No Country For Old Men - Filming Locations in New Mexico / Academy Award Winning Coen Brothers Movie

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welcome everyone Adams uh whoo here and Cody today's adventure we're gonna be roaming around some different areas of New Mexico checking out the filming locations of No Country for Old Men that's right Adam it is the 2007 Coen Brothers film featuring Josh Brolin and Tommy Lee Jones gonna be checking it out and just to let you know there will be spoilers things will be shown if you have not seen the film you might want to watch it beforehand it's going to show some screenshots and talk about what's happening one of my favorite movies out there for sure providing you to join me and Cody shall you things will be a bit out of order based on the route we are taking but this empty lot was one of the climaxes of the movie the side road is only 18 miles per hour that's different the desert sands in in El Paso was technically here in Albuquerque and the light fixtures next to the street are a little bit different you can kind of get your bearings take a look at that style with the little knobs up there and the formation of the light itself just a half a block over a couple of these still remain to just kind of prove that they used to be here Phil knobs up there everything is going and missed there as he pulls up this is the angle corner of Jackson Street and Central Avenue the building in the distance still remains at the Foley ng Viet Minh eats grill and also where it says the reef noodle soup if you look right here at the same time they just changed the lettering on the top part a couple of landmarks where the sheriff pulls that in parks back here in the distance it's very unique looking the restaurant and the trees where the motel sign was the way they they kind of fork up at a different angle that restaurant still back there in the distance and those trees even though some of them have been chopped down the roots and stump still remain this here is the tree that was in the front and the planner this piece is growing up a little bit right here at the bottom they chopped it off with a stop sign and this is the only remaining piece left here in time the entire complex is gone this is where the motel office was and the pool over here is where the Carl's jr. used to be the building's still there but now it's left abandoned you can see the taller building in the background as well over this shorter is where all the other rooms were and what you has now been demolished indentation in the ground where that row was and some relics there a brick from the building in the room we've been right here in that precise spot Carla Jane pulled up realizing something was wrong when the sheriff approached her and took his hat off she saw the other officers and knew what had happened retracing the steps from the sheriff driving down little on the windy side pretty much out in the middle of nowhere that Texaco side is gone but the base still remains the gas pumps are still over there and the little store still out here way out here [Music] next to the gas pumps the car would have been parked right here in the front and then off to the right hand side is where it looks like the fuel can't containers for the same ones still sitting there Art's Auto Supply still written there as well the door behind Anton that's swung open is this very door it has kind of deteriorated over the years but also when you peek inside the building through the window a lot of the cork board is still up around the walls lots of furniture fills up the room that back window is covered just like a set of drawers back there this is about the best view angle looking to where the guy who owned the shop was standing on that tractor still back there obviously can't get inside because it's locked but looking out from where they were in there there's that tractor hasn't moved in years behind the counter would have been right about here where that ice chest of some sort is now what's the most you've ever lost a coin toss call it about a half-hour commute to Las Vegas New Mexico for the remainder take place a trailer park where he lived and pulled into he's right here at that particular trailer no longer exists everything else basically looks the same private residence so I keep my distance but I want to stop off real quick from the trailer park he's checking in and the counter would have been the hair looking out that window when he wanted to switch rooms she said that's got to double beds also when he kind of meanders through this door right there the light switches and everything still the same but he wasn't the only one staying on the premises also Anton Victor room number 130 is where his accommodations would have been the rooms have been completely remodeled but just imagine him walking out with his weapons of choice down the way there you can see a grill that's 138 that's the other room all the brickwork is all still the same where his room was and if you get a little closer it appears somebody is actually taking the numbers off the door too but this is room 138 they got a little souvenir yep they've replaced it with makeshift numbers it's like made out of paper about to use that tank to punch out the lock thankfully Llewelyn had already moved and anti would have been standing right where that grill is use that as a frame of reference there down the ways just to bet a few feet into the back rooms which you can see here 30 and 42 would have been the back rooms but they don't exist also this big brown pillar and learn in the way right here has been added recently after like structural support yeah it's all right next to the office just to clarify around the back just some storage no rooms around the back so he wouldn't been able to to camp out and get the briefcase through the air duct vent sign has just changed just a bit Motel a screenshot and it's an in in real life moving on only about a half a mile away what is now the shark bite seafood restaurant here at this motel is where head Tom and Carla Jean shared their meal and I pointed that sign out because you could see it through the window this is where they're sitting inside the diner if you pay attention to the rockwork behind him and the counter on those other side there it's all the same unfortunately it's temporarily closed but if you look in there at counter the rock works all still the same and they would have been sitting just right there to the right hand side of that table it kind of to the left of that hold yeah more or less give or take so it looks like into a local neighborhood Carla jeans residents didn't end so well as he exited he don't really know what happened they leave it to the imagination but he did look at his shoes I was likely wiping something from the bottom of them as he exited the front door on the porch there's some classic cars in this driveway as well still in a residential district this one about a mile away from the last spot a traffic light was placed dangling right across here and the cars smashed into each other there was the formation of the roofline of that home located right over here at this intersection quite an accident he comes stumbling out of the car here walks right over to this curb in front of that house reeling in pain massive amounts of pain and where did he sit it's just the left side of the yellow painted part of the curb so where the yellow paint ends sat down just there on the unpainted part of the curb the fence is exactly the same as it was Anton then comes sits down on the curb just right here right in between the yellow there's two cracks then he gets up and starts to walk off and that wasn't the only time he was seriously injured earlier in the picture he showed up to the mic sauce pharmacy which is located right there in between those two vehicles that blue car didn't stand a chance there he is around the back sticking a rag and his lighter into the gas tank it's now an office products and printing facility some track lighting they are up against the back wall as well and that pole to the left of his head yep all still full except for if like some paper boxes and office chairs still the same this is a real estate office but it was used as one of the interiors where edie table looks out the far right door across the road a truck pulling by and the tarp we're starting to flip up just a bit on the right side there you can see that white pole that's still the same and also in the background you can see a blue awning if you look closely coming up here they painted them that awning red by that white pole still there if you peep through the blinds here you can see it says they held Fidel Hotel that is right here above us that was the clue in order to figure out the spot across the way a telephone call was made a payphone was set up the side of this road see the bricks there with the advertisement up against the wall off in the distance so how does that same advert up there that's the right word advert adverts right now the exterior of this facade were never used but the interiors were however for him to get some clothes and boots still looks the same almost identical down to you know all the products that were on sale and there's a sign up towards the top of the Hatrack designated that it was in the film itself and they let them leave up the name of their store above the door as seen here as he walks in you know I asked him to buy new clothes he needed a whole new wardrobe after leaving the hospital they were nice enough to let us in the back room where the restaurant is and right here is where he was spraying some some medicine on his foot sitting on that commode even a little toilet paper roll and the door see there's one door here and the other door right over there Llewelyn eventually checks into his accommodations at Eagle Pass in reality it's the Plaza Hotel also the same one that Carson Wells was staying at played by Woody Harrelson the front desks used to sit right about where this couch is you can see what it looked like in the film itself as he enters the front door the front desk now resides back in the corner called the conservatory looks a whole heck of a lot different at best educated guesses it was under a complete remodel made it appear as if he went outside to the alley but in reality it was this back little alcove as he kind of peeks around the staircase looking up that's it and they've documented another scene here with Woody Harrelson as well in the wall in this frame also notice the fire alarm is still mounted on the wall there as he came through these doors a little later getting the precise spot of where he fell down to the concrete is tough because of these trucks that are parked up here but the window was right up there and notice the tree lines and the gazebo in the park which are behind him not a short fall looking out the general vicinity angle from his window into the park well let's go you're wrong now that nightfall has reared its head and the Sun has gone down we're gonna get some of the evening shots this was a toughy took us a while to figure it out the back of that alley was a a wall as you could see there and there are some bars on the side of the side of the brick which are still remaining what confused us was this certain section where he's standing against two different partitions he could see how it kind of embeds outward the brick there with the chips in it almost gave up until after doing a little bit of investigative work discovered that the cracks are still here at first glance thought it extended out but in reality it did not extend at all the second portion was in the middle of this if you match up that particular crack and that particular chip and the one down here at the bottom really kind of kind of get it let's look at the screen shot ago the notch right there on the right about Isla his eye level and his elbow level and those notches there but one in the same you see the portion where they've chiseled it away there in the middle of the top to provide room for the awning that now is up top here's the opposite perspective as he's running directly out of the alley towards the street this is the spot so at this moment Llewelyn came running down towards this pillar and Payne leaned up against the side well there's a bunch of tile which has now since been removed looks down to the other corner down here at this other building which you can see where the truck comes pulling out looking for a way out don't mind that bank sign on the corner originally that Murphy side was actually there but they moved it and here he goes Llewellyn run into the truck and massive amounts of pain just like we did here if you look closely oh it's getting intense and this strangers truck I'm driving it from the passenger seat all I got to do is make it down past the end oh wait I see there's no noise a sec it's like a it's a sight it's in silence mo but I see the flash come from the side of the road there that's ant on the truck veers out of control over the curb in this very parking lot the cars on the way the truck comes barreling in it smashes into some cars right there next to that gate and if you notice that 30 mile an hour speed limit sign it's still there that's there in the foliage left to sit right here that neon sign is gone but the building with the arches behind it so remains Llewellyn then runs across after getting out of the truck once across the road to this building that is non-existent anymore it has been torn down he ducks behind a car and then looks in the reflection of the glass to Anton walking towards him and does he find him Anton's looking through the truck Llewellyn comes out from behind the other car walked towards him fires Anton ducks behind another car and he got hit Llewellyn comes over here to try to find Anton right behind the car which was sitting right here did Anton go behind he comes up sees a blood trail on the ground looks to his right notices that the blood trail goes towards the alleyway right down here Anton is nowhere to be found the next step is across the border a bridge overpass they used car lot that's the ticket there's the bridge over these used cars a little bit of a walk ahead over there standing in the direct middle of the bridge constructed the facade of the overlay the US border down there and into Mexico that direction the top of the corner there that's the briefcase being tossed over the fence line and he kind of climbed up on a pole that was wedged down in that concrete section also you see the way the fence is there with that little cross portion [Music] which signifies the spot it was out as soon as it goes into focus there's that cross portion and the building beside it still the same and then about 30 or 40 feet away down the bridge these shrubs similar to the ones that landed we're gonna car accident or something I'll give you 500 bucks for that jacket show me the money [Music] you see the money the boy has the dollar we've got $4.99 short that's fine sorry I'm really needed anyway to be honest if - it's your lucky day bud is this he's my jacket yep
Channel: TheDailyWoo
Views: 162,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no country for old men, coin toss, filming locations, filming, location, movie, academy awards, best picture, new mexico, las vegas, plaza hotel, motel, josh brolin, tommy lee jones, adamthewoo, adam the woo, thedailywoo, adam, the, woo, daily, cody, stairs, explained, february, 2020, best, scene, travel, road trip, coen, brothers, where was it filmed
Id: j-W06_nL45s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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