No Bake Lasagna Pinoy Style

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Hey guys, how are you? I'm Vanjo Merano of today we'll cook No Bake Lasagna. But before that I'm going to buy the ingredients, don't worry it's going to be a quick one We're going to cook no bake lasagna but let's check the ingredients for this recipe ground pork instead of ground beef. Usually in Pinoy style spaghetti or pasta dishes we use ground pork lasagna, we'll boil this later onion, 2 cans of tomato sauce "evaporada" or evaporated milk tomato paste dried basil or "pinatuyong" basil leaves butter or "mantikilya" "harina" or all purpose flour chopped parsley garlic and of course don't forget cheese in lasagnas! Here's sharp cheddar cheese. You may also use shredded quickmelt cheese you can view the complete list of ingredients with measurements at the end of this video so you're ready when you but in the supermarkets pre heat a pan and directly cook there the ground pork. Do not add cooking oil cook the ground pork until light brown It's Pinoy style that's why it's ground pork. But do not limit yourself. You may also use either ground beef or ground chicken while cooking, there's a tendency for the ground pork to adhere even though it's already grounded. So cook one side for 30 seconds then stir fry for 15-18 seconds to separate the ground pork. Then cook the other side for 30 seconds repeat procedure until the ground pork is totally light brown while doing that, you'll notice that there's liquid formed that's ok, it's just the liquid and oil extracted from the pork the liquid will evaporate soon and the oil will remain we'll use that oil to saute the onion. There's no need to add cooking oil we can use white or yellow onion, chopped into small pieces this is manually chopped. You also use food processor if you want a finer chop cook for 30 seconds. Then add the garlic 4-5 large cloves of garlic. Crushed then chopped into tiny pieces. You may also food processor continue cooking for 1 more minute or until onion is soft once onion is soft, add parsley then add dried basil, crushed about the parsley, it's a flat leaf parsley or Italian parsley it's chopped into small pieces and it helps give flavor to our meat sauce you may also use another type of parsley, called curly leaf parsley it's the usual type of parsley used in garnishing add the tomato sauce I'm using 2 cans of tomato sauce (15 oz. each can) you can also use canned diced tomatoes, canned tomato puree or you can make you own fresh tomato puree you can use food processor or blender to make tomato puree from fresh ripe tomatoes mix well at this point, you may season it with salt and ground black pepper cover then cook for 15 minutes at low heat after 15 minutes, mix again the sauce is still diluted, it's not yet thick as desired to make this thick, we're going to use tomato paste use 1 small can of tomato paste (6 oz) here goes the tomato paste it's so thick, see? it's consistency is really a paste. That's why it's called tomato paste once tomato paste is dissolved, continue cooking and you'll notice the meat sauce will thicken mix well then we'll cover the pan. Continue cooking under low heat for 12 minutes or until meat sauce is thick once meat sauce is thick, it's ready but of course we can still adjust the flavor using salt and pepper now that the meat sauce is done, let's set this aside and get ready for the white sauce making white sauce is very easy it's also known as Bechamel sauce but don't worry, let's just call it white sauce so it's easier add butter and melt it once melted, add the all purpose flour or "harina" right away mix while cooking make sure to mix continuously so it would blend well notice that adding the flour makes it thicker that's how we want it to be continue mixing and again, the complete list of ingredients can be found at the end of this video. You can refer to that continue mixing until it totally thickens then add "evaporada" or evaporated milk if evaporated milk is not available, you can use fresh milk after adding evaporated milk, mix right away make sure the milk has blended well with the butter or "matikilya" and all purs- bleh all purpose flour mixture. I stutter, sorry make it all well blended then after 2-3 minutes, you'll notice the texture is becoming thicker so here's the white sauce for our lasagna. It makes our lasagna creamy, yummy and flavorful then we'll add grated cheese to make more delicious now that it's thick, let's add salt and cheese I'm using a sharp cheddar cheese this is a grated or shredded sharp cheddar cheese. Grated quickmelt cheese will also do the ones that are ready-made in markets, usually for making pizza mix well make sure that the cheese melted in the white sauce by the way, the simple sauce earlier is called Bechamel this one with cheese is called Mornay sauce ok, mix well guys after mixing, set aside. We're almost done. Let's cook the lasagna we need to boil water let's boil water in a cooking pot and add salt the salt will help add flavor to our lasagna after adding salt, let's wait for it to boil again once boiling, let's add the lasagna lasagna is a type of pasta but let's just call it lasagna instead of paste to make it clearer so here goes the lasagna then spread evenly around the cooking pot you'll notice the lasagna is starting to soften so let's push it down to submerge continue boiling for 10 minutes or depending on the packaging instructions there are 2 types of lasagna in the market. First is the traditional lasagna, the usual one the second type is the No-Boil lasagna. This type is for baking thus no need to boil in water. Use the traditional lasagna our lasagna is cooked. Discard water to cool down the lasagna, pour tap water in room temperature next step is assembling the lasagna with the sauce we prepared earlier we're going to do this maually by hands so make sure the lasagna is not too hot to handle this is the best part in making the lasagna, assembling first layer is the meat sauce (tomato sauce and pork) in our baking pan meat sauce should be the first layer spread the meat sauce evenly in the pan then get the freshly cooked lasagna place it here if the lasagna is longer than the pan, cut it manually cut the lasagna just make sure it's properly cut according to the size of the baking pan repeat the step for the second lasagna. The aim here is to cover the meat sauce in our baking tray I think we'll need 2 more lasagnas to cover the tray once 1st layer is covered, let's repeat the step put meat sauce on top of the lasagna then spread evenly so that's how you layer it, meat sauce under then lasagna on top then meat sauce again then spread it. because we're going to add another layer so it's better if the meat sauce is spread evenly the only difference in this added layer is we're going to add white sauce add white sauce on top of the meat sauce so we're going to have 2 sauces here's our white sauce, see? It's thick put it on top if the meat sauce and spread it too like what we did in the meat sauce after spreading the white sauce, we'll add another layer of lasagna same procedure, after lasagna is meat sauce then spread evenly. Then white sauce after spreading the white sauce evenly get ready with the last layer of lasagna that means we'll repeat the steps we'll add 4 pieces of lasagnas on top of the white sauce it requires a bit of hard work but that's alright. It's just 3 layers anyway so add the lasagna on top of the white sauce and let's finish the layering put it one by one get a tool to cut the excess lasagna so it would fit in the pan. Continue until 2 pieces of lasagna is done here goes the 4th pieces of lasagna at this point, we're done layering the lasagna a total of 12 pieces of lasagnas were used for this recipe but we're not yet done and of course the tastier the better especially the top part because that's the first portion we'll going to taste so we'll repeat what we did in the bottom add meat sauce on top (tomato sauce mixture) then spread evenly then add white sauce on top of the meat sauce and since this is the last layer, let's pour in here all the sauce we have spread evenly then let's add the white sauce let's pour in here all the white we have since this is the last layer make sure no sauce is put to waste. More sauce means it's going to be tastier rich and creamy and the last layer is the shredded sharp cheddar cheese that's why it's going to be very delicious, rich and creamy make sure the sharp cheddar cheese is spread evenly on top of our Pinoy lasagna and we're going to cook this. As promised, it's no-bake it's means we're not going to use conventional oven so we're going to microwave our lasagna we're going to microwave the lasgna instead of baking it make sure the pan is microwave safe set the microwave to 8 minutes that's enough time for the cheese to melt the bottom part is also cooking so you can see it's bubbling after 8 minutes, it's done it's still hot so be careful in handling it wait for it to cool down first it's now ready! Let's slice it and transfer to a plate for tasting let's try to do a mukbang, so stay tuned but before that, I want to thank you for your unwaivering support if you haven't subscribe yet, please subscribe to our Panlasang Pinoy Youtube channel so you'll get notifications when there's new video upload so you'll get the latest updates we also have instagram account, please follow me @PanlasangPinoy and one more thing, this Lasagna Recipe Video has a Vlog counterpart I'm doing vlogging too, so please support me if you're using mobile device, you can see the link for the PanlasangPinoy Vlog where no-bake lasagna is featured. Click there above otherwise, if you're using computer, you can see the link at the description of this video ok let's now transfer this on a plate to taste it it looks so appetizing what more if we taste it what are we waiting for? Let's try out our Pinoy Lasagna let's see how this tastes as promised, here's the complete list of ingredients for our Pinoy Lasagna with the respective measurements at last the lasagna is done it requires a bit of hard work but it's worth it look at this see? so fragrant let's try it looks appetizing let's try it Mmm~ talk you later, I want to eat first, delicious mmm~ this is a Pinoy Lasagna it's easy as it is. You can easily find the ingredients we did not use fancy ingredients like ricotta cheese etc. this is an ordinary cheddar cheese you can also use quickmelt cheese, the usual in the market we just need to shred it Mmm~ Delicious so tasty! You can really taste the white sauce, it's so rich, plus the cheese plus the meat sauce with ground pork Oh my so delicious! I made this because a lot of our viewers were asking for suggestions how can we make lasagna without oven, so here it is Mmm~ Alright guys! See you next time!
Channel: Panlasang Pinoy
Views: 5,559,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no bake lasagna, lasagna recipe, pinoy lasagna, filipino style lasagna, how to cook lasagna
Id: mMnnWRjlCFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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