“Triple Effect” - This SELF WORKING Card Trick Is Total PERFECTION!

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hey how's it going everyone mlt magic tricks here so in this video i'm going to be giving you a performance and a tutorial for this awesome self-working style card trick but before we get into it if you are new here to the channel make sure you subscribe for more card trick videos like this drop a like on this one and now let's get right into the performance okay so as you guys can see here i have a card under the box and this is my prediction we're gonna get to that later in the trick but to start off i'm just going to give the deck some cuts to randomize the order of cards and i could show my spectator that the cards in this deck here are mixed up from here i would have my spectator choose three cards for this trick and just to make it easier i would have my spectator call stop anywhere as i riffle down the side of the deck let's say they call stop right here i'll tell them we're gonna lift up from where they called stop and just slide off the three cards from the point in the deck where they called stop we're gonna take a look at the three cards that my spectator chose we have the four of clubs the nine of hearts in the ten of spades now for this trick we are concerned with the values of the cards because that is going to determine how many cards i'm going to deal on the table right now so i'm going to follow a pattern of dealing the cards and you guys are going to see how that looks right now so we have a four i'm going to deal off these top three cards here and that's one that's two three and four we're gonna stop right here because we do have a four now we're gonna go to these two piles and we're gonna deal up to nine so this is four five six seven eight and nine we're gonna stop on the nine now we just have to go up to ten now so that's nine and ten we're going to stop right there so i dealt a random amount of cards here on the table once again based on the values of the cards that my spectator chose and we're going to take a look at the top cards in each of these three piles so i'm going to turn them over here and you will notice the top three cards in the piles are the three aces now if we go to my prediction which is under the card box you will see that my prediction is actually the ace of spades to complete the set of four races but guys that is not the entire trick because we are now going to take a look at the cards that are on the bottom of each of these piles and you will notice the bottom card of this pile is the soulmate to the four of clubs right here the nine of diamonds is the soul mate to the nine of hearts and lastly the soulmate tv10 of spades is the ten of clubs so the bottom cards were all the soulmates of my spectator selections now this is called the triple effect because we still have one more component of this trick and that is actually inside the card box so i'm going to open the box up and you will see there is a piece of paper that i have in the box there's nothing else in it and on this piece of paper i have a number written and that number is 25. we're going to go to the deck of cards here that we have left on the table and i can hand these cards over to my spectator to count them out right here so we have one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 and 25 cards just like that to match the number that is written on this piece of paper so guys that is the trick it's a really cool one that's got a lot of little components to it on the end so definitely stick around for the tutorial to learn how to perform it all right so i hope you guys enjoyed that performance one of my subscribers showed me this trick so make sure you go check out his channel and tell him thank you for sending me this one so i can teach it to you guys and with that being said let's get right into the tutorial so this is a self-working card trick as long as you correctly make the setup at the start and follow these steps throughout the trick will work every single time so make sure you are using a full 52 card deck for this trick and i'm going to begin by explaining the setup so you're going to need to take out three pairs of cards you're gonna take out the two fours two nines and two tens from the deck make sure your pairs here have the same color uh because they are going to need to be soul mates and one of the pairs you know can't have a contrast in color from the other two like i took out the two red nines here just to add a little color contrast between the three pairs and your two tens uh they can be face cards if you want like the two black kings but you would need to explain in the performance that face cards are worth ten so that is why you know i just like to use the value 10 cards here and you are going to be doing a little setup on the top of the deck with these cards so you're gonna take it ten first then a nine and then a four that's going to go right there on top then the other three remember guys these are the soul mates of the cards that you just placed there on top these can mean any order these are also going to be going on the top of the deck these are going to be the cards that you force on your spectator but the order that you place them down on the table later will be important i will explain that once we get there but once these cards right there are on top you're good to go at this point in the setup uh that is what's happening there on top of the deck with those six cards now you're also going to need to take out the four aces from the deck and here is what you're going to be doing with the aces you're going to be placing them in specific positions in the deck of cards so you're going to place uh the first ace in the 13th position in the deck so you're going to count off 12 cards 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. now the first ace is going to go in that 13th position i would like to leave the fourth ace off to the side because this base of spades in this case the fourth ace here is going to be my prediction so you're gonna place once again here the first days in the 13th position then you're going to keep dealing up to 23. this is 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 you're gonna place the next ace in the 24th position you're gonna deal one more card that's 25 and the final ace is going in the 26th position just like that the numbers are 13 24 26 those are the positions of the three aces once you have got that you're ready to go with the deck of cards then the fourth face in this case ace of spades i like to use this as my prediction that goes face down on the table then you're going to take the card box place that right on top and to complete the setup you're just going to want to write the number 25 on a piece of paper fold it up put it in the box place the box on top of that ace of spades there or whatever ace you have on the table and you are good to go so that's the setup guys it's not too difficult to make it's pretty quick and you can you know open up your routine with this setup trick and then get into some impromptu effects right after that so you're going to begin by going up to your spectator and telling them you're going to mix up the deck but in reality you're going to give the pack some false cuts i'll leave a link on the screen right now if you want to learn some false cuts because you do need to keep your setup then you're going to tell your spectator that they are going to choose three cards for this trick and what you're doing here is forcing your three cards that you have on top this is what i did in the performance i recommend you guys do this too just so you don't disturb the order of the deck you're going to swing cut around half the pack into your other hand maintain the break and you're going to tell your spectator to call stop anywhere as you riffle down the side and wherever they call stop you're lifting up from the break and telling them okay i'm just going to slide out the top three cards from where you called stop then you're going to place this bottom portion right back on top of the deck so now you have your four nine and ten the soul mates of these are back on top and now you're going to tell your spectator okay you could have chosen any three cards they think they had a free selection but in reality you forced them you're just going to go ahead and show them the cards now when you place them down on the table you're going to need to make sure you place them down in the order that you're going to start dealing the cards so i'm i deal the cards here from left to right i'm dealing with my left hand so i'm going to place the four down then the nine then the 10. even if you guys you know if you're dealing if you're dealing with your right hand you can kind of flip the order if you want just make sure that when you start dealing the cards they are going to be in this correct order going from the lowest value up to the top so i have my four nine and ten laid out you're going to tell your spectator all right so we're concerned with the values of these cards because that is going to determine how many cards i deal on the table at this point in the trick so you're going to follow this little pattern of dealing in the cards and it's going to go like this so you're going to deal the first three right there on the table and you guys will see here i'm matching up uh the soul mates uh with you know their selections here so that is why you need to make sure you are aware of which way you're dealing the cards um you know on the table so you're gonna tell your spectator okay after you dealt those three that's one then you're gonna deal another three that's two three and then you're gonna stop on four here so you've just dealt three sets of three just like this going from left to right in this case then when you get to this uh you know fourth one here you're gonna you're gonna stop and you're gonna tell your spectator okay that's four we're gonna move to the next two piles now you're gonna go up to nine so this is how it's going to look but make sure guys this is really important when you're dealing here one two like that you're gonna count that as four then you're gonna go one two five one two six one two seven one two eight and then you're gonna deal with one card you're gonna stop there on nine you're gonna tell your spectator okay that's nine then you're gonna go to ten but remember you're doing the same thing you're starting with nine so that's nine and then ten you're stopping there that's it i hope that made sense re-watch this part of the tutorial if you need to in order to understand it but that is exactly how you need to deal with cards in order for this one to work uh because you will see here you're going to tell your spectator okay we're going to take a look at the top cards in each of these piles they will be the three aces then you can tell them okay check out my prediction under the card box they'll see it's the ace of spades now you're not that you're not done yet you're going to turn over the piles here and they will see and you can explain to them that the cards on the bottom of each of these piles are somehow the soul mates to their selections and then for the kicker ending to top off the whole trick you can tell them uh in the card box here i have a piece of paper with a number written on it you take out your piece of paper show them you got 25 written on your paper that's been in the box the entire time you can literally hand the cards over to your spectator and have them deal out these cards and they will see there's 25 cards in this pack make sure you are using a full deck remember have the setup done correctly follow the steps and there will be exactly 25 cards in this final pack i'm not going to deal them out now just to save some time but guys that's basically the trick it's kind of got three mini effects to create a grand finale so it's just a really great one that's quite easy to perform make sure you get that dealing down when you're you know dealing down the cards there on the table get your setup correctly and you'll be good to go we'll work every single time so thank you guys for watching this one uh definitely subscribe if you're new i will see you in my next video peace out
Channel: MLT Magic Tricks
Views: 52,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: card trick, card tricks, card trick tutorial, card tricks revealed, best card trick, card tricks for beginners, card trick revealed, amazing card trick, beginner card tricks, easy card trick revealed, no setup card tricks, penn and teller fool us, no setup card trick revealed, card tricks for kids, impressive card trick, beginner card tricks no setup, beginner card trick tutorial, card tricks no setup, easy card trick, self working card trick, oscar owen card tricks, magic
Id: iGj1udqGMl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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