Effortless, Feel Great Make Up

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hi everyone today i'm going to do a pick-me-up makeup i think you know it is january after all particularly here in the uk and in northern europe it's really dark in january and quite miserable and rainy and cold and that on top of the fact that we're in lockdown number three i think that just putting on some makeup and cheering myself up with makeup is definitely going to be a good move so i'm going to start i'm going to use lots of new things as well because i've been sorting out my studio quite a bit recently and i noticed that i had all these new things and i hadn't tried them out and if you follow me on instagram you may have heard that i had a flood in my studio which is why i haven't done a video for a while haven't done one since before new year actually um yeah that wasn't great um and definitely been tricky the last couple of weeks just trying to clear it all out no makeup was harmed thank god but um yeah it's been a bit of a bit of a nightmare actually so the first new thing i'm going to use is for base and i'm going to use this typology which is a new french brand very natural 99 natural ingredients and this is their tinted serum i'm in between shade one and two there are only six shades i think so it is difficult to find your exact shade so i've mixed one and two together this one is vitamin c squalane and aloe vera well that's still a bit i know it's okay it was a bit too pale then um i tried this already and i find that it's really moisturizing so i'm using it without any moisturizer underneath because when i moisturized first i found that i was just very very shiny which um i didn't it was too shiny for me so i needed so much powder so you don't really need to use a brush for this you can just use fingers because it does just feel like you've got a serum on i almost feel like i've just taken off a sheet mask when you leave the serum on and then you kind of blend it all in and your skin just looks so glowy it's that kind of a vibe i think this color worked worked out well so i'm just kind of smoothing it in if you had really dry skin i think this would be perfect on its own i think what i need now is either a bit of foundation or concealer just here and there i'm going to try this new one this is by monica blunder who's a makeup artist in la lovely girl and she sent me to try out some of her concealer and foundation creams i'm just going to check the color these are 100 natural as well so they're quite oil-based so they'll definitely for me need setting but i'm quite excited to try these out i always like trying out makeup artist products i'm going to try this one which is shade number two i'm going to use this under my eyes just to lift any shadows there this is all natural ingredients in here there's edelweiss and amica oil so again i'm going to really need to set this so it doesn't crease too much but i think that it's going to be a really nice light look anyway i'll just check at the inner corner just check the color as well oh yeah just blend it there yeah that seems like a good color for me i'm also just going to apply a little bit of coverage just in the corner of my nose around my mouth touch on the chin this blends really nicely before i do anything now i am going to powder because i feel like that is going to need a set looks really nice i'm going to use this powder which is the hyaluronic powder pressed powder by by terry i'm just going to set under my eyes the concealer and around my nose looks very good and i think that's nice because i've managed to kind of take the edge off and take the shine off in the areas where i don't want it but i still feel very very glowy and fresh from my facial which is exactly what i wanted so next i'm going to use some blush i'm going to use um velvet beauty as a blush blush just always cheers me up if i've got the january blues and here in the uk oh we're on third lockdown at the moment and it's by far the hardest i know lots of my friends all around the world that have gone into another lockdown feel the same i think it's the combination of another lockdown and it's dark and it's miserable and it's like a little bit like no end in sight because we don't really know when this one will end which is why a little bit of blush always helps so i've put quite a bit on i'm gonna let that kind of almost melt into the tinted serum that's underneath so i'm applying that in the area where i haven't yet powdered and that will with the warmth of my face that will all start to almost meld in together blend in together next i'm going to use some bronzer this one smells of coconuts and holidays it's making me think of beach holidays which is so nice i'll use this on my eyelids and then all around the side of my face coming into the just under the cheekbones but not too much almost just setting the serum that i've used there but also creating a little bit of warmth and shape as well a little bit on my neck jawline next i'm going to use some brown eyeliner this is a new one i'd like to try and this is by sweet lashes because i love the eyelashes so i thought i would try their pencil it says it's very creamy but long lasting so i'm just going to work this into my lash roots really in between those lashes so almost just massaging the roots tap tap tap a little bit fuller towards the end and then i'm gonna do a little bit of thickening it up there just to that outer corner and then i'm going to look straight ahead and lift it up a little bit further and then i'm going to blend it fingers will do it's nice and soft and blendable once my mascara is on i might actually lift that up a little bit higher but that's a good basis i think once you've done in between the eyelashes you can always do your eyeliner more once your mascara is on so just get into the lashes to start with so just before i do my mascara i'm just gonna have a look how my skin is sort of settling in i'm gonna actually do a bit more powdering now as i said the combination of these products i think definitely if you are a touch less dry more on a normal or a combo then you would need a little bit more powder i'm actually going to just powder straight from the thing here and just set again i'm still going to leave all the shine all around the outside so we've got that lovely glow there but i do feel around my chin area we're starting to look a little bit shiny so just setting it not using too much powder so now i'm just going to give my eyelashes a good curl before i do my mascara i'm just using it's the same pencil type it's a swede pencil this one's a slightly off-white rosy pink shade over a little bit just along my lower lash line there just to really open my eyes so onto my scar and i'm going to use the new lancome doll i like this one because it's really separating and lengthening so it's not um like miss your big or one of those it gives you mainly volume this one does give volume but it's definitely more about that defined look which i think with this natural makeup look it's nice when you have that natural lash look as well so i'm just working it into the roots of the lashes and it's so good because you don't need to brush them it just goes on and separates them all and gives you that lovely um defined lash and then just underneath as well i think along with blush curling your eyelashes and putting on mascara is always the quickest way just to give yourself a real lift because it's so instant and it's not difficult to do it's just you know it's just a sort of magic trick almost so i'm just going to go back in with my bronzer my matte bronzer first because i want to smell that delicious coconutty smell again secondly just going to blend in my socket line there underneath i'm just doing exactly the same thing i'm taking the bronzer almost to create warmth and um give my a bigger shape sometimes if you put a line underneath it almost doesn't give your eye a bigger shape whereas if you put a shadow under there it's really soft and somehow it blends in with everything else it just creates more space and brings it all together so it's definitely not a line it's really more of a shadow so before i go on to my brows i'm just going to put some lip balm on this has a little bit of um pearl in it as well and let that sink in while i'm working on my brows so for brows i want to show you two new things one i've already tried out and the other one i'm just wanting to try out so the first one is this which is a new ink pen by benefit and it has almost three little spikes to it to create three hairs i when i saw this i thought that looks very gimmicky because i hate gimmicky stuff um but then i used it and i thought okay it's actually really good this is definitely more if you just want to create some fine hairs so i like this here just at the front of my eyebrow you just stroke on and each stroke gives you kind of three micro hairs if you like you can see it that's there on my hand very subtle um i think you do need a very light hand when you use this so it depends um how used to using this type of product you are but i've definitely found it useful for this little filling in this little gap at the front just take it very lightly and you can almost see each little hair that you paint on which i really like you can also use it along here but again you have to be quite careful that you're going super light-handed and then you can still brush as well just to soften further soften if you put on too many strokes or something so before i do all my finishing touches i'm just going to put a little bit of color on my lips but not to kind of look like lipstick so i'm just going to use a brush a little fluffy pointy brush and just mix in a touch of color but mixing it with the pearlized lip balm just for a fresh fresh lip so i think that makeup looks done but i just want to have a check of everything and this is i think the most important part of a makeup is when you think you've finished and you go and check everything and i definitely think i don't want to use any highlighter because the combination of this serum tinted serum and this foundation concealer i think has given me more than enough glow so i wouldn't want to add on top of that i don't think highlighter so i think that feels really nice and then just tiny bit more powder just there there yeah i think that's it i think it's really nice because when i look at myself i don't really feel necessarily any particular makeup there's nothing that's really overpowering like a big liner or a big lash or anything it's just given me this health boost which is really strange like mentally i feel like a health boost and it's almost like if i looked at myself now i'd think well not much has changed but i just almost want to look now at the before and to see how i looked and just to see how this makeup has really just lifted my skin it's lifted the shape of my face and it's made my eyes so much brighter and my lips fuller obviously and i think that's the wonderful thing about makeup it's it's something that there's such a strong connection really between i think how you look and how you feel i felt quite uh when i came in this morning you know with this flood in the studio and this smell of damp when you walk in it's been quite depressing but now i've kind of forgotten about that i'm just gelling my eyebrows now i want to get this is the benefit gel i think pushing those eyebrows up lifts your mood as well yeah i think that's it so i hope that was helpful um hope you're surviving january and this you know everything that's going on at the moment and managing to stay positive and please let me know in the comments if now that i'm back in my studio um we're kind of able to work here again which is great means i'm going to be able to make some more tutorials so yes let me know if there's any looks that you particularly would like to see and until then stay safe and lots of love bye
Channel: Lisa Eldridge
Views: 530,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lisa Eldridge, Lisa Elridge, Lisa Eldrige, Makeup, Make-up, Make up, Tutorial, How To, Look, Professional, Pro, Makeup artist, Makeup course, Beauty, cosmetics, best, top, makeupbylisaeldridge, lisa eldridge foundation, Velvet Beauty, Pick Me up makeup, wake up make up, feel better, power of makeup, blush, eyebrows
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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