NO SETUP - Card Trick Tutorial

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hello guys and this is lesson genius and I'm going to be showing you our wariness card trick that I've been showing in the past few days and I've gotten a lot of great reactions now with this is not only a card trick but this is also a card production I could say and this is indeed a little bit difficult to do this card production but still it's awesome look at this I've been practicing on this for the past few days now something like that and then you're able to strip out some of the cards just like that if you want to now this is an awesome trick once again and here's how this you give the deck to spectator to shuffle and the spectator shuffles the deck how much and then like so here's how the trick it looks like once this potater has shuffled the deck then the spectator gives the deck to me and here's what I'm going to do I am going to go through the cards and I'm going to try to see if I can memorize the deck now I am NOT going to memorize the whole deck but I'm going to memorize some of the cards I'm going to try to see if I can memorize some of the cards but not the whole deck because my memory is not good and I will not be able to memorize the whole deck I really mean that I am really bad at memorizing cards and right there I think I've memorized four cards all right four cups so like the idea is that I am going to try to see if I can find if four aces this is Ace of Hearts Ace of Hearts all right we have one ace ace of hearts so let's try to see if we can find the other races Ace of Spades right there ace of spades and the Ace of Hearts that is amazing knowledge just like that one more ace ace of diamonds that's fantastic look at this we are getting there one more ace we need one more ace and the ace that we need is the ace of clubs right there there there this is the ace of clubs all right this is definitely the ace of clubs let's take a look ace of wait 8 8 of Hearts wait this is this is wait why is this early why is this the 8 of Hearts wait do we have do we have 2 8 of hearts what is this ah wait I have an idea I have an idea so look I'm going to count 8 cards on the table and to see what happens alright 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [Music] alright 8 8 ace of clubs so this card which failed the whole trick is telling us that this is the ace of clubs let's take a look yes yes it is so that's the trick guys I read oh are you open to others and here comes the tutorial so here is a tutorial for the trick that you saw now this is a trick and also a production you could say and before I start out I want to say that if you want to have your name on playing cards that I will be using throughout 2016 then make sure to check out the campaign there's going to be a link right here as you can see right there and also in the description of the video that is a link for the campaign that I talked about in my other videos and anyways let's just move on to the tutorial now what you can do to make it easier is that you can have the four aces on top and set up the deck and then place it in the box and then just take it out and then do it without setting up the deck in front of the spectator and but this is impromptu so this is what I want to show you guys once the cards are inside the deck and then you can of course give the deck few cuts and shuffles and the idea behind this is that the aces they are lost inside the deck and so right now I honestly have no idea where the aces they are you give out the deck to the spectator to shuffle the deck and once the spectator has shuffled the deck you are going to take it and then you are going to find the four aces and you're going to curl the aces so you know you're just going to curl the aces to the side and I am not going to make a tutorial for this on YouTube because it will take too long of a time and I will make a tutorial on this that will be on the Russian so you're going to curl the cards the four aces while you're talking to the spectator so here's how it looks like in speed just like that and then the four aces they are on top now once you have killed the four aces now you're going to kill six cards and then an eight so here is what I mean you're going to curl six cards one two three four five six and now you're going to call an eight so I'm not calling the six but I'm calling the eight and now I am moving everything in between the last ace and the ace on the third position so all those six cards plus the eight is going right in between the ace of spades and days of Hearts the last two aces now let me do it once again let me just do it a little bit differently all right I'm going to remove the four aces and then I'm going to shuffle the deck and I'm shuffling the deck so the eight they are in a different position so once again here's how it looks like I'm just going to take one two three four five six cards and they're killed and now I'm going to place the rest not in the cool position and then I'm simply going to find an eight so an eight is somewhere around here eight of Hearts I'm going to kill the eight of Hearts and now I'm going to place all those cards in between the last two aces just like that so for the first age here's what we're going to do you are going to take half of the deck and by the way before you do it as you can see the last ace is near the top as you can see so that means that you should not be afraid to cut the deck around the center because of the last days is near the top right there so I'm going to cut in the center and then the hand which is holding the bottom packet is going to put one card on top and the rest is going to go all the way on top of the deck just like that so now you have left a mark I'm going to transfer it to the other hand and open it with my thumb and now I have a thumb break and now I'm going to take a a few of the packets I'm going to cut it in few packets place it on top and sometimes I like to do this as a false cut and then show that we have cut it to the first ace then I take everything on the bottom square it up and place it on the bottom so everything that was on the table I place it on the bottom not on top and for the next day's production sometimes I look at the ace just by riffling and sometimes I do shuffle the cards and I still do hold you know all the cards on top so sometimes I do this and then I look at the top ace and then I know that it is days of diamonds and now I'm going to do the top shot there is a link in the description to my top tutorial so you know I snap my fingers and then I do the top shot and I take both of the cards I put the top card underneath the bottom card and once I show the Aces and when I talk about the Aces I'm going to do the pink account just like this and then I place one of the Aces on top and the other ace is going to go on the bottom and by the way this is inspired by Eric Jones sq bubble sandwich where you're holding the card on the bottom and then you can produce it and there are a lot of magicians they have their own variations on his slide which i think is his slide now this as you can see where you do this it is made by Eric Jones you can check out download on theory 11 you have a pinkie break on the card and now you have a pinkie break below 2 cards and then you're going to grab everything just like this and this is squared up together and once again I'm not going to go in much detail behind this because this is not really my move and now I'm going to get a pinkie break below the top card and then flick it with the thumb so my thumb is holding the card and then it's going to go up and now this is something that I enjoy doing Erik Jones he explains that you need to do it like this which also looks fantastic it really does but I like to do this so once I am shaking my hand I am NOT shaking my hand like this but I'm just going up and down so as you can see up and then down so just like this up and then this card goes down once again and then down like that so in speed it looks like this now we're going to find the last a so there it is just like that somehow like that and then you produce the ACE place it on the table and now comes the fun part in my opinion so now I'm going to cut around the center and then I'm going to cut once again but I'm going to mark this pot by cutting it you know right here and then place everything on top my thumb is going to go inside the center and then I dribble all the cards and then I act like this is the ACE then I drew a few cards again this is the ACE and then I dribble the last card on top and this is the 8 so here's what I do I like to place this card aside and all these cards that are inside your hand you're going to place them underneath the packet that was on the table and then I like to place this deck away from me just on the table and I tell this tailor that this is supposed to be the ace of spades and it would be awesome if it is and of course this is ace of spades then you can slowly dramatically turn it over and then it's the ace then it's the aid of hearts and now you're like oh this is the you know I I messed up what is this wha what happened and then you wait man I hate this table then you grab the deck and then you take the card and what I like to do is I like to spread the deck and look at the deck and then I'm like ah wait wait this means that I need to deal eight cards and then comes the Ace of Spades so you try to explain it in the trick and then you deal eight cards on the table so you have seven cards right here you have one two three four five six seven all right seven cards so you need to deal so you need to deal this card as one of the eight cards so you say alright the eight I think I need to deal eight cards on the table let's try it out one two three four five six seven does this make sense eight yes eight and we need days of Spades there it is something like that so that's the trick so when was guys I really hope that you enjoyed the tutorial and by the way I want to say this again if you want your name on these playing cards that I will be using in my videos throughout 2016 and maybe 2017 that makes you to check out the campaign there's going to be a link in the description to where you you can support the campaign and if you support the campaign with $3 by pledging the $3 perk then your name will be added on the deck and I will be using it for the spring tutorial and also for the Anaconda tutorial as well so please guys make sure to check it out if you do it then you will support this channel as well some people they have already done that but not a lot of people so if you would like to do it and thank you very much and yes so anyways thank you very much for watching I develop into a tutorial there are going to be many more tutorials in the future once again if you have three dollars to spend then it would help a lot and also you would see your name on the playing cards in the Anaconda tutorial and the spring tutorial and many more tutorials as well so thank you very much for watching guys make sure to LIKE wait comment and subscribe and I will wait let me try this out man this looks so ugly this looks like Donald Trump's hair wait boom this is where bad it really is now this is a flourish that I don't think it's made by Zack Muller but this is just a flourish that he has been doing for for a long time and I saw one of my friends do it at his show or after his show and it looks quite nice sometimes anyways thank you guys very much for watching I develop into the tutorial and once again check out the link in description for this if you want to so thank you for watching and see you in and see you in my next video where you take the top card or if you want you can produce the card by doing this production and then you take the card then you throw it in the center of the package and then you do flicker once again and one hand cut the card in the center
Channel: TheRussianGenius
Views: 1,491,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Magic, Magician, Magic Tricks, Tutorial, Revealed, Tutorials, Easy, Beginner, How To, TheRussianGenius, DisturbReality, David Blaine, Reveal, Cool, Sleight Of Hand, Cheating, Gambling, HD, Coin, Illusion, Illusions, Amazing, Magical, mathematic, math, mismag822, 52kards, disturb, reality, funny, pranks, entertainment, Card trick tutorial, easy beginner, card tricks revealed, for beginners, magic card trick tutorials, for beginners explain, how to do tricks
Id: 1M-NAtQM2kY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2016
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