The Less Traveled Areas & Hidden Towns of New Mexico - Cross Country Road Trip / 9 States In 9 Days

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the reflection of the sunrise can be seen shimmering so beautiful and eerily peaceful out here very quiet just starting to peek its head up over the horizon amazing a truck full of cattle is pulled up next to the entry point side state line welcome everyone padam the Wu here today number eight of my cross-country journey I'm just exploring Americana soaking in the sights the sounds and the glory of an epic road trip it's chilly little cold inviting you to join me shall you I don't really have a route in mind or a specific game plan just kind of go where the wind blows however heading end from right up here in this top portion the top right which would be the North East region and then going going across first stop is Clayton where they have this mural some Cowboys there on the plains and so the terrain behind them the the mountains a very vintage look to it and a flag there in the window as well [Music] [Music] there's a dragon there on the side of that wall kind of going in and out of it of the building itself next to the chamber of commerce underneath that farmers and Stockman Bank clock is a dinosaur a few of them in fact oh hello there evidently some are deemed to be behind a fence and others aren't for one reason or another I've been driving for a bit and wanted to climb up on this little this little hill and show how far almost looks like this path goes on forever and ever and ever and it honestly feels like that as you're commuting down it and the longer I stand here I probably should move because there might be snakes here anyways it's a long Roger certainly have seen some terrain changes over this journey landscape looks considerably different here than it has in the last few days as I've been going cross-country it's a circular pile of barbed wire here at the forefront of this destroyed facade of a homestead I can't really get any closer unless I traversed over this fence line you're pretty good view from this angle not bad the traffic is definitely not bad after miles and miles of nothingness Gladstone mercantile kind of just appears out of out of almost nowhere with a little photo op you can even be the horse if you so choose it could be a horse head it's kind of awkward angle to hold the camera through the other hole but I think I got it am i doing it right nailed it adjacent to the store is also the post office the US Post Office if I was in the market for a branding iron I could choose this one I think it would work also those are not real cactus they're made of metal hey you guys do it yeah enjoying the day from a distance for a moment I thought this was pavement that I am in correct it's snow the shadow of this building has caused it not to melt next community over his elevation of 6210 feet a wagon mount I don't think it's an act of grocer anymore almost looks like a homestead but the signage is incredible very vintage oh is that Leroy if you have a keen eye you can see him grazing out there walking across the rest of the herd is over there to look very closely when are those exactly way over there Viva Las Vegas the New Mexico edition that is that's a sweet ride parked underneath those brick advertisements of the past fade it away relatively hidden up there safe buy used cars promoting furnished rooms me some old apartment buildings some sort quite a treasure trove of history here I dig it oh wow Pepsi bottle top a Thunderbird pawn shop nice the fact that this still exists from the Patrick Swayze classic red dawn makes me very happy Wolverine's the clock at community bank is very vintage and just adjacent the drugstore sweet coca-cola classic goodness drove a bit more ended up here [Music] heading that direction it's very peaceful says The Walt Disney film The Nine Lives of Alfea go baka here in 1958 and also young guns also filmed here in 1988 upon the porch is a little memento from one of those productions this branch is hanging over the street pretty neat-looking and to look at it from the opposite angle the Wortley hotel furnished rooms there on the right in the distance when it comes to scenic beauty I think I made the right choice going this direction it's a wonderful I here [Music] plenty of photo opportunities in here somehow ended up in the local jail this is not good send help some of the local homes here on the side of the hill the residents of the tab evidently this diner was used in the movie wild hogs check out all the pairs of shoes hanging from the wire up there quite a few [Music] [Music] [Music] that is the last remnant of the Sun as it sets over that hillside off on the horizon that's gonna do it for today if you're new here please subscribe by doing so helps keep you in the loop and up to date on future uploads here on this channel take it a step further ring that notification belt and if you enjoyed this particular episode give it a big thumbs up it lets me know you care that is a that is a unique sunset but the clouds there I'll see in the next video the vlog also that's the moon kinda sorta it has some clouds in front of it but that's the moon thought you'd like to see it
Channel: TheDailyWoo
Views: 609,730
Rating: 4.8838806 out of 5
Keywords: new mexico, road trip, cross country, road less traveled, roadside, america, americana, small towns, backroads, state line, travel, land of enchantment, sunrise, clayton, theatre, classic, vintage, relic, gladstone, mercantile, springer, wagon mound, las vegas, mural, pepsi, coca cola, cerrillos, madrid, adamthewoo, adam the woo, thedailywoo, adam, the, woo, daily, vlog, vlogger, travel vlog, 2020, january, series, episode, train, wild hogs
Id: eP7kmKOQmrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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