No-bake Macaroni & Cheese, SIMPOL!

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macaroni are you ready let's start cooking in the thing i'm having a baked macaroni today so we start now so i'm just going to saute my garlic [Music] and my onions will also saute one half cup of carrots satoshi pangbata parinto pero you know we're trying to incorporate a little bit of vegetables but i'm a smoking healthy young adding version today i have red bell peppers red bell pepper for pimiento flavor of course i will season that with salt [Music] and i will add my guniling ground beef you can also use ground pork but i'm using ground beef today from fresh options of course i will add a little bit of dried herbs like a tablespoon of basil dried basil it's optional if you don't want to add you don't have to yeah once the beef is cooked i will add three cups of chicken stock or you can just use water so i'm using chicken stock here and i will let that boil okay and my pot is boiling and what i will do now i will just add my macaroni noodles as our noodles cook it has absorbed all the flavor i'll just stir my pasta noodles cover the lid in the meantime while waiting for our pasta to cook um i will also start on the sauce i have here half a cup of butter yeah and i add half a cup of flour so i just mash it together and combine to make like a paste [Music] oh very simple now combine look at that two cups of cream cooking cream [Music] i will add one cup or some boom bar now quick milk cheese i will add one teaspoon of minced garlic for my garlicky flavor i will just cook until my cheese is melted i'll check on my pasta bucket indicating tomato sauce is because the tomato sauce is very thick diva if i put my tomato sauce now what's my tagaloo in pasta because in the madeline absorb young thick liquid so i'm just cooking the pasta halfway with our stock and i will add the tomato sauce halfway through pasta macaroni yeah and our sauce is also you know warming up beautifully yeah you want in cheese you can also use evaporated milk for this and look at that my pasta is almost there it's absorbed all the stock and now i add my hot dogs hot dogs your it's up to you and now i will add 500 grams of spaghetti sauce [Music] and we let that cook until the pasta is done does that simmer continue again five minutes more malulu pasta [Music] and my sauce is there the cheese is melted what i will do so wrong simple rather than doing the bechamel i'm just going to add this mixture this piece of butter and flour now let's add two tablespoons of it [Music] [Music] that's it and our pasta is almost done then look at that counting in do you want it to be cheesier i want it to be cheesier okay half a cup of grated cheese and remember maina tirataya ditum konting you know butter and flour mixture and just put it there and it's very thick immediately it's very thick look at that and i will just pour it over 400 grams of pasta 140 kilo of meat and i just pour my cheese sauce on top very rich cheese sauce look at that [Music] spatula of course hindi shama heat up go in if you want to bake it you can bake it for 15 to 20 minutes [Music] okay here it is our simple version of no bake macaroni try it at home in pandanyo kaichi no hayama glutto basta simple remember loving and sharing and sharing this video and liking the video bye
Channel: Simpol
Views: 347,879
Rating: 4.9099145 out of 5
Id: PJcfdC1tfk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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