Lumpiang Shanghai, SIMPOL!

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[Music] cooking this recipe is part of our simple cookbook series where we try to make cooking as simple as a b c and c similarly [Music] and we will season it oyster sauce we're using that to put the oyster sauce and salt and pepper italian basic nothing uh seasoning combine nothing garlic [Music] onions [Music] mix everything until well combined then we add our egg and flour [Music] masala and very important again when we're working with guinea ling and gusulatin mugshape channel magbine together you should be sure that it's properly mixed yeah look at that i think if we over handle the car rods it will release its juices which we don't want to happen we will add chopped kimchi so what is chopkin chai chopped kimchi is chinese celery [Music] so it's really up to you can you spring onions for your most neutral and flavor and be sure when you're working with ground pork is it is properly chilled so there are people it's because your ground pork is at room temperature or even below room temperature and that's already dangerous huh look at that get the nutty mixture put this aside and it becomes brittle so you be sure to cover it with a damp piece of cloth a kitchen towel and i just keep it to cover it remains tender and pliable you just leave it like an hour or two in a damp cloth and the dry lumpia wrapper will absorb the moisture from the towel and if you want to keep your lumpia wrappers chiller the [Music] use cornstarch because on cornstarch it will settle below now it's a perfect shallow very sticky put that aside get a spoonful manifest and mahaba spread it around like that and roll tuck it in practice usually [Music] [Music] [Music] so i will teach you how to do it we we wrapped our lumpia and we closed off each side after we cooked it in a few minutes because the steam will wet the wrapper so there are two ways to tongue it was either hindi sicilian doulo malulutosha si singhos a dulu yung new uh steam or you cut it into pieces ago personally i like to do i like to cut my lumpia into pieces so at a shot i'm going to cut it into three pieces using a scissors so that's how i like my lumpia shanghai and we're ready to fry so our oil is hot enough and we drop our lumpia into the oil so it's really managing the heat look at that and of course there are more crispy parts no [Music] and look at that and we are very sure that it's cooked and we're very sure now crispy so transfer it to our colander so the excess oil will drip off [Music] massage [Music] [Music] [Music] remember loving and sharing share this video and like bye
Channel: Simpol
Views: 830,663
Rating: 4.9154387 out of 5
Id: lKghfAezY08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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