NO BASE DEFENSES! 1v1v1v1! in Minecraft Bed Wars

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I tried to keep a straight face I looked over here realized how ridiculous I looked dudes walk on oh let's do our normal rituals wait hold on focus camera focus okay we're focused everybody focused up everybody focused up we're good to do this all right let's do our rich way guys ready for this minecraft time welcome back to the live stream listen I know today's Thursday it's supposed to be lucky block but check this out myself and Craner and brew and neo we already recorded that today we're gonna upload it tomorrow it's gonna be a doozy so be on the lookout for that lucky block video we just haven't finished editing it yet and crater asked me if you would we wanted a live stream tonight so what we're doing we're doing bed Wars and as you can tell by the title we're doing a different type of challenge it's the no defense defense challenge and my name is a little bit different you'll see that in a second so let's do this we got people here hey hello friends take selfies ah we got Craner tia and fun burg in this court right now they're doing their intros so I can't dudes before we hop in there real quick sellout moment again if you guys enjoy these random live streams of how so many people are in here right now okay if the live stream says we have 2000 people so if every single one of you hit the like button right now that'll be at least 42 likes that is a good milestone well let's shoot for that but okay yeah but um you I'm gonna mute don't say anything don't say anything okay that looks awfully crater crater yeah nice I just hear another girl's voice hello it's a girl run Sundberg it is a girl it is a girl playing video games run girls do not play video games she's a lie okay okay enough cringe spam cringe in the chat are you guys ready for the most epic challenge epicness of the epic she does not play video games everybody right okay so I'm cued up what we're doing today we are doing the no defense this defence bed Wars challenge 1 V 1 V 1 V 1 are you called defenseless Duke I am defenseless Duke princess girl what the heck does that even mean [Music] so apparently crater is the princess girl so we're doing one V 1 V 1 V 1 challenge of course there's other people in this lobby but we have a goal or we have a challenge we cannot we can defend our bed but we can't build blocks around our bed ok ok ok ok tear tear you are excluded from this challenge but but here's the deal if you win if if she wins she has to not win ok that's easy because I'm not gonna win Oh burg which tolerate you guys okay I am NOT white Sundberg Sundberg there is somebody son further so an interface somebody's at your base destroying your bed nobody's a whole tab whole tab you can see the names is no joke guys don't mess with the red okay seriously let's upgrade that okay where did you die dude the vet guys no joke bro but did he walk so he was like your mother so Sundberg just got rekt I regret fighting with uh gold ingots hey you got rekt by the defenseless Duke [Music] I'm not dead I am not dead oh my gosh so it's thought Bergen TM crater crater do you want to go queue up for another game while they play should we do that do you want to if we're not fall people you know I don't know I don't know maybe we can pay them to leave guys leave okay that's coming out of your pay pal crane I'm not paying anybody if you leave okay so you guys are back in the lab let me know when you're back in the lobby just type slash the lobby twice yes why so Ian we are disgrace we are what recommend something to you what probably changed our nickname nickname okay okay changing my nickname okay okay I changed my nickname and I hit my screener I guess I'm okay thunders you in the lobby okay okay going in going in you guys there okay yes are you guys in okay okay okay we're all in oh I like this map was just the map we were just on no no it wasn't it was it was better than us Retin was a limited who's red okay so everybody's here okay okay so everybody's here no I am NOT green i am i green okay so tis not a smurf okay white okay okay we got this we got this we got this done back okay okay okay who's yellow who is yellow but back wait who's yellow Bob if you're yellow this is this is mine this is mine Thunder wait who is giraffe you know did you guys just kill each other [Laughter] dude so I this blue guy is playing very defensive okay okay wait who is blue I'm Taylor okay is blue well let's grab this let's grab this okay so tis your your race your to the right Tia Tia hello hello hey I need you I'm over here I'm over here I need you to defend me defend defend me there's a guy coming there's the yellow guy coming in like get up with my Highland you turd okay I kill them I kill I kill them I'm gonna bring the fight to him I am bringing a fight to him okay I got your rap dude giraffe Judas baby's gone okay yes okay okay okay I killed yellow yo is now bull emanated he is bull emanated eliminated are you guys just like fighting endlessly okay so I officially have no bed nothing I have nothing to my name okay okay how are you doing over there you do you're doing good I'm doing fine I'm not dead yet yeah because she can fill the pace remember the rule if if you win here if you win you have to not win remember that okay I'm so gonna win are you guys good no are you guys are you guys getting emeralds I don't like this no no no you don't crater know you don't know you don't know you don't know you don't know yeah crater what's white Vick crater what's what's barter Wyatt let's let's do a trading system I will give you to earn for every emerald you have that sounds like a terrible trade no no II want to get that no I don't feel ready for it any 22 any 22s that are running my shots across to if you want the wrath of fun Burke I do not are you guys just endlessly fighting he's finding Judas unbag just really benefit I thought Sundberg was the master of PvP what the heck Sundberg so if Craner dies he is out there we go okay I gotta be careful if I die I am out I will shoot you okay Peggy pink okay okay I got a kill pink I got a coupla crater this is the map that we just that we killed the ender dragons do you remember that that was so sick I remember that okay you sound like at the MedStar yeah you sound like a demented Elmo what the crap was that I'm Danish do they not have Elmo and in Denmark I watch it every morning what you know what you you you whatever you guys do in your life you you just you know die except it will not ask questions you do thank you we appreciate it bro you know if you if you watch a little bit of Elmo during your you know good morning breakfast it's up to you how old are you again okay great I have candy eye candy you don't want to do this it's thumper just die again I still haven't got any diamonds are you just killing do you have a bow okay that's good to know okay yeah stop building a base stop isn't that you know yeah but you if you win you can't win okay stop moving are you guys Craner you're just camping no ladies anybody pink anybody pink here oh no I am NOT I am NOT I I am the booger color okay what's upgrade that what's upgrade oh I don't have enough diamond de Duke okay yo son back do you want to go kill ed do you want to go kill a guy who's about you killing myself I think I need to upgrade my armor yeah yeah let's do that okay three three more stressful how you doing over there you doing okay this is my Island no visitors allowed it's thumper the only one with her bed Oh Tia also has a bed she has like security systems because I could just over and kill thought Burke's bed like he did to me thought back I'm gonna shoot T at the face with Miami holy shoot her okay we could do this we could do this guy's if you think I can win this game um is tell crater he stupid what's going on is crater camping you did you okay so it's only us for now two of you have a bed yes okay 1780 22 22 22 3 more any three more if math how do you fire fireball you just right click okay okay there we go I know but you gotta worry about dying no man somebody is randomly Oh somebody's fighting I watched that that was bug Berg crater crater crater bay with sundberg it was done Burke I saw it I saw it I saw it with my own two ears [Music] first Ben was destroyed wait is it just us for now yes no mercy if somebody shoots me with that bow I will literally have strong words with your mother do not do it I will literally have strong words with your mother you do not want that like what are you gonna say it strong words is that just like think about the children think about the children okay which color Yugi I'm the one with you know yeah she's the only one that has a bed I was literally taking a drink of my Starbucks that's funny son back you are very weak you better stay away bro and I'm gonna my friend Ian Starbucks what's the death of me okay so it's fun burger Craner who can win this oh lurks down ok crater can he do this crater you still have to destroy her back crater go the wrong way okay you're going the wrong way okay ready or going the wrong way you got it you're going wrong way you gotta kill her if you win I win not only to girls not play video games they beat us at video games why did you go into the roof I wouldn't love that okay you guys ready for the next game you guys ready she's gonna remember that one game well you guys remember the rule since Tia won I won there we go thank you thanks that seems fair Oh Starbucks killed me I'm gonna get sued by Starbucks but they killed me I can't believe that I like I literally made fun of the fact that I was only against there and then and then I get stuck in the booth okay okay you guys okay so yeah since you just won you cannot build a base defense it is the court it is foreboding it is formed it is for bid for Biden for the ex-vice president it is for pi because you can see last game you won because I got stuck so you don't know no no see here's the deal I was I didn't what you what you saw crater of you getting quote-unquote stuck I just saw you get wrecked in PvP by Tia actually kill me repeat third killed me you got killed by dirt aku got beat in PvP can you not do that please can you not do that no I'm gonna do it brother gotta do it be you know why teach us did you have a stroke okay mondo 94 yards a mouse stroke is not something to worry about [Laughter] stop talking and I'm gonna stop it now okay grab that there we go okay got that got that okay let's do this in there in there grab that okay okay okay who's great who is great somebody's trying to destroy my been already at all okay guys guys there is a great guy building to my base as we speak how do I handle this do you want me to cross scene with you no do not cross me because you're he's trying to shoot me sorry sure sure me okay okay booster who's blue Oh Katie is green okay which colors are you guys oh thought I just died I'm blue okay okay this is so tough not having bad defenses this is so tough no sunberg think it eliminated just his bed I'm scared of Sweden depends on you bro no pressure you already have full time and armor at the best ball what's up guys do you really okay dang it anymore I had two people collapsing on me okay to Ukraine respected EU where are you at I'm I am cool guy okay okay spectator you expressly it's also my profession cool guy okay dang it I got eliminated Oh Randy you know what you guys play that game I'm going to another game I'm going to another game we're gonna do no no no you guys you guys play yours you guys play you're don't don't oh you're dead - okay Craner ntl you win that game me and Sundberg will win this game I love heavy their bow in bed I didn't know that would kick you I thought you just finish your game we would win two games we would take over if we're all with each other anyway you know guys I am I am NOT booger color I'm not calling you - what's that face you're making why you lying are you lying she's lying okay pull tab and tell us her name this is my this is my diamond generator this is my generator mine I called it I deem this island my Island okay okay okay okay greater greater get back right Oh get back get back okay I just turn it up crainer Craner Craner don't cha don't you build that wall no oh you haven't you know what you know what I I wait yeah okay okay I got a new strategy I got a new strategy just just don't just don't find me oh did you have upgraded no you didn't have upgraded armor yeah I do oh do you I didn't even see that dang it okay okay let's do that let's do that I just did I just want I want green rocks wait Sundberg oh there goes my bed okay don't destroy your bed right now I don't want to get Craner if you destroy my bed I will tell on you okay so we're working together a little bit now right without cross teaming No I'm not cross teaming I am NOT crossing I just I will tell on you that's Nicky that's a key you're trying to be sneaky you owe me no I'm not no I'm not no I'm not no no okay no that's my emerald Cramer crane rest my ammo kill him oh here we go whose bed was destroyed oh did you die okay okay Tia and thud burg did you do you guys want to leave and start your own game or do you you'd be a spectator okay I would be the other I even this guy that's a lot of ice that is scary okay I need two more emeralds daggit [Music] that's white here there's a white dude here I don't like this okay okay okay I killed the white guy that's terrible I shouldn't say that okay what no crater crater crater crater crater okay no okay you guys fight you guys fight I'm going this way okay oh you do this okay upgrade there we go it's a trap okay okay okay quicker Sundberg this guy is trapped just destroyed your fat in front of me friend I can't help her I believe I believe I believe this guy's the Google guys like a blue guy okay but a cool guy yes okay we got this we got this grab that oh hello red guy hello right dad you want to fight you want to find me okay let's fight let's fight come here come fight me fight me like a man okay oh no there's so many people I don't like this scary no greater I am trapped I'm trapped okay okay I just got a hundred iron trap triggered crater don't you destroy my bed crater crater you know what fine I'm taking your back crater remember I don't want to die okay okay okay I will give you ten seconds to give from my base back to your base Ted got this got this got this got this okay Yuri go hooka got this okay got ya eh [Music] you're stupid okay okay six emeralds okay oh I know what I can buy with six emeralds there's no eyes in the sky ever I didn't die my friend was destroyed you don't uh red guy I think okay kill that guy was on this way Ian we need said we need to kill these flips now bro show them what's up man okay okay I'm gonna go destroy pants I will be I will destroy beds okay good that does not sound fair to me at all I do not like that plan to me bro okay here we go oh okay okay here we go daggit okay I don't want to rush that guy red still has a bed Aqua has a bed white has a bed and gray has a bed okay fifty seconds left just for Emeril's here we go here we go you go no no there Jamie Jamie got me okay we're here to do this I could do this I could do this okay yes practicing I've been practicing okay they're not teaming that's good that's good I like why am I talking like I'm in The Lord of the Rings or something okay here we go here we go here we go oh I want to kill this red guy very strong yes I got his emeralds okay you're doing you're doing great job out there in service I'm scared I'm scared Andrew Tanner Raiders were upgraded okay sunberg yes are you are you are you the eyes in the sky absolutely blue he's coming no oh great we the three pads I think I just knocked the blue guy off or something yeah I got you bro I got you babe okay is this considered crust even though bro we have to cross Steve every other team is crossing me against us man together I guess so maybe the hair talking together okay okay I'm scabs across to the middle done bears nobody my ice in the sky I'm Europe okay okay tear tear your you're his eyes in the sky Sundberg your mind yes good behind you behind you no you are the worst eyes and this guy I've ever seen you are the worst I ever [Laughter] oh I shot him in the foot okay how defense yes is anybody close to me - yeah nope are you sure about this yeah I see everything okay Oh a cross coming there behind you okay let's grab these materials oh I have nine emeralds who's on the move red he's coming towards you he's coming towards you he's up on the thing I shot him who is he falling okay I don't like what's going on currently I am very scared Ian can you hold me I can hold you hold on come here let me hold you where are you I'm fighting red well if you can't told me you liar I have multiple hands okay don't judge me okay [Music] are you doing fine for now any act minor okay okay oh all I hear a random grunts I'm scared okay where is he where is he I think no oh he's gonna bury you dude why is he doing this where is he where is he yes hmm my head I died crater this is all on you you have to win this okay okay okay dude this is so tough these guys are insane okay Oh is anybody behind me no okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay so great okay Red's bed is not really defended dude this is gonna be tough though they all have beds how many people are left other than me man it's or four people left and they all have okay okay where are you guys at or crater where you at I really should get like a some some tools um like a sheer hey you know what I should get I should get a pickaxe - right okay oh yeah probably hey hey okay go into Sunday's Island wait why are you going wait why are you going to my Island about this okay who's better you get it you gotta go for a bad dude you gotta make a move what do you guys think I should do women threats Reds bed is he's he has the least defenses ooh no White has really low defenses okay right yeah what fight has really low defenses want to to the left yeah right right in front here an Freddie that's white space it's really low on he fences oh wow yeah you do this no if you break the wall it's his bed is about gear to like Shane armor stuff yep Oh dice come on okay get it get his bed quick okay stay there stay there and kill him stay there and kill him okay one more nice okay he's eliminated now blue light blue aqua aquas bed is somewhat defended but you should be good Oh somebody's coming to me yeah that's aqua he only has chain gear he freaking hit me in the face dude you could do this crater I believe I believe oh you have an enderpearl if you have an ender pearl you could you could get to his base chakras alright oh I think Reds going to get aquas maybe heads Reds going to get aquas Oh oh wait wait don't kill aqua yet when when Red has destroyed his bed you later you're gonna die greater don't die okay there you go I just tried to stay close to a wall bro well that was but that was my goal red just destroyed his bed Oh Reza Scott knock down those guys that's all I'm doing okay okay okay got three in the pulse of the thing that needs to wait for this you got you got a win Craner you got to win the games okay so okay so aqua is still in but they don't have a bed okay I can kill aqua where is he in his base okay he's waiting oh okay he's out looking you got this there you go okay aquas down nice now Red's base red and gray have bets Grey's bed is kind of defended Reds bed is defended with obsidian apparently I don't know okay I can take down obsidian okay okay so red maybe yeah go right go straight go straight do you have an ender pearl yep three okay good oh dude I see van I see he's right there he's right there oh he doesn't have this he doesn't have very good gear oh nice and a pearl get him he's not looking okay get your pickaxe ready he has obsidian okay this bed get his bed okay get his bag get his baby okay now kill him kill him red team has been eliminated okay Craner now you just have gray but he has a very he has a very defended base Craner do you have any ender pearls to the right of red to the right of red okay so he's like its neighbor yeah all right that's not even a word he does have water but you have a pickaxe don't you and I have okay okay he's almost dead now for my arrows okay you might want to ender pearl in then you might want to ender pearl in men wait while he's low he's mighty to girl napple Oh scared he's about to jump on you careful don't get knocked out okay I don't know what is it doing maybe he thinks you're invisible he might think you're invisible he thinks you're invisible dude just keep holding shift he still thinks you're invisible oh you got him okay destroy his man destroy his bed quick don't destroy his bed okay just keep shooting go you can't do this okay okay turn around turn around it just raised bed quick okay there we go crater took it okay okay you guys ready you guys ready is everybody in the lobby is everybody in the lobby okay okay everybody to the log let's do this dude that was good okay can you do that again okay so again the rules no defenses who made these roots crater crater you make up the rule for it to you I can do whatever you want okay if you just say okay repeat after me trainers the best event wars ever this what say wow guys I feel a big rush oh okay okay who's white sunburn you did good by distracting him I just destroyed his bed that's fine I didn't lose anything Red's Betty is now gone [Music] or should I be careful about him okay who see hello anybody yellow no okay okay so I have two complete enemies on opposite sides of me right now here we go here we go okay just read us out Brett is out yo you're eliminating left to right right now Ian okay okay okay you're freaking wrecking the face dude okay this is so stressful not having a base defense is so stressful okay okay I'm gonna see if I can do something here guys wish me luck what are you trying to do I might die here but it's gonna be for the best of all of us it was nice it was nice knowing y'all okay we could do this we could do this the stress hurts my head okay let's grab that what use is justified me that's for sure upgrade our armor there we go I might die - you guys don't crater don't die I am blue I am not blue I am NOT blue I'm not great I thought it was funny oh this is so good I have access to so much stuff I can't I have so many activities okay what's up great no my bad this little turd I am eliminated again what the heck is going on today I know what's going on with you mommy Ian they say beam reaches everywhere yes I did all right guys I'm headed my stream here before I rip my hair out yo go watch crane or Thunder huh dude we're gonna continue streaming did you still want to Street with us Ian I don't know we'll see hit the like button down below and day [Music]
Channel: SSundee
Views: 2,917,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, SSundee, Sky Wars, Sky Block, Survival, PvP, No Bed, Bed Wars, Egg Wars, Challenge, No Bed Bed Wars Challenge, no friends, alone, 1v1v1v1, FFA, Minecraft (Video Game), PG, Kid Friendly, minecraft videos for children, kid videos, minecraft videos for kids, kid friendly gaming, crundee, Minecraft Vanilla, Minecraft 1.11.2, Final Boss, Kehaan, Crainer, Crundee
Id: e1ERmD_KxpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 25sec (3505 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2017
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