Amazing Card Trick Tutorial - Card Tricks Revealed

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[Music] hello everybody how you doing guys welcome to trip on DM my name is how ICO and today we have a tutorial video this is just an explanation of a wonderful trick and if you guys have not seen the trick yet click this link right here there is an actual performance video watch it and if you like it then come back to this video learn how to do it but if you already have seen the trick and this video is for you have fun with it I'm gonna explain to you guys of this wonderful trick works right now let's do it alright guys it's the time to explain the trick and there we go all you need for this trick is just an ordinary deck of cards very light setup and very little sleight of hand so for the setup you need to pick a card so you can pick any cards guys a C's or Cui's or two or whatever cards you want I picked the 410 okay so you need to find them in deck how I said any cards right but for same values and then you need to find five so the suit doesn't matter hearts diamonds or spades or clubs important is the volume we need five and then we need three just random cards it doesn't matter what cards so the setup looks like this you take three same volume cards place them on the top of deck then you take three random cards place them on top of deck and then you take five place it on the top and as the last card goes the fourth ten in this case so and that is sad right and if you guys remember in the performance video I mixed up the cards like this right so it looks like I'm really mixing up the cards but actually I'm not mixing up the top like 10 cards or something but it looks like I'm mixing up the cards right how I do it so I just cut the cards one is bigger portion than the other right so here on the top are the cards I need to keep them on the top so I mix up the cards and I keep is ten eight ten cards right but it looks like we are mixing up the cards and then if you guys remember I made these kind of cuts these are a hundred percent for Scott's car it doesn't change anything in the order so if you don't know how to do this kind of horse cards click this link right here and learn how to do them I have a tutorial video I'm explaining how this wonderful boss God's work so they are really nice it's smooth you know so it looks like you're really cutting the cards but nothing is changing so if the link doesn't appear on your screens guys you can find all the necessary links down below in the description box okay so once you mix up the cards and the spectators get sure that everything is randomized then you've gotta force them the card which is on the top here right we need to force them ten because I picked four tens right so and I don't know maybe you know some way to force the card to the spectator or some nice way but I did it very easy way okay before I ask them to pick a card I made the cut I cut like top ten cards and place them on the bottom so here is the whole set guys I need right I place them on the bottom but what I did was I maintained a pinky break between the rest of the cards and the bottom ten cards which I took from the top right but from the front guys he just looks just regular way right so and then you ask them to stop you and be cut the portions of cards you know little portions of cards like these and once they tell you stop you just cut the cards about the break all the cards right so you need to practice a little bit and you you know you will be okay so and you will offer them the cart so they can take this card guys and don't reveal it to you or they can take it just reveal it place it on the table whatever way you want so and then the rest of the cards once they take the card you place it on the top because here's the set we need to keep on the top right and then you're gonna mix up the cards again but it's a horse mix so you don't mix up the top ten cards right so like this and you can make these kind of cuts again or whatever and then you ask them to build three evil paths you can let them cut the cost anywhere they want and build three like almost even pops right for example here yeah yeah and they can really cut the cards random right so and you remind them that the value subjects queens and kings is ten and the values of aces is one and the wife's of every other card is whatever is written on the card right so and then you're gonna reveal the top cards of each pot right like this and they will not have any doubt that these cards are random because they are really random only these two cards this is not random card okay and we know it so and then you say now we got six here and we count down six cards one two three four five six and you place one additional card on every other pile and the rest goes back then you take Queen Queen while you is ten and you count down 10 cards one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and one additional card goes on every other pile and the rest goes on top and when we got to the five and guys it's very important to leave the five is in last pile okay so you always start from here right it must be the last pile so and then you do the same thing one two three four or five and you place one additional card on every other pile and the rest goes back on the top so and then you can you know mix up the cards so I mix them up in the performance video but guys before I mix up the cards I want to tell you a secret so now we already got the ten on the tops here on every pile right but we don't want to reveal them yet you can rebuild them right away it's also great but what I've gained in performance with you I mix up I mixed up these piles but I mixed up the pals special way then I controlled this hand right you slide it down and then you you know slide down all the other cards on the top of it so it appears to be on the bottom and then you do the same thing so you slide all the cards until you reach the bottom card then you place it on top right we'll be back but you need to do it like you know it must look like a random shuffle right so like this and the tennety so you need to practice a little bit and you do it with all three piles right or you can do it with two piles and don't do it with the third pile you know whatever you wanna do and then you say guys it works every single time you know whatever card the spectator piece it does not matter it always finds its siblings and you will reveal the top three cards and you know it creates amazing illusion you know and the people get really amazed so this is the way this trick works guys and yeah I need to practice a little bit you better be good this is it have fun thank you so much for what you might be used and visiting my channel I really appreciate this and please guys subscribe because I want to show you many more cool tricks coming soon I'm uploading new video as few times a week and I want you guys to see this video that's why please subscribe if you want to subscribe or take a look around my channel there are lots of cool videos click this link right you got her lots of fun thanks again thumbs up I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Tricklandia
Views: 64,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: card tricks revealed, card tricks, magic tricks revealed, magic tricks, card tricks for beginners revealed, card magic tricks, card tricks for kids, card sharks, card trick tutorial, alexander tepnadze, tricklandia, youtube, magic school, magic secrets revealed, card tricks for experts, math card tricks revealed, card tricks to music, sleight of hand card tricks, easy card magic tricks, easy magic tricks revealed, Amazing Card Trick Tutorial - Card Tricks Revealed
Id: RStg9IjIfjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2016
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