individual that kind of anger comes from satan himself and the spirit of satan is revealed in anger but but no matter how it manifests itself anger is toxic it is lethal anger is deadly and you may think you can hide it but you always isn't that interesting hallelujah god can i take my time today you always know when you are angry there's no hiding of anger from yourself anger anger anger's been with you a long time anger's been with us a long time you were angry in the crib you were thrown temper tantrums in the crib little children throw tantrums in the crib and sometimes when we are angry we ourself look like we're still in a crib amen we look like little spoiled children in the cribs acting out because we didn't get our way anger comes from our carnal human nature we get angry when we are judged or we feel like we're being judged we get angry when we are misunderstood when we feel like we're being misunderstood but when you learn when you're learning of jesus you will not become angry at things that take place in the home says ellen white she says when you are learning from jesus you will not become angry at things that are taking place in the home when you're living for jesus you will not be harsh and cross and overbearing and exacting when you are walking with jesus you will understand that you cannot just get angry whenever you please amen and even though anger never makes us happy isn't that interesting too anger never makes you happy it doesn't make you happy but still many of us are not willing to give it up and did you know that you cannot indulge your temper and have your own way ellen white says you cannot indulge your temper have your own way and still remain a child of god you cannot be angry when provoked and still call yourself a child of god some people just blow up over the littlest stuff and because of anger people have strokes heart attacks we have anger in the church members of the church have you noticed online somebody may be angry right now putting something in the chat that's angry we have anger because of pain and dissension and suffering now in matthew 5 22 jesus says he considers anger a form of murder and jesus says if you are bound for heaven there is some baggage you cannot bring with you and your anger is one you can't just say well that's just me take it or leave it i'm going to heaven anyway no god is clearly saying anger will not be allowed aren't you glad aren't you glad that anger will never be seen in heaven so when it comes to heaven we have to take it or leave it now whether or not your anger is public or private whether it's regular or occasional anger will keep you out of heaven it takes a great deal of humility to admit your struggle with anger now i try not to be angry with others but once in a while help me jesus i'll slip up and i need to ask god for forgiveness i remember once while i was dating linda in college i pulled up in front of the dorm i pulled up in front of the men's dorm and my new non-air-conditioned car now that just lets you know how old i am i remember a time when eric and any of you remember when air condition was an option an expensive option it was it didn't come standard with cars some of us couldn't afford air conditioning now it's standard on every car but it wasn't always that way boy the things we take for granted today amen and by the way by the way i just assisted my own pet peeve whoever invented bucket seats for the front seats in the car it messed up being able to snuggle up to your girlfriend you remember that in the front seat well one day i parked in a no parking zone in front of the dorm and i left my girlfriend linda in the car the windows were down in my non-air-conditioned car i ran upstairs to get something from my dorm room when i got back to the car i realized that a policeman had written me a ticket and because my driver's window was down in my non-air-conditioned car he had reached inside the car and placed the ticket on the dashboard oh i was livid but what really made me angry is that i he had disrespected my girlfriend and reached inside of the car and in front of her face place the ticket on the dashboard oh no oh no no i was not going to let this stand i went over to that police car tore up that ticket in a million pieces and threw it in his face i was not afraid of the campus police isn't it interesting how we we learn how to be selective with our anger and maybe that's why maybe sadly sadly sadly sadly that's why so many of us take out our anger on those who can't come back at us with greater force that's why so many of us take out our anger on those who love us most because we believe that no matter how angry we get they will still love us i say don't treat those who love you like a dumping ground for your anger for some of us getting victory over anger will take a struggle now i ask the lord to show me and teach me about anger so that in this sermon someone listening would be helped someone struggling with anger someone who wants to get to heaven but has got to deal with this and i want to share with you god taught me some things i want to i want to leave them with you i want to share them with you i want to share with you what god has taught me about anger first of all first of all anger there are stages that lead up to anger i didn't realize this and some people advance through those stages quickly and some advance through those stages slowly but generally speaking here are what god showed me walk me up three o'clock in the morning five stages to anger the first stage is annoyance what annoys you will be a cause of frustration and annoyances and frustrations are triggers for anger you know we have emotional triggers we have spiritual triggers we have financial triggers sometimes a bill comes in and you you it's a trigger personal public and private triggers so the first stage of anger is what annoyance now i'm going to tell you a secret god told me woke me up annoyance is the easiest stage of anger to manage and each succeeding stage that i'm going to talk about that follows becomes more difficult it becomes more difficult to manage and slow down the moving train of anger because a teacher son god has taught me that if you can handle if you can handle annoyances in a spiritual and cheerful and healthy way you won't move on to the other advanced stages of anger somebody say hallelujah thank you for that revelation if you can handle annoyance you won't move on to the other stages of anger so the best way to win the battle against anger is to win at that first stage the stage of annoyance and to win at that first stage of annoyance you have to tell yourself nothing anybody says or does will ever annoy me that's what you have to tell yourself with god's help i will let nothing you do or say ever and i mean ever annoying me when people annoy you the natural response is to do something that will annoy them and we develop a pattern of reprisals and taking out your frustration on others rather than handling it internally so stop thinking about things that annoy you and you will win the battle at stage one the first stage is what first stage is what annoyance if you can handle annoyance if you can smile when you're annoyed lord jesus you'll never be an angry soul the next stage of anger is aggravation you move from annoyance to aggravation i'm now not just annoyed i'm actually aggravated my annoyance has escalated to aggravation and i'm like a rocket on a launch pad ready to blast off the fuel is there the countdown is on six five four three you can almost count on it they're gonna explode unless you abort you become aggravated one day one day i read about this a young girl who was writing a paper for school came to her father and said dad what's the difference between annoyance and aggravation her father replied it's a difference of stage and mostly a matter of degree she looked at him puzzled what are you saying he said okay let me show you what i mean and with that the father went to the telephone and dialed a number randomly a number he didn't know and to the man who answered the phone he said hello is melvin there the man answered there is no one living here named melvin why don't you learn to look up numbers before you die see said the father to his daughter that man was not a bit happy with our call he was probably very busy with something and we annoyed him now watch said the father he dialed the number again hello is melvin there now look here came the reply you just called this number and i told you that there is no melvin here you got a lot of guts calling again and then the person slammed the phone down the father turned to his daughter and said you see again that was annoyance he said no but i want to show you aggravation he dialed the same number and when the voice said hello the father said hello this is melvin have there been any calls for me after annoyance is what aggravation aggravation and then the next stage is arousal arousal is how you you know when you how you feel in response your blood boils your breathing it's is now past annoyance it's past aggravation it's now in arousal and when it's an arousal you you justify your response maybe somebody lied on you or stole from you you're about to lose something of value and out of fear you are aroused to fight back and that's when your anger moves to the next stage after arousal the next stage is aggression isn't god awesome he's showing you something you've never seen before showed me something i'd never seen before it starts with what annoyance then it moves to what aggravation then it moves to what arousal then it moves to what aggression aggression manifests itself in name-calling threats shows up in outbursts of fighting and fighting back verbal outbursts sometimes god forbid physical outburst aggression manifests itself in words and actions in accusations and attitudes and temper and tone i read this amazing quote the fastest horse cannot catch a word spoken in anger and believe me for some people adrenaline fueled aggression is their way of getting high did you hear me today for some people adrenaline fueled aggression is their form of getting high they actually love it thrive on it some people actually enjoy losing their heads and losing control of themselves all my friends when you are fighting in anger you have entered a state of demon possession can i say that so you can understand it when you are fighting in anger you have entered a state of demon possession but pastor pastor i have to defend myself whoever said that self-defense requires anger you can defend yourself without ever using anger an old man once told me don't get mad get smart and using anger and self-defense is never smart when you are in that stage of aggression your judgment is gone your reason is gone and open aggression culminates in one other thing rage rage rage not long ago before i leave you i read about air force master sergeant israel del toro master sergeant del toro lives in colorado with his wife and son but while on tour of judy in afghanistan in 2005 his job was to move into an area and call in air strikes but one day master sergeant del toro was severely injured because his humvee hit a massive ied master sergeant del toro was burned over 80 percent of his body i i saw a picture of his face he had a 20 chance of survival he underwent 100 surgeries my god but still his outlook on life remained positive he inspires everybody who meets him and then i also read about a captain james barclay married father of three 2006 serving as an infantry protune platoon leader was wounded in afghanistan by a roadside ied bomb three soldiers died that day and captain barclay and his driver were the only soldiers who survived 40 almost 50 of his body was burned third degree burns the enormous amount of scarring limited his ability to even open his mouth it disfigured his face and then i said why did god show me ied an id is an improvised that's what it stands for improvised explosive device well there's another kind of ied i didn't know about they are reds that are used in relationships and they are every bit as deadly in the psychoanalytical world i didn't know this till i studied it ied stands for intermittent explosive disorder did you hear me today intermittent every now and then explosive disorder intermittent explosive disorders can hurt maim burn they can bring pain suffering now there are over aggressions and rage there's also passive aggression i gotta hit this before i leave you some people are angry but they they they're passive they got passive aggression it's every bit as deadly did you hear me i said it's every bit as deadly passive aggression is when you let people suffer silently when you could do something to alleviate their suffering it was passive aggression and silent anger that killed george floyd on that corner in minneapolis that officer officer chauvin never said an angry word but he was angry and the final stage of angry anger and i i forgot to give you the the final stage the first stage was what annoying second stage aggravation third stage arousal the fourth stage aggression the fifth stage depression depression you see when we're angry if you got a conscience you get depressed if you got a decent bone in your body you will regret your anger and your disappointment in yourself some people just get hostile when they get angry anger only gives the devil an opportunity to wreck what god is doing in your life so pastor why am i angry again and again what do i do to curb it well first analyze why you get angry identify your triggers i'm closing and then acknowledge where you've been wrong take ownership of it and then ask for divine assistance help from god is the only thing that can help you can i say that help from god is the only thing that will help you yeah yeah i know some people take prozac to deal with their anger some people actually take celexa zoloft and the like when not handled at the annoyance stage anger will advance and so today maybe you've had some ieds in your life sparks explosions and you need to ask god lord that's not your spirit i need the spirit of christ that's not the spirit of christ that's the spirit of anger and i don't want it in my life can i tell you something i've had to sadly over more than once apologize to my own children for my outbursts of anger in my younger years years of ignorance young parenting didn't know what i was doing nobody gave me a manual i've had to apologize and sadness that's the last thing you want to do is to discipline your children when you're angry but i'm thankful to god that he's a forgiving god give your anger to god he every day will show you how to keep from being an angry soul will you pray with me father in heaven if anger will keep me out of heaven with your help i want you to help me keep anger out of me lord of anger will keep me out of heaven please jesus keep anger out of me please jesus i know that we're going to a place where there'll be no angry words there'll be no angry thoughts there will be no angry actions there will be no angry voices that's what makes it heaven that's what makes it heaven and so i'm asking you today god if anger will keep me out of heaven jesus dear jesus said jesus keep anger out of me teach me how to fight on the battle field of annoyance so that i don't ever progress don't ever progress to those other stages and rage now lord i know that this is not popular preaching it may not even be popular teaching but it's real you said it angry people will not inherit the kingdom of god and we want to get there change us make us more like jesus i pray in your holy name and i bless you and i thank you for this word straight as it might have been [Music] may transform a life and somebody listening be ready for the kingdom of heaven in jesus name i pray amen amen amen amen and hallelujah god bless you god bless you
Channel: Palm Bay Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Views: 69,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Church Service, Prayer, Palm Bay
Id: EOiWgbaAP0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 49sec (3529 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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